TUESDAY ' MORNING, JUNE 10, 1924 Classified' Section Salem's Great Market THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON 1 ISGC WOOD FOR SALES 11 D&? WOOD SAWED. PHONE 1855 H-mlSn BEST GUADB OT WOOD 4 ft. and 1 lae groea Bill wsai Dry mill mo4 Dry second growth fl " Dry old fir ' 18 inch BLOCS mill wood It tfco be fael to nn yor dry wood. Prompt 'livery and reasonable price. . Free E. Welia. 880 8. Charea. Phoaa 1541 : aBBBBaaVBBVaBVaaaSBanaaaMBaaaMXaaaBBBaaaiMB WANTED employment 12 A THOROUGHLY QUALIFIED NEWS- - paperman. and printer, want position at any work except machine coraposi- tion. Caa cone at once. II. C. Shaver. ! Coeur d'Aiene, Idaho. 12 jnel2 WORK BY HIGH SCHOOL BOY. Phone 452 r 2. 12-lnelO I WANTED miscellaneous IS WANTED TODAY 3 GOOD MODERN nooses to rent with furnace and ja- r(. i . . . MRS. MOYER , 147 X. Coml. Room 6 . . 13-jnelOtfJ BASEMENT DIWHNO AND TEAM worl ay contract. Call 19F8. I8aprl7 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN Tt take farm paper eabeeriptioaa. A toot - arenoeitioa to the ria-ht people. Ad ' drees the Pacific Homestead. Btateams Blaf- Balena. Or. WOODBT THE AUCTIONEER BUY! need furaunre lor eaaa. raoae 511 . 18-apri JOY HOME LAUNDRY WET WASH and fiaiahed laundry. Phone 1756 13-jne 28 , MISCELLANEOUS 14 PREPARE NOW FOR A RAINY DAY ? Let Mathews The -roof man. repair and repaint I your roof while the ana ahmes. Phone 167 11-jnelOtf IIELP WANTED female 17 WANTED WOMEN TO WORK OS -strawberries. Northweit Canning com pany, corner Trade and. Liberty. Tele phone 415. . 17-jne9 WANTED STEADY. RELIABLE GIRL wants work-in small family. Reaaoaable wages; steady employment. - Phone 1751. 17-m30tf LOST AND FOUND 22 LOST SUNDAY. AN OVERCOAT. ON West Side highway, between Amity and KickreaU. Kinder please call 1507R. . . ; 22-jnel3 LOST DELTA ZETA SORORITY pin. , Notify Wilma Miller. Phono 26F34. Re ward, t - 22 jnelOl LOST SOMETHING FIND IT I PHONE a want ad to The Statesman, raone 2S. - ' " 22-mtf LOANS 24 WANTED - ONE TO SECURE $1000 loan on 2 OO acres of la ad. . . ... SOCOLOFSKY , , 841 State St. 24-jnelO GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS SU per oast. P. L. Wilkinson, 203 C. , National bank bids? ae-aorw ; . KEAL ESTATE city , 25 OWN YOUR HOilB FOR 8AI-E OR RENT 5 ROOM MOD- . era banratow. 846 Richmond Ave. Poa- etestioa June 20. Phone 896M. 25 je!2 BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 5 room modern new bungalow, base- - meat and garage.: Will take vacant lot as part of first payment. Price $3504). 700 acres, well improved, good loea- - tion. want ranrb bp to $25,j0O m Mar- - ion or Polk county aa part payment. price seo per aere. - 8950 buys gaa filling station, want - light car aa part payment. 10 acres, well . improved, close in, will take residence as part payment, price 810.000. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtor 341 State St. FOR SALE NEW 3 ROOM PLASTERED bungalow on car line. Garage, screen Porch. Price 8ta00: good terms. 4 room house, plastered, on car line, close to fairgrounds. East front, $1800, , good terms. Good 7 room house, one and one-half lota for $1800; or trade for small house ot 3 or 4 rooms. !. . New modern 5 room bungalow 1b south Salem, close 4n. full bailment. furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, cor ner lot and garage, for $5200; good terms.' East' front. 9 room house, close in oa 14th St. $2624 and amall payment down. Wanted today: 3 good modern houses to rent for $30 or $33. Tcn- . ants waiting. ' . ; ) MRS. MOYER 147 N. -m'l Room 6 ; . . 25-jnel0tf A HOME WILL GIVE YOU MORE COM FORT. MORE PIfEASURE. MORE PROFIT. AND NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ONK. - 8vlendid home. 6 rooms: fine loca tion; large lot; price right and terms easy. - ' , This is a well built, nicely finished 6 room house; location is wonderful. a. rood view; fine lot, price reasonable. TprntK fair. Here. U a lovelr S room bunaalbw. - basement, near school, easy to buy. Ihe price is right and boat of terms. Look at this 4 room bungalow, ; basement. everything for com I y. ' nl - . I '. 4a ant ' xnee rignt a nu w . Come . in. look over our photos'. choose von a home. Will be- glad to assist you ' In securing a home. RICH L. REIMANN Realtor ' 5n7.?na nnrnn Bld.' Phone 1013 2S-jne8tf ft ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. DOUBLE construction, corner lot. $SOO dowa 4C - a month. Price. 84200. nvBTKiThi: 3 W . PAGE 492' N. ..Cottage- 25-jne6tf t;n to s."oo ' Buys a lot la the Kay addition $23 j down, balance am per monin. w 11 iiRiRr.N'HOTtST. A CO. 275 State St. 35-jnelO OLD MAN OPPORTUNITY IS JANGL ING YOUR BELU cunui Kfi . far 84500 and ternts at Ihst. It's well improved. room house j ' and good barn and other buildings, well fenced. . IO acres bearing prunes, mate road near town and school and only a . bM.iv Vm fimlem. in .ma 3 14 miles from Salem, 4 1 rw.m house, garage. 8 acres bearing A anan at $3000. 5 seres 3 miles out, best of land oa naT road. A lot of walnutn and cher- Vrim atSOO; terms. 5 acrea 1' mile from good little town. 20 minutes from Salem, a room . Vwatitfl khaesta. allaakan house, coed spring. . nice, stream. 3 acres prunes. good cows, calf.-horse, farm tools, 200 bene. All for $2700: terms. . a n.;.i,i. fi m little house all new mm .1.. for B2SOO. Jttut 8300 down. A 5 room boose for $1700 with terms. ' A beaut ifal 5 room home, never used .it .ii mV flnora. breakfast nook. , fireplace, built-ins. and everything. , 'mcgWhrIST PENNINGTON , 2 V. H. Bank Bidg -Phone 140 ' " ' I ,tiFanrii-flli kinds. REAL ESTATE cltj 25 REAL BUNGALOW SNAPS I $2300 Buys a modern and well bniltl 5 room bangalow. llzhts. bath, cars ire. I fine location. Ownpr Ivavina- the riiv. I reason for selliajc at sacrifice Dric' I Only $500 down balance like rent. I COZY 3 ROOM BUNGALOW $1550 On north Cottage street, lights, sewer connection, wood house. 1'av- meat down, balance $20 month. BEST BUYS IN CITY $5500 Strictly modern 1 room bun galow with eery thing .np to date. A r -ai beauty. ae and immediate pos- aession. See CHILDS k BECHTEL 540 State St. 25-inelOtf if it s a home. ' SNAP1 If sold in the next 3 days, beautiful corner lot,' northeast corner of 17th and state street, both atreeta paved. Walks in. Best resident site ia the city for me money. rice amsu. : See ns Monday CIII1DS A BECHTEL j 540 State St. 25-Jne8tf s SPECIAL 5 room house and a-araee with large lot. fruit and garden. Only It blocks north. Oood buy for SI BOO; terms. We have 2 good homes to exchange lor close in improved tract. We hava a1 aiee 5 room modern house and 2 lots, priced at 83000. to exchange lor larger , house close in. sot over $5000. . i . N ice lot south Salem. Bargain for 3-t. i 1 THOMASON 331 State St. 25-jne8tf Best House in Salem 7 room house, newly finished inside and but. 6 blocks from center of city. paved street, cement aid-walks. Owner will sell this week for $2700. Phone 616 or 414. 25-jnel5 ' GOOD BUYS $2500 New four room modnrn bunga low on paved street and car line, . $250 down, balance $30 per month including interest. 'Immediate pos session. $17006 room hous- with garage, lot 75 by 150. Terms 8800 down. $70O 5 room home on Union street. lot SO by HO. Terms siuuu down. $3200 New four room modern bunga low well located, near Court St. $2625 6 room home well located with basement, furnace, garage, laundry trays, paved street and cement -walks. Mortgage $1200, can be assumed. $4000 6 room modern bungalow just 5 blocks from State street. Cor ner lot, full cement basemenW furnace. PRICE $4000. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. $4500 6 room modern bungalow on Court street near state house, cor ner lot. garage. THERE IS NO BETTER VALUE IN THE CITY. LET: US SHOW YOU THIS TO DAY. $3700 4 room borne in north Salem. In fine condition. 10 1 so by 100, large site green house on place. Income from green house $800 per year at present time. Owner sick and must leave. LET US SHOW YOU THIS ATTRACTIVE HOME. When yoa think of home think of W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. , .275 State St. Phone 515 - " . - 25-jnell 1 SNAP 6 i ROOM BUNGALOW, GOOD location, paved street, part basement. furnace, bath, toilet, lights, garage.- h block to main car line. Only sze.u. rt. E. Brown or Melvia Johnson, 108 - S. Commercial. 25-jnell I ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW," CLOSE to ear line. Only 8 1 350. terms to suit. 'Several new bungalows on very easy .terms. 30 acres. &' room house with stock and machinery Only. $2500, terms. Stock and train ranches to exchange for. Whst hava you !., City property for close 1 ia acreage. Call for what von want: wo have it. Barber. 200 Gray Bidg. : 25-jne6tf i ; - - . " . . - WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING . THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. CITY OR COUNTRY ! COME IN ' AND lOOK SOME OF THESE OVER. No. 1346 room bungalow oa north 17tb atreet, lot 50 by 150. on car line near store, church. Modern conven iences, new paint. A bargain at only :i(H)0 : terms. - No. 118 8 room cottsge on south rVimmerciaL larze lot. east front, mod ern except bas-ment. Shrubbery and flowers, i A dream. Price $4800; No. 1275 room bungalow In south Salem. 2 lots, 55 by loO: Modern con vanwnces. A real borne and the bar gain price ia only $3000. Very good . I of ma S No. 135 $4500 buys a modern home en north Capital street. 1 his is a line n that no one would be asham ed of. Wilt consider Soldiers' loan. at a onni taIntia No. 136 $6500 buya 16 room, bouse in Wood burn. Divided into 4 4-room apartments. A money maker. Fruit, flowers and shrubbery. Come ia aad t.t it. ,kn tnu this one. v 1K& 5 acres of fine land roath of Balem. 3 room bouae. fruit and ber riea. Large barn. Near highway. All tin cultivation. A uargam aoju. si- -.hi .! far a dairv ranch. We have dairy farms, bopyards, fruit and lxrrr fracts. galore. Come in and see some of these before it is too late. We write insurance. Moisan & Ulrich PliAna 1!l.a 122 North Com'l. ! 25jne8tf 1 ! :oon BUYS XT A at f 9 " VAAfll iinna-alow in north Sa- t ..r .r line. Eleetrie lights, hot . ni -nA water. : Corner lot. Price $1550: $60O cash, balance to auit. Good lot on North Church near D ...... irir. ni050: terms. A wun hanae oa North 16th street. Garage. Lota of fruit. Price $1300 2 apartments. 5 rooma each. Rente for $40 per month. Price $3000; terms. KRUEOER in vi. ran'l St. i-Phone 217 " ; 25-jnelO mna sii v tw ' & ROOM BUNG A low, garage, Vt acre aw ''""" Nice home, cheap Phana 1120W. 2.Vm25tf MINUTE MOVIES MCTTlCW P1CT0C& $Ort& HOME SaT HOME 1 HEAR YOU PPXrH Cr bi E " &ALLAD S&AI- SATiON OrVTHE VGA ft !i I feHal 1 1 11 chorus I i . - :;; ' .. '113)! . - )SjS -3'V WAaiadTo-rFe CALL A? IT F10ATJ OM -TPE A,P SW fr? J ' ji Sor tST s "S J .; " Cfie tVaCK tb HAWiWES;SyWAASMMf5 AJ '' - tVPV "Si Ll VOVR X PsL J? HF rjP- '.Tif A'vrx&FCOM THe Past . ; ,.V ffitft 'm " xSPlfQ - f ' ilr I JUST AC? PLtvM J CAM CE fittftiA r-r- ' . JZ&y V 1 r -i lt k CcvJCKOo-Cuckoo; , : 'C0!' -Icd&Si REAL ESTATE city 25 BEAUTIFUL EAST FRONT s LOT ON for altf North Summer St.. reasonable Quick sale. Dr. Fred -Uis. . 25-! FOR SALE 320 ACRE STOCK OR dairy ranch.- close to town, at less than $5 if" air. attu a 111 t at av J vuj savtrvjn j a or acreage part pay, take a look at this I and will take city property and make an offer. Have a aeven room bouse very close in, want an offer. Five room bungalow, corner lot, good location, $3300. Ten acre tract improved, $2000. Will trade for house. Five room bungalow to trade for Portland property. V. L. Wood. 841 State St. 25-jae4tf AN ALMOST NEW 4 ROOM BUNG A- Jow on paved street and car line, line concreted basement, nice east front lot, price 82780-. A very good 4 room cottage near , car line, excellent order inside; needs painting outside. $1500. East frontage. near car and school. A six room cottage with bath, toilet, electric lights, built in kitchen, double wall fruit room and wood shed. Large lot. near the new Junior high school. A wonderful bargain at $1900; S300I down and 825 ocr month. I have a cheap lot on south 20th St., north of the RK. $150. Se J. A. MIIJ.S 331 State St. 25 jne8 TWO OF THE BEST BUYS I HAVE between $2000 .and S'JLotfO. rive ana nix room bnnealowa. Kaay terms. WM. FLEMING 1 341 State St. 25-jne4tf I i FOR QUICK SALE BRAND NEW 8IZ room baa gain w. rtarawooa iioora, iur naca. basement, laundry traya. built iaa. Oarage. Lot 50 by 162. Paved street, graveled alley. Rock driveway thrauarh lot. Concrete walks. Bhrab bery. Located only 8 blocks from State and Liberty, at 851 South Liberty St. Phono 1784. . 8-aprlStt ROOM BUNGALOW ON SO. 12th 8L, large lot, shade trees, garage, all mod arn conveniences, price aouo; terms. 6 room cottage on Miaaioa street. 82700: eaab 8500. e rooms on No. Winter SL, $4500; eaab 81000. 6 rooms oa No. 22nd Bt, $2200; arooa Urmi. T rooms on Chemeketa St, $8500; Coed terms. ANDERSON RUPERT 406 Oregon Bidg. 8 aprietf .' BARGAINS WORTH WHILE 80 acre wheat ranch $1500, exchange for acreage. Two nice suburban homes for homes in town. 120 acre farm $3500; exchange for Salem residence or acreage. Business proposition for residence. Good improved farm near town, want residence lor nart. Several snaps . in cosy " bungalow homes on eay terms. PERRINE h MARSTERS :"" Commercial Club Bidg. 25jne5tf 4 ROOM HOUSE $1650; 5 ROOM NEAT house, $2200; 5 room bona $21d0. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage 25-jne6tf TEN BEAUTIFUL 1-aCRE HOMESITES just beyond City limits; nign, aigntiy. wonderful view. Each $400. 10 per cent down. 810 a month if taken soon. Snlandid value. Harris. Phones 1018, 1942J. i .; 25-jne3tf CREEK PROPERTIES Large corner lot on State "street. 6 mam house, well constructed. large rooms, modern conveniences, variety of I fruit aad shrubbery. An excellent ouy at It .125.0 and rasv terms. 5 rooms and floored attic, new and strictly modern, hardwood floors, very attractive, 87000. uaka aaoitioa. 6 room atnceo house with every fea- ' turn you are asking for and the beat vatna that has been placed on the mar ket in a new house. The sun porch, oak floors, expensive plumbing will in terest you. $7o00. win'VIF. PKTTYJOHN. .Realtov. 216 Oregon Bidg. 25-jneltfl riN'E RESIDENCE LOT IN A choice r.ilil.nrx dixtnet an the corner of Wil son and Saginaw streets. - Priced for a few dtri at 8575. Sea Vick Bros. 25-m24tf FOR RALE MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE. haaement. built-in features, garage. 101 South l4tk St. 25-ml8tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY TV" vara at "War Sale. Eaauira at. mw 10 centa each. StaWsmam Business Off iea. Ground Floor 8630 BUYS A fine one-half acre with bearing fruit, near the Salem Heights school. $500 down, balance f 10 per nionin. . W. II, GRABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. V 25-jnelO PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7". wording "For Ront." prteo ib eoats eaea. wataantan xtuainesa uuica, w Ground Floor. BUSINESS opportunities 20 BUILDING AND FIXTURES POOL hall for lease 850 a month. maii stock on inventory about $500. Good town for business, s.. the FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 StaW St. 26-jne4tf ItKAL. ESTATE trades 27 Want Small Farm Account health, must trade my Salem borne for small farm of equal value, with some pasture and running water. in southern part of valley or state. Suitable for sheep or cows. If you have a place of merit, see my agent Robinson Oregon Bidg. 27-jnel0 REAL ESTATE f arou 28 , . - 82100 BUYS: ;. Five acres with good five-room bun- ralow one mile east of Fairgrounda. This nrooertv ia offered at a sacrifice price and trust be sold on account of being bn estate. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 Stste St. 28-jnelO FOR RALE 63 ACRES RIGHT ON PA cific highway, near Salem, about half of place nicely wooded, , having fine anrines. Dandv snmmer outing. Best of soil. Balance of place prunes and .h.rri. nil haarinr. fiood croD in sight. All buildings. Right price. 166 North 21st, or phone 1902U. uwn'-r. 28-jnell TeH MIMUTfe. MCPJtE" CbfMEDiAW -ED NMWEEUW ; PfaorxiCHoNi .REAL ESTATE farms 28 I TWO WELL-IMPROVED IRRIGATED tracts, one 4 acres and one 8 acres. I Fruit, clover, blue grasa and alfalfa, I at Nampa, Idaho. Bo: tie valley. Trade , for acreage near tealera. jl. raw r, 1 RFD No. 1. Nampa, Idaho. 28-jnelO .- I ACRES. 6 MILS FROM 1NDEPEN- aence, aooat svv acrea uoiw t" tion and in crop, all kinds of fruit and nuts, modern buildings, price $100 per acre; wii: accept some iraae ana g'" Ural to suit purchaser. milKRXDN Jb RUPERT 40 OrTon Bidg. 9-aprl6tf v USED CARS for sale 31 ' Free Appraisals Before yon buy a used car be sure -it's worth the money. Is the selling price right! v Has it been properly reconditioned t Before yoa buy a car from any per son or d ater we will be glad to give you a fuir and unprejudit-e appraisal on it. 122 Ford taming -....$225 1923 Overland touring, driven 4OO0 miles -i ..$475 1924 Chevrolet coupe, extras $675i 1923 Oakland coupe ..f885 1921 Ford 4 door sedan.. $575 , T821 Stadebaker, big six, 7 pas- aeneer .s.. $785 Certified Public,Motor Car Market 255 North Church St. 31 jnett 1 ;.l 1918 BUICK ROADSTER: 3 NEW CORD tirea and. tnbe. 192 1 license, smih terms. 359 N. Liberty. S1M20U 1920 MAXWELL TOURING BEST cord tire:. rood condition.: 812j cash. -1484 State. 31jnell WILL EXCHANGE FIVE PASSENGER 1921 model tonring car for sheep, goats, or cattle. Dairy stock preferred Value of car $500. l'hose 577. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT 117 S (Vntnarciil K' Salem. Or. 31 jne"tf USED FORD CAES FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cars' -.-$ 85 to $350 - Roadsters . . $ 75 to $325 : Coupes .i $275 to $450 8edana . . 8225 to $450 Light deliveries . $ 65 to $275 Ton trucks $ 85 to $385 "Bags" ., $125 to $225 All cars are guaranteed. Liberal terms. Sea our low priced cars for fruit haul ing aad outing trips. $65 to $150. VALLEY MOTOR CO. "Tbone 1995 260 N. High St. 3l-jne5tf 1923 CHEVROLET SEDAN I This is tho first Superior used sedan ' that we have offered for sale. New naint and trim. 5 cord tires; 2 new. Motor overhauled and some extras. Me chanically OK.- Exceptionally good .con dition and appearance the very- best. It will pay you to tee this unusual good buy. - ' - NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 1924 Ford touring, almost new, $400. 1921 Ford touring, new paint, $200. 1922 Ford delivery. OK in every way, $250. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. . 31-jne7lf Used Cars At the Gardner Agency Ford coupe A-l. $300; 1920 model Stevens touring, late 1920, $575; brand new Baby Overland, 1924 model, aOOlyj. CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION miles. 8575. I efMamf Wlativaaa rinM. Surveys, esti- ft H 7IIr 186 S. High Phone' isaa WE ARE DISCOXTINUIXO THE USED car business. And for that reason we are dikposing of the cars we now hsve in stock regardless of what they cost us or- what they really had ought to bring on the market. - We have Fords, Chevrolets, Dodges, Overlands. Oldsmobile, Paige, Stude baker, Jordan with Artcraft top, and many others for you to choose from. - We Give Terms) - F. W. PETYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial St. SljneStf t il. i i a. WHEN BETTER USED CARS ARE sold we will sell them. See our pres ent stock for low down prices on used cars. . 1917 Maxwell ...$6j 1924 Buick 4 rdstr. (equipped) $900 1919 Buick 6 ......$50O . 1920-21 Hudson suiter 6..-. $600 1921 Ktudebaker big 6 $550 1932 Bnick 6 sedan , $1315 OTTO J. WILSON ' ' B88 N. Com'L St. Phone 220. - 31-jnel2 SALEM MARKETS. I ' - GRAIN AND HAT No. S wheat . v0t 90 No. 3 rod wheat, sacked Oats 45 (i 48 ;..$12 06 $18 $ p $l Cheat hay Oat hay Ciovei hay, bab-d $li 91 - Prices quoted are wholeaalr and ar price received by farmers. Na retail prices are given. u v .m Praantan bntter 38e O e. I " .. . o.. Buttertat, delivered Milk n nt : - $1.75 h' ..larll i"' . , . - M'sndaras r PnlUta 15. POULTRY 19e Heavy heas 14c Medium ana ngm nrna . ... PORK, MUTTQS AHU I Hogs, top, 150-225 gs.. ewt... $7.50 225-375. 87.011 275 800, ...86.50 Light sows, ewt I Koua-h heavy .... .....$ 5.oO 04c 05e. j Top veal dress- . e 024 0S t-owe Top ...lie (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR Bight. Phor.o 1tnq. 173 South Lihertv. AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODRY I Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEERS Ben. 1610 N. Summer Phono 611 for sale dates. . L. E. TALBOTT AartionMr Phono 470 302 U. B. Baak Bidg. s9 O. 8ATTERLEK ' Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breyman Block Phone 24 or 1211 J. fl-tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our new permanent finish. tvaurr Caaa rTlgb Street at Trade. ' : ATTTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Buyera of old cars," metal, rags, pa per. Aato wrecking. Parta for all cars aO to 75 per cent off list price. 975 r. Commercial. Phone 588. m-25-tf Cylinder grinding, crank ahaft true in g. We're specialists. Donerite Ma chine Shop. Automotive machinists, 849 Ferry St BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN 531 Court St. JOE WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Export battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros, Phono 1808, 4i C0rt. ; B. D. BARTON EXJDE BATTERIES a tarter and gemerator wora; 111 oouta ial. SZCYCXES AND wwfaJMNO LLOYD E. RAM8DIN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 887 Court. , CARPET AND BTJO WEAV1NO R1I.KU CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Bug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any aiso wiwwui ms Ureases made to order. Old aoat- luiui ManaAa. Feathara renovated. I bay all kinds of old earpeta for fluff ruga. 18 Vb aad WUbur atreata. Phone 1 1 a. Utlo r. awctgrrrup. CHZJTESB PHYEICIAJT DR. U T. DICK CURES ANY ftNOWfl disease. 158 B High SU Phone 288. CHTROPODIIT DR. 8. F. BOOTT. GRADUATE NA tmaal University Seiaaees, Chicago. Masonic Tempi. Phono oo . OHXBoraAJOToas DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. BanJt Biag. jrnone si. res. 828-R. .' . CLEANERS DYERS I SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phono 1000. re ape- ianseoanedayete OOVSUX.TTJfO ENGINEERS mtot Ja. H. Neat. $1$ Oregon I Bidg Pbona 775. CONTRACTORS yOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT d$8 N. Summer street. Phono 674 J. nnvRHV rTTV rONTBACTlHO tAJ. i..i MniHrtinff ana bdi a bz. matea aladlT furnished. Phono 1867B or 59F13. d26tf DRES8MAJONO DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING Came Fiahar. Meoomacx woi, " MUlere. ilStf Daisrtn ntnnn SfZE 14" BY 7h wording 'Dreeemaking-' : P 1 o " " eenta each. Stateamaa Business Office Ground Floor. DRUG STOB 0 WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 178 N. Commercial. Phone oL ELECTRICIAN! I SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phono iauw - lajEOTRIO FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Pheae 1994, ill n; umi;. PT.WKNKR ELECTRIO U. Kaau wiriaa BV near or con --. timates furnished. rhone 880. 47 Oonrt St. HAT.TK ELECTRI0 SHOP electric Fixtures Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Pbona 488 Res.. Phone 702 J FTN AJfCIAX I LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM I oa eitr or farm property. Reserve Da- posit l land.. 1 t company, is m ouxia dui, - A 1 . 1 . . . or. rmif itiNR LESS INTEREST, longer time, .no commission, rmiwn aa-siast adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly instalments, pre-pay meat privileges. J. A3. Siegmuad. room . over Laaa at naaa nana. Servlc -Trade Mark Registered U. CWillamO jb fit a IvH UCAJ fcyT A CHILD I VANDEiaED FftOM " viy OLD MoTHEe'.T KNEE. l' was so yt)UM 3- I DitiNar kmouj ' MCA" .TBUH1-TWS' V0GtX COU.0 .' T TfSAViHLEO ALMOST EVERywVlCR& " and AISO tWEfAI FAC&S. BUT AI0UJ TPEV CALX. OP My CU K)M& KEEPS JJOVTLy v2lAlJWS iaj My DOME. BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference rXNANCIAL LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal rates and payment priv iwilefea HlWTTKfl A ROBERTS. 10$ Ore. B1UU Saiem. Ora. zS-tf LiOANS LOANS LOANS I ean make your farm or city loans, boat service given. If yoa need a Loan, see ana; and if yon bava money to place, eee ma I alwaya hava takers. O. W. Laflar, Oregon bidg. City' Loans On Improved property or for Improved purposes. THE BEST and easiest way to pay on loan is oar monthly installment plan. 06 payments of $14.14 repay a a loan of $1000.00 and interest. Equitable Savings Loan Assn. ANDERSON A RUPERT. " Agents 406 Oregon Building - FARM PATER IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the raetxie Homestead. Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subaeriptioa. Man tion this ad. POULTRY MEN BEND EIGHT TWO cant stamps for special throe, montna trial for the best and oldest journal in the wast. Tho articles and advertise ments are of aj.eeial interest to the poultry breeders of tho Northwest. Northwest Poulhr Journal, 211 Com mercial street. SUem, Oregon. FLORISTl CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS fnaaral w r a a t a a. decorations, u. x. Breithanpt, flotist, 128 N. Liberty Phone 890. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRE0- tora, 810 Oentar. Pnone eau. imxrtJJmVB BTOBB8 GIF.SE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furnltura for lass money. , 873 voun. Phono 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second band furniture; in n rnmnerattl. GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN PLOWING. DISCING. GRAD- ing. ton dirt. Tucker. 1123J. mn HZMSTTTOHTjra HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. Th PeU to Shop, Room b. over Busiest. , 9tf SALEM ELjTE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttona, atamptng and needle work: 828 Oregon bidg. Phone 879 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10, over mu ler'e store. Pbona 11T ' aBBBaBBaBcBsaBaaaaaaaBaBaaataBi HOMaJOPATHIO physician DR. L. G. ALTMAN, HOMEOPA1HIST Does a genaral prsctioa. Treats uottcr. Gall Stouea, and Dropsy, ariaiag from diaeases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office aad resi dence. 296 N. Liberty St, Salem, Or. Phone 147. XN8U&AN0B WARREN F. POWERS life. Accident, Fire, Automobile v 219 U. 8. Nat I. Bank Bidg. Phone 607 ZJLDIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR J4EH and women. 474 Oonrt Bt. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 818 S. Liberty atreet. Pboao z. oiaeea largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; axos Broadway. Phone ioa. LUGGAGE COME HERE I The best buys in hand luggage and trunka. MAX O. BUREN Furnltura 179 N. Com'l. Salem MEDIOAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51T-W. MTJSIO IXSSQHS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIAMU nli.inr Pntmisr avaeooated ataaaara muaia. Beml-elaasie and ballada 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, lie Cor n ac k Bidg. MUII0 ST0XES SHERMAN. CLAY CO- PIANOS Stoiaways, Duo-Art and othera. Moor a Muaia xionaa. axa uours buw. or.O a. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapbs, sawing machines, sheet musie, aad piano studios. Repairing phono mnha and sawing machines : 488 SUte treat, Salem. pp. Arte vnnu rTJi PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff JFarnl- tnro Oo.. Moaie Dept. s NATUROPATHld FHYSIOIANS bk. a SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic dlaeaaaa: 41S Oregon Bidg Phone 110. VUBSE8 FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 1493R jne-ZH S. Patent Office) HXTRSES FUR PRACTICAL. NURSE PHONE 1524. . B25tf FOR PRACTICAL 1488M. HTJBSE PHONE nastf aTXTRSEBY STOCXa FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 887 State. OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Chargea reasonable Examination free. 282 N. Commercial St. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OF- tieal Co- 32$ State street. opposiU Ladd A Buah Baak. "Caa QaaUty Prove Skur-ass." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORS- gon Bidg. Rooms 801 to 304. PAPERHAXOING AND PAXJrXTJfO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE daeorating. papar haagmg. Kaliable GET MY .FREE SAMPLE BOOK for eompariaoa MAX O. BUREN . Furnltura 179 N. Com'L Salem piAjro txtvexs am WARD WXL . EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. - Leave orders will's ataxia Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work, uraaer A) roe-, iax a. xaoerty. Phono 650. ftf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOIli work. Phone 495W. Skop.l7 Uaio street. A. li.y Godfrey. RADIATORS. FENDERS, BTO. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES mala or repaired, j. p. nair, ana wvato ex. BJBPAIRJjra ALVTN B. STEWART 847 Court St. - ' , Umbrellas. Cutlery and Kays Lswnmowers, rasor-bladas, scissors. knJvesandtoolssajiraened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bare and refuae of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pools ' eleaned and dead animals ra- moved. Phones: Office as. nee. SBOOXD HAND OOODS WANTED EVERYTHING TN CLOTH ins aad shoaa. Bast pries paid. Caa Hal Kxehaara: $4$ Nor. Oaamaretsl Phono 1868W. -8T0VES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND KEPA IRED 40 years experience. Devl Ji ttMina fence, aixes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, ails and varnishes, etc, loganberry and bop books. Salem Fear sad siov Works. 25Q Court 8treet, Phone 124 TRANSFER AND HAULING - CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO ,$ Btato Bt. pnone vaa. Aistriouting, tor warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. ' WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE. bold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. Wo also make eoua try tripe. Wa haadle the beat coal and wood. Call on ua for prices. Wa giva good measure, good quality and goo service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 93( TRANSFER AND HAUL1NQ OF AH kinds. Phone 1F3. TRANSPORTAiiON PA RKER'S'ST AGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon 8ALEM-SILV IBTOJI U1V1S1U.1 Loaves Salem, Central Bug Terminal 7 a. m; 11 a. m; 5 p. m. Leaves Sirverton News Stand: 9 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6 p. m. Salera-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem. Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m. ; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. 5:10 p. m. Leaves Monmouth. Monmonth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.; 6:80 p. m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, 8alem for Dallas at: 7 a. ra.; 11:10 a. m.t 8:10 p.. as. Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas at: 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. We make . connections at Salem to all parts of tho valley. Extra trip by ap pointment. J. W. PAKKr.lt, ttenerai wanagrr. WATZB SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWXB O0 Office, 801 South Commercial Bt. n per cent discount an domestic fid rates paid in advaaeo. Na deduct ion) for absence or any eaaae anless wata ia ahnt pff yonr premises. Xaaw Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results 4m By WHEEL AN yfL P LOWDEN NOT IN RACE FOR VICE PRESIDENCY (Continued from page.1.) Milton Klrod, a former publicity director for the klan, who said he spoke with the full authority of Dr. Evans, but the imperial wiz ard denied he had made or auth orized such a statement or taken other part In the convention pre 1 minaries and Senator Watson disavowed any connection with lhe incident of the klan. One other splash in the unusual ly tranquil convention pond was by the Wisconsin followers or. Kob- ert M. lAFollette who made a. public demand that the party plat form formally condemn .the oin- cial records of Albert M- Fall and Harry M. Daugherty and commit the president to an extra session this summer to pass farm relief. reclamation and railroad legisla tion. A suggested platform which will be offered with La Follett's ap proval would commend the republicans who voted against the Mellon tax plan and would single out for particular praise various members of the senate Insurgent group for their individual activi ties during the session of congres3 Just closed."' IDEAL HARD TO , REACH, SAYS DOHEY (Continued from p&e 1) wree Ruth Fields. Arlie TValker. Robin Fisher. Mary Findley. Cecil Shotwell ant Edna Jennison. Associations Join 4n-the evening the Christian as sociations held their anniversary service in the Presbyterian church. Jenelle Vendevort and Merle Con ner, presidents of the associations for the com'ng year, were leaders. Rev. Ward Willis Long address! the students on "Campus Christi anity." using as his text "Now V.'e Are Ambassadors of Christ b-- ye reconciled to God." He stress?! the need of placing Christian en terprises before all others and tlif need of Christian ethics in ; the world. Speaking of the workot the YM and the YWCA. he corj mended I's efforts as being; trt mendously worth while in a ihnd when "the universities of tha country are on trial." Monday evening Dr. and Mrs. Doney gave their annual recepUsa fn Lausanne, hall. Seniors, alun- r.l. thetr guests, trustees, students fnd their friends were anions hore attending. All of the mf v bers ,of the senior class were in the receiving line to receive th good wishes of their fellow stuJ entg and friends. - L1s Day Features , The feature of today's com mencement program of interest to the'filends of the university will be the lass day exercises to La held in the university chapel at 2 o'clock. Each of the classes la to present a stunt and at 3:30 .the senior class will give their annual play, "The Man Next Door." Mem bers of Willamette's athletic teams and its debate teams will receive their awards as a part of the pro gram. The presentation of the senior class gift, a donation of $300. for use in purchasing bleach ers for the Jew gymnasium, will also have a place on the program.. The annual alumni banquet is to be held tonight at 6 o'clock at the First Methodist church. Jus tice George M. Brown of the state supreme court will be the princi pal speaker. The banquet is In special honor of the classes . of 1874. 1899. 1910 and 1921. Leon Jennison has charge of the ar rangements and decorations. Tcn-Yeiir lteunion i An interesting meeting of to night will be the 10-year reunion of the class of '14 at the home of Mary Pigler Gobell. At the time of their graduation this class de cided upon ,the reunion which will be held tonight and the cla?s prophesy which, for 10 years, has been burled in the flower bed in front of Eaton hall, will be dug up and read to the old gride. Tomorrow morning Mrs. Sherwood will entertain the class at a break fast at her home. at I I w. PRATUM -PRATUM. Ore.. June 7. At last the dream of an age has ronie true, the county paving crew Is jouring the hot stuff on the main street running through Pratuni connecting It up with the rest of the world by way of Salem and forever raising it out of the mud and dust. The roadbed has been under construction for several years and the foundation is in an excellent shape. Not only to the farmers and business men of Pratum profit by the fine paved street, but automobile dealers have already made a number t;f sales. Among the latest are A. Dowen and S. Yates. The annual Mennonite Sunday School and Christian Endeavor convention will be held here nntt Sunday. A number of choirs in cluding one from P-M is and Hi'! Pratum Methodist choir are goin to join in with the choir of t: Mennonite church under t'.. .vy efficient leadership or L. J. Steiner.