The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 12, 1924, Page 7, Image 7

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TOUnSDAY MOnKlNG. JUNE 12," 1924
"l-'Dinpttcnnmi TZZr. zzzzr "r"3: i -, -
. in riiiuii ii i it ; .-. h k l r is a i i n jy ii a -.a i i- i nnu nr TRnnnni
J .$. V I i 1 I a I 1 I 1 V . h. I 4 a. , 1 a, a II. - El 4' a a 11 It n .. . I F I 1 ' B 1 a A, a F I - W - k ..'Still
p.-Hansen suffered 20 Years from Pyorrhea Caused by
Bad Stomach Until Discovered Moorite's
' Wonderful Curative Powers f "; ?
I suffered for 20 years - from py
- turlng -which I doctored
ntly." ,Mld .N. .P. Hansen,
touth Aiutln street, bUck
i veil known In Tacoma and
ally, whec -las now ' conducts
Hs vu describing, how
i regained hli health through
r from a friend about a mdl
i lea wonderful -curative pow
Ir. Hansen la now perfect
tM -tei -taUk ii -C3 -.folid
as thoa ct a child.
"It is juat by coincidence that X
heard of Moorlte." aald Mr. Han
en. "A friend: told me of thla
great remedy and how It waa guar
anteed to cure pyorrhea, that dread
disease that affects the teeth. Rut
I was not convinced. I hd tried
w many treatments and found them
111 unavailing that . 1 became dis
couraged and. disheartened. It waa'
no , until i learned that -pyorrhea
pad its seat In the stomach, .that'
Hotrlte was an acknowledged atonv-
remedy, that I decided to .sTlve;
took Lioorite Infernally and
OiO put Moorlte powder on my
Crura" In just a short time I noted
a Improvement and In 10 days my
teth were avaln solid. My gen
eral health Cio became Improved,
for with the pyorrhea I had been
bothered ;: -with , rheumatism, and'
this had all cleared up. '
' "That was 18 .months ago and It
seems like a dream to me that I
hive been so well and strong sines.
esp!te the fact that I am years
of age -I am proud of the faot that
I am able "to do a hard day's work
in my blacksmith Chop. , - - ;
f 1 am rlad to tell how X TSwainsd
my. neaitn ana nave been -instrumental
in getting: niort people to
try Moorlte.' They svts ,as enthu
slaatlo as I. It Is mtt t .feel
as I do now, not to have on ail
ment. I can thank Moorlte for
restoring- me to perfect health."
Moorlte 5 oold under an . abso
lute money-back guarantee To
sufferers from ctomach trouble and
ktndred ailments o trial will eon
viuce them.
: QUO C1E0 OF ! :
; pom by mm
ja Cook, Living at Ryan Hotel, Relieved by Famous
' Remedy After, Spending Two Months
. in Hospital I
u illller, are It, Tacoma, cook,
I at the Ryan hotel, pays trih
; Meerlte for curing him of a
orn easa of rheumatism which
roads hls life a burden for
.s. Although ho spent -two
ve In the hospital and had bad
teeth extracted, he could find
,:;f until b heard of Moorlte
sva !t 'UlaL : '
rela)bla atory as hs tells It
: want to -tsll e-veryhody X meet
i Is troubled with rheumatism
itory of mine and what Moor
1 for me. I waa taken to tho
tal sufferlaaTfrom rhaumatlam
I although X bad fins Attention
t-ro- months, there was no rs-
- - j -.
I tia had my teeth extracted
oat result. "X'was totally dla
Agd ar-1 olsgusted nnd gave
tope of sver being cured.' i
2t sne X heard of Moorlte
I I tried-lC The wonderful r
r I received 'In a few days waa
ting. After taking Moor i to
t days 1 was back, to work.
t it pounds while under treat--but
X- will soon gain any
t back again. I can honestly
to anyone suffering from rheu-
m that X owe my health today
Uaorite and I want sufferers to
it and recover as I have done.'
".J. Zhak.!.l!t.,r50-rEverctt Lady
'.2 Say About iHoorite
rora Mrs. R. 'C Judy a restt
t of Everett, 3214 Nassau St.,
.8 a letter expressing her hap
?ss over what Moorite has done
her. .In .her own words we
a this expression of gratitude:
f case was diagnosed by my
tor as nervous1 prostration. I
i threatened -with nervous .par
is. I had kidney trouble. I
i Just a nervous wreck. I got
ad 1 was confined, to my bed,
U suffered' terribly. My jaws
.ed and I 'was unconscious -for
days. I learned of ; Moorite
immediately. . began . its - use
i astonishing results. I -can
r.!y ay to. any one suffering
i Lerrousnesar that Moorite Is
rthy.of ; a thorough trial. I
try health today to Moorite
1 at sufferers --everywhere to
a it -aai recover as I have done."
Praises Moorite
! '
Mrs. Emily Morrow, 2422 Oakes
avenue, is pleased . to recommend
Moorite after using it for varicose
veins, swollen limbs and ankles.
I am a lady past 80:years. do all
my own housework and give a
great . deal of .credit to Moorite.
Having raised a family of ten .and
every member of my (family have
used Moorite ;and for scalds'- and
burns - have not found .its equal.
We cannot -apeak too-highly of
thla wonderful remedy - andi-il
would - not -be i without it 'in my
home. ' Moorite is sold noma 'ab
solute money-back guarantee. Yon
re to be the Judge if it does
not help you, your-money will -be
refunded cheerfully.' '
!. f.!i:icr; Employed at Todd Yards, Thankful .for -What
Nature's Great Remedy Has Done, for Him
ot only is J. H. Miller of Gig
bor thankful for what Moorite
done for him, but the relief
-Jt pave his daughter as well,
-liller,' who works at the Todd
. is eager to tell " sufferers
t relief Moorite gave him and
.aniiy. - - -s ,.
I ued one small Tjox of Moor
it having been recommended
s for pyorrhea by a friend,"
r. Miller. I had suffered so
i pyorrhea that I could not eat
mat or take a bite of apple.
tSree days after using Moorite
:-i eat anything. I am now
x Moorite internally tp
3 my system completely,
"ot only did Moorite cure me
"crrhea, bat rit -cured Amy
"r of 6lvia-troutl9. as well.
r -nits she obtained .were
- -S. I C2uIJ cot lay a
hot towel on her face so sore -and
tender was her skin, but after a
few applications of -Moorite she
was completely cured. I can
truthfully recommend Moorlte to
pyorrhea sufferers, especially af
ter what it has done for me."
Mr. Miller's experience is like
that of scores of other Tacomans
who are glad to recommend Moor
lte to their friends. Moorite Is
Bold on an absolute .money-back
guarantee.- If it .does not help
you your money will be refunded
cheerfully. ) -
South "Commercial street, guaran
tees Moorite to do .just as adver
tised or to refund every cent paid
for it without - question.- Scores
of Salem .people have "been 'bene
fited by the use , of Moorite. It
may alsa restore you to health.
An:lnd?rstindnft.of These tracts Have Prompted nanyPeople to Try Moorite
ixcsulla That Sound ficen Afomplichca
A man given up to die has been restored to
Biople suffering -fwrn , almost, every disease, ...
LyiiQg from severe nervous disorders to diabetes
aid neuritis have, regained health . through
- MOORITE is restorer 62 health toough a
simple, iirect and, thoroughly scientific process.
The normal nuntan body; as nealthy. ealtii3
nairral. If you are ailing you -are not -2icrinaL
Hlhealth is unnaturaL dere is the foundation.
Now, as a Parting poixt, suppose re quickly
analyze what makes the normal, health y human
being. The body is composed, of organized sub
stance called tissued Body tissue, wialyaed by 7
. chemists, divides itself, into : .twenty ! basic, .parts,
chemical life elements. These elements of, eoiyse,
vary, in proportion. For instance, there is amy '&
trace of - iodine, silicon, etc., ' whereas there -9ie ,
over thirty-one pounds of carbon in the body of
the average 250-pound man. Now, when the body
has exact, supply; of each of these various ele
ments, that 'bodyvis normal, healthy, vigorous and
robust. ;f res. Trem disease, win or ailment of anv
kind." -"Tlisouirb hemisUV:it1ias'bee:n;i)roVeii that restored with iMOORITE, after unsuccessful
thess basi? materials aro present an vour body iu trials of many did time anethods. t r
m)duced"in the digestive system. . In fact, there
is : a thepry ; that the digestive acid called hydro
chloric ybeonietMng quite different and may
be Tnerely changed to hydrochloric' upon contact
with the atmosphere
: MOORITE simply supplies a chemical your
body needs must have-restores normality- by ,
giving vou the basic life elements, the presence r
of which mean perfect health.
" I' A great chemist !who ..was examining the for
mula for MOORITE made the following remark:
5 "'Whyj you re-make a human body, building
life itself with these elements;" And that is the
story of MOORITE. Gradually--scientifically
a .surely-as you take the MOORITE, you place
O7?'develop, in -your .system '"he' cheinical elements
cf Which your -body is constituted -correctly pro-,
portioned in irelation to one another. '
, Our proof that MOORITE contains these ma
terials which can be assimilated by "your diges
tive system and Vtransf ormed "into body building
tissue thus assisting nature in overcoming the
ravages of disease, rests upon results results ob
tained in hundreds of eases where health has- been
their correct proportion, you .are automatically healthy.
You can't be otherwise. If you . supply your system with
too much of any bf.these basic chemical elements, nature
passes them on, throws them off, but' if you lack the
proper amount of even one of these elements you become
diseased. Disease is due to some DEFICIENCY. Nature
supplies you with strength to resist disease, except "
where a deficiency exists, f Therefore when you are sick
you must aid . nature 'by artificially supplying that which
you need. Now, suppose we, ascertain where these chem
icals come from, find out how, the body ordinarily re
plenishes and maintains its supply. From food, of course
meat,' vegetables ahd 'grains, but too, the chemicals
that meat and vegetables and .grain contain must come
from somewhere. ' !rnd that "somewhere" is ''Mother
Earth' The catUe4 tliat graze on the land, the grains .
that grow, the plants that find root there take the prop
erties ; from the soil for human benefit.
Let us stop a moment and .think.
Pirst, the normal man is healthy.
s-n- , , rr -.-
Second, .Nature, ordinarily ' makes ,v inan, normal and'
healthy, iby Igivlng him the proper supply, of ;chemicals ,
necessary, to body maintenance through -the food he eats.
Third, but food gets its chemicals -from the soil in
which it -is'.grown. ' Therefore, under present conditions, '
food cannot be .depended .upon to supply the lacking .
elements. : f ' -
Fourth, illness, lack of .vigor, is due . to a : deficiency of.
one or -more of the life elements of the body.
In ; other words, Nature takes for :granted that the
organs are normal. Therefore, she supplies the system, -through
food, with chemical .elements intended only for
normal functioning. That, is why - people are so often
unable ,to recuperate from -disease, even ; when they mi
grate to countries where soils are normal. and food still
contains the essential elements.
ILATE). '- v-"..t':;:-; -r
, Stop and :think that oyert You , are not , normal, not
healthy, simply because . there exists in .your body a
deficiency. What we call disease is just something lack
ing. ? MOORITE,, can, correct tihjU .deficiency. Andtcan
convert your" food supply into tissue building material
which even weakened organs can gradually assimilate
and hiiild upon, -as .well. Nature prpvided '.you witk' an
elaborate digestive .ystemJ A The ) complicated method
by which : this digestive system transforms food
into - tissue - building materials is . still a mystery :
to science. So much! so j that, no" 'living, man y
can at this date :give an explanation of -one of
the ifirst steps in djgest'ion; how hydrochloric acid is
People, have told us repeatedly that not only has
MOOHITE; corrected ? their - immediate bailments, - but
opened their eyUs as well;to a new 'meaning of the word
"health" , and "vigor.0 ' " '' "J - :i b ' : ;
LIFE itself. ' ' : : v '
; 1 MOORITE ..contains .nothing that can possibly harm
or injure the most delicate person everything Is con
structivefor good.' T -
. .. - " - " - 1 i ' ' , . ' ' . . -
j As we stated, before, while nature unaided cannot sup
ply a. deficiency, she ; can " easily . pass off surplus. In
taking MOORITE there chance for wrong diagnosis .
because none .is attempted.
; Y"ou 'start to ;build a normal, healthy body,-knowing,
that hen that ' end is Reached all illness will have van
ished. Do you grasp the tremendous significance of this -discovery?
Bear in mind 'that nature not :man is a
forced that cures the only .f orce :nqw and always.
; Sickness, so far as nature is concerned, means one thing
' only lack of some one or more Vof the essential building
.materials: So far as;a Tiame for your bodily ailments
is concerned, Nature does not needto,, give it the least
thought; -Call your trouble 'rheumatism, if. you Hke, ;
stomach 'trouble, pyorrhea, pleurisy, kidney disease, ner
vous indigestion or debility. 'The only" name -that nature
knows' is deficiency; r '' - '
1 m other words, Nature has been asked to build rood,
healthy ; tissue but;has not "been given the .materials to
build witK. Put those materials' back into the body
through MOORITE and health follows automatically and
inevitably. ' " - ' V '
- But; you' do not! need to take. our' worjd ;f or this -great
irhl jThe evidence of what MOORITE can do for you
has' come before us in such astounding measure that"
wwe,give you an .absolute, guarantee. We can give you that
guarantee because LIOORITE is unlike any other re-
- storati ve in .the "world. You long to enjoy the perfect
health which is your .right. You are seeking your chance
1 at the best that life affords! MQ0RTE . will give .you
that-chance. The great .good that it may bring to you
is beyond our iPpwer tp express. It is not a question at
allJAsr-to whether MOORlTE will .get yoii ;well---that has
' been clearly demonstrated. The:only question 'is whether
.or hbtjou '.are wiiihg. to give it a fair and thorough
trial. For. your own ake, therefore, we urge you to
begin j with MOORITE immeiatefy. pu will find;
MOORITE'; pleasant f tp take and -absolutely harm
less. And we assure ou that if you will follow direc
tions ..faithfully, you will be steadily Jand surely and com
pletely restored to ihealth. We sincerely, hope that you
will.give MOORITE a thorough triaL Its scientific sound
ness itsflong records of results Jthat sound .like miracles,
all point to ,the one . f ac that you towe it to .'yourself to
:--at least find out by . trialiwhat MOORITE will do for you.
Remember, you, have nothing ,to risk Everything to
gain. ;Our positive moneys-back guarantee, gives you ab
splute protection. ' .
tfce Blood
:. y:
MSCT tLP" Aid;
Cl-Lz , J -
Moorite is -a recognizea household necessity; It; eliminates bowel and stomach gases, relieves
acheaiand pains and 3s ineqiiy ed ;for ::scaloUt and bimis. -Use it internal in ny quantity the
system inay require externally in liberal amounts. Sold on a money-back guarantee.
Tells How He Was Complete- -ly
Cured of Stomach Trou-r
ble and Distressing : Boils
After Short Treatment.
4(W AM thankful to Moorlts'tor r-
JL st
torlnsr ma to health - ft nM
actually savins- my life," declares f
tox, i4 jast 10th street.
"Without It I was destined to con
tinued 111 health, a dlscouragrlns
lew of life and despair.- Now I
m feellna; fit and fine and can
thank Moorlte for what It has dons.
"I am 48 years f age and ray
stomach had bothered me so badly
for fivs years that I could not sleep
well and could not enjoy my meals.
Every time late any thins; I was
distressed. I had bolls all over my
face and body and I was so sore
that Z felt uncomfortable all the
- "My kidneys and bladder bothered-me
so that I would have to ret
up four or Ave. times a night. For
the whole of these five painful
years I had been dMtarlnr tn 4tnf
relief.; Then a, friend advised mej
to try Moorite.' -1 an never -be too
iui iur woai n nas uone ior
me. After taking two one-pound
packa-es-of Moorite 1 am entirely
free from - boils and stomach
trouble and do not have to sret up
nig-hta . ;
' "I feel so srratef ul for what
Moorlte has done for me that I
willinsly a-ive the Moorlte Products
Company- full permission to . pub-
usn in is lener, logeiner witn my
photograph, in th hope that other
sufferers may find relief, health
and happiness as I have done by
the use. of Moorite." -
PKRRT8 IRLTa "STORE. 115 South
Commercial St.. guarantet-s Moorite tc
i i
do Just as advertised cr to refusS
very cent paid for it without ques
tion. Socres of Grays Harbor peo
ple have been benefited by the uoe
of Moorite. It may aUo restore
you to health. ... ,
Moorite Wprksr Wrader
SL Pfxul & Tacoma Ttrkc
S. P, Tanner Tells How Great Bemedy Believed TTin
of Chronic Stomach Trouble and -Pyorrhea
B. F. Tanner, an employe - of the
St. Paul & Tacoma . Lumber Co., .and
living at 1131 E street, is so nappy
cveT what Moorite has done for him
that he is eager to tell his story to
sufferers' from stomach trouble and
pyorrhea. To feel well again after 15
years of suffering has made Mr. Tan
ner so grateful that he wants his testi
monial to -be published so that others
may know the remarkable benefits to
be received through taking Moorite.
"I have.. been troubled with pyorrhea
and - stomach' trouble .for. about 15
years," -said , Mr. Tanner. . . "I have
spent htmdreds of dolkirs seorrhing
for relief, but I never found it until
taking Moorite, I learned from a
friend about the true testimonials that
were. being published in Tacoma about
Moorite and I decided to try it.
, am still taking Moorite and ray
fetomach is feeling fine and my pyo
rrhea is fast disappearing. Anyone
troubled with these painful diseafs
will. realize how grateful I am to the
friend 'who recommended Moorite to
me. and that is why I recommend
Moorite to all sufferers such as I was.
I . a , mf eeLin& better and am happier
than I have been for years, thanks to
; Moorfte is" sold under an absolute
tnon"- hurlc euamntee. It brines tou.
rfelief or you do not pay a cent for it.
A ' J:
.... . - x ' . " - .--''.'- i- ..".
now completely, cured. Not -only
did he tie stomach trouble, but'
rheumatism rs well. Now he is re-i
stored to fc- '--mer health and al-
years eld, he says
r in his lue, lie
-nployed by the
onal Banlc and
work through:
?!re feel-
that to
ua a de
stead of
. ' of life,
"T I- '
x - .; lum of
. t.te'a vfn
though he
he never )
is an if
Puget S
1 never ml.
To ha'
. ing, to I
work wr
-"sire .to
feeling i.. .
'-- Mr.. rCrea -a t
yeara a hen t
iioorlte, a proc
ug aia not taijii j. vurn Vi...e,
.:'.".-"6-despondent had he become. i.ut
xf, friends who bad been he., -d urged
him to givs It a trial. After t .- k
lnt one one-pound can be felt i'Ke
a new man and today is the pic-
Aioorite gives all the benefits to
be derived from mineral . sDrinKS
J edy at home. -To anyone feelinc
aepressea -as was &ir. CTtager i.o
need not take one chance. Moor-,
lte Is sold on an absolute money
back sruarantee.
Gol to PERRY'S Druar Store
and buy a package of Moorlte, an
give it a-generous trial. If 10 4
AfUr seven years of suffering not smtisflsd with the results.,
with stomach trouble. H. P. Crtoger. thty - will gladly refund -every cent
8i North Sth street. Tacoma. 1 I you Pld for It.
Pyorrhea Can
5 Be Banished
The personal experience cf users
is proving this true every day. P. O.
Bwanton, of New Kamllche, tells
how hs was completely cured of
Pyorrhea. Hs says: "When I was
forced to do something for my
teeth I was told iy prominent den
tists that I would have to have my
teeth pulled out. Urged by this
xvsd, I began taking Moorlte, and
rio using. Moorlte Pyorrhea Pow
der for treating 'the gums. The
roault Is that -I have saved my
taeh. I would .not be without
y-a(rts In mr heme."
I -" ' ' ' ' " "
Mr. Judson Lowe. East Stan
wood, states, after u6ing two boxes
of Moorite, which, he took for a
blood remedy:
1 "I Wiii trnthfully say that I
never found no other medicine
that did such wonders as it has
for me.
hare been for the last 18
months with sores breaking out on
my body and have tried many
other so-called blood medicines,
but none seemed to have any ef
fect. Finally Moorlte was recom
mended to me by a friend. I de
cided to rive it a -trial, and will
say that I never will regret the
decision, for within two -weeks I
began to take it the sores -were
completely healed -up and -I feel
almost a new man, and I am giv
ing Moorite full credit for the
health I now have.
' "So I advise one and all who
need a blood purifier to giro this
wonderful medicine .a fair trial."
MOORITB is sold under a 'positive
money-back guaarntee. You are to be
the Judge. It has worked wonders for
scores of Stanwood people as a blood
purifier and In stomach trouble.
1 YfL O. WARP. 35' years of av,
residing st 1520 South 6Bta tt,
Tacoma. Wash. . . : :
r Tn 1516 I had my fingers badly
torn with a rusty cable, causing: a a
infection and open sores. V.y i ya
gers would crack open and 1 doc
tored for years trying to get them
healed up. The doctors called it
chronic eczema, the blood would
Just run from mj fingers. But
the doctors could give me nothins
to heal them up.
One of my neighbors advised m to
uss Moorlte and after using less than
one $3.00 ean of Moorite, I was com
pletely cured.
I feel so grateful for what Moorite
has done for me after suffering nil
these years that I gladly rive t..e
Moorite Company full permission to
publiah this letter together with try
picture, in the hope that other suf
ferers may be cured as I have by the
use of Moorite.
Aberdeen Citizen R:::m.
; "I have talked 'TIOOniTn to
every one I meet that is aliinsr. I
have been the cause of peopla
sending for it and I cannot recori
ment it too highly, for la-t winter
was the first winter veara
that I could put on rnv crt p"l",
I cannot recorameri rcOilll
too highly. It is the LtU thi--for
burns and for sor? 3 i
lungs it beats all."
J. ?.r. CMvnr..
; Bab-Ciatlca No. i, r