t 4. H V V I - ' r f . 4 I h Ik. REAL ESTATE city S3 ovn YOUR none FOR SALE OR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE, 2 638 16th street! J250; terms liks reM. Becke Hen- cricsi., v. . Bank Bide. 23-jn13 RXAl. RARfl ATV lr a c-r viv . tbk; pd it moo J hone 217. - ... , , 2S-jnlS POR SALE BY OWXER-BEACTIFUl, Pric $850; $130 ow; $20 nj ln- quarterly. AlUtt MIL 1375 N. SS-jtielS FINK MODKRS BDSOALOW, GOOD LO- rma. Another ee for vith 7 rooms. Fire In awrsnce. ft Ann l . . II. fc. Browm or VelTia Johnson, 109 oT JIOUSE BARGAIX AT 168 N , lk SI. 8 lare nice rooms. Urge . j 'ots. faraaee. fireplace ,d gars.-;. I For quick Mle.vilt.uk $1000 less Clan price. JOHV TT RVVTfl : r 305 Oregoa Bid. 25 jn15 FOR SAT.V. nit pttu' A large apartment hoas for small tract, paying- atood interest. Only s few blockt from the basinet center. G. W. LAFLAR. 410, Oreron Bid. 25-jael8 WHY PAY RENT, f 12o Down, $25 month buys eoiy cot tare 8 ranma eooim $2a0 Cash balstac like rent buys real modem bungalow Price $3400. $650 Cash; $20 per month bays neat a ruora roiiaga. -ne sisao. -Jisny others on easy psrments Se CHILDS ft BECHTEL 510 Slate St. . 25-jnel5tf WIT qit v fro a ni- $18.000 Choice business property w!tB paying ouimh. Also inclad ine a ntAfl mvtv in nriUw $20,000 A pay in it modern apartment ' bona. 27 ronms. $7500 8tor bnildinf. Snap. Income 8 130O Biitb i ml at and Mvin confectionery and grocery bnsinese wia iiTinr rooms. . cneap rent. idea r location. -- CHILDS A- BECHTEL- ' 840 Stste St. , 23-Jnet5tf EXCELLENT BUY 8 AND EXCHANGES 20 acre sabarbaa home. $5500, will exchange, for home in Salem. Large modern bouse close In. income $65 per , month, chance for smaller noose. 8eerat basiness , propositions for rood farms.'...; -. ? During the past two weeks we hare soia and exchanged the following prop erty : Good Salem home. $4500. C1s in 80 acre arm $25,000. Nice suburban home, $4500. Good business block. $30,000. If yon want to bay,; sell or exchange Bee PERRINE SCARSTERS Commercial Club Bids. 25-Jnel5tf FOR BALE 10A. 8 IN CULT. CLOSE , to Salem. 3 room house and barn. 200 prans trees ! year old. 40 trees mixed orchard, all bearing. Price $3500; $1000 down and good terms. : - Twa large modern homes - eloM In and Well located. Will trade, one or both,- for large well improved farm. .trice reasonable. All modern. 10A' river bottom land, PA in enlt. 3 room houae, barn, with shed on three aides. Chicken house, wood shed. All fenced. TA prunes,- 6 apple trees, - 6 cherry, 2 plums, 1A logans and all kinds of berries. 8 miles from Salem on rood road. $3500; rood terms. 160A cloM'to Staytoa. 55 in cult. ; New house and barn. Trade for city 1 property." Price" $35 per A. feney to loan on unproved farms at low rate of interest. ' If yen need money I can help yow. Mrs.-M oyer, 147 '. Commercial St. Room 6. 25-jnel5tf Best Buys and Exchanges ML Jefferson View Home acres, the best location for yourcountry home, 5 minute drive from business heart of eity. . On Pcifie highway. - - ' 12 arrea bouse, barn,, coops. 6 acres commercial frait,- elortrie lights in all buildings, on pavement, 1 mile from Salem. Would divide nicely. Only ,$8000. wilt accept Salem resident not over $4000. .. . - .10 acres. 7 bearing prunes 11 years old. 2 'i logans. 3 room house, barn, good well, 3 Vs miles from 8a I era cen ter, . $4750. Will accept Salem resi dence for all r part. " - ' .'' . 10 acres. 5 prunes. 5 togsns, 6 room modern bungalow, bars, IH miles from Salem, $6000; will Uke Salem resiHenee not over 8400O. $7700 wilt bay a home of $10,000 value, strictly- modern bungalow, up to the minute in every detail, double ga rage to match style of house, large lot, fruit, on pavement and car line. $3900 .will buy a going hotel in smaller town, with) furniture, 4 lots, would take Salem residence of small business for'all or part. - . Socolofsky . 341 Stat St. 25 jnelStf BEST BARGAINS IX CITY AND COUN try homes, sale r exchange, anything, vr anywhere, at price you can afford. ; . 159 A fine dairy ranch. 123 acres, '100 in cultivation, 11 good dairy cows, . 8 young heifers, 8 horses. 15 hogs, 300 chickens, complete set f machinery. A nearly 'new 7 room house, barn 60 toy 60. Bargain at $12,250, or will . trade for city property. 145 A good business building near Iadd ft Bush bank, good investment at $10,500. 147 Another good investment close In,- 7 room house, plastered a ad well - finished. 2 8-room new bungalows now . rented at $65 a month and 3 garagea. Lot 66. by 15V. Alt at $10,500. 4R. A 67 aere farm one mile from small town. Has state high sehisot and church. 50 acre under cultivation, all good fences and cross fenced, a fairly rood 6 room house and other buildings. Team of horses, ' harnesses, wsgon, and all machinery needed. A good cow and heifer. A fine place, good soil. All at $3600. "-Good terms. per cent. , A new modern 5 room house, furnace, garage, good location, at $420O. - $lnOO buys A room house in good lorstioa, paved streets, garage, screens, shades, gas. Let 40 by 208. A bargain, very good terms. " A new 5 room bungslow, good sise rooms, very nicely finished and arrang ed. A bargain at $2850. 141 A good 5 acre tract with build ings, near Salem, at $4500; or trade for eity property., . .. We have a fine- selection of acreage, .with or without buildings, from one to on hondr-vi. ' - " 1 - ' -We wiite,fire and automobile insur- aace. . . . - ; - Moisan & Ulrich 123 N. Commrrcist. Fbene 1354 SMjnelotf KOK SALE 9 RIXM HOU8K. GARAtSK and gar J en. $2500; terms. 575 N. 14th - ; 25-jnel7 ROOM BUNGALOW. BASEMENT. ' fireplace, furnaee, paved street, nicely furnished throughout, bedding, dishes, kitrhen utensils, all yea have to do is to bnv your mest and groceries. Close in. $6300. Gertrud J. M. Psge, 492 Nv CotUge St. 25-jne lttf PRINTED CA KD8, 81ZB 14" BY wording "For Bent." prie 10 eoata eaeai. RtalNaii Business Off i Uroaod Floor. , TJZAL E3TATH city 23 1 $5500 BUYS r t A new stucco 6 room modern home on N. Church street. Immediate pea aession. umx us snow yon tais home. W. M. GRABENHOR3T ft CO. 275 SUM St, 25-nel3 4 ROOM HOUSE $1650. 5 ROOM house basement, furnaee, garage, close in $3.- o room new bungalow, basement, furnace, everything modern, $4200. 6 room bungalow, ; furnace, fireplace double garage, new, $5200. 6 room house close in $4200, Gertrude J. M. Psge, 492 N. Cottare St. 25-inel4tf A SIX ROOM MODERN HOME CLOSE in on a corner, bath, streets paved, $4000; $1000 will handle It. A four mom house on a nice corner near ear and school. Street being pav ed. Price $1900; street improvements In addition. Terms on this. . Do yon want a nice esst front tot In .the Oaks addition f $1150: terms. - See J. A. MILLS 331V Stste St. 25-jael7 FOR SAt E 97 ACRES TIMBER $2000 Ten acre tract with bungalow, outbuild- ings .and orchard, . $1500; 140 acres part river bottom, fair buildings $85 per acre: Ten acre tract close in to ex change fpr larger farm ; good houae to trade for suburban home; four room . bungalow, paved -street. $1800; five room bungslow corner lot $2300; new up to dste bunraiow close in $4400; strictly modern bungalow , $5750; four ' room house lights, water and fruit trees $1000; 50 cords of wood for ssle: three room apt. for rent close in; also fir room bungalow. . L. Wood. 341 State St. i 25-jnel4tf WHY NOT A GOOD ONE f 7 rooms very latest in homes, with all built-ins, hardwood floors, fireplace. breakfast nook. . Let u , show you. Price $7000. i ' i McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 C. S. Bank BIdg. Phone 140 We write alt kinds of Insurance. " - - : ' 25-jnel2tf BEAUTIFUL XEW 6 ROOM STUCCO house, osk floors, furnace, fireplace. . garsg. large lot. .This is an unusual bay at $7500. Owner must make quick - disposal and will take cheaper houae or lots on parrnase price. , WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon BIdg . 23-jnel2tf BARGAIN 6 ROOM HOUSE, VERY large lot. 1246 Marion St.. close in lo cation, heave in fine condition, $4250. tBecke A Hendricks. C. 8. Bank BIdg. 25-jnel5 JU8T THE THINOI For a-man with several horses. A targe barn and wsrehouM or storage facilities, with 6 room plastered house - and corner on paved - str -et (paving paid) $2100. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State 'St. j 25-jnel3tf SOW IS THE TIME: TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE I . 5 room cottage, completely furnish ' ed; a wond.rfut home; price reasonable, good terms. New 4 room house, basement, fur r aace. A. wonderful view. Price very " . low. ; Fine horne 6 rooms; good location; targe lot; price right and terms easy. This is a well-built, nicely finished 6 room house; location is wonderful; fine lot; price reasonable;' terms fair. ' - Here is a lovely 5-room bungalow, . basement, near school, easy to buy. I.ook at.thia 4 room bungalow, good basement; everything for Cora'f'y. Low '. price, terms to suit. , If yon want a home, 'com in; we aim to please. f 1 , RICH L. RELMAXS -": ' " - Realty 307-308 Oregon Bdlg. Phone. 1018 25-jnel3tf FINE - RESIDENCE LOT IN -A choice residence district on the corner of Wil son and Saginaw streets. Priced' for few days at $375. So Vick Bros. ..... 25-m24t' BEAUTIFUIi EAST FRONT LOT ON fnurta ' Summer SMireMaali f oi quick ssle. Dr. Fred "Uis. 25-mltf PRISTED CARDS SI2R 14" BT ! wording "Tor Sale, Enquire at." Prio 10 eeats . Meh. Suteamaa Baaiaa' Offje. Grouad Floor. i . TEN BEAUTIPCL'i-ACRE HOMES ITES .just beyond city limits; high, sightly, ' wonderful view., Each 9400. 10 per cent down, $10 a month if taken soon. Splendid value, i Harris, Phone 1013, 1942J. 25-jn3tf 5 .ROOM .NEW .BCNGALOW. DOUBLE coastraction, corner lot. ssaow down $40 month. Price $4200. ' GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE - 492 X, CotUge 1 23-jne6tf A BEAUTIFUL HOME. ATTRACTIVELY furnished, east front. $6850; will trade for smaller house. This is a very good buy or trade.. Make an offer. Cash will talk this time. Gertrude J. M. Page, . i L ; 25-jnel4t! $4200 NINE BOOM HOUSE IN GOOD condition, six blocks out, lot 90 by 132 feet . with .large shade trees, gsrage. Good combination gas and wood range and gas water heater goes with place. W,H. GRABENHORST ft CO. i 275 State St. , 25-jnel5 TERMS ? -;5 ROOM BCNGALOW 1186 Broadway- StM modern except basement. Small' payment, balance ' monthly, will handle. Beck ft Hendricks, V. 8. Bank BIdg. ',..- 23-jnel5 FOB SALE A TEN ROOM HOUSE Only s blocks from business center. Will pay $50 per month aside from your own rooms. A smsll payment down and good terms en the balance. I t me show yon this. , Price $3500 it sold at once. - - ; - . A fin farm of 352 acres 180 tinder the plow, balance fine pasture and timber, two sets of buildings. Will trade for small unincumbered farm or targe apartment house. If you see this and want a farm you will go no fur ther. A liberal diaconnt for all cash. G. V. LAFLAR, Oregon BIdg. - : t ' 25-Jnel8 t ROOM HOUSE-$1650; 5 ROOM NEAT nouse, r-'ioo: room hoasv 82150. , GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage ' 25-jne6tf FOR QUICK SALE BRAND NEW SIX room bungalow. Hardwood floors, fur nace, basement, laundry trays, built ins. Gsrage. Lot 60 by 162. Paved street, graveled alley. Rock driveway through tot. - Concrete walk. Shrub bery. Located only 8 block from State and Liberty, at $51 South Liberty St. lxn 114 a-anrlfttf MINUTE MOVIES VAftSiT CREU15 CobSATc.PEXALL. AMD VWLUAMtf RCE AT POiWJ , pCESCRlPliOA 'AMD ALU FWISH FIRST REAL ESTATE city 23 A ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, CLOSE 10 car line, uniy X135U, terma to auit. Several new bungalowa on very eaay terms. 30 aer?a. 5 room houae witb . stock and machinery Only.$2500, term. biock ana gram ranches to exchange for, .What have yout. City property lor ciom in acreage, can for what you want; we have it. Barber, 200 Gray BIdg. ..... 35-jne6tf . Best Buy In Salem 7 room house, newly finished inside and out. 6 blocks from center of eit. paved street, cement sidewalks. .Owner win sen isis wees: lor iwuu. J'bone oio or 414. ....... 25-Jael7 FOR SALE NEW & ROOM ' BCNGA- low, garage, Vx acre near Fairgronnda. . Ktee home, ebMp. Phone 1120W. 25-m25tf FOR SALE MODtHN 8 ROOM HOUSE, "-"- ii.-ib imam, garage, i o l South 14th St. . . 25-ml8tf GCOD VALUES IN REAL ESTATE $3100 Good 7 room house alt en one floor with basement and csrsre. located on Court street. : Let us ' show you this bargain. : : $2500 New 4- room bungalow paved at reel ana car line, modern and ' well built. $250 down will handle. Immediate possession. $ 575 Buys a good corner, lot 50 by 100 . with- basement made, ; located corner Wilson and Saginaw streets. $4500 6 -room modern-bungalow home . with lot Ta by 100 located on Fair mount Hill, terms. $8000 Modern six room bom with large corner 100 by 150 located at 1675 Fir street. This is a real bargain. " $14000 room plastered houae $100 down, balance $15 per month or win rent lor lo. We write fire insurance. -W, H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 Bute St. Phone 515 , 25-jnel4tf STRICTLY MODERN 6 ROOM HOME. new, hardwood floors, furnace, fire-place,- wonderful breakfast nook, high rla-s plumbing and light fixtures, 1026 N. Summer. Becke It Headricks. U. S. Bank BIdg. V 25-jnel5 BUSINESS opportunities 20 START YOU A BUSINESS SILVERING mirrors, plating and polishing, outfit. Also randy making for beginners. Sell or trade. Both leaving. 642 N. Lib erty. 26-jnei5 BUILDING AND FIXTURES POOL - hall lor lease $30 a montn. email stock on inventory about $500. Good town for business. -See THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Stste St. 26-jne4tf REAL, ESTATE trades 27 TO EXCHANGE 320' acre eastern Oregon farm and 5 room house in Salem for small farm near Salem. . 6 room houM in Woodburn and some cash for-Salem home. . 5 room modern new home to trade for small honse or will take good lot as first payment. THOMASON.' 331 H State St. 27-Jnel5tf WANTED SM ALU WILLAMETTE VAL- ley farm in part exchange for an east ern Oregon stock ranch. Will accept trade up to $1200 on a -160 acre equip ped Lincoln County stock ranch val ued at $3600. , j f A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 X.. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. . . . 27-jnel5tf TRADE GOOD HOME FOR FARM. Trade apt. houae for farm. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 27-jnel4tf I HAVE A FINE RESIDENCE LOT IN Salem. 50 4 by 142 V ft: 13 foot al ley, on car line: five minute walk to Capitol buildings, that I will trade with some cash on house not over $3, OOO. . Give ' description, location and price. Owners. L. B. Eaton. 408 Wash, ing on St.. Portland. Oregon. 27-jnelS REAL, ESTATE farms 28 GOING BACK TO FARM " If So see this fine SO acre farm all cultivated land, fair buildings, on pav ed road, near town.' For a quick deal to close an estate, prion $3750. Inter ested I Art quick. , See CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State SL Opposite the Court house. V-; f "t t .. -28-jnel3tf 48 Acres - j 18 or !2 jin cultivation balance timber' and bruh, comfortable 5 room old house and good barn and new poultry house. Dodg car and farm implements, one horse and some furniture. Located i : on Lurkianiute river 1-4 mile from elec- trie Ry. station. P. O. and school,' $4750. .. A daady place for gardening, I a few cows, hog and pou,r.ry. Might consider part trade. 1 , 1 Robinson Oregon BIdg. 28-jnel.l REALt ESTATE: suburban 30 SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP 1 , A beautiful 5 1-3 acre tract, coxy room bungalow, barn, garage, electric j tights, phone. Some fruit.- rich black soil. Jest east of Salem. A real snapw Price $2750 v terms. See CHIi DS ft BECHTEL 540 State St. - 30-jnel5tf A REAL SUBURBAN HOMEI On acre with fine modern six room .bungalow - in Salem Heights district, . five block from South Coormercial street car line. A bargain at $3500. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT ' 147. X. Commercial St.. Salem Or. 30 jnel2tf CHOICE SUBURBAN TRACTS Moat beuutiful .5 and 10 acre tracts one mile north on -the Pacific highway. Jxat put on the market. Reasonable price and terms to suit purchaser. Beat ui soil, sll cultivated land. For ssle by CHILDS ft BECHTEL ' 540 SUte St. . , 30-Jnel5tf USED CARS for sale 81 1923 Star delivery, A-l shape..,.$27. v 1923 Ford touring, cord tir-s....$375 1919 Dodge touring, completely , overhauled i..-........ ..i....$373 1922 Dodge touring $0 1918 Reo touring, cord tires.t...:..$300 i (Terms) BONESTEELU MOTOR CO. i - - 31-jnel8 (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams HIS MAT IS M TV4E RINO seaj. samoecl. x, Colt r S0UTM PfK'TCO&E.il&H- MAS pRElDEMlAL DACE. A5T A tAWs: HC2E-. Wis ,sTnuEjTS. '?r ANE ADVEB-TABIE- - 1 " "".!! ' . ') ' . .. ... " . lay J - -fwITn-Maaa a. i MICE-A-wiAivfTe 3ALE .SUJEEfXS AGEEEABLE Kt PEPETfeAS AMO "TPOSE UJHO " MAVJE-16 WAM4- t'SED CARS tor sale. 81 ::: GOOD 6 CYft. CAR. CORD TIRES, FOR i a player piano, plain piano and differ, ence, or offer. 652 N. Front St. . . ! 31-jnel8 1 Chevrolet touring $275 1 Chevrolet! bog," $225 1 Ford touring, $85. H. H. .HARRIS , 173 8. Liberty 31-Jnel7 LATE MODELS V See these before yon buy: 1924 Ford touring" $400, 1923 Overland touring . i.......$423 192? Dodre touring .'. .......$550 1923 Chevrolet sedan ! $750 - Paint. and i'niah liki new. Top and tires good.. Some1 extras' on all cars. XEWTOX.CHEVROLET CO. r.. .- i ,; ; 31-Jnel4tt WHY NOT ONE OFj OUR USED CARS! They represent a atandsrd of alue vn excelled anywhere. . - Our prices are nown to everyone. 1917 Bairk 6. excellent car. $2fi0.: 1920-21 Hudson super six $600. . -1921 Studebaker b g six, $550. ' 1919 Buick 6, big Talue choice of - three), $47. ! , . .9 - 1924 Buick ,4 roadster, value $1200; $900. r w 1922 Buick 6 sedan a real ear). $1315. - Would consider tradea for lighter cars on some of tnese macaines. . ' OTTO J, WILSON ; 388 X. Com'L Phone 220. h ' '. . - .- . ? ..; . .-' ' 31-Jnel9 WE ARE DISCONTINUING THE USED car business. And for that reason we , are disposing of the cara we now have in stock regardless of what they cost v us or what they really had ought to . bring on the market. . . "- We1 have Fords, Chevrolets, Dodges, Overlanda. Oldamobile, ' Paige, - Stude baker, . Jordan with Artcraf t ' top, and many others for' you to choose (rom. (We Give Terms) F. W. PKTYJ0HX CO. i 12,19 X. CommrciaI St."31jne8tf t18 BUICK ROADSTER; 3 NEW CORD tires and. tubes.' 1924 license.- $300 terms. 85 N. Liberty. 81M20tf j USED FORD CARS FROM AN. J AUTHORIZED FORD -DEALER '; Touring car -..$ 85 to $350 $75 to $325 . Roadsters . !, Coupes . $275 to $450 -1... $225 to $430 - Sedsns Light deliveries Ton trucks $ 65 to $275 $ 85 to $385 ' . $125 to $223 Alt car -are guaranteed. Liberal terms. See our low priced ears for fruit hanl- ing and outing trips, $65 to $150, , VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 260 N. High St. 3l-jnc5tf Plans Nearl Complete For. Sunday School Picnic Preparations '? are;' nearly com plete for the Marlon county. Sun day school contention which will be held in Salem at the state fair grounds on Saturday, June 21, Positions in the parade and the prizes to be offered. have already been announced. . The picnic parade, will be form ed by. 10 o'clock Saturday .morn ing In ' the vicinity of Utarion square. The Sunday schools will take their ' positions as ! follows: Jefferson, district facing south, on Front . street, north of ;:M?rion'; Hayesville on Center street .east of Commercial; North Marion county on Marion east of Commercial; Silverton on Union east of Com mercial; Santiam on Maridn west of Commercial; Red Hills on Un ion west of Commercial. A large Christian flag will be giTen'to the Sunday school which develops the best idea pertaining to Sunday school in the .parade. H. F. Shanks has purchased prize ribbons for the decorated cars and also for all events in the -sport erents. The response of the Sun day schools over the county., indi cates that the. parade and picnic will be one of the biggest affairs of its kind -'lever,', staged, la the county.-- Y-ruT '. ;. SHAW (Continued from page'C) night at the home of Miss Aman da Mathews. ' '-' v -.'";' On June 4 Mrs. L. Wells enter tained the ladies' aid society. ' Mrs. J. F. Young and. Dr. Era Socfield who spent a week visit ihg their brother, 'John Larson and family of Turner, returned Sunday evening. - - " ' ' Miss Florence' Fieber of Toledo is visiting at the" home of -her sis ter. Mrs. Fred Gilbert ; Miss" Elizabeth Wunder ( and Miss Catherine Klein who ' haVe been employed in Salem have re turned home for the summer. Master Frank Nanneman who has been very sick with! pneumon- ia Is recovering. . ' : j . You can't trust Borah in poli tics, lie is likely at any time to break out and talk sense. 1 ----- -1 ' ; - -..: CMSSI111SD Of Keliable Basiness AJCBOXAHCB AMBULANCK SERVICE, DAT OS Bight. mn own, in non in liberty. AUCTIONEESS f. N. WOODRT Export Livestock, furniture, real estate . AUCTIONKXRS Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 611 tor ,- aala datoa. 1 K. TALBQTT Phono 470 SOS C. 8. Beak BIdg. as ' O. SATTERLRR r ' Auctioneering '" Rooms S5-26, Breyman Block ' Phone 430 or 121 1J. jne-1 2t f ATTO PAZVTZtra HAVR CS REPAINT YODtt CAR WITH u new permanent finish. - teasnv Aa High Street at Trade. auto REPAixrtra WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. -Buyera of old cars, metal, rags, pa par. Auto wracking. Parte for ail cars SO to 73 per cent off liat price. 975 N. CommerciaL Phono 588. m-25-tf - .Cylinder grinding, crank' shaft true in g. We're specialists. Donerite Ma chine Shop. Automotive machin'.sta, 849 Ferry St. BATTERY AXD ELECTRlClAJf 531 Court St. JOE WILUAMS PREST0-LTT8 BATTIRf 8ERV1CE Station. Expert battery and electrical work, larrut Broa, Phono 10, 41S Oeart. R. D. BARTON - KXJDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; X71 South Commercial.' - ' - -- BIOTCUEI AJTO sjxzjra LLOTD K. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICT elee and repairing; 887 Court. CARPXT A3TD RTJO WilAVXMO) SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND riaff Rug Works Rag and fluff ruga woven any aise without seams. Mew mattroaaes) mad to order. Old mat tresses remade, Teathera renovated. I "bny all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 18. V4 d Wilbur street. Pbons 1154. Otto F. zwteger. lrop. 0HXJTESB PHTSJCOAlt DR. L. T. DIOK CURES ANT KNOWS diaeese. 15$ B. Hirh H.. Phone sua. CHIROPODIST DR. & T. SOOTT, - GRADUATE KA tional University gcieneea, Chteago Mason I e Temple, now mu. OHXSOrSAOTOU DR. O. Ij. SCOTT, P SO CHIROPRACTOR. 414-19 U. B. Bank BIdg.. irnone ai; res. 828-R. - - - - 'CXiZAJTERS k DTESS SALEM GLEANERS AND DYEB3. .1115 B. (Commercial, jrnono anon.. rm .aper eislise on one dayservjca1 ; COKSULTTJfO BHOIKBERS ' CTVTL. CON8ULTTNO. CONSTRUCTION Conatraeung engineer. Merveys, cau mataa. Joo. H. Neef, SIS Oregon BIdg. Phone T75. . OOVTBACTORS TOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT N. Bummer atraet. raona oa-. . CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. Oaaerat eoatraetlng and pending. esi matea gladly garauaked. Phone 1847R or 59P1S. dSStf DKE8SMAJOMO ORE8SMAKINQ AND DESIGNING Carrie runs. Meuornaex mag., over MUlers. . a!5U PRINTED CARDS SIZB 14" BY t" wording "iaaamging i pntt i eenta each. Btatasman Bosinssa Off m Ground Floor. - ' ELEOnZCXAJTS 8ALEM KLE0TRI0 CO. MASOKIC baildiag. Fkoaa 1800. , ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY UO. Pfeeaia 1W94, Z2Z . XJoery. FLEENBR ELECTRIC CO. Hooaa wiring by aa or contrast. Ea timates furnished.-. Phone 980. 471 Court 8s. ' HAI.TK ELECTRI0 ' SHOP electric rtxtures Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners 337 Court St. , fhone 488- -Res. Phone 702 J rrhTAaTOTAX. PARK LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, - no oommissioa. Protects against adversity. City loana, lowest ' rates, monthly instalments, pro-payment privilegea. J. 0. Biegmund, room a. over Ladd A Bash bank. . - LOANS '.. - ; Farm and CitT. ' Most liberal rata and payment prbrUocea. - : HA WTTN8 ROBERTS. SOS Ore- BIdg. . - Salom, Orfc Service Trade Mark Registered U.S. Patent Office) CAMERA-MAM 0BTA )MS W SIDE Gr- HUE CPAT 132. dr MT- PEAVRlOVv? Tf4E?E: "SEAIE- WERE ONLy MAfiE POSSIBLE ASBEST5S EAe-WHF. BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional firms Arranzed in AljhabetJcal Ordtr f cr Qulci Refcrcnct ; f rzNAjrciAi. LOANS LOANS LOANS I eaa make rear farm or city losni, beet service given. If you need a loan, aoo . use; and if yon have money to place, see mo I always have takers.- G. W. Lavflar, Oregon bldg. 9 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM a eity or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 JTourth Street, Port- -r una, or. City Loans On improved property or for . . improved purposea. THB BEST and essieet way to pay on loan is our ,', monthly installment plan. 90 payments of $14.14 repays a loan., of $100.0O, and-interest. Kqsi table Savings Loan Ass a. ANDERSON RUPERT. Agents 406 Oregon Building W T0U WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, eend 16c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon for a throe : months trial subscription. AC a t i n tarn ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO sent at amps for special three months' . trial for the best sad oldest journal in the west. The articles end advertise ments are of specisl interest to the . poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com- mercial street, bUem. Oregon FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral w r e a t h a, decorations. O. T. Breithaupt. flotiat, 1SS H. Liberty Phono 880. ranzjLL directori SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRXO tora, $10 Center. Phone IS 5Q. - ' 177RHXTUXB STOKES GIESB FURNITURE CO. QUALITY fnraiture for less money. 873 Oourt, Phase 484.' v PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and soeond hand f ami turn; S71 N. CommerciaL GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN PLOWING. DISCING, GRAD ing, ton dirt. Tucker, 1125J. . m4tf BZMSTZTOBTjra HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PL EAT -ing. The Petit Shop, Roost ft, ever Basicks. -. B2tf SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, . battona, stamping and needl work; 82$ Oregon bUg.. Phone $79 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING ' stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117- : HOK!OPATHI0 PHYSICIAN DR. Lv G. ALTMAN, H0ME0PATHI8T Does s general practice. Treats Goiter, Gail Stomas, and Dropsy, arising from - diseases of heart, liver or. kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence, S98 N. Liberty Bt, Salem, Or. Phone 147. XNSU&ANCB M WARREN F.-POWERS Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile' 919 O. R. Nat'l. Bank BUlr. Phone S07 LADIES TAILORING . D. H. KOSHER TAILOR FOB HEN and women. 474 Conrt 8. LAUVDRXBS SALEM ' LAUNDRY COMPANY, SIS 8 - Liberty street. Phono 35. oldest largest best. Established . 1889. . CAPITAL: dlTY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality -work : prompt " service; 1384 Broadway. Phone 185." LUGGAGB COME HERE I . The best buys la hand luggage and trunks. MAX O. BUREN Furniture 179 N. Com'l. Salem- MEDI0AL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51T-W. KUSI0, LESSONS -4- A OOUBSI IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated atandard i musi. Bemi-e lassie and bsllads IS . lessons. Waterman Piano Bchoel, Mo- Comaek BIdg. KUSZ0 STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS . Steiaways, Duo-Art and ethers. Mooro'e Afaaie Hons, 415 Court Street,, GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PHOVO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, - sad piano studies. Repairing phono graph and sewing- machine; 483 Stat street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW i Victor or Branswiek. H, L. Stiff Fumi- NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS - DR. A, SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND ehronlo dtsoaaoe; 415 Oregon BIdg. Pnone HO. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 149SR ' ' jne-28 FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE , 1524. n25ti FOB PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 14S3M. nsstr . ANINATED CACTbOM . VrNCATiOAi DAZE " ' e- - . . - - - r T ' j-r w . i - a s as- . i a m HTntSEXY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT , AND SHADS TREES Pesrcy Bros., S8T Steto. OPTICIANS ' "THB EATON OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonable Examination free. .888 N. Commercial fit. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co, 825 Stat street, opposite La m case xsang. "use yuaiity PAPERHANOUra AND PAXNTZNG PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSS decorating, paper hanging, tinting, eta. Reliable, workman. .. . fw GET MY 1 FREE SAMP LB BOOS , for eompariaon : MAX O. BUREN rarattors 179 N. Com'L Salem PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WXLP EXPERIXNCXD PI , ano tuner. Lear orders Will's Mask Stor. PZ.UMBZNO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros, 141 8. Liberty. Phons 550. . f9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL . work. Phone 495 $f. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. ' ' - RADIATORS, FENDERS, EXO. RADIATORS. FENDERS, B0DIZ3 mad tr repaired. J. 0. Bair, 388 Bute St. RJBPAZSZVG ALVTN B. STEWART ' - S4T Court St ' . Umbrellas. Oatierr sad Ken kLiwnmowert, raior-hladet, scissors, knivea and tools sharpened. SCAVENGERS SpOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of ail kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Oast pools 'cleaned and dead animals re move!. Phones; Office 85. Ree. tOS. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH tag and shoe. Best prises paid. ' Cap ital Exehange; 843 North Oomassreia) Phone 1868W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES 'REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National v fence, eise 24 to 68 in. high. Paints. . oils and varnishes, etc.,- loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove ' Works, 2.S0 Court Street. Phone 134. . ..TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSKKR CO ' 22t Stat St.- Phone 93 Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WE MOVE, 810RE AND SHIP H0U8E hold goods. - Our specialty is piano and ; furniture moving. W also make eoun . try trips. W handle the best coat and wood. Call on us for prices. Ws give good measure, good -quality, and gMK service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 931 TRANRFER AND HAULING OF AU kinds. Phone 19F8. TRANSPORTATION . PARKER'S STAGE I.INES ....... 3. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage - Terminal Salem, Oregon 8ALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves 8aleut, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m : 11 a. m:t& d. ns. ' Leaves Silverton News Stand " 9 a. m. : 1 d. m. : d. m. - Salem-Iadependeneo-Monmouth Division Leave Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m.; 9 a. ns.; 11:10 a. jb.; 8:10 p. m. 5:10 p. m. Leave Monmoeth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m. ; 1 p. m. ; 6:15 p.' m. ' , Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel!' 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:16 p. ns. 4 p. m.; 8:80 p. m. Leaves. Central Stage Terminal, Salsa for Dallas at: 7 a. m. ; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. ns. Leaves Gsil Hotel. Dallas St. 8 a. m. ; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. an. We make eoanections at Salem to all part of th valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. J. W. PARKER. General Manager. WATEE SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER OQ Office, 801 South Commercial St, Tt per coat dHseoant en domestis fls ' rat paid in advance. N doduetiosj for sbsene or any cause aalees wst Is shnt off yonr premise. - ' .fin . OUR FLAG ' r essamamsnnn-BnBunnnnnnnmm-ssnsBnmssmamm ' (Below Is the essay writen by Vera McCune which was awarded first place in the Elks Flag Daj competition): The first flag . was made by Betsy Ross and George Washing ton. It was a crude affair, maae jTrom a red petticoat, a whl'e 'shirt and a blue J-acket. The red symbolizes bravery, the white pur- By WHEEL AN PCK-UPS OP, TkE DAY NfVER PV5H YOURSELF AMEAt Ey JUST PATTlH-- VOUR-SELF OA 1PE- . watch FOR THE CYCLONIC NEXT VEEK ity and the blue truth. The 1 which Betsy Ross an J WasMs;: planned and which fciood for ? freedom and liberty, of the 11 nation has grown until It i. symbolizes the complete real! -tion of George Washington's ii in the strong government cf c present nation. On 'June 14, 1777, corr adopted fhe resolution that t : flag of the United States be r. tip of 13 s'ripes"1 alternating i and white, and that the union I 13 white- stars in a blue -fie' . This Is the first recorded lesl -tire action for the adoption cf national flag and this flag v the first emblem to be officia! . recognized by the 13 states of t uaion. The 14th day of Jur , therefore, is known as Flag d-; . and was first. observe4 as suc-a i 1893. . By act of congress April 4, 181 the flag of the United States v established. Iiy this act it v provided that the 13 alternate t and white stripes. of the orlgfr ! flag of -1777 should represent V 13 original states, and that e. new state thereafter admitted t the union should be represented r the addition of a star. The j -dltlonal etar on our flap; of -tod mark the increase of the star since .that time. ' Francis Scott Key' while a i oner on board; a tship" was a . -ness of -the British bombard rrs 1 of Fort McHenry In Maryla Between midnights and dawn i Sepember,13.1814, he watc! feverishly to see ir the flag s floated above the fort. The sc made bis heart sick with an" -The warm patriotism breathed . the song he wrote is not far , mere sentiment or poetic lmar -ation. . He describes what he act -ally saw in the dim light cf t morning,, and tells how he f i: when he could not se the f' -through the .smoke of battJa; ' what his feelings were wLen t' battle was Over nd the vict r. won by hls'tcoJlntrymen. Ev: word 'in his wooetfal sons car from a heartr"throbtIng with j triotlsm and showed a soul f.r with thankfulness to the Di. hand which turned the tlda the battle for liberty. I r :n r that the heart of every 'J. :er! patriot would throb as ti e of .'his wonderful poet dll if ? could not see his flag tly'ns C the land of the free and t:.a tc:. of the brave. It is natural when tRlAkisr c : Vavery to picture a V. ', t : tread shouldered man; but h' rrords numerous instances v, : afford conclusive proof that wt -en havo been one of the mi;! factors In upholding Aracri patr'otism. We love the r'tv of dear old Barbara Frietc waving the American fl? fr the -upstairs window ia deli ir. ? ' the southern soldiers wLa wer passing . that ; way. When .tl. -saw her the. soldiers were -c'-'". to shoot her. i' She said. "Shoot if you i this old gray head, but spare yo: countrys flag!" ' ' , Then' came' ' thew 'commar? ;1 good old General 'Jackson: " ,V; touches a hair of yon gray he dies like a dog march,' cn:;' I said.. . . . -j The story of . the. growth' a: life of our flag of how our for fathers worked and, fought f - I and If need be died Xor it f ; us with a spirit indominltable the spirit brother to that of 177 the master splrltof every tn American. ; v , j PUBLIC NOTICES" NOTiCK of Cw;on i:ij:ct:: . Notice Is . hereby given to ti legal voters' of Schoo? District N, 24, of MarIoncouhty,)Oreson, ti the annual election for said dis trict will be heM in aid district, to begin at the hbur of two o'clock p m. on the th'rd lion day In June, being the 16th d -of June.' A. D. 1924, and hclii : until seven o'clock bf said day, tor the purpose of electing two directors to serve for the term c? three years. " t - VOTING PLACE . 226-28 S. Commercial St. foffln of the Associated OH Co., Marion hotel.) . . . t H. II. qLlXGER. Chairman of Board. of Directors. W. II. Burghardt. , District Clerk. Jne 6-8-11-1-15 NOTICE OF AXXUAL SCHOOL MKKTIXp Annual school meeting of Schc-r I District 'No. 24, Mirion county. Oregon, will be held in the nig!, tchoot building, in said distric. Monday evening, June 16, 1921, t e'ght o'clock for the purpor . it hearing' the reports of boar l if directors and of the district ilerk of said district, and for buc'.i other business .as'. may lawfullj come before the meeMng. Dated this 5th day of Jane. 1924. II. U. iOLIXGKR. ; Chairman of Board of Directors. Attest: W. II. Burghardt, ' District Clerk. jne 6-8-11-13-15 As a leader of his party. CalTi t can't be regarded as raufh of success, hut if he could -leal !' party we'd thfnk a lo of liim. Douglas Fairbanks found I v npbody in Denmark. It la' Ioc Cook to register In 1 fc a t c .:. ::- try. - .- a .. . . t ; : . SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1024