The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    SATVIWAY M02NKKV JUNE 14, 102$
- audhed bunch
;AUAT10N flan, are being
, Y compiete4 among members, pi
,. wea nign school faculty.
equine? ceiaeat exercises having
!kn fce last night. Miss Mary
ZTf, of the historical department,
;M spea4tha. kummer abroad,
Uki-g passage from. Montreal,
Canaan an, July a. She will be
.accompanied fey her: niece. Miss
j Roysn Eyre, - '
JUses 'Carolyn and Prances
Hrubetx, of the biology and Eng-
Jiah departments, reipecti vely
f will spend the summer ' In New
York City and Vicinity. They plan
i to enroll for the Columbia Univer-
"y summer, sessf on. -
' Miss Margaret Purvine plans to
tisu tne large eastern cities, New
.York. JJostpn, Washington, D. q
and ChJcagp. Sh will be a guest
for, sometime of, relatiyes4u llowa.
,On her return trip, she will stop
i at Lake Louise U the Canadian
! Hisi : $ei Paden, whom. Miss
Purviaa, yr accompaay as far as
l C.hlra &n will HUtiiI Ida anmmov
at hef home, la Grand Rapids,
i Uich. . Miss Paden, who Is adviser
far the Foea,! club wa deltght
i fully ompllmep ted yesterday, af-
unit tea luts sy w
i the members. . f .'. .
; Miss Anne Tow and Miss Ruth
. Purdy, wU leave today for Seattle
on their way tp Alaska, -They will
sail fpr Ska j way on June 25j, fol-
lowing with an inland trip... .
Miss Hazel Brpwne will he at
Mount Hood at her summer home.
r. Miss Llna Heist will leave tomor
row fcr southern California,, She
.will take graduate work toward
.her master's dergee at the TJnlvr
jSity of California.
Mi3s Mabel Arthur will take
.Library Extension work, at the
'University of Oregon.
. Hiss Grace Snook, who will be
In charge of the local playground
work tor the major part of the
summer, will go to Lake Louise
"for a time tn September.
- ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer. have
'as their guests this week-end at
'Agate" beach, Mr. and Mrs. Dayid
"V. Evre and rhildrVn. Rovena and
'David, Jr. - The Hofers are occupy?
ing their cottage tor the summer.
The American Association ; of
University Women; will entertain
as guests of honor at 2:3.0 lunch
eon today- resident graduates of
the Oregon Agricultural ; college
who have recently j been, admitted
intd full membership in the asso
ciation.' There are approximately
30 eligible OAC alumnae in the
city. . . ,
For the 1 u n c h e a n - program
stunts, have been prepared, the
membership being; ; divided Into
five groups for the furnishing' of
the entertainment. . The chairman
in charge is ( Mrs. G. C. Bellinger.
At the. meeting today "the fol
lowing names, recommended as of
ficers for the coming year, will be
Toted upon: President, . : Mrs,
George H Alden; vice president,
Mrs. George W. Hug; secretary.
Mrs. J. MJDevers; and, treasurer,
Miss Maude Covington.
Miss Margaret Fisher will pre
sent a group of her Junior and In
termediate piano pupils Monday
evening in recital at the Woman?
club building.V Miss Faye Sparks
soprano, and Miss Ira Clare Love,
violinist, will assist. " "
: is il'-'-.!.
Rev. W. N. Byars of Hood Rirer
in Salem oi Wednesday for the
Commencement exercises was the
guest of his grandmother, Mrs.
W. H. Byars, and his aunt, Mrs.
Ranald Glover, I
1- i
Mrs Efflo- Wright Dunlap and
daughter, Miss Vera Wright Jef t
for Portland by motor la company
with Dr. and Mrs. -W. H. Darby.
They will , go to The Dajles oVer
the highway and on Into eastern
Oregon, for a two. weeks stay. At
bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss
Grace Read. : Near Heppner : they
will be guests' of Mrs, Raymond
Keith Drake, formerly 'Emm
Wright of Salem, j : J '
; . . :C-': .-.
, Mrs. J. Yt.. Harbison and-Mrs.
L. R. Chambers will chaperon the
children - of : the : primary and
cradle roll departments ; of ; the
First Presbyterian Sunday school
this afternoon at aq enjoyable pic
nic at Marion square. The moth
ers are especially asked : to ; b?
guests with the children. .The
i group, will meet at the church at
i 2 o'clock where there will be prac
tlce ffor 'the Chlldrens' Day Pro
gram of tomorrow. Each child is
asked to bring half a dozen cook
ies. The. hostesses will provide the
Ice, ?ream..
Ms. Walter A, Denton present
ed two of her advanced pupils
Mildred Brunk Greenbaum and
Laura Crabb, in piano recital
Thursday evening at her residence
studio. They were assisted by
Mrs. Martin Fereshetian, who sang
sweetly, and Virginia Berger wha
gave as a reading, L "The Little
Quaker Maid." Both assistants
responded to encores.1 ' I
' It was an excellent proram; both
performers acquitted themselves
creditably, giving each number a
finished and - artistic t interprets
tipn. The numbers follow: ; j
Barcarolle .Gilbert Spross
Mildred' Brunk Greenbaum
La Rose ....... Hemmel-Iunten
Laura Crabb
Etude, Opus 25, No. 9.,.. Chopin
Liebestraume, No. 3 .... . .. .Liszt
. Mildred Brunk Greenbaum
The Butterfly . . . ...... .Lavalle
i ; . Laura Crabb ': ,
Reading . . . . . ; . . . . . I
Virginia Berger
Romance La Forge
Cradle Song . . . ... . .Mac Fadyen
Les Syl values . . . . . . ..Cbamiade
Mildred Brunk Greenbaum
Joy of thf Morning
Mrs.' Martin Fereshetian
Cacheuch .............. .Raff
Mildred Brunk Greenbaum
Mrs. W. ?.. Lord wIU hpld open
garden tomorrow afternoon at her
home, 78fi South High street, for
the pleasure of all who are inter
ested in , the grounds.
Dr. and "Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Dr.
and Mrs. Prince Byrd, and Dr. and
Mrs. L. S. Griffith motored to
Portland the .first part of the
week,' the three physicians attend
lag . the. medical lecture Monday
evening. T
- A , program of unusual quality
will be given at 8:30 this evening
when. Madame Knrtlchanov, lyric
soprano, who comes here -from
Chicago sings at the First Chris
tian church. Her numbers will
include songs from Del) Aqua,
Verdi, . Chaminade, and many
others. . Madame Kurticbanov who
has won the commendation of
Madame Melba is a" graduate of
the London' Royal academy and.
holds the Oscar Sanger scholar
ship. She-will glTe several dem
onstrations on the victrola; Her
accompaniments will be admirably
" . f I 11.1 I
I v r v I r i
VV VU-i-w U
Fvovrng- "Fictimre Director
-ART HOKUM is the super genius behm4 ,f 'MINUTE
..... . j- o ; ; . : - , . . T -r
MOVIES ' Ed Wheelan's great movies pn paper which
are appearing daily in The Oregon Statesman
The acret of ArT HO artistry lies
largely in his trick; hat a combination cap and Fedora
"with detachable brim whicK is. the envy of all the iyorth
. while directors of Follywood. He simply can't work with
out it. : It somehow inspires him mb,ves his; brain to
greater and finer accomplishments. 1 - -
Perhaps you remember when he appeared years and
years agQ in Way Doyri Eas( Lynhe.!' Little did it seem ,
. then he was destined to become one of the screen V great
est directors, f'
He ' helps put the thrills and smiles7 in "MlNlUTE
MOVIES,' V and when you become one of the millions' of
fan followers of his feature in The Statesman, just thank
played by Margaret : Holden-Rip-pey,
daughter of Dr. W. B. Holden
of Portland. Tlekets are "on sale
at Will's music store, the Dixie
Bakery, and Moore's music house.
. .',.
.t ' , . Today
i AAUW luncheon. Marlon hotel.
Primary and cradle roll picnic
of .First Presbyterian church,
Marion square. : J
Women's Relief Corps picnic
Fairgrounds. Noon.
Ttfadame Knrtlchanov, lyric so
prano, in concert at First Christ
fan church, 8:30 o'clock.
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Russell Brooks
visitors from abroad,, attended the
Rose festival in Portland on
Thursday, motoring dovfn for the
dance in company with Dr. and
Mrs. C. H. Robertson. t
The "Upstreamers class" of the
First Evangelical church, held
their monthly meeting Wednesday
evening at the home of G. N.
Thompson, near Kiser school
house north of the city. A large
number of the class motored out
in the evening and had a most
profitable time. After the regular
business with the election of offi
cers ; for t&e next six monms,
social hour was enjoyed In games,
afterwhich a delightful lunch was
served by . the hostess. Officers
newly ; elected were: President,
Walter Lampkin;. vice president.
Bernice Ulricb; secretary-treasur
er, Reubin Hilflker; teacher, Mrs.
C. C. Poling. t
Miss Vivian Marsters will leave
this morning for Coxvallis .to at
tend the wedding of Miss Esther
Nordstrom and Joe Skelton. Miss
Ndrdstrom, of Portland, is an Al
pha Rho sorority sister of - Miss
Marsters. Mr. Skelton is a mem
ber of the Masonic fraternity, Aca
da. ; Ho is , an employee in the
state highway : department. The
ceremony will be performed this
evening at 8:30 o clock.
A strawberry festival was the
social feature of the afternoon en
joyed by the members of the
Count-On-Me class of . the .First
Baptist church Thursday afternoon
at the country home of Mrs. 8
Willis. Mrs. George - Q'Neil pre
sided at the business session of
the afternoon, with Mrs. Clarke
Graves in charge of the devotions.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Ben J. Eilers and -Mrs. Theodore
i Those enjoying the hospitality
of the teacher, Mrs. Willis, were:
Mrs.' Ben J. Eilers, Mrs. J. J. New-
meyer, Mrs. W, R, Hicks, Mrs.' A.
Matthls,' Mrs. L. L. Ross, Mrs.
Elizabeth Siddall, Mrs. Marie Han
sen. Mrs. D. D. Socolof sky, Mrs.
L, L. Tweedale, Mrs. W. V. Tay4
lor, Mrs. T. W. Da vies, Mrs. E.'AL
Miller, Miss Mary HartMlss Dors
Walker, 'j Mrs. D. S.. "Turner, Mrs.
Eva Stewart, Mrs. Theo Roth, Mrs.
W. C. Pickens, Mrs. F. W. Edgar,
Mrs. Theo- Turner, Mrs. George
O'Neil, Mrs. W. McClaren, Mrs. C;
L.. Eaton, Mrs. A. T. Bjork. Mrs.
M. Lottls, Mrs. Harry Ralph, Mrs.
Clarke, Groves, Mrs. Siddie Pen
nlngton, Mrs. Mark Skiff, Mrs. M.
A. Estes, Mrs. SJ Willis Mrs. mY
ton Melchert, Ran Pennington, S.
Willis and Milton Melchert.
, The Women's Relief corps will
have a birthday dinner and picnic
at noorr today at the state fair
grounds. Each member is asked
to. bring a well filled basket and
own service.
Inviting as her guests her two-
table toridge club, ; Mrs. W. L.
Phillips was a hostess at cards on
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. G.
Olson was a guest of the day. Cali
fornia poppies emphasized the or
ange decorative scneme.' 'ne
hostess served a delicious lunch-1
eon. The playing honor went to
Mrs. Earle Dane. ' ' : !
- Those making up the two tables
were: Mrs. Allan Jones. .Mrs. Lew-
is Griffith, Mrs. Merrill Ohling,
Mrs. Earle Daue. Mm. Wallace!
Bonesteee, Mrs. Merle Rosecrans
and Mrs. Lester Barr. - ,"
In two weeks Mrs. Lester Barr
will entertain the club.
The Albright Brotherhood class
of the First Evangelical church,
held its monthly business meeting
and social In the church Thursday
evening with a good attendance.
The ladies . Bible class was the
guest of the Mens class in its so
cial hour. Very dainty refresh
ments were served by the men at.
tha dose. ' Both the ladies class
and the Brotherhoodiass are do-
ng splendid work and Increasing
in numbers., F. A. Myers is the
teacher of the Brotherhood class.
and Mrs. G. N. Thompson Is teach
er pf the .ladies' class. Quite a
friendly rivalry has arisen between
the, two classes which Is resulting
in splendid work and; the numbers
are increasing in attendance. '
The last day of school at the
blind school closed last evening
with a program pf Interest.. Ex
hibits of school work were shown
throughout " the day. ; ; '
'The program last, night opened
with the school song, ''The Yellow
and; the " Blue. Russell Hudson
played the "Festival March" as an
organ, solo. 'Welcome" was given
by Cecil Morgan in the formlf a
recitation. A number of other
recitations were given, one . by
Donald' Bird, "Our Flag; one . by
Rosa 'Smith. "My Land Is God's
Land;" one by John Melvln. "The
Bear Story;'. and one . by. Robert
Bennett, "Farewell Little School.
Tt? jusl;r chorus gave the Flag
Song; the mixed choru. "Flow'ret
Forget Me Not; and the senior
chorus, "Spring's Message. A- fea
ture of the evening was tne piay
by the Junior chorus. '
As a piano solo, Carl Lempke
played the "prelude In O Minor.'
"Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
was expressively repeated by Mel
vin Smith. .
The address of the evening was
eiven ' by "Governor Walter. M
Pierce. The program closed with
the singing o 'America for, Me,
Thirty-five members . of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety of the First Methodist church
met yesterday at the home of Mrs.
A. A. Lee. The house was beautl
fully decorated with, pink, white
and lavender , canterbury belli.
Mrs. C. E. PowelL president of the
society,- conducted the business
meeting, 'with devotions in charge
of Mrs J.' E. Purdy. Miss Louise
Findley ; gave , two piano solos.
'The Lark," (Glinke-Balakirew) ;
"Danse Negri? (Cyril Scott.)
Miss Ruth Field, ' the guest of
honor for the day, spoke interest
ingly of work in Calcutta, India.
She is home Xor the summer on
her first f udlough, returning via
Europe and the Atlantic ocean.
. . . . w ; , ' . . .
The first award for the best ar
ranged basket of flowers yester
day in Portland at the Rose show
was won , by the ladies auxiliary
o.f the American Legion. The prize
was a Bilver vase valued at S50
Mrs. Laird and Mrs. Mina Ter
wrlliger arranged the winning bas
ket. ' .
. Scotts Mills, Ore.,
' : June 10, 1924.
Editor Statesman:- '
I ask space In your paper to say
a few words. la reply, and to ask
one Mr. Will Carver, who. on the
4th of this month had an article
asking to have the Statesman to
make sdme - corrections regarding
the controversy going on between
union labor and the Salem restaur
ants. First, what , business is It
to the state officials and union. la
bor-to say who the restaurant
keepers of Salem employ. - Where
da the oficials or union labor get
their authority to dictate to those
employers who they shall and shall
not employ. The whole history of
orgsasized labor: is paved with
Death 'and Desolation, their whole
motive and purpose is force and
course. They have alfays favor
ed crime- they have always stood
ready to commit It if their de
mands,, whether right or wrong
were not approved. They are the
enemies otf law and order. They
have, always demanded. Our Jails
should be emptied and .their occu
pants allowed to go forth and com
mit crime. Their president , tells
them to pay no attention, to courts
or law. "To Hell With the Pub
ic," is their slogan. They Indorse
th Sovietgovernment of Russia
whose spies are here among us
trying through union labor to de
stroy our government the best -on
earth. The one that pays the best
wages in the world and In the
noney that is worth two cents on
the dollars the world Over. Should
their motives - and : policies be
adopted we would be in anarchy
and chaos In 6 0 days they done
every thing, to hamper us doing
the worlds war by refusing to fur-
nsh coal "and to cork our ships bo
we could get out boys food and,
also to ,get them over there were
sleeping all the time in our shop
yards they could drive 3670 rirlts
in 8 hours in a race but when they
were doing for S 4.98 for 8 hours
time not work A for ; ' they never
worked 8. They only "drove. 7 and
hundred rivlts I know this I
worked 9 months for : William
Corn toot owner, and manager of
the Albina- ship yard Portland
know Just how much they. done
there is only one man in the USA I
that gets a full 8 hours work out
of the union men and that is Hen
ry . Ford - when they don't deliver
the goods they have a vacation
that Iras no return to Fords Works.
Many other firms , pay Just as
much ea Henry does but they are
too easy. . , ;
No man has any lawful right to
say to me if you don't pay me bo
much I won't work for you nor
allow any - one ? else to. - Neither
has any employe the right to say
If you don't work for so much I
won't employ you nor allow any
one else to. Both of those propo
sitions are wrong they are .always
clamoring against capital, what
would they do if it were not for
capital Sam Gomper eays we must
watch the man with the hoe or we
will i, loose our - .constitutional
: ; jvouh j :
Hardware &
Furniture Co.
" Best Prices Paid
2S5 N. Ccnl SU Phone 347
rights why--were it not for, the
farmers the only real labors, in our
.land those slackers would starve.
No farmer wn erer caught with
Mm nocketa filled with rocks and
a gun concealed on their person
with a stick of dinamlte In ; one
hand and a cap and fuse in 'the
other hunting some "man that
wants to work so they can stone
him or shoot him for hunting for
some bridge or other valuable pro
perty to blow up thie Is organizea
labor and I demand . any one to
refute it. Ever employer In this
cduntry has ' righ.t to employ who
he pleases-he don't have to wait
till union: labor tells .him who 4o
employ or that, they? will let him
hire nonunion men .when, he can
not get union men. ' Members of
organized labor have ' been , de
clared outlaws by their own offi
cial as in the case of the striking
switchmen and printers of N. Y.
City, a judge , in Canada said un
union labor had no standing In his
court as they were put laws they
oppose prohibition when JoUn Bar.
leycorn is Their worst menace they
vote as a rule the Dem. ticket so
Europe can send her pauper made
goods here and cause our factories
to shut down throw them out of
work. As a rule they pay very lit
tle taxes if any. I heard many of
them say they had never paid a
cent of taxes in their lives and
them 20 and 50 years old they
done every thine to iniure our
boys went so far as to admit them
into tneir organization in gnany
places as In Detroit and Fort
Smith and Cleveland they done
all they could to help clear those
murderous IWW who . shot dowg
our boys who offered their, lives
for the safety of " their . country
while those slacking animals were
destroying sawmills',, and , every
fhlng else they could one. member
of union labor from seauie aa
dressed a union meeting in Port'
land asking for funds for the wid
ows and children of those; Cen'
tralla murderers and said had ' it
not been for the union labor Jury
those 'murders would , of. been
hung. . - With such a' - true . history
short' as it is the facts why should
union1 labor be allowed to dictate
to law abiding citizens what they
shall do if those restaurants are
violating the law furnish the facta
and evidence and .have them pros
ecuted that Is -the proper way to
do. : I have went in a strike sev
eral times but It was a simple
strike I . Just walked up got my
pay and walked off about my bus-
mess and let some other fellow
have, the Job that did not suit me
no . words to it no rocks no dyna
mite Just walked off.
For a Clean Paper :
Dear Editor Oregon Statesman:
I May we plead for a cleaner pa
per? We are (as a family) shock
ed at the Illustrated advertise
ments it brings; especially such
showing people stabbing each
other, and nude women dancing,
which latter Is certainly offensive
to pure womankind.,
We are sorry that the same
paper which so beautifully gave us
extracts of Mrs. Pemarests fine
sermons, will continue to dish out
to us these unclean things. X,
advertise for, the Devil anywa;
W9 all know that the movies an
theaters are' one of his strongs
toq's t'by . which he is ruining on.
nation; educating its people from
mere childhood, for everything
that f is " rile and criminal. We
should remember there is a judg
ment day fast coming down the
road. ; . : '' , .
Yours for clean paper,
. . ; .; Respectfully .
Mrs Joel Springer and family.
Xeer for School Dircttor j
Editor Statesman: .
. Voters of this school district
should Jump at the chance to get a :
man like Frank Neer to serve a3
a member of tHe board of educa
tion. "He is a graduate of OAC
and was instructor In the univer
sity of California. He is a man
of clean' moral character, nas a
great deal of business ability cd
progressive ideas. Election Mon
day, 2 to o'clock.
(Continued from page.l.) -
Aboard the ship Relief tonight hi.j
condition was reported critical.
Among others who testified wag
Capt: W. D. Brotherton, cotnmand
er of the Mississippi, who spoke
in highest, praise of all of t!3nn.
"They all did their duty like
men,' Captain Brotherton said. In
tones vibrant with -emotion, "B
bare nothing but the strongest
commendation for them all."
GeH Your Sikoso
at the
Jig Stoe.Mte
Shoes are being forced out by
the hundreds of pairs each day.
DAY, as we are going to have
Special Bargains all over the
Pumps in white, black, or col
ors at about half the usual price.
We are going to close out hun
dreds of pairs of Children?s and
Boys' Shoes, li otirit re
gains in these Shoes be here early,
as we are going: to close out a hum
ber of lines regardless of what
they bring.
Cheap Shoes in the basement
from 50c up to $1.95 for the whole
Carna and callouses re
moved" without pain .or
soreness. Ingrown nails
removpd and treated.
Pains " in the feet, weak
foot, flat-foot, foot strains
and fallen arches adjust-"
ed. ' Do not suffer, I will
give you . the best that
science can produce in
scientific chiropody. Con
.' About Your Feet ' '
JIre, 9 to 5:30. rhonet6l0
1 .
Balsas teds
Our shop, is equipped
W'tn 11 ew machinery.
4 V6 tiso nothing but the
iVery best grade of leath
er that money will buy.
Mr. Jacobson, in charge
of this department, Is an
expert In his line has
spent years in factories
and repair shops and will
do nothing but high grade