SATURDAY MORNING, iTTJNE 14, 1924 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON . . . ' onCGQN STATESMA1T. SALEM, OREGON , ' ' ' ? Do ypu-want If so, it would pay The 'rV'J p 'i VV ' ELK STRESSED Northwest Commission ( in ; Portland Endorses .Local School and 'Head . A -commission representing the Columla iRiyer; Paget Sound and Oregon' conferences ot "the; MethoT t:st ' churph, .which- -include .the states of Oregon inde Wah.lhgton, met la i' First - ftnl-ch". Art land, Thursday af terfloon J una -12th, to consider, the "preset and future .' . prosra'.!; vXi'.M?! at Theology. Vj-:;"- $' l-il- After "thoTsuift? ajjdrmtfa. tttic dIseuasion'i-Hher;-neei3 ,of the school and iLossibliitiea' of the future', the following definite V- action, ,was unanimously ctaken by the . commission;" --d ' v,:' "UV earnestly - realfirm ' our ccnviction of the .need of 'a strong seliobl o'f .theology,"' mjasi ona, and re'.fsioua Education "in tbe'north wf st. . Kimball Schol of Theology Salem should be strengthened . I enlarged "as-rapidly "as possible ta cover this entire program and Starts Toiii,orroy TV P-.. . r f : ! I . "wp ' n "S ' ' J Last Timed Today On the Banlcs x4 1 V f . ..Va aa (FOR RENT to rent or ltaye ypti something to rent? to read the classified page of this papier Oregpjr Statesman PHONE 23 I 1 to meet, the- demands f the new day." I i--v :;vi.;:fa ' "For the adequate development of the school i. is imperative that fund be provided' fdr 'both 'endow ment and building."; ,We, therefore,- earnestly request the annual conferences in the .patronizing ter ritory, -which are -represented in this commission, Jo authorize the administration otrthe school to en gage in a quiet quest for $250. WQ during the present " quadrennlum. Of this amountTEeventy percent la to .be used for endowment ' and thirty" percent may fre'ftsed for1 en dowment or .for Jiuilding jor equip ment a.t jth discretion xjf, the Joard. of trustees. ' -t yr. 'To jneet the current . budget of the Ischool and until snch time as aii adequate endowment may, be secured, -we requestthe - annual conferences of .the drtiajid ' area to authorize the raising ot .99000 lor tne year As?TXnra-mouiwn3dwnlng was recently moved tricta pn the basisof charch mem bership. , Each-district superin tendent Is to use his own' method to collect, tbe. amount to "te asked from the charges. It, Is urged, that in each-local - cbftrc Kimball Sunday be observed early, in "the conf erence year when ' the chal lenge bit the-;ministryv sVafi'lie presented : to the jyoung men - and the financial an cf other needs ( of Kimball be brought to the attefr- Uon of he congregation.":. nrvrvtiMi iter 5 Art ifC- ' 4 out! e Blacfevell: : T7rr."T - - - t - - el ..v Oscar Apfel;' J- - of the yabash 4 "We request' each annual con ference In session this' fall to "set aside 'a perioT early In theconfer-. ence session to" consider the! re crulting'and training of the minis try ! and the' development of 'the' program - of Kimball ; School of Theology." . '' ' ' . v Great confidence was expressed by the commission In the develop ment 6f the school under the lead ership of President" E. C. Hick man. : - ' County Coiirt Operating St Paul Paving Plant i .Opening of the county paving plant t St. Paul Friday took the entire countycourt tortha.t yicinify to .witness the work. ? The plant. according- to County Judge W. H. from fount Angel and performed perfectly. Both he and that county commissioners expressed " them selves as highlypleased"wlth , the initial performance. -'"About-seven miles between St. Paul and West Wpodbttrn will be paved this sum mer V -i " -''.;''-' ' . ! ' aiuuuu AuuMiue ias roaa is being rolled and Vot In readiness 6r; ' paving " perationa. r- Sokne pavement has been' laid near Stayr ton 'and the plant noved beyond the town for : further work of hard-'snr facing the present gravel road. 'cvv'--;:-. - J ' ' Jlore Than a What la pur Daughter Doing? ; f ; ' . ''v-AVi-y;:.Su;i;. -:v-: -;r -"'',p.v'f.'i--. ' :(t-2 '' ri; v.t--,v.;-..i'.,r.,.-,''t . - . ' - i -v """-7 J - - w - : f -Patsy Ruth Miller Ralph 1 Graves Zazu i Pitts ' PhiUipSsialley.- How Blahy- parents Know . the Company Their: Children Keep? .yh6seFanlt is it when Tragedy" Stalks Into the Home? T . . r k v st FOBEO:.lifIO Resolutions VVu.'.AslC:Kiwait ; ians of Nation ta Boost for;Chemawa N. ' D. . Elliott, secretary ot the Kiwanis aclhb, leaves for . Denver today to ' attend 'the International conventloh bf "the Ki'wahis. clubs. He will bear with him resolutions pertaining to the Salem . Indian school, whfch l,will . he entered", at tlons,1 p re pared " J)'y" as pecial ; 6m mittee ef which' T. M. HicksJs chairman, are as follows: ' ' . .'- "Whereas, The Salem' Indian school, located at Cnemawa, .Ore., and maintained fprthe purpose of educating ! tW Indians ot.'the ,ja ciflc : nbrthwest, ' how Includes courses "of study; up to the, JOth grade and ! ;: - I- - ''' ; y "Whereas, Many of the grovern- ment's . jwards'aref'ow, seeping educationaradvantaeea Lihii -In- stltutidif iq Jbeltef Wulp the'm selves for thgir1 ' f utur 'dubf cuizenBnip, ana v . - 'Whereas," These -stndehtsare entitled to the 'same .educational facilities and advahtaea offered the otbr'clfizerisvof tbis 'republic, and- ir i1 ' ' - ' "Whereas, The American In dlan students at' said "school have repeatedly and undeniably" demon strated their native capacity to-as ilmilate . and v proflaaiy vse In" structlon,' and f!.:-v?rW. "Whereas; Such Instruction an be supplied by said shbof "tinder priatioh, and ':. . .JS-V. -V" ' ; "Whereas, The location and fa cilities of lie said ACbool;are.ideal for . said .purposes 'andh are" avail able at a minimum of. travel and other expenses to said Indians and the American public now,-there fore, be it - - . 1 - ; y v'; ' ? "Resolved, That KiwanU -Inter national in convention assembled and In conformity jrUhour, motto We Build,' declare that .the course of study tV jtbe:Balem Indian schobrahould 'be extended to in- tiuuer me iuu ,nign sen oca -course, adding ' Ito the present courses grade's ll.andl2; be"it,further. "Resolved, . That it is ;tbe 'sense of this ' cohveniibn ' that Kiwanis devote its lefjforu t6 bringing about this result be'it Jurter, i s "ResblVe'd, '.That aebpy' 'ii' this resolution be sent tb theeiretarxt of the interior." - Fi;:osss;jiiJ'- . siffifa?!!:; San RrancjscoPaiients Sur- prise Boy, and 1 : ? -Hear; Alibis. ' . One of the cruelist - jests of King ' JiUx," 'whose day7 it 'was yesi ""lerday, ; was'' "playetT at the state STARTS TODAY I P. M. . IfSEil t f 'V, X? en,- SPECIAL MATJE. Z0 Motion Picture " 1 t s'l (-St RMlffiES x. - - I penitentiary "rben- ar fatherland mothwrnvinerin Sanrabciscb. found Uieir Sbply.son. an- injnate of the institutibn after tixey had. de-. cidedj to. .spend yearly 200 f or , a trip- to Portland - to see the boy and hi8young wife and to take .in theRose estiTai. , 4' ":-. f ' .Knowing . that they ,were com ing" north, the boy bad sought to prevent h Is' parents" from learning of ia predicament. ' . His case coming-, before ' Ue is next , meeting, of the' parole board, the hoy wired his ' parents Jthathe was not in a 'position- at present to entertain them properly t and that the weath er had been cooi. 71 tney wquia only' wait a few' more .weeks he could entertain them, he. tele graphed."" But the wife 'was never received ' 'V- Ji ''. Arriving in f Portland the 4 old folks looked up' the wife, but Bhe nierci'f ully " bought to' prevent their learning' of-the. whereabouts 9f thebby; (heir son and herhns bantL Something was" wrong: the bid folks thought,! and looked hp an old friend of the j.boy a fwho Was"" on Ke- Portland" police force; lFfbm his lips they heard the story. "-'When 'the old people 'met the boy-In the turnkeysoffice Friday neither could sp4ak. ;The . father refused to ' look at! his1" boyand the tears" came to h1s"eye8- The mother, weeping,- thTew her -arms about her -sons ';"'- tvi'r . "You're in the .state's, prison You're in the state's prison," ' . ' This1 was all the father could say . -. ----- , Every .effort .of -the. boy. to ex plain; -things ,. was 'met with f the same response, r- : J - - ' ' ''Explain, he!, how.'caniyou ex plain jwhea you're in the spate's prisopthe father. would jreply.; i Bnt father, I was .paroled, had it all -fixed up,", the bpy said .Flxed up," - hell,- you're in , the stated' prison,", the old man, said. The boy had been paroled from the bench, but . immediately, got in to-further trouble and tis parole ad been revoked. " -',The , more ..the father talked to jhejboy, the more indignant Jie be eame, ' ' sJ,-. i -y-';' J ' '- I t"l l told you to -.leave that .wom an alone," he said. : . "- ;MJButrt father4.she wife,'! the 'Ja"d .remonstrated. '. 'Wife, hell, she belongs- to an other man, the father1 vehement ljy Replied. -No explanation of the situation ras,giren; x -f 'And Jyou, h- Aaid bitterly, 'are in the state's -prison." ' i; -1711 . I ' ' v., : x All Sunday Schools are ! Wanted ,in Pjchic Parade .Jf Any Sunday-school in .Marlon county has; neglected to arrange for a float "f of .the county Sunday scftool jpicnic June 21 they ought' tod68o af once.". If It should be impossible , for any. school -to have a f loaflhey should at least hav.e a la umber of decorated cars.". "The state ! president of ',-Pp.rtland' "Is plarming to he In the parade. The training .school, board .will furnish myslcj - Other Sunday school workers fro'm r.t Portland ,. yijl te there." '. Nb Sunday school ts Mar lon county 'can afford to fail to'def its share to make the cpunty pic- UAfiua.greac success. . ; 5 ? n JleayeB, .to', a small boy, must be a place, where : throwing iase- balls through windows is' compul sory. - " . " iTpDAY - TOMORROW ONLY I: , f -. , . t a Aim s-: - ' i 1 ' a - v m as, - 1Stop ! JVou ijii 8; -woman yoaJov!" " fWW , ",v.y . Joseph Hergesheimer's famous novel has been made into a picture ,that sounds a" ringing note of warning against -thefrivolity of the present day; .... . . , , s ; :-.-ai a - ta asaViriratarie i ifr.vrm2imi:tsszza iW&zr2 --,-- r iPi,Tiirvnrririn t The Campaign ?f or; the Sea: son : ot 1 nis .year vviu 1 00 n Be Started Here '' . Salem' Chautauqua, .July; 161 to 23. . - ;i.-';.:,-vr The program,i.wh lei ia already in 'ihe hands of 'the- local commit tee,, 'fulfills Vevery expectation of the rhnittanniia Virwatpra' who nre diet best season In the jCpautauqua history of Salefn. . ;v I ; For nearly 10 -years, without .ar break Chautauqua -has - been a much Jappreciatetf annual attrac tion ana iz unas ine cuy more solidly , behind it than any pre-' yious. year. " - . - Heretofore there had "been some conscientious 'objectors ' to Sun day programs jslthbugh thfcse 'Ob jecting' graciously Vithheld actiye opposition and usually gave their personal support. .In view of . a rowing "opposition to Sunday, pro grams, however,- the management has finally been successful in elim inating Ihem 'altogether, . thus overcoming the last feeling of dis- - ;. -.. -... y .1,1. agreement ana aiso pvjng jneir own hard-worked' performers 1 and ehi ployees a nitfeh' "needed respite.' - in order to prine tnese nign ciaas ttrtAHnn. 'Gr'tho inrtr Iriar hM attractions at the .tery low prces secured through the purchase oil a ' season ticket, it is required by ine management yiat.. locai (jiuieuH guarantee 'a'eertaln ininimum'pat-: ronage each year.' '' Thus' It' is' mrougn lue .WlMUigUW -k-t- m. -m v committee of local people to ,he- come responsible that - the Chau- tauqua,can "be enjoyed by, airiat1jEeB KEKTa- room vJSFURNTiSHErx auOUt ,OneiOU.rtn me COSl. at, JBUH-.I uar atiracuonsvnnaer;.orama.ry w . . - " ' cumstances. Thirty citizens are sponsoring Chautauqua this .year as follows: w. i.. staiey, u. u. noit, i- Ta iter. Dr. E. E. , Fisher u JF? L- Wil kinson. H. H. Vandervort. C. E- yr ilson,. Dr. ,M. C "findley, F. .1 ttt I 'ttj.' ." iyr.f - i- t i !tl...lo )Yu, nan yycibi xv. A.. n"i. F.' E.rShafer, Vick Brothers,' Dr.; cari, G. ijoney, ,u. j. Lenman, A. ..Lee, Judge ,w. r. Busney, koss C. Miles. Dr. C, G. Cellinger Win nie Pettyjohn. Br J. 0. .Matthls Joseph Benner. -'J. J H. ' FarrarJ iiarry w. ecoic, j. remoer- ton. T M. Hicks. Josenh H. Albert, wr. a...v- sP?ir otwi, H. Tauterman. . - . ' : One of the above committee, Judge Bushey,. has been removed by .death,,4,one':or. tw? thers have .left ,the. city, yet the cqmmU-J tee remains the strongest of any previous year.' The cpmmittee will bold . its first meeting at the: chamber ot commerce at 7 p.. m June 23, when the Chautauqua . campaign fortX924 will be on. Qwing tb the splendid character of the program a.nd the solid support of all who appreciate the Chautauqua . the committee 'advises all' who, wbuld be aure qt he least inconvenience J to secure tneir ucaeis ana oe in their places ,early for each pro gram. Lewis Stone a Rufeens ; Irene RicK - Norman Kerry - . f t aa. aa - m eW - as . . K M ) . .i 1 1 . a H ? v' f 'J-M CI OIOBSirnD ADTZBTISIMISTg ,' Bit pn wrr&t - - ' ; Sidney to Loaa ' . , Ob BS1 Kitat. "- T. K. TOBJ s ':'-x "Automobiles DOES ..VOUA- yOBD ' .START -.HARDt Alernetos lasiM treo ii.p B. torn- BCICK AKDo STUDEBAKER ' 2XCK DOERFER MOTOR HEPATR 410 8,'Commerril a-Jneli AtJTO ItKPAI HIM O . -JS t AUTO TOPS 3 IP ITS TOR THE. TOP OR TirUOL- tery of cr.we JiaVe it. fall nil at 236 Stategt. J : ; " FOR "RKNTrapartmenU C JJICEUYJ -UKXlSUJvl ' -I V U .. iMJUll i 4,-- naavcaart.- .i , f ; 5-inei3tr ;downstaris aft. ROOif furnish- FOR rent three or jour room. ! iurniKna ODariuitrni..i-riTnj usia, i-urnc !n J Union street. 5-InI5- . . j i .t.i... ,. : v s S9R iRENT apartmenU 5 , pt onr groan' hoot, -oasemea ana 'r ii-r,,n -luirrh. Will M . TieUt .JUT I j","3 '"r: ..v ; -r For nt furnished '.. fist .far $25il rf-ll S . . .m . n .1... . n jfnWM- I wood ranre. - -farnaca - hast. . All - tur I aiairs. -priTaie cam. ssrsee. k i nisheA for $35. , Other apts, at all pricea- Choose years first. - MRS. MOTKK -- -. - 1 47 N.T Om'l- 8t. Koom . ... ;. "'.; - : " -s-jneiotf POR REST- NEATLY FURNISHED and f- nnfnrnished" anrtme(rts close' In; -' 755 I Xarry: street. - .- , st'- . -jativ APARTMENT FURNISHED OR UFUR-I f "nlshed M to responsible tfarty at , r the I - , . : an n It aTlU.M -aaai Brpwjv.1679j airowp. v '-v ."iloASH: roa thartt --a- i!n-i tr.r ! . or 931. , o-jneowi tus' noon fcrnish0 '.apart wen. ,. - tt irn. rvrrMtarrn. ra COOLt . v i . . i . -1 j 75 ;.trft t . ptton aFArtmets. ' Tor iarpeetioa r I 7. reaarvatioau .jutpa f bJ" l ' - ' - S-ml4tf yaV w'w"'' PDOBLEnlS 4 1 . P-r? - V A ! Adele Ganisoa'a .ol RE VIILATIONa OS! -AJTZFEI Copyright ltll." hi Nawapaper Taatura Serrlea. Inc. tHAPTEIl NO. 189" ( THE SURPRISING- ' SUSPICION TO WHICH JULIAN "GAVE, ' VOICE, Lillian's reference' tq Katie, In a tone that" had more than a," hint dfLV Wa.ay"-a4 eii-iiTerTtniB?' " savage vyrath,' stattlerme, I ' t ... - t.-tr t , j s-mg;; ed to reply, however, nntu we weri 3 aF 'f -IKa' " vlltareT 'a nil 'rt' I could "take "part of my attention from ithe car. , T had Obeyed XII- lian'a ;ini unction to "sten on her?MroR sale and we. were proceeding 'towards hoime at a lively gaif - ,. ! 4"What -do ybtf mean?';! asked. puzzled. "Do you think that Katie- 'V . . . ". 'Is holding out on us," she re-. torted. 4T wish I knew. But . 1. 1 . . i . .... epiei irom joe mat is.ainer-ii ine heard sounds like lt. - . 'May' it not be that In her ter ror of him Katie told Joe she had found something, when in realityjT 5 A SOjxd, we I failed!" -l asked. the inU lLXteT:. she had failed?" -1 asked, the inA stinct; strong upon me to defend my little maid. ''Don't you ie- member' - that Mother - Graham wrote us about Katie's despair af- ter -"sher had " searched 'fatherr rcjom.- And wouldn't , he" - failure explain her anxiety to have" us within caU'that night she went to meet: Joe?' SHe-nyir have thoiiaht e could shleTd 'her 'from his an ger -when he found but . she had nothing,' - ,k Vou Sound PUusihle." .VTour well-known jnemorr, Is missing .on ' about three,' ; Lillian retorted dryly. "If you'll change a spark plue or two voaML rftrhll I that she didn't with -her, only JdstJwIthIn earshot that in . a her naive; way she -was trvinif to have ns'overhear" the things she did not idare-to-telr-becanse-of the oath sh had taken." ' ''Yes, I know," - I aconiesced. 'but," with tan-r.- aau ranee ' that mentalljr bei'an to totter, 'I can't believe that Katie" took anything from my father's room. She sure." Jr wouia nave, turned it- Over ta m - 1 '- On VNk, .(ls tnMrtloair. . Se I2e JBix 9UsV BOBtraet par mo 13 mtoatks' ntrt. vr Klniaj for ny 4dTrt!n S5 RENX'''robirj ATTttACTXVIurJY FCRX1SIIED ROOlf, 1444 Cenlef. . ' , : .' 6-jo17 ROOMS FOR KENT AFTER JUNE 13 ; st 751 venter -St. .: -o-jnei- 1 1 1 1 ' ' 11 111 " BOOM -TOR - GENTLEMAN CtOSB IN. I'hnn 585W. 15 FOR RENT houses FOR KE.N7WXF.W .MOpEUS , 5 KOOIC vuMKHvyw 4 1 1 lfH -rill ril I. IIU ,ir I I' ( Dre, (CHriiifp. - AfBlj Jlool tret. Fur BiheJ.r. unfurnished. - ,WiH l-in for yar. 8-e VT. O. Krueger, 147 N. Com ''merrUl -St.' . , 7 Jo?17 4-KOOM COTTAGE, .WITH KANGE. Call US K. 141 St. Fhon ISaJ 7-nel3tt FOR RENT GOOD I.OCATIOX KIGIIT in Tjumne , teuttnr for drei-makr, 'All farnihd ith Hewing pitchine, tel. J epbone, tl. Kesnonattla rent. 'or ren -frerl Rood house ; 3 firnt floor strU . nient; t lot . t ollier At' all pri--a Rentals a gjM-cialtjr, Lint with rae f( qniek tenants. " ' . ' . - ' CK7 tn J- St. Room ........ , c ,., . 7-inel2t HOUSES TO KENT F. I WOOD. 81 suta St. .' , -hmnit HOITSE FOR RENT Call at 161 N. X3tht .' PHONE 18?1. PARTIY FURNISHED 7 r.OOM HOCF3 ;'C7T W.-TWInteri l'ionlIero MeKliiti t . Tnrner. Oregon.. , J''2 ' . FOR SAU3 tEdacdlaac'sns O FOR "SALjE HIGH CRAUE. 'FGRNT - tara for foor rooms complete. A Te:J buy. Box S44S, are SUtesmsn. - . - . ' 8 jnelS FOR ALEr-'.4 WEST1I ADE' '- FLAT TCP ! office desk, practioaUr-Dew, cn!j. n.-1 three months. Price 45- Write b 8359, enra rtttstf-smsn.- :.-.- 8 jaei3 FOK SALE FTRE-WOnKS; WHOLE, sale aad- oUU,-44- t,aUi Cirtf t. George nn. . . . . . .. ; .--j!y4 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND J3c --J. i era We are - still Uyins aewer pi e at 20c per foou- Other plumbing t reasonable prices. Phone 926. 8-jne34 FOR SALE A "LARGE RANGE"' IT i reseatrbir, food condition. Art I - 567 Ji..JVan.t,- re v -.. v -4-m2I J 1 ' 1 i' - ii - . i.mi n .mi- ; .a taevrfMalfia.. Vr- , r. . 8 r i -.ijtiATEX) .cards. pirs,i4" XY 7".' !rlaf'' ' Ji . . rriea If I ' Xle virouaa xioqi. H 4'.: Bafliltf f 1 OrCT .1 u ryyj? ; v w 3 Ana eleven eUer Orna rtr- t f'ataev wita. -a ttne at ptrl I e sonts, tstrtd eon$ aa4 aaany .J tima Xarairitea. f ., , r . "A, A'":1 0i'i?! ; ' : " Sp!al prteeaiflnaat:,T lets) Bipecially adaptable for' or 1. - awaity aTkom, ajarlDj. fg-, ', " V , I. . ' ' - ' r?i ow la its tilr 4 aI-Joa 4 T PabUaHea7 '. 118 fU Ooaunarelal fit. . Calam, C ; ;" v" Pliisjibiri r - - '. Wa eanaava yea taoney a all 4 Se Us' Bef o rcs Vc a H CAPITA D ARG -l! DC S3 ' I BD " wood ttpewriter co. ""T-"r 'wwasrwralrad--fcy-t' people h inaka It. t J- I w a rata to tadente. S00 .M&i 1. a-Aoaa sos. OLD KITf'-PiP'sa i KZZ.9 T" "-l-v sarfaaea' " T FOIw livestock O ' " nF ?0iT FOR 8ALE CHEAP IUI ' Jal S anythins; ran tine. . i. nrat. rouia y iajr, 888VV 9 Jnel3 I flV V T nn -tii iTri-nit ... .fa,lI-'.l-nt'i Addr- I J!S?L -iet3f FRESH COW A YEARS OLD. OOOI .miiaer. ThoTae 11F14. 9 jne!3 rEIGHT I.. 9-Jnel5 BEVXRAI GOQn VTLZZ COWS, TRES1 Boderman, Jefferson, Cre., Kl. 1. 1'hor.i ,9rtS from Salem. -""- 4a-flCi r O REGISTER En whitb rn. jiaijieal-at Etad." riake'a .Petland, -273 Suta. Fbona 658. .. -n28tf fRED ..W.: JUAKQE, TETERIKARIAN T "b ."t,?u nnierciJ, a nane 1198. Phone 1510.- A HUD, ,3 III' O n 1711 VpOp'POIt S.1LK 11 n'J.011 :?JR . FIRST CLASS, full w suerameea.- .rnone 13S11I. ; "U . H-jneSS , "CALIi 18S5' " lor your eoal and wood. Low giimmrr prices. .Immediate at later delirprr. ' .-. - ' : - ll-jnel3if best orade M-wnnn-i vr svt i Inch. law Hill' . . pry 8eond Growth fir. lry old fjr. ... foot Ash. and Osk. Prompt 4oliTrr fend reasonable pr!f. Fred S I. - Walla, 280 South Chnrrh. Phone 1543. v. ll-ju-13tf 1VIlfCH BLOCK WOOI, J373 pri. ' wad; . four loada $14.-. rhona 1879W. , " ;- Il-Jne80 WOOD FOR SALE ORDER YOUR WIN- now. yak, fcsh, first ana second irroirtb. fir. l?oona 1879W. - , ll-jne 26 I ro& BALE DBT BECOND-QROWTH f '1ZI ,'7N-: IT" you if she had Jwt "hoDeio'intan's tone e-fi - i. .rt '.'( Continued on page 7) ' "C - eora t.. I . . . ....,' , . a