SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1924 Essiosd ctio ii Salem's Great ket THE OnEGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OltEGON Se Mar i i i - 1 ' X ? - ; i- .. I 1 I 4 i M rr ti a r 4' . sj . i V it S3 ARBY IF LONELY; FOR BESCLT8, try me; best and snort awece-iainl "Horn usser; . Hundreds rich wish marriage soon J atrictly confidential : wl reliable; year of experience; de- sertpuona ire. jm Bacceaarn! Club." lira. ash. Boa 558, Oakland. Calt- foraia. 23nc29 LOANS 4 VANTED MOSEY 1500 for 5 years oa aw. modern bo nf alow. First elaea se curity. Mrs. Moyer, 147 N. Commer cial St. 24 Jae28tf '.VAST LOAX OF 2SOO FOR LONG lra 6 V Pr rBt 1 1 acre tract clot to Salem, au tn prunes and walnota. 13 year aid. With new 4 room modern bona. Mrs. Moyer. 14? X. Commercial St. 2-jne28tf , ANTED GOOD FARMS TO MAKE teens aa. P leaty of money at lov iiiernt Mrv Moyer 147 N. Commercial St. Room w : - 3-jnet5tf IX PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON improved Willamette Valley farms. Quick aad efficient service ruaianleed. Ht No. Commercial St Salem, Oregon. . . - ad-jneJiotl 1 JTESNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 8 for Mat. F. L. Wilkinson. 802 D. 8 batlaaal hank hid. IUhirVt( REAL) ESTATES city 9SS own YOUR HOr.lB 1 T. AtJTl FUL EA 8T FRONT LOT OS North Summer St.. reasonable for auiclt 1 sale. Dr. Fred Ellis. 23Jb2 I ,:t SAI E BY OWNER MODERN Bua- Salow. $4000 with terma. Fire large moms, toll basement, call at 1850 Ho. ; High..- - t . . f 23-jly5 fiECIAl HIGH GRADE Bungalows;! 4, sv a ana 7 room stucco bungalows, ' modern ia all respects aad fiaa loca- tioaa. Priced from 4000 to $8700 aad terma. H. E. Brow a or Melria i Johnson, 109 S. Commercial. 25-jly2 WE ALL DIG FOR DOLLARS" New 4 room baagalow. basement. . furnace. Wonderful new, pared street. This ia a bargain at $3500. 6 room bungalow, pared street. A snap. $3000: term. New 4 room bungalow, basement. IiraiM. S2000: terma. If yoa hare equipment aad SIOOO X raa Bell to yoa 157 acres.- excellent . soil, 6 miles from Salem, good road. Will give 20 year to V7 balance. RICH L. REIMASN Realtor r 307-308 Orecoa Bid. Phone 1013. i , 25-jne29U FOR SALE Strictly modern- new S room bunga low oa payed street, furnace, fireplace, lot 48 by 20O. Price reduced from S00OO to 85300 for qaick aale. Seal Banjralow ia aoata Salem, cor aet let. well kept lawn, one block to south corner ear line. Prise $4500 ; . terms. .. Keat 4 room bungalow, breakfast nook, bailt-ia kitchen and garage. East front. - near car line, north Salem. Price at 82650 for a few daya only. KRUEGER . v 14T K. Commercial Phone 217. . 23-jlyl FOR SALE AND TRADE To trade 240 acre farm for a good piece of timber to be mostly rood aaw timber. Price of farm S10.UUU, . , A good 8 room house close ia for aale t a bargain, only 5 blocks from uns- iiiess renter. A 400 acre farm near Brokenbow, Nebraska, to trade for Salem property or a farm near Salem. - bee me qutca. 4 room house for sale, amall payment down and terma on balance and the scire? LOOK I .it's only SHOO. Good modern S room house, paved street, only 3 blocks from bnaineaa renter for anlr 83300., '" I hare many other good trades. Call at HO Omna Bide. G. W. Laflar . . . 23-jly2 LOW PRICED HOMES OF REAL $1000 Buys 8 room-home with large brick aad cement fruit House, large lot. some fruit. Located 14 blocks trtam kaart at eitT Bear SoQth COHJ- : mercial street, $300 down, balance less thsn rent. HER- IS A REAL Ttrw WEI J. IK?ATED. SHOO Buya aew four room- bungalow i wlia l.' lata. Bni It-IB kitchen. scn-eaed ams.' THIS HOME IS RIGHT UP TO THE M1SUTK, ,ivt IT snow YOU THIS TO- , DAY. Term $300 down, balance like rent. . - , , $1330 Buya 4 room plastered home ia Xarta Balem. oa pared street and alley. Modern ia every way. Xorta (r.nt full hsMiaeat. Terms: a iio inss balaaca 820 Der month. tll'.ii Ran a nun nraf bouse with oo-ioo acre of land. Corner lot on South Commercial etreet ear line. Paved street. Acreage aet !- out in yoang FUberta aad Walauts. II ERE IS A REAL SNAP IN Kvrsir. AOREAGE IMPROVED. Terma: 8200 down, balance 813 1 per month. SKK US TODAY ON ANY ONE OF THESE IT WILL PAY YOC TO DO SO. w ir nniRKVHORST 8s CO. 275. State St- Phone 515. - 23-jly2 a nvr . trsK SUBURBAN HOME miles from Salem. 5 room house.; Price 4 1 inn - - - " : - Slock of groceries, and some fixtures on north Liberty at a euro barga Priea sal 1100O. Coma l 8ee A bran new S room modern bnaga ' i. julra. modern in every . ...nnimrs Near car and church, and p. a.iOoo. Some terma. aiitfin l.nva a S room bungalow, 2 ' larva lota oa north Liberty, east front, Here is a bargain ia an" apartment i . Krtt 14th St.. of 10 rooms A rood oarinc Proposition. Price $, R.ihs a anPtni " "f " -: - 23 acres of fine black land Jost off the Jefferson road. 22 acrea ia enltiva i tion; 13 acrea bearing prunes; 10 acrea 8 year old prunes: one acre logan- : . . stjrmwbarries. Good tro. 'Tr I S8 acrea of fine Howell Prairie land on the pavement. A fine home and very -i-k -:i nul erana. - A real bargain , Price $11,400. Terms or will trade for s.lem nreoertr. Come ia and see thia - v.r.M it Is inn late. ;: nor urivia." . . w. u.wm a fine brand new sabnr- , i tha Garden road, with USB, HUW v " . , ... .i l.nd. The bungalow' ia .i l..t.l w.Aam and nn to the min .... la tha hardwood fioora. Do ..I' laiu this one as the price ia ONLY (8500; some terms. -.. -. Moisan z Ulrich Hi North Commercial 8L j"" yf WE HAVE BUYERS FOlt 3 modern 5 room homes in Salem. 2 modern room homes in Salem. . .J T Mam name la Salem, a atwvia . -.ii . nA i.t know what yoa nave. u.r.i!l'HRIKT A PENSIXGTON Room 309. U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 14". , j-Jndiolf a a on 11V Ta 4 V RARCAINS R.varat anecial aud real reductloaa PERSONAL REAL ESTATE ctty SKI BARGAIN DAY A lot and rtrira a .i . $325 cash. Sever and water .a- lt" A oieee of rrau nl . K otn a-s el afreet. and wu -. S450; 950 dowa. $10 per month. A aiea In an h ion i -. u : f j "1 w w. naui rait treea. Chick hnn.. - i MO; 50 dowa. Terms oa balance. Water oa lot. See J. A. Milla, 31 Stata. 85-J29 $4O00 boaae for $1700. thia week, caah or terma. Cloaa ia. all new It Call Price Shoe Co. . LOOK THESE OVER! T acre tract close In - K v- ,wit. bara. For Salem residence. Two nice S acre aabarbaa hamea for fcoract la tern. 20 acre aabarbaa home fa R.l.n. residence. Cloaa 'ia 10 acre anbnrhaa homa tnr reaideace. If yaa want to exchanre yonr Salem property for acreage or farm wa can match you. FERRIXE.A- VAHSTERS Commercial Cluh Bide 25-jn26tf FOR 8 ALE NEW THREE ROOM BCN- gaiow aiZaO. Modern fire room bun galow close in 3B00. Stock mdse. 12.000. 80 icrri timber land 2(Mft Exchange fire acre tract close in for house. California income property for auburban home. Waat to buy a home $1200 to $2000. For rent modern fur nished house close in $40. F. L. Wood. S41 State St. 25-ine25tf FOR SALE GOOD BUSINESS LOCA- tien, eloao in. ideal for fillinr atation. If yoa want a business site see this. For trade. 3 -lota with 14 vear old fruit treea in Oregon City. East front close to school and Just off highway to trade. Would maka a feoautiful borne. Will trade for amall bouse in Salem, balance cash. Mrs. Moyer, 147 N. Commercial St. 25-jne25tf LOOK! Nice lot OB narad street with nrsnt. basement dug. sewer in and aome lum ber. Snap for $423. 4 room house, bsrgaia for $900. Large 6 room honaa on paved street near ear line, good buy for 82000. it yen have anything; to . exchange see THOMASON. 3311 State street. . 23-)neZ4tf BARGAINS IN LOTS Good corner lot near Grant school. Distant owner.! Price $500. Nice east front in the Oaks addition. real barraia at $850; rood terms. Eaat front let on pavement and car Ha, north Salem. Price 8550. Good lot oa South High street, par ing paid. Price $700. KRl EulB 147 X. Com'L Phono 217 25-jne29 FOR EXCHANGE 8 ROOM HOUSE and 5 good lots, for close in acreage, o room honae and 8 lots for close in acreage. 12 room modern honae and 10 lots for largo farm or eastern Oregon land, i 8toek ranch in Valley and city property for going farm tn eastern ure- ron. Citr property in nomea iron i. ZOO, an at your own terma. earner. 200 Gray Bldg. 25-Jne22tf 4 ROOM HOUSE $1650; 5 ROOM KEAT house, $2200; 3 room aous- 82130.. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage 25-jne6tf 9 ROOM MODERX BUNGALOW, 2 Lota, a-arsa-e. fruit house, berries, fruit and garden. Price right; easy terma. Phone 186 W. ,1 PRINTED GARDS SIZE 14" BY T4 wordiaar "For Sale. Kb quire at." met 10 eente one a. Btatei Office. Ornaf t ROOM HOUSE $1630. 5 ROOM house basement, furnace.' gxrs re. close in f 3, 650. 5 room aew bnngalow. baaement, furnace, - everything modern. $4200. 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, double garage, new, -35200. room bouse close In $4200. ' Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage Su - : 25-jnel4tf TEN BEAUTIFUL -aiCRE HOMESITE8 just beyond city limits; bign, aigatiy. wonderfnl vlew - Each $400. 10- per cent down, $10 a month if taken aeon. Rnlendid value.. Harris. Phones 1013, 1943 J. 25-Jne3tf SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES on the following proper ties : - FOR 3- DAYS ONLY $550O Modern bungalow; 8 rooms was $6300; snap. ' $340O New modern bnngalow only $250 down. Worth $4000. . 2200 Dandr bunaralow 5 rooms. ' $I60O Cosy 4 room plastered bangs low. Whv sir rent f $ 423 Large lot on paved street, base ment dug. sewer in. v Garage, terms. Owner going east; must 9 373 Buys -a 'fine lot paving ia and paid. Wortb 57S. f KN'AP 3 ACRE 8NAP " with a dandy 4 room bungalow. Good soil, welL some fruit, paved road, close in. Price reduced to $2000; worth $3000. GOOD BUYS IN v " SEVERAL APARTMENT HOUSES GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY STORES , . , -mTor real estate bargains See CHILDS BECHTEL Kin KiaU St.. anoosite court house. , 25-jne28tf FOR SALE OR RENT 5 ROOM FUR ni.Ki hnnoralaw BZHUU. 8 room modern bungalow, eloao in, furnished throughout. $6300.' . & mem new bnngalow, . baaement. 'nraarjL fireolace. aleeping porch, ga rage, oak aad fruit treea. $4500. -New 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, basement, lurnace, i't'i"'" double garage. $5250. - . Mam aew buncalow. corner lot, $4200; $300 down. $40 a month. Lota, close in for aale- by 402 X.rth Cottage. 25-jne27tf uio ATTtrtr RRiKD NEW BIZ vj w . . j r, room bungaiew. nsrswgw mace, basement, laundry trays, bailt iBs! Garage. Lot 50 by 162. Paved atreei. wraveled alley. Rock driveway w...k Ia rnrrete walks. Shrub bery. Locoted only $ blocks from State and Liberty,, at $51 South Liberty St Phone 1784. n-eprlStf FOB SALE MODERN 8 BOOM HOUSE. L..A.ain Kn lt.t n faatarata. BTBTBae. SVft Sontk 14th St. 25-ml8tt PRINTED CARDS, SIZB 14" BY T rd 'o Kent. Dries iv bobi aaoa. Statesman Business Office, oa MINUTE MOVIES MjmCM OCCVICKCP HI tUCi CCMOCBAC COAJVEAJliOAl JJUEAJ THE NAM2 OF- L.VMW G- WAS MCrvHi OWE O- - ALSO - A, CLOZTrVP OP KI&- feASAGE REALt ESTATE city 83 ' , ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. DOUBLE construction, corner lot, $500 down $40 n. price 94200. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage 25 Jne6tf BUSINESS opportunities 26 IF ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN WITH about $1000 to invest will write me I will put him next to the best manufac turing proposition in the country. There are many who would Jump at this if they knew about it. 3886, care B'.atea mn. ' 2ft jly2 REAL) ESTATE trades 37 Exchanges 5 room bungalow, 4 room bungalow, 2 garages, large lot. all buildings con B'ructed of stucco in best locality in California town ; for ranch ia SsTem vicinity not over $16,000. f 9 room atrictly modern, closein, for dairy. - "5 room modern and cash for 6 or 7 room house. .3 room moiern. will consider ' lot as part of first pay meat. 30 acre apple and nut ranch for resi dence or income. BKST BUYS ! . 30 acres cIosj in, $3000, no cash pay ment. 'i 20 acres, ' good soil, fsir improve ments, $4200; terms. i s ' 10 acrea. 8 bearing prunes, house, barn, worth $650O; for quick aale $4500; terms. $1800 buys ranch roan trr and short order business ia best location, cheap rent, terms. , $1500 buya confectionery, good bua iness. -, Socolofsky, Realtor 3 It State St. 27-ine 29tf REAL ESTATE farms ' 28 80 ACRE FARM 3 MILES FROM SALEM for aale right. Excellent road. Pair buildings, acres clear. .We can make yoa proposition on this that yon will take. Bocke- 4c Hendricks. U. 8. Bank Bldg. 28-jne29 A REAL SNAP I . 20 acrea of bearing prune orchard near Liberty school. Price for quick sale $o500. Has fairly good crop for 'thia year. W. H. GRABENHOBST CO. 275 State St. 28-jly2 EXCHANGES 4 acrea 7 miles east of Salem on ' good road, no buildings, well fenced. some cleared balance timber and pas ture. . Running water, value - $4500. Will pay or assume difference up to $3000 on improved farm. -Three city pro peri ties, value $11,000 te exehanee for farm, priced not to exceed $8000. 10 acrea for city property $2500. $5500; 14 acres for city prop-rty, -40 acres; $4000; for Salem or Port land.' ? : . 332 acre stock aad dairy farm $33, OOO, for city up to glO.OOO. To exchange your property t t See CHILDS BECHTEL ; 540 State St.. Opposite court house. 29-jne.'9tf YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY TO GET THIS! 13 acres all in bearing fruit and berries, 3-4 acre pasture, creek, atrictly modern new residence, furnace, fire place, electric lights, igarage. barn, chicken booses, electrie lighted, fine view, beautiful flowers and shrubbery Fully equipped including a fine Jeraey cow and floek of thmi;h- Leghorn chickena, $14,000. Thia ia tha bha; beaurtiat aMLl uja uuma t. ..4 kind in the valley. Ten minutes ride from Salem. Necessary for owner to make quick disposal and will take city or business property for part payment and purchaser aasume easy contract ou crop payment plan. ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 2d-jne29 48 Acres half in cultivation, stream rana through place, dandy barn and good house, new .chicken house, three blocka te school, five blocks ' to electrie station and store, lots of family fruit, and aevea acres overflow land that is the finest gsrden land you ever stepped on,-end I can sell it to yoa for only $4300 oa terms. Yea. there s a good Dodge ear. one horse, wagon, steel range and some other furniture and farm imple ments go with the place. " Robinson ; :. Oregon Bldg. 28-jne27 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT i SMALL ACREAGE TRACT $100 down and balance $10 per month will handle 10 acres of first class soil located 8 miles south of Sa lem, .all cultivated. .Price $125U; in terest B prr eent. l $50 down and balance $10 per month will buy V acre building site located on Market street between I9th and 21t streets. Let" as show you these fine tracts, int rest 6 per cent. - $50 down and balance $10 per month will buy acre tract etnd of south Commercial street car line, all in bear ing fruit. Price $850 ; interest per eent $80 down and balance $10 per month will buy 90-100 of an acre located aonth of city limita of Salem and Just (f Pacific highway. Price $900; inter est 6 per cent. . ','5'' " . ' ;, $500 down and balaaee easy terms will buy 11 acres ot fine land located on the Pacific highway south of Salem, all cultivated, east frontage, lhb miles from earline. Let as show yoa this land. Price $3300; interest 6 per eent. $300 down and balance terma at 6 per eent will handle 12 acres nearly all ia bearing fruit close to Pacific highway, and 3a mllea from Salem. Price $4500. interest 6 per cent. acre all fine oak grove located on north 21st street. City wster. $50 down and balance $10 per month, in terest per cent. Price $30. $50 down and balance $10 per month will buy four fine lots located south 12th street. East front, containing a arly t acre of land. Paved street, -pavement paid. Price $750; interest 6 per cent. - ' ' , . A block of land containing 8 lota 50 by 100 feet each, nearly 1 acre of land located south on Hansen nvenue, all cultivated, beautiful view. Pries 8600, $50 down and balance $10 per month, interest 6 per cent. s If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see as. -' " ; We write fire insursnce. W. H- GRABENHOKST ft CO. 273 State ft 24 Jn29 MlGM LKSHT5 OP THE CONVENTION S t Camera-maH caiChe MAN CELBBRmE ANO 0W DOINGS AT REPV&L1CAN AVC DEMOCRATIC CON- EJTlOS, VtfW HEAL- ESTATE to exchange 2 SALEM RESIDENCE, LOCATED IN best . residential section, close in, to eacnange for Dairy Ranch from 30 to 50 acres. Socolof sky. Realtor 341 Stat St. 2-Jne29 5 REAL ESTATn suburban SO $6000 FOR 8ALE A SAVE INVEST- ment at Nyeb-ach. 7 two-room cottages. 1 apartment house of 4 apartments and 1 8-roora house for the owner. Will support a small family and room to bund more roftaxrea. If you are look ing for a safe and sound investment here you are. Box 46, Newport, Ore- gon. 80-jn.29 USED CARS for sale St SIX CYLINDER ROADSTER Good con- alitinn , ('.II IKI1.J :ilil -J I PASSENGER 1922 BUICK WITH DE Luxe enclosure, in purteet mechanical condition. 7 passenger 1920 Jordan touring. 1919 Liberty chummy roadster. Very, latest Franklin ' Demi-Sedan driven about 400O miles. Balloon tires. Has front seat cat dowa to convert for eleeDina- purposes. These cars are all fully equipped and guaranteed. They have been takrn in on new Packard cars and are to be disposed of at right prices with terms U wished. Mac DONAItD AUTO CO. 190 So. High Phone 675 31-jly3 : SAVE $115.50 Almost aew 1924 Ford touring car. extraa and license. See this before vou buv. 1923 Ovrland touring. A good value at our price. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 31-jne24tf 1 Chevrolet touring $273 1 Chevrolet bug, $225 1 Ford touring, $83. H. H. HARRIS 173 8. Liberty . 81-Jnel7 FORD TRUCK. 1921 MODEL TWO SETS of wheels, solids and pneumatics. hj. 219 State St, 31-jne2S OUR SALE IS NOW ON. ALWAYS ON. Reduced prices constantly prevail at anr aalea room on used ears. Our used cars are the standard of comparison. 1921 Studebaker Big . $550 1919 Bnick 6 $475 1920-21 Hudson Super $600 1924 Buiek 4 roadster $900 1922 Buiek 6 sedan $1315 Others to choose from. OTTO J. WILSON $88 N. CommerciaL Phone 220. 31-J28 WE ARE DISCONTINUING THE USED ear business. And for that reason we are disooainaT of the ears we BOW have ia stock regardleaa of what they cost as or what tbey really had ought te bring on the market. w have Fords. Chevroleta. Dodges, Overlanda, Oldsmobile, Paige, Stude Jordan with Artcraft top, and many others for you to c noose hub. (We Give Terms) " w w PETTions CO. 21 a N. Commercial St. 81jae8tf ' USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring ears : $ 85 to $350 Roadsters . $ '3 to $325 Coopes - $75 to '$450 Sedans $225 to $450 Light deliveries $ C3 to $275 Ton trucks , $ 85 to $383 "Bun" $125 to $225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terms. See our low priced cars tor zruit naui- ing and onting trip. $ to aioo. VAI.I.EY MOTOR CO. - Phone 1995 20 N. High 8t. 8l-jne5tf i TRUCKS for sale S3 FORD TRUCK. NEW TIRES. SALE OR wand. Tall 902 J. PUBLIC NOTICES Aotire ol intern ion go improve - lfelle Street from Commercial Street to Saginaw Street. Notice Is hereby siren that the common council ot the city ot Sa lem, Oregon, deems ' It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prore Letelle street trom the west line of Commercial etreet to the east line of Saginaw street, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the alley in tersection the expense or which will ha assnmorl hv tha citv Of Sa- brinelnz said street to thelsALEM ILECTBic i to. m a b u " -" " established grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with a six Inch cement concrete pavement twenty-four feet in width in ac cordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the common council June 16th. 1924. which said plans and specifications are hereby re ferred to and made a part of this notice. The common council hereby de clares Us purpose and Intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the Street Improvement Department. Bv order of the common coun cil the 16th day of June. 1924 M. POULSEN, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is June 18. 1924. jne29 STATESMAN WANT ADS The slirtrt dltance between ; buyer, and seller. ; All right, protected by The George Matthew Adams mm SfeSiV 7 -V ' M CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AXBTTLAN0B AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OB night. rrana ww. lit nontn unerty ATTOTIOVIESS F. N. WOODRY Czport Livestock, fnraitnro, goal estate AUCTIONEERS . 1810 N. Suaanser Phaaa 511 far aale a)atea. L. E. TALBOTT Aactioaeer Phone 470303 U. 8. Bank Bldg. a9 O. SATTERLEB Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, breymaa Block Phone 4r0 or 121IJ. jn-!2tf AUTO PAIHTTirO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAB WITH oar new permanent finish. eearrtr Caaa High Street at Trade. AUTO. REPAIR ISO WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Buyers of old cars, metal, rags, pa ir, i Auto wrecking. Parts for all ears SO to 75 per cent off list price. 975 N. Commercial. Phone 588. m-25-tt Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true Ing. We're specialists, ponerite Ma chine Shop. Automotive machinists. 849 Ferry 8t. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN 531 Court St. JOE WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert batter and electrical work. Ferria Broa Phono 180$, aid Gears. -T- R. D. BARTON EXXDS BATTEKla-H tarter aad generator works ah oouto jCommariai aiOTCIXS AND BalBIN0 LLOYD R. BAMSDEN DAYTON BIUX- elee and repairing; nay coots. CAKP1PT AND BUO WXAVXHO R A T.EM (11RPIT CLEANING AND Finff Rag Works Rag ana zrazi ruga woven aay aise without Beams. ew amattreaaee made to order. Old mat sreaaea remade. Feathere reBovated. 1 Waw .11 kinds af aid earaata for fluff rags. ltA and Wilbur atresia. Phone 1154. tno r. awieaer, rrop. CHXVESB PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES mowa disease. lg p. H:gt . rmut ao. CHIROPODIST nv at V SVTOTT. BKA1IUA1 S aa- tioaal University ssaieneea, vaica. Masonic Temple mono o" CmROPRACTO&S DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHlKUPKAurutf, 414-19 U. d. Bans: mag. xmu res. 828-R. CLZANERS ft DYERS kiMCV (1LE1NEE8 AND DYERS. 1313 I . h. iaaa ur. H. Commercial, mono no. "l1 ejalisoonone5dsyseTvieaiBiB5 cosfuxvTrjro bnguteers CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION rjinatraMlM BBSTlBeer. PVIfrj. 1 . rnstas. Juo. H, Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg. Phone T781ii- COHTRACTOBS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT Summer street. Phone 674 J. 436 nnrppv t-TTV OOBTTllAtrrint w, . - . l . 'I J IT..i aUa Vlaallv fBTBlShed. PhOBO 1867R .MHwMtfnar anil auitutuK. or 50F13. d26tf DBESSMAKINQ PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" B - IWiimabinr" i BT BT TV ieo 10 u aaeh. Btatesmaa xtaatneae wii Oronnd Floor. lOJEWTBXCIAJIS . . j. building. Phoaa 1300. FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Oo. Phoaa ls. in a. mwqi. f l.tCNXK ILKOTSIO v - U . aivlaa kf SUr Or CO O -k. a: .imished. Phone 980. 471 Coart Si. ' . ' '- HAIaXK ELECTRIC SHOP Clectrle Fixtures Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners 337 Court St. Phor.e 488 Res. Phone 7 02 J FINANCIAL k iiiiv tiiiva LaOANB aaaka voar farm or citv loans, bea aerviea given. If yoa need- a lo-a, aoo aad if voa have money to place. aaa ma I always have takers., Q. Laflar. Oregoa bldg.- LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal rates and payment nAWTOI ft ROBERTS. 10S Ore. Bldg. Selam. wro f$-tf 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE 8YSTEM ob eitr or farm property. Reserve Do- , osit eompany, aed. Or 72 Fourth Sueet, pors- Service Trade Mark Registered iaM VrJ. wENy a10 . MACe OMC CF SPEECHES AT CLEVELANir AMD -uiUicUlWE MADE ME. BACSACE SAID MM PWST ' VJHATWE .NEED IS A GoVtAJ- menTop the p&opte . people amd ey the peopl& ant' So we must hold To thes GREAT FUNDAMTW- DEAL? A5D CWDEttLVlN PWAfCPtC CFOVB OT- rpTy VUHICM F0BM THfrv veey BuIuALVi cf oua.sociAL, POLITICAL, AMD AATOMAL. BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranzei ia Alliabetiesl Orier f or Quick Hef erenca rZHAXCZAXi Farm Loans sy2 ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, lonrat time, ao oommiaaioa. . Proteeta against adversity. City loaaa, lowest rates, monthly inatalmonta, pre-pay-: asaat privileges. J. O. Siegmaad, room 3, over Ladd ft Bona bank. Clty Loans Oa improved property or for improved purposes. THE BEST and easiest way to pay on loan ia our monthly installment plan. 96 payments ot $14.14 repays a loan of $1000.00 and interest. Kqaitable Savings ft Loaa Ass a. ANDERSON ft RUPERT. Agents 406 Oregon Building xAS2C FAZX3 IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T farm paper, Bend 15e So tbe Pactfie Hemeatead.' Salem, Ore con for a three months' trial eubacriptioa, Man tie a this ad. POULTRYMEN - SEND EIGHT TWO eent stamps for special three montna trial for the beat aad oldest Journal ia tha west. Tha articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street. BUera. Oregon. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQ.UET8 funeral viiillt decorations, u. . Breithsnpt, HoiUt, 12$ N. Liberty Phone 8 "0. -- FUNERAL DrRECTOES SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRXO- tors. sio Center. Phone ifo. FUENITUXE STOKES GlESS FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for lean money, a is uoart. Phone o4. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE 8 TOR: E NBW 171 N. and seeoad hand faruiture; Oommereial. GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN PLOWING. DISCING, GRAD- int. too dirt. Tucker. 1I25.J. mt BBafSlTXCHTJfO HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLKAT inc. Tha PatiU Bhon. Room 6. over Buaieka. - - a39tf SALEM ELITE HBM STITCHING pleetisg, buttons, stampiag aad aeoue work; 328 Oregoa bldg. Phone 879 MBS. C. E, MILLEE irEMSTITCHING scamping, battons. Room 10, ever tu ler'a store. Phona 117. HOMEOPATHIC PHTEICIAJf DR. la. G. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATHI8T. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, GaU and Dropsy, arista g from diseases of h art, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence, 298 N. Liberty 8W. Salem, Or. Phone 147. XNSURAKOB WARREN F. POWERS Ufa, Accident, Fire, Automobile S19 O. S. Nat' I. Ttank Mr. Phoe MVT LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Cx-ort B. rAUaTDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 B Liberty street. Phono 25. oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY UualitT work: orompt service; un Broadway. Phone 166. LUGGAGE COMB HERB I The best buys In hand luggage and trunka. - MAX O. BUREJT Furniture 179 N. Cora'l. Sslem MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51T-W. MU8I0 USSSONS A OOURSB IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular ayaeopated aUndard rausio. Semi-olaaaie aad ballads 13 leeeons. Waterman Piano School. Mo- Oornack Bldg. ' , MUSIO STORES SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO PIANOS Stemwaya, Duo-Art eftt o there, xosts s Moaio Hoaao, la oourt etrees. am n WTTJ, PIANOS. PH0NO- arapha. sewing machines, ahoet muaie, aad piano atudiee, Repairina; phoao rranka and usint saachinea: .483 Stale street, 6alem. TRADE TOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Bmnswick. H. L. Stiff Furnl- tiiro Co.. Mnaie Dept. JfATTJROPATHIO PHYSICIANS nk A SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND ekronie diseaaas; 41$ Oregoa Bldg. Phone 110. - C. S. Patent Office) ArlMATiSO, L03t SpeAr:ER,' fit H; . .. 1 DIRECTORY njESES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHOSE 1493R I FOR PRACTICAL NURSE 1524. PHONE . a25tf FOB PRACTICAXi 14S3M. VUB8I PHONE - a2Stf BTUBSZXT STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADS TRIES Pesrey Proa.. 38T State. OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonsble Kxs mi nation free. 22 N. Commercial 8t. rAPERHAxaora and patjtttjio PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSK dororating. paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. art A ; ' ' GET MY : MlvtlrUB SAMPLE BOOK iSM? f for eompariaon kl ' - M IdAX O. BURZX rurnitare 179 N. Com'L Salem riANo tumi EDWARD WZLP EXPERT ENCXD Pi ano toner. Leave orders wui s ataaie Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Rratex- Broa 11 b. Aaiaersy Phone S&O. 9tf PLUirBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 495W. Shop 137 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETO. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES saada or repaired. J. C. Hair, 238 bum tjv RADIO RADIO DOCTOR SALEM ELECTRIC CO. ' P. 8. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple Plione 1300 REPAIRING . ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Orrart St. UmbreUaa, Cutlery aad Keys uawamowera, raaor-aiaaes, knives and tools sharpened. & SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR 'bare aad refuse of all kinds removed by the meats Reaaosabla rates. Cea pools cleaned aad dead animals r ' morel. Phones: Office 85. Res 5 SECOND HAND GOOD WANTED EVERYTHING fN CLOTH inar and shoeaw Beat prie aaid. Car Hal Exe'eanre; 843 Nrb OoBirci r-aone iasw. STOVES AND SIOVE REPAIR-NO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED - 40 years - experience. ' Depot a stiotia fence, aisea 26 to $8 in. high. i'smf oils and varaithes, ote loanlxrry aa bop books. Salem trace and tatov Works. 2SO Court 8rret. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22$ State St. Pheae 933. Distributing, for warding aad storage our specialty. Gel our rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- hold goods.' Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make eona- try trips. Wa handle tha beat eoal and wood. Call on as for prices. We give good measure, good quality aad gooe service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 931 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF AL1 kinds. Phono 1PF3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon SALEM -SILVERTON DIVISION Loavea Sslem, Central Stage Terminal M a. m; 11 a. m; S p. m. Iieaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a. m.: 1 P. m.: 6 p. m. Salesa-Independenco-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem. Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m.; 9 a. m. ; 11:10 a. as.; 8:10 p. as. 6:10 p. m. Leaves Menmooth. Maamoath Hotel 8:15 e. m.; 1 p. m,, 1:15 p. us. Leaver Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a. nu; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m A n. m 8:30 o. m. ' Leaves Central SUge Terminal, Bales for Dallas at: 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m. t 8:Z0 p. as. Leaves Gsil Hotel. Dallas at: 8 a. m-r 1 d. m. : 6:15 t. m. We make eonnectiona at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. J. W.' PARKER, General Manager. WATXX 8AIJRM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER OQ Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tot per ceat discount oa domestic fid rstea paid ia advance. No deduct ion) for absence or any eanae anless wste is shut off your premises. inriieestion often affects the heart." a doctor writes. Righto! The brfdes bad cooking has knocked m&nv a love affair for a row of. tall striped loops. By WHEEL AN aaod so,Ny friesidsTStven FORGET THE. SBEAT FUNDAMENTAL, i IDEALS An?& jNDEfeLyiMG PRlr4ClpLE5 -AT OVfi s RE ATT PA POV STANDS R)C IDEAL 5 UJHICM FOCM THEr SOCIAL AMD POLITICAL DFE ANt TV4E. PEOPtE- ANO By THE. PEOP.LE IT CECTAiMLV IS LCVD UAH "7; " 35,000,000 To Ur.ivcrclty Donated By PiCC.ccic..:? CHICAGO. June 2S. Urgir.3 adoption by the city of Chicago of the University of Chicago m fact as well as in name." President Ernest DeWitt Burton brought lout that John D. Rockefeller ba given $35,000,000 to the institu- jne-2sitlori, Bum almost or quite wuu- out parallel In the whole history of education." President Burton made tno statement after announcing that Mr. Rockefeller had discontinued his Eifts. that the university has no right of further approach to the founders as individuals, ana less reason to make such an ap proach to Mr. Rockefeller." To tl? nnlversitv's resources oi ai proximately $54,000,000, dent Burton said, "there be added within the next Presi BhouM ten or equal V5 rears at least an amount." and for this sum we must look largely to Chicago." "When In December 1910, Mr. Rockefeller promised to give the university the sum of $10,000,003 n ten annual payments, he accom panied this pledge with a state ment that this was his final sift, and commended the university to the friendly citizens of Chicasa a. wa-,v as tbose to wnom it snouiu iwa. for the means with which to in sure Its future development," President Burton asserted. "Ia pursuance or tnis statement buu policy Mr. Rockefeller discontin ued his gifts. "It is but reasonable that Mr. Rockefeller should feel that tr.e city whose name it bears' and whose citizens have already shown their interest In it by many gen erous gifts, should adopt the uni versity as their own. The cost of education rises with startling rapidity as one passes upward from school to college, and frora college to graduate and pro'ei- sional school." City of Sandy Asks fcr vater Permit Frcm etc:: The city of Sandy has filed with the state engineering department an application for authority to ap propriate waters from Cedar t-reek for the development of fros i 10 to 14 theoretical horsepower lor a municipal water supply, and trom Meinlg spring for a munici pal water supply" in county at an estimate cost cf $40,- 800. Other applications filed with the department are: . Mr. ani Mrs. . B. Hart of Glen- dale, water from an unnamc; spring creek tor domestic purpos es In Douglas county. Oscar P. Skoog of Mllwaukio. water from an unnamed sprins fit irrigation of lawns and for liij pond in Clackamas county. J. L. Ketch f Tillamook, watff from an unnamed stream for do mestic and camp ground purpose In Tillamook county, at an esti mated cost ot $Et 0. , . . John Phipps of Freewater, wa ter from Dugger creek for irriga tion of 30 acres in Umatilla county at an estimated cost op$50. A. AY. Geigcr of La Grande, wa ter, from Grande Ronde rlvr for Irrigation of 1 acre in Union coun ty. Win. J. Scott of Central Pol-it, 1000 second feet or wafer iroi? Rogue river for development ot 1000 theoretical horsepower :n Jackson county. F. E. Conlee of Mosier, water from Mosier craek l-r dcmctiiic purposes in Wasco county. Fish Commission of Orcjcon. Portland, Oregon, water from Sal mon :reek for salmon fish culture and hatchery purpesea; frcn Green creek and also from Good man creek for the same purposes, in Lane countny, at an estimated cost of $15,000. Spanish Educator Called io uonege in Lcuician;. "., (By Mail) MANILA.. June 1. Dr. A. Al- fageme, acting superior of the Do- minican Corporation of the Thil- lippines and former president of the' University cf Santo Tomas, the oldest university under th ? American flag, has been .elected rector of the Dominican Collcs at Rosaryville, Louisiana. He was born in Spain but has lived C years in the Philippines. Al though he speak-s English fluenuy he has never been, In the Lnite States. J CHAMPION MADIi BERKELEY, Cal., June 28. wert Champions In four events made today on the courts here i:: the Pacific : coast thamptons.u. Unnls tournament. The finals i seven other events will be I ') ! tomorrow. Hubert H. ' Bancroft of 'd: Diego won the title for boya tit"! ' 15. Rose Marie Bruno of i' Francisco was thu tharapion 1 the girls under 1 6. CharloM Hosmer and Herbert Kherbcr Snhr of Kan Francisco became U; holders of the mixed douU teams and the ju'iior doubles h" i crs went to Cranston Holniaa s Herbert Sellers. "The old-fabhloi.'-.i fairy rtn wkh "Onco upon a tirr The modern fairy l!e flails v, i on town, bouses lhee two 7: A titi lt fill almut It. try it on sad If "TIih last lime I pliycl tLb 1 I took a niur'.:, " see r&yAT5 WMiCM Wm. Hem ing. Make hay while the aaa tlnucs rrll.TT CO. EU tuts U . 23ineS9 MSiteAeanBa .