THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1924 5 I f J I 1 I u CITY NEWS IN BRIEF' " ' - --- . Leaves for Washlnsto Superintendent George W. Hug will leave this morning for the NEA at Washington, D. C. He will make stops at a number of places, including, Chicago. , He plans to be gone for a month. .Big Hancc At Brooks Saturday night. J21 Final Account Kileci - Theresa Barnes, executrix of the estate of J. H. Barnes; has filed her final account. The estate con sisted of $5100 in real and $1030 in personal property. July 21 was set by County Judge WJ II. Down ' lng as the time for hearing final objections. ; , 3IklNcason Clearance , Sale of. Millinery at the French Shop. 115 High St. J22 County School Closed Mrs. Mary L.. Fulkerson, coun ty schol superintendent, is begin ning to breathe freely again after attending commencement exer cises, nearly every, day, for the last two months. High., schools at Scotts Mills and Liberty closed Friday, though the grade work at the former was completed a month ago. Two were,1 graduated from the high "school. , At Liberty Thursday night Mrs.' Fulkerson spoke on "Backbone", at the an nual eighth grade commencement exercises, after which she present ed diplomas to five boys, the en tire class. Streets Being Marked i ; Broad white -marks are being painted on thentreets in the re stricted parking area for the ben efit of automobile owners. The marks are about six feet apart and the automobile must be parked between the two guide lines. These were painted on the north side of State between High and Lib erty Friday and the remainder will be painted next week. Streets to be marked are State, between High and Commercial; Court, be tween Liberty and Commercial; Commercial, between Ferry and Chemeketa and Liberty from State to Court. Parking spaces will al so be marked ' out in the vicinity of the state house. Loganberry Growers. Meet ' There will .be a meeting of all the outside loganberry growers at the Salem Chamber of Commerce Monday evening at 7 o'clock. This is very. Important..;,, The, commit tee is ready to report, as to how we are to dispose of the berries. We are placing berries now. Phone 21F2. Committee. . J21 Convicts Too Friendly Because Victor Arego, an in mate of the state prison, sought to comply with the request from prisoners In ihe "bullpen" for a newspaper containing an account of their attempted escape from; the institution, he will spend the next few days in solitary confine ment. A string was let down from the men confined in temporary quarters In the second tier of cells and the newspaper was fastened to this.1 His action was an infrac tion of the rules and it is said. ' deserving of "punishment. - Three other convicts implicated In the re cent tunneling endeavor. have been placed in the "bull pen" by War den A. M. Dalrymple, and it is ex- Typewriters AUS MAKES f 5 Ho SS Monthly O. M. Lockvo4 S47 N. CMr 8W-. Pnoae 8S INSCItE AND FEEIi SAFE CONCORDIA INSURANCE MRS. MOTOR 147 Com"V Room 0. WOODRY Bays Fcrclare Phone 511 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 457 The Seavy -Bell Insurance ' Agency General Insurance i "Billy" Bell Just Returned from the Electronic Convention at Kansas City and have in stalled the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of disease (Dr. Abrams method). Dr. B. II. White B06 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon 5 LADD & BUSH BANKERS - Established 1868 . Gc: pected that four or five others wil 1 join the crew In the immediat e future. 1 r - - Convict Received O. A. Ilson, formerly of Wash ington county, has been received at the state prison to serve two years fori burglary. He was In charge of Sheriff George Alexan der. 1 . : Estate1 Appraised- , W. H. Bobson, E. Roy and Fred Rock have appraised the estate of Thomas J.-Smith, according to a report filed in the county court. The property consisted chiefly of a small portion of land in Stayton. Operate Over Cascades The Sisters stage lines is th e name of a new transportation com pany, that ! will operate between Eugene and Bend, beginning next Monday. ? The McKenzie pasis, which Is open for the first time to motor vehicle travel, will be tlie gateway. The organizers of the company, M. A. Reed, and M. C Hickman, j today filed with the public service ; commission their application for license and pernvit to operate. Two trips will le made each way daily, six hours being required for the trip. Fare from Eugene to Bend one way will be $6, and round trip fares will be T10. Big Dance f At Brooks Saturday night. 3 21' Visit Old Homesteads ; Dr. H. "McBride of Pa sadena, Cal., and his brother. Chief Jus tice T. A. McBride of the eupreme court and Justice George H. Bur nett vesterdav visited the old Mc Bride and; Burnett homesteads in Tamhill county where all three were. born. f The farms join each other. Dr.' McBride Is twio years younger than Judge McBride. He la . a retired physician. While superintendent of an insane hos pital at Wautosa, Wis- he was one of the alienists called to make a mental examination off Giteau, the assassin of President Garfield. May Buy Utility R. D. Gray of Salem and Wil liam McCaleb of Heppner are said to be negotiating for the purchase of the water and electric light utility at Waldport, Lincoln coun ty. Mr. Gray was formerly a banker at Turner. The French Shop : Hats regularly priced' from $1 0 up on sale at $5. These hats are below actual cost and represent wonderful values. 115 High St. J22 Hassler Ret urns- Pearl Hassler. former publisher of the Turner Tribune and later of a newspaper at lone, Or., has sold out 'the latter and returned to, the -Willamette valley. Mr. Hassler probably win select a new location in the near future. . ' Four Fatal Accidents Four fatal accidents out of a total of 656 Industrial casualties were 1 reported" to the state indus trial "accident commission for the week ending June 19. The fatal cases were James B. Nelson. As toria, - high - climber;' - Amos J. Wilkes, Bend, teamster; Harry W. Johnson, Portland, crane chaser; L. ' W. Fink, Portland, laborer. Of the total number of accidetns reported 567 were subject to the provisions of the workmen's com pensation act and 69 were from firms and corporations, that have not chosen to operate under the Scott Passes Cigars Cigars were passed at the Lions' club luncheon" Friday ; by Harry W. Scott,' .local motorcycle dealer, upon the arrival of Verne Harry, at their home, 960. North Fifth, Thursday. On behalf of the club TEXwMIXAIj i SKRVICB Cars for hire wlthont drivers, PHONE 2020 Day and Night Service Popular Priced Tailored Suits $25 to 43: . Men's ' and Young Men's D. H. MOSHER TAILOR Promotes Good Health GREENWOOD r Cottage Cheese 'f One-Third Cream n. E. HIDEOUT, Proprietor 1 r: y i V m 4 " I i .... . Rufe White presented Scott with a bouquet of flowers for his wife, a rattle for himself and a rubber doll for "Harley D. Both mother and youngster are reported as do ing nicely. Pickers Wanted Fifty loganberry pickers want ed Sunday morning. Report "half mile from end of car line, Salem heights. Pay y cents. P. Cun ningham, phone 21F2. ; 21jne22 Printers Club Meets Cottage Grove is playing ihost today to the ; Ben Franklin club, composed of Willamette valley printers, i Representatives of the trade from Salem. J Oregon City. Silverton. Corvallis, Albany and Eugene will be present. , A feature of the entertainment ' will be a stag picnic and camping: trip in the mountains. Several of the Salem men drove down last night and the remainder will leave to day. Among those expected' to make the trip are Ed Stewart, C. E. Knowland, Lee Unrnh. Ed and Reed Rowland, Arthur Rahn, Harry McWhorten, Earl Ander son. Ray Felker, Al Pierce and Charles Price. ' t Here on Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Boettl- cher of Albany stopped in Salem Friday morning for a short visit with friends while on their way to Bay City, where they will enjoy their honeymoon. The young people were married Thursday night in Eugene, the affair being one of the society events of the university city. -: Before her mar- rtage Mrs. Boetticher was Miss Ruth Sanborn of Eugene. ; Both are graduates from the University of Oregon. Mr. Boetticher being manager of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity while in college and his wife a" member of Alpha Chi Ome ga. Both have been teaching dur ing the last year. On Sale Saturday 50 crepe and silk dresses at 10 each: some larera kIkps. rvma early. Store opens at 9 a. m. Mrs H . f. stun. 333 state. 121 Here Over Sunday- Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Davey. now of Portland, i and their grand daughter. Miss Annvilla Bowen ol Baker, will be in Salem over Sun day, looking after the Davey prop erty here and visiting friends. . Minnesotans Sleet ' ' 1 . Former "Gophers' are expected to meet at the fairgrounds aftet the program today to arrange plans for the annual picnic of ex- Minnesota residents. Special Sale On all stamped goods at thf Elite this week, 29 Oregon bldg. -jne31 To Ilanquet Democrats- Three Democratic candidates whose names will appear on the state ticket in the election next November who were born in Linn county will he honored at a ban quet to be held in Albany Friday night. June 27. The native sons DIED i HENSLEY In this city June 20, Ira E. Hensley at the age of 30 years. Survived by his wife, i Mrs. Genevieve Hensley. j Re mains will be forwarded to . Portland . where interment ! will take place by. Rigdon &. Son. OSWALT Julia F. Oswalt died Thursday morning, June ' 19, 1924, at the residence, 465 S. Winter street, at the age of 70 years, wife of Henry J. Oswalt. - mother of George L. Frazure of Portland, Mrs. John B. Good rich of Med ford. Robert L. Os walt of Astoria and Mrs. A. L. Libby of Salem, sister of Mrs. S. A. McDaniel of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Jos. L. Bush of La porte," Ind. Funeral services will be held Saturday, June 21, ' at 2 p. m. from the Rigdon mor tuary chapel. Interment will ge made in the Macleay cemetery. Rev. Ward Willis Long will of ficiate. DENNIS The funeral of Elector Dennis, who died June 19, 1924, will be held at the Webb Fu neral parlors today,' Saturday, June 21, at 2 o'clock. Inter ment will be in the IOOF ceme . ;; tery. ,; -, ' I i akm iHortuarp gMHAI.lTBBS AJTD niUAIi DliECTOM i Tint less ' mri Wrk aCedanta itoM . WEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS - r pruumtAxr DinzoTOza Expert TSmhalraecw i SOS . Cfcave--FM 1S ' RIGDON & SON'S Which will be honored are Jeffer son Myers, candidate for state treasurer, born near Scio? O." P. Coshow, justice of the supreme court, who seeks re-election, a native of Brownsville, and Milton A. Miller, candidate for the United States senate, mho was born' at Lebanon. Walnut Growers Meet Organization of the Oreeon Wal nut Exchange, to be conducted on a cooperative basis,; is expected to emerge from a meeting of wal nut growers in Portland today. Earl Pearcy, who has had charge of whipping the local organization into shape, will attend the meet ing. The local association in cludes about 50 growers, market ing its own filberts and handling the walnuts through the new as sociation. Swimmin' Hole Abandoned There will bo no need of hav ing a life-guard stationed at the old swimming hole at Nineteenth and State, according to a survey completed by R. R. Boardman and Leslie Sparks, playground super visors. -The owners have closed the place to swimmers for the re mainder of the season, it was found. . Cherry Mart Active : With an estimate of more than 1500 pickers busy in the cherry orchards the crop is being har vested rapidly, the growers being spurred by . the recent .rain, which did not damage the fruit, but will result in cracked cherries if the weather turns warm suddenly. General expenses . connected with getting the crop to the canneries is estimated at $125,000, of which about 130,000 is picking money. Deliveries of cherries at the local canneries are beginning to pile up and those placed yesterday were said to be the largest of the sea son. Most of the fruit was Royal Anns. Dance Dance Tonlte Derby hall. Orioles playing.- J21 Citizenship Classes Four special classes of import ance to those who take their citi zenship examinations on July t will be held beginning Saturday, it was announced yesterday by C. A. Kells, general secretary of the Y"MCA. The first of these will be a "mock court." On Wednesday, June 25, ' Governor Walter M. Pierce will speak to the class on jtate legislation and on Saturday, June 28, Mayor John B. Giesy will liscuss civic legislation, with ani ther 'mock court" to be staged Monday, June 30, Just prior to the ixamination. Between 15 and 20 naembers of the class will take heir examination next month, and all of those in the two counties are receiving letters urging them to take advantage of the special classes. Births Outnumber Death , , Births outnumbered deaths in Salem during the first months of the year, with 216 new arrivals reported In comparison with the deaths. Twelve more baby boys were born than baby girls, there being 114 of the former and 102 of the latter. January and March were the best months for the stork, who brought 50 new resi dents to Salem during each per iod. Other months and the num bers were February 31, April 38, and May '36. So far this month there have been 19 babies re ported. The1 Elks Temple Bonds will be ready for delivery to subscribers at the Salem banks Saturday, June 21. After thai date accrued interest will be charged. J21 Logans Reported Bold Sale of 200 cans of frozen lo ganberries, packed for It. H. Hay nes, of Portland, at 6 cents a pound, has been reported in the city. Storage and other charges have mounted so high that this price means a loss, It is said. Growers have already received a cent and a half for their fruit, but others financially interested in the enterprise are wondering where their receipts are coming from. 100 are Registered Nearly 100 students are taking work at the annual .Willamette university summer school, accord ing to a report given by Dean George Alden. Practically the entire . college course is available and a student is able to advance almost one semester's work. The second session begins in about six weeks, but registration for . this will not be as heavy as tor the first term. Baby Girl Born Word comes to Salem of the birth of a daughter in Portland on June 12 to Mrs1. George Falk. Mr. Falk, who was well known here was the victim of a motor accident last Christmas ve. The baby has been named Georgia Leola. Tonicht! Toniirht! Tonhtht! Biggest and best dance in valley at Dreamland. Real music. A full ten-niece orchestra. Ladies free. Come out where it's cool. J21 San t lam S. H. Convent low The Santiam District Sunday school convention' will, meet' at North Santiam Sunday. June 22 There will be afr till day session with a basket dinner at noon. An AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT PREVENTION CONTEST TO BE JUDGED BY EXPERTS Axx-'7?? f v ' ---lie JUDGES OF CONTEST . AiT top, right Richard E. En right, Police Commissioner of the City of New York; (left) Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler. Director of Public Safety of the City of Philadelphia, and (below) W. H. Cameron, Managing Director, National Safety Council, Chicago. The three largest cities in the JJnited States, New York, Chicago and. Philadelphia, are represented upon a board of judges who have agreed to pass upon a prise con . test, now in progress, which has for Its purpose some solution of - the Eroblem of evcr-increasinjr automo ile accidents. -. W. H. Cameron, of Chicago, man aging director of the National Safety Council; Hon. Richard E. En right, Police Commissioner of the City of New York, and Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, Director of Pub lic Safety of Philadelphia, have ac cepted the invitation of Charles H. Holland, President of the Inde pendence Indemnity Company . of Philadelphia, which as an Insurance company is largely interested in the reduction of automobile accidents, to judge the suggestions in the contest for which Mr. Holland has an nounced $1,750 in cash prises. The prizes are fLOOO, $500 anJ $250 for the three most pracUcal suggestions, not exceeding 500 words In length, which are submitted by licensed insurance agents or brokers anywhere in the United States, for reducing the number of American automobile accidents Among the 150,000 agents and brokers in the country Mr. Holland believes can be found a way at least to reduce the watte of life and property Inci dent t use of the automobile.1 The been 'arranged. The principal speakers are Col. Carle Abrams of Salem,-E. K. Baily of, Hubbard and Mr. Buchenan of Portland. The annual election of officers will occur at this time. Leave for Camp . - Nine Salem boys left for Camp Lewis Thursday where they will spend the next month at. the citi zens military training camp. They Were expected to join the Portland contingent and proceed on a special train in charge of of ficers. The boys were about 17 years' of age. - May Restore Train Service- Sixty Dallas business men have pledged John M. Scott, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific railroad, that if train serv ice will be resumed on the same schedue that" was observed prior to Apr! 20,' when the service was curtailed, they will have all of their fruit' shipped by rail and not auto stage, according to a report receive here. It was indicated by the railroad company that prob ably the company would go ahead With proposed improvements in their shops and round house at Dallas. Funeral for Pioneer- Funeral services were held in Woodburn Thursday for Ann Mc- Kee, 84 years old, and one 'of Wood burn's oldest residents'. Be sides her husband she is survived by five children 19 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. . She was born in Boonville, Mo., August 8, 1840, crossing the plains in 1853, locating near Monitor. She Was married in 1856, moving, to Woodburn in 1899. Thd Elks Temple - Bonds will be ready for delivery to subscribers at the Salem banks Saturday, June 21. After that date accrued interest will be charged. : J21 Appreciation Expressed Appreciation of the .kindness shown by, Willamette university and Salem people following the death of Earl Ramsey, student who was drowned in the river sev eral weeks' ago, has been received from Mrs. Ramsey, mother of the dead boy, by Dean George Alden of Willamette. r Wants Pickers ' Wanted Loganberry pickers Monday. E. C. MInto. 821 Saginaw street. Phone 1568W. Jne23 Military Man,YlH s National mobilization for gen eral defense which is to be par ticipated in by regular army and national guard units over the en tire country on September 10 brought" Lieutenant-Colonel John R. Kelly to Salem Thursday to confer with state officials. Colonel Kelly is on . the staff of General Charles E. Morton, commander of Ihe ninth corps area. This mob ilization will be the last official act of ' General "Black Jack" Pershing, who retires as thief of staff of the amy ; oa ' September contest will be open until June 80, after which the judges will announce the results.' ' According to records of the Na tional Bureau of . Casualty and Surety Underwriters 111,276 people have been killed in automobile acci dents since 1907, more than twice the number of Americans killed in. the World War. This figure does not Include , those killed' in grade , crossing accidents. While reliable records of automobile accidents re sulting in Injuries short .of death are lacking, the bureau estimates that close to 2,781,900 persons have ' been injured in the same period. As the dumber of deaths has In creased each year, from 598 In 1907 to 15,700 In 1923, Mr. Holland be lieves the time has come when some concerted action should be taken to turn the tide, and so bas arranged the contest for practical suggestions. I PERSONALS ; - Dr. J'. 11.' Lynch and Dr. l. C. Marshall will attend the annual state meeting of osteopaths in Al bany next Monday, i " Mr. and Mrs. C. G.' Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King are mo toring to Tillamook today to at tend a meeting of the Muscovite order. The Salem order has charge of the degree work. . Mrs. Blanche ,. Whitemore, of Baker, is acting as nurse to her sister, Mrs. Henry E. Morris, who has been . ill. Mrs. Morria is . now able to sit up in bed for a short time each day. ' James Pelton, Fort Klamath cattleman, was in the city Friday, calling at the governor's office to protest against any relaxation of the quarantine against the foot and mouth disease. Mra. Jefferson Myers is visiting in Salem, for a few days, a guest at Hotel Marion. - Robin D. Day was called to Ore gon City on business Friday. . Miss Leota Rodgers, of Indepen dence, was in the city yesterday. She has Just returned from Helix where she taught last year and will leave for Eugene Monday to attend the University of Oregon summer school. Miss Rodgers is a graduate of the state university and taught for some time at Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hoag, teach ers at Liberty, will spend the summer on their ranch near Mon mouth, returning to school next fall. Mr. Hoag was principal at the Liberty school. C. W. Van Home, of Medford was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Martin were Independence visitors In Salem re cently. Mr. and Mrs. N. Miles, of Rose burg, spent Friday visiting in the city. . Mrs. Anna Whitcomb was a re cent Tillamook caller in Salem. Mrs. J. M. Garrison, of McMinn viile. spent Friday in the city. Viola York, of Falls City, was in the city recently. Dr. W. H. Reynolds, former practicing physician here, is spend ing the week In Salem. He re cently returned from China. L. G. McCIaren, manager of the Shell Oil company here, returned from Portland yesterday. Un known to him, his mother had re ceived a severe shock of paralyjsis when he called at her home Wed nesday night. C. R. Llndbeck of McOook. Neb., arrived In Salem yesterday to visit his brother, A. L. Llnd beck, Salem representative of the Portland Journal. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I . . Flax is coming . , A couple of tons of, the 1924 crop were delivered at the peni tentiary plant yesterday.: : v v -, rrt of It came from the Southr ard farm near' Dallas, and more ia. to. corner about' 350O pounds in Doctors Prescription Amazinu Su c c OvrcofnesKidneyAi Thousands Die Yearly Who Ought Not to Die Kidrcj', Troubles Kill Them. It's Guaranteed. 6 Ounce Bottle The small delicate sieves in - the kidneys clog up- the poisons that ; should strain through and,, pass, out with the water back up and get into the system this means uremic poisoning and may mean the loss -of some loved one.,.. ;:,v Best for all of us to look the facts in the face . and - heed , nature's plain danger signals. The life work of Doctor Daniel G. Carey was the study of diseases of the urinary system Ax? J Daniel G. Carey, M. I). and his famous prescription , of roots and herbs known the coun try over as Dr. Carey's Marshroot Prescription 777 has helped oth- Huelln farm near Turner. - It is volunteer flax,' of course. The Turner flax is 30 inches long, and very good. This "volunteer flax was pulled. - , ' Nothing was heard yesterday as tp the pulling machines, which are supposed to be on the way... Wife connection .will likely be effected today, so as to trace the. machines. There came to the Statesman office yesterday a sample of flax from the farm of Ball Bros., near Turner. It is 38 Inches long, and fine. There are fifteen acres of this flax. It was sown .very early (in March), on good land, but not irrigated. It will be ready to pull by the time the machines' arrive, July io: .; s v;y; The outside loganberry grow ers, through thefr committee, think they have found outlets for all the unsold berries. The com mittee Is to report Monday even ing, at the: Salem Chamber of Commerce; at 7(clock. " . The fruit growers of the Sa lem district are j paying enormous prices hpw for their lack of or ganization. "Will they learn? Will they see the futility of going It alone? "' ' - ' Burdick Is Groomed for ' , a Next Wouse! Speakership Resolutions adopted by the re publican central committee of Klamath county urging the. elec tion of Denton G. Burdick of Red mond as speaker of the house of representatives at the session of 1925 have been mailed to all re publican legislative nominees in the state and -to the newspapers. Burdick, has served at four regu lar and two special sessions of the legislature, representing Klamath. Lake, Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook counties,' and this year has no opposition for reelection. The resolution points out that he will be the oldest member in point of service. ATTEXIl BROTHERHOOD SILVERTON, Or., June 19. (Special to The Statesman.) A number of Silverton people drove to Eugene Saturday to attend a meeting of the Lutheran Brother hood' held in that city. Among those going down were Mr. and Mrs. A. Corbouse, Miss Marie Cor house, Mr. and Mrs. E. Overland. C. E. JorgenSon, H. B. Jorgenson, and T. Kaarhus. Mrs. II. N. Rose land, Mrs. G. Gunderson and Mrs. P. Peterson of Eagle Grove, Iowa, who were visiting here at the time, made the. trip also. i ii i i in 'w W ' . - - . M mm J J -. P- Improved Train Schedules On snd After Jnn 22. y, - , ,- KOBTHBOtTND . . , 1si;n Trtin X.). 6 will Iar 8:00 A.M. inftpad f 7:10: arri-o Port land, Jettenon street 9:50 A.M., inMad of 9:00. llojt Mrr. t 10:05 A.M., intd of 9:15. . Kxpreas Train No. 10 will Wv 10:00-A.M., instead of 9:48; arrive Portland ten minutea later than heretofore. Ixral 'J rain "No. 14 at 1:30 P.M ; Limited No. 1 at 4:00 P.M.. and I)eal N. 20 at 5:30 P.M, unchanged at Kalem and Portland Local Train No. 22 will lese Knirene :05 P.M., intead of 5:o I'Jtf.; Salem H:20 P.M., instead of 7:50, rrie Portland. Jeff.ron street 10:05 PM., inktead of 9:35. lloyt.itre.-t 10:0 P.M., iiiktei.d -of 9;5. . . SOUTHBOUND ' lral Trarn No.,1 will arrive 8:23 A.M instead of 8::i; Lave 8:a A.M.. instead of 8:35. Limited Train No. 5 will leaa Portland. Ifoyt Mr-t :'" A.M.. instead of 8:15, Jeff ereon a tree t 8:20 A.M., inxtrad of tt-.Mi; arme Hal.m 9:45 A.M.. instead of 10:00; leave 9:15 A.M.. 10:05; arrive Kngene 11:50 A. Ml, instead of 12:Kt P.M. Kxre Train No. 17, on the old time of No. in, will leave Port land 4:45 P.M.. and terminal? at Salem ou arrival at P.M. Kxpresa Train No. 13. will leave Portland on llie old time of No. 17. Hovt street :0."i P.M., JeffersotrKtreet :2 P.M.: arn- N!e n M:l5 P.M. ; leave 8:10; arrive Albany 9:00 P.M.; Corvalh 9:25; Engene 10:13 P.M. SEDUCED TBOUKD TBTF FARES Kvery day Portland 2.50. Alhany fl.-t, forvalli J-'.oo. In - rrnr S3.80, with 15 days return limit and top overs. Krida). talur dar. Snnday i.20, Portland, relnrn limit TiiMlay. "Tieket sold t H point east and north of Portland- rtsi!i furnished at th Oregon Klectrie Station, or hf U-Iejilioni, IAin 7:7. J. W. EITCHIE. Ajtent. well nr. J stay well. If you have backache or frequent headacU x. If your sleep is disturbed and you get up in tho night, if your .eyes aro puffy and palms mo? f., cut out this noticetalvo It to your druggist and say, "This in what I want: Dr. Care y' Marshroot Prescription No. 777." . You can always f. t it in liquid or tablet form at Perry's Drug Etoro for 7fc. Both are equal ly effective and if you aren't glad In 'a week's time that you bought it, just get your monoy back that's the way this success ful medicine is sold. Adv. IINISTEIt vrrrf PET owe USED AS DECOY" TO SAVT f . FEATHERED SOXGSTET. 1 1-7 II 15: The Rev. Noel J. Allen Is a V!rJ sTinla State ' lecturer on wild i:f 4 conservation , .j whose campaf rr 3 against crows, certain specif s t " hawks and owls and other pn '. n tory life that prey ton, game, son; and Insectivorous birds, has at -4 tracted much attention. II ! shown holdlngr Avenger, a barrel; OWl; that ' ia " used as a crow decci' to lure the wily black-coated Lir T e within gunshot range of the ir-4 ginla game protectors. J t r i ;;. we pay cash ror. YOUR AND TOOLS Capital Hardware C: Furniture Co. Best Prices Paid 285 N. Com'l St. Phone 317 ers ; to get