THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 151924 I BOOK REVIEW I By VERA BRADY S1I1PMAN- "PANDORA LA CROIX," by Gene Wright, published by J. B. Lip plncott Co. Philadelphia. Price t net. . : ' : ; - , . . 1 .. -L . A story of a forgotten man on a South Sea island, a girl whose savage beauty vies with tigerish cunning, a gang of habitues of Ta hiti Toms aire, and the rise of the soul of Pandora, called "Pan." John Clay has a past of forgotten history. Pandora has nothing but primitive devotion, and as. these two regenerate their lore the story is filled with the wild abandon of Jig southern location. You live with the characters from the mo derns of the English in India to the primal beings of the South Seas. Pandora develops the great est thing in life and as that love Is shown, the effect on the im mobile John Clay is worthy of the best affections. John Clay hates almost consume hint but just how these are changed to toleration and ' then overcome by affection, makes a story which. Is wholly good reading. "TONGUES OP FLAME," by Peter Clark MacFarlane. Published by the Cosmopolitan Book Cor poration, New York. Price S2 net. A story "of a war wearied law yer, whose war title "Helfire Har rington," has dwindled into a tired disinterest' in life, who Is reawak end with love-for the daughter of the rich man of the community. Indian lands and' a half breed teacher in the school, wrongs which must be accounted for be fore righting, crooked deals and encircling evidence, makes Mac Far lane's story of the Pacific coast clever reading. ,. Q " Tongues of Flame" Is a New Novel by Peter Clark Macfarlane 7 " m PETER CLARK MACFARLANE Author of Tongues of Flamo" from a woodcut by W. FlVtcber Whit Not the Northwest of trackless for ests, snowshoes and moose Is that of "Tongues of Flame," Peter Clark llacfarlane's new novel, but the Northwest as a region - where the hunters are the great organizers of Industry aad commerce and where the. big game they hunt la the coun try's rich natural resources. This author's previous story, "Mao's Country." showed him a writer of human Insight., but in his latest book the persons of the drama, par ticularly the - hero and the two heroines, are Involved la large dee. Unlet which embrace - a whole tribe a whole community. His "Man Country," was a masterpiece. Seldom does a sec ond novel reach its height. Ton gues of Flame." is Interesting, has plenty of action, but Is not great In the handling or its story. You long for a touch of the genuine disclosed in the former story. This looks painfully like a "potboil er." MacFarlane can write much better fiction. whose engineer waves at her and whose life is a succession of hap piness' from flowers and the ant- mala of natures - pleasure. The little girl is told several stories of Granfathers prowess which are based on fact, the preface tells us., and the whole is a delightful story for little girls. ' "THE MEMOIRS OF, A LONDON DOLL," edited by Cara Hunt Published by the MacMtllan Co., New York. ! Price $1 net. ; A lovely fanciful story for the little girl to enjoy which Is all that the name implies. - This Is a revival of a story of a hundred years ago which Is re printed with the benediction of yesterdays child upon todays child and Its future. Good reading of a century is well worth considera tion. The child boy or gifl.who enjoys such a story is having its mind refreshed -with literature which is always wholesome as well as highly entertaining. Incidentally,, this little story was the first, reviewed by The Story Book Lady Miss Louise Sea man, of the ' MacMillan Juvenile hook nublieitw over WJZ the Rad io Corporation broadcats at New York City.i at that time at New ark, New Jersey. THE PUPY BOOK," by Robert Lemraon. Published by Dou bleday Page Co., New York. Price -$1.50 net. - t j If von have a puppy, you will enjoy: this book, whatever your age. ..Its llustrations are from photographs. ! Its material is in structive of care for puppies and its method of telling is universally entertaining. The puppy book cover Is an adorable bull terrior pup whose cocked head watches the universe in passing. The chapters deal with selection, health, ailments, training and sug gestions for 'first companionship, all told in simple language which anyone will enjoy. For any child animal lover, this little book Is a fine addition to the nursery library. It Is construc tive and- may be entertaining to the whole family. "WHITE LIGHT NIGHTS." by 6, O. Mclntyre. Published by the Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, New York. ' ' j i - I walked into the Cosmopolitan publicity office as O. O. Mclntyre walked out and I did not recognize him. I am sure that I ehall never bo the same from this evasion! As the reviewer says, "Mcln tyre was born in Plattsburg. Mo., reared in Galipolis, Ohio, and is the most typical New Yorker." You have doubtless followed hisi column in syndicate of New, York as the small town sees it. It is the heart of the peach without the uncomfortable fuzz, the eoul of the great city in its sordid, its happy or its sensational intensity. This book is a collection of the stories which have appeared in the magazines. ; You will revel In his trip west. even though he did have a Keith vaudeville house In Chicago (and the westerner knows that Keith does not pass west of the Allegh- anies.) He : tells of the man of the street, the theatrical, the daz zle of Broadway with the heart of a small town reader. He tells you New York as you think it might be with the tinsel rubbed off. There is no one like O. O. Mc lntyre. He I writes 5 in his , own style and you read and smile and feel within your -heart of hearts Thats the city as she ought to be." : - He tells of the hills of Kansas City, as Swiss alpine driving, he tells of his dog which taught him many things, and the great bulk of his stories lie right in New York, the center of life the New York which the westerner ' craves as well as the life of the genuine New Yorker. "MR. ROWL." by D. K. Broster. Published by Doubleday Page ' & Co., Garden City, New York. , Price $2 net. : V - - - - i A romantic tale of love and In trigue, love of the gentle man of France Raoul des fiablieres whose name Is shortened to 'Mr. Royl," and his love for Lady Juliana of a nobleman. . .The story Is filled with scenes of delicate cunning, wily jrlcks and romance by the yard. ' " You-live with its characters In the thrill of their eventful days Evading three V prisons - firing squads, you can picture for your self the ingenuity of the lore. "THE LURE OF MONTE. CAR LO," by C. N. nnd A. M. Wil liamson. Published by Double day Page Co., Garden City, New York. Price $2.50 net. Here is a book of the real Mon te Carlo. The v. iters have lived within Its thrilling confines and know the island from its ' rocky peaks to its deepening roulette caverns. ' 7 . j The lure is told as the attrac tion of land scenic beauty, society of every strata, ' adventure and quaint stories of iu habitues. His tory Is redundant, and the open- flng chapter ..tells of the Isle . of Monaco and ' its historical signifi cance as well as its origin of no bility. The' resort owners, the croupiers who attend the gambling tables and . those who play4 the wheels bemselyes each Is told in the Intimate ,style of " descriptive narration. .. t . I lt la- a clever bpok depicting the physical beauty as well as the spirit back of Monte Carlo In terms which glow with knowledge of Its inner walls- ' "THE CALLAHANS AND THE . MURPHYS," by Kathleen Nor ris. Published by Doubleday Page & Co., New York. Price $2 net. V . , You doubtless read of the Iniai- . itable Ma Callahan in Mrs. Noris former magazine stories. These same stories are incorporated into book form added with a few choice Incidents. It Is the same Ma Callahan whose humor you loved, whose in genuity you respected and whose . wit you may have battled with. 1 She is as lovable a character as if ' to be found In magazine literature; Her boys and girls,' their love af fairs, their petty troubles and lift anxieties, bring out the gold in Mi Callahans character. The Mur phys are neighbors Just as real and as typical as their contempor. aires. The stories are a delight and you can roll the choice sayings of Ma Callahan on yonr tongue and find within them sayings of sooth which can be readily adap ted. .You suffer with Annie In her mistaken love, you cry with Ma over Jims engagement; and you , smile with the rise of Ma when . the great moment of service re turns. Each story is a gem of character study, and the whole is worthy of front line rank of short stories. . MY STORY I LIKE BEST." A complimentary copy of the story which the writer himself best enjoys, by Edna' Ferber, Peter Kyne, Irvin Cobb, Oliver Cur-wood-, Meridith Nicholson and H. O. Witmer. You may not , agree with each as to it , being his best, but the why of ita writings adds a touch of the ctory Itself, which makes the volume of Intrinsic value. y.'J.f- MV This book is highly appreciated nd the reviewer takes this oppor tunity to thank the publishers for Its reception. : r- "THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE .DESERT," by Forrestlne Hook- er. Published by Doubleday ' Page Co., New York. Price $1.73 net. - A dear story of a little cripple girl whose home on the desert Is within sight of passing trains SAFETY I FIRST FOR CHIL DREN." f Distributed by the Safety First Federation of America J Price 25 cents. .": '"r" f 'i, ' ' i " Safety First for Children tells in an Interesting manner the ad ventures of the average boy and girl 1a a' big city and how by be ing careful they may save them selves from injury. The pictures are especially effective in focus ing the minds of the children on the Sifety FIrat Idea. : On page S? will be found some practical rules for the children to memcrize and follow. These rules will kelp save the children from being lyjirt. Starting on page 44 la the sec tion levoted to Fire Prevention. .Th yivld illustrations haTe oeen Especially prepared to act as "cases4 for class discussion. They will arouse the Interets of the pu pils and make them think. The children will never forget these "cases" which will serve as a re mindtr tor them always to be care- fuL "; Chiffon Hosiery; t for Women . Black, Beige, Nude, Log Cabin, Peach, Natural Grey in pure silk $1.29'. OUR AIM:t TO KERVE FAITHFULLY AND UNFAILINGLY mm mm ma 1 I is -mm l isl 0 l v 1 i 11 Incorporated! 475 DEPARTMENT STORES 160 North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon " 1 Pure Thread Silli rei JABLE Hose t for Women I im M. iouDie . eiasiic top, extra j goods strong knee protection, and toe. Black and all at iiw colors ." PRICKS ... KtC our lower prices are reaDy lower tKan are ordinarily enjoyed, it is the quaEty of the goods to be had here which we would like you to give consideration to. We never permit a manufacturer to take quality out of bis product in "order to enable us to sell it at a smaller price.2" Thsref cre ; whta buying from us you 'receive goods of standard quality and pay less messy fci ix. uur Duying power ooes tms. New Batiste Blouses For the Early Summer Wardrobe Crisp, fresh, new Ba- ' . tiste Blouses so popu- I lar for early summer ; wear with suits or sweaters. Smartly tai lored styles with the new Puritan cuffs and. -round collars. In White or Tan Batiste Open front or slipover y style, whh dainty lace edg ing or touches of hand em broidery. For -well made Blouses of such excellent , . materials, our price is un- ' usually low. $n .98 ml m (Your "Big City" Cous ins Have No Better j j Advantages r 1 The combined purchas ing power of the hundreds of stores which comprise this Nation-wide institu tion, brings to the people of this community all the "big city" shopping ad-! vantages. The best goods the World's markets afford are bought by this Com pany in enormous quanti ties and distributed among our stores where! they may be bought at such low prices as to empha size the fact that here savings are real and worth ; while. ( ; I 1 U- You can enjoy this ad vantage. Handkerchiefs White and Colored Brassieres Our Lady-Lyke Mak4 J Ml ' M 'M CD TlJH.KTSH EATH PRICED ATA SAVING! 1; Brassiere of pinlc sill striped cotton material with elastic in front at waistline. Hooks in back Sold exclusively, hfire. Only , . 89c New Novelty v Handker chiefs, white embroidered in white or colors, and colored ones embroidered in con trasting colors. Made of good materials and very dainty, at the low. price of, each 10c Union Suits For Women aad Misses RibW Ualori Salts mad with bodice or tubular neck, and shell knee.. A very good' quality, at only. 49c Bibbed Uaioo Snita, also with bodice. or tubular neck. t and sh ell knee ! but a better grade, at lEUbbed Union SnlfJ of excellent qual ity, with bodice! or tubular neck, nicely finished 0 89c Ramona Cloth Sold Here Exclusively This bleached cloth with1 a special linen finish is proving very popular be-? cause of its durability and adaptability to many pur-i poses. The woven round thread effect of Ramonai Cloth makes it a most de-! sirable fabric for em-( broidery work, table cov-( ers, children's suitings, women's dresses, etci Priced very reasonably. ''' 36-in. Width; Yard, 33c Also in 33, 44, and S4-iiu, widths, proportionately . priced. Bleached "Honor" Muslin J. C. Penney Company's Special Brand Sold exclusively in J. C Penney Com- jpany Stores. Always, the same quality, fthis muslin has won and held the con ndence of our customers. An excellent quality for this low ; price. Bleached rHonor" Muslin, 36 inches wide. Yd.,) 1 9 c. Huck Toweling Bleached White Linen Imported pure linen plain Huck Towelinff. Splendid quality. Desirable for art needlework or for making towels. Excellent values. . 15-inch width. 69c Yard 18-inch width. Yard 1 79c at VZC at at at 29c 39c You'll need a plentiful supply of Bath Towels this Summer - lay in a good supply now! These values deserve your immediate attention! 14x26 Bleached Terry Bath Towels; all white or with blue striped border. Convenient for face towels. 17x36 Bleached Terry Bathi Towels; all white; in good quality for service. Splendid value. , . .., v ;.; k 18x36 Bleached Double Thread Bath Towels; all white. - A heavier durable quality. ; . t " 21x41 Bleached Double Thread Bath Towels; soft and absorbent. All white. j Dainty White Material For Summer Dresses and Underwear YouH not want to miss these good values. You can ehoose the daintiest materials here at the lowest prices, and our showing is a large one. Here are some materials which will make you want to begin your Summer sew ing at oncel 36-inch Longcloth, star dard quality; yard ..4 15c, 19c, 23c, 29c, 33c 36-inch English Nainsook; yard , 25c, 29c 36-inch Nainsook in dainty light shades; yard . 2$c no nn s i i L j m.T? oo-o?-incn voiorea Aiercerizea ixainsooK; yard :..... 1 . 29c, 9c, ju-mcn fiain riaxon; yard . 40-inch Plain Flaxon, sheer fine quality; Y ancy Flaxons in small checks ; a yard o-u-incn r ancy r laxons ; aainry cnecK and Jacquard patterns; yard .. 39- 40-inch Mercerized Yoiles; yard .. 29c, 39c, 49T 38-inch Swiss Organdy with permanent finish ; yd. 49c 45-inch Swiss Organdy with permanent finish ; yard ............ .....i...... . f. 69c, 79c White Dotted Swisses for dainty Surnmer dresses; yard . ......:JL. . V 49c 27-inch Mercerized Poplin; yard 45c 32-inch Soisette, mercerized ; yard . 39c 40- inch Nurse's Uniform Cloth; excellent quality, linen finish : yard . . ...... ................. . 39c 36-inch Ratine for suitings and skirtings; yard 69c nk; extra quality; .. 98c ite and colors; yd. $1.18 . .L 19c, 21c 25c 49c ....... 21c .... 39c . 29c stripes . 33c, 39c, 45c shr; wJ 36-inch All Linen Suitings; all shades; yard 36-inch Handkerchief Linen; 27-inch India Linons; yard . 30-inch India Lmon; yard 36-inch Shadow Stripe Lingerie Cloth; all popular colors; yard . . ......... . . 33c 36-inch Drop Stitch Voile -all shades; yard . ..... 39c 36-inch Imported Englishf Broadcloth, white, Shantung, grey, blue; Vard - . 51.19 31-32-inch Silk Shirting; yard . .... .... 59c UnbleacBied Muslin J. C. Penney Company's "Honor" Brani , This . Muslin is soUd only in J. C PenA ney Company Stoff es, and merits your I confidence. Well wpven, of fine construe tion, it has met vyith popular 'favor for many ; purposes. 5 Unbleached Muslin, 39 incheH wide, yard, its your i onstruc-f I j Jf Good Hosiery for Wcme: ) Choose from these at a Hosiery for all occasions, title, mercerized - or cotton, as you may prefer, but all priced at a saving to you. The best wear ing service, at the lowest, prices 1 mru1!..n nvtoht Cnttrm TTnaj. - S black and cordovan, white. 29c Pine Mercerized Hose. Pair SSc ' Full Mercerized Hose, extra fine quality. Pair. ....... 39c. ) Full Merdcrlzed - Hose, extra fine quality, with ribbed top. Pair 9c Fibre Silk Hose, 18-inch Doot, mercerized garter top. Pair 49c Fine Silk and Fibre Hose, with mercerized top. Pair 79c fllk Hose with embroidered Swiss clocks, white. Pair ... .flAO Pfre Thread ilk Hose, full fashioned, 20-lnch boot, fine guage. All popular shades. Pair $1.69 Fiil Fashioned Silk Hose, very fine gauge, , 40-inch boot, made of twelve strands double twisted silk. Pair $1.98 Fin Pure Silk Chiffon Hose, black. Pair... $2X9 Savins Mm u 4- T Soft Nainsook Lingerie Full Cut Well Made-iow: priced! This is exceptionally. rood muslin Underwear lade of fine materials and lintily trimmed. All gar- :nts are made of good ility nainsook. Buy tse at a saving! Step-ins, or contra: points, ea Ste-Inr with laces stitching , rimmed with lace ing checked ....... 91.10- pmbws, trimmed id hem- fl.19 Kl.',l I i i Romiii, s neck, trim sertion and ;veless, . round id with Val ln- in tucks 91.10 Gowns, shor0leeTes. square neck. trimmewlth contrast ing checked Jints .r$1.19 Step-ins ' In sevral styles. lace trimmed c (Jowiig itt several style3, trimmed with laces, inser tion and hemstitcbihg l.c: Costume Slips, satine, all colors ............. $1X3 i