I' c ': -Jb-!" ! ''.V 4hT r 1 . " AUDRED BUNCH , :.' fchohe 106 , JUNE 21 -This day the longest Jn all. the year; The eve the fairest. The dawn most clear. And what shall I say. - -And what shall I give ?P make each moment ' . Glow and live. - So touched with joy ; t can but say, . Life Itself, w(U be long . To hold, today! lift rUS. WILLIAM H. RUIIO. TtAItnT Jr ATltprfllnaf .wfiti one of the most delightful teas of the week Tuesday afternoon at her attractive home. The affair was given for the pleasure of the ; drama class which half been meet ing injiiterestlag session through out; the spring and .winter. The gold . room where the guests met nrou&ai, out, an effective. motif in " Constance . rosea. , The tea' table was centered with a bowl of moun tain, rhododendron. Mrs. W, E. Kirk poured, with a lovely, lunch eon serredfor.. the .cfecasion. The afternoon passed . pleasantly. the groupireadingrctpgether Maeter linck's', .exquisite ', play, "pelleas andJMelisande,tf-. i, .,1.': , Invited guests for the affair iti , eluded . Mrs.' RusselJ Brooks, Mrs. Clifford; Brown; Mrs.' Fred Thiel sen Miss. Elisabeth Lord, . Miss ffZ label . Jtobertson.. . Miss .Helen Trarce Miss Frances "Richards. 'Irs.,, Alice H Dodd and Miss !.Iaude Covington. -.1 . . Those making up the personnel of the class are: . Mrs. A. N. Bush, liiss .Mattie Beattyr Mrs, W. E. Kirk. M;s, E. C .Richards, Miss Kdith Hazard.., Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks Mrs, John McNary. Mrs. John, Albert, Mrs. William Ilam- ikon, Mrs. Sam Kozer, Mrs. W. E Anderson. Mrs. Ray Farmer and i J.Irs.. WiUiam H. Burghardt. Jr. l At ! i I M AMM'W Are you movie mad? You will be when you see "MINUTE; MOVIES, the, motion pictures' on pa per, which are appearing every, day ons the classified page of The Statesman, - .And you wi)l want to know about the fVcaie and jstudio life of the gifted galaxy' 6 stars who shine daily in this novel picture series. . , . EJyery things will be revealed eventual-; lytin. the. occasional glimpses . of-Folly-! woody, under . the title "Behind the' ' Screens," taken on location and on the Wheelan lot. (Ed. Wheelan is the artist who draws "MINUTE MOVIES.?) You can Jfollow every phase of the moving pictures in this novel feature; and you can count on seeing its every? day." , 1. Movies" In The Oregon Statesman Every Day, " THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON II I For the pleasure of Mrs. Fran ces Newberry, who leaves this month with her husband for Santa Rosa, CaU Mrs. U. G. Shipley was hostess yesterday afternoon in an informal wayfor friends from St. Paul's Episcopal church. Poppies and pink roses added n attractive decorative note to ' the rooms where later refreshments were served. 1 . -,! Mrs., Roy Bishop who, with her three children, Jane; Thomas and Billy, has been, a guest fori the week at the C. P. - Bishop home, returned yesterday morning, t to Portland, .a j :, j ' j ' Complimenting Mrs..: William C. Kiltz, Jr.. (Aline -Thompson) Mrs. V. II LyUe entertained in a most charming, manner Thursday after noon. The afternoon! was infor hially spent in" rooms attractively decorated ' with lavender daisies. Mrs. Fred Thielsen and Miss Lou Thompson assisted in the serving of. the luncheon. i ; ; s v ' The guests for the tea were Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. William George of Log Angeles, Miss Eliz abeth Lord. Mrs. William C. Kiltz, Jr., .Miss; Lou Thompson, Mrs, Sherman Thompson,' Mrs. Asahel Bush, Jr.; Mrs. Robert Kinney of Astoria, Mrs.' Ada Strong, Mrs. William -,H: Burghardt, Jr. Mrs. Fred- Thielsen, Mrs. Fritz Slade. Mrs. James Lin if , - M rs.! Daniel Fry, Jr., Mrs. John J. Rob ert3.-Mrs.. William Walton, Mrs. O. C. Locke "and Mrs. Louis Lach mund. ; ' . ' . ' ' Jf. i -' ' i Before a large andietacethe fol lowing program was, given at the first of the. recitals this week by pupils of Miss Joy Turner. Mrs. W. K. Darnell and Miss Joan Ev ans were the assisting sopranos of the evening.' Those In-the violin ensemble for, thef opening a"nd clbs ingr:numbers of the program who did not appear in solos included Wilbur Jones, Levi Oleman. Wil- liam E. Moses. Mary Fallon.'.Clar-. If - II J it 11 ii Ice Harper. Mrs. E. Wooley. Jas. J. Potter, Cleo Seely, Minnie Pet-, er3on, Jerry, Calaba and risabelle Cragg. r , The complete program follows: Piano - (a) Ronde D'Anuour.... . . WTesterbout (Morceau De Salon .... Wilson ' Morris Powell. . Violin Fantasie No. 3. . . .Dancia i George Stoner. Violin A Rose from Spain Valse Espagnole Franklin Verna Wood. . Piano- Grande Marche de Con cert ...... ... . . Wollenhaupt . Lilll Smith . Violin Fifth Air Varie. . .Dancia J. R. DeSpaln. ' Vocal Happy Days.... Strelezki Mrs. W. K. Barnell. -" (Violin, obbligato Harold Rupert) Piano (a) Caprice Auchester (b) Polka de la Reinle. . . .Raff Ferne Tweedie. Violin Concerto in D. . . . .Seit Mildred Scott. Piano (a) Country Gardens, '.'English Morris Dance Tune" ........ Grainger (b) Valse de Concert, Op. 3, No. 1 . . .... . .Wieniawski Wilma Morrison. Violin Rakoczi March, Arr. by . ........ Arthur Hartmann Harold Rupert. Ensemble Poet's Dream;. Rolfe Solo violin, Mildred Scott. Ensemble Our School Band. . Rolfe Solo violin, Mildred Scott. Piano The Rosary ; . , ; . .Nevln Gertrude Winegar. Violin Gavotie . Gossee Marjorle Wunder.; , Piano - . ' (a) The Conquered Warrior : (b) Polonaise . ....... Virgil Gertrude Riessbeck. 4 ; Vocal Shadows. Jacobs-Bond ': Joan Evans. ; Piano Iris Polka, . . Wollenhaupt Mildred Halseth. Violin March . . .4 . . Tours Fred; Kr'epela. Piano Fantasie De Concert. . 1 Vocal ........ : . Lefebure-Weley Oral Violette. Violin Schon Rosmarin . Krelsler Mildred Scott. ' Piano- - ; (a) Music Boz Caprice, ... '. Liebich b. In a Whirl ; . ... 7. . . Wachs Ellen Savage Goodeno ugh Violin Estudiantiaa. Spanish . Waltzes . . . . .' Waldteufel , Margaret Eddy. - . Among.those motoring .to . Port land . yesterday for , the Oregon poets' surprise supper were Mrs. FT sr Barton Mrs. W. F. Fargo, Mrs. Gertrude Robfson Ross and J R. DeSpafn. i all troins as the motor .guests .otvCoL- E. . Hof er.- ' iVIiss Edna Miller on her birth day and Miss Maude Savage,' bride elect, were both honored last eve ning. at a party at the ' home of Mrs. Fred L. : MiUer. with Miss r 5- 1 mm r CI J Extreme . v. i 1.4 ' Gne bijg , ! - i Siii: big Groups of Ready-to-Wear - ? i i I- 4 4 i i, THE THREE IN ONE COSTUME BIOS FOR FAVOR Edna , and Miss. Minnie Miller the . 1V hostesses. , As a . gift t. from the group an aluminum waffle iron was presented to the bride-elect. Games appropriate to the occasion occupied the guests throughout the evening till at a late hour; lunch eon was served. A doll costumed as a bride, centered ; the r table. Pink candles ' in ;" pink holders marked the places. - At" the close of the luncheon the guests toasted marsnmellows over , the candles. Covers were placed for , Mrs La Molne R. Clark, Mrs. H. W. Sav age, Mrs.; Fred L. Miller, Miss Elsie . Lippold. Miss Ruth MeAd ams. Miss Josephine Shade," .iSps Elizabeth Stoehauser, Miss' Vio let Hoover, 'Miss Nancy Savage, Miss Grace Holt. Miss Sylvia Mar-; sters. Misa Mabel SavagevMiss Rena Mickey, Miss Helen Savage, Miss, Grace Roberts. Miss Flor ence Waldo, Mis Bessie Smita and Mrs. Albert Rasmusqen I ' Miss i Mabel R,entf r danghUi:- of Prof, and .Mrs. Joseph. Rentfro formerly, of Salem, will arrive -in thi city from Rosalia; Wash.; tfifB morning. Miss Rent fro, graduat ing from the University of Idaho in 1923, has been teaching this ..... .. lr' i : ? ... . .v t.,i. x - i ; . .. . f T Begins Ttiday ? V . .' ., ... 5 ' During the next ften days Low Prices Will .. ., Upon aD broken lines, - . . f T Jot of Cotton Goods go at 13c yd. at Half r Salem, Oregon MIL o rr ii 9 At. A Lli is not lain sailing in tno. hew fashions. One can no longer be confident that an approaching crea-. tlon on-. the avenue" , Is a suit, . For, on tHe wearer passing ns, one pel-ceives the all in oneness of a . coat. Or; vice versa. ; And then, after We , have been reduced to a pleasing state of 'bewilderment. It turns out that the costume Is really a coat frock. -"It is quite " a feature of this year, writes Henri Creange from Paris., "to see a coat frock looking like a straight gown at the back and like a tailor made With a short or long jacket in front, or the. con trary. I even had the. surprise 'the other day of seeing a mannikln taking: oft this already,,., amazing garment to show a little dresS un derneath; it was nn unespectcd coat." . . '. l The costume of beige. Krlsal krepe which lias Just been relayed -to us from Ciieney's Paris ateliers; shows all these ideas, and. besides, the very novel one of opening sud denly a high fastened jacket to show a b Hi Hia.nl colored waist. t Even -when the,. . front ; of .: the Jacket is demurely closed, as shown In. the small sketch., n gay. note is added to the ctfsluihe. by the. chic plaid bows tied around the throat and wrists., for the Chic "Parlsienne " te-tlay , Is as. beplaided as any Highland, lassie. yeart a( . Perma. aont -In the autumn .she will gojto Redcliffe college, having been, granted a re cent scholarship.' r , t f The Loyal Women's class of the First Christian church met in the church parlors at 2:30. o'elock Thusrday for the regular June meeting, which-was postponed un til ' this date, on . account of the Rose festival in Portland. Early summer flowers were used in bowls' and baskets about the church. A business session was conducted early in the afternoon .with. Mra. F. M, Reed presiding. L An excellent program was given with Mrs. J. Hall in charge. The vocal duet by Miss Aline Carper and Miss Mildred 'Clement, with Mrs. Carper accompanying, was especially appreciated. Mrs. T. E. McCroskey, and Mrs. T. C. White both gave one of their interesting readings, after which refreshments were served, with the following acting as hostesses; 'Mrs. Hitch cock, Mrs. J. W. f Harriett;'' Mb; Sarah Campbell and Mrs. Ferry. . . : r ;: '; Inviting the members of Chap- ter G of the PEO Sisterhood to be her guests for the last meeting of Prevail . . . etc u H i 3 1 . m 11 - : - m: n - SATURDAY MORNING, MX1AI. CAtftXllAR T " ' . II faun" . t rt""'Todfly, Marion County Sunday school picnic. Fairgrounds. . Junior piano pupils of Miss El ma Wellerjn recital, Woman's club house. .8:1a p ciock. thQ anason. Mrs. II. J. allies charming hostess of Thursday ai- ternoon. Colorful iiowers vivid about the rooms, in re sponse to roll call' the i7 mem bers present for me occasion swered with favorite quotations. ! After the regular routine of busi ness thq paper of the day. "Edu cational Facilities of South Amer ica," was given by Mrs. E. J. Huri man. Mrs. W. D. Smith of Chap ter AB was a guest of the group for, the Afternoon A delightful buffet luncheon was served during the social hour that followetd, Mrs. William i Hughes and Mrs. Frank . Churchill presiding at the coffee urns. I Pupils of Miss Elma Weller, ap pearing" this evening in recital, will give an interesting demonstra tion of the Dunning improved mu sic course for beginners. The program will be given at the Sa lem Womens club building. - ; ,-. . Mrs. William C. Kiltz, Jr., of Portland, Mrs. , Roy Mills, -Mrs. Fred, Thielsen and Miss Lou Thompson ' were .luncheon guests on Thursday of .Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Jr. The affair was de lightfully informal. " ; - - - .--- - -A In order that ehe could be grad uated and receive her diploma frpm the Wpodburn high school, Helen Wilda Rail, v 1 8,- a Clacka mas county girl, and ;only. child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rail of Wood- burn, route ?,' kept her marriage a. secret-until after the required examinations - were taken. , The truth was then told to the parents and- her teachers. The bride groom ; is Walter , Moshberger of Portland; son of Mr. and Mrs. t). A. Moshberger of Mt. AngeL The young ' people ; secretly - married during the Christmas holidays at Vancouver, Wash., and : returned to their. homes. , , For the present the bride will remain with her parents and later move to Portland where Mr. Mosfr berger Is employed Mount Angel News, Jqne 20.-. ; Mrs. .Edna ,-La .Valley and her daughter Clara and Miss Anna St Clare motored to Pacific City yes terday where they will spend the week-end.. . - . ; v After having spent the winter at eia, v.i. Airs. Hattie Greenwood Is In town as the guest of Mrt .jWtDl -Needham sand'of Mrs. ; M. C, Pettys. . She will here until ;neit month, returning men to- her home in Boulder, Colorado. . . . I Thirteen MOPe Districts File Their Annual Reports Thirteen more annual reports of various school districts in the county, have been, tiled with Mrs Mary .L. Fulkerson. county school superintendent. These are as fol- I lows: . .- .- , Salem H. H. Olinger, chair man, re-elected; Olinger and L. J Simeral,- directors for three years; w. h. Burkhardt, re-elected clerk Looney F. B. Simpson, chair man, Fred Swartz, retiring; J Hochspeier, director; .Marguerite Looney, clerk, H. E. Kitsley, re- i tiring. Johnston John Johnston clerk, William Johnston, retiring elected director J V. H. Wells, re elected clerki Oak Glen -Oficar Nalrtz, chair man, J. E. Etzel, retiring and elected director; H AV Siegmund re-elected clerk.. Triumph- William Van Handel chairman, Joseph Schumacher, re tiring and elected director; B. H i Gescher, re-elected clerk. Keizer John Evans, chairman moma3 qiaggett, retiring; G. G Settlemier, director; W E. Savage re-elected clerk. - ' Geelan Anna " C. Sprogris, re elected chairman; John M. Ross re-elected airectpr, and Lela M Zell, re-elected clerk. , Crooked Finger J. H. Kinser re-elected chairman;. James Cul President Coolidge Hospitalization Bill for Veterans as Wife photograph "was" taTtfn ; the. President was "signing tHe; bill vklch proided for $C.S0.000for tlie - Improvement off hosDHafs In wlilch war veterans f ratlents. I r"5?cf"Y',kMV ' ""'"inw ,. -ww- r If -I' K i U' i.l C JUNE 21, CI3ASSIFIEI pbone 3 AdvertUIna Depi. IUU pr word: Par t&MraoB- Tkr Ujrtio Money .to Loan Ob IUbI Jitt T. K. TOKD AUTOMOBILES DOKS TOUR FOKU B Iz, rr A AT" . .-.-m. nM VT B V T Megnelo teite jrae ' mrcil St. 'neV, AUTO REPAIRING 2 BUICK ASD STWJEBAKEtt SpeciaIiU jAClt DOERFKR MOTOR REPAIR ' ' 410 R. "omrnercral 2 1B1! AUTO TOPS IP ITS FOR THE TOP OR UPIIOIj- tery of car we have it. i an wo i O. J. Hull,. .. at .250 State fit. ' S JnelS FOR RENT apartments 5 DESIKABLK APARTMENT L.A.uutj pleasant roomn, erery conYfnienr. ia.j. Ktate St.. S jn.24 FOR RENT 2 AND 3. ROOM APART- cial. ". . J-8 FOR . RENTr-IlOCSE ANI Apartments. Phone 20545J. , tijiyio. FOR KENT 4. ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment. Light ana water. oi BEAUTI'1-' APARTMENTS, REASON- able to pertnaneni tenaui , auumi. X. 12th;St. Adultl. inetS FOR BENT SOME GOOD Aparunema at all prices, 147 2i. C'om'l. BV Jr. Mover. ' 5-jnel8if FOR RENT APARTMENTS. 891 i AO. Commercial. APARTMENT FURNISHEP OR UKFUR- nished to ' responsible party at tna 8. Com'l. ' Phons Mrs. Brown. 1679J. or 931. 5-Je6tf KTrFLY FURNISHED TWO KW H ww. ..... 5-uel3tf iraurr pnnw FTTKNISHEO ArAKr Bient. 592 N. Hammer. o-jnuow . - IP TOU AEE- INTERESTED IN CQOI cleui, comiortabla apartmenta, reon apla rent; located downtown diatriet, Patton apartmeoti. For inspection or reaerTation fall: Patters Book Store 5-ml4tf lev. re-elected director, ana Jonn T. Plas, relected clerk. Victor Point J. O. Darby, chairman, Henry. Jag.net, retiring, elected .director; Mrs.. Roy A Jones, re-elected clerk. Salem Heights P. F.' Stolz- helse, chairman, Jv A. McClain, retiring, C. A. , Ratclif r, director: Myron Van Eaton, clerk. Charles A, Ratcliff, retiring. Liberty O; E. Brooks, chair man; Roy V. Ohmart, retiring; Claude Stevenson, 'director; Prank Mohney, clerk, Fred t. Scott, re tiring. Prospect L. H. Bates, chair man, relected; J. M. Schon, direc tor; Hildur Bates, clerk, Mrs. L.. H.- Bates, retiring. , Riverside J. J Bowler, chair man, B. R. Haley, retiring, elected director; Eva Cauthorn, re-elected director; Eva Cauthorn, re-elected clerk. Hilman Elected Director In District ; Number .1 9 SILVERTOX, Or.. June 19. ( Special to . The Statesman.) At the school election held in district 19 Monday evening' Dan Iliiman was elected director. J. C. Gople xud was re-elected clerk. The financial "report showed plenty of money, in $hat treasury, so no spe cial "tax was roted. . It rwas de cided at this meeting to complete tne work on the children's play sued and to ; paint tne school building. All of the eighth grade graduates of district 19 attended, the county, graduating exercises at Salem last Saturday. The class. n u mber in g Beven . received diplo mas tnere. and Gen. Pershing Look On propriatlon ? of . $350,000 , to K.,n tflfSf hositalsv Jor. soldiers bUndcd tfurlng war Services. Loft "-V?S",.lt- areCere- Pei-sTUn. Mrs. Kalidti. nnmrn- . 'J SECTION On.wsk. (six InMrtloB) t Ob monts ..... ,. 20a Six moBtb' eontrtet Pr mo l&e 12 month! eoBtrset, pr ma13t Klalmam for ssy s4vrtUmat-25 FOR RENT rooms FOK'BEJiT SLEEPING KOOM CIX)Si? ia tor -. gvotUtwan, 14 lor room aul gaHgf'. 'a Mr. Moyer, 147 Commer cial St.'." Soon 6. . e jnelfett ROOM AND BOARD WITII'nOME Trir. Uegen. Phono 142.T. 6-jnrlStf FOR RENT bouses FOR . RENT 2. GOOD A ROOM hoatet. clone in with Wwrnent and furnara. 147 N. Com'i St., Mn. Moyer. 7 jnelstt FOR RENT 0 ROOM HOUSE, GARAGS f23 montn. r-everai choice dowutgwa apnrtment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Rfaltor , 21B Orecon Bldg. 7-jn15 4 KOGrf -COTTAGE. WITH RANGE. -Call 790 N. 14th Ht. I'lione 1889J 7 joeiatt HOUSES TO RENTt-F. U WOOD. 41 7-miil. BtaU St. HOUSE FOR? RENT PHONE Call at 101 Ii. 13th. PARTLY FDRNISnED 7 ROOM IT . . J 677 N. Winter. Fbqn Hero JfeK.n-.r. Turner, Oregon. . 7-ii.iiJ FOR RENT 5 ROOM MODERN Iio:.':."3 rlose to a.rhool and 'Ior in, ba-n -.t and, garage, 13. 147 fi. Cow 1. t.. jMrw. woy-r. 7-ir.-' - - FOB SALfizniscellaneous ii FOR BALE LAYING' LEGHORN IIKXg. l'hone .32F21, . . S jnt ji FOR 8ALF.-iANWi;E WALNUT (-tf and three cbairK, hand carved, i if l'pholt,ering'Co. r : .8 jr.. yz' ZOO TAXCRED WHITE MHORX Imi, no rolla, 75 cent -each. - AUo 1 i .1 row, freahwi- October 1, -63. Li. i. Bo J40. Flione 111F32. 8jnf;i CLOVKtt HAY IN THE FIELD. ; 67F3. Pi; : S-J.2 KITCHEN CABINET, 23.. ri. 1352-M. VTCTROLiA AND 84 RECORDS FOft 3. Wicker baby bnggT and ' twa birds. 445 South Winter. it. 2 WILTON RUGS FOR SALE 163 : 13th atreet. 8 . ' Frtiit Jars V .We hare large supply of near! i ''fruit jarr lor tale. We Save Yoa Mc:: :. ' CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUES . 215 Center St. 'We bny nLeU TerythSr?" - f : ill iVtt f Li. FOR SALE FIRE-WORKS; WI ; aal and retail, 244 South Xi: Georgw San. . . ... ' -., FOR SALE -A LARGE RANG 3 " reierToir, good condition. . Af 561 N. Front. . ,e CAS IX FOR. TRASH. A BONA i offer. Read tka claaaifiod eoluniL " day. . . .. - t PRINTED CARDS. BltE 14" JsT ' wording, "Hoomt. to Rent,' T eenta ach. Btateamaa BaaUe iea, flfM Floor. - -.-; Beautiful Orecn H i : v . '." - And oloroa otter Oregos , gather wit a fin eollectioa ! " la songs,' nend song ini . , time f arorltca. "r AXJj ron . (Special prteea m qaaaCty V ' : Ktpecially adaptable for tK-lio. . , innity or kosjs siaglsg.' La "Western Script Tt pagoa u la 1U ttlrd Z , PBDUiAad W . ' -' ' OREGON TEACirEKfl MOST 115 S. CommerMal BL - UNDERWOOD TTPEWKII -! Hare yoar machine re r i I pooplo who make It. -peil rate to atodaaU. 100 .Kaaot . Phono sea. FOR 8 A LB OLD NEWSPir eenta a bnndlo. Circulation v. Oreron Stmtenman. . FOR SALE Uvcstoclc FOU HAIj: FRESH COW. 1 '35F15. G. M. Campbell. S FOR. SALE FRESH JERSEY ' good milker, 771 N. CommerriaL SEVERAL GOOD MILK COW 3, nd eomlac freah, for ''. Soderman,' Jefferaon, Oro k-U I 49F28 from Salem. ' KINO O REGISTERED WHITi aiaa cat 'at 6tud. Flake's Path. State. Phono 630. ' ' JRED W. LANGE, TETERTN.' Offlco 430 8. Commercial, f. Phono 1510. WOOD FOB SALE 16 INCH OLD FIR, FIRST CLA cord guaranteed. Phono 1361-- . CALL 1855 ' for yoar coal -and wood. Low -. prices. . . Immediate . or later, BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 FT. 16, Inrh. , ; - . Dry mill . wood. r Dry Second Growth fir. Dry old fir. . 4 foot Aah and Oak. , . JPrompt dliTery nd reawnat Pred E. Wella, 280 South Phono 1542. 1 INCH BLOCK WOOD. 375 load; four losdi $14. Phono i i WOOD FOR SALE ORDER YOCr ter'a wood . bow. ' Oak, ash. f aocond growth, tir. Phono 1; FOR 8ALE-DRY SECOND -GRO . wood, 4 ft. for immediate c Phono 108. , ' DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR J v oord daUvorod.. Phono 1T. . WANTED employment A STEADY RELIABLE YOUNO wishea work in private fm: dress ."Alice" care Stateim" i TA. also nr :,.6'nn:nnjfl hJ... ,uu