'V A . 1 FT T I I t i i ' SnVENTY-rOUIlTII YEAH ! SALEli; OREGON, SUNDAY IIOENIh'G, JUNH 24C2t':. v.- , - ' '"L"""""- ' " '" ' 1 ' .11 Will ' T7T, ,,., , ...II. l. , .. I - , ... . . . , "" .. : " ' ' - ' " "noADs" : v RV'" . Ix .:F65r! the aetiGr 3 J23:"3r anicl"i:i3' ' 'r-7- ; : 'r ncsoara' ; ViH1' I - Y?it.n iA' n ' ' O" --o r- o . " MAS & ' ' iii j ' " " ," ; . :cirjpiKG jdys of kqtoristidepend briTENT;-;:; innr'Rni-Jlim'nnqr : l"tg: ", ;..:-. '": I 'w' : ' : - -; - . .-.r -.-. i UlltUL.J I.UIilU IU Marr." Sleph.B! -Twentjr Thins- I "x . - , IJW " . , .3aifc if Tmm ' - ' ii' n ninrnno :ou.ji;u huno - DECEIVE PIIIE Magazine of State Chamber of Commerce Recognizes . . Literary Talent li'J..J-U-UL'.:nl - : BTilErtBS Running Time Allows Plenty of Tims for Stopovcrsr. According to -AAA ' -Kiaeteen tTnscoatlaeatal trips ty Anericaa Autonofclla AFSocIa tioa Fathfindins cars has trought to V s nttcr tc-Tlst a ureatlh'of TV s i t TTenrr. TTf " I r t 3f AAA. ltPKt trli cl t i c.-iil country rathS.-il-J car, "Wayfar. , ilotorista rz.ii te eurprlaed. he !i leird tt.t tia coast-to- coast trip caa ba nada comforta bly ia three -weeds' ttoe eactt -way. V . !i : daa to -r.r it a tt lr. : "ry es nental tout greater ' ' i ground c plains-' 'TI each 11 ! t , f T!.3 r .!i r z? cr racra rcr-. cfTlrt tpr.tJ t!.'.-.-n at the tor, i adapted to -i - i i cr Eicra ituuun ft tJH3 - ... AA tillev3 that U3W i3 t;e pcrar lean-to t3TeC Tese .tents are Icjtuwl by tue tiick ud' strangers along the road TranscontmeQi&i tooriag is ra pllly levelojing into a adven ture that is no more eomplicatea than a proportionately extensive erlea of local trips, and the ex nerience of those who are blazing trails is playing an important fcarr.tn' making? transcontinental touring the, popular form of raca- t ' the trip foft r.e c : ..:r .y giv-l tQ IIe knows .what routes to in? Mm te :flt of ethers cx- . . thfim. ' . . 'm I vnnvi what.' to riiardaarainst. ....a-roi-i-.i-s bus mi-1 -- proTf ment in motor cars have j The whole thing has been greatly played a onsjiciou3 role la sum-1 gimplified, and with the consonaa- uUtlns transcontinental tion of the AAA and NMA clubs. t ! 1 1 "i it net been for tia tionu ana local Taiue i3RTaur "V. , TCzez3 .lich 4ailse!f tie alxaost-everywhere a rpute. hv7s to simrlify long distance tra- "Dan J. Nee. pilot of 'Wayfarer irilnVSr reL Ji, , ft unnecessary W. reports that the for ihe aversse tr urtst to tiunaer ; : , . . . , . " , . r,ftrf.,,, of Mo row-offers no greater dlfflcul- been" iven to'tia "riStttU I'to that of trips between Washington. D. Pee? Cr C. and Atlantic City, or between Uv - . any other, cities for an aggregate i "lie l v.or-3 what to' take with 1 mueage equi xv .iii .w .ue him for alitewr seasoa?of the t to eoast.trip ? , i'no way- year he happs to select lor his "" equipment than .would ordinarily be carried on the average ..motor vacation. -...-. From anch s transcontinental pathtlnding' AAA pilots are enabl ed to:gather considerable- data or specific , value i'o to tourists "Mr.i Leviston. . known as the 'Touring Mother of "America,, has -motored over 600,000 miles in 'AAA path rindmg. cars in the nine years she ha -devoted toi thepromotidn ol good roads and the spirit 'of .'See America First ubv Autom6bile' 'All this exserience' Is available to the tourist at any affiliated AAA club.; - " . . - "Pilot .Nee' advises .tourists to travel as liKht as they .possibly can, bearing-in' mind that there are now service, stations' all along the raain coast-to-coast routes It is. still recommended, 'howeven that tourists -be provided with'' a shovel, skid chains. . a tow rope and equipment for carrying a gen erous surely of drinking water. A combination set; of three- onega Ion cans for 'oIl, gas' and water -is still considered part' of the neces sary equipment. . In event of de lays through possible breakdown it is handy to have a few .pack azsa of crackers and. ar few cans" of feed stored ia .the car 'Tourists ' era "r ret, to leave their cars without someone 'GIANT OVKN FOlt . BAKING ' ' ENAMEL '" ; T.. A giant oven, at' the. Overland a.uto taictory Is tised fof baking the various coats of ensr-ael on the au steel model.4 of SI Overland toar- lng cars.- This ovea'ts higher than a' man's head, wider than n auto4 mobile ad 215 feet long. The en amel'bakltur nrocesa reauires ZY hours, starting at a 250 ? degree temperature and gradually increas tng until a heat cf 00 degrees is usedat the finish. . . . fnn Oregon fiction writers come In for some strong and laudatory editorial comment In the current issue of "Oregon - Business," a publication put out by the State Chamber of Commerce. The edi torial follow: iOregon baa a promising crop of? vouha authors who are slowly but surely scaling the peaks "of literary fame. Their reputations in some Instances are already se curely established In the literary field, many of them, in fact are far better known in the east than in their home state.. These young writers control, literaiyr at.-, their finger tips, one of the greatest publicity 'forces for Oregon exist ing in ther state. : , " ''No other northwest state can boast of such prominent writers as Edison : -Marshall ; of Jdedford. ChaHes Alexander of Albany, Al bert "Richard " Wetjen of Salem. Alexander :Hull of "Uewberg and Victor Shawe of Toledo. These five fictioneers reach an .audience larger than -the 'combined circula tion of all magazines in which di rect advertising 'appears, v 'Consider" the class of publica tions in which these five 'Writers appear: .Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, Everybody's. American. Scribners. Sunset.' Blue book MetroDOlitan." Consider, too, the flu'alirv .'. of their nrodnct. " War- 4hall.w Iff't9l0jf received the high est award in the short story field when ' one of his stories wag .. ac corded first place among the bert ten short stories. Alexander, in 1922. gained a place in the sun when one of his stories was se-; lected as one of the best ten writ -ten-during-the-year. This, mark you., was In open competition with the best - short , story writers oi America. "The fact that these writers live in Oregon is itself an asset of ereat1 value- to the' state. '' But of far greater importance Is the fact that Oregon scenes, Oregon ns tory and In many instances actual nhv r usftd in the fabric and background of - this Oregon-made fiction. "Th -name- of the state appear lnsr -dust once in a story in ' the Saturday Evening' Post Is probably of as great value in interesting (eadera In Oreson as a column dis play advertisement buriedr In the hanlr tiftffea. " The1 Cumulative ef feet of such Indirect publicity among the -millions of magazine r aTd m t scattered " throughout America annot : be - measured la dollars' and cehtsl dor would ttiese Vriters " themaelves desire so to measure It. : Buf their " efforts should' be ' more" appreciated "here In" Oregon their home "state." JoheaV.1" Lucas; - - iBre water M i 1- nbns,"Mc Cute h eon "Mary, Mary." Stephen i" "Twenty Thous and Leagues Under the ;; Sea." Verne: "New Pronouncing Dic tionary of 'Spanish and English," Velazquez; "Principles- of Psycho logy.' vols.. James: ?'Ku Klux Klan," Mecklin; "Special Talents and Defects," II piling worth; "Bet ter Speech." Woolbert; "Phono g r a p h" Construction." Winter bourn e; "Automobile . Power Plants," Elliott; "Skyline Trail," Davies. For the children: "Fast Mail." Drysdale; "Hem-y and ' His Trav els," Westergaard; "Heroid?Leg ends.T' Herbertson ; "Home Life Around the World." Mirick: ".New Europe,". Allen: "Asia," Carpen ter: "Africa." Carpenter: "North America," Allen;. "South Ameri ca," Allen; "South America," Car v l 14,000, CARS OP MATKRIAXj " 'Approximately 14,000 , full car loads of materials are received an nually' af" theT Otef land trto - fac tory "and ' put Into : the Wilrys Overlattd'. products, In . addition ' to tremendous quantities of materials that cornea In less than, carload freight shipments, or are delivered by motor truck, r - - - NEW BOOKS SALEM PIJBLiq LIBRAIIY - June 120. J24 : "Little Minister." Barrie; "Head Winds." Connolly: "Mothering on Perllcus." Furmarti" "Owrs House,", Oorstln;f "Under a Thous- i and Eyes." Livingston; - "inigo T Ycn're i ) t) Aheail Vjj . - Eateries icsuUted with wood f raiist'bo reiasralated son 'tiiV. JlA Hot With a VTillard Threaded f 'j V -' ' 'Gutter Uattery, which ii'soU'ftr F U m low 3 $23.00. t If yci want a reliabla tatUry iZl at a tiiVL lower price, we have V7il- rfMnwatfMi lard . , cod-insuiated isanenes aa low tL3 CIS.CO. JOE VIiiLIAMS Automobile Electrical Work of All 'Kinds - 1 'i 1! II- A view5 at an Oregon quarry, where the rawjimcstens i3 beir the mountain and loaded on cars in which.it goe3 to.fhe cerr.cr "the fine powder 4hat becomes Portland cement;afler it has operations and been mixed with other materials. , T t"';rn frr .t r.i;i I :t.2 t!:r;.-: -r '"f - " LI' B6 Gpofls iri Attractive Packages S2II Sr z: .... , . . . . ...... 0f ccurcb tlicy do. Every ccd cdccsacia ImcT73 tho ctinit:r.r " 5,jb'd cu rco ttet tla maizes it cay topcrtant fcTjybu to r.:- i; : tor- Economical Tron$portotio ' if I . - " J ! . if J COUP " Not only impresses merchants es an attractive, practical ealss fe!d ; it also sn-J-ttits the quality cf your hcuss cxid its It Is the lowest priced quality closed car ciade.' and - at ! the" tirne delivers transportation at the lowest axcrzz c per rwiift, as proved by acrui.1 cell: j , tlTe tests cf lare Cest operators This exceptional. ; reliable car Stella '-2 ... - - -it jj ; Ueaverea in;aaiem try to bw ovt hw yu ca bat it." Itllll II til - n H. 1 1 !U 1 1 f.VJ . jU 111 . I H 4i I . II hr 1. 1 I 1 1 k : Hi ' ii- 1 rn vim im ummi a - u' ; '- " Mi di?" C2, :! i '". tJ?- ' . ' ' ". .'V"' jf .. AS' m.u "ii: a df Ii. .. ,. .. 'm. . . ... . . 1 V ' . I 1 I i 531 Cozrt St. Phone 188 'T: i! A rf rf" to' f 4. Aa t x r' v osx; Monthly Pqymen ts la charge should they ' have - an t'ta 1 -