THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON r SATURDAY MORN INC? JUlE 14;' -1C2I 1 Hi1 . CITY. NEWSmM MEIEF Four Fatal Accidents - ; ,1 During the week-ending June 12 "a total of 625 accidents were reported to. the state industrial ac cident commission, of which four were fatal. The fatal cases were Bert Nesbitt; - Wendling, head brakeman; r P. J. PIttelkau,-Se attle, choke setter; "John Nelson, Portland, tucker: David D. Brain ard, NorthDend, laborer. Of the total number of accidents report ed 655 were subject -to the pro visions of the' workmen's compen sation act, 66. were from firms and corporations that have not. elected to come under the act, and -four were irom public utility corpora tions not subject to the act.' : 2293 N. Strawberries Wanted-. Ward K.' Richardson, Front. . ilv. Alternate "Whit Issued -In the-case of the state on re lation of Joseph Burke vs. Joseph Beveridge. clerk of Multnomah county, an alternate -writ of man ramus was issued by the supreme court yesterday. .. Beveridge is or dered to appear and show1 canse why he should not Issue a writ of execution on a judgment of $7,500 against Maurice Seitz. Ap pearance must be made June 25. t . last Dance ;-.' At Schmiedecker's barn Satur day night, June 14. Silverton-Sa-lem road. . , J14 tlement was effected by an arbi tration board.' The settlement will avert a lockout of the building trades which had been threatened by the Building Construction em ployers association , unless the strike was settled before Monday. Under the decision reached, yes terday the cement finishers "will receive $9 a day and shop bands of varying grades' a flat increase of 1 a day.r . Banco DuBois' Dance- Tonight; also Tuesday, Derby hall.; Music by Orioles, Come. the serious illness of his mother. Many small irrigated, patches of the berries were seen., while black berries and raspberries were being grown to a limited extent. Most of the fruit was being used locally, he said. Stockmen afe the heavi est sufferers . from the drought, Mr. Staley. learned..' In the Wat sonville district the apple crop is so heavy ' that . thetrecs have al ready, been propped to hold up f.he fruit. -., Thinning. Is now under way and the ground , around ithe trees is almost green with .the fruit, Mr. -Staley said. ;' V' "What it means to accepj Christ.' I be presented with the diplomas at Last Sunday was a day . that was I exercises beginning at 2:30. enjoyed by all Hayesville. Those who stayed at home missed a good J Patterson is Pleased?-? dinner and a pleasant day Hayes Word of the nomination ' o( rille has lots of them so come as Brigadier General' Charles G. often as you can. "Will we see you Dawes .as -vice - president of the next Sunday? Arthur C Bylander, United -States and running mate pastor. Card of Thanks i , . We -wish to thank our .friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy' shown in our recent be reavement; also for the beautiful floral offerings. .- W. O. Baven- ; J14 Salem Entrants Wi Salem entries in the Rose festi val parade , in Portland - won two blue ribbons,' when,: the Cherrians took .first place among the" march' ing clubs and the float entered byport and family. iae state or uregon, capiurea iirsi place in Its class. This float was designed by F. Ray Felker, artist and designer.. Both awards car ried $100 in cash. While Capital Post No. 9 did not place In the competitive drum corps contest, which was not anticipated, the palm beach suits of nearly 100 k- vi School Election Monday in spue oi me numerous umes the attention of-the public has Medical Society Meets , Dr. -Robert C. Coffey of Port land will read a paper, on "Gastro Duodenal Ulcer": at the next meet ing of the Polk-Yamhill-Marion society at the- Gary Belle Tuesday; night at 7 o'clock. , Vote Monday for Francis Xeei ' Put him on school board. Lincoln Pioneers Have Camp ; . r The Lincoln Pioneers of Central Congregational church returned yesterday from a ' brief camping trip. They were up above Scotts Mills. Eight boys - were on the trip, Donald Barnard, Norvat Ed- of President Coolidge, was receiv ed with a great amount of pleas ure by Senator i: J. Patterson. who ' had charge-of the .Coolidge campaign in Oregon. Every effort will be made between now and November 1 . to further the inter ests of the two nominees. Senator Patterson said yesterday. . v Sues Unknown Heirs . Emily Scott, in a complaint filed wards, Ellis Doane, Robert Bur- against the unknown heirs, of the ton, George Pointer, Donald Point er Kenneth Kline and EUia Har ris. - Donald Barnard proved. him self the best fisherman; George Pointer .the best actor; Donald Pointer the best wader, Robert Burton the 'best swimmer-and Nor- estate AOf Samuel" and r.Jamima WWker, is seeking title to certain property. , . '. '. Special . Prices . On electric fixtures, 25 percent off on all boudoir table-and floor val Edwards the best eater. El- floor, lamps. Halik'a .Electric Bert Powell and John Brockman Shop, ZZl Court St., phone 48 & brought the boys-to and from' the I Jne 14 camp, and the camp was In charge of Harry Johnson, pastor of Cen tral Congregational , church. Building Permit Issued ; . W.'M. Smith was Issued a build ing" permit Friday for the erection of a dwelling and garage -at 1392 Sneclal Sale j' On all stamped goods 7 at the . COBl OI Vr Elite this week, -229 Oregon bldg. Jnesl 1 - . and brought more publicity to Sa lem.; " -". ' ..' ' . ' ' Royal Ann Cherry Growei We are ready for business again. Phone Raas & McKenney. Jnel5 -Jackson Appointed Phil Jackson .of Portland' has been appointed by Governor Pierce' as a member of the board of reg ents of tjie ; University of Oregon. ; He succeeds the late Charles H. .. Fisher. ' . ." j .. . v nt,- Irf... TV... -c . 1 held Saturday -evening. f June 14. j; Elfs will s leave Elks ? f - temple promptly at .6:45 and j 'march to Wifson avenue, led by the band, where services; will 'be J gin at T o'clock Fred A." Krlxon. I'ltf Merritt - Davis, Howard' Hhlsey, flaff day. committee.' - J14 t tt '- School Bill Appealed ' ( i Attorney General Van '' Winkle yesterday forwarded to District At torney Stanley Myers of Portland i notice of appeal Mo the United States aapreijie court in the.-anti-private and parochial school bill lease. Bonds have beea provided ! and his and Governor Pierce's sig- natures attached. ' Both the H111 , Military acadeniy and the Sisters . 'of the Holy Names are covered in 1J if i t K nhe notice. and 1ohC3., k ; '.r"i' i Big Warehouse g f Sat. ve. June 1 4. Brooks' ware- Vote fanvasied -i; - -; -v c fail primary 'candidates except del legates to the' national conventions - weer canvassed ' in the office of Secretary of State Kozer yester- .day. The -vote on delegates was canvassed several ' weeks -ago. Daughter ! Born ' . , A baby daughter was born, at a local hospital June 11 to Mrs. A. L. McCarty of Nehalem. wife of an Inspector of, the state forestry da jjartment. - . . Plasterers Get Raise . With word front Portland yes- , terday that the local plasterers union had been, granted alraise of been called to the tact that Mon day, June 16, will be school elec tion day, people persist in calling up various members of the school board ask Ing t when the election will be held. The balloting will be at the office of the Associated Oil company, 'the first door south of the main entrance ' to the Mar- Students Form Xew Club. With a charter' membership of 16, a literary and debating club has been formed at Salem high school to forward the interest in forensic activities.' Officers in the new club are Edgar Tlbbetts, pres-1 ident Arlie Anderson, vice pres ident and Homer Richards, sec- Speeder is. Fined . -, In, h justice court Friday, Wil liam Shumacker was fined $10 for speeding. ... . ; members-are. Benoit McCroskey, LeRoy Grote,', Robert Kutch, Ber- nlce. Mulvey, 'Mildred 'Gilbert, Half Pint Jails Ma hf 8 -s . - Possession o a half-pint . of liquor landed "Rus'sel Crossan in J ion notei, on south Commercial tne county jail yesteraay. vros-nr. H. H. Olineer. chairman of I - X " v" " lne L tyr 0 memDe wnose ierm8 X Thompson, Jack Spong, Harold appeared in the justice court yes- the Wrd expire and who are seek- Mero- Ellzabeth Falrchild. Lucile leioay eieciea w iuiui luaucn teg tMlectlon. Tanic Jfi. weer is over for a little tmie ana to enter ian aspirant for the place. his ntea later. . He was commmea Replies are Filed , . . s Two replies to 'complaints were filed in the circuit court yesterday. These were, the replies of Frank M. Ford to Ben Creasy and of J. Earle to the answers of ' M. R. retary-treasurer." Other charter Matthews.. All allegations were denied in both cases. to the county pall In lieu of $250 (wanted Women to'Stem bail. Cnerry Pickers , . Wanted. TA. Call 133 2-J, Strawberries cannery. at" Hunt Brothers jnel4 Pettyjhon and - Helen Marcus. Meetings will be held on the sec ond and fourth Wednesdays melom have been eecn montn.; rroi. normng, ue- bate coach, will be the adviser. - M Watermelons Received t The first real shipment of water melons was received in Salem yes terday and were being offered on thex local market at 5 cents' a pound- Only a very few of the offered here this year.-- :v ' : YALE MEN FINISHING OriErWOTHREE IN 1C0 Y "!D DA HARVARD DEFEATED IN. DUAL MEET BY 12 1 OHIT3 s J ' f t $. - " ' n -s. U r ' - . f h " ' - ' .- . --:. :.rt.-.-...:-v;'--- : : ' v'-- ' ' ;v.-He- V ' Harvard established an early lead in the thirty-first annual track meet with Tale, held recent ly at Cambridge, but the New Haven collegians were the winners. This photograph shows . B. M. Nortod", beating Yt. 'A. Comlns by two . fct In th 100 yard cvr with J. Locke, also of Ya! tt.. The time was 10 1-5 t VV-J . s. yesterday T"ei did not have the endurance that Crosby has, . but was good for five or "six innings. When the prison team played two games in succession, Tuel was al ways used. His disappearance, while not putting a crimp in pris on baseball, will" cause little em harassment . ; ' - Another Typing Contest Several of the Salem high school Students who - participated In the recent typing' contest here will go to Portland the last bf the month to compete in a typing contest sponsored by the Ttemlngton com pany. The prize" winner will re ceive a standard: Remington ma chine.. In order to win first place the contestant : must J' write 60 words a minute for 15 minutes, with no errors. ' . , ; . . !. ; J15l I Auction Sale- Household and personal prop- Estimates Peach Crop Coshow Elected Justice ' O. , P. Coshow, of thelerty at 194 S. Sixth St., Tuesday, Oregon - suoreme court, whose 1 1:30 p. m. Clara Anderson estate, While there will be a good peach Jhome Is In Roseburg. was elected I consists of over , 500 quarts ot crop In tne : orcnaras -on. nini grand master for the coming year I fruit. 150 quarts being wild black- ground, there will be practically ia tne Oregon grand lodge" session berries: tools, etc. -Cash sale. J17 no fruit rn the lowlands and the ua Portland. George T. Cochratf entire.crop will run about ,40 per l is retiring grand master. Judge cent, Js the estimate made of his J Percy R. Kelly of Albany was ad vances to the office or. deputy grand master. Rev. J. R. N.:Bell of ."Corvallls grand "chaplain for the last 47 years, brought greet ings to the grand lodge for the 2 0th time. Three new charters were'1 granted yxtHe' session, to Vernonla, Westgate and Irvlngton, i in Portland. orchard by. I. L. Patterson, oi Eola.' ; The' trees . were found to have suffered more from the frost V. n n irB. n,Mnmai1 fit first. . - Will Par Cash For' hsed- pianos. : Phono 1659. J15 . Guard XTnit Leaves - Thirty men of Headquarters de- Vote Monday for Francis 'Xeer tatchment, ?49th Artillery, left onl , Put him on school board". a special train at 6 o'clock lastl t ; night bound for Fort Casey, Wash. I West Salem Methodist wnere .tney wm snenu, m I Church services ; tomorrow as two weeks in summer maneuvers I follows:' Preaching at 11 aVm. and and training. The detatcument isi7;30 p m in the morning service ir r niaAe.t&n In m in coarse ot juajvi vy. me pasior win preacn on recei Captain Clifford Irwin and Lieu-1 fal ways." i Certainly the time tenant A. B. Batea'and will return I nas come when right-thinkfng peo- about June 28. The 2491B Arui-ipie should consider the ways and Ierywi!.l have 300" men and 16 i means which make for peace and ofiicers present for the summer whereby one may edify another. camp.' , j . i,.--. ' ; ' ' lln thetevening hour Mrs. Kendall of Merbaugh, Idaho, will bring a Illc Warehouse .IJance . (message on the-subject: "Is Sal Satcve. June 14, Brooks' ware-1 vation Free?" Mrs. H. J. Morris house. ' . .' ' Back at the Key, . Arthur R. Wils-on, who . for many years, was Salem manager for the Postal Telegraph com- a pany is again temporarily; , in charge of the office here during the absence of - Manager. -Carrol Wpma Charges Assault -,. "?VS.sault" and "battery Jupon her person is , charged In a complaint filed in the Justice court, by Mrs. W. M.T Wilke against R.' C. Madsen and Harold Madsen. - The men. upon "' beiij arraigned, . . entered peas of not guilty and will be glveaa' jury trial, Monday morn ing, ' The two men were released upon promise of their attorney to have them in' court at the desig nated time. '- ? " Class Leaves Case Arrangements for the . install ation of a- fine trophy case to dis play the numerous awards receiv ed by Salem high school are be- ng made by. the 1924 class of graduates .who received their di plomas, last night, ; The. case- will be built at the rear of the auditor ium. A senior bench will built under the fir tree at the northeast corner of the building; Appraisers Named N.'E.'MahOck; Zeno Schwab and L. I. Snyder have been named ap praisers of the. estate of Lawrence Schwartz upon petition 'of B. F. Glesy, administrator -of the estate. Final Account Filed . Final' account "of the estate of Estella. Avin has been filed in the circuit' court- by R.- Avln, adminis trator. .,. . PRS0rtoLS I day in Portland for tfco Roia tlval. B. E. Maple and J. C. Uar Jennings Lodge, were la tL -yesterday. hi: Drill Team 'In Portland- Waters. AX Miss Gleeson Visits ; i xaemoers oi tne wrusans uru 'MlftVAW'M In PnVH.nS las'? tiTrH I ''I to "attend: a lodge meeting and to MIsa Marguerite GleeSon, form-1 participate in a parade." ' The wo- erly a member-of the-Statesman I mens' organization has beea drill- news staff, now. with the Ellison-1 ed during the winter tiy Edwin J. White Chautauqua company, vis-Inynavllaa. and will -narticiDatn in ited in Salem last nlghtj whili en competitive drills in Oakland. Cal. routenrom caniornu and otnerineit ' AneHg Mr.: and Mrs Bay- southwestern territory to districts I lisg accompanied the team to la tne state or yasningion. , Wedel Seeks Divorce Charging that his wife had been i untrue to him and had been keep ing company- with . Carl Rents, of Quinaby, Ben F. Wedel yesterday filed for a divorce from Gertrude Odell - Wedel. The couple were married in Salem September 18, 1919. Wedel asks for the custody Soliciting Funds Here t ' Funds for the Albertina Kerr Nursery home in Portland are be ing solicited by P. E. A; Smith, of Portland..' financial - secretary ' of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Pro tective association, which , has charge of the Institution. Buring the year ending January 1, 1924, Marion, county contributed eigtit babies to 'tne Albertina ierjf Nur sery home, Mr. sinlt said yester day; ' . ? .;.'..!:'-; ' ; . ' ' Pomand of their three -boys. .'About Octo- ' J14 will lead the slnging. commencing oer 1. 1922, his wife became In- A not her Convict Received ,, Joseph Roggi, ' several times loser at matching. his wits with the law and a former inmate of Sing Sing- prison, was received at the state penitentiary Friday to serve five years for an assault with in tent to' rob. He came from Mult nomah county in charge of Deputy Sheriff W. C. Fetters. Devers Funeral lleld-r- ' -''."; ' Funeral sertlces. for Paul Dev ers, 16, saiem high school youin, were .held from the Rlgdon chapel Friday, morning, with Rev.r Blaine E. Kirkpatrick officiating. Inter ment was in City View cemetery. Among the- many floral : tributes were two beautiful ; pieces, one from the high school student body and the other from the KO club, composed of high school boys. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers, the former being attorney for the state highway department. Youngster, Sent Home , . ' James 'Patrlsh, 9, was returned to his home yesterday after Chief of Police 'Frank A. Mlnto had got v Ia I A. 1-1 a TtT-J -.1 1 at 7 p. m. Juniors and intermedi- ai .en, eue at- I . a a-U L l iL.i ssMHi.J LcRanberries Grown .lates will meet at 3 p, m. , ;t reses' na om California is. growing its own , ' - ie was too quiet. m fresh loganberries, according toiBlg Warehouse Dance ; - wauiea a goua uui? wmw sue w . - - - . . rimt c-. ii r- i r I vnu-n tr " Ho rierl ares tnat ane was II a dav wArkL .011 tbe new4j. L. : W. I siaiey; secret" I ee. juuo i, uruvii wia- i r- "- . . I ,tn hta fofh ' - r ' - 'I I. i . . . . . i .nnA Tmm hi. hnm Bavarfl 1 ffmAK I t,uu.u. uu..avw ' parrlsh Junior JUgtarsehooI will :1m gon -Growers uooperave nouse... ,i ; :x ... ; r , " XTw-J .-..71 erf vYottV Parrish was picked up Part of th timA wm knerit n com- tne lermmai noiei; i n.ursaay pany with Rents, he declares. Last n!ht by Officer James and held as Monday she -left him and a note, l f which, she signed, said that there I i "ZT, : . no of their trvinr to live I Ieu xrusiy riajrr rothor that aha Hid nnt love , jobh iuei, irusij r we siaie Mm .Dv ionr- and that he could Prison who escaped from the brick yarn . xnursaay nigni was uue ui the pitchers on the penitentiary baseball' team, it became known resumed aa well as that on the T. I tion. who Das-returned from Los A. Livesley residence. The plas- Angeles ' where he., was called by I Hayesvlllo Baptist ters. who. had- beeji receiving r-S JQ a day demanded $12, but the set- LVSCRE AND FEEL SAFE CONCORDIA " INSURANCES BIRS. MOXER 147 N. Com!. Hoom . 1 4' VAOO DRV Fcrxi:!zrc: "-'.f ' Phc3 511 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 437 The Seavy Bell Insurance ' '. . . Agency - y ;r General Insuranca Just licturiicd from the Electronic Convention st Kansas City and have in- tailed the latest equlpmentfor the diagnosis and treatment of disease (Dr. Abrams method). Dr. B. H. White 4 RM U. 8. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon , ALIt U&9 ' $5 Dowm ' 5. Monthly : O, SC. Itoeicmoo. 347 N. Com. St. ; PbOB 86S TE3UIXNAL 7 T X 1 1 1: SERVICE - Can for hire without driver. PHONE 2020 Day and Night Service . Sunday school at 1 0 o'clock. Preaching services at '.'11. Theme: Biblcal reasons why I should not be discouraged " BYPU at : 7 o'clock. Preaching at 8, theme, i DIED GUEFFROY The remains of John Gueffroy, who died at Yankton, S. D., June 8, 1924, will arrive, in Salem today. Fun eral services will be held at the .Webb funeral parjors Monday, June 16, at-10:30 a. m. Rev. Ir, Pollntr and Roeler wilt-have charge of services. 4 will be in City View cemetery. r have two of -the boys. Dance at Turner Saturday music y Five Entertainers. jnel4 Popular Pnced Tailored Suits $23 to 43 . Men's and Younj 3Ien' D.H.MOSHER . TAILOR IGRAVMIXG Andy Gravming died at a local "hospital June 11," at the age Of 3 years.- Survived by his wife, Mrs. A. Gravming. funeral . -announcements . later, , Webb funeral parlors in charge - of arrangements. ' ' '- . Couple Defies Hoodoo - , Believing t that love - can 1 sur mount any obstacles that might be Interment Placed in their path by King Jinx. two young peopje yvsteruay wueu to place any faith In the supersti tion that Friday the 13 th is an un lucky day and applied toihe coun ty clerk for a marriage ' license. The couple were L. A. Deinlnger, an attendant at a local; hospital, and ETdna Rehwaldt, who gave her occupation as that of a nurse. HUSBAND'S CABLE TO COMB , . HOJE MAKES HER FORGET ROYAL COMMAND TO SIXQ ?! . Promotea. Good Health iREENWOOD Cottage Cheese ! . . ; One-Third Cream II. EjlUDEOUT, Proprietor G1 Dalcm iHortuarp nrBAiJczns' ajro ftldm Wttk-lMttM LA DD &".B.U3,W ; ; "BANKERS' v tlatUchcd 18C3 rr. TT'"r3 frcn 10 n. r:. io 3 -p. n. WEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS M Expert Firecrackers Banned-- , Any youngster apprehended in ithe act of firing oft firecrackers between now and the Fourth of July will bet arrested, according to a warning Issued Friday ' by Chief of Police Frank A. Mlnto. A city, ordinance , prohibits i the early nse of fireworks and . this will be rigidly enforced, he said yesterday. . A ... Motorist is Fined - i v For permitting a minor to oper ate his motor vehicle, A. L. Wood- ard was fined $10 in the justice court Friday. ; v ' . ' I I I - I l "J , '5 :1 h 1 ". i .''' " . ?s"A '-.vV X ) . . i ;fV V V ( ) t tOf g. Cfcmreh Tin 119 RIGD ON 'z SON'S Give Diplomas Today i Heaped high with diplomas', a large clothes baiket reposed in the office of, Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, county school superintendent, Fri day afternoon In readiness for the county eighth grade -commencement exercises at the? Salem-,higb .iHinrlnm thin n ftrmnrltlj Alrs. Arthur J. Wlllaon. promln ent society woman, who had been spending the winter In Spain, was recently commanded to sing be fore KlnK Alfonso and Queon Vic torta at a reception s lendered ; the Spanish royal couple by Alexander p. Moore. . AiHcan ambassador to Snain. Ju .rthen Mrs. Willson received word from" her husband t hhrrv home, so she; hurriedly -packed, forgot royalty and started Final Clarion Out The final V'-e of the Clarion, high school paper, was distributed Friday. The paper contained a special tribute to PauU Dtvers. member of the Junior class, whose funeral was held yesterday. jit! foiMmMy u .i : . rir. and MM. 'F. H, Thompson and Bert Ford'Jiaveeturned from k4 motor trip which' took them as far east as Salt .Bake City.- Mr. aritfi Mrs, Otto Hoppes and baby were In Portland yesterday, combining, business with the .Rose festival.- , a i ;?-. i Francis Ellis, who finished his first, year, at Willamette univer sity this week',' ieft f or eastern Ore gon Friday. He will work la the harvest fields and play , base ball with the Spray, team: . .Mr. : .and Mrs, David C- lEUis, who, .have ; befn teaching : atf the Tanasket,. Wash., high sohool, hay returned to Salem for a por tion of the summer.- Both i are graduates of Willamette univer sity. Mrs. Ellis Is ' tne daugni-er of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harris, w3io live on North' Capitol. , : Ml3s Erina Papenfus. . who ; wjls graduated from. Salem high schoiol last night.' has accepted a position as .stenographer , with the Milber Mercantile company. , K. N. Harlan, ef Falls City, was a Salem visitor Friday morning s P. ti, J'obnson, Medford 'merch ant, was a caller in Salem Friday. j Charles M.' Morrison and fam ily, of Grants Pass,-stopped of f in the1 city for a few hours;yesterdy. They' were onl their, way home from Portland.1.. : ' Mrs. tC, Jensen aiid Mrs. iW. D. Ols9n,'of, Mc'jitlnnTiiie, were in the clty"( recently. 1 ; Mr. and' Mrs. O.' J. Hull were In Portland" yesterday to attend the. ROse festival. Miss Florence Pope spent Fri- THISPnZ; No Drugs Juct Rc:t", - i Hcrba 6 Ounce Dottle, 7Zc Years ago" 'Dj. Carey "When backache comes . ; your kidneys- and fion't wn time." "Right at the-start, ro Si : druggist and ask for Dr. C Marshroot Prescription o. take it as directed until ! ' ceases and your eyea are . r bright." For more than 4 0 y. am i Carey i-; - . in di.'Ci i . : kiJney i - 1 ! der, an.-l v 1 the hM '. t -remark;-' ' : -life, i , to ii: : N m o s t c : kidney t 1 der rr ' t . I.hrou,'.-'i C. tr r drj l!;r 1 t: h o c o ... ! ! ! ford to f t i !;' t,--for treat: t Daniel O. Carcj", ,Tho-r . i , 31.. D. .... cnoL rx ' ' ' . . 'pie I. x aliments and never 3 - too late: 'Klllh colort I i; ting up in. tho n!j; !.t, ; eyes tell the story. If you even su.-pect U'tart t with Dr. Carey's ' Ilarshn L . scription No. 777. It will C the poisons from your k! ! . your druggist knows all e1 i Perry's Drug Store C lots of it.' It comes both 1 1 : and tablet form. It will 1 as it has a host cf others, should not, if you aren't ' one week's tiie that you t it, money gladly returned only 75c. Adv. il ', BIG FEATU RE ACTS VAUDEVILLE n t .Today; , ' Herbert Rawlinson f Dark. Stairvayy "Golf mania7' A COMEDY BlighTheatr Blank's:TOat:Are. Legal We carry In Btock'over 115 !e?al blanks tuited to most ny bu-;n:-i transactions. We may have' just the form you are looking fcr Lt a tij Bavins as compared to made to order forms. . . . Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will f onr.3, Ae:!s mcnt of Mortgage, Mortgage Forms. Quit Claim Deeds Abstracts form. Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, Gen eral Lease, Power of Attorney, Pruii'e; Books and Pads, Scale Rcccipt3, lliz. These forms are careful prepared for the Courts and Private use Frica on forms range from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note books, from 25 to 50 cents, ' - ' ; PRINTED AND FOR SALE BY The Statesman Publishing Cc. LEGAL. BLANK TJEADQUARTER3 - As Easiness Office,' Groand Floor. ' tzf r. r,.v-rra9x'in.t'.'':,':