THD OREGON STATESMAN. SA OREGON THE FINEST IIDP SIM", T. A. Livesley & Co, Have . the Best Equipped Hop , Plants Ever Known The Irrigation Slogan number of The Statesman on May 22 con tained a description bt the -new ir rigation system being pot in by T. A. Livesley & Co. for their Lake Brook farm, seven miles be low Salem. The two pumps will supply a million and a half gal lons of water in ten hours. . The system Is about ready now. They will irrigate their whole 39 0-acre hop yard there on their 6 4 0-acre Lake Brook farm. Fine Equipment ' There is an apartment house on this farm with 63 rooms and another one just finished with 38 rooms. The buildings are electric lighted, have running water in each room, with stoves, chairs, etc., and the camp ground is elec trically lighted. There is a hall for entertainment, ana a large store, and 12 hop kilns, and four more hop kilns are being built, to take care of the larger yield due to ir rigation. There is nothing just like this hop yard elsewhere in the world; no other yard as thor oughly equipped. - ' Have Other Yards T. A. Livesley & Co. have also a big hop yard four miles south of Salem, on the Riverside paved highway. They have 290 acres In hops here, and they use patent steam dryers;, steam heat, .drying their hops. In seven hours, against 18 to 24 hours under the old sys tem. They hate just built three apartment houses at this yard, and they may install an irrigation system , here j later; j though they wouia nave to build a pipe line A mile and a half long to the water supply, the- Willamette river. They nave also 5 0-acre hop yard at OrqyUle, , on the ; Oregon Electric' liner 12 . mflea south of Salem, and one of 106 acres six and a half miles southeast of In dependence. ; . T. A. Livesley & Co. grow in their own yards about a million pounds of hops a year, and they kre , in addition large contractors and dealers in hope. T. A. Lives ley and John 3. Roberts, both among Salem's leading men in all matters of business and general public interest, are the members of the firm, f . A Lot of People They employ a lot of people in their operations. In picking time, they will have about 2S00 people on their payrolls. As they pro duce about a. tenth of the hops of Oregon, this means that in picking time an army of about' 25,000 people are employed. That means a big sum of money that has gen eral distribution here in the days of August and September to say nothing of large sums during the rest of the year, spent for the la bor of cultivating, training, etc. If the reader will note other ar ticles in this morning's issue, he will find that .this one firm pro duces aboutj one-thirtieth of all the hops grown in the world. BIB HECHE EVERYBODY Settled Down to a Long Sea son's Run; Rain Did No Damage to Cherries BUSY Canneries in the Salem district have settled; down to steady pro duction for the season: and are busy on strawberries, cherries, raspberries and loganberries. Baker, Kelly & McLaughlin, at the old Salem Fruit Union plant, in their barreling operations, are still very busy . on strawberries, and will be until some time next week.' '. i : The cannery of the Hunt Bros, company is busy on all four vari eties of fruit, but is not in the market for cherries, It was said yesterday. Strawberry packing is practi cally completed at the Producers Canning ft Packing company plant and attention is being turned to ward the other varieties. The Star Fruit Products com pany is also busy on several vari eties of fruit. ' , ,i Loganberries Fine ? ' t Loganberries are fine for' the first picking, it was said at seve ral of the plants. Cherries, as was expected, are a little small this year, but so far are not show ing any ill effects from the rain. However, a portion of the cher ries being packed at present ,are being received from the hill sec tions near Salem, where there was comparatively little rain. - No Damage Done Yet Packers in general evince no uneasiness over the rain, and it is believed the moisture will not do any damage through cracking the fruit. This condition will hold true providing there is no sudden reverse in, temperature and a re turn to hot weather. . Little said at the canner ies regarding raspberries,; other than the fruit was .being handled. It is in good shape, but not ex ceptional. With the added moist ure the remainder of the rasp berry arid loganberry crop is ex pected to receive material benefit. The Raas interests, in the Southern Pacific warehouse back of The Statesman office, are busy early and late receiving all -. the R6yal Ann cherries they can han dle. inn JLALd D Ifflll mm Just reived a; big stock of goods from th6 adjusters of trie Fisher Converting i bankrupts, of New York City. We are going to put these out at prices that ' give you some unheard of bargains. In addition, we have cut the prices on all army goods to CLOSE THEM OUT with the bankrupt stock. .'s NOW LOOK AT THE, PRICES! . r Conway St e. el Camp Beds, rust proof; soft,"; i jex- .85; New Leather Puttees Alt slxe7 but Of ftC stock Is limited . . . V '- Heavy eisht jbiue lii b : r. v, Overalls v; Pali eat, 1 Vlfl Z-29 denim ... .. . Athletic Union Suits Good quality, nainsook, cool. ....... 49c comfort able . 3 for - ,. ..$1.35 , .. SHOES . 75 pairs, regularly $4.83 to $5.50;, army lagt, Cordovan . . Bed Sheets Bleached; full f lze 72xOO J rniow 9 Cases ; O&Q Double Blankets Xo. 810, extra , size wool finish. Regularly J0 QP 94.43 ' . iidiesMChakl Outing: ; . ; Shirts. ; I High ' . .- : CI quality : .;Vm.,; ylnJ Blick Leather Gauntlets . Driving sioves, v Wi ' very special ....... ' ; , . ? Palmolive , Soap, bar, Rose nd Tar 1 r- C l.w.. ...... Composition Belts wear, better,, Loik like leather, )Cl l UK Evefeady Safety . Razor blades . .i. ..".. . . . Suitcase, Steer Frame Just Trbt you -, nerd for camping.;- Q CQ Very special .4,,.Vlu3 Linen Water Bags iai..v$l iu$1.45 O. D . Flannel Shirts ' Black, bear quality, CO 1 Q . -alt wool ........ $fM.V 4 All Leather Wrist Gloves; Xo. 515, wire reinforced stitching. Regu- QQ larly $1.2o. Special, .,QC j White and Grey Wool j ' Sox,...:.49c Sport Sox s.r.asc- $i GEOSMGiOtTI7; ARMY. GOODS; Pack Carriers 1 yL ;V Army Issue Soap reclaimed ........49c I j VV bars ...T. ....... Si O. D. Breeches . vC Army Marching Shoes "r1 4c rr7: widuls $3.29 Brand New Army Pup Tents wWByet?mP; jST..:.: $2.65 laimed Cantons mixed $2.49 Navy Hammocks I cover .....35c Campaign Felt Hats duck . 'OJ Round Army Canteens Xew t , CI 29 Herman's Regulation Army Shoeaf . AC- sweat hands . . . v Xmtf Xliis is the, CC OC reclaimed ....... Tslt . . ' real thins . .. V0 Army Gloved1" FaCC Army Locker Trunks 17 mTlL !Sf!arly. :29c -?4?iS?aa i'he- ...$25 89c UNITED OUTING STORES . 189 NORTH COMMERCIAL St. Our Ubthing, vHato? ; Shoes, Furhishingo, Etc, All Will G6 Beiore This Liifeuty H Peoples CashStore Is Making a Whirlwind FMISM! We Will Sell Genuine B. V. Ds for 89c And 250 Pairs of Khaki Pants for 98c .LXIZ ? SOO Pairs Women's, Cliildren's Guaranteed Solid Ixatlier Ited 1t and Green Sandals, S3.00 values, j Ail sizes here Lik WIllS C M K osas iy Glome 5 :-v- r; TUT ' .TV weep i his Bag Stock Awlv., Cold Type Never told Such a Story of Wanton and 0elibs s! Sacrifice of Fine Merchandise a - Twer days are left in which you can buy fine, hiirhrade tneix pneeii cucli c never before have been offered you! Wfe e'maldhg this event lbhg to be r6memfcifcI! A V. Spare Is the B of This M Em attle Cry Commercial We are making every effort, before our time is up, to clean out this big stock of fine merchan dise Our time is short , and our stock is still large. The selling is to be quick, short and de cisive. We have gone through this entire stock cutting, ripping and slashing prices. Every sin gle dollar's worth of this superb stock is due to go within a -very short time. This is one grand opportunity it may never occur again. Read every word of this advertisement. Scan every line. The prices in the store best tell their own story of what a merciless and determined sacri fice this sale is. Let nothing" Tieep .ouaway Don't fail to be one of the first to enter the store when the big doors swing open Thurs 9:30 a. m. The man who said this Stock won't go talks in his sleep. Dreams on these prices will never come again. J (Signed), WM. McD. LEWIS, Price Supervisor of Tne People's Cash Store. SUITS, CLOTHING ! The finest in the land will go before ihii rnighty, twisting, screeching slaughter In this big stock serges, bankers' mentioned above not be forced to lople of Salem 9 a. in. iou wUl find any stIe or patteiTi wanted. . Casbjneres, . worsteds tweeds, ilie grays, Metcalfs lnf most any color or stripe to choose from. A1J the finest makes re hi-re una many more, we asK you to come ana iook them over. You will buy it will do- jKm-good-to see W- big 'clothing department -and seel how tle are saving, on- this extra fine merchandise. Come the doors, open promptly at Men's and Young Men's $18.00 Jq k r Suits will go for 3SJflp Men's and Young Men's a).)0 - , Ai i i r . Suits will go for v l X1D Men's and Young Men's $22JSO " 019 9C Suits will go for .............. 0 JLOiOO Jlen's and Young Men's $23.00 f J f P Suits .will go.;for . . ,i ) lDt'.J Men's and . Young Men's $35.00 T tT 1 Suits. wm go f?r vlUj Men's and Yonng Men's $40.00 p Suits win go for JiJiuO All alterations free of charge. ' Every suit will be pressed neatly before being taken out of the store., WARNING! Don't buy clothing until you have seen1 thW stupendous array of irresistible bargains. : , " Sale Shirts ifeKidairi ; . Fall a. .ma. 3 A lOOO Yards 18c - Gingham Go for yd. . . 7c A 7 2O0 Pairs of , Men's Khaki Pants .98c A Genuine having! Will be passed out lor Women's Girls' Middies Iteg. S3.00 values, all sizes, QQf go for Ot , i 350 Pairs of Mens Cashmere and Worsted Pants values to . C?1 50 $4 f. ..i if.. 5lUO Kxtra Salesmen in' Kvery Department Buy Now! "It Ain't going to rain no more" Sheets Sire SlxOO, reg. $2.00 quality, QRr now ' only .... wOt A Men's and Boys' V New Style Caps S.'...' 78c See Them All SJws . 30c Quality Percales Challies Go now (or . . . . , 16c Men's K(ra Heavy Blue Chambray Work Shirts ; 49 c Stock t'p Now ami - j Save " u : ; L ADI SUITS DRESSES Such garments were never before" offered so low. Latest Styles' materials be sure to see these .jl.:.; .. :w.. , - - : Men's Dress Shoes ; v . Black or brown, calf or kid, go for $2 05 All 35c Sox now go for L. 13c Mens Fine Felt Hats, $3.66 grade$l .49 Men's f 2.00 Balbriggan Unions.... . 89 C Men's 75c Dress or Work Suspenders39c Ties, knit or silk, $1.00 vahie.. 29c Hop Pickers Straw Hats.... .U..... 24c $5.00 Men's Dress Panls. $2.95 $1.50 Children's Play Suits... 179c $5.00 Peter Pan Wash Suits $L49 $2.00 Men's Fine Dress Shirts 79c $.3 Men's Leather Outing Shoes $1.79 50c Paris Garters go at......... 19c Hundreds of items at........ 10c $2.50 Crepe de Lene, all colors.... $1.19 t$2.50 Messaline Silks, all colors $3.00 Changeable Taffetas.-. 1 jLJJ 36 inch Curtain Marquisette........ Z SL40 A65c Ladies' Knlcker Sox .. . . C $3.00 Ladles Coveralls, all sizes Just the thing, for picking Ladies extra fine Dress Sweaters 31 ZD $3.00 ; Ladies' Dress Hats .. .... COc 5.06 Ladies Dress Hats . . SliCS A wonderful selection 75c Ladies Fiber Silk Hose;........... I9c $1.00 Ladies Fine Dress H6se..rT 39 C .. . c" r . 50c Bath Towels, extra size.. Zi C . . -: - ' . ft a $10.00 Fine Dresses go, for..... 'v5Tf $1.50 Ladies Fine Aprons... 7iC ,. " ..--.,...:.'.' - x . . . Vn $1.00 Girls Union Suits . .........: 0i C 75c Ladies' Fine Vestsr............. 29 C S8.30 Boys Suits bto at .. $4.80 $12J itoys' Suits go at ".: $6,85 Boys'. Knee Pants Reg. $1.50 70 and $2.00 IOC ,, ltoysV -Kliaki Shifts now-f or U THE WHOLE STORE IS FULL OF BARGAINS THE PEOPLES CASH STOKE CORNE1R COMMERCIAL AND COURT ST, Corner Entrance Only