THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, 1921 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON . . k . . 1 -i i i ' ' - v r -vr" iw -: : J 1 '.' Issued Daily Except Monday by I ! . TE3 tTATZS PTTBUCSHUIO COM7AXT , SIS South Commercial Bt, Salem, Oregea i 1U J. He trick Joha U Brady Frank Jaekoeki -. aua vr ma auvwaiau Tha Associated Presa U axelusiTely aatitled to the use for pabfleaHos all Scwv dispatches credited to it or sot tfcanrise credited la thia paper and alas Ue local aewi published herein. t. J s - -r f- BUSINESS OFFI0E: -F. Clark Co, New York, 141-145 West 86th Bt; Chicago, Marquette Build ar W B Omtknlit Hit. ae (Portland Office. 836 Woreeater Bldg, Fheae 37 BReadway. O. F. WMlame, Mgr.) - TELEPHONES: H j IS Circulation Office - - S3-10 , Society Editor Job Department , - - - 88 Business Offleo Kewe Departateat Catered at the Poatefilee la Balam, r ' ; ' I XXSLS3 THOUGnT AND FRAYER - " ; ' '" ' ' Press-Sadie Copy ;-" ' ' " , v vrar.a ivT(ni amu. ClnrfnaatL Ohio. If paraBta via hare their children meateriie priceless aeruage ta theat la after a-eaxa. ; : ; ' .. June 12. 1924 -: : . . : J " ", " V" HOW TO ESCAPE FROM EVIL: Because thou hast made the -Lord, which "is my refuge, eyen the 'shall no eril befall thee neither dwelling. For he shall gie his thn In all Ihv Psalm 91:9 PRATER: We rejoice to np precious, as the apple of Thine V7E MUST AI7D V7ILL HAVE POTATO STARCH FACTORIES HI SALEM , ' One of the next big developments in the building. up of Salem and the Salem district should be the securing of potato starch factories here, manufacturing also potatoflour and dextrine and the long list of. other articles that come from the starch content.of potatoes ..V, 5;, . . For this is a development that will be founded on conditions that are ideal; it will le following. the lines of. least resistance; doing the things that we can do better than other sections And this is the opportune time. The time is ripe. - The tariff duties have been fixed to encourage this development, with a view to making ours a self contained nation; lt is high, time that we ceased sending great sums to other countries for potato starch and potato flour and dextrine. We can have an industry here furnishing essential products and bringing us millions of dollars annually of new money ' - ; ' And an industry founded on a product "of our soil. : : . : Here is the big point : In the Salem district, and the whole of the lower Willamette valley, ;if not all of the valley, our climate and soil are such as to revitalize potato seed. That is, potatoes that have "run out" in other sections may be planted here and revitalized. "We have the seed potato country par excellence.' We should therefore have a great potato growing industry; specializing on seed potatoes. And the culls should be used in making potato starch and flour and dextrine. We are on' the way. Read the article of Prof. L. S. Eller man in this issue. He is at the head of a factory at Gresham ihat is a great success. He has the secret, of making, potato starch the right way the German secret. . The Salem district must get busy; not next year. Now. There are those here who are already interested. The matter must be followed up. - MThis is no abandonment of the idea that Salem is the dehy dration center of the world.! It is ah elaboration of the idea. Potato starch and potato flour and dextrine manufacturing is dehydration. It is the biggest thing in that-line in the workl la Germany. ,- ' x. , ' . w , . ,r Dehydration mtist grow here. These, briefly, are the "out standing points of dehydration. It means the saving of billions of dollars in freight charges; in the shipping of sugar, glass jars and tin e'ahs and heavy crates and boxes, and ice and water. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables may go to the ends of the earth ; to any climate; , Dehydration is the great conservation idea; the missing link between an over abundanee in : Any,, place; in any season, and a scarcity in any other place or. season.- - So Salem must hold all its gains in the field of dehydration, and make all the new ones possible; and the most important of all the new ones is the dehydration of potatoes -making all the long list of commercial products founded on the starch that is found in our cull potatoes. . r sOne other thing: Potatoes for potato flour and starch and dextrine must be grown on land that is not irrigated. We can raise millions and millions of bushels on such lands, here. ' COLLEGE TEAClILa It is a source of a erood deal of satisfaction to Willamette uni Tersity that it - is a.' teacher of spiritual things as well as tempo rL Roger W. Babson, a nation el statistical expert, declares that it would be far better ' for the country if some colleges ; were closed v altogether than to hare theta continue to teach the ma terialistic economic doctrines that they are doing1 today." " Mr. Bab son further deplores! the neglect "to teach the importance of the great spiritual forces' as an In disputable ; balance for t material knowledge! ' , . , . . . , j Willamette has always empha sized the spiritual, end while It has been thorough in its practical instruction, the spiritual side has been emphasized always.' We hare been careful In our teachings .of science and hare insisted that the spiritual slds of science be Just as important as the materialistic. Science is understanding -of he law of the universe the laws of Cod. It is error, not truth, it is misunderstanding, not understand ing, that retards progress, spiritu ally, morally and materially. If science, which is understanding of the laws of the universe and of God. ( is' most too strong for the intellectual digestion of some peo ple, then the essential thing Is for those ropleto put themselves in to accord with the laws of the universe, to adjust their under standing end their, attitude.- For science is not golnj to adjust itself to thera.' ' '"; : -: 1 rKoniniTiov forces. The groat meeting held in Port Ian i last week ought to result jn decisive ste'ps being taken. to en force the law. There Is a grow ing' demand for law enforcement and that demand must be met by th3 cfriciala. It Is not fair to at Manage? - Editor Manager Jab Dept. 583 10 Oregoa. aa aeeoad-eleaa asatter. tha daily Bible Boloctlooaa, th wffl prero Mostjligh, thy habitation; there shall any plague, come nigh thy angels charge over thee, .to Keep - 11 ' r - know. Father, that Thou dost keep Eye. p; tempt to enforce prohibition with men not In sympathy with the law, making a' Jest of an occasion Inviolable. Here are the resolu tions in brief adopted at the re cent convention: "Placing- prohibition agents un der civil service. Is ? 1 Making purchasers of illicit liquor equally guilty with the sell ers. " Vs -v -"'J- ' Deportation of aliens convicted f liquor and drug law violations. Centralization of authority for enforcement - under , at responsible head, with a department -".represented in the cabinet of the, gov ernment. , : O-.V'i'' .. A statute authorizing ,t&e: presi dent 'to' use designated Bhlpa. and officers In the sujpression of rum smuggling. r A law making it felony to drive an automobile while intoxi cated. ; : ' ' : . -The meaning of 'all this Is that the opponents of prohibition hare gone too'far with their propagan da and resistance. , They have In spired counter attack. Friends of prohibition who imagined whecf the 18th amendment was fatlfied and the Volstead law passed that their responsibility was ended have learned a lesson and are coming back to the firing line to suppor the law enforcement officials WHY XOT THE FAK3fEKSr The Immigration law was passed at the behest of labor which did not want competition bt that char acter; the tariff law was passed for the benefit j or Industry. ,the manufacturers- and the - laborers combining to the end that they did not want reduced conditions to the level of Europe; the transporta tion act was passed for the bene fit of f the railroads.- All of this being true, .why should the far mer be denied his relief? We sub mit that it is unfair. . RELIEF FROM PRIVATE: MOXOPOLY The La Follette plan offered at the Cleveland convention for re lief ' from private monopoly is nothing unusual and nothing- dif ferent from what the republicans are now standing- for. r The phrase sounds well, and It is well for that matter, but it Is only one Item In a platform before the people. At this writing the Oregon Statesman has not seen . the re publican platform but It has every confidence that It will be a pro gressive document, meeting the demands of this hour. The trou ble never has been with the plat form, but it has been with the men elected upon that patflorm who then jumped off. FOLLOWING THE LEADER The Marion county republican central committee, following the propaganda of certain leaders of the state, has gone on record In favor of a convention. That Is a good way to defeat any man who aspired to office. It looks as though a convention would fotj held, but .whoever is nominated for any office by the convention will be defeated at the primaries or at the election. The people of Oregon are not going to lend their influence to the practical disen- franchisement of the women vot ers, which this means.. NO SPECIAL SESSION The agitation for a special ses sion of congress is really not very strong. There was a time that when anything went wrong we thought congress could remedy it. We are depending less and less upon congress and more and more upon our own activities. A spe cial session of the present congress would mean a continuation of the policies we now have and good ness knows the public was suf ficiently disgusted the last time. MILLERAXD GOES President Millerand thought to brave public sentiment In Franc"e and retain his position, but he has been forced out of office, and that is a mighty good thing for France and the world. France has impeded every effort to end the war. It has remained on the warlike basis and It has continued to cause turmoil and strife In Europe. Poincare' was a wicked man, but finally his own people took his measure and , in doing so sent Millerand, his con federate, along with him. THE VICE PRESIDENCY The republicans have a lot at stake in the vice presidency. They leave It to the party generally to see that the whole ticket is not conservative. It Is all right to talk about harmony and align ment, but If we lose a lot of states there is no fun The republi cans ought to elect the president this year, and indications are that they win. ; The convention of doctors I In Chicago has protested against the rights to issne permits for alco hol. In the first place they should show, alcohol has medicinal value. In the next place they should show that the privilege Is not so shame lessly violated - as it has been in the past, l - v f NE W BOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY "Call o,f " the 1 Canyon." Grey; Amarlllyuin Love" Maniates: "Cheat the Boys." Phillpotts "They Who Walk in the Wilds," Roberts; "Astonishing Adventures of Jane Smith," Went worth: f'Ari- tona Nights.' White; "Call of the North," White; "Science Remak ing the World." Caldwell; "New Hampshire," Frost; "As I Like It." Phelps: "Essays of Today" Pritchard. For the Children i "Famous Stories Retold." Bald win; "Johnny Crow's Garden." Brooke; "That's Why Stories." Bryce; "Overall Boys" Graver: "Sunbonnet Babies in Holland," Grover; -"Tbe Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen," Letevre "Pinocchio." Lorenzlni: "Dor of Flanders," : LaRamee; "Little Friend ,Lydia." Phillips ; . "Among the Farmyard People," Pierson; "Stories the - Iroquois Tell Their Children." Powers; Fables and Folk Stories,' Scudder; "Child's Garden of. Verse," Stevenson. I FUTURE DATES I w ; -4 JTn a. . in J v If al eoareiitiea mo In Hevlii4. vane 14, Saturday ria day. Jnna 11 V.J.... w..-l n i. benefit kali m ' ,""'7 """" 13. Friday High achoo! ffrada atien day. - Jane 10 and IT,' Monday aad Tseoda? p-State coarentioa at Order of DeMolay, Jo 23. Snaday Idafce Coast steal at fair irroaada. - ' ' al rsaventia mi-lu In New Vork. al Silrertoa park. . July 18 to 28 Chautauqua aeaaoa Btlom. Jun 2t :8atarday ICarioa eoaaty Buadsy arkool piraie. Jnna 11.11 r.rftt - - . - - "aWoraltjr af Oref oa Vusoaa. . . I 'a5a -' I xnis is xne tjara we bch i THE RADIO- CRAD By O. A. N. A radio crab is one William. Mc Nabb. For naught but abusion is heard from his gab . . . From .the' moment he sits himself down In his chair And nroceeds with his tuner to prowl in -the air. "Stop rattling- that paper! Quit shuffling your feet! Lay off that talking or you for the street! " : Here's Buckingham Palace! I hear ! i the old kingf Aw, good gosh almighty, you kill ed the whole thing! Now shut up, I tell you, I've got W. A. Q. Bujt how can I hear with this noise making crew? . Don't want any supper just close up your trap! Tonight I will get every place on r the map I've tuned In Calcutta and here's Timbuctoo And Podunk -and" - Paris and Kalamazoo. Oh, Jump in the river or go soap your head!' While I get Alaska, you talk about :: bed!" ' : . -: Now these are examples of Wil liam's abuse Could write a whole page full, but what is the use? But Bill will get his and deserves : It full well, . The last time he tunes he will surely get H---. Yeu Botcha! ' MISS BERNICE DOLFING. tells us that a few days after a farmer pat his two' children In school ' book agent called on him . and said: . "Now that your . children are going to school, you ought to buy them an encyclopedia." "Buy - them kids an encyclope dia?. Be darned if ,1 do! Let em walk like I did," was his re tort. - - . . Has It occurred to you how well the country is getting along with out a vice-president? . n 7-t BEFORE PROMOTION 'V. . - ' or r : - THIS IS THE LAST MONTH OF SCHOOL! ; Mother: "What are you pon dering over now, Harold?" V Harold (In grade 2A) : "2B or not 2B, that is the question !!! J V " 'V " Soch Is Life! v" ' When I was 16, oh, how I crav ed to write a book.' a; bestseller, on the deeper subjects of life, darw tne. violating- themes ab, - that was my desire! ? When 25 and married, within the luxuries of my home, I wlshedi to write of the underworld, the Apache of Paris of Limehouse, yes, any of those it I had -bad the time! - . , - Later, how I hungered to write of Moscow, of Siberia, Asia-Min or all of them. Never having been there, they had a vital attrac tion for me but Mah ' Jonng claimed me. When that craze dwindles. I shall concentarte on writing fairy tales for little folks. - DEE FTJREY. $ e at -j JINGLE-JANGLES ' Down in a dingle-dangle dell Ticks and chlKsers bite like ! ! t 1 t SOPHIE K. REDFORD. . - oeeea - . . nad my garden full of seed, Neighbor's hens had darn good feed. GEORGE JENNER. s v' 7yS Modern Mother Goose ist Mary had a little rouge. , Some powder and a puff,;, . ,Z A wad of gum was in her mouth. Of nerve she had enough. A lipstick, too. was in'her hand. She was never thus before, , The lamb doesnt " folow Mary aow. Because he doesn't know her! - MRS. E. J. KILLION. , : --. j ' In Retrospect "- The motion picture press agents must have been asleep all winter and. upnug.'.- .?t.v.--- With four and five- column headlines on first pages about the Teapot. Dome oil scandal, not one had . wits enough to get his star involved in It! - ' ., . And .Daddle Jonesle Told Mother ; Jones! She: "Jones writes his wife that he "retires , every night at 9 o'clock while away from home.? He: "Oh, that's , just one Deddme StoriesV , - . MARY C. PEARSON. , oeoe : '.. . Frank VERSES . of those - By Molly Anderson naley June. The month of blushing brides and shops full of greet ing; cards. i OX YOUR WEDDINO DAY Your Wedding Day! And this It means, -- - A day apart, whose golden scenes Will live in memory with You, Congratulations, glad and true, c This Is the Card We Bleant to Send Your Wedding Day! And this it means. hat we dug down Into our Jeans And bought a present for we knew It was a thing we had to do. , oooooooooooooooooo o : v... - o HOW TO WRITE WHAT WE o WANT o Epigrams o Epigrams are pointed sen- o tences : wun a Humorous or o o clever twisting dealing., with o o a single topic. In plainer o English, ttfey. are practically o o humorous . mottoes - or pro o .verbs. o They are not as hard to o write as one imagines. To o 'illustrate: You all know the o provero o o ' o o A fool and his money are o o soon parted. o o o o The change of one word, o o'.and It became an exceedingly- o o clever epigram. Thus - A fool and his money are soon petted. .Start writing epigrams In o great number. This in order o to get your mind thinking in o o terms of epigrams. And you o o will soon find yourself writ- o o lng epigrams we can accept, o b ' i o 6 (Tomorrow. Poetry) . o o o oooooooooo oooooooo When a girl lies to you always pretend you believe her. It won't be hard work because you ' will, anyway. ;? - t : Boeder ar reqneeted ta eoatrrbvto. All haiaor, epigTama (or bnmorooa mot toea), jokea, aneedotea, poetry, bur leeque, aatires and brif ht aayinza of children, unit bo original and -nnpnb liahed. Accepted material will bo paid for at regular ratea. All maaoacripta nnat be written oa ono aide of the paper only, ah on Id bear name of thia newapaper and should bo addreaaed to the Iia Skip Editor, The Oregoa Statesman. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Christianity Has Not Failed To The Editor: 3 wish to take Issue with Dr. Doney's statement that Christian ity has failed." See baccalaurite address, front page of Statesman qf June 10th. Christianity has NOT failed. Its purpose has, is and will be at tained by countless thousands just a3 the Christ told those who ac cepted HIM and taken HIM into their hearts and lives. Glory be to His name for the COMPLETE NESS that is in Him. Statements to the contrary, though made by the president, of the Willamette university, win be refuted by mil lions now living who are, His 'wit nesses to the grace that is in Him that gives those who BELIEVE present and complete victory, over the world, the flesh and the devil. Ready to be REVEALED in the last time when John's vision of the future will come to pass, of the innumerable multitude, which no man can number, will gather to our conquering Christ and "He shall SEE the travail of His soul and be SATISFIED." Surely those who believe In Him should be sat isfied NOW, in that blessed state ment of facts. The man-made schemes for a WORLD turned Christ is fore-or dained to failure, for we have Christ's word for it that the tares and what SHALL GROW togeth er until the harvest, and that "as in the days of Noah so shall the coming bf the Son of Man be; they were eating and drinking. marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark. and the flood came and took them all, away." Then and only then will come the "NEW heaven And the NEW earth wherein dwelleth RIGHT EOUSNESS." "NOW the .king dom of heaven within yon." ' The words of our Christ, in whom we have redemption through His shed blood, and He is now ruling there enthroned in the heart of every TRUE ; believer, of what ever name, orr race. Hidden NOW in this mystery, unseen by the world, w hich still, as in John's time "lie's in wickedness," but ready to be revealed at His coming. Then and only "then shall the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and Sa vior Jesus Christ.'! ' ; 1 In the mean time allow the Master to make us fishers of men and as Paul did, so do the 'Mas ter's - work that we might save SOME and not this world of lost souls "en mass." I nearby give personal testi mony that Christianity as taught by Christ CAN be attained by the individual soul. HERE and NOW if we WILL only "open our hearts and let Him come In." This Is for all, coljege presidents as well as others and "a way faring man though a fool' cannot err therein. - GIBSON T. WHITE V 408 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Or. TEXT OF CONVENTION - IS SUMMARIZED . (Continued from page 1.) "We reaffirm the admiration and gratitude we feel for soldiers and sailors. The republican party pledges a continual and increasing solicitude . for all those suffering any disability as a result of ser vice to the United States in time of war. "The confusion, inefficiency and maladministration existing hereto fore since the employment of this government agency has been cured and plans are being actively, made looking to a further Improvement in the operation of the bureau by the passage of new legislation. CONSERVATION. "We be lieve in the . development, effec tlve and efficient, whether, of oil timber, coal or water power re sources of this government only as needed and as the public needs have become, a matter .of public record, controlled with a scrupu lous regard and ever vigilant safe guards against waste, speculation and monopoly. .. EDUCATION AND RELIEF. "The conservation of human re sources is one of the most solemn responsibilities of government. There is an obligation which can not be ignored and which demands that the federal government shall as far as lies in its power, give to the people and the states the benefit of its counsel. UNIVERSAL . MOBILIZATION IN WAR TIME. "We believe that In time of war the nation should draft for its defense not only its citizens but also every' resource which may contribute to success IMMIGRATION. "The law re cently, enacted is designed, to pro tect the inhabitants of our coun try, not only the, American citizen but also the alien already with' us who is seeking to secure an eco nomic foothold for himself and family, from the competition that would come from unrestricted Im migration. The administrative features of the law present a great constructive advance and eliminate the hardships suffered by immi grants under the emergency statute. r PHILIPPINES. "A careful study of the conditions in the Philippine islands has convinced us that the time for independence has not yet arrived. , RECLAMATION. "Federal reclamation of the arid and semi- arid lands in the west has been the subject of Intense study in the department of the interior during the past fiscal year. . HAWAII-ALASKA. "We favor a continuance for the. territory, of Hawaii of federal assistance until arbor Improvements, the appropri ation of its share of federal funds and the systematic extension, of the settlement of public lands by the Hawaiian race. . COMMERCIAL AVIATION. We advocate that the government promote aviation. ' ARMY AND NAVY. "There must be no further weakening of our regular army, and we advo cate . appropriations sufficient to provide for the training of all members of the national guard, HELP UK BY II MORE WATER Take Salts to Flush Kidneys and Help Neutralize Irri tating ; Acids Kidney and bladder irritation i often result from acidity, says a noted authority. The kidneys help filter this acid X rom the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it may remain to irritate and inflame, causing a burning. scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek re lief two or" three times during the night. . The sufferer is In constant dread; the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is dif ficulty In voiding it. Bladder weakness, most, folks call it because they can't control urination. While it Is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is often one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Begin drinking lots of soft water, also get about, four ounces of Jad Salts . from your pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass "of water before breakfast. Continue this for two or three days. This will , help neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer are a source of Irritation to the blad der and urinary1 organs, which then act normal again. . . Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithta, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary dis orders caused by acid irritation. Jad Salts causes no bad effects whatever. , , Here you have a pleasant, ef fervescent ; lithla-water drink which tnr; quickly relieve your, bladder irritation. By all means have .your, physician Exam ine your" kidneys af least twice a year. Adr; ? - CLASSIFIED : SEOTpT Phone S3 Advertising Dept. 1 CLASSmXD ADVIBTISIMUTS Sat per worst Per taaortioa- S So Taree iaoorttoaa.. Money to Loan On Real Eirat T. K. FORD (Or or Tadd Baaa Bank) .AUTOJIOBDLJiS nrwa vniTtt mnn START HARD Megnetoa tested free at 275 8. Com- merriai oi. - AUTO REPAIRING 3 .ACETYLENE WELDING. . TT TI H 1KRTS - 1738. Liberty . ' 2-Jnel3 Auto Repairing All Work Guaranteed nrv TMiFHrv.n. motor REPAIR 4 to 8. Commercial 2-jnc 13 AUTO TOPS : New . . Upholstery pot in or the old recovered at the right price by Kalcm a adio lop niaa. O J. HULL 236 State St. S-jnel3 FOR RENT apartments 5 , FOR RENT THREE OR TOUR ROOM lurniHua aparsroent. x ri ic u in Innnir. 112 TTnion atraet. 5-inel5 WOULD SHARE MY APARTMENT AT 285 So. Commercial wsta any Teapon woman -who viahea to -work in mnnarv. f"ll T,ninn. 263 8. Com mereial. . r 5-inelS FURNISHED 3 ROOM APARTMENT 292 X. Summer. . -jneia APARTMENTS WITH SLEEPING porches, modern, furnisnea - or aniur- the citizens' military , training camps, the reserve of citizens training camps and the reserves who may offer themselves for ser vice. . . ... ; ' THE NEGRO. "We urge the congress to enact at the earliest possible date a federal anti-lynch lng law, so that the full Influence of the federal government may be wielded to ' exterminate this hide ous crime. . - - ' - ORDERLY GOV ERNIIENT- "The republican party - reaffirms Its devotion to orderly govern ment under the guarantees em bodied in the constitution of the United States. " ' "Dishonesty and corruption are not-political "attributes. The re cent , congressional - Investigations have exposed instances in both parties of men in public office who are willing to sell official fa vor and men out of office who are willing to buy them, in some cases with money and in others with in fluence." LAW AND ORDER. "We must have ; respect for law. We must have observance of law. We must have enforcement of law. The very existence of the govern ment depends upon this. The substitution of ' private will , for public law is only another name tor oppression, - disorder and an archy. ' ' ' i " WOMEN DELEGATES. t "We extend our greetings to the women delegates . who for the first time under federal authorization, sit with us in full equality. - PARTY RESPONSIBILITY. With us, parties are essential in strumentalltles of government Our governmnet functions best when the chief executive Is sup ported by a majority In the rank of the same political faith united by party principles and enabled by concerted action to carry out in an orderly way a definite consistent and well balanced program." We refuse to ret excited be cause the senate has nut a tax n 36 per cent, on gifts of more than &,uuu,uuo.. ' . Some people tell you they can. teach you short hand in thirty days. Does one learn to be a doctor, or' a lawyer In thirty days? We know that it takes longer, and we also know that It takes longer to prepare for a good stenographer. When -you finish our course you will be qualified, but it will take you more than thirty days. START HERE!? tGirt NOW! 'Ma CHS HAS TAAiNEO&ic 1 I Hsome people tell you jtJ thevcan tsach vnii nhnrt. riLt Ono week, (at laaertloaa) una asoata Sis month' eontraet per no. IS aaoatha' eoa tract, per me JCiauaaaa for aay sdTertUoauat I t FOR RENT apartments Z FOR KENT 8 ROOM UXFUKXIy:;- , opt., on 'groond floor. Baaemcat a . acreeii porch.' Will be vaeaot J ' Jat. 30. - ' . For rent furnithed flat for f Close in 4' room-apt; close In, , '.' auira, private bath, garage, gsi j wood range,, furnace beau Ail 1 . nished for $35. Other apt, at 4 ; .prices. Choose yours firat. MRS. MOYER 147 K. Com'l JSt. Room 6 FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED f nnfurnisbed apartments cloao In, 75 Ferry street. 5-jnelj' APARTMENT FURNISHED OR U.Ni L :.. nished to , responsible, party at t Brown, 148 8. Com'l. I'hone r . Brown, 1879J, or 831. 5-J.,t..; S APARTMENTS- 35 AND $30 AT ' Center. j - i-jati. FOR RENT 2 THREE ROOM IV nished apartmenta located on t . r ' Liberty, street in", the Jvnrti apart.r just north of the Elks' club. BLt t each. W. II. Grabenhorst Co, r- tors, 275 State St. 6 -jat. THREE ROOM FURNISHED APAr?. ment, oz . tsummor, . . SiJt.: IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN C : s clean, comfortable apartaients, t able rent; located downtown i Patton apartmeata. -For inspec- .1 (I rcaerVatioa call Pattoa'a Book feir. FOR RENT APARTMENTS, Commercial.. SSI FOR RUNT Toovss ' C ROOMS FOR RENT AFTER JUNE 15 at 757 center tit. . o-jnn4- ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN CLOSE I" Phone 5SoW. .- 6 : 5 FOR RENT bouses t FOR RENT Two room house in King-wood pari, $10 per month. W. H. GRABEN'HORST A CO. i . . ' 275 State St. 7-jn12 Furnished House . 5 rooms, good, quiet locatioo, tliort walk to buainesa district. For ri See P. M. Gregory, 240 S. Comi-r- i Sti . ; ' 7-jnU.i FOR RENT GOOD LOCATION RIG : in 1 buaineaa center- for -dress-nwi.. r. All furnished .witb. sewing machine, t . ephone, etc. Reaaonable rent. For rer aeTeral good houses; S first floor apart ments; lota of others. At all pruts, Rentala specialty. List with ma fur quick tenants. . - . - - MRS. MOYER i 147 X. Com'L St. Room 8 .'. ' 4- ''-.: . T-jnel2:f FOR RENT 5 ROOM MODERN HOCF". Inquire 1434 N. Cottage. 7-jael. K 5 ROOM KEW BUNGALOW, PARTLY furnished, close in. lions tJ0. 7-jatiJ HOUSES -TO RENT V. U. WOOD. ?U Stato Bt. .. . . 1-m. ; HOUSE FOR BENT PHONE 1 Call at 161 N. 13th. . 7 k:: PARTLY FURNISHED 7 ROOM HOC" I 677 N. Winter. Phono Mere MeKtnn.'. Turner, OTegon. - -7-ni..4 . .... FOR RENT . '5 room house at 458 Mill EL I. per month. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. -275 Stste St. 7-i 1 FOR SALE tnlsceXlaneons C PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERKIE- and pay 3 cents a box for them. 1 -gene Eckerlen, on Portland road, b. f mil Jrom, lairgroonda store. Tbo 57F4. - - . 8 jneU FOR SALE USED RANGER BICYCI F. Good running order, 12. Apply 1-) Madison. Phono 950R. 8 jael J FOR SALE A PORTABLE ELECTKI? Singer sewing machine. Price Call at 265 South Commercial, Room 3. 8-jnel3 65 AB OAS RANGE $20. - ALSO HALT tree, Lano,. commode, etc its t Ct. ' 8-jii..- FOR SALE "WESTMADE" FLAT TC? office desk, practically new, oniy three months. Price $45. Write b S359, care Statesman. 8 jnelj FOR SALE FIRE-WORKS; WHOLE- sale and retail, 244 Soutk Uc ' George Sun. - ' S jljt WAGON FOR SALE . OR TRADE FC3 horse. Would pay some eakh different. Call at Archerd Implement Co., r' phone 1748R. - 8-jneU NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND Bui J- ers We are- still laying aewer p., at 20c per foot. Other plumbmr reasonable prices. Fhono 836. 8 jne- FOR SALE A LARGE RANGE WIT2 reMrroir, good condition. AFP ' " 667 N. Front t am2-l CASH FOR TRASH. A BONA FU 1 offer. Road tko claasUied columns day " PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7Vi'' wordinr. "Rooms to Rent." prif JJ senU each. Statoamaa BaamtM.t f ieo. Orouad Floor. Beautiful Oresca Re:: Aad elerea other Oregoa aoart 1:ether with a flao eolloctioa of ; a aonga. aaerad aongl aad sta tlma favorites. AJLL FOR o. "S ' ' (Special prices ta quantity teU) Xapoolally adapublo for ackoeU " maaity or aome aiagtag. 6aA 1 " J Western Songster TO pagaa aow la Its third adlUss , Pabllahed y OREOON TEACHERS MONTEI'T SIS B. CommercUl Bt. Salem, - - Plumbins Wo cn aara yoa money s your plumbing supplies. Sc Us Before You E , CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUS3 ' 815 Center Street ,, "Wo Buy aad Soil ierylb "