THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 23 1024 :ETB- WEWS- IM Tonight rby Hall. . Best music al- ' i.? I;'-.'." V -v ' .328" or Given' Ifrt-eptiqp - V .,:rV'; Her. II. E. Shanks af V family -a glvn ! a reception X in the lay school rooms of the Bap ; church last night. ; Included te program were talks by Rev. r J Willis Long,- pastor of the Presbyterian church." repre ting the Salem Ministerial as ation; E. A. Miller. In behalf , he Baptist churchy and. Mayor ; i B. G lesy, for the city. H. S. j presided.' Mrs. Harms of fer a vocal solo with Miss Gregg i Iting. Refreshments of 'Ice c am and cake were served by ' nen of the church ; . ice at McCormack ITall faturday night.; Good music: - , jne28 -in Breaks Glasso Y.'hile Mrs." Jessie Bennett was filing near the corner of Fir - I Saginaw streets a shot from : i airgun In the hands of Herman C ; pock. South " Salem : ; youth, ; ;ke he glasses and small par- s of the glass at her about. s eye, she reported to the police terday. Mrs, .Bennett was ; ced to go to a doctor for ah : ruination and it Is believed her t; 'sht will not be Impaired. The y. ;th will be taken before the ' cnile court today.1 ' i .-. - - - : t" ( j Files Snlt-vl j , . ait,. to quiet iitle to 12 lots In f !s a'dditfon'jxaa been "filed by t: 3 ey of Salem '' against rf the ( apin-Herlow Mortgage company ; I others. i ' . .i ".. omen Change Mind v , ; lembers of the ladies' auxiliary the American legion have ad nced the date -of , their next' :eting from Thursday, July 3 to jesday, July 1 - The .meeting : i be held at the Chamber of : ninerce rooms at 7:30 o'clock. La auxiliary win no take al va ,t;on during the summer.' hut M continue with regular meet 13. They have "purchased a ra bolt of flannel material and a busv sewiae paiamas for sol- er. in the! hospitals. A i S ; I J , ' t Z'i .i .f - . rcr Speaks Tonight . , : layor John. B.v5iesy wllj 1 ad . a members- of the eltiienship 138' at.-th TMCAi tonight. He ' 1 : tsll the future , citizens .how j city governiaent iworks. -Ap-;siinately 20 jia:embers ;ot .the , 3-wl!i come np-for-final-hear- -l ' ,, - ;r?;?.: 7' c" IJeene Coming oy "Spec" Keen e will rejoin Senator sbOTtrtmyTnlddlf -, accqrding to word received Manager Bishop. Keene was . the local team the first of season, but left for eastern on where he is managing the Grande 'baseball team. ,"' : lon VWood Camp , "As. soon as the terms of the T r sent contract on the Montgom ery tract near Mehama are com I' 'ad there will be no more con vict wood camps maintained ,ex c:t In the immediate vicinity qt the prison, according to . an an i ouncement made Friday by War C A. M. Dalrymple following an Ir pection; of the camp at- Meba r The) last of this timber will 1) cut by July 4. The contract i entered Into to provide wood for the prison .furniture factory, ' I the .fcamp was the scene of numerous, escapes last 'summer. I': "lowing the destruction of the f : liture ; plant by fire last fall, t j convicts were employed In cut tJr t timber', for cord wood. ' Dur- H:GUTJ3 AND FEUL SAFE CONCOHDIA INSURANCE UR3. KIOXER 147. W. Com'L Room C IOODRV DnT3 Fcmi! 3C11 411 Oregon Elvl. Phone 437 TI:3 Seary CeU Insurance ;. : t" Agency - General Insurance tfBiUyMBll - Jurt Returned from the Electronic Convention at Kansas City and have in italled the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of disease (Dr. Abrams' method). Dr. P -"2C. TThlta : . EO0 C. -e. Dank Eld. ' Salem, Oregon L'-'A" DD: ti BANKERS Ing the winter there were 22 con victs employed, though this force has been reduced to 11 trusties for the last few weeks, Dr.: Ross - Wlmer x of Pendleton was called -to Salem through the sickness of .his' mother, Mrs.. E. R. Wlmer of East Center street. He Is accompanied by his wife and, young son: . ' . Fire Department Called Smoke from - an automobile parked In - front of the Peerless bakery on North Commercial Fri day noon called out the fire de partment. The smoke was caused by burning Insulation resulting from a short .circuit, 'The. alarm was turned In by a passerby, but by the time the department could reach the scene - the trouble had been remedied. Y : ' Held for Sheriff Sheriff T. J. Harris of Green county, Mo., was in the city yes terday, making the trip west for Maurice Kidder, one of four' men who escaped from the Springfield jail April; 1 after sawing the bars of their cells and tying and gag ging a trusty.: ' Kidder was taken Into -custody a few days ago by F. V, Covey, constable' at Woodburn." Pavins Work Started ; i . Preparatory ; work, for paving North Seventeenth between Cen ter and D streets, was begun Frl-' day.; The excavating and grading was completed . several "days ago and theb!g roller began leveling the ground yesterday. The street will be paved with concrete. Boudoir Lamp Floor lamps. $13.95 and np. Desk lamps, $3.75. Curling Irons, 90c. All electrical appliances and fixtures. Electric Co., 337 Court. Phone 488. " , Jne28 riany Seek rosition --Position of superyisor for the new , South -Salem playground to be -opened at the Lincoln school early next week, )ias brought out 4 host of applicants; according to C. A. Kells, general secretary of the- YMCA 'and member, of . the playground committee. 4 A selec tion wfir, ; inade late this afternoon Qr,tonIght, -rt 'ew Member In4xoIa.cel . introduction of Fred Klrkwopd, manager of the Hudson andJEssex automobUe Agency was ade at, the regular meeting -of the Lions club Fridays-- r' " "y.l i'4"i:vyVt-4 "' ? ." 4"a ? Circulate Petitions I 'Petitions -urging the abolition of-capitar'iranishmefcwr- being circulated in the city yesterday. Consderable 1 progress was being made ' by the circulator, who re ported more than 100 names ob tained by noon. The petition. was placed in circulation about . 9 o'clock. Special Sale On all stamped goods at the Elite this week, 329 Oregon bldg. jne3l v. . t . Sign Xears Completion .-. The ornamental top a replica -ot the letter head of the Llods club, was placed in position on the large sign recently erected In the auto camp grounds by the Salem Lions by a committee Friday afternoon. Ray Felker, commercial artist and club ember whohad .charge of the palnjlng'wjlli Icbmplete ,4he large map thatwill advertise the dis trict early next, week. . ; .i tr Woodburn Man Extradited ' - Governor Pierce yesterday hon ored a requisition from Governor Hyde of Missouri for the extradi tion of Maurice Kidder, who' Is ac cused at Springfield, iMo,,1 of es cauing jail in.Green county, where he was held for passing bogus TETViCLXAXi r ii ' ' i SERVICS . . Can for hire without drivers. : PHONE 2020 : Day and Night Service Popular Priced 5 ' Tailored Suits f2S to $45 Men's and Young Men's D. H. MOSHER TAILOR ' Promotes Good llealUi : GREENWOOD : Cottage Cheese . One-Third Cream' II. E. EIDEOUTV Proprietor BUSH BRIEF. checks. Kidder is under arrest at Woodburn. - , Women Wanted- At Starr Fruit Products Co Church and Mill Sts. Phone 489. y ,..r J29 IOOP plan Memorial ' , Annual im km t t awawmIaam M1 be held at the IOOF temple next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock' by Chemeneta Lodge No.- 1, IOOF. Rev. Mr. Mathews, of Gervais, will give the memorial address. In ad dition a special musical program will be offered. All Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and friends of the two orders are invited to attend the services. . j -4 , . Women Wanted : - " t A a. in a m a , m .. . a sfm - ai aiarr rrnn rroaucis uo.. Church "and " Mill : Sts." Phone 439. : l") , J29 Daughter is Born . . . A daughter, who has been nam ed Eileen, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; Teel at the Court Street Maternity hospital Friday, June 27. Bargains for Bargain Day HaUt S6 : to $12.60 values. $2.75; 112.50 to $18.50 values. $4.75. Dresses, $19 to $24.50 val ues,. $9.75; $22.50 to $37.50 val ues, $14.50. The French 'Shop, US North High. . Jne28 41V Pica Vanlitw. D.nAI - Five fatal accidents yut.ofja 07 tal of 6 17. industrial mishaps, were reported to the state industrial ac cident ( commission for the t week ending June 26. The fatal cases were: J. S. Goin, Stanfield, road contractor; Kenneth A. Nichols, Arco, Idaho, choke setter; -Elmer B. Shull, Nermiston, laborer; Charles A.' Lindquist. West Linn, chaser; Joe Martin,- Carlton, feller. Ot the total number of cases re ported 535 were subject to the provisions ot the workmen's com pensation act and 62 were from firfs and corporations that have rejected the provisions of, the act. Women. Wanted ti,t ' , At Starr Fruit .Products" Co., Church , and; ;MJlt: Str', 1 Phone 439. , vil! t t: 329 It Is Unlawful ; 1 ' ' ' ; It is unlawful for seebntf band dealers to sell old bed 'comforters In bundles or bales as wrappings for furniture according to 'an opinion by Attorney General Van Wiakle-lji repy to;,ainquiry Lbj Jerierson layers, siaie Treasurer. The Question came np in. the de partment of, weights andmeasu.res. Bargain Day Special Cream Pinoche dipped in choco late, 34c lb. box. Delicious. The Spa., v t ; Je28 C : is i : , . ' '" ' i May Select Sites - - Boards ot directors of school districts of the first class have authority of law to locate and sel ect sites for schools of such dis tricts without a vote of the people, says and opinion by Attorney Gen eral Van Winkle in answer to an Inquiry -by :j. A. Churchill, state superintendent of schools. New Roof Earned Quantities of black smoke pour ing -itovK, the roof of 'the new J. J. Roberts' garage. Ferry and South, Cottage., about .6:30 o'Cloick last nights attracted lafgOrowd of . persons. The roof had been freshly . tarred, and vr when 1 this caught tire from some "Unknown source the smoke began to roll from the roof. The fire depart ment responded in time to prevent ahy. serious damage to the build ing and confined the fire to the roof. . -' x ?, '; 7 Bargains' for Bargain Day Hats, $6 to $12.50 values, $2.75; $12.50 to' $18.50 values, $4.75. Dresses, $19 to '$24.50 val ues, $975;. $22.50 to $37.50 val ues, $14.50. The French Shop, 1 1 5 North High. Jne2 8 West Salem Services West Salem church services will be held tomorrow with Sunday school at 9:45 and preaching service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. with sons . service at 7 o'clock. Junior and " intermediate league will be held at 3 o'clock. The pub lic Is invited. . , - i Dalem -lortuarp yr- ' a at. BIKEOXOXS r - .; :.' i8v: gmstsst Wttfc lixmM VEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS ; " Expert; Em&sSaert ' - I0S S. Camwb Fasss lit niGDOIJ Ci EQiVS Had Xo JJcense ' . .. For driving an automobile with' out having a drivers' license, 'C N.' Crippen, 429 W, Court, was fined IS in the police court Friday. He was. arrested by Officer Sproed.. ' Building Permits Issued ' Two building permits have been issued by the city recorder to Ruth Fuson,- dwelling, 1290 Jefferson, to cost $1800 and to Charles S. Huff, dwelling, . 1751 Hickory. ,300. Four Get Hcenien ' 1 Four marriage, licenses were Is sued frnm the county clerk's of fice Friday. These were to" Chris tian J. Kowitx, 1445 Oak, assis tant city . attorney, and Hazel Grace Behren, 645 South Twelfth, a teacher; ' Auguist WilMam Glutsch, Portland railroad clerk, and Lucille J. Thompson,- 865 Marion, a stenographer; Richard D. .Slater, 495 North Summer, a salesman, and Bernlce Bright, 241 North High, a stenographer, and to Paul C. Dickey ot Somas, Wash., and Anne Marie Hobart of Silverton. Dance at Turner - Saturday night. Good music: jne28 Mrs. Massey Asks Divorce For the second time in about a year Minnie G. Massey, wife of Virgil H. " Massey, Woodburn at torney, has brought divorce pro ceedings. This time she bases her complaint , tipoh ' desertion.' ..'Acr cording to the action, the couple have been separated since May 10, 1923. She asks custody ot their two miner children, $50 a month for -their support' and $25 a month permanent- , alimony. A 'third child;1 -a - boy, is now : nearly : self supportingj - Bhe says'. There 1 are no property rights involved. s The couple were married at McCoy, In Polk county; July 31. 1904. Estate Appraised- . . Jacob Goode " left an estate of $3032.80, according to the report Of Ed A. Jory, B. Marshall and Alice H. Page, appraisers. . . Odd FeUows Attentioi Chemeketa lodge No. 1, I. O..O. F., will hold memorial services at I. O. O. F. temple Sunday, June 29 at 3 p. m. , All , Odd Fellows, Re-t bekahs and friends Jnvited. Jne29 Artillerymen. Due. Tonlgb Pay day -, was t aounded . at ; Fort Casey yesterday for . headquarters detachment. 249th artillery, which Is due to, arrive, home t.onight.,,In f addition jo. peng. paid off, for. the annual; j encampment Friday, the artillerymen were given an - op portunity to, f ire. the big iO-lnch 4oastdenVtuMTBTStart home will be made early this morning. - The, troops . have been along .the Puget-aound country fQT the last two weeks. ! Snit 1 Filed Suit to obtain title to certain property has been filed in the cir cuit court .by William A. ?Jacksoa and wife against Ward Walker, his wife, and others. Convict Is Received . 'Alex Barlow was received at the state' prison Friday to serve two years on conviction of larceny. He was in charge of Deputy Sheriff Svarverud of Lane county. Big Picnic Today " . .., ' Nearly 100 boys are expected to participate in the big picnic pro gram at the state fair grounds to day. All of them are members of the Salem Boys' chorus. ' The af t eroon will - be devoted to ' athletic events . and various games, .with the picnic supper to be served at 5:30 o'clock. ; , Salem Residem Located in best residential see tidn close in, to. exchange for Dairy ranch from '30 to 50 acres. Sokolofsky. 341 State. ' Jne29 -...-. To Save the Oak f Mayor Glesy Is going to' make a strenuous effort , to save the oak tree on Oak street, . which has been condemned to make way for paving. "The tree is so close : to the line," said the mayor, "that It seems to me it could be spared without in any way injuring either the paving or any citizen. At any rate I am going to save it." The people will applaud that effort and hope for its success. X Sub-Standard Not Substantial Due to a typographical error in Miller's Bargain' - Day advertise ment Sub-Standard Silk Hosiery was advertised as "Substantial" Silk Hosiery in Friday's States man. 'j28 W. W. Ball Leaves W. W." Ball, sales manager of the "Oregon Pulp & Paper com pany, has " resigned his position and will return to Seattle. Mr. Ball was formerly president and man ager of the Paper Warehouse com pany of Seattle and will probably continue in the same work he has been doing. -'; - Annual -Reports In Four annual reports" from vari ous school districts were filed with the office . of the county school superintendent Friday, aa follows r PringieJ. M. Sandlter, chairman; C. F. Bates retiring; TSt G. Clark director. H. E. Stewart re-elected clerk. Illlhee Mrs. Ed Drager chairman; Fred G Feller, retiring; Mrs. John Larson direc tor, Hazel B. Morris retiring, r 011 C j CI jl A Branch Rammer School i sow being conducted In Portland. Or diirinr June, July nnd Aurnst by the Urft, b-at and atoat widely known iimlitutn in thn world for Uia- eorfnc ot .Stammering, Stuttering and all Kpeern, imperfection. . Addreas - Korthweit - School for BUmatenrs, -: 909 SoTereign Hotel, Portland, Or. A. T. Cline retiring; Martin O. Hattiberg. director, K. N. Torres dal, retiring. Mrs. Osa A. Thomas re-elected clerk. Pleasant View A: Van Valkenberg chairman ; Hubert 1 L.; Daue retiring; : Fred Miller elected director. Frank Clark, was elected clerk, Mrs. Hu bert L. Daue retiring. Automobile Accidents are Costly Jet a liability policy with mod ern limits ' sufficient to' pay present-day damage awards. It costs but a few extra dollars to have protection - as high as $100,000. Powers Insurance Agency, Phone 607. . - J29 Jury Verdicts of 25,000 For automobile accidents cause little comment .these days. Get a liability poycy with modern lim its and feel secure. See Powers. 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 607. J29 I PERSONALS I. N. D. Elliott, secretary of .the Salem Kiwanis club who has been attending'; the ' national Kiwanis convention at Denver, will return to Salem Sunday night, according to' word received " yesterday' by Mrs;' Elliott. . ' V- LV C. Hall was a recent visitor to Albany. - y R. O. Sneiling, manager of the Associated Oil company, and Al Pierce, manager of the Marion ho tel, spent Friday In Eugene look ing' after business matters. Air. and Mrs. William A. Wed dle and; family of Stayton were recent Salem visitors. iMr. Wed dle Is an undertaker. ', . . Mrs. Peter Zielinskt has been called to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., where she has considerable , hard wood timber holdings. She will visit in other parts of Michigan and the eastern coast before re and the eastern coast' before re turning home.' ' ' ' ' ": i Mr. ' and 'Mr. Wilbur' Morman have returned 'to the city after' a year and a half spent in Calif or- nla. v They -plan 1 to locate here permanently.. . !.. . -; 5ljt.-,,n. 1 i j Sheriff Frank .B. . Ferguson j of Yamhill county was in the, city yesterday.aauJiasIneis connected With his ' Mr. and' Mrs. S"Lw' Miifer of Hubbard . were In Salem Friday morning; ' : .l"i:v"ii S ,J.,.BV .Matthews1 of1 Tillamook was' in the city yesterday: : v " " t Joe Helmick was a recent visitor in Salem :from Falls Clty.T - , -Mr. And Mrs. Walter Minier. and- family - will leave today - for Cascadia where they, will spend the week-end. . ' Fishing on the north fork of the Santiam has attracted Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. John O. Humphries, who will Swedes Find Hew Process To Derive Oil From Shale -STOCKHOLM, June 9 (By Mail). A total ot 245,000,000 tons of fuel oil can - be derived from Sweden's deposits' of bitumi nous shale, according to estimates of engineers. published in connec tion 'with t the . announcement that production of shale oil is about to begin on a large scale at Klnne kulle. ,;--. : : ;: , .. , Since; Sweden is entirely de pendent on imports for her coal and petroleum, for many years at tention.' has been' directed to the economic Importance' of . finding some way of' producing fuel from her vast, deposits of alum shale. ' A highly - satisactory solution has been reached by two Swedish engineers and the considerable quantities of oil which they have already ' produced has been tested practically by the Swedish navy on oil-burning vessels and by vari ous industrial establishments. The results show that : shale oil can compete successfully with all' ex cept the more refined grades " of petroleum oil. ' thousands Di3'Vho : : OaEht Hot to D13 Kidney Troubles Responsible What -every sufferer needs is a kidney medicine that puts your kidneys In good shape, banishes that backache and drives puff iness from under the eyes. Dr. Carey's Marsbroot Prescrip tion; 777 (made of roots and herbs) costs only 76 cents either in tablet or liquid form. Both are equally: effective. ' A stitch In time saves nine a few days' treatment ' right now with this amazing medicine may save a life- save ' heartbreak through grief and perhaps the breaking up of a happy borne. - Never mind what you have tried before If you get up through the night. If your palms are moist. If you -even suspect you have kidney trouble, get Dr. Carey's Marsh root Prescription No. 777 today at Perry's Drug Store, or any drug gist anywhere and if it doesn't help you, if you aren't glad in a week's time, that .you bought. It, and'get'your rr.c-i?7 tack it spend the week-end along- the river. C. M. Taylor and Iva Taylor of Ontario were in the city yesterday. L. W. 'Barnes of Eugene was in the city on business Friday. Harold ;F, .Lynch of Rickfeall was among out-of-town people in Salem yesterday. ; ' , , d " . v Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin have reached the Yellowstone Na tional park, according to word re ceived in the city yesterday. They are on a short vacation trip. - ft f i '..wV.n-;-: ': tyf:i c. n if .s 1 r-J An i f AT Starr Fruit Prodoctc Co. Church and Mill Streets Phone 439 n Mr.AOdU.Mrs. Xonis . Cohn of Portland ' were"in the." city' yester day ;, combining business with pleasure. , Mr. Cohn was former ly -the owner of , the Ace confec tionery. ..; " -. . Robert Monical and Albert Webber of Grand View were' Sa lem visitors Friday afternoon. Mrs. C.' L.' ' Loo mis, ' . Doris Loomis and Frank McEwen ot Ashland were In the city yester day. ' Mr. Loomis IS mayor of Ashland. - ' . . . v Anij Word. from.; O; Buich. f . h'i ' " " ' Mini -- '. t r I . ' -- , 1- . , ..... . . ; .V ; - , T ' 1 -1 EAlGAiiK DAY WE HAVE rearranged : our stockk and re plenished . our. tables with more for ; today, the last day of j - Salem's Seventh- Annual Bargain Days. .- - - Official Bargain Day Mr. and Mrs. P. W IK1-; and daughter, Gwendolyn I and Mrs, W. 'R. Gramer arl tv. children; Mrs. Putnan, I'.r Cora r Reld ' and dauguter, 1 1 : Rita Reid,' will spend ' Sunday i Neskowin. - vtl; G. Boyer, county clerk, 1; returned to Salem after attczi:.. the Sons of Veterans conver t at Hillsboro. . The convert: held In connection with tta CAI will be held In Oregon City year. Store