: ... ".t-4 jp - 'I'none 106 "rrJE paughtera of - the Ameri. of the S 1 tb 28l mou Tnth at hicU Mrs. Sey- day. 5 V r 'w rawation for the . r - The. A3 "JC. -Moor '.. - - a t ml Opied the next month ana , half by Dr. and Mr.; I WillazncitoWalley rcnsfcr Co. fcf;A Freight to All I vaUew-potaHer Dflr. Corraiiia Ens Jeff eo ' " AJbany-iionmouU , Jadependenco.. joiiroe r . ' 3fLiSfi0d l a 6 A?T ;TIIE K . 1 . - If f..J ... 4 .X6Hay - -A : i r r :- m f -Only i, , I , '(' If- t i- ! -'.' ' - IT - " I - - - r r . ' t ,',, ' i - " ' ' ' ' ' '- ' ' - - "V. T.. i I';-' "r 'n ' mo :f -"' y ; -t ( j ir- ,.f. is;- J' ri' . .HlViU III r t. ! r 7 -i- V u 1 fc.-r. -Mi Roy .Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Byrd. and Mrs. Cordelia' Mager. The trip was made Over on Sun day. Dr. Byrd and Mr. Byrd both returned to Salem Monday morn ing. . - ,7; I, airs, wm Knight of Portland the guest for ; a : few diva f ner motherMrs. H. J. Miles. Covers were placed fori nine 'at the Golden Hour club'Iuncheon at 1 o'clock yesterday with; lira. "Ap, ien Cleveland the hostesiMttrl. golds centered the attraatlre isJlle.' The afternoon hours were 'spent with needlework and conversation Club members present for the day were Mrs. G. V. Miles. Mrs. J. R. Pemberton, Mrs. ' Homer t Ingrey. Mrs. I. R. - Springer, Mrs. OM. Hendricks, Mrs Breta-Irs. Van- Slyke, and the hostess; Mrs. Cleveland.-. : . "While no regular meetings will oe nem during the summer months. ' a picnic is planned "for July 10. In the evenlng'the hus-j bands 'will join- the group. Mrs.k : ' ; 1 ; .1 TAKE THE WORD OF. THE , STAR! I k 1 Pemberton and Mrs. Ingrey are in charge; of the affair. One of the fullest programs of the week was that given last night by-a second group of piano and violin popils of Miss Joy "Turner at' the ' First - Christian f church Hoses and ocean spray 'decorated the platform. e Those " taking' part'ln- the pro gram were Mildred Scott. Barbara Barnell,' Delight Heath.Katherine Price, "Bernice Peyree.Fay Pendle ton, Lloyd 1 Ramp. "Byrle Kamp. Wilma Taylor, " Rhea Mae Huber. Bernefss Cowden. Verl White, Lou ise Ilorton,. Robert NeedharaJoan Evans, Margaret Zielesch, Vina Emmett. ; Mrs. "Ed Wander. May- belle Wnnder, Kenneth RickmanF Eldon Rlddell.' Marie Frame, Percy' Riddell, Mrs." Ruby Miller, Gertrude and Bernice WInogar, Donald' Siegmurid, Ralph Savage. Ilia Huber,:Oral Vlolette. Harold Rupert Grace Parker and ' Vcrrna Wood. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miles had as their guests for the first' part of the week Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Teetzel and children,' Lois Fay and Earl. The' TeetselsV after having spent the year in California," are n their way to -Kansas, - their home -being at -St. 'John. -Mrs; Teetrel is a niece 6t Mr. Miles. Friends of Dr; and Mrs. Prince Byrd will be sorry to learn of the illness of their oldest daughter, Betty. The Central circle- of the Jason Lee "Methodist v church, -meeting Wednesday for an all day meeting, spent the ' morning " 4n " quilting. In the afternoon a delightful lm prdmptu -'program was arranged Mrs. F.' M. Jasper ting "Grand father's Clock" ' And 'When "You and I Were Young, MaggIeL"!rJ Mrs. Mud gave .two readings', 'dne-'; n theme from "The Leopard's Spot.' "Three Blind Mice," -as' afround, wasglven by Mrs. Feus tin an. -Mrs Gilbert, "Mrs. Glese, and'-Mrs: ' C G.f Roberts, r Light-refreshments concluded the afternoon. !' The' hostesses for the day were Mrs. Hunt. "Mrs." ' Gf ace Cusher, and Mrs. Chadwlck. - - Miss Gladys K Harbert, Miss Golda Wheeler, and Mrs. Thelma Janz - were hoBteeses ! Wednesday evening at Miss Harbert's home In ' honor of 'Miss Carri ''Edge, brideelect," rThef delightful af f air was In the nature Of a miscellane ous shower. Music and conversa tion added, much pleasure to the evening,' at the -end 'of . which dainty refreshments were-served. The guest of honor. Was made the recipient of mtfny lovely gifts. -' Those honoring Ml88,Edge!.were Atina4 Ward, : Lllrlan-' Jaquef,5 Mar garet - Collins. ' Geraldln -Cortina Zola BIrdwelT, TbeTnf a Simme, Frances" Ploy, Doretha 'Do"uglass, Hester Hilpot, Aldine Hilpot. Mrs. Charles Chase (Marjbrie Harbert), Mrs. J W:"Harbert, Mrs.'S.- H. Edge, :. Mrs. Sophia Wheeler, Mrs. Leah Clinton, Mifs. JLaurel Savage, Mrs. Clarabelle .Gagnon, Gladys Harbert, Thelma Janz and Golda Wheeler. The West Side circle of - the Jason 'Lee aid society, "will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Stlfner.1485 'North Com mercial street. ; ' 2 : :M6to Pajr; ONLY, a super - picture c o u 1 d- 'surpass "The Humming Bird." This IS a 3uper-picturel ..With a sup erfine Swanson,' a superla tive story; a" superb cast, and superior direction' - by . the man who made '-'Zasa." - COMING -SUNDAY ;D!rk;; Bathc!rness ; t- Today ' Hal Ifibbard social afternoon, Mrs. C. Wi-Brant,-491 ebuth Pla ter atreet,ho8tess.T Lv. .J Unitarian Alliance. v Mrs.. Good enough on Rural avenue, 2:30 o'clock. ' -. 7 Willamette chapterct ZWetr minster Guild Mrs. Frank Church I1V783 N. -Winter St., hostess. 'The West Side circle of the Ja son Lee aid society social. Mrs Lloyd Stlffler.,r 1495 ."CdmmF cial St., hostess. "v tt: Pupils of Mrs. Cora Hendry -In recital.., First Christian churihi. 8 o'clock. ' Saturday : - - - - Marion County . 'Sunday t achool picnic. ' Fairgrounds, - ' ; : ,: Junior piano pupils of Mlsa El ma. Weller In recital," glylng-dem- onst ration of Dunning Improved music course for beginners, at Woman's, club house. North Cot tage street. Judge , Peter II. D'Arcy,, ap peared on the, program -yesterday in Portland for the opening day of the 52nd meeting of Oregon Pion eers, leading the special service held in memory of the pioneers who died in the past year. 'Justice George M. Brown - delivered the address of the dayi : ' Mr. and Mrs. D. " H. Hasbrook of La Grande; who have been' the house guests of Mr. and "Mrs. C. N. Needham since last Friday; are leaving . this . morning for Marsh- field. Mr. : Hasbrook is a brother of Mrs.' Needham. ; ' . ! ;. 7'. i::L.;.,r::,'77 Mr. '-and Mrs. C. K Needham are. leaving today., for a Ihree weeks' vacation trlD "-'1'bey'. 4 will iravei Dy auiu. . i ueix- ciurery in cludes a visit-to Seattle, -Victoria, B. C-, -t Vancouver, ,B. C - Lake Louise i-and 1 ' other , points "of in terest. ' 'k s. - ' -Invitations o are being,, recetted for: the wedding -jof ; MUs iZeda Rhoten to Everett : Lisle atthe home, of Mr and Mrs.1 E, A. Rho ten, 1595 Sooth High, street; the event to take place at 3:80 o'clock Sunday-afternoon, June 29. 5""- - ' - -' Ji.r . For. the meeting r of .-the - past noble grand association. "on f Wed nesdays evening, Grace jTaylor-wa's the hostess. The program : took the form of i Flag-day -observance, with - Miss Wllda Siegraund - and Mrs.Usie-Simeral , both ; giving particularly S approprlateTnumbefs A ;sociaUhour; followed the eve- niag's'buBlneBs seslon;s?Mrs.vEtfIe Bdnesteele-and Mrs. -Addle -Ham mer assisted "the -bostemi Hn -the serving of a late luncheon.1 "Association - members ' meeting for the evening were Hattie Cam eron. -Sarah HuttomHftttlPatll terson. Pearl' Nichols; Lena Pee bles, Mary Llckel, Louisa ! Leve land. Alma . HenderB6n;T:iAddiie Hammer, Eva Keene, Etta Hodge. Myrtle Tyrrell; Effie Bonesteelet Iara Guerne, Bennle -Hammer, Ethel Fleteher, En genfar' Sleg- mund, Wttda SlegmundTHeleh Yockey, : Sarabt Nelson, 'RujthJ Den- nison, Elsie Simeral, Grace Taylor 4nd Etna Kranger. . - The -arrival- in , Salem for the summer f . Mrs., .Charles Eaz; formerly , Alice . Blake, front Mo- i desto,' California.-wlU. be of espe- . JfxSfeiplPu:1 . - It's -the Biggest &g$ms f- t" - 5how.:in Town ! - IS-MTIUH I TBI Would Not Received Trade From Benefits Korex For That Amount. would not take $5,000 and go back to where I was 'before 1 began using ' korex compound," says D. W. Wood of 1506 Canal St.,' New Orleans. "The flu Just about finished me, but korex has brought ' me "back to the good healthy , physical -condition I en Joyed at 35. ' My muscles are apf parently as supple as when I was 25;" . : : " I Speedy satisfaction is repbrted by many after using korex' even in leases where the users were skeptical and had : lost faith iii everything else. , Nearly, every- day brings additional reports of de-l-lightful relief from lessened vigor, poor circulation, aching muscles', low glandular activity,' premature old -age and general run-down, tired out condition. According to an announcement made by the Melton Laboratories, '546 Melton Bldg.. Kansas - City, : Mo., . korex compound may now , be had ' In Capital Drug 'Store, at 405 State St., Salem, Oregon. Ask the drug gist about it. Adv. v : jtaisl interest to her many friends Jftee.' With, her little daughter. Betty Jane, she' will -be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam. Blake, at -WHlow farm. Mrs Boitzwho has Lbeen in California siice ' 19 19,. received -her educa tion here. In July she will visit for a time In Portland as the - guest of Mrs. Robert TWaters and Mrs. William Woelk. -' During "the? month of August, the Blakes will occupy their cottage at Rockaway. i . . -u . - iMM. ' W.- P.Lora, ;who- is JU at thk Salem hospital though gei tiag along nlcely,lwlll not be able tof go home for" several '. weeks. Her many friends will be glad of lire report" of a successful con valescence. ; ; -J Of particular Interest to many In local : 'college circles was the marriage on Wednesday afternoon Tii Portland "of 'Mlss Pauline Mc- Clilrlclt; to "VeWl& -D.Baln,t both young Ipeo'ple;-haying graduated from iWiftamett ? university with theVcXass of 1923. ' service was read ' In" the f presence of seVenty-flve friends and. relatives by the grandfather, of the bride, assisted by Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. P -eceding the ceremony, 'Mrs. -Al-frfed McClintock ' (Edna Acker man) sang "At Dawning." The brfdal party -approached the altar tq the strains of ' Mendelssohn's wedding march, with Lowell Beck endorf; a fraternity brother of the groom; at the piano. ? l:LzyiqoratinaJomcJ - " ' .. X. -ik pnrHAd. . .h6weih Bb'uauet". of 'Ophelia roses, Iflleof he raliey,' andweet paaa; Follwingi th xeremny.'MIss , KathleenLa Raut sang "All For You." y , -A reeptibii was "held, - aororlty sisters of rthe bride assisting In the serving. , Mr. "and Mrs. Bain will spend the summer at th-e beachJ and ; in Weed, California, in September taking up their work at Spring field, Oregon, "where Mr. 5 Bain Is principal of the high school ' and Mrs. Bain a member of the fac ulty. " ' ' "Mrs. George "A. White "will be among those attending the mill- tary inspection Monday at f Camp Lewis. A number of -state offi-f cials plan to be In. Attendance to eether with 1 other 'wives of rot fleers. O , . Mrs..'W. E.-Kirk was hostess on Wednesday afternoon for a 'group from the Lucy 'Anna Lee circle of the-First i Methodist churcH. Tne short ; business meeting - was fol lowed by a - social hour, and the serving of . light " -; ref reshmentsj Sweet - Williams and canterbury bells were used in the vases about the ' rooms. The atendance - was not large; so many of the members bein " engaged ? in, work vfor the dally vacation bible schols. Other circle hostesses - for the day were Mrs. W. -F. Proctor, Mrs. F. S. Gilbert, Mrs. E. V. Ryder, Mrs. KoonMrs-Teustman and Mrs 1 C Waterman. Mr. R. . R. ' Ryan who has been enjoying an extended visit in Cali fornia, will -arrive , home the ' last of next -week. "Miss Gertrude Tufcker, ifter vlsi- Itlng in Sfll&m, for a few days, will enter v thec University of - Oregon summer .school "which opens 'next Monday i at Eugene Mjss Tucker was'the" guest : of Miss' Ruth ' Ross on Wednesday. . L '' ' ,. Four matrons ol the 'Friday bridge club -were 'nostesses on Tuesday evening. 4 at s - ah f eight course dinneratuhe Spa for the pleasure of the' members "of the group and their httsbarids. The tables were' tastefully decorated with sweet peas. ?Those acting as hostesses -were Mrs. L. W. Glea gon,' Mrs. Claire VIbbert, Mrs. Da vid Wright and Mrs. Scott Page. Following . the dinner "the gnests were 'entertained at. six tables of five 'hundred at the ' home of Mr and Mrs, age. 'Flrst prize for the ladies went to Mrs.- Fred Delano, while Earle Daue f won for the men, Daring' the evening,, elec tion -of officers Occurred with the rresult that "Mrs. "Fullerton -is the, new.presldent,. and Mrs. Earle Dane .the- new club secretary. The .'cjuh . will hold.'tio : further meetings until October. - Covers vat' the dinner -were placed", for ;3Ir. vand - Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, Mr;f and Mrs. Harley White,: Mr. and Mrs E. -A". Kurtz,r afr: and Mrs.- Earl' Fisher,' Dr. and Mrs.-O. . A. Olson, Mr. '.and -Mrs.. Earle Daue, Mr.; and Mrs.'. Ralph Mendy. Mr; and Mrs. Fred Delano,; Mr. and Mrs.' Scott Page,- Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, Mr; and Mrs. Claire VIbbert, and Mr. -arid' Mrs. L. W. Gleason. NOW tm CMSSIFIEB SGHOBT "Then C3 OLASSJJIXD JDVXBTISnOCm Bai pw worti lotiey to Loan - T. K. FO&D (Om Vmid ft Bnb BtiV AUTOMOBILES 1 DOES TOUR FORD , START HARD I Metaeto tested tr at 275 8. Com. ' mrrtl - Bt. '- ' l-jagT - ' "AUTO" REPAIRING "S BCICK AND STCDEBXKER . . Specialists ; JACK DOERFER MOTOR REPAIR 410 8. Commreial 2-nelS AUTO -TOPS IF ITS FOR THE -TOP t OR TJPHOLr . sterr of a car we hara it. Call and sea - o. j;huii t 256 State St. 4 '8-Jael5 - J FOR' RENT? apartmeatf S - - - ' - FOR-REUT AND-3 ROOM APART - .snents, $12 nDtl. . 26 . & Commep-1 ciaU .. . - -- 5-J26 FOB. EKNT IIOUSEvAND Apartment!. Phone 205J. S-JlylS" FOR RENT 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED Apartment. Light and water. 570 Union. BEACTlFUtr AFARTMEST8, REABON ' a birr to permanent tenant Adsitts. 52 2J. -15th SUr Adnlta- 6-jn21.J FOR ' REST SOME - GOOD ApartmenU at all Dricee. 147 N. Com'l. St. .Mrs. -Moyer. . i , j5-inel8tf FOR- RENT APARTMENTS, OenmwrciaL Mr. and-lJrs. 'LW. Gleason, accompanied' by Prof wsorR. Harr, , .1 ; ;ol m ncic luiuug luuBO iiuiu ssiciu si- tending1 tBe ; Unirerfeit of Oregon commencement 'exercises' tm '-Mon day. "Motoring down,' they-spent Sunday with friends. Mrs. Frank Churchill will 'be hostess this afternoon f of the'Wil- lamette chapter of "Westminster' Guild, -entertaining at her 'home, 783 North Winter Btreet. Mrs.. Loretta Koener and' Miss Helen Yarnell are ' attending; as delegates, the Christian-Endeavor convention , this week In .Vancou-i r Waahinirtnn The r1ll hn guests in Portland for a few days before returning borne, The Unitarian. Alliance will meet today with Mrs. Goodenough on Rural avenue; the -members gathering at the parsonage, ; 57 Cbemeketa street, at 2; 30 o'clock where cars" will be in readiness, f Miss Edna '"Ellis - accompanied Mrs.s J. D. McCormlck and '' son; Kenneth, who left Tuesday eve- nine ; for St. Paul, Minnesota They will be gone until Septem ber , 1, visiting' throughout the summer with relatives and former friends Next week- Dr. " McCormlck leaves for Idaho and 'Montana' for Epworth league Institute. He will be a-member of . the faculty, returning the first of August, ?Mrs, C. "W. Brandt will be hos tess'for the Hal Hubbard social afternoon today, at? he home, 494 South Winter street; - Miss Beatrice Shelton announce two recitals for -next week,; Wed nesday, June 25.' and Thursday, June 26,' at the First Congrega tional church.;' On; the first eve ning, ine4 senior xiass will be pre sented;' and on y the second night thd muslcalewill be -given by theg.D KRWO O 0 typewriter cc - intermediate pupils.'; The Schubert octette, Mary Talmadge, Violin j and Miss Whalen, violin will as sist on the first program.. On Thursday evening the high school double quartette, and Leonard Chadwlck, 'violin, 'will augment V . 1 i . I uuuiuers.j3oiB rausicaies, ginning at 8:15 o'clock, will be public . , uAn. .Invitational . evening, how ever. Is planned forMonday June 1 5,' when the members of the jun ior Class will appear tn ' a delight fur Btoiy of the Fairies" play, assisiea . ny Mrs, Kaipn ; White's dancing,. ialrie3. . .' mis .norence anie.'whcr-wili rH1-? w.w v.M'vioti.ui viuguu, is Boms tot the summer as the guest' of her, parents,"1 Mr. and'Mrs. William oisu). Miss'Letha'Creson5 of Portland and' Hector G. Brokke of ' Silver- ton -werfr-married at .3 o'clock Wednesday-afternoon at the home of the -groom, with: forty, guests. among whom were Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Needham of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs.' C. , H.r Loomia of Li Porte, Indiana, witnessing the ceremony. The bride wore white organdie and carried ' a Bhower I bouquet of, bride's roses and white sweet peas. Attendants' were Miss Ruth Brokke and Theodore Cro-1 tou. i no rooms were mrortiKM-1 decorated " with, canterbury bells. Ml X. AdrertiilBS '-Dc. Ou'VMk, On noata. (tlx lasartfaas) 81x months'' eoatrMt par m ' IB Mithi' MmtrMt, pw at fM.aayav' -FOR-REXT apartments z yOR'REJfTXICE 8 ROOM FCRXI 'ed apartment, fafcln-psrk. 495 K r niTciai. Pbon .1757W. fi jn KICELY FURXISIIED TWO -,r snodern apfrtment, 1133 Court. AFARTMENT: FDRXISHED OR VTSi l msnea ;xo- reaponsibi party at Brwa, 18- 8. -Com' I. . Pbona - I Brown, 1S70J, er 811. . 6 J.: THREE ROOM FURNISHED AVA Bxit, S02 H. Bowser. . - . . IF 'TOO .'ARE INTERESTED IN C '-lean, eomiortable apartaienta, r able rent ; soatsd - dowatawa d " Pat ton apartment. " For iatpe-;.: t reaarvatiaav call Pattoa'a Baok fctot. FOR IUTT'Tocsrs j'. i 1l FOR RENT 8U&EFING- ROOM-:Lf ,l tor fnUeman, 914 for room t garage.- - Mrs. -Moyer, -147 K.- Om cial 'St. Room . . . -jo,. BOOH AVD BOARD WITH HOME I ilere.-.'Phen 1942J. FOR ItEJPT' hoosea i 7 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE,. IX KO Liberty. Car Price Shoe Co. 7-jm.. . FOR RENT 2 GOOD ROOM 'ho claie in with . basement and furr 14TN. Com'l St.. Mrs. Moyer. 7-j at i FOR RENT 8 ROOM HOUSE, GAE 1 za montn. eererai enoice ' oowl apartments, - . j ,. WINNIE. PETTYJOHN; TAeaHnr 216 Oreroa Bldf." ; ' 7-jiu- 4 ROOM COTTAGE. WITH- RANGE, f ,796 X. 14th, St. Phone 1889J 7-jnel HOU5ES TO -RENT T. U WOOD.-f Sute St - - 7-nsi HOUSE FOR. SENT PHONE 1 7-i Call -at 161 N. 13th. I partly furnished 7 room no c I on 11 iswr. fiisss auv aitn.ir-' ' Turner. " Orefon. t-aa. FOR RENT 5 ROOM MODERN 110 L ' close ' to school and dose in. ba)- and: raga, 35. fl47 !N. Com't Mrs. Moyr. - 7-inf FOR -SAIJB-mtscellaBeona C CLOVER HAY IN THE FIELD. PHO 8-J. , 67F3. ' KITCHEN CABINET, ,i25. PIT -8 1352-M." VJCTROLiA -AND 84 RECORDS FOR t wicker- baby 'bngify -and- twe"ean- birds. .445-oath. Winter. '8-.., 2 WILTON, RUGS FOR SALE 163 Nu 13th Strict. - S-Jnt.i I loganberries delivered . I Tpound.. all ,1F15.. ,, 7e -Jn ;Fruit Jars We have a larga aapply t maatly t : frvit jars for aaAe. We Save You Money ' CAPITAIi' BARGAIN' HOUSE - 215 Center St. "Wa buy and aell averrthing" - 8-jnel:.' FOR SALE FIRE-WORKS ; WIICI. T - - ssie and retail, 844 Hojua ' ligh . 0eor& Sua. FOR SALE-KA-LARGK AANDE -V reaerrotr. ad aoadmoa. - - Apply 867 N. Front. . , 8-hu- - I-CA8H FOR . TRASH. 'A - BONA - FI" atier. Saad th claituied columni t 'daj. - - - . .ti , PRINTED -CARDS, BirE 14" BY 7 V " woraing, "-i(ina -ta-Reat,"' priea eenta aaah. Btstssiaaa Paiinsn C. f iea, Grwnad Floors - - I BeaUtiful-OrCfOli TtCZ 1 I a 'And alavta-ataav "Oraroa aeact ti rntstr vitk i flaaeeeUacUe at pair y .la aoara, aaerad aeaaa and aaaay 4 tlata tavortkaa. 'ALL FOS lis. ( ' f SnaahU 'Wleaa m naatrt sktst ' XapaeUlly adaptable for., asheal. v smaalty ar hoaa aiagi"C ' 6ad fori WsteroiJcnsstci: ; a page ttvhr fti Utrd adlUoa PabSiaadny . ' OREOOH TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Coma are iaj St. Salem, ti Eaveytir machine-rstra - i t paopla twha-auaka it. - fpaeial r i rata to stadaata. 100 Maaoala I " Phase 262. - n a. 4 FOR SALE OLD VEWSPAPEE 1 J! a baadla. Cireulatloa departs . t Or o Sutoaman. FOR SALE livestock ' 0 De-IFOR -8ALI: FRESH JK.RKKV fO'x', good milker, 771 N. Commerrisl. ' 9 -J-J SETERAL- GOOD" MiLX COWS,- T? t - swung- iresa. . for - aaie. - ;v m cloderman, Jefferson, Ore- Bk 1. If' '49F88 roaa8aaaa. ' 4a I. - . KINO O REGISTERED WHITE I ' - aiaa eat at Stud. Flake a PatUnd.lt I State. Phone 56. L 9-mSij I fred w LANOE. VETERTKARIAK utiica 430 S. Commercial, Phone ' R. Phone tsift. -9-ir" WOOD FXR BALK 11 "INCH OLD FIR FIRST CLAirui i euro, guaranteed. fKn. l'lRlll. i ll-jne:J , CALI 1855 for yon r rnat and wood. Jjnw siisun'' ' prieea, InmedUte - ar latetr 4lir-; 11-jneld.: BEST GRADE OF WOOD i FT. AS3 IS inch. Dry mill- wood. Dry. eiMHNid Growth Xi. . Dry. oid fir. 4 foot Ash and Oak. 'Prompt dH ivory and reasonable pri. Fred K. ' Wells, 180 South t hnrfh. Phone 1542. 11 jn13 IS - INCH B LOGIC WOOD. S375 P load; four loads' 914. Phone 18T9 0? ?OR saleorder your CI ter'a wood now. Oak. ash. firt-aw second growth fir. Phaaa 179W. tl jne 2- for h a lk trt am.mnMwrn - J"1 n. -Tor immediate c" 4 1. '2 14 ..i . t , - - I fr BEWJHD GROWTH FIR f T.OI Jti j-.Vf".4 -..T t. - ! I laard, daliy-amd. i Jknu,1l)Ii. 1Sm(