.THE OREGON STATESMAN, SAIElt, OREGON s - CHS - THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 2(5, 1924- r"'""111 . - . . . . . . .... i ' 1 1 - Masonic and -Ka stern Htnr picnic at Brush co 11 e g e today. June 26, at 4 p. m. Bring: your cup and spoon. - jne26 Women Meet Friday. i V 1 Z The Woman's Alliance ;pf the Unitarian church will meet at the home of Mrs pollock, "on. North Winter, Friday afternoon at 2:39 oclock. ' ; Doadolr Ijunps $&S3 : - . - ... Floor lamps," $13.1)5 and up. Desk lamps, $3.7.5. Curling; Irons. 90c. All electrical appliances and fixtures. Electric Co:, .337 Court. Phone 488. - "' .'"' ' Jne28 1 Vandals Active Aral 'Evidence that vandals "are still active In the city came to the at tention of thV police1 yesterday "Vnea Mrs. E. Waff, V 4 3 1 "North Front, reported that her" -window boxes bad ieen 'destroyed tome time Tuesday nighty 7' ' facial Oa all stamped goods .at the Elite this week, 329 Oregon bldg. ; jne31 -; '' ;" .'VF':"-. "" ' -ft .-' ' ' " "'-' .-'. v.-. Prison to CHebrate . : - j C - eT.the'hlg'.days'of -the year at V. itate prison Is the?Fourth ranljTaarAMi; Pair-" t ymF beginning to make 'plans 1 for ! !seryance.' In; iuldltion 4to soni:igapecUr'for:'ainner-;-the contlct will parttcIpC4 "In jlhlet- ie ccZits'-and a baseball game in the i lle'i noon. AIpeaker wfrrl-' bo t . oa' the program. . i j . i v la Jean lortcry nr$iti-'il,: i Ltora. Chad wick, violinist; at muslcale, tonIght8:li. : ne26 Wife Causes "Scandal ''. ''. v Actions upon the part ow Agnes II. ; Kronberg" such- as to, "cause much comment alad scandal In and I about Mt. Angel": isthe: basis 'of. a divorce com plajnt ,&le&yesterday ! ty Joseph A irronfcerg. Df ML' An gel; lie also ctariWthat she al soci&es with "dissolute. jersopa of both sexes" and has staid' out late at u'jits on many-occasions In ad dition to'negleeting their baby at cttcr times. ; ..The vcouplo. were n a rrf ? i .February - 6-1 9 2 3. - - ' ' 'TTie Love blaster"- " - i-XT- :.:-; At OregoV today.-' ?) Two Rpmlm Cited Two- speeding motorists will call in the Justice court in the near-future lo answer to complaints filed by state "traffic officers. Those charged with speeding are "M. H. Clark and T. B. James. 't, ; b The Charles n.Archcrd ' Implement Co. now have a stock of bale ties. J27 Fined For Assault . r ' - '-Pleading guilty to a charge -of assault and battery " filed upon complaint of Arthur F. Marshall, Airlie Little was fined $15 in the justice court Wednesday after noon. - " ; .' . High School Double Quartette In " special: numbers at' Congre gational church 'tonight. t : Jne2B New Brooks Postmaster " Appointment of the postmaster at Brooks to succeed John Carey, who plans to retire, will bemade as soon as the results of the re cent examination ' have been re ceived. The papers were' forward ed to; Washington. D.tC Peter VIbbert and Mrs.v Laura 1 Brown; both of Bropks. ar'e applicanta fqr the position and took the examin ation here . ' . ; t Strawberries BOo-Per Cratei ' Pick them, yourself. Phone 14F3 - jne26 4 . Celt bratiori' Advertised While Salem; may- b - quiet I lace to, spea4 the fourthot, July ; otherchiea ii the district Ilt pro vhli plenty -Cf entertainment. h&Tzs posters announcing the big c : Is - ration to- be held In; Dallas vera t.'ag clrtributed In - Salem yeUrday; whtla Stayton' has, al rea;!7 . r 'iced ! much, literature, Jn the county relative to its celebra tioqv . , ;, . lyi:.'.,'?' 11,' Orphan Fire Relief Association ' written In Marion it." Polk ties first five mouths-of 1924 " j.OOO " fire " Insuraritef ; The Z3 in premiums on this in :c will. amount to more than 3 to Its patrons-." ' Standley & 7, Agents Bush Bank build- : N : , - Jne26 Co: . ! cot iri: for vict Js RecelvcVl . - ." .' ohn D.'. Woodell,- of " Union ty. waa received at the state sa yesterday, to server one year larceny. He" Was "brought to in by ,Sherlff .Lee Wamick. y Tit' ml ilusicale ' piano pupils of Miss Shelton; I Congregational chnrchr, to t,. 8:15. Public 'canlially: In- I. - , ' - jne26 3 AND FEUL SAFE CONCORDIA -INSURAIJCS ; - Room 6. i 0 Snrf y - ' Ficza 511, l Creson Eld! rhone S7 3,cavy BcU Insurance ; ' ' :- Agency . " ;.' '. . General Insurance 1 tr:n the Electronic Convention at- Kansas: City and : hafe ln italled the. latest. equipment for the !4gnosia and treatment of disease (Dr. Abrams method). - Dr. P. white : ; 50a ,U. e. JBank Bldj. ' Ealemv Oregoa . Swimmlnjr Meet Today. ' ; YMCA boys will .participate In a: swimming meet at the YMCA tank .at . 3 o'clock this' afternoon. This Is being staged as a prelim inary to the exhibition scheduled lor next week. .Contests will be held In dashes,: diving and towing, with .the. dashes., of various "dis tances varying from one length of the tank; to 10 times across. - , AreYou Lucky - J , 1 You are if you, grab this."- The best mod en. home pickup we have had. this summer. . - 5 rooms . mod ern on pavement With what you want and. . immediate . possession for $ 3 6 0 0." T Garargei Texms 16 suit.: U. 5. .Bank bjdg.. . . '.Jne26 Will Award Contract 1 Contract f or the last half of the work oa the road from Niagara to Detroit-wjlli be awarded; in Port land Friday In order to join, with the, forestry .: .departments ,In .thls awarding. ; the j county court will be Portland .viaitora : on- that : day. Womens, Evangelistic - . Prayet meeting will meet-at 4he Old Peoples .Home today. 2 :3 0 everybody, welcome; . c.'u : f t .1 .:. - ; ,- Seven Ilonaes and Flats for rent,- $20 to $40. - Immediate possession on fonr.-tBecke to Hen dricks. : V-,c S.- Bank Bldgtw sJn&.4 Spend In g Tacat Ion Here : ? Dave Borenstein, 'cousin of Se man Director, and 'University of Oregon student, la workingin Sa lem during the summer vacation. S Director;' of" Portland; fbrother of Seman Director, spent yester day In Salem.. 1: r 4 Will Rebuild' Barn f -ri;t . ' The state board of control yes terday decided to rebuild the "barn at the stated training school; for boys . tha t -was destroyed - by .T fire several weeks ago, The building will be -done by Inmates of the school under the direction -of. one carpenter. 1 4 PERSONALS -w ' Mr. and Mrs." Louis Root, of. Portland. 'are' spending a few days in the city with their, daughterj liss Helen Root, organist at the Bllgh, theater. . . . . . ;. i Clifford .Arthur formerly a. stu dent at Willamette university. law school and a dispenser at the Spa, fmrvatLXAir ; . , SERVICE Can for hire without ? Crimen. : , v PnONE 2020 ' ' Day and Night Servlco Pcpaldr Priced t Tailored Suits $25 to 4S Klen's and Youn Men's D.:H. LIOSHER: BAILOR - Jromotes Good Cealth. i Cottas Cheese 't ' " Cne-Tljrd Cream ,' ,' P t XL C TJDEOCT, Proprietor Is visiting friends for a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Palmer have returned to. the : city from Arizona " and ,,are visiting Mrs. Palmer's mother,; Mrs. Hester Harding. -Mr. "Palmer was? at one time ,-employed - at The - Statesman office and later; as - advertising, manager : for .Hauser Brothers. .; .W. S. U'Ren, Portland attorney, was a business caller In the city yesterday. ;; .,,,;, :; ;,;.'. E. R. Daugherty and family "are enjoying a vacation at Breitenbush springs. , Mr,. Daugherty is super intendent of mails at the local postoffice. .. , j L : '.; -J . Mrs. Nora Payser, of Oregon City,' was a Salem visitor yester day..: - . .. - : -1 Earl, Horning-and Albert Paul son spent the day In the city yes terday from their home at Wood- burnj"s 'i, . .;,.;;.' ; ' George S. Haskett was in the city Wednesday from Toledo. Mr. - and Mrs. .Amos Strait, of Willows. Ore., were Salem visitors Wednesday. .. j ".-. t j .. ,-. ; Mrs. Mary L. Fulkereon. coun ty school superintendent, is spend ing 'the day in - Woodburn and Portland looking . after , business' connected with hey. office.; ,- Jlrs. C. W. Fox. of Eugene, is spending a few days .in Salem vis iting her mother, Mrs. Myra Shank police matron; and. a .brother, E. R. Shank. -. ' . .. , Henry R. Redmond,' of Ashland, was in the city .Wednesday, morn ing. . "; .".. '; C : A. Hausler. of St.-Helens; was a recent,'vlsItor In Sa'lem. : . r anus -uer, , a cierKrv ai iui? Salem, postoffice, . is absent, from his -duties while on a two weeks' vacation. :: , , ., r-.; i I l Misses La -Verne Rich. Beatrice Amundson and Olive Merry, have returned - home, from . Eugene, where they, have -been' attending University of Oregon. ' Miss Llla . Brougherj and John Brougher. who have been attend ing school Jn Portland, have re turned home. . - ' Mrs. Gladys Perd. of Seattle, Wash., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. H. E. Mager, has re turned to her home. . ' ". ' Mrs. Anna White returned home from a several weeks visit in the east, being called there by the ill ness ; of her .mother, Mrs. 'John Richie. Mrso'White w'aa.'accbm: paaied home--by her rlnotker who has recovered. .' - ' - Mr. and Mrs. ,J, W.i Magee are rejoicing over the. arrival of ( a lit tie. daughter born June ,14, 1W 4 f The; hIght'.8choolvjncommence- raentt- -exerc isea , were nem at ., me Christian church . Thursday eve ning,' Miss. Doro tha .Shepherdand Averitt . Dunagan , being .. the; only graduates. ;-, . ' - :rri- J"-.- Miss Loralne. Hogg - returned home 'Thursday . frpm . Salem, where she f has , been attending school.:: .. Mrs." Ruby" Mulyihlirrahd small daughter ot Portland visited her parents Mr. and ...Mrs.;- A. " L.' Brougher, over the week-end., ; I Glenn - Hay nee, - who has been away working;-la home on a visit t Mr. and .Mrs. Allan 'Bellinger and small "daughter-visited rela tives' In Portland Monday. : Mr., and 5 Mrs. Ray Keeth " and small daughter. Ellen, and Mrs. Mattie Cahill of Estacada, Ore., visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg and family Thursday an"d Friday. : Misses- Graee -- Dunagan - and Dorotha Shepherd are attending the state normal . school at . Mon mouth. . ' i ; ; ' -''.' r ; Mr. and Mrs. , Charles Moore- head and Mrs' Moorehead'S)Snoth er, Mrs. Jean Adams, of Portland; are Tisitingr Mr. and 'Mrsat J.S Korb. Mr. and Mrs. Mborehead DIED ESTABROOK At her home two ; and one-half mijes northeast of Rickreall, . Polk county.-- Mrs. v-,' Lata Bell Estabrook died at the age of 48 years. Wife of -W., J. 1 Estabrook. Funeral i services will be held. Sunday, June 29, ' i fro mi theresldenee at .-It Jf ; 1 lntermentwill be made in, the ; Evergreen Memorial Park; ceme 1 1tery at McMJnnvIIle, Or.. - Rev. : Mulligan of Salem will officiate. OLSON At! the Old Peoples I ', home .Tuesday, - J une 24, 1924. " ; Nlckolal P.- Olson, age 82. Fu- J neral services " will . e - held Thursday, June 2. 1924. at 10 a. m.,' from the Rigdon monu-; : aryv . Interment. in Lee Mission ' cemetery. Dr. Blaine E Klrk-i ; patricK wm oiiiciaie. i have . been In Ceylon, India, .the past five years, Mr. Moorehead working for the Goodyear Rubber company. ' Misses Maymle and Gussie Mes- senberg of San Francisco, Cal.; and7 Mrs. " T.-" Maplethorpe and daughter Emma of Salem visited Mr.' and Mrs. W. " T. Hogg and family Thursday evening. . ! ' Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Magee made a business-trip to Portland -Monday.? v " ' ;' ;.; ;r ";""' ;-' Miss Pauline Semotke of Port land visited '.relatives 1 over the week-end. ;"'';-." : ':;:;,' -iV-'-.7:, MUTO BE GIVEN HER E "The Great Commoner" Will ; Be Featured During Chautauqua Week Included in the ll3t of features for the 1924 Ellison-White Chau tauqua program to begin here Jury 16 is the Lincoln play, "The Great Commoner," to be presented" by" a professional cast, coached under the personal direction f o the authi- or. Ralph-Thomas Kettering. " ; Robin. Hood," produced by May Valentine,- assistant to the com poser DeKoven,- will dose the pro gram. Others who are known for their talent are Ralph Bingham, platform ; humorist, who appears on the third 'day.1 The Ault Con cert Artists will- provide a-, treat for music. lovers on, the fifth day. The. Ernest. Gamble Concert 'party will present two concerts, one in instrumental music and the other in yocal music. , Roaeh-Freeman, mimic and characterist, the Rale ton Entertainers, in, a varied pro gram fit solos, duets, dramatic sketches and readings and' the Guatemala Marimba Band, Centra) American musicians, will alao ap pear j. during; tlje eight day fprq-j gram; .. " ' . I.. : , -v The name of Edward Amberst Ott heads. the list of lecturers. He will present his .- famous . "Sour Grapes." a classic on the marriage and divorce evils. Other promin ent, names are those of Arthur Walwyn-Evans, .brilliant and force ful Welch orator; Sam 'Grath well, in hiarboodoo'; dlspeller, ''Betting by your Hoodoo" and Nipo Stfong heart,: hereditary chief of the-Yakima Indians; who tells a remark ably Interesting story of the life, customs and traditions of his race. ClCieOIB&SSS: ! . , , . . --. . ' . . .' ' r L-Vk',i-.v'.,''viiW-.vi'r.,iW-'Mvt ! I j 1 1 F i i ! - ; -r-;. 4 r i i I! -if. 1 1 . It.TT: 9 - .. !t ymmmm tMc I 2 4 I ' "I want a pair of HOLEPROOF stockings., I want HOLEPROOF num ber 870 in tan. I think the price was $1 .00 pair" back east;" "Yes," said our saleslady, "our price is $ 1.00, too : you see this pair is of standard brand arid sens ine woria over ac tnis price. : ; ; ! ; v .-. . 5 -. f u The above is an examtsle of what talces place in this store everv dav. For, if it's f not HOLEPROOF it's ONYX, MUNSINGWEAR, P1JRRIN, KAYSER, PRIMTZ, !. CONDE, BRADLEY; BETTY WALES; QOSSARD, 5 CJLOTHCRAFT, VAniTY ff;; FAIR, BOTANY, MALLINSON, CORTICELLAy ARCHOPEDIC, llOYAL SO- ClE'tY, GORDON and so many others, one ' may call for an ' artitle here by "trad d j nam and be assurecj of ys: ? ; ..:::' lew 30 Mr-- i i-r tr u ': I ' , 'v . -; '; ; i '." . .' ' . . ji yrx., " rTL fr; u: "jt ; " t;; ::, til.-; I M .; V7' t ' 1 ro r ' .1 " ' . ....,... ,wi ,hi u. -it . ...1 . -..- 1 . I - 1 es, 1 para vo.c f or ?nis. so anasps ,i ney, aiq norteii me, tnppgn;:wnar i4s'.irtIWanted't6knQWbbutme quality -They--did tell .rne- it i was 'awfully - cheap.: . . I. can still hear that word CHEAP, wished I had my 98c back: I iti-:- .1 -iv r im:v r -.':-".--.' ' ' " V --v fr - . r. .1 am sure mi s win raae-xne nrst time it iswasnea,; ana wear out arter tne sec- . a .. t - - - s . ' 1 ... i I. x. i iVEBB'SiOJNEnAL PARLORS ; ; . - . ' - -.. - . ; -' " irZmAn ci'i'wJTcrj rzzpert Embsisaera ' : ' : tSI aCoa--raS XSf " " i Improvement-at -Silvrton . Resultsin Bigger Returns. .,'"'; Less Labor SILVERTONj Ore June (Special to The Statesman,)- Strawberries are being rapidly re placed by loganberries a't the Sll verton .capnerynow, although . the Strawberries,, which are still of a very good quality, are expected to last, through this week, and possi bly Into Bexf. It was thought that the logapberries' would be greatly affected by the drouth but the ber ries - coming in at this time ,are well filled out and grade quite b-Ig&.i It Is not expected that, the season for logans will be, .very long, lipwever. . : . : ,.,. t The cannery, recently made some additions to Its equipment in order to be able to handle the loganberries more readily. At the east, end of the cannery a, rponi 30 feet square was built In. whjech to place, the sorting, tablesv These tables,; two. in. number, are,a great saving both in time .a,n4 .la bor. , It Is said that they add 50 per centto.the efficiency -of tae loganberry workers. Thirty-six women handle all the berries- oa the-tables, . .Without them, double the number of , women would be .required- The cannery is short of , help, as It is and has been adver tising for more. women,; , u. v'j . ; An agreement was entered into by. the Sllverton cannery and the Oregon Growers' association of Sa lem today whereby the cannery is to pack 40 , tons of loganberries for the association. Had -not the additional room and equipment been jaddedT.lhis" would , not'-have been possible. , The record run; of the 'season was made on Friday when1 3,3 9 1 cans .were, packed besides a, number of cold; pack barrels. . Mont of. the 'Can's '.were No. 2s, whlch are the fancy and choice,, -there ; 4 being 11,000 . or .them; Some No 10s and a num ber . of f ive-gajlon .cans were also packed. The lNf 1 Or are' pack1- ed in water '. Besides- the- logaml i ana. straw oerries some . raapnej- ries. knd cherries are being re- xelved.7 r "-'- ' -'j -- v " ' ' " Rasbemes and Blackcaps Running -Small This Season . .. . . ' Raspberries and . blackcaps, are running small this year and indi cations are that there will be an early , finish to the raspberry sea son, according , to A. "' N. Lara, Portland buyer, who has been ' In Salem buying these two ''berries' ymm-M J-. V. W Growers 'have ' been;g'ettlng an average' of about' 8' cent for rasp-' tnrriss,' ta! rcr ortsi'&JibtfSh' sbtae 1 ;frjd washing. Thus, the I.- conversation endecl. We might have acfdeil1 tnat one should come pretty "close to bettihsra dollafs;w6'rth:For 98c. esrjeciallv in these davs of keen com mon. YOURS FOR QUALITYv ) "4n,ir' I , petitu ?-.!... :v,iPnone I V Connection :.- .s, , .11 .. - 2 ? 2R i i.-,)r"r"' " ' '" Court Street at Liberty " . - T . ,''.' ' . y '; ". ' : ... ... , . I -' K ? ' ' ' . cefved one orcer for uMe'd "black-. caps gt 40 cenjs a pound for 30, 0(R) pounds' and it is understood Chat the . order has ' been covered. Thi figure Will bring a goodVsprof itttp the. growers and is consid ered a high price. -. ... ... ' t f BITS FtiR 1BREAKFAST- j Wi i i i i i" ' w, t - . : -- - . Bargain days begin tomorrow. - ij;'if'N,. ' :' -Nearly everybody will ;be in town ' tomnrrowr: anH "ervhodv ;siturday. " - nh'i'- : iraUfsr.sL "r The wholesaling and 'jobbing houses if; Salem are getting bet ter "and 'Abetter and bigger and bigger eVeryp4ay, and more of tbera eiet$ 'ye&r j tSzz i V fVSr'' :" ' ' - rJSlogan"Sfa"ntoldyouSalem was td become a wholesallfi'g and job bing "center.'it shines ' as such bow, but '-'Will's shlno more . and mbreno!'the ad of the' chapter. V -'V "-, h. rAt,y -wiy the "demqerats 'can turn to Bill' Bryan, any tlme'tboy eahbot agree on'any onelse.. He si a "possibility from everlasting ttt everlasting. - -."' ; You caphot convince any of the cannery orbarreling 'men' that Salem la not the cherry city of the world. iTheyare literally, cqvered p under ; a high mountain . of cherriesi',-:..;-ix: - ' . t Salem is going, to be the head lettuce center- of the world the head ;of ' the- list, on both" quality aadJuanUtyi;2i rC- :i vacatloV'shya'.' thai" even'77 in 'this day lot f funny liair cuts it is easy t"'ticlr0e'ut?Hhe; 'men.' oir 'the beach. rTheydon't, mind' getting their bathlhg 'suits wet. ,f ' , , v v: General Dawes when the .radio told him 'of his nomination Sa'- lem ,garage .man .wants to- warm him, tha he, shou4,,run true, 'toj ;' I-..- '" ' . V-form,- and. nptr be .guilty aga such a mild explosive. .. x f , fThedem6cratjs are 'Wtween he deyll -of 'dryness '' exceeding' the jdesert of 'Sahara and the deep sea' of" cwethess beyond the" sousing leas of the Atlantic ocean. it f v-i- -. r: . . . - . :. title SO. a-vi-.-. .-v '... . A ' -r . ; - ' :; tionwayi. bteelr,(Lainiiip. i-dscj .'.t . fc' f : ''MlKfii r, t; ;- ;V, , ' . . I. K i". If Vrtfc r; j. The best bed in town - and the cheapest ' rust proof. 1 ' f Size Open 49x72 : inches; rolls up . 6xCx49 inches. . , - . -,. " , . - - - . - . r - - .- J , Brand. New Army Pup Tents. Com- .plete with .ropes . .. ; $2.65 Genuine Cow-hide Boston ; Bags i mc '; 15x6x9 inches. Iteguiaf$45 Only a Few $1.79 i.iTT AH Leather Puttees IC9 riorilvCccrcfrJ E:: ia cl v