The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 20, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    -;-Uu;ii una 01 Most
Popular Resorts on Coast
NEWPORT, Or., June 19. As
t- result of the selection of Ya
' aina Head aa the site for the
I ika of the recently formed New-tort-Agate
Reach Golf clnb. pop
ular interest in the possibilities of
Agate Beach as a seaside play
ground has been greatly quickened
Lovers of the outdoors whose wan
A erings carry them from their fav
orite Newport haunts are dlscov
?slng In this nearby region of
-Ide, agatestrewn beaches and
rugged headlands, cool parkland
JU1 flower dotted meadow, rocky
rdrines and Tgrassy knolls, an en
cntlng retreat from the cares of
home and office,
i -To -properly see- and appreciate
th.e beauties of this natural play-r-trand
one should plan an spend
ing not less than a day exploring
It s picturesque nooks and : corn
oia, delving into the hidden mys
! ries of its rich Indian lore and
ascending to the summits of its
- ' ' :- - - - r FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1924 V ' V ' : ; - : '
hills, there to enjoy the magnifi
cence of the marine view. Many
Ideal spots beckon to' picnickers,
the management of the resort has
provided excellent camping facil
ities for the convenience of those
who wish to "spend a week or more
out of doors, and, for those whc
wish more conventional accommo
dations, the beautiful 'and pictur
esque Agate Beach Inn affords
faultless hotel service amid an at
mosphere of polished rusticity.
This unusual hostelry, has been!
catering to the wants of an ap
preciative patronage for several
years and Is justly famous for its
excellent service and superior cui
sine. , )
Ascending Sunset Crest, the
highest and westernmost hill of
the chain Which forms the back
bone of Yaqulna' Head, the visi
tor is greeted with a marvelous
view, embracing 50 square miles
of land and sea. Standing on this
crest In the glow of a perfect sum
mer afternoon one is impressed
As nevr before with the grandeur
of nature's handiwork. Each mo
ment brings with, it a startling
realization of some new beauty.
North and south, as far as the
eye can see, the lazy tides creep
In on the broad white beaches,
and in the distance the roofs of
Newport, nestling among the gray
pine-clad bluffs, glisten like sil
ver In the brilliant afternoon sun
Shine. Ahead, the smooth Pacific
stretches until the darker blue of
her limitless expanse merge im
perceptibly with the pale blue cf
the horizon. Directly beneath the
eye rises the beacon of old Yaqul
na - and to the right and left, in
the (protected coves formed hy
the rugged outline of the Head,
or the marine gardens. In . whose
shallow depths may be seen a
thousand varieties of sea life na
tive to the Pacific shores. Away
to the east the rolling foothills
and rugged peaks of the coast
range, the nearer slopes splendid
in their clothing of fir and spruce
and pine and the farther ranges
looming blue and gray in the hazy
distance, rise and fall against a
background of fleecy silvered
cumulus. .. .. . . ...
A 60-acre tract of the Agate
Beach territory , situated on the
rolling meadow and hill land just
east of the United States Jight
house reservation ; on Yaquina
Head has been leased to the Newport-Agate
Beach Golf associa
tion, and" a large crew of men,
working tinder the direction, of
Reginald Sanford. golf expert, is
rapidly putting the ground in
shape for play. An effort is be
ing made to have at least part of
Ihe course ready for the Fourth
of July opening, which will be ac
companied by a big celebration.
When completed the course, which
is conceded by golf men to be the
most sightly and attractive on the
Pacific coast, is expected to draw
players from all over the, country.
;The remainder of the Agate
Beach territory ,has been1 divided
into attractive home sites accord
ing to a plan which will insure
the enhancement of the natural
beauty of the place' Many beauti-
" The annual school meeting was
held Monday evening. After the
clerics report was read rand ac
cepted,. Adolph Hager was nomin
ated by Mrs, M. Mi Magee for di
rector and there were no otljer
candidates nominated. 'The .rules
were suspended am! he was. de
clared unanimously elected.
Irvin Caplinger, who. was nom
inated by A. J. Ilager, was elected
clerk. . ' - ;
During the past year a play shed
ful parks 'will be developed, a
system of good streets will be
maintained, and henceforth the
building of homes-will be regulat
ed in such a way as to insure the
construction of only those of a
high degree of attractiveness.
Nothing in the way of concessions
which will detract from the air of
quiet beauty, which constitutes-the
chief charm of Agate Beach, will
be tolerated. . iv V r
has been .built and a well la to be
put down before schools opens. '
Roland.- Buster, who has been
quite HI,' is slightly improved..
Dr. Van Gesner; of Arlington,
Oregon, a brother, and S. Runlelt
of Salem, a nephew, wef e guests
of B. B. Gesner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V Binegar and
Miss -Hazel Harris or , Portland
spent the week end at Pacific
City.' '. i ' 1 ; ' " ' -.
Herman Lanke is among those
who -graduated from the Salem
High' school last '.week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee and
daughter went to Scotts Mills
Sunday to attend a family birth-
JL Relieved of lt3 poignant distress,
flatulent (gas) pains, discom
fort after meals; belching, bloat
: tag and constipation with
- Easy and pUnmt to take only 25c
day gi vendor J. W. Magee. The
flrpf. guest, to arrive-was. a little
daughter, Barbara Beth, who ar
rived '35 minutea . before her
father's birthday.
We' have - two members t
Boys' "and tlirla Guernsey
club In our community. Th.
Kenneth Sheridan and Anna
son.""' ;.- . ;
. r - I ,,.'.
Ask Your Grocer for
"Buy It By the Loaf",
- ; - ' ; ; -: . .
Marion Creamery
Salem, Oregon
livXil UV'
Tiiat ve have ever conducted is now in full swing and is going stronger every day. Be sure and get here before
everything is gone as this is an exceptional opportunity to buy good shoes at low prices. Our Shoes are tlio
highest grade shoes that can be made and we are selling them this month at prices as low as ihe lowest.
Men's Shoes and
Men's Dress Oxfords
The best $7.00 value in the
city, both black and
brown, now go at ,
T.lcn's Work Shoes
"Best "brown army shoe' soft upper
box toe, the best $6.00 'shoe
' in Sakn, this sale goes at .
Men's Dress Oxfords f '
In brown and black, new styles,
; just arrived, all widths and
sizes, regular ; $9.00 values,
; this sale" : ? nr
go at
. ; ; y; Men's. Dress 'Shoes ;;r ;
In both brown and black lice, newest last, reg- OVt AC
ularly sold at $7.00, now go at-Jj D
Men's Dress Shoes
In both calf and kid, regular
$9.00 values, all sizes and
widths,' now go I at
Men's Outing Bals
Regular $3.00 quality brown elk uppers with
best soles, nil sizes while they last 20 at .
Men's Felt House
' ; Slippers
The best $3.00 value in the
city, : all colors, all sizes,
take your choice-at
$1.55 -
Men's Rubber Sole Outing Shoes
With leather trim, a very comfortable, shoe for 0 QC
outing or work, we have a full line at l.v''
Men's Leather House Slippers'
A regular $3.00 grade, all sizes, well made and J1 QC
good looking, while they last, go at .V 0
Ladies Pumps and Oxfords
'Ladies' White . Pumps
All styles of white cloth pumps, regularly sold up to
$6.00, not all sizes in each style but all sizes tf0 Qr
in most styles, to close out at rrr...P'D
ladies' White Kid Pumps .
Dozens cf styles, just the thing for
graduation,' regularly priced from
$7.00 to $10.00, to close (A AC
out while they last P"v
Two Hundred Odd Pairs Pumps
Sold regular up to $12.00 each, in all leathers, including
kid, patent, tan, suede, in fact all leathers, QC
take your choice ytr5
Ladies Black Kid
Also brown, regular $8.00 and
$9.00 values, all the best
known makes. We can fit
any foot and guarantee
every, pair. Save money
and get a pair $4 Q!
Two Hundred Pairs Women's Shoes
Brown, black and colors, most all sizes, regularly sold
up to SI 2.00, take your choice of any pair in
the lot at - ..... .
One Hundred Black' Satin Pumps
All the very latest styles, all sizes,
all widths, regularly 1 sold at
$8.00 and $9.00, to close out
goes at .....-..:.....'..
Ladies' Gray and Brown Oxfords ;
Two new low heel styles, in ladies' and ibig girls Oxfords,
all sizes and widths, regularly sold at $7.00. (fM nrj
We will close the two lines out at ..'. ...;.
White Reinskin Oxfords
Regularly sold at $8, $9 and $10,- all
sizes and they are all ' to be closed
; out in this sale, - (J0 AC
at ;.: ... tozJD
New Sandals for Ladies and Girls'
Log Cabin, Biege and Patent leather, - just arrived, the
very newest $5.00 sandal on the market, get d0 QC
a pair before they are gone, at ..-.-....:......v5')
Ladies' House Slippers
In both felt and satin comfort
slippers, all colors, old rose,
copan, emerald, coral, wine
and smoke, regular $2.00
grades. We have hundreds
of pairs, to close out, at
Ladies' Broken Lines White Shoes
Sold from $5.00 to $8.00; most all sizes
to go at ..1
Children's and Boys' Shoes
and Oxfords
Boys' Dress Shoes
Black calf dress shoes in good styles, regularly sold for
. $5.00, the best boy scout shoe, . . (t'o
Children's Red and Blue Pumps
The very newest thing on the market, all sizes, regular
$4.00 and $4.50 grades, while they t'.;-;-'"'jg2''95
Boys' Elk Bals ;
An excellent wearing shoe for rough wear, about fifty pair
in the lot, sizes from 9 to 2, get a pair-hefore A A
they go, at ..--L--.-..-.............. . - .U U
Boys' and Youths' Outing and Play Shoes
The best quality shoe on the mar
ket for boys, it has been tested
for years and proven the best
for wear. '
$2.65 $2.35
Lot of Boys', Children's and Women's
Tennis and ruling shoes, this Is a sample line, some shoes
sold as high as $4.00. If you come early you Q A A
I can get a pair for ........ ... glUU
Boys' Army or Scout Shoes
The best brown elk shoe ever made for a boy's wear, com
fortable, serviceable and good looking. Be Q AC
sure to get a pair at 00. JD
- Children's White Shoes
formerly sold from $2.00 to $1.00; to close
out at .... !
Boys'-BIack Calf Dress Shoes
All sizes from 1 to 6, the best shoe on the CO AC
market at $5.00; get a pair at...... $dvO'
Children's Pumps in Black and Colors
All sizes to close out, regularly sold from $3.00, to $5.00;
Sale r art A r
m . 1 m
A'tt Lt ru
Shoes Wr Ber
1 1 "" w it
oes -7
ert Repair Man
; ;r fV' ! : - ; .
We have one of the best equipped shops in the state and
we use the highest grade leather and repair materials in
all of our repair work. J
' ' - - 1 - " V I , ' ' ""' ' - i, , ' t -
Fox Pumps
an Boob
Rubber Heel Day Is Wednesday
Bring them any day and leave them for Wednesday
We will put on any make of rubber heel on any land, of
shoes in either black or brown or white rubber for
The best 50c heels on the market Wednesday