The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    REMEMBER The "widely adTer
Used is always the widely tested
Read the advertisements and yon
will purchase' with the wisdom of
Solomon. ' "'.-
PLAN Your spending with tl
Oregon" Statesman and make
you r dollars buy ; more.
I m ji y
n ! r
. L ; ; ; - ; L . . r '." L' " :
I M W 1 x
"1 II hull
. " IlIi'ii i ,'L
MP pr -
yU'iifiLiiL .
A" 1
Forty-Five Men an(J Three
Officers Lose uves wnen
Big Shell Explodes Prema
turely in' Turret Catas
trophe occurs on i raining
... Crcunds-Off San Pedro.
S AN PEDRO. CaL. June 12.
(By Associated Press.)
Two prenstre explosions
killed three officers and 4t
men of the battleship Missis
c$Tril anH in in red i
score of others, and the men-
ace cf death still hounded th
crippled dreadnarht tonight
as site left her dead and in
jure. fctid and headed out
to' sea tp protect harbor life
and property and shipping
from "the peril of a third and
imminently expected blast.
The first explosion occurred
at 1 'p.' m4 while the Missis
sippi was enaed 4 in target
practice " off " Ban v Qemente
island. 45 miles from- here,
spreacir? death among te 8S
men in Ko. 2 turret. Officers
said the premature blast
iniht have been' due to" a
sailor giving the signal for the
electric flash . igniting the
charge in tie of the turret's
14-inch rifles before" the
breech was properly closed or
it may have resulted from a
"flareback'' caused when1 a
fresh charge was being loaded
into the breech.
. As the strlcken ship reached the
goal of its face for surgical assist
ance the hospital ship Relief.
Just-outside the breakwater. here
second 'blast rocked the Yea
eel. The charge in the demolish-
as f nfotr Muinnd 1 A Ivink f1a '
ploded, hurling: the steel projec
tile out to sea and narrowly miss
ing the stern of the passenger
liner Y ale, which was leaving the
harbor for San Diego. Had the
turret', which was revolving at the
time the first explosion occurred,
remained In the same position un
til the second blast, the projectile
-would hay? crash td Into the cen
ter of the City of San Pedro. For
tunately the lurret had swung
around so that its guns pointed
directly out to sea.
I Ship Puts to Sea
When two mine sweepers failed
In an attempt to unload the third
of the" three' rifles, containing an
as yet unexploded discharge, the
battleship J put out to sea again,
Its dead 'and injured having been
removed; so that in the event
the last gun should hurl forth Its
load of Steele there would be less
danger of the projectile striking
other ships or structures ashore.
The official list of dead In the
(Continued on page 2.)
ii - ' V
; ; OREGON Fair Friday; moder
! , ate. south westerly winds.
. (Thursday)
Maximum temperature. 72.
Minimum temperature, .61.
v- River, -1 stationary.
'Rainfall, none. v '
Atmosphere, cloudy.
Wind, south.
' 7 . .
t -
President of the United States, who was nominated at
-Cl3tlarr3-Batrrrr.lcc3vc5tfGiV yesterday by . almost qnani-
Unfortunate Dreadriaught Is
Considered Newest and
Best Battleship -
" SAN PEDRO, CaU June 12.
The USS Mississippi is one of the
crack ships of the United States
battle fleet. The vessel was
launched, in 1917 and from the
first was: both a prize winner and
popular with the men in the ser
vice.; " ;? . ' ' :' '
She carries 12 14-inch guns, 12
5- inch, eight 3-inch and four
6- inch guns. "
The dreagnaught is 624 feet
In length, 97 feet in beam and
has a displacement of 32,000 tons.
For gunnery performances the
Mississippi has been in -the front
rank ot the navy, her crews hold
ing many trophies for their marks
manship. It was the Mississippi
that sunk the battleship' Iowa in
experimental firing in the Carri
bean sea. ,
Early In her career in Pacific
waters she established a speed re
cord oy traveling from Cape Flat
tery to Bolinas bay a distance of
682 miles, at "an average speed of
19 knots an hour.' She Is one ot
the' few oil burners' of the Pacific
fleet. i . -
Issue of $220,000 Is Taken
By Freeman, Smith St
Camp of Portland
With nine bidders competing,
the offer 'of Freeman. Smith A
Camp of Portland of $100,696
bearing . a premium of $1531.20
for 10 year bonds running serial
ly for $220,000 worth of school
district No. 24 bonds was accepted
last night by the school board'.
The board originally advertised
$225,000 worth of bonds for sale,
but by economizing on the new 'J.
L. Parrish Junior High school, the
additional $5000 was saved and
will be applied upon the south Sa
lem building.
With one or two exceptions, the
bidders were eastern firms with
representatives in Portland.
Commander of World Flight
Meets New Misfortune;
Sends for Motor. .
HONG KONG, June 13. Lieu
tenant Lowell H. Smith, comman
der of the American around-the-
world flight, with his mechanician.
Lieutenant Leslie P. Arnold, was
forced to land between Hue. cap
ital of Annam, . French I Indo
china, and Tourane, a port of An
nam, according to a cable received
here. Lieutepant ; Smlbt has re
quested that a new motor be sent
him at once from Saigon,,
Smith, with ' his companions.
Lieutenant Leigh Wade,, with Ser
geant Henry H. Ogd en, as mech
anician, and Lieutenant Eric Nel
son, with Lieutenant John j Hard
ing, Jr., assisting him, 'left Haip
hong at 10 o'clock in the morning
of June 11. Wade, and Nelson ar
rived safely that - afternoon at
Tourane. but . Smith ; was- forced
down. Communication, was estab
lished with him by automobile.
Those competent . to : j judge do
not apprehend that ttiere ' will be
any -difficulty i In the 1 way of
Smith ' continuing the flight but
some delay Is expected, as thre Is
no suitable equipment, where he
landed to replace motors. . He is
believed to . be 530 miles from
Saigon, so it would take a day for
a destroyer to reachhini with a
new motor. Smith's, engine re
quired repairs at- Honk Kong,
which delayed the start for Haip
hong. . :
Party From, Manchester,
Conn., Will Live Here
' ' . ...... !
After an automobile Journey ot
4000 miles, beginning May 19, and
taken" leisurely, 'with . stops at
points of Interest, Clifford Moynl
han and party of eight persons ar
rived ' here - yesterday at 4 ; p. m.
from Manchester Conn., and will
make their homes here. The party
comprises Clifford Moynihan, wife
and two children, his mother, Mrs.
John Moynihan; hfs" brother, John
Moynihan, and two yonng sisters.
The Moynlhans are cousins of
J. ,F. Dun lap ot 1617. Oak" street
and are now guests at his. home.
They brought with them -T Alma."
registered f emale. police dog val
ued at $1000. Her pups, born
May 17, two days before they left
Manchester, were sold for ,$100
each on the road to Oreson,
Proceeding to Accomplish
. Marking of Presidential
: ; Candidate" ; Artioliptstb
mere naiiiicaiion.
Bandits Board Fast Express
;v Outside City ' and Take
Forty Pouches of Regis
tered Man
Same Unanimity Not Given
. uawes, as uampaign
. Running. Mate
land, Ohio, June 12. (By i Asso
ciated Press. JrPresldent Cool-
idge was nominated today py .the
republican national' convention . in
a proceeding about which was ac
tually a 'ratification 'meeting.
pnly dissenting vQtes from WIs
consln ari4 North pkota prevent
ed' the 'president's npminatlpn by
acclamation and' making it unani-
. - - ' .'7 I' t' -' .' '
' Nominated by ; his' . personal
friend. Dr. , Marlon Lei"oy Burton,
president of the " University l,tot
Michigan, the president received
solid blocks of votes from' all the
states on the final roll call except
from those mentioned.
land, , June 12. -(By Associated
Press.) Cooiidge and Dawes is
the republican ticket for19Z4.
President Coplldge's nomination
was accomplished with only t. a
ripple of dissent from Wisconsin
and North Dakota but the' nomi-
nation or nis running mate came
only after the convention had once
cnosen rraox u. Lowaen oi Illi
nois and been forced by his decli
nation to choose another Charles
G. Dawes, the '.'Hell and Maria
general.'' '
After a short race ' with Her
bert Hoover who came into the
balloting' after the declination of
Lowden. Dawes galloped oft with
the'nomination. Motions to make
it unanimous and by' acclamation
were disturbed only from the dis
sents from Wisconsin and North
Dakota! ' " ' ;
Robbers Make Away With
Loot Uncer Fire of Armed
- h Guards-of Train
CHICAGO, June 12. One o
the bandits who held, up the Chi
cagp, Milwaukee & St. Paul mall
train at, Rondput. IJL, 30 miles
from Chicago, tonight, was killed
by a bullet fired from the gun of
oner of 'his band, according to in
formation reaching here-tonight.
' It was also said that the bandiU
broke the windows of the coachet
and .threw. : formaldehyde inside
The fumes of the acid nearly over
came the clerks and guards insidi
before they-. finally surrendered.
' .' "p. I';
'. CHICAOO. June, 12. Fort;
pouches of registered mall contain
ing bonds and 'currency valued a
more than- million dollars wen
stolen by train robbers when the:
held up a Chicago. Milwaukee anc
St. Paul mail train near Rondout
111., 30 miles north of Chicago, a'
10:30 o'clock. Central standard
time, tonight. .
The train . stopped at Buckle;
road crossing two miles this side
of Rondout. Before it came to r
stop two . of the robbers" boarded
tne engine and covered the engi
neer and fireman with revolvers. '
. In the meantime the three men
who' were on the tender uncoupled
the locomotive.' 'The rpbbers lr
the cab forced . the engineer tc
drlve the locomotive to ftondput.
two miles down tbe track. . ,
The train was en route fron
Chicago to St. Paul and its' first
scheduled stop was Milwaukee. '
Three of the robbers, rode
Contnued on page 6) ;V
Dawes Has an
Jlecord qf!
of Lines
Few men In America woi "dis
tinction In the, variety of endeav
ors which . have occupied General
Dawes". Founder and long dlrect-
ing head of one of Chicago's large
banking institutions, he also was
prqminent fqr h,ls servicea in t
World war, ana as a lawyer, auth
or and acye figure in the coun
cils of the republican party since
the- gold; campaign of 18$$. In
addition, he won a place as
musfe' composer by ; the
publication of his " Melody in A
Major." which was "best seller"
in phonograph records for a time
following the war. When called
to testify before a committee of
the'- house of representatives - In
vestigating the conduct ot the war
in February. 1 3 1, he proTed a
witness extraordinary.
General . - pafs tttained his
greatest fame through his activity
in connection with the Dawes com
mission . ot experts, appointed by
the reparation commission , to en
deavor to bring about a 1 settle
ment of the German -reparation
question suitable to all the' count
tries Interested. . . . ?
The American plan, as briefly
outlined by General Dawes, con
sisted of subluxation of ' German
currency and the balancing of the
German budget. He declared that
!aa the economic processes ot Ger
many under a stable currency and
with 4 balanced bud set are rerlred
there ' Will be demonstrated the
capacity of Germany" to pay." ;
" General' -Dawes was' born , In
Marietta, Ohio. August 27. 1865.'
His father was Gen. Rufus R.
Dawes, commander of the famous
Iron Brigade ; of Wisconsin in the
war between the states,-who .was
cited' for z distinguished 'service In
th' battle pf Gettysburg. "
"" Following his graduation from
Marietta college, hl entered ' the
Cincinnati - law school 'where, at
21. 'be took his LLB In 188 His
activity -In behalf of President
McKlnley , In Illinois , .during - tbe
campaign of '9$ caused him to be
named? comptroller ot the cur
rency of the United States, which
post he held from 1898 to 1901. "
In 1917-19 he served In France.,
most of the time as chairman of
the ' general ' purchasing " board,
which handled the supplies for the
American' forces. -' In 1921-1922
he served as the first director of
the budget - in ' tb e administration
ot President' Harding. In the two
latter posts his battle cry was co
ordination,' and In both he carried
the day in"France with" a unified
system of pupply for, the allied
armies. and; in ; America with a
central bureau of control for gor
ernmental expenditures.
-General Dawes went to France
in August, 1917, as a colonel In
Continued on page 7"
I ;': '
, -
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. : V : . :
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i ---
r Chicago banker, known t as "Hell Maria' Dawes, who
was . nominated on third ballot for vice president of ' the
United States; ; .
Former' Governor Flatly Re
' fuses Unanimous Offer I
of Vice Presidency :
OREGON, III., June 12. (By
rhev Associated ,. Prtss) Former.
Governor Frank O. Lowden to
light again declined to accept the
aomfnation as ' vice ' presidential
andidate on the. republican ticket
after' receipt of a telegram from
Chairman Mondell urging him to
accept the almost unanimous ac
tion of the delegates. ' " ' " '
LAND, June 12. After having
been nominated for the vice presl
dency , by , a landslide . , of votes,
Frank O. Lowden again today de
clined to accept it.
No such situation had ever pre
vailed in the, history of the party
Mr. Mondell sent the following
telegram to Mr. Lowden: 1 , f
"The s republican convention,
notwithstanding the fact that the
delegates bad been informed from
the platform by Mr. Oglesby that
you did not desire the nomination
for vice president and that your
declination should -he considered
final, proceeded to place you in
nomination by a majority that was
amid the great enthusiasm' prac
tically unanimous. Following this
action further messages' were read
announcing that you had been in
formed of the action taken and
declined to accept the nomination.
Nptwithstadlng the receipt of
the receipt - of these - communica
tions' a resolution offered by ' Mr.
Warren of Michigan instructing
me to communicate with you and
urge you to Inform the contention
through me as its chairman
whether , your declination must be
considered as final and providing
that in the meantime the conven
tion stand in recess until 9 o'clock
this eyenipg.' " I am sending you
this message in accordance . with
that resolution, and most urgently
urge you to reconsider your de
cision and accept this great honor
so generously and - enthuslastical-
t conferred npon you. . The con
vention awaits your answer and I
most urgently' request a favorable
Dip!omas:WIII Be Presented
in txercises at i aoer
nacle Tonight'
Diplomas will be presented to
204 members of the graduating
class of Salem High school at the
18th annual commencement' exer
cises to be held at the tabernacle
tonight. This Is the largest. class
In the history of the school. , Dr.
H.jH.' Olinger," chairman of the
school boards will present the di
plomas. - The- invocation, will : be
given " by. Dr. J. ' D. McCormack,
with - Rev. George - Koehler giving
the benediction.
- Each of the classes will give its
history, while, Benoit ' McCroskey,
state high school champion orator,
will give his oration. "The Consti
tution." Several musical i num
bers .have been arranged, includ
ing vocal and - instrumental solos
with a selection by' the boys' quar
i -
fq rjniuiirij
Congratulatory Message Is
Sent i-rom White House;
' Others Join in Move.
night. President Cooiidge sent a
message of felicitation to Charles
G. Dawes, selected as his running
mate on the republican national
ticket. -:'-: V' r'.'
; "It will be a pleasure.", the
president said, "to be associated
wun you in tne pumic eervice.
Best wishes to you and Mrs. Dawes
in whiehMrsf Cooiidge joins?' "".
President " Cooiidge received no
tification through the Associated
Press that Mr. Dawes had accept
ed and immediately dictated This
message ot congratulation. : With
Mrs. Cbolid-e. Dr. J. T. Boone, a
White House physician - and Ed-
t Continued oa page 6)
I . I Li
i 1
Famous "Heil F.rin," F:
er Chicago Gnnkcr, f
tor of Buricjct end inv.
; gatcr fcr Intcr-A:. -1 ;
. Commission r '
Brisradi-r Gcncrl L.
Dawes tcr.f t ' r : : '
nomination icr tl.2 .
dency. :' -
--1 -.
sociateJ. Pr-
Dawes cf ,
and I-Iaria r-r.2r:," . -inated
fcrth vi.-- r--
by the republican riti;;1'
vention tcniit after i:
had noEtinntprl Fr-r'r n 7
den, former governor r ' .
nois, and he had refuse 1 to :
cept the phes.
In a brief s-
fiaht in whfh Vi"'r-i 1
President CocUd-e's"c--
manager, had said to Lie.: :
Reed ... pf Penrylrrr
must be Heaver.'!, r- !
Reed hd replied:
It fsn't i V it --
Dawes," the Da wc t -ers,
after ths tlccllr
former fiovfrrir lr
Illinois, marshakJ tLz.r t
and put the general acre. .., .
the nomination.
Ear!5r in iu rv -
let's forces had r" ' "
word that tha ri: !
men desired the ncv'
Theodore D. Dcrtca c ,
and in the votinsr nth'
lowed the sc?r"rt"n c : i .
O. Lowden cf 1!
away. with the r.c J .1
their man enly to I.avo .
decline it. Thi i
Dawes came as te c!.r:-
one of the most E:ctr
scenes : in'roh!!m -
history, in . which ti n cc . .
tion once having nc:ir.t. .
candidate was otli'reJ t- t
us worK and imj cr i: .. .
At 9:50 o clock chair-; a a
dell began rapping for order a:
the delegates were calling "vet . ,
vote,:' ' we want to vote!"
Mr.-1 Mondell read the coavr
tion the telegram he had receiv
from Mr.' Lowden. It was the sar
as it -Is given in other dispatcl
of The Associated Press.
Then the chair recojniized La
rence Y. Sherman ot Illinois. I
behalf of the Illinois delegates !
moved that Lowdens decliaatl.
be accepted. '
The convenUon adopted t3
tion with some scatteriz r .
The clerk then beean callin' t'
roll on the third ballot for v:
At the end of the roU ca!!, C:
ernor Co? ot Massachusetts tzoxc
that the nomination - of gene:
Dawes be made unanimous. Ti
noes' from the Wisconsin Eiia c
the house were the only voices i
dissent. The unofficial tot a
Alabama (161: Hoover I'
Dawes 2. Arizona (9): Dawe3 .
Arkansas (14): Hoover 14. C.
Ifornla (29): Hoover 29. Cc.
radO'(15): Dawes 15. Coar.?c;
cut (17; Dawes 1; Hoover 1
Deleware (9): "Cola nan fca r.
(Continued car )2)