OASR AKD BIAJOR LEAGUE GAMES Frisco io; Ansel 0 ... I . LOS'ANQELES. June 14. San Francisco and Lo Angeles turned out a typical Friday "the thirteenth ball game here Today. The Ssals won 10 to 9. In a hard hitting con test, and eyened the series two to two; The Angels went Into a big lea4 in the sixth Inning when they staged a six run batting spree but lo3t but when the Seals came back seven tallies. , . - Store' R. H. E. San Francisco 1017 i) Los Angeles ........ 9 14 1 Mitchell. Geary. Shea and Yelle. Agntw; - Root. Payne, Ramsay. Dumoyich and Jenkens. - . Sarrainent 6;. Salt Lake 4 SACRAMENTO. June 13. The ycteran Bill , trough took the mound today and held the Bees In check while bis mates sot to Mc Cabe for enough runs to cinch the fourth straight game of the ser ies, 6 to 4. - Score - - . -R. II. E. SaU Lake 4. 9 1 Sacramento .......... 6 8 2 McCabe, Hadley and Peters; Prouh and Schang. . .J), VVrnoa 8 ; , Oakland -4 OAKLAND. June 13. Walter Mai's yielded two 2-baggers, and also a home ran by D. Murphy In the 'first Inning of today's game between Oakland and Vernon for three runs. In the second a sin gle, a batter hit by a pitched ball and another' single in quick suc cession ender Mr. Mails tenancy of the mound. Seibold was little better and was replaced In fourth-by. Harris a recruit who re tired :in favor of a pinch hitter In the eighth.1 . Robertson finished the fcame. Vernon won, 8 to 4. R. II. E ........... S 13 0 ..... . 4 12 2 T Penner and D. Murphy; Seibold. Harris, Mails and Reed. . Chicago 3; Boston 1 . BOSTdN. June 13. (National) Chicago went Into first place In the' national league todayr by de feating Boston 5 to 1. while -New York was losing tor Cincinnati. Tony Kaufman was hit hard but ineffectively by Boston. Padgett got three doubles, one of which drore In the Bos' on run. Score ' R. H. E. Chicago . 5 10 1 Boston ............. 1 9 1 Kaufman and Hartnett; Stryk er, McXamara and O'Neil, Gibson. Cincinnati 4; New York 1 NEW YORK. June 13. (Na tional. ) New York surrendered first place to the Cubs today by losing to Cincinnati In 10 Innings 4 to 1, as Chicago beat Boston. With the bases full in the tenth Dean threw wild and Rouch. bat ting for Fowler singled for the winning runs, j Previous to this frame the game had been a pitch ing duel with Rlxey, Watson and Dean receirlng splendid support. Bressler and jCowdy hit home runs. i j ' Score ' j R. II. E. Cincinnati . '. . 4 10 0 New York ;.:-..'.. 19 1 Rixey and Wlngo;, Watson. Dean and Gowdy. i core- Vernon' . Oakland . . St. Louis 8; Brooklyn 3 -t BROOKLYN. June 13. (Na tional.) After holding St. Louis to four hits in seven innings, Os borne blew up In the eighth when the Cardinals made - six runs off him and Henry to win. 8 to 3. Sothoron would have had "a shut- the out but for three st Lonla errors ouraier maae tnree doubles. Jim Bottomley .left' for fit Louis to day, to have his tonsils' removed, causing, a shift; Inf the: St. Louis lineup., ' ' ' - Score R. IL E. St, Lou!s ...t. ,8 II 3 Brooklyn . . . ; . . . ..-... 3 8 1 1 ; Sothoron and Gonzales; Osborne and Deberry. ; . . , '.Portland 8; Seattle 4 , PORTLAND, i June 13. Port land -again beat Seattle today, 8 to 4, evening the series at two games each.: Satherland .was hit hard and in bouehesiwhile 'Winters was -in .trouble only In the third Innlpj. .Brazil Vand ; Rohwer hit komers. . " ' Seattle 4 8 0 Portland .......... i .8 9.0 . u therUnd. and .Tobln ; -Winters aBd;.Query..'.-:. i V J .' l. -.j."; ".' ' . . " -" i.Tbes? foreign nations '.asking ns; fjri Joau should .'-remember It fwni be six. months -before San t craua. .-; r i - 2 t2 '3. .4- CLUD PERCENTAGES". it.:., . . . ; ,1 V -f-Tictntr COAST ILSkcis . Fn' Frpieic- ., ,.5 .6S7 -t . ; 28 . Jfl S9 ra 1 ..'.'-.i.. ir.'3e 83 .529 Ft eco.,4 .S3 33 O0 KH Lk -. . t-..3X , 25 ,470 ort: ,ad .u..ij: st ? so .463 J-o A nttlet ..--. .JL. SO - 3S .441 0?tl.. :- 7-7--y 8S..140 .4.12 ;-i ' fiATZCSJU. tEACtr - -'". . '...Wa Lt Tr. Ciir?( , 1 81 20 .608 NW Vork SO ' 20 .600 I'-wya l4..-. S 21 .582 I nc nli 2 23 .S31itrsn(h n.t V. lnS I. nn J itl arch I oifa '-4-;.. f- t. oni J2l , - 21 , 1 23 25 25' 29 29 .468 .45T .420 .364 - A2rS2ICA ZJEAOtrS r " ' " : Ve,lMt Tr. Boston .... ..i. 27 IB .587 -New York , 27 19 ,587 r-" t , ss 24 ,53s V aUB . - ; 23 24 .4S f-t. I.oui... .. 2S 25 .479 s ic a . 22 .24 .478 ffr n4 ,.. 20 26 .4S5 J'ia'.iip lphl '... J 19 "28 .404 Pittsburgh - Philadelphia game postponed; rain. Monkey League Pennant - ls 7on By Schei's Team The Monkey league season end; ed last night with John Schel de feating Waters 4HO r and: DH4rt port won on a forfeit from Hou ton. Kappahan . won . from Cam field, on forfeit. . . - ( ; To'declde third f lace DeHarport battled, Kappahaji and won ZZ to JThe( standings of im. ama afe as tollows.- ; .. - V ,;: . pa-jjost PcL Schel . -t . . V 6- - ;.0 Waters . , . . ..4V.l DeHarport . . ' .5 ; Kappahan -X2:K ri'.'.fL' Houton , . , -. 1 Cam leid , X-1 1 Senator? Will. Platf Cliib '-; i Froni fiigcna; Here Sunday 1000 800 600 400 200 200 ! The, Salem V Senators will r'play the Eugene baseball team at the Oxford street .grounds tomorrow. The Eugene , team is composed largely, of- college stars and the here, so the outcome, of the .game Is pretty jnncfc of a speculation. A week .from .Sunday .the Senators Will play, the .Vancouver, Wash., club, in Salem. , ::, , . In 'a. few. more years thevonly way you will, be able to sea the country Is by; peeping over a bill boards - ,J . r -.-, I ... ,". , . Boston 8; Cleveland 3 t CLEVELAND. June 13. (Am erican.V Uhle weakened In' the eighth todtTy and Boston defeated Cleveland 8 to 3. Until then Uhle had outpltched Ermke. i Veacb and J. Sewell made home runs. Score i f.-Tr- ; R.. II. E. Boston . 8 11 3 Cleveland . . . . ' . . 3 11 3 Ehmke and O'Neil; Uhle. Shoule and Myatt; -r O.rpentier, Beaten Decisively by Tom Gibbon in ,. 10 Round Battle, Staggering from Blow in 7th Xew York 9; Detroit 6. DETROIT, June 13. (Ameri can.) A free-for-all fight -1 In which players from both teams and fang participated caused Um pire Evans to forfeit today's game between New York and Detroit to the Yankees, 9 to 6. The fight started after Cole and Meusel had been ordered from the game In the ninth Inning and after Meusel had walked fo the Tigersdugout and made a pass at a Detroit play er. ' . Score- R. II. E. New York v . . . .. . . . 9 10 0 Detroit . . . . .......... 6 8 0 S. Jones. Gaston and Schang; St oner. Cole and Bassler. Philadelphia 7; Chicago 6 : CHICAGO, June 13. (Ameri can.) A triple, three singles, a sacrifice and an error gave Phila delphia four runs in the seventh inning today, enabling them to de feat the Sox 7 to 6. Umpire Row land benched Barrett, Sox short stop. Tor questioning a decision. Score . R. H. E. Philadelphia . ... .... 711 1 Chicago .'. e 10 1 Meeker, Baumgartner and, Per kins; McWeeney, Connally and Crouse. . Washington 6; St. Louts 4 T. LOUIS. June 13. (Ameri can.) Dan forth weakened In the third inning and the Washington Senators defeated the Browns to day e lo 4. The, visitors scored four runs in that frame and Dan forth was taken out of the box. -Score R. H. E. Washington 6 8 1 St, Louis 4;7 3 Johnson, Speece, Marberry and Ruel; Danforth, Davis and Sever-eld. 204 RECEIVE AWARDS ".., FROM HIGH SCHOOL (Continued on page , zer In harmony with the following statement: . . f : "Recognising our dependence on science, engineering and Industry for so many every-day . conveni ences of .our modern life, which we take as a matter of course, but which are In reality miracles of In genuity, the donors think It de sirable and proper to encourage students of a mechanical turn of mind to -pursue their studies along these lines, that they may acquire graatcr skill and efficiency, find a greater field of usefulness, and further promote our material well being.: , ".--"'.-. V i "To this end each year Drl W. B. Morse, and Hartman Bros, of this city present a gold watch to the student adjudged to be the most proficient and deserving in the graduating class in Industrial arts." ,f v - . ...i j'The boys quartet sang two final numbers preceding the benediction which was spoken by Rev. George Koehler. Miss Lucille Anderson played all accompaniments for the music of the evening. Including orchestra In the orchestra per sonnel were: Y - " 'Neltje Tibbits, CyBtal Mills. Margaret Kaster, Mary Cupper, Make use of ' McCldreh's Guarantee ! wriwwiwiiriiiiwwmariiinwwiwnyigTwwrwiW'iiB,w . , ' . (.' . j , ' ; ' - - . McClaren Cord Tirca are guar-: an teed yto -cost . less perl mile regardlecs ;the other tire uced or the price paid. ? ' ; i I - - : 1 1 livery t!i!n j fcr t!:2 Auto Phone 44 !- .y;r' ' ' ; f :.:, S- ; ' -' 1 nl III y - " I t - - ' : i- Georges Carpentier. fought, al most . entirely en the . def enslye in hi Michigan City. Ind.. bout with Gibbons, the St. Paul light heavy weight. France's Idolized tighter was dose to .knockout in the. ninth round when he claimed he injured his ankle but the majority of spectators were of the belief that' his condition was due mainly to Gibbons' terrific battering of hla body. ; , J .. - .."- ; ' Truman Cfummings, Fred Krepe la. Peter Foelkl, EldoU Foster. Wesley Roeder, Arlie Anderson and Donald Hardcastle. Miss Lena Belle Tartar directed. The following received di plomas: - A. ' " " Chester HwUrl Allen, Florrae Laeile All&a, Charles John Anderson, Everett nci Andrenon, Mary Lucille Arm strong, Bessie Marie Arnold, Helen Ber tha Arpke, Dsle Conrad Ausman. B. i OenerieT Alma Barbour, Marf aret Hel en Barauist. -Magdalen Marie Bartraff, Conrad Qeorgt Beach. Joseph Ksthel Ben ner. Dabney Carey Bigger. William Al bert Biankenship. Delia Grace Blunk, Lil lian Mae Boat-wright,- Anna. Lois Bobell, lrma Alberta Bolaader. Raymond Elbert Bonesteele, Theodora Emil Borkman, Ho mer Cleo Bray, Margaret Julia Breiten stein, Irene Jeanette Breithaupt, Kmale?n Brinkley, Kathleen Brink ley. Manning Bross, Robert Edgar Wilson Brownlee, Owendelyn Brynelnon. Bessie Eleanor BnelL LaVinia Idella Buirgy, Kdward John Burnside. Laora Cammoek. Pablo Flo res Cariaga. Leonard Edwin Chadwick, Pan! Henry Chenoweth, Grace Alma Childers, Elisa beth Churchill, Mabel Anninto Clement, Susanna Coomler, James Edwin Cornel ins. ' Helen Rath Currie, Gladys Margia , !. -Gladys Marie Danison, Max Kenneth Davidson. Esther Marie Dietfenbach, Mar dell Anns Dietz, Delia Loons Douglass, Louis Drager. '. E. - . -' TWiaa Eiker, Charles Francis Ellison. Hssel 'Audrey Emraett, Frana Joseph Erlenborn. . r r. Martha Elisabeth Fairehild, Grant B. Fallin, Donald Dexter Fleming. Lois Lor rain Fletcher, Hilaa Milton Fletcher, Elaine - Anna Foster, Lockwood Wheat Franklin, Ronald Jefferson Frisselt. O. . .Helen Edythe Ganiard, Imogene Pearl Gardner, Lorena EIts Geer. B'rtha Hel ene Gillea, Kathryn Good, Clifford Find ley Goode. Edwin Craven Goodesough, Florence Etheleen Gower. Anna Tracy Grimm, Byron Goodenough. Ella Mae Hahn, Arthur M'tcalf Ham ilton, Marie Josephine Harold. Emerson Lyndon Harris, Catherine Hartley, Ethel Elisabeth Haselton, Evelyn Louise Hebel, Evangeline Heineek,' John August Heltsel, Rassell Dillon' Hills. Dorothy Beryl Hob- son. Jean Emily . Hobson. Msry Clara Hoffman, Frances IJcile Hunt.'. Vyvyan Gertrude Jackson. Thelma June Johnson, Katnenne Jean Juay. Royal Winston Keefer, 'Alma Christine Kenton. Margaret Emma Kibbe, Jessie Irene Kinr. Mary Uinta Kirk. Lila Anna Kleinke, Pauline, Ward Knowlsnd, Thus nelda Wilhelmina &ornier, waiaemar Theophile Krens, Theodore Richard Krea ger, Robert Leo Kulpas, Chester George Kurt. Robert Dewese Knteh. . - L. - Ellsv Hop Lee loo, Gladys Lucille La-Bare,- Herman William Lanke, Gertrude Hattie Lanphear, Lyman John Layeock, Frances Lemery, Esther Luella Lisle, Ethel Elisabeth Ihvesley, Melvin George Long. Vira Bell LulL M. . i Myrtle Ardella Mc'ciay. WilUanr Tay lor McClay, Kenneth Dale McOorrnirk, Phen Corinne McCoy, Mary Ruth McCrone, rerlaa Benoit MeCroakey, Vera Elizabeth MeCUne, Anna Elisabeth Mclatyre, Vern Dell Mathia, Odile Edythe MaUhewa, Pearl Alene Mee Eras Ellen Meeks, Em ory Ivan Meeks, Wayne Mentzer, Harold Edwinr Mero, Pereie Marie Miles, Paul Frank Miller, Robert John Miller, Burrell Morley Mitchell, Lois Elena Moorbad, Kenneth Horace Morgati, Berniee Mai gsret Mulvey," Hetej Anne Meyer. ;. ,; - Louisa Harriett 'Nuns, Charles Joseph Nosbaam. . . i : ' O. Velleda "Wealtha Okaift,' Iooisa Agatha. O'Neil. Wolvertoa Daniel Orton. ;"" ,?.., Ram Palmerton. Ermi Louise"Papenrtls Frank Georce Patterson. Uirr Lttcile Park. Cecil Anne Pelley. Harry. Earl Pern berton. Hrlea Marie J Petty vAld Li cite - Pettyjohn. Bath EUsabesb fey torn, Irene Gens Pierce,. Louise Stuart Pierson. .. K. ' . . .' Wilbur Webb Ram age. Roberta lone Ra'is. . Madse ' Elinor Reid. Frances Rhodes. Ems ' Roth Richards, Donald Chapman Ringle, Catherine Alene Ritchie, Clarice Opal. Ritchie. Paulina Augusta Ritchie, Florence Genevieve Rob-rta, Kath leen Rodgera, Webster Rosa. Marvin Al fred Roth, Lilies Ellen Row. - . . Alberta itay Bt. . Clair, Molly BamaeL Heir a ,eer trade Sande, Alice Marguerite Saunders, Lester Percy Savage, Audrey Saxton. Theresa Marie Scbotthoefer, George Singer, Ellsworth Lee Smith, Msr gsret Ruth Smith, Myrtle Marie Smith, Alma 8tauffer, Delia Grace Stevens. Har old Frederick Stoltenberg, Ruth Gertrude Stover, Howard Richard Swarts. . . . T. - : . Elizabeth Seney Taft, Mary Cecilia Tal lon, Bessie Florin Taylor, Lester Clarence Thompson, Leona Emma Timm, Paul Roy TowBseud. Frances Henrietta Tucker. . .. . , Ioretta Msybelle Varley, Wayn Craw ford Vorria. - - . .. ' 1 - W. -: - ; ' Olga Marie Walberg, Helen Irene Wal her, Mark Alfred Waldespel, Alice Es ther Ward. Simon Weinman. Esther Lois Wells,. Wanda Catherine Wieklzer, Doug las Vernon Wilkinson, Gladyst WilHsma. Urn Williams, Wilfred Wilson, Jeraldine Elizabeth Winter.. . - - - - Z. - ' ' ' Edward Zehare. Charlotte Manoir Zie ber,. Brnard John Zobel. VIaX BASEBALL AT JIIDSIGHT festival here June 21, the longest ffay of the year.- . Hundreds of visitors from British Columbia, the states ' and Alaska are ex pected. ! Continuous daylight prevails for more than ten days every June. : ORKGOX HAS PROCESSION ingto'n' and 'Andrew Jackson had a string of such words for use on appropriate occasions If you will admit there are such. And they both got to the presidential chair. J-y: -":f:.r: :.iThe ladies at their International convention? of clubs down at Los Angeles, on a. search for an appro prlata. design for a pin, were ad vised by t a cynic that a rolling pin makes a handy club for a woman; also it gathers no mdss. Ohio, veteran left -his wooden EUGENE, Or., June 13. The annual commecement exercises at the University of Oregon "opened tonight with the flower' and fern procession on the lawn of the campus.1 Dr. Luella, Clay Carson, dean of women, and the univer sity for a period of 20 years prior to 1 0 years ago and who origin- ated the custom of holding the procession, headed the long line made up of alumnae and -women students. ' The first procession was beld In 1900 and has been an annual affair since. FAIRBANKS. Alaska, June'13. -A midnight baseball game and auto race are to feature the annual celebration of the midnight sun Moose to Name Four ,t Buildings for States . I ''.-! -J.' V-r :.' PORTLAND, June 13. ' Four buildings, to be named after, the states of Oregon, , Washington and Idaho, and the province of British Columbia are to be erected at Moose Heart,; 111., bl the North west Moose association, it was de cided today at the convention of the order here. Generous dona tions made today will be the nu cleus- of a $60, pOO foond to pay for the buildings and three years will be allotted to financing. them. Tomorrow officers will be elect-. ed for the . next year. BANDITS ELUDE POLICE POSSES DURING SEARCH - (Continued from page 1.) robber band waited with their an tomojbiles.' ' . Mail 'clerks who barricaded themselves in darkened' cars were forced out by gas bombs, .after which the bandit leader -donned a gas mask and forced the chle! mail clerk to do likewise, after whieb they entered three of tho eight cars of the,, train and removed the registered pouches. Others cajry :pg first-class mail but no regis tered pouches were? not disturbed. One bandit Is believed to have been 'shot by a fellow robber Who mistook 'him for an enemy The wounded man was hauled away by his companions. The train of eight , cars carried.- about 1 $00 pouches' of mail vbut only three cars of registered mail. v"V. 1 i; HAZEL GREET. I - August Zelniskl of.Portland s fisiting his daughter1. Mrs. Max Woods.' T'.;:-". ' ;-U':ry v-- Mm. Crowe of Moscow, Tda., Is visiting her- daugSter, Mrs. JT. A. Van Cleave. . 5 ., . Cafl Morris twho has been sick for two weeks Is improving. . Joseph Van ,Cleave and family from " near Mt. Angel visited Les ter Van Cleave, Sunday. ' Louis ; Warn pier . and . Homer Davis, made a trip by auto . to Klamath , Palls last week; . visiting Crater Lake. . They reported the roads good and snowing at Crater Lake.-: , - The annual school meeting will be held at the school bouse at 2 O'clock, June 16. .. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I J. Pluvlus Is coy .,!; V-,V- But a cherry grower says we are sure to have rain next week in time to crack his cherries., - "Lots of worse things can hap pen than having one's nose at the grindstone." Los Angeles Times. Thanks, awfully. . Jy. V W . ' . . . It will be the first time any one has cussed his way into the ice presidency; but George Wash- leg to'lhe Bpvernmerit. Uncle Sam may use It, The. ones lie has are being pulled deaf but of fihape, ' ; . " N . - The state fair is going to hare a horse show. And Jt is going to be a good horse show. w s v ' Japan talks of imposing a boy cott on American goods, while an $8io5o,000 cargo of Japanese raw silk arrives In San Pedro harbor. The Jingo boys following the scare- heads, of the yellow press over there , (the yellowest on earth) would better ring off. v . - Writer. In Saturday Evening sayg the Gila river, down in A; zonal is as dry as the lower hou of .congress In session. Pretty dry here In Salem for our we! but not as dry as that. A lot of our strawberries t going Into Juice. It Is good Ju!- . but the world will say loganberry Juice Is better, when It roi . back, as .lt will, all right, tij right, in due course of time. USED GAR SAIL We announce the opening of a Special Sale of Used Automo biles of late models and. in good -condition. Thrifty buyers who act quickly will obtain real values- NOTE THESE BARGAINS 1923 FORD SEDAN ......C500 This is a dandy buy in a Ford Sedan. In fine shape mechanical ly and in finish. Has more than $100 worth of extras. . 1. , 1923FORDCOUPE A snappy little coupe with disc wheels and other extras that show its careful ownership in both running qualities and looks. 1922 GARDNER TOURING ;.....:;.-....;,l::..:C575 TJhis car has practically all new tires and just been thoroughly reconditioned. Powerful, speedy and comfortable. ' " 1920 STEPHENS TOURING J....-...;!.,.5575 A real six Cylinder, repainted, a beautiful blue. 1921 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX .:........1....:.1...C500 This is the popular light six and, we are satisfied, cannot be duplicated anywhere at our low price. Come up and have a ride. 1920 DORT TOURING i:. ; . . . C200 Just repainted, with motor and other mechanism in nice shape , Just the thing for summer vacation. In addition, we have several Ford Tourings from $100 to $175. v. '.:-: . . EASY TERMS ' Bayers find our easy payment plan very convenient and approve of oar square deal way of doing business. Befor baying an a at mobile used or new, see our stock. BURDETT-ALBEE 186 SOUTH HIGH STREET , Phone 1828. v : V The iron . pots of Goodriconiri JUST after daybreak a traveler along the narrow by ways of a small French village can see the housewife beginning her day. Through the open doorway her fire- place glows like a forge. A heavy iron pot, which she has filled with water from the town pump is lifted and swung upon the crane. At the other end pf the village, perhaps, runs the little stream where she washes her family's clothes upon the rocks. " V r ' 1,.:,-.A . Throughout the 'village life of much of Europe, such pictures are multiplied by thousands. Quaint, to be sure, ..but what grinding and incessant toil these primitive house hold arrangements mean ! ;'"'' - In contrast to this, even the remote districts of America boast comfort unknown to the rural life of other coun tries. Conveniences are found that could not be dupli cated in any save the "wealthiest city homes df foreign nations. Adequate heating systems, the farm lighting plant, the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the "telephone, and numberless labor-saving, devices have lifted modern life in America to unprecedented levels of comfort and ease. To a large measure .this has been due to advertising. Advertising has familiarized all of us with new inven tions. Ad vertising has made possible the wide distribu tion of new products. . By increasing sajies, advertising has reduced the price of modern household Utilities to the reach of the modest purse. By reading advertisements we keep abreast of modern prorcis