The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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- .
iff NEWS
Ktwanlans Meet Tuewlay " '
Information a' to" ttie ' Identity
of the epeaWer at the Kiwanis
luncheon next Tuesday is njot con
tained in the weekly letter. There
will be no special musics Atten
tion Is called to the obserrance of
"Ail Kiwanla night," Jflne 16, to
be observed here at the Marion
hotel : at 6:45 o'clock, the "stero
hour." 'This hour' is being ob
peryed simultaneously in all the
zones and clubs and the Denver
Auction Sale Tuesday
Home seekers and speculators,
here's your chance, 5 room house
and furniture at auction. 10S0
Norway, Tues. next, 1:30 p. ni.
Terms, $300 cash, bal. $20 per
month atv 6 per cent. Who
wouldn't own a home. jS
Highway la Opened-
'Hard surface between Capitol
red North Fifth was opened " to
traffic yesterday, giving residents
of the north end of town addition
concrete surface for their convenience.
p One to secure $1,000 loan on
200 acres of land. Soeolofsky.
341 State: jlO
Benefit Vegetables Sold
' For the benefit of the families,
of the truck driver who was killed
and the two men sent to the Salem
hospital, vegetables' were sold on
the street yesterday from the ill
la ted truck which featured in the
at the
He Sure and Hear
Mr, andt Mrs. Vincent
3 First .Congregational church to
night. ; They are noted for their
s splendid Sunday evening program.
t iau iu near luciUf tiici-
body welcome.
Sues on Note : - -'
'Suit of $3000 was filed in the
circuit court yesterday byt Frances
Kuenstln -against Frank- Perk ett
and wife. "Judgement for'.tno en
tire amount, foreclosure of a mort
gage and the right to purchase the
property is sought. The note was
given June 18, 1921.
Baseball - - ; -
'' Yeomen vs Hopmere Colts',
'Sunday, 2:30 p. m. Oxford park.
3Tay .Recover Costs
' Watson, Bloon may recover
nothing and J. C. Evans, the de
fendant may recover costs of the
case,: according to a Judgment
Bigned yesterday by .Judge Percy
R. Kelly. ' " . ,
,' '-. h -
SIltjasoBClcaJanceSale -
Of millinery at the French Shop,
If. J3uffe Morrison. J 38
raxl-JDriver Fined-- '. .. ; ; ,
For leaving hia engine running
. rhile no one was in the machine,
R. EL Hurst, Jocal taxi driver, was
fined $5 in the police court Satur-
' day., '"," . . . ,..
Special Sal
On. . all stamped goods at tha
Elite-this week; 329 Oregon Wdg.
County Commencement Soo
. County graduation exercises for
eighth grade pupils will: be held
in the1 auditorium" of r tbe Salem
high school next Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Between 250
; s. a STONE, ELD,
General Office Pract?
. Cancers Treated
Office. Tyler Thrag BtorO
JS7 8. Commercial Street
ims. UOYEB
147 W. Com'L Room 8.
I -
1 5uys Fornitae
"ill Oregon Bldg. rhone 457
TheSeavy BelT Insurance
r Agency
' General Insurance
"Billy" Bell
: Vm. Neimeyer.
Druggist "
In Business For Tour ,
' Health
175 N. ComO. Phone 167
and 300 pupil's are 'expected to at
tend. fr. J. S. Landers', president
of the Oregon normal school, at
Monmouth, will be the principal
speaker. Special music " is being
arranged, j ; . ;
Special Sale : J )
Of fur chokers in stone martin,
squirrel and silver fox. French
Shop, 115 Masonic Temple. jS
Leasing Yannke Ranch -
Permission to sell livestock be
cuging to the estate of Russell
Catlin and to lease the . Yannke
ranch-to Silbert Tinsley has been
glven Mrs. Sybil C. Catlin, execu
trix of the estate, by Judge W. H.
Downing. - In addition she may
also lease the store-room' in the
Gray block, 115 North Liberty.
Osteopathy for Gold
Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon bldg.
jne 8 . I
VIck Estate Appraised
Anna Vick left an estate valued
at $17,474.19, according, to a re
port filed with the county clerk
by Walter B.'Minier, Frank Lynch
and Anna Tasto, appraisers.. A.
F. Homyer' is executor' of the es
tate.. - i . . .
Fire Engines S Called
The fire engines responded to a
call about 8 o'clock last night to
Leslie and University streets. A
roof fire which -was breaking into
a small blaze was quickly extin
guished.' Little damage resulted.
Auction Sale Tuesday-
Auction sale city home and fur
niture, 1 0 SO j Norway, corner N.
Summer, Tuesday next, 1:30 p.
m. Terms easy. .See ad.--- J8
Carlson . Manages . Telegraph
Victor D. Carlson, student " at
Willamette university, will he in
cnarge of the local office of the
Western Union Telegranh comnanv
during the absence of Eric Butler,
wh9 . left , lasts night f or.Toronto.
Ont.. to attend the annual 'conven
tion of the Rotary cluh. Upon. Mr.
Butler's return Mr. Carlson will
act a3 district relief -manager for
ihe remainder of the summer.
Women Wanted
: To work in. strawberries at Starr
Fruit Products Co., Corner Church
and MI1L Phone; 43 9. , Jne 8
Injured 3Ian Improving
' Though he will , he confined to
his bed for another .week at least,
W. S. Birdwell, Hoyt and Commer
cial, is resting fairly easily after
a serious accident Thursday night.
Mr. Birdwell was employed on a
grade roller and stepped back to
find -out what was the matter with
some part of the machine. He was
thrown , to the ground and the
heavy roller, passed over one leg.
The accident occurred while; the
machine was 'rolling gravel on s
railroad crossing, and this pre
vented any bones f ro'm being
broken. It is expected that it will
be several weeks before Mr. Bird
well -Is able to walk without the
aid of crutches, lor his leg was
badly bruised.!
$300 Dowb-;1 ? " .
Balance $25 a month, takes new
three-room cottage. Plaster, hot
water, bath, etc. Qnick posses
sion. Becke & Hendricks. U. S.
Bank bldg. ;5. j ,;- J8
Welcome Itotarlans '
-When the special train carry
ing Rotarians from district No. 2,
comprising California, Hawaii, and
parts-of Arizona : and Nevada,
passed through. Salem on the way
to the international convention in
Nelson & Hunt Drug Store,,
. Court and Liberty, orA!
Studio, 679 jNorth Cottage :
Can for litre without 'driver.
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service '
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $23 to $43
Men's and Young Men's 1
Promotes Good Health
Cottage Cheese "
One-Third Cream
H. E. HIDEOUT, Proprietor
CslatiUiitd 1863 i
General Banking Cudnesa
Offlca Ilcsra frca 10 a. ru io 3 ts.xii i
Toronto, the Salem Rotary club
bad a welcoming committee at the
station, viiliam 'Mnnsell, pres
ident of the Portland Rotary club,
and R. H. Cook, a director in the
same club, joined the visitors here
and accompanied them to Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay and
Mr. and 'Mrs. ETic ; Butler will
leave today for Vancouver, B.: C,
where -they will board the special
train bearing delegates1 from dis
trict No. 1, comprising Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, British Colum
bia and Alaska.
Referee Sale i ' i f
At 10 o'clock. F. Ni Derby will
sell about 2 acres of land on 2105
North Front street, Monday, June
9th. ' ,'t ; Jne8
Wants Truck or 3Ioney '
Judgment for $1000 if a truck
is not returned is1 the busl3 of a
suit filed in-the circuit court by
Charles E. Lebond, -Julia Webster
and Fred Frit2e against Carl
Sduthworth. The machine was
brought to - Marion from Lane
county, without permission, it is
alleged.. . ! I
Midseason Clearance Sale
Of millinery at the French Shop,
M. Buffe Morrison. J8
Presented With Medal
While in Portland Friday night
Bolton Hamble, of the Gray Belle,
was presented with a gold past
Ftate commander's medal by the
Veterans of Foreign WarsJ Mr.
Hamble was In Salem Saturday
morning but returned to Portland
last night. " !
First Class Oak Wood ! '
For a few days. Fred E. Wells,
280 S. Church. Phone 1542.
Papers Being Graded
Work of grading the eighth
grade 'papers' 'submitted -at the
June examination is well under
way and' should be completed ear
ly next week, it was announced at
the office of .the county school
superintendent Saturday.
S pecial izin g T
On 15 hats, our sale. French
Shop, 115 N. High St. M. Buffe
Morrison; ' : - ; f J8
Little Trout Expensive it.. . K
r' Trout under six Inches in length
proved expensive for Paul Rieck,
who was found by Henry Steven
son, game - warden, with some of
the under-sized fislrin his posses
sion. Rieck was. lined $30 in the
justice court yesterday.
For Rent, Four Houses
One flat, all taodern, 4 ho 8
rooms, $22.50 to $40. . Becke &
Hendricks. U. S. Bank bldg. j8
DAVENPORT At the residence
en the Jefferson road about 3
miles south of Salem, Saturday,
June 7, 1924, Mrs. Emma Dav
enport, 56 years of age. Sur
vived by her husband, William
Davenport, and the following
childrenMrs. Olive May Hawk.
Mrs. Blanch Miller, Mrs. Mil-
dred Schaller, ivmilam R. Dav
enport, Glen LeRoy Davenport
and Orville J. Davenport, all of
Salem. Announcement of fun
eral arrangements will" be an
nounced later from the Rigdoq
mortuary. ' . : i
: , - !
WELLS Robert Wells died at a
' local hospital Jane 7, at the ago
of 5 rears. Survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E,
Wells." , Funeral announcements
.; later. Webb funeral parlors in
charge. -; ' . , ;
HOWARD The funeral of Doro
thy Howard, who died at a local
hospital June 6, 1924, will he
held, at the Fruitland Evangel
cal church Monday, June 9, at 2
; p. m. , Rev. Paul Poling will
have charge of services. Inter
menf will be in Lee Mission
cemetery. . Webb funeral par
lors in charge of arrangements.
Funeral services; for the late
Mary A. Riland, who died June 5
at the age of 51 years, will be
held at "Xebanon, Or., Monday,
June 9, at 9:30 a.. m. Interment
Lebanon 'cemetery. .Funeral cor
tege will Jeave ' Salem mortuary
Monday morning, '7:30 Short
services, will be held at the chapel
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.
r-" nuijaii awn
rtnizBAXi DranoTOM
..' t 1 '
71ia 168S .
ZraeUat Wik ICodrnt Mat
: ' '. .-" - f
Expert Kmhal naers -;
SOS Chwek-r-PkMa IIS
- uomrcAm
. ". J7aeanaled Earvtol
tis'i. XncWPkoM us
Births are nrportetl
. Birth reports coming to the of
fice of the cityjiealth officer dur
ing the last two days' announce the
arrivals of Wannetta Eva, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Moore, of Route
3,' on June 3; Ronald Horace,
to Mr. and, Mrs. M. Burgen, who
live southeast of Salem, on May
31; Margaret to Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Tucker, 1950 1 Fair
mount, June 4; Merle Janet, to
Mr. and Mrs. Guy O. Boyce, 1795
South High, and bessie Margaret,
t: Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Wilson, 160
Court, on May .31. The date, of
the birth of Merle Boyce was not
given on the report.
Baseball -
r Yeoman vs .Hopmere Colts.
Sunday, 2:30 p. m. Oxford park.
, . jne8
St. Paul Graduates .
Graduation exercises for. seven
eighth grade public schools pupils
and eight students from the St.
Paul Union high school were held
Friday night. The diplomas were
presented by' Mary L. Fulkerson,
county school superintendent. The
two commencements were held
from the same jlace, that of the
public schools preceeding the hih
school. Two separate programs
were given.
Some . Farmer - .
Here's 80 acres, mostly cleared,
with buildings, 5 miles to Salem,
excellent road, .mostly paved,, price
$8,000. Immediate .possession.
Becke & v Hendricks. U. S. Bank
bldg. JS
Final Account Ing Filed
Final accounting of the estate
of James D. Mann was filed in the
county clerk's office yesterday by
Sarah Mann, executrix. ; The
crtate has a valuation of $3638.85.
Midseason Clearance Sale
Of millinery at the French Bhop,
M. Buffe Morrison. r J
Annual School Meeting -
: The annual school meeting ; of
clerks and directors' Ixeld
Monday, June 16. All clerks and
directors, with the exception I
Portland . and the union high
school districts, will meet at-Jhis
time. Reports are now. being pre
pared. These -meetings are held
fn each of the second and third
Class districts and under the law
etl least one clerk am d director
must be' elected.
Gladiolus and Other
Cut flowers at Maruny's.
City Almost Pure
Health conditions are the best
now : thanv they have been for
months for only one contagious
disease, " that of . a case of diph
theria was reported to Dr. TVI1
liam B. "Mott, city health officer,
during the.week just passed.
Goitre Cause and Cure "
1 Learn the truth. Dr. .Redmond,
328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1638.
jne 8
Objections are Filed '
Frank Bell has filed his objec
tions to the final report of .the
executor of the estate of Theresa
Osteopathy, the Original .
A genuine spinal treatment. Dr.
Marshall, 228 Oregon bldg. jne8
Administratrix Named
Susie C. Chamberlain, 1303
North Eighteenth, has been named
administratrix of the estate of
Emery C. Chamberlain, who died
in Portland on May 17. - u
Dr. Anne Brekke, Osteopathic
i Phone 859-469J. Jne8
Menth to Leave
; Heinle Menth, who has been
nitcMne lor thV) Senators, has
signed a contract to play with th
Longview team. Differpnce in re
muneration for his services was
the deciding factor. Menth has
an enviable reputation as a batter
and pitcher,' as he Hit over 400
per cent in the Belllngham league
last year. - . t . i-
Ponltry Keepers
Last baby chicks for 1924 on
sale next ; Tuesday and ; Wednes
day. Reduced prices on all varie
ties. Call afternoons. Salem
Chickeries, 558 State St. jne8
No Duplicatio:
; After an Investigation of the 're
ported dupllqatloiof automobile
license plates'by an employe -of the
Irwin-Hodson' company of Port
land, 8am A. Kozer, secretary of
state, and T..A.; Raf f ety, chief state
traffic Inspector, are convinved
that there has been no such dupli
cation. J They have discovered one
sample set of plates and one de
fective set, both of which got Into
the possession of an employe tf
the Irwin-Hodson company, - and
one of which, he .gave to Paul
Pierre, a Portland traffic officer.
Some .Investor
Here'soa new bungalow, for. saW
$ 3 7 0 0. Rents $ 4 O. Becke ic Hen
dricks. U. S. Bank bldg. , j8
Undergoes Operation .
Miss Marie King, of SalemC un
derwent a serious operation at the
Salem hospital Saturday. tV
Midseason Clearance Sale
Of millinery at the French. Shop.
M. Buffe Morrison. ; . JS
Here From Marshfield -!
,Mrs. J. W. Mclnturff, of Marsh
field, departmental secretary for
the Oregon Ladies auxiliary to the
American ; legion is spending tbe
week-end in Salem with her
nioth; VMrs. Welborn, of Ferry
street.-- Mr. Mclnturff is on her
ay to the .state - convention or
the American . legion in Portland,
next week. i While here she met
Nvith' the officers of the local unit.
Something New
The Bungalow Beauty Shoppe.'
All lines of Beauty work. You'll
like the care we take of your hair.
Phone: 93 8R for appointment or
call at 250 S. Cottage St. jne8
Debate Council Elects .
Ralph Emmons, Willametie de
bater, was yesterday chosen to
head the forensic council of the
.university for next year. In. per
suance of his office, Emmons will
have charge of the arrangement of
the schedule and the management
of the debates and oratorical con
tests. Indications promise a for
midable list of opponents for the
Willamette varsity ; forensic men
and women next year. Negotiaions
have already begun for return de
bates with several of the larger
schools that Willamette met dur
ing the past season. The other
members. -of the : forensie- council
directing the forensic .activities of
the school are Nadie Strayer, Ice
land Chapln and Coaches Erkk
son and Hardiqg.
$."iOO Down
Balance $23 month takes trim
bungalow with fireplace and ' ce4
men t basement at 1565 S. Cottager
Price $2800. Good buy. Becke &
Hendricks, U.S. Bank.bldg. ' J8
Companv F to Entral
' ,The Salem contingent of . the
Oregon national guard will en
train .Tuesday, morning about 5
o'clock for Portland, going direct
ly through with other units of the
guard to Camp Lewis for the an
nual training period of 15 days.
Southern Oregon units will entrain
Monday evening. ' . '
Seniotf Rreakfast , Scheduled
Members. of the senior class of
tbe university wjl hold jhe. an-i
nual breakfast in. Bush's pasture
Monday, morning when they will
gather for the last time as a class
In a social affair. Only members
of the class will be present ;and
when the affair breaks nip5 it'wlll
be with the sadness of farewell.
Osteopathy for Children
Dr. .Marshall, 228 Oregon bldg.
jne S . j : l '- , .
Elks Picnic -Dated
I The annual picnic, of the Salem
Elks' lodge will be held at the
Silverton park Sunday,. June .9,
according to official announcement
from the lodge.
Just Returned
from the' Electronic Convention
at Kansas City and have in
stalled the latest equipment for
the diagnosis and treatment of
disease ; ( Dr. , Abrams' method ) .
i "Dr. B. If. WlUte
, ROfl U. 8. Itank. Uldg.
. Salem, Oregon .
f . if lift i
" '"Ml
505 North High Street
R e a d .the Classified Ads.
For the Best of Food
Well served In attractive surroundings :
I You'll thoroughly enjoy the Spa
I y ' Complete a la Carte Service
; , Special Sunday Dinner $1 .00
Service From 12 P. M. to 8:30 P. M.
v ' .Merry Widow Cocktail 1 V"
Chicken a La Velorol
Consomme Julienne - " -'
I.,., -iA. -.. . Chofee'6f "---if
' - Broiled Squab Chicken on Toast- - ; . -
Stuffed Corn-Fed Turkey with Loganberry Jelly .
Brazed Oregon Capon , with Giblet "Dressing"
Prime Ribs of . Beef Au Jus
Whipped Cream Potatoes '
s.' . Creamed New. Peas :
Hot Bread . ,t .
Tomato, Asparagus, Lettuce with Thousand Island
" ' Dressing
Choice of Dessert
ilce Cream Jello Cake Pudding or' Pie
. Tea Coffee ,MHk - '
Spa Ice Cream has an old-fashioned deliciousness that is
' unique and satisfying AT THE SPA ONLY
't Latest and Best
; Equipment Used
- There are thousands of pairs of correctly-fitted glasses in and "
around .Salem. I know they are correctly fitted, for I did the
work myself. There is no guesswork about it! "
I have heen fitting glasses for more than a third of a cen
tury, and I take pride in tittiug each and every pair correctly.
The necessary skill to achieve such, results ean be acquired
only by years of close study and actlve,practical experience. In
. fact, scientific knowledge. of the highest; order is required to
recognize and properly correct defects of vision.
It is extremely unsafe to permit anyone, not thoroughly qual
ified, to test your eyesight and prescribe glasses for you. I pos
itively will not recommend glasses aniens , they: are ueoesary, and
you will find that my prices are very reasonable for the service
aiul the materials you will receive.
I guarantee xatLsf action in every .respect. !
, . I do not belong to any; combine .
. PJone 723 for Appointments . '
Dr. M. P. Mendelshoii
A Eye Specialist .
Booms 210-211 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Oregon fdj andJaparCoo
, Salem, Oresoa
Sulphite, aiid JIanila Wrapping, tlso CBtc!:era TTrr
pings, Adding Machine Paper, -Greastprccf, Glirrlz;,
Jbivz Bond, TisssoScMeiui rnd.SpscisJtir3a
City "Home? and ;JFiirni tufe atr f
1080 Norway Street, Corner N. Summer - 'J
Tuesday; Next, June ;10, 1:30 P, T1. .
. Five-roomed house with bath, toilet, electric
lights,' front and side porches, woodshed, lot 50x125
ft.; alsa &ihole. range Jbeater,. besprjnsLJ1 ai I
-tresses, dressers, rugs, good refrigerator, chairs,
tables, sanitary, couch, garden tools, lawn mower,
,75 ft. good. rubber garden hose, canned "fniit," empty
jars and lots of other things. t "'"'. j
Terms on personal property, cash, on real property.
: $300 cash, balance $20, per month. at 6 per cent in- m
' terest; Good abstract, and a fine location. Don't -miss
this sale if you want a bargain in a home. , I
B? R, COMBS, Owner.
Auctioneer,; Phone 511
7'If you want to sell your Furniture or have an auction
, ; See Woodry" ; .
"With Extra
T.-Paats - .
; .Made to Measure
All Pure Wool
,"V Perfect Fit
f Prompt Delivery
Made to Measure
The Fourth Will Soon
U jBe Here
Don't Wait Until the
Last Minute and Take
Something Yqu -Don't
Select vour rjattern and Jet us .take your, measure for a suit that is a suit garments
you will be proud to wear ounday or any ouieraay. y ur tailoring is tne nijjnest ciass
Yet our prices are most, reasonable. VPme anaee.tqrourseltnat we ftaye to clfcr,
Scotch Wcief
1 .
1 1