' THE BRECON STATESMAN- SALEM, OREGON ' ' SUNDAY MORNING; JUNE 8, 1921 " 's:Mm mMsm&mwmj? MMMMwMfZ: - - - - i j -. t m. x a : .' . r-nw - at r ijf - , - 5.-1 w- a -"r m. - a? "- m - . m a waaaaa- a -v 'mv- 1 is"" a -- rut - a. m. m . - a c , . a - a .. v . v 1 . m " . n. STAGES f t i 1 Jim NESKOWIiT NET ARTS HAPPY CAMP OCEANSIDE GABABALDI SAI.TAIB ROCKAWAY LAKE LYTLE MANHATTAN MASZANITA NEAH-KAH NIE CANNON BEACH SEASIDE GEAB.HART LOO as' registered by States man Scout, distances taken frdm speedometer readings. . Leaving , Salem worn corner of Commercial and Chemeketa street and crossing the bridge that spans the Willamette river; . entering Polk county and enjoying paved . roads as you travel westward, you arrive at Rickreall, which i3 just 10 miles from Salem. , FUMJ2R SEIlnCK STATION AXI CXXFECTIOXERY All kinds of fabricating Oils Rickreall. Oregon From Rickreall take the. west side Pacific highway and travel north to Amity! This -road !s all paved wim the exception of a quarter mile where ; the road crosses the Southern Pacific elec tric line. Amity . is 23. miles from Salem. At Amity you hare your choice of traveling 14 miles by pavement or 6.6 miles by grav el road to Bellevue. If you wish the pavement route, head straight north on the highway from Amity fori miles where a paved road forks to the left. Distance from Salem 29.6 miles. From here you travel west for ST miles to Belle rue. If you wish to : take the shorter but gravel road from Am ity, turn west and you will find a fair gravel road which, will lead you to Bellevue, which is just 30 miles from Salem. This is the more direct route and all dis tances from Salem to the coast will be figured by this route. From Bellevue to Sheridan a distance of 4.4 mllesr there is excellent pave ment. On entering Sheridan you cannot help but note the sign: "You Name It We Grow t It." Sheridan is 34.4 miles from Sa lem. : EAT at the t IDEAL CAFE Sheridan, Oregon J SHERIDAN SERVICE . STATION : .t . Fainted Yellow ' D. E. GRIN'DEIjL, Prop. Oil, Gai, Tlres Tabea, Aeeesiorlea. Comfort Station Quick Serrice 1 SHERIDAN, OREGON " i At Sheridan you leave the pave ment, but there is an excellent gravel toad to Wlllamina, a dis tance ot nearly 5 miles. , Willa ralna registers J0.3 miles by the 1 speedometer: from Salem. . O. V. H1U - Geo. H. ConghUa WILLA1IINA GARAGE Tlf and- Aeori J Repairinc on All Car Batteries Recharged Acetylene Wp'.dins ' Ga and Oil t IADIES' RKST KOOM Willamint, Oregon ; Cross the Willaraina river and after traveling, about 6H miles you will come to a fork in the road. The main higa way turns to the right . here but those' wishing to see New, Grande Ronde,should. take . the road . straight ahead which joins the highway again in 3 miles and, makes the total dis tance no, further. Two miles from this fork of the road, you will ar rive at Grande Ronde which is 47.9 miles from Salem. ii-.--,- GRAND RONDE An Ideal Spot to Spend a Day Nice Carriping Good Fishing You . Will Be . Welcome Here GRAND RONDE GARAGE -? Grande Ronde Oregon August Baunach, . Prop. Going north from Grand Ronde , 1 Vi miles yoa win again be on the i5hway. Thi3 place is the Old Grande Rondo' and is 49.3 miles from. Salem. I I . Stop at lfu OLI GRAND ROXDK HOTEL, for a bfg After leaving Old Grande Ronde thu road leads4 gradually upward through t!mber and 6ver a well graded and well kept highway to the summit of the Coast range mountains which is 700 feet above sea level. ' The summit is 57.7 miles from Salem. A few - miles further and you enter Tillamook county and in less than another mile you arrive at Dolph which is 61 miles frond Salem. . Natural Sulphur Springs Attractive Camping Grounds Sulphur Springs Hotel Dolph, Oregon . .- t Gas, Oily Accessories, Store Day and Night Restaurant Service Fishermen's: Accommodations -From Dolph to Ilebo, a grad ual downward grade, you will find good gravel roads. Hebo is 72 miles from Salem. s ARROW GARAGE If. Arstell, Prop. Hebo, Oregon Oils, Gas, Repairing, Accessories Reliable , and Dependable Service Towing Service Phone 8X15 Cloverdale Exchange From Hebo we will first give directions to the closest beaches. Turn to your, left at Hebo and take the Roosevelt highway which runs south and west 2 Vz miles to Cloverdale which Is 74.5 miles from Salem High's Drug Store j. l ) for 3 -: : -' -" ; : I .: . Kodak Films, Magazines Candies, Bathing Caps, ; Confpleiion Powders and Creams i CLOVERDALE OREGON Cloverdale Hotel Mrs. J. A. Lucy, Prop. ; Clean Comfortable Rooms . Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Dining Room in Connection j. ; - t : On the Nestucca River . Good Fishing ! CLOVERDALE OREGON Two and v one-half miles from Cloverdale J take the right hand road, leaving the Roosevelt high way, for Pacific City. In a quar ter of a m le from this point you will note a sign "Brooten's Baths," which is located off the Pacific City road about a milo and up quite 4 steep grade,' but the road is ' all - planked. Brooten Baths, is 78.5 miles from Salem. Brooten's jBath II. II, Brooten, Prop! KELP, ORE. "Nature's Health Gift From the Ocean." One mll off main road to Pa cific City. , Watch for sign three miles this side of Pacific City. , j . j . Cottages for Rent. Handy to Butter Clams, Floun- s .... ' ders and Salmon fishing. One mile to . ocean. Wonderful view.; , j- I FREE CAMP GROUND 'Address Cloverdale, Ore. FROM SALEM Complete information, giving distances to all information to the pleasure seekers as Continuing on the Tacific'City road you reach Woods which Is 80 miles from Salem. BABCOCK'S Alva Ba brock. Proprietory Store ami Apartments Restaurant In Connection Boot. fOr pr dav. Apt, $1 per day. FUKK FKRKY. G a. m. to 7 p. m. WOODS, OREGON Stop At M JEFF FLECK'S for Groceries Campers' Supplies. "-; Fishing Tackle, Boats to Rent Cottages, Lunches and Confec tionery. Free Camp Ground. WOODS, - OREGON Arriving at Pacific City yon will find that you have traveled 80.6 miles from Salem and that you areat the nearest beach. Hotel Edmunds Mrs. D. T. Edmunds," Prop. First-Class Accommodation Excellent Dining Room Service Sea Food A Specialty. , Wire or Phone for Reservations Pacific City, Oregon PACIFIC CITY BEACH Salem's Nearest Beach by Auto Stage leaves terminal three times daily for Pacific City via McMinhville. ' This beach pos sesses more natural attractions than any other beach on the Oregon coast. f A scenic beach paralelled wlthi in five hundred feet, by the beautiful Nestucca river, teem ing with every rarlety of fish salmon, trout, clams, crabs, etc, Accommodations: Hotel, Cot tages, Apartments, Tent Houses -Spacious, 'protected camp grounds wooded hills. I Note tills nnparalelled combi nation. An ocean bench and river fishing, boating I and bathing. All within three min utes falk. J ; Baseball games, concerts, danc ing r-children's playgrounds and other amusements. 1 For Particulars Write F. R. Deals, Pacific City, Ore. ' Going back to the Roosevelt highway 3.8 miles ;from Pacific City you again travel west and south for 8.2 miles and you arrive at Nescowin, a new- resort right on the ocean add 85.2 miles from Salem: . . .. : Ij. . Hayries Park; Camps -Xmvly Furnished Complete Kx repting Pillows and" Blankets Phoney itS7 Cloverdale f ' . Kxfhange XESKOWIX.'OREGOX " ' Arriving back at, Hebo turn west on the highway and in 4.6 miles you will reach Beaver and pavement. - Beaver - Is 76.6 miles from Salem. - TO TILLAMOOK AND CLATSOP COUNTY BEACHES W. J. GILBERT G-nei-al Merrhnndiso Special In Honey and Cheese Lunch Goods BEAVKR, OREGON This pavement lasts for 5 miles but after another 3 miles you ar rive at Pleasant Valley which is S4.2 miles from Salem. PLEASANT VALLEY STORE Croceries Ice Cream Candies Oil and Gas MOItSMAXDELLIS Just after leaving Pleasant Val ley you again strike pavement, which lasts all the way to Tilla mook. Tillamook is 93 miles from Salem.. .. . V:'. i , ' . SUNSET GARAGE Tillamook, Oregon ; Everything for, Your Automobile ; Hoc the Dahlias Eat at the .AMERICAN CAFE 100 Per Cent ' WETHKOW BROS, Props. DAY and KIGIIT SERVICE Information to All Tourist Tillamook, Oregon A. C. EVERSON ' REALTOR Specializing in Exchanges. What 1 have you? ; TILLAMOOK, OREGON If you want to reach the beaqhes west of Tillamook, turn west on Third street. The - road is pared for two miles where you crcfsB the Tillamook, river. After crossing the bridge take the left hand road. There is good gravel road for 1' miles then 1M miles of plank road through some big timber. At a distance of 5.8 miles from Tillamook there is an other fork in the road. Take the right hand road here. Two miles further and youarrive at Netarts, which is 100.7 miles from Salem or 7.7 miles from Tillamook. . NETARTS TOURIST CAMP rhe Home 'of Clams nnd Crabs Furnished Cottages and Tent Houses - Fine View of Bay nd Ocean The Finest r and Kleanest Kamp on the Koast. . 1 ' '. M. It. Terry & Chaa. Terry. ; , ' ' Props. NETART'S CAiyiP Cottages and Tents, Houses and Camping Privileges close to beach. Pure water, clams, boating, bathing, etc. A. N. DAVIES Netarts, Ore. Bell phone OF3 Less than a half mile further on you arrive at "Happy Camp" which Is 101 miles from Salem. HAPPY CAMP 51 Furnished Cottages and I : Tents ;, : ; . ',, Only 1t wtpr bar on ttie ctt. Good fishins, nneifelled beach noted for it - rlami. craba and boating spring water 98 pure. Clam beds are locate 200 yards from ramps and crabbing 50 yards. Kestaurant in con nection. Round trip tickets sold by S. P. and stage lines to Netarts via McMinnTille. . ..... - ; r, . . : : : Step from ypur door to the - " beach New Bulkhead 5 New Boats Seven miles from f Tillamook v . Phone 0F3 NETARTS . , V" OREGON Two miles further, north" after winding over a rather steep but well-planked road you arrive at Oceanside the' end of. the trail. Oceanside is 10 miles from Tilla mook and 103 miles from Salem. points and the road conditions, also giving full to where they may. find what they want. Oceanside Oregon's newest and most scenic Beach Resort, formerly known as Maxwell's Point. Situated 9 miles from Tilla mook City, ' combination of Rugged : Mountains, Caves, Sandy Beach and wonderful scenery.. Pure'Mountain water, health-giving air and modern sanitary conditions. Dancing, Bathing, Deep Sea Fishing, store, postoffice, restaurant. Long Distance Phone, crab ami clam market. Well equipped children's play grounds, shute-the-shute, bath house etc. A paradise for the summer vaca tion. Furnished cottages and tent houses, all new. 8. P. through; tickets to Oceanside and direct stage connections at Tillamook. . - Write Allen & Fleming for Reservations of Cottages, Tilla mook, Ore. 1 . Write Rosenberg Bros, for General Information, Lots, etc., Tillamook, Ore. Those who desire to go to Bay City, Garibaldi Saltair, Itocfka way and Lake Lytle, keep on the highway, going straight north from Tillamook. Bay City is 7 miles from Tillamook and 100 miles from Salem. Follow the pavement here, which will lead you through the main business street. ! ALLEN DRUG CO. On the pavement BAY CITY, OREGON Kodak Films and v 'Developing Fountain Lunch With service that will p!ee The next place beyond Bay City 13 Miami wherethe road .forks, the road to the right leading to Seaside and to the left to Garibal di, which' is a mile further on. Garibaldi is 104.4 miles from Sa lem. I Garibaldi Beach Hotel Home Cooking Family Style Clean Rooms ' - Boats For Rent Good Clams and Crabs F. B.'Wickler, Prop. ' Traveling from here along the shore line passing through Bar view, and Twin Rocks, you arrive at Saltair which is 109 miles from Salem. DAVIES STORE W. A. Davles, Prop. SALTAIR, OREGON Groceries, Hardware, Gasoline, Oil- Real Estate. ROckaway is less than a mile further north or 109.7 miles from Salem. r VISIT THE ROCKAWAY Mrs. Anna L. Bittick, Prop. Right at Depot, Rockaway. Rooms $1.50 and $2.50 Per Day. Sohler & Duncan Confectionery Pool Bowling ROCKAWAY, OREGON Sundaes - Smiles - Service One mile further north is-"Lake Lytle which la a distance of 110.4 miles from Salem. AMERICAN PL A N Julia M. Parker, IVlr. . Lake Lytle Hotel Largest and. Most : Modern on-Tillamook Beaches 'Twixt ocean and lake. An ideal place for a summer's out ing if you enjoy the Wondrous attractions of the ocean, moun tains and lakes." 1 - i A Specialty of Sea Foods and Sunday Dinners Southern Pacific Station at ; ; , . Hotel Pi O. Roc ka way, Oregon" Another half mile and you ar rive at Manhattan which is 111 miles from Salem.; The road ends a little way beyond Manhattan. ' A contract has been let for the con struction of the road around Jetty Point and when this is completed the distance between the Tilla mook county beaches will be con siderably shortened. , Hotel Manhattan MRS. MILLIE OLSON hostess MANHATTAN-' BEACH OREGON - Coming back to Miami and tak ing the road north for 15 miles turn to the left following this road for 3 miles you will arrive at Ne halem which is 121.8 miles from Salem. Nehalem Hotel HENRY W. TOHL, Prop. Reasonable Rates , Clean outside rooms NEHALEM OREGON Two and four-tenths miles west of Nehalem over ' a good road is Manzanita Beach which is 124.2 miles form Calem. - MANZANITA INN MANZANITA, ORE. Manzanita Beach Is one of the beatity spots of the Oregon coast. An interesting place to spend your vacation. Good ho tel accommodations. Reason able rates. L. E. ROGERS, Prop. EMIL G. KARDELL GENERAL MERCHANDISE MARINE SHELLS and CURIOS Gasoline and Oil MANZANITA, ORE. Manzanita Beach Half Way Between Seaside and Tillamook. Four miles from main highway ; 1 Two miles from Nehalem Unexcelled ' for scenic beauty and diversity of sports, camp grounds, cottages, etc Den't buy a sit for a beach home until' you visit Manzanita. Laueda, Inc., Manzanita, Ore. Two miles- north - of Manzanita Beaclr is Neah-Kah-Nei. - NEAH-KAH-NIE TAVERN Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain . NEHALEM,- OREGON State road via Seaside or Tilla mook open July first to Septem ber third. . !; - Coming back . to the hignway head north for the Clatsoo countv beaches. . The road is' very aood - -:- I' ....... .., - . 1 .- for 18.5 miles- then the road is qnite rough but passable for 10.6 miles.' Here take the left hand road for Cannon Beach which is 144.fr miles from Salem. Cannon. Beach Auto Camp Beautiful natural surroundings with conveniences. Community house and kitchen. Electric lights, pure mountain water. Close to postoff ice, stores and beach. Service station in con nection. Courteous attention, reasonable rates. , , H. V. BROWN, Prop. HOTEL On the Ocean Front- . Unrivaled surf bathing - No undertow Cannon Ileach,- Orejon Cannon , Beach t Realty Company j . - ' - - : r - - . ' - Real Estate and insurance R. aTTRICE KENT A. PRICE ( ' ALSO- Furnished Tents and Cottages . Cannon Beach, Oregon End of the Lewis1 and Clarke Trail 1806 Lanphere Company Cannon Beach, Oregon. - ' Good Things to Eat Fruit and Vegetables in Season Fine Fountain Service Everything you may need Don't load down your car "We supply you at Portland . Prices ; Cannon Beach Postoff ice in Store . . . ,. BRALLIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE Cannon Beach, Oregon v Log cabin just across from postoff ice Headquarters for cottage rent als, fine listing of lots and acreage PEARL BRALLIER CANNON BEACH AT TOLA V ANA PARK Xew Tent Honses on Substantial Raised 1' la t form, FurnUhed for Housekeeping MAKS BESERVATIONS NOW C. I.. Vi,NAKl BS3 Morrison St. Portland, Oregon Two miles south of Cannon Beach either by the Beach or mac adem road is the Warren hotel. WARREN HOTEL Right On the Ocean Sea foods a specialty Electric lights A good macadam- road to this J hotel wonderful beach . Write for reservations . Cannon Reach . .... Oregon THE WARREN AUTO y - CAMP On the Beach front, water, wood, furnaces, tables and all equipment Rates Reasonable MS. WARREN ' Cannon Beach ; Oregon Going back 7 miles to the fork where you turned off you take the road north for a little over three miles and you arrive a Seaside, which is 148.5 miles from Salem. HOTEL ROGERS , Formerly Natatoyiiiw TrotfU' -V, SEASIDE. OREQOX ' 200 Feet from Ocean on Btoadway ' ! ltei $1.80 and TJp" Pacific City, Neskowln, Netarts, Oceanside Garibaldi, Bar View . Rockaway, Manhatt2r4 and all Til:amoox Beaches ' - Also to Dayton, Newberg, Sheri Willamina, Grand Rcr. Dolph, Hebo, IJeavcr and Tillamook (Via McMinnvilie) Leave Salem Daily 7:45 a. m 12:30 p. l:, 4:30 p. m. For Rates, etc., call Central Stage Termin; Court and High Street Ptone C9G Portland, Newberp:, McMinnvilie, TillamL. Stages, Inc. and HaiemMcllnnvtIle Mr MERitrrr & aoi: ; Transportatic:: Company Meets all Trains at Seas,: Passengers and Baggage t . Cannon Ilearh, Oregon W. M. ROBKRTS' Shooting Gallc. 417 Broadway SEASIDK . on: Aboott's Gztz i BTORAGK, "WASHING ' - Towing service, 8-hour 1 service, modern shop equij,:. A-l mechanics Fireproof building SEASIDE o: For Beach1 Property or I. x . .. . . See - Fredericli W.- C. REAIi ESTATE ' INSUnANClH SEASIDE or HOTEL SEAS! (Seaside, the Trail's End t OREGON CHAS. W. H UNLOCK, Premier ocean beach resort tel of the Pacffic North y Unexcelled cuisine. Mod. American plain, rates. Ep rates by the week. Enjoy your vacation w! ocean beach and mount r.: '; "- meet" two miles you arrive at Gearl. station. 9 Badgfer's Clxiclicii ; Dinner GEARHATtT QREGO: . On the Highway Phone 98M for reservation Turn to youV jeft for one h mile and you will arrive at Gp hart which is tho end of our tn Prom Gearhart one may return Salem via Astoria and Port! by pavement all the way, a cl tance of 180 miles. HAS DOUBLE CAPACITY SEASIDE, Or., June 7: : and Mrs. Robert S. Beckman t increased the capacity of their tel. the Rogers, to over doul1. former size. From 22 rooms, number, has moved to 42 rc Each room is equipped with i ern conveniences. Hot and Water in each. , Throughout hotel the walls are buff, whl' furnishings are in rose at ; blue with touches of black, t An' immense stone fire greets the newcomer as the opened.' . Comfortable 'over&t velvet chairs are scattered i it and a huge lounge is plac front of the blaze. Stin roc: writing room are f urnisbed i iod walnut,-with cretonne v stered chairs. Light fixturL of a harmonizing polychron: lsh.. ; Five ocean front rooms f." street on each floor and t supplied with old ivory dr table, dresser, bed and Hangings and rugs are I and rose. Rooms can be obtained without private bath. Hots! ers is run on a strictly Eur plan and. has no dining roc STATESr.I . .WANT A L Tho sho.rtest disfanco I buyer and seller.