Til M3St DRAFT NEE DRIER DEl'ELOPED ilTTIIE EXPEEM SIM Good Quality in Prunes Requires That the Operator Have Control of "the Three Essentials in Dehydration; Tem perature, Circulation and Humidity Quality Is Close- iy Asscciaiea vnn Meat rreparlng dried prunes of quality-involves sanitation In handling, growing and harvesting fruit of the right type, preparing the fruit by grading, dipping and" "drying and by processing and packing. These are ; the steps . outlined by Ernest II. Wlegand, head of horti cultural products investigation at he Oregon Agricultural college experiment station. One of thes chief factors in drying and proces sing, is the new mechanical draft prune dried developed at the Ore gon station. Three Essentials of Dehydration Good quality in prunes requires that the operator have control of the three essentials of dehydration -temperature, circulation and hu midity. The temperature that fruit can stand is dependent to some extent on circulation, and the capacity of a tunnel per cubic foot Is somewhat dependent on the vol ume "of air per minute, which var ies with circulation. , Nothing definite concerning any of these factors can be given until all,, factors, including circulation and humidity, are under control 'of the operator, which is impossible with the natural drift tunnel. Heat 'Firs LJsontlal Heat Is the first essential in dry ing, as it Is first In the cost col umn, both as an essentia! Invest ment and as a running expense. Quality is very closely associated with heat and maybe lowered In either of three ways. Too liigh Initial temperature will cause dripping. Too high finishing temperature causes bloats, burns and caramelizatlon. Too low tern pea rtu re causes fermentation and often moid. Moisture, commonly considered an enemy of drying, lessens evi aporatfon.'but in the long run will further evaporation by permitting a steady uniform conduction and diffusion. It Jnfuences. quality ahd'eost by preventing case hard ening and increasing conduction of ..the air. Speed Influences Quality, Cost Speed of air , circulation ; Influ ences quality and cost by modify ing the rate at which evaporation takes placet It may lessen the chance of scorching and it may decrease the dryingtime. .',; The relation of circulation mois ture and temperature, while not f4 iccj-sgslsi " " 1 ' 9 . . r.. f T e ' crcur::cs'. akd cu akahtes AS a rectal specialist I have vet to treat . the case of Files that will not give way to my non-urcicI treatment. Hence, my unejualiSed GUARANTEE of CURS or FES REFUNDED., hCf as:Ltanta are the most skillful to be foe cf new eSces in my own new buikLcs, the largest and best equipped; mj own new hotel, which adjoins, if coa ver iest and comfortable for out of town P--i'.fJ who come to me from many . A states and "Canada for rectal and colon treat' .. raentk Sm4 today formr FREE - . laatrti bk. , r C sth. f L 7UArj.M.DLtr.c '-r'T"Tt CZUZT HOUSE definitely known, has been shown by experience to bo very definite. Increase in temperature Increases evaporation. Increasing humidity under certain conditions decreases evaporation. Increasing circulation increases evaporation. . .Temperature, humidity, and cir culation work In combination to remove moisture from the fruit; but their power; is limited, de pending on the product. . The aim is to complete evaporation In the shortest time consistent with qual ity. Temperature has an Influence on the drying time under all con ditions low, medium or high hu midity. With prunes an entrance temperature of 120 degrees to 130 degrees gradually Increasing to 150 degrees to 165 degrees at the close seems best. Relative humidity 'of 15 to 30 per cent and an air movement of 600 to 750 feet per minute gives good economic results. The mechanical draft tunnel as developed at the Oregon station Is not exceptionally complicated. Sta tion work was done. 'to get simplic ity of construction and economy of operation. The old Oregon tunnel as constructed at the station .was modified by adding a recirculating system to obtain more constant temperature, - increase relative hu midity and give more uniform pro duction, reduce production cost and increase the capacity of the dryer. ... Rapid Circulation of Air Air is taken from the drier through the floor at the filling end of the tunnel and forced Into the enclosed furnace chamber. It Is forced by baffling between the hot pipes and up through the throat of the drying tunnel at a rate of about 1000 feet a minute. By al lowing air to reach only through an opening 2x10 Inches and to es cape through a 'similar opening In the stack Increases, humidly, which was beneficial in keeping the fruit pliable and from case hardening. Fuel-consumption is reduced to a minimum by recirculation of the air. which loses only 10 to 20 per cent of heat in passing through the tunnels. It costs $2.20 for electric power and $2 for wood at $6 a cord to dry 1 ton of prunes -dry weight. A No. S Multivane fan driven by a 7 k horsepower motor was used to maintain a rate of 760 lineal feet a minute for the air over the fruit. A fan of wrong construction and inadequate capacity will cause much grief and fail to do the work, says Professor Wiegand. He suggests that before installing a fan for handling the air the grow er or commercial drier is invited to refer the matter to the station.' Temperature, humidity and cir culation work in combination to remove moisture from, the fruit, but their power Is limited though their capacity Is relatively unlimit ed, depending upon the fruit be ing evaporated. : Evaporation i Is best when completed In the short est time consistent with quality. A Complicated Problem "The problem j of combining 3 variants has , been , found ; quite complicated," declares Professor Wlegand. fThe range of tempera ture is from 100 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, circulation from 200 lineal feet per minute to 1200, and humidity all the way from na tural to 40 per cent. 'Growing conditions in Oregon are peculiarly adapted to many varieties of prunes. There is a large acreage' ofItallan pninesin the Pacific "northwest." Orchard Investment for volume, and large sums of money are involved In "or chard production. -All this coet la economy in expenditure . for drier and for drying the prunes. "The superior method of drying by mechanical draft has been the only method possible In Oregon but has not received.- until reecnt ly, the proper scientific attention necessary to economic production of a superior production. Sanitation Is Necessary "Sanitation is also considered as a necessary part of standardiza tion. In the early days less atten tion was given to this factor than It deserved." There was, he thinks, ample reason for hesitan cy to use commercial driCd foods prepared according to modern me thods. These reasons no longer exist. Sanitation starts in the field where all boxes are 'cleaned end the packers warned against put ting rotten or moldy fruit in with the good. It is often required that all - fruits and vegetables ( be covered in transit to the drier to prevent soiling with road dust. Even with these precautions the prune is washed before it is placed in the drier. If lye solution is not used, boiling water should be, and in either case the product should be rinsed in cold v ater. Low Rp Local undtrip Fares You can now: obtain stopover privileges on 15 -day roundtrip tickets between stations in Oregon which are served by Southern Pacific Lines. . This is a new service which means much to you in added convenience. In addition, special week-end roundtrip tickets from all stations to Portland are on "sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the final return limit being the following Tuesday. Sec the Rose Festival June il-13 -' Of course, you know how much less it costs to travel on Southern Pacific trains than it does to go in any other way, comparable in . convenience and comfort. .. See any azsntforfuU information v J L J US Jl tJ-.i Pacific l or Information "see O. I. Darling, .Agnt, Kalem, or A. A. Mitkcl, D. F. & V. A., 18 1 Liberty Street FnOP.1 74 TO 355 lltlliVliTS This Was Consumption Growth, in 20 Years; 60 Per Cent Even Yet . (Following is a current .bulletin of the department of industrial journalism of the Oregon Agricul tural college, giving In a very few words some facts and figures that are of intense interest and value to the walnut growers of the Sal em district:) The Salem Nut Growers' asso ciation has " been organized as a branch of the Oregon Walnut ex change cooperative, and will han dle this year's 1 00 tons of nuts grown in Marion, Linn and Polk counties. The association con nects up with the Dundee district on the north and the Eugene dis trict on the south. "This is an opportune time tor walnut growers to perfect an effi cient marketing organization says C. J. Hurd, marketing specialist of the state college extension ser vice, "when It Is not especially difficult to market the nuts. Ore gon producers have an excellent opportunity to establish the Ore gon walnut with the trade and build up a reputation" for a super ior product, standardized and graded. We will then have an outlet for an increasing amount of the Oregon product as domestic production more nearly balances consumption." ' Action in organizing to promote the nut industry is in harmony with the recommendation of the state economic conference. The recommended variety is Fran quette grafted to the root stock of northern California black wal nuts. It was shown at the conference that use of nuts in the United StatesIncreased from 74.000,000 pounds in 1900 to 355,000,000 in 1920. Even at that home produc tion was nly about one-fourth of home consumption. At that' time only about 60 per cent of the plantings were in bearing. FAHians FRO?,! THE COLLEGE (Foiowing are excerpts from a current bulletin of the department of industrial journalism of the Oregon Agricultural college:) Curing Good Hay Factor Successful hay curing in Oregon depends on getting the surplus moisture dried out rapidly with the least loss of leaves and fine parts. Cutting hay while it has plenty of green leaf surface and nutrition In the plant is "recom mended by the experiment station. Over ripe hay with, the seed tally, former, and. ripened, has a large loss of leaves, which materially lessens Its feeding value. The palatabillty' Is "decreased and the market price lowered. ? The ex periment station Is .cooperating with the United States department of agriculture in the development of new hay grades. . Dry Time Hurts Thistles Canada thistles and other per ennial weed pests are more -easily controlled during ' the dry weather now present ' In Oregon.. J Cutting off the-plants -and burning those which f are about to bloom : will greatly weaken them, finds the experiment station. ; Plowing and spring toothing ' the - ground will kill many of the roots Continued clean cultivation during the sum mer and sowing a heavy smother crop of grain and vetch early in the fall will do much toward elim inating the perennial weeds.v Land plastered clover is stand ing the. dry . season better- than much of the clover that has had no treatment, . .3emQ e Imk Moire 1 1 " 1.'. . i i.Wi" J jiu mil WL,pi i.ui l l li I I Mill i IL . . I ll iiill.lllllLiJLllllJLl.llll Ml. Kjiun li I H In li in, 'lapwrf i ! i i j mm iiuiM. II iNHmi. iin M uiu ll u I J . .11 .1 . . T ii : I . I . il l ii I i Mill JJ I imiiL ,"1 "" ' . "uJ f.A!J , .' 1 IIHI''''.'P'IIV.7,B'',L. ' '. "' ,lJi; a u" m Thousands of Dollars Worth of High Grade Seasonable Merchsmclise have just arrived. ICnbvin yq x:. overstocked, still we could not resist buying this Big Stock, as it wis offered to us for a sons! To mh!:cak:: story short, it's here-and Must Be Turned Irito:Casli ! If Give-away Prices Will Move Merchandise, Tiiis I.4 Stock Will Take Legs and Walk Away ! TWs Big -Sslliinig Event Smicls :Fnda.9SiBWSlicj: 2000 Yards 18c Quality Ging- rjl jTh C ham, yard ...... usl) Line Up Can't Last Long A A S00 Yards Best 65c Grade Voiles, $(mC yard ..... ........ i3J Call Patterns Buy, all you Want. Men's Blue Cham bray Shirts, l(jiC 1 value, only y Hurry! Hurry! Every article goes! SUITS! SUITS!. 'Never Before, Never Again Such r; ?'BMGffiS! $7.67 In this big suit stock you will find most' any style or pattern wanted. - Cashmeres, worsteds,, tweeds, blue serges, banker's greys, metcalf s, in most any color or stripe to choose, from. All go on sale for this big cleanup. Here goes -we will start the suits rolling at prices like this -'. 30 SUITS Odd sizes Some have sold for ' $25: If this price won't sell them, we'll give 'em away ..:....;. ... 83 'SUrrS--Mens and Young Men's Tweeds, Cashmeres, Worsteds, Up-to the-Minute Styles, handsome, durable; all wool materials,' You never saw such values to $30.00. MusH sell G5 246 SUITS The utmost for your money Nowhere will you find such all wool fabrics Fine tailoring, assortment! of patterns, styles, qualities, suits which seir every day: for $35, $40, $45. It may be foolish to sell these suits for this 'price, but this ?1Q QC price must sell ........ ......; ..l ; .D LUmOnJ ALL SIZES, 34 TO 5C STOUTS--STUBS-SLIMS AND REGULARS A 1 Nemo 2: Kabo C - - Corsets V: Li Ou Entire StocIc'Gccs. Il Sizes and Styles Here. A Men's p2.cq;r c. Dress Shirts.. f All the latest thades svil! or without' collars. I A Ldod Hero ! Ll cn'c C " r t Knit , Ties Gei here, early wonderful r Values. . f A Ladies' Artifi- (C cial Silk Hose iiy You can't tell them from slk unless you are an expert. If Prices Do Tell THese Prices Must Sell ! A 51.00Boy' C$P C Union Suits.... $V . A saving of a lifetime. .w .w mm m ' mvk iir BathingSuits, 5 .98 regular 5..... :j D They were from the Brad ley Knitting Mills; All Wool 7 If Seeing is Believing You -must . at least In this beautiful stock of coats, suits, dresses, capes and skirts, all the latest styles, fabrics and colors, at the lowest ; prices ever offered you. C1C : Beautiful Tricolettc Dresses, in fancy weayes and stripes, all k" ci7P3 ' fill rnlnrs vftn worn novor nfftrtA ciih vnlnnA i at y C Coats, Suits and 'Dresses, values are unheard of, as some have sold to $40. You will never forgive yourself if you don't at (O ' AQ least see these. They must sell for .:.. .:.:.....l.....:..$jJ0 $25 Sport Suits, and Coats, consisting of s Tweeds, Velours, Fancy Checks, and mannish' stripes. They can't' be made for Cp" Qp the prices we must sell at pOC) You never saw these before because .Thcy Just Arrived." Beautiful t new Dresses made in materials such as Russian Aires, Canton and Etc. Superbly Tailored,-Creations not gowns, Inimit- (JJ m "i0 able for $40. They must sell for IfkUO AN INSPECTION IS A SALE DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT 5GD Pairs cf Lien's -f Ladies a n d C h i I' dreri's t ? Shoes ........ Values to $5.00 a pair. A 240 Pairs of Lien's ICriala Pants ii Regular $2.50 A y ' - ' Overalls "Our ,eritiref Boys BestV Grajdes. A 1 1 sizes included. Waist and Bib. Valpes Today $2.00. Ccr;. ; Early. Mean's Guaranteed Solid Leather.'? .79 Outing Shoes' 0 Why have the old one half- ""-"soled? J---- , This is rio funeral or a wedding. No rice or flowers will greet you but as you pass down the aisles you will gaze with astonishment at prices you , will never equal again. . . U ..'-- . . ; . . Hurry ! Sale Starts Friday, 9:3fe. m. NOTE THE LOCATION AND THEN COME J A iMeh's 0i:00 Atlilslls iUnion . Suits i .-i. IJust' the thing for the : -hot (days buy two for tl.; price of one. . NOTE THE LOCA-TION-Dbh't be con- fused it's ihe greatest' sale in town. ; - " CORNER COMMERCIAL and CSURT STREETS - . - The Corner. Entrance Only. . . . . CORNER Cc and Coixrt Stress Entrance to Szlz