FRIDAY MORNING. MAY SO, 1024 T THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON O K9 o n rT 1 . o 'Classiffi ed S ection SateMs Great Market Ffeee - 4 "5 : v. "J. r. lit a in4 ati :r- !7 3U OS. 3tf .f KB IW. 30 I fit arr, 128 t t V V l-iiL:,l :isti.- Jnej mpt ;; h i 1-3 f veoi 13 cRor n im- B. ay. jne x ..fing. lh25tf WOT T a. I WANTED miscellaneous 3 JOY HOME IAUXDRT WET WASH -. and' finished laandry.-Phone 17.16 TOODRT TU1 - AUCTIONIER BDT u4 fmraitaro for euk. Phone Ml . IS-aprl V ANTED KEN AND WOMEN T take hm paper subscriptions. A Boot proposition to the right peopl. Ad ream toe racuie ww ina a, oiaios mi i a ia fw p w twTj . yrr. A MISCELLANEOUS 14 WANTED LARGE HOUSE FURNISH- ed or unfurnished. Suitable tr, apts.. with gaa and garage. 8ome fruit. Be jfore noon today. Phone 1731.' l4-m30 WANTED MORE HOUSES AND Apart ments close ia to rent. i 147 N. Com. Room 6. I4m25tf a, A., A r. - aaa a a a li.'V .a aa a a., aa.aa.'.a ; ed or uufurniahed. Suitable for apta., ' with gas- and garsge. Some fruit. Be fore noon today. Phone 1751. 14-m30 wtuvrn -anc IlAfQP rl'DVTOTl. -w-uia - STTTT rRVVTH RHI.T. ROS- ton Terrier, English Bull. Fox Terrier and JUreoaie. : j-ii are rtf'""- "t ' of superior blood linea. Results guar- . anteeo. - FT.AKlC'fl PFTLAXO J 273 State. .s-jne o Roof Painting B specialty. I ean paint - your roof i green, blue, and black. We alao do re pairing aad reshingling. Call 167 and i I m" ' - "a-. aTTV TT- aa . . . a.. ja. A. aHAtxacn a iriu a-r.ri- I MBtiv TirvT'CV VT'RVTQTT. L ed or unfurnished. Suitable for apttu. I with gaa and garage. Some fruit. Be- fore noon toaay. - rnone iiai. -a-mov HELP WANTED female 17 -r- . vrrn HTfinT SEUARLE GIRL. a 1 .. - wMk- in unmll familv. Reasonable - i..m tmr emmovmeui. rnonv t75i 17-tn30tf HELP. WANTED male 18 , .wrrn PlIVTSBH THAT 1.IVE IN l ; galem. Must be good workmen. Wages a C 111 J v a OA male and f emsle 19 WASTED. 8TRAWBERRY PICKERA w . . . i a , a . a la Steady work, ueorge ztaioa, m -. - ia . 19-m30 POULTRY AND EGGS 21 IALF PRICE AN CON A EGGS. PHONE I 1UT. , 21-m30 rniniim Klkf nHICKfl At reduced pHee. White L-ghoras Beds. Barred Recks, White Racks. Mia rehaa. Aaeonaa, Buff Orpingtoas. E - . ' .... ukt walc Sales k ClsUkeriea. State. Fkans i 400. . SEX AVERAG-t H?N DOES NOT PAf f. iiT t vT.Ta v.-a bred lav -g Diniit a a w a .a - pay Big profits, and asve made hun 3eda ef poultry men wealth. Four Me trios at world eksmpios pure bred chickens will be given f re to ass aitiotia mea, women, boys aad girw Bead mama aad address aad full infor matioa will be mailed. Parebred Ckiekea Editor. Northwest Poultry Jowt aaL Salem. Oretr-a. T TWt. A ta-HOHy LOST AND FOUND ; 23 2X)8T OS THE. STREET A 50 POUND aack of Cherro Flour. Lane Morley. f v.... as ; 22-m30 !ltiUaOST--BLUE SWEATER ON WILLIAM H Ttta Tennis courts. CaU 1647W. i2-m30 koST SOMETHING FIND IT! PHONE wi. 22-mtf PERSOXAIi 23 ET MARRIED BE8T MATRIMONIAL paper puoiis-ia Ohio. ia-jB LOANS tOVERNMENT LOANS ONARMS 6 5 VTh.I bank bldg 6e atr9t KSAlt ESTATE trfty " 5 OWN YOUR HOflE THY BUY AWAY OUT WHEN YOU i ' ..! aav.l) u hnnfalow and garage viaet. finished, only two blocks south ol city iinrary irom vwn-rr. 1422J. Call ap after. 6 p. m. 25-jael LAST' TERMS HOUSE WE HAVE brand 'new bungalow wltn jmmeaiaie T.Mll..t Mnatrnetion with 'full cement basement, fireplace, etc. aAa a tlft Waala -UaaVa. SZOO tO I1W aOWl will II UV iaj. w - In. Becks Hendricks, V. S. Bank Bldg. ;2o-m30 t on iivs . 4 l.t o bvlOO with garage. Located Sin Capitol Park addition toi fj' 1 Water pipd to garage. Price $250. ! es a nA as nee month. i T " aa w a a a . T. r in .aa. i ant oa Silvertoo I read. Price $750; $10 dowa and $10 j ; per month. r . KRUEGF.R i tit V aaaaaalal St. 7bOne 217 I 25-31 COZY NEW 5 ItOOM BUNGA1 PW PAV- i ed street, garage. 35uu: uu casn. UiI, tai a - t ia. i-.i af f Ht-te Kt. Paved I ( ' .... ..--. T- . street, eemeat toanaation, j Nicf 8. room bnngslow on ear line. ( fruit, garden. S33""; terms. 7 room modern borne, large lot, ga- rare, fruit. $3500 ; $50O eash. For rent Well located garage. , Far rentGood 8 room house.. oi-dd rv f a. i kHTT.RS a X.V. a aa a- - , Phone 907 ' 2S-m30tf e-J" I TZZtnlv. WANTED WE WANT A GOOD 1 a I lia-a. ...iatl- H.dem id M Willing " - 1 to pay from $8000 to $10,000 for it. r l ' W will assume the difference and turn I 1 . mile o ir.vii ----- - good 8 room house, good barn, ehie-ea house, wood house, sheds.12 acre of 0 year old prunes, other fruit, SO acres tilU)le. balance fine oak mb',iP!!' tore. All fenced aheep tight.i Clear. Also -lO acres unimproved fruit lana 1 miles from Salem. Clear. - McGILOHRIST A PENNINGTON - 209 U. 8 tBsnk Bldg. Phonel40.- 'H-r-i t f Close in 5 ; W Best of,' Iocs t FOR SALE ' . . room house. Pavea street. Best ofi'loestion. Price $2200; terms, lew at maim knns-t. . LmWtt&l ? I in Momingside. Price $2500; Would ji 4 oxebange for house in pslem. 1 Good lot oa Soutn mi- - Price f , 85- Paving paid. Good 6 room house in J- J Balem ted J i block from SUte St. Price $4000, pt .5 1 terms; , :.: ,. Fred : J V y. Almost hew bnngslow on ssgmsw o Basement, furnace, garage, corner lot. . L.'i.J a- atreet. Beat if W l-Tt f2 bVl25. Price $2. I fiOO. $500 down. Balance to suit. mnnn I -- . 9 OH BrOad- OW"OTV la-. fc U ,t 140 o room a-M-iiy a - . , s.-a.i.. - i.t so bv 150. acaat. Jiistsnt owner. . . . . J 6 room nous an Kortk 21" F.ast front. Price $1650- a . a a. . L a" ' I a a TVa a 217 REAL ESTATE city 25 CONSIDER THERE 8 room house with one no re on paved street. Lots of fruit and berries. $6500. a room nonse win ioi, irun ana berries. $3500. Office closed until Monday. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 147 N. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon. 1 - S.Vn.30tf r - - . ' NICE 6 ROOM COTTAOE. WITH OA- tn aa m f paat I tea r.nn-t ntans n 1 si -a a. ni out. Price $3691; $1000 down, balance I Va-rmaM-l a. .... . f For rent 4 room houae, 1790 Waller at., fiu per monin. .. : See J. A. MILLS 331 State St. ' 23-m31 NEW LISTING A good 6 room bungalow, large lot, a-al ,tMA . I1a. n aaa . t 7 W $500 down, balance monthly at 6 per rent. A good buy. For trade 7 room bouse close to car , for a small acreage with house close to Salem, some good buys in vacant lots. . See THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. 25-m29tf 4 ROOM HOUSK AND BATH. 2 BLOCKS j 1 aaaaaa Vi aaa 1 a n .a a Varna M t la 7S laV 135; $1800; no encumbrances. 1035 . 21st. Phone 20731. za-jne- I Have Decided to offer my 7 room borne located on a j I a w a In. i a. vK Mill .HJlitinn In. ftlaa for a few weeks at the very low price of $3700, and just a very little cash payment dowa. One of the best views la Chat aalal;;aa ilaa AAA a - - l'..... t ia ,mv auuiiwu n u .li, ' h " Oregon, fin grass land, all fenced with three wires, for $3500, or equal valued home in 8ALEM. or 640 acres CANADA . 1 1 1 1 G.laava la.-a.maa IBUU I U I a-aiVVH M UU V, aavaaaaj. ROBINSON, 212 Oregon Bldg is my aeent and whatever he says. goes. !:.:., . . - 25-m29tf TODAT'S SPECIALS! TV iriwi v1 u . viri vt iriT9 a aW a-eSB . . V aaV 4 -a A B K U $10OO House, 5 rooms, paved street, , close in. i our own icrms. $3500 Swell modern bungalow. Fsir niount park. Grand view and loca tion, i -$ 800 House. 4R. 2 lots, v $l0O Gerage house. Snap. ' $ 8O0 Garage house. Bargain. $10.000 Apartment house; paying. 9 375 Lot, paving paid. $ 550 Lot. paving paid. . ' $ 400 Lot, beautiful aite. $1200 Lot, on State street. ' $ 175 Lot. sssume . assessment. FOR BUSINESS FKOrEKTY FOR APARTMENT HOUSES FOR SUBURBAN HOMES Re -rmi.ns u bechtel. 540 State St. 25-m29tf DC AT. f STlTF TlTT.Ta MR WHAT YOU want, about wnat prire you couia pay, . aaaaa U aAWM .Mil aVial VOH -. - -- would like oa balance. I'll find it if DossibI. HARRIS. 25-mlltf OAK ADDITION HOUSE 6 ROOMS modern snd brand new. narawooa floors, etc. i Non-resident owner has or dered ua to cut from $6000 to $5500. Bargain. " REntE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-m30 BARGAINS 6 room bouse oa 17th street, semi modern, four lots, vsriety of fruit and nut trees ia full bearing, -easy terms. $2500. i : 6 room house at Garfield. Wash., for $2000 to trade on good modern bom in Salem or acreage near here. $3000, interest in $60,000 Merchan dise stock m Garfield, Wash., to trade on modern home in Salem or good acre age. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 25-m25 FURNISHED 5 ROOM HOUSE, $2850. Jrurnisnea room moaern nous- eoow. 5 room new bungalow, ur.piace, iur nace, wood in basement, paved street, $4200. i Lots on Fslrmount Heights. Lots elo-e in on Center street, $2000. GERTRUDE -J. M. PAGE 492 N.CottsgeSt., 25-m23tf GOOD BUYS IN CITY AND COUNTRY PROVE RTIE8 6 room : bungalow on Hines street, plastered, bath, toilet, lights, garage, large lot. Price $2200 terms. 2 rooms and 50 by 122 foot lot close ia oa 8. High. A fine location and a snap. Price $220O. $4800 buys, a fine 8 room cottage oa South Commercial. Modern con veniences, lot 50 by 150, on corner. Come in and see this one if you, want aa income property. Terms. 1, , TTaaaa a a a. ft mtiTH '(if faff Si MSOlS avenue, plastered, built, in kitchen, buffet, bookcases. Pnved street, 2 lots. Everything fine for only $2650; terms. U aa aaa a.- AArth 17th Street TiSUT Center atreet. 6 large rooms modern ..! . kiwnrat. Newlv painted. A J..J Vrirm onlv 13300: terms. lACAtion on Front street, lot 102 by 165. Large 8 room house and 4 rooms. Tne entire premises ered with fine shrubbery and fruit, A -beautiful place. Price $15,000, or will WaaUV IVI - . 7' room cottage and 4 room bungalow la West Salem. Lights, toilet and water Fruit. Good location, rnce boib w. 500. or will trade for small acreage. y Moisan & Uiricn Phone 1354122 N, Com. 25-m27tf i rnn BtTR 8 room house to be moved for $600, . wai a nwim modern nlastered bun galow close in on 14th street. Cement basement and furnace. Large lot and .i... -( (:. For 84200. (Via V a ..aa. a- a 9 room house close to Washington school. Semi-modem. Gsrage, garden and part of 2 lots. PHee $2625; $400 V modern bouse on s 12th street, 5 rooms, gsrage, with or. without fur niture, test front. J gooa ua. una MOVER 147 X. Com". Room 8 25-m25tf a... WT-TVICII PT TtrtTTBE IfOD- 12 AvUM iinjioi".!- . ern except heat, close to university and stste house, ' large lot, garage. , All tor $5500; very easy terms. 4 room ; bungslow close to car line. '1JJVU BJ aaa Wa New 4 . room bungslow. bssement. $2250; terms. 1 7 -ar a.. knl. ta, SeS BUT' i" " ." . ;ii,.ntres 200 oer tor u 5. Loo.i , RMf 2-ra28tf MINUTE MOVIES To-DAV ONV SALLYS SILLY SUITOR Ae-CHlBALO CLOlsbB pcodocep J NjJMCELAN WEASEL, A , pERSlSTtfT SUlTbBt. ABCMl&ALD CLU&0 REAL ESTATE city 25 FISE RF.SIDF.NCK LOT IN A choice residence rtixtriot on tne corner oi Wil son and Saginaw streets. FYiced for a few days at $575. See Yick Bros. 25-m24tf GOOD BUYS $1500 Four room house close in on S. I'otu'l. St. $3U0 down, balance monthly. ' ' ; j: $2700 New four room modern bun galow with cement porch, on paved atreet and car line, $.50 down, balance $30 per month. $ 3000 a room houa with large corner lot 75 by 150, on corner of Wilson m wA fi a-iris. , t Paaaa t . $330O 6 room home at 1389 Court street, with corner lot 70 by 68 V feet. Immediate possession. $8000 Modern 6 room homo with two large lot on the corner of Wash ington end Fir streets. Fail-mount hill. Extra fine shrubbery. $5500 New stucco modern home, ready to occupy on N. Church St. Between Belmont and E streets. Terras. $ 850 Building lot close in on S. Cnmraercisl Rlreet. 37 by , 117, pavement and sidewslk paid.: We write Fir Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State St. 25-m30 i vrsf T.OSll TN. S2OO0. j GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage 25-ml5tf Great Snaps 19 room hotel with 1-4 block of ground in sawmill town, $370C; easy . ,a - n a. t II 1 .. I terms. - ill -iriuiuKa iur iumu ; uu- ness. r . Gaa filling station on the highway, will accept light car aa part payment. price tiivv. 12; room apartment, some furnishlnrt 3 garages, good location, income $90 per month, price $3900; terms. : 50 acres on Pacific highway north, $200' per acre, terms. 30 seres, 50 rods from Aumsville, will sell on very easy terms or exchange for Salem residence. 20 acres, fine nut grove in besring, for city property, price $ 13.O00. Socolofsky, Realtor 341 State St. 23-m24tf FOR SAIJ. NEW 5 ROOM BUNG A- low, garage, i acre near rairgrounaa. Nice home, cheap. Phone 1120W. i ; 25-m25tf . LOOK1 - Nice large lot close in, south Salem, only $250 ; terms. . , , , 4 room bouse, lsrge lot with lots of fruit. A snap for $1400. Wsnted a acres close in without buildings. . - We bsve several homes1 to trsde tor land. .... Wanted large farm suitable for stock. 1 room honse and 2 lots for $600. THOMASON 331 ife SUte St. I 25 m24tf c v TT-ri l-r'l . rioT imnT LOT ON i North Summer St.. reasonable for quick sale. Dr. Fred Uis. 25-mltf wv-rtrn HlVF RITTER FOR FIVE room house up to S35UO. Also a isrm aa-a . - , a aaa P.h.HM Mfmi rAaalaat OU la. aw a V 1 a- --- - i bungalow for acreage.' Strictly modern bungalow f 44U0. A gooa aix room cm-1 aa i- f',a aa-rl ! 1 1 12500. 820 acre farm to . exchange for smaller place. cven room bungalow for rent, also lo room and 5 room. i L. Wood, 841 State St. s 25-ml8tf 7-ROOM MODERN HOME ON FAIR- mount Heights, f 60UU. i.rnTBrr,lt-J. T PAGE ; 492 North Cottage 25-ml!StH FOR SALE MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE. ixumaiit tanilt-in featnrea. 'earage. 161 South irs 61. ---" a. . 7.. ... fl, Ui-aTaaX-DTaT TT laT3 A I AW RKR TOD A Y St 2180 South Churcn. vacant ana uri.u new. Ttvrw A HENDRICKS U. S., Bank Bldg. 25 m30 FOR QUICK SALE BRAND NEW SIX room bungalow. Hardwood floors, fur- naee. basement, laundry trays, built . n... .. tat so hv 162. Paved (Jl-a, U.,vi av-v. " I street, graveled alley. Rock driveway iL t. la, Pamar.f. walks. . Shrub- l.n.IU aa. waa.aa.aa bery. Located only 8 blocks from State aad Liberty, at 851 South Liberty St. Phone 1784. S-aprlStt PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY Ttt", wording "For Rant." pries 10 cents each. Statesmaa Business Oft ice, as Ground Floor. : 8 ROOM BUNGALOW ON SO. 12th fit. large lot, taatie trees, garage, -w- n,ia. eaaoa; tenna. k -nm enttaea on Missioa street. $2700; cash gauo. o . A. 6 rooms on no. winter ow e-w, eash $1000. 6 room os Ko. 224 8t, 82200;! t So -. ar.n. 7 rOOOlS It fcSIMMMi a-- , aa.. LIHT-a., aa aaa 406 Oregoa Bldg. 8-aprl6tf Buiv-rn nun. BTTH! 11" BT 7V4" - " " . "7 . ., 7 . : .aaaa U. la a!a. aa, .aa a. -- r riFim 10 ceau aaea. bhhwb Off W. CWm-nA rV-- ' BUSINESS opportunities 26 BUSINESS BLDG. MUST SELL SEE business building, excellent income from rentsls. ?mJi to nsnaie. ic Hendricks, V. S. Btim mag, to-mav REAli ESTATE farms 28 $100 AN ACRE TAKES DANDY FARM .. . a . -1 a " aaa r. I i a III I ir-l. lv a.a 11 a... acret clear. Excellent opportunity for smsll dsiry. iiuuu win diate possession. This is old time price snd bargain. Becke A Hendricks, U. . . a . ' 1 1 1 al. ... aaa- 8. Bank mag. ; NONE BETTER 36 acre farm ia Hasel Green dis trict, alt in high state of cultivation except 2 acres. Kunning waier. uw er haa made money even the last few years. His wheat haa averaged 40 ba. per acre, his oats - to i - - tesm of horses . all necesssry imp'?- a. .a With th TllSCC If mcma an iiw. " " , bought before harvest. Owner hss to " ""RlCn K REIMANN Kealtor 307-308 Ore. Bldg. Phone 1013o, 28-m2Stf FOR SALE BY OWNER, TEN ACRES. some fruit and berries, smau -","- Address B. care Statesman. 28-jne 3 ui-v am awful INSIST-T OM k. " . ClANlT HIM! LATER, j AND i STILL GOIAJtS- " STRONGr REAL ESTATE farms 28 413 ACRES, 5 M1UES JTItOM INDEPEN dence, about 3U0 acres under enltiva- ' tlon and in crop, all kinds of fruit and nuts, modern buildings, price $100 per acre; will accept soma trade and give ! terms to suit purchaser. 406 Oregon Bldg. Aispr,!8! REAL ESTATE to exchange 20 4,000,000 FT. PISE AND FIR. LOTS OF wood. Mile to KK in S. ore. -u. Vaa aaaxaaal - ia taaWO Of K T S f tl n. n i :l mil. fur well Ull J a.aa, I improved close in place to $12.'-Ml tor small psyment iw yrs. .. per ci-n.. Box 21. Kt. 1, Crahtree, tre. ' 29 .net USED CARS for sale 31 1920 OVERLAND ROADSTER, A- shape $2on. moi fil.r delivery. S275. 1920 Ford coupe, repainted,' $323. (Terms) t : nnvratru K MOTOR CO. 1 1 tt-p HiVP ATIDI'T THIRTY CARS rthat we are going to move regardle-4 - of I a a 1 aaaaa. aa a aa wk.l ill. I--la 1 1 V n II. t iiiva a aaa a v, ua " - - - j - ought on the market. ( We are $0111;; to sell them.) Maxwells. $25 and up. Ford $60 and up. fhovrnleta Sl'i.l and 11D. W'a alia Ct II H ah If Dodjes, t-.i:a. ii.klans niilsmobiles. and many other standard makes for you to choose from. Come in and look them over. If you are in the market for a good used car, you will be sure to drive one home. (We Give Terms) ! - F. W. PETTYJOHN fO. 219 N. Commerciti. 31-30tf rcrn rip. TtOlTRtlT J.Y THE 1NEX- Uair'af V""" avavav-a--.a : i k. ftaan niaAvh t n be a UrrifllarU a J a a aaaaa-a a-. -- " I i liability. Our used cars sre jcarefully selected and pricea rigni. j 117 Maxwell, license . :...j...$ 63 1924 Buk-k 4 roadster,- (equip- i ' ped) - 1-8900 1918 Buiek 6 1919 Buick 6 19JO-21 Hudson Super....: 1 ! ' 1921 Studebaker Big Six tiTati 1922 Buick 6 sedan f lot iitti t wrr.snv I 388 N. Com'l. Phone 220 31-m29tf FOR SALE 1918 DODGE TOR.1, iood tires. Runs anil loons gooa. Phoue 1602J, 864 South 12th street. 31-m.ll Good Valuesl 1921 Ford touring, new paint, good motor, top and tires. $200. i 1922 Ford light delivery with stsrter. Just the thing lor a Derryiuu. ed bodv. new paint, good tires, --a". (EASY TERMS) NewtonChevrolet Co. v I- ti j- n.a..ii.'rir. Hall .vew ' -32-tf Certified Car Route : Is Shortest to ; Ownership . FORDS ; Aninar new naint..... ...$225 IQ-l'l ali n a. .atTIt J $29a 1921 rdstr. new tires, 2 bodiea $240 CHKV ituurva i 1919 tour, new tires, overhauled 1921 tour, overhauled repainted $275 1923 rdstr. Superior model .....$425 Certified Public Motor, Car Market Is crowded with bsrgains like these. In all kinds of csrs. Come.! see. snd you will want to buy. ,1 31-m-Tl 1918 BUICK ROADSTER: 3 NEW CORD tire, and tubes. 192 4 license. . . -ta V I.ibrrlv. 31M20tf v - mt " er TJSED FORD OARS FROM AW AHTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring cars 8 85.00 to $S50.00 Roadsters 115.00 to 835.00 Con pea 835.00 to 825.00- to -65.00 to 85. OO to 450.00 49S.OO 875.00 J85.00 825.00 Sedans Lie-lit deliveries..- Toa truck "Bugs 60.00 to Other ears from $45 and up. AU S - aaa -a-aaa. ...', Sea as before buying. Liberal terms Open evenings ana nanasya. vin rv urvrriR. O.Ci . Phone 1995 260 Nl High ll-m2tf 1. SALEM MARKETS ! .90s No. $ red wheat, sacked. 0e I Oats 4 5e fi 48c Cheat hay . ,,$12 $18 .$12 (p $14 SI. el $14 I Oat hay I , . . . I Clover hsy, baled III., aa vaaa awaa - prices received by farmers.. No retail lUaa. aaa.a.1 a aaa holesale and are prices are given. ' wmi UTTTTTH. m ii TTERFAT r---ma--- hotter .-...38c O 89e Butterfst, delivered .l ...34c Milk, per ewt Eggs, selects Standards -41-75 -20 18e 15e Pallets POULTRY ITeav-v bans 19e 14e Medium aad ligns aens .- ... i on-o-m- vrrTTTnil AJTD SEEP Hoes. ton. 150-225 ga cwf $7.50 u -mrt . 87.00 Hu, a, aa, aa, a a., ' ia aaa Hogs. top. 275-800. cwt 1 e SO Light sows, ewt .a4,.$5.00 D.-k kaa.W 04a O 05c. '"i" . ; , Oa fan Wa. 1 aaaaaaal - Arr.. oa vt a cm vws i i - - " T-a-s. l-tath . 1 10 WK r a ia Hnvrinfl' I mm nil ---i (All rights protected by The George Mattfiew Adams moi. . DPiD. but; of course CALLWO- I fJ ACT" VOURe " J r -a SEEM lb "TOO VfUZN&O Polite "i him:: t A.'- -. i - - - k tWW. By 36VE ,MISS -SALLV. DO VOVJ KrV-OUJ SOME.TI-1JMG Mm-m parwjm ME. CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBUXANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR Bight. ll.a-i.& at : a ifa o.. i. i ssvj vuti. a t j cuuin m i'gi j . : AUCTIONEERS ' F. N. WOODRt Expert IJveatock, furniture, real aetata a w ' I arr- a- a." a.' t- I a u Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 511 for aalo dates. ; U E. TALBOTT Phena 470202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. ' ' i s9 G. 8ATTERLEE A aiaaa-..a Rooms 25-26, Breyman Block Phone 247 or 12I1J. fl-tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE CS REPAINT YOUR CAB WITH oar new permanent xiataa. aa& 'a a aa m i ftvauTv Ca& High Street st Trade. AUTO .EPAIRIN G - Will 1UVTTB JfTKlt Pft ., f i a M afaaiaaaa aava af M aa-fl mtail ft aTS- TlS" per. Auto wrecking. Parts for all ears laA .a. T na aaa ff 1 1 nTlC,. &75 N. Commercial. Phone 588. m-25-tf Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true Ing. We're specialists. Donerita Ma chine Shop. Automotive machinUts, 849 Ferry. St. BATTERY AKD ETaEGTRICIAM WilliMD ail Court St. JOE AVILLIAMS PRE8TO-LITE BATTER? SERVICE Station, -.xpert oanery ana titwic-; work. FsrrU Bros, Phone 1808, 418 Court. - ' R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIE8 " s -a e s3-.W tarter and generator wots; six ow BI0TCLE8 AND aJRIHQ LJX)YD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 88T Court. - CARPET ANX EUO WHAVXMa SALEM CARPET CLEANINO AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any sixa without seams. f mattresses mads to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I - . .11 klaala af alfi ..ITatf fOT flUff amy all a a. u a a waa. r rugs. 18 ft and Wilbur streets. Phoae 1154. Otto r. awtca-r. Mrruv- CHXirBSB PHYSICIAN I DR. T. DICK CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 15 a. x-iga at.. r-w CHZB0P0SXST I DR. S. F. SCOTT, GKADUATK . tional TJntvsrsity BCieneea, .-. Masonie Tempi. rwii---M. OBXROrBAOZOBS- DRv O. L. SCOTT. PSC CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. B. xnag. " r-s.-WBu. OlaEAJSXBS 8s DYBBS I w mrivrvg mn DYERS. 1215 8.. Commercial, raane io. " " -r- cisliie on one aay servwe. OOKSTTIaTIaia BNOI-rEBBS CIVIU, 005SU1-TING. CONSTRUCTION maus. Jno. H. Baal, 81 Oragon Bldg. Phone T75. OOBTBAOTOBS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 486 B. Summer street, rstw o !-. CHERRY CITY , CONTRACTING 0O. "'..""F.JSr "v.-1867R f"co, ' " -d6tf r PBES3MAKIHO DRESSMAKING A N O 8IGNINO , ras-ia SBOSaja-rnji-reB. -..---rmT. flisnt OT7K 14" BY 7 V4 " woramg jvr--au--.-- . r , ,.. eenta each. Sta teaman Business Off-ee . .a a I- a - aa a. a aa a 1 U ' Ground l'v,.,-,rTItir - SBTfO 8T03 B WM. N El MEYER JU8T DRUGS," its N v Commercial, rtrnw EIXCTRICIAES I SALEM ELECTRIC CO. -M A 8 O H 1 0 building. I'D one i.w. - - I ELECTRIC FIXTURES A N D SUPPLY ) (jo. raoaa -. --- si.riHfS ELECTRIC CO fT-.l.:L, ihon. 980. 414 Peart St. HALUC ELECTRIO ; SHOP electric Ftetnres : Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners "i Flipne 488 -i Res.Phone 702J riBABOXAl a .niva rmraTD R-9IHVK SYSTEM H IT OaaL. la. Oa City or lann proper - I poait company, T8 FoarU Street, Pars-! land, ur. - . FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. longer time, no ommuii-. -against advarsity. City loans, lowest ZXtaa. as-ethl instalments, pre-pay Meat privilegea. J. O. Siegmuad, rooa 8. over Ladd A Bnaa bank. Service-Trade Marie Registered "THE UWslSOME. , DAUSHTftB. OPARICH AND INDUL&E-AlT FATXEe2. ... I NEVER. NC3TiCEX C 0 i MDU NEUER. STAyED VtoU WAO SUCH SO LATE BEFORE DREANlV Eye 5 BUSINESS DIRECTORY m at a - - and Profcj?sioaal Firms Arransed in AlphabeiicaJ Order for Quick Rexerencc FXBANCXAL LOANS . ' Farm aad Cits. Most literal rates aad payment prMlegts UAWXINg a ROBERT 8. 05 Ore. Bldg. atale-a, Or. tf I ean saake your farm or city loans, bast given, u you neea a mm, -me: and if you have money to ? Me ma I always hsva taken. Q. W. Laflar, Oregon bids. - City Loans On Improved property or for improved purposus. THE BEST and easiest . way to pay on loan ia our monthly installment plan. 96 payments ef $14.14 repays a loan of $1000.00 and interest. Equitable Bavinga Losa Assn. ANDERSON RUPERT, Agsnta 40S Oregoa Building TASM PATEB tw W-.TT vxrsvT Tt OUT THR BEST aj. aWU aaaa a aaa- . - farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregoa for a -rs months trial ai.iBcripuoii. a - -thia ad. P0ULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO rant stamp lor special tnree mouuis trial for the best and oldest Journal is aVV a aa. Tk. -a-al-ljUI Slid adVertiSS- ants are of apeeial Interest to the m i .a t- - M.thMaa( poultry areeaera si - - - - northwest rouury -fournu, merctal street. SUem. Oregon, ZXUXX8TS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Breithsupt, Ooiist, 128 N. Liberty aaaaaaa-aa-aaaaSaaa-aaaaaMa.-aaaaaaal FUNIS RAX, DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAI. DIREC- tors. 210 Centtr. rnone -to. fUHimUKB STORES GIE.SE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY I , it a, iu smsit. 878 Ooart,1 raoaa sea. nvATii va vrrHVTTTTRK! STORE NEW Ki,auu r : ,r : ... M and - secona nana furniture, GAKDEH PLOWING GARDEN PlXWINO, DISCING. GRAD- nr too dirt. riieser, ilia.. m-n HlaM8TITCHJJfG truoi--rnrKa STlllPlKn PL.EAT taJ-aaO V.a w, " ing. Tha Petit Shop, Rcom 6, over Rn.lcks. s29tf SALEM EL'tTE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping ana work; 828 Oregon bldg. Phone 8.9 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING Stamping, ouitoua. wkmb .u, -h --- ler'a store, rnono hi HOMjiOPATIIia PHY8ICXAB I no r. n HTW1V TTOWEOPATHIBT. OaU, and Drossy, arising from diaeasea of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi w- iteaa usa s reats UTJiiri. dence, 296 N. Liberty St, Baa-at, or. Phone 17, XNSU&ANCB WARREN F. POWERS ill. Vir. Antomobila 19 U.' S. Nst'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 807 X-ADXX8 TAXLORINa D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 47 t.'onrt o. XJLUBDBXES n . . w .. i irmnnv POUPAMT. SIS S. Liberty street. Phono 35. oldest largest best, fstaousnra . CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY -.... ii, wa- ivremnt service: 104 , Mrosd way.- r-aone u, LUGGAGE COME HERE 1 The best buys in hand luggage and trunka. MAX O. BUREN Fnrnltnra 179 N. Com'l. Salem MBXJXOAXi I MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 817-w. KUSI0 LESSONS a flonSDI IN BUSINESS PIANO plsying. Popular syncopated standard L.aia E.-..i.ul nd ballads 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Me- Comtek Bldg. MU8X0 STORES I SHERMAN, CLAY CO PIANOS Btainwsys, irao-An ana - Music idomae. ata cours ctr-e-. GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs. sewing machine a, sheet music, 7aT ai.a-. .iniai Ranairln chono- -v. ..4 .In machines: 482 State street, Salem.- . i TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A. NEW Victor or Brunswick, n. b-i -- tnro Oo Mnsie Dept. ; MATTJBOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DK. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND 'l . a a V Tlljla ehronio aisaasos; ti uinu- --- Phone llO-.. NURSES j FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 149311 U. S. patent Office) '' IS -.a HE '0 . 4 '! I J till VU2SZS FOR PRACTICAI KURSK PHONE ! 1524. ' PU1 r-PTfLAI. N n K B I . PHONE 11UU a25tt HUB8BKY STOCKS PRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy pros- i OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonable Examination free. 282 N. Commercial St. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co, 2 B-aie sire-s, eppM Ladd Busk Bank. "Usa rf-l'7 Proves BhIr-na.,, MORRIS OPTIOAI. OOMTANT OBE- gon B llg. wooma i to PAPEBHAJSwXHQ AND PAIS TING PHONE GLENN ADAMS -POB HOUSE decorating, paper hsagiag. taawag. mw KalUblt works. ? --' ' GET ttr FEITE SAMPLE BOOK for comparison . , ' ' MAX O. BUR EN ' rnrnltnrs -. 179 N. Com '!. Salem PHTSXCXAM OP PHTMOTH-BBAPgE PB. JACXSON, X)OCTOB 01" PHTSl- otherapy, treats an iwmsh. -ailmsnts especially. ICS N. Commercial street. Phono 20O5M. PXABO XT-BBS - - r i 'tr wr,V SYPZRTENOED PI- aa tun sr. Mara ores vtui a mmmm Store. - PLXnCBIBO . PLUMEING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graaar juoa- l- o. B-ri. Phone 650. rT TT-a. nTXifa on intTVO AND - OOH. work. : -irnone tv.n. eaop wuw- . n . ... r. 1 .Of. TT.aa reet. , M BADIATOBS, FEBDEBS, BT0. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES i msae laireo. . j. omir, p --. BBPAZXixra " - ALVIN B. STEWART 47 Court St.-- -Cmhrellaa. Cutlery and Kays Lawnmowers, - raxor-blades, scissors knives snd tools sharpened. SCAVEBOEBS SOOS SCAVENGER SERYICE GAR bsge end refuse of all kinds remove, by the month. Reasonable rates. Cos; pools cleaned and dead animals r nnrxl. Phones? Office K 205 ESOOXD HAITI) t..".. a WaANTED EVERYTHING TN CTXTTH lag ana saoes. xtsai piwiea paw va ital Exenanga; aaa in ,..---- Fbone 18esw. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING. cTiiura RERCIl.T- AND REPAIRED - a 40 years experience. iaepot tsuons fence, sises 26 to 58 in. high. Paints oils and varnishes, etc.. loganberry aad nop BOOtca. Esaiein renc w- d w, . Works. 250 Court street. tTione TRABSPEB AND EAULINO . CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO ' 224 State St. a-none u. uninuuims, ir warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. . - nrs un-v D-vms IVh SCTT1 HOTSE. T f a. U""" aa-aa- a---a hold goods, our specialty is yum furniture moving. a-wa ... w-f h,sill th beat coal aad wood. Call on as for pric-s. Wa give good measure, gooa quauty u. sw- service. ltrmer xransier w rwm o TRANSFER AND HAULING OF AL1 kinds, r h one iwj. TRANSPORTAiiO-I PARKER'S STAGE LINES 1U DaaWaa (2 aaa .1 f . n . .-a - Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregoa a a aa,, flTT IIPOTrt XT TMT..-T UTfl V OAlaXin-01aiT'ni.1 b-a . aaaava. Loaves Salem. Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m; 11 a. m; o p. m. Leaves Silvertoa News Stand: U a na 1 n. m. fi la HI. . Salem-Independenee-Mon-aoutb Division I U a laaaa fnal fttll. T.MllI H si 7 a. m.; 9 a. m! 11:10 a. m.; 8;10 p. as. a:iw p. m. Leaves Monmouth. Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 s. a-.; 1 p. nu; 6:15 p.nv. Lesves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a. as.; :o a. m. ; x;.a p. xa. . a a Ma f.-A I. Dl Leaves Central Stage Terminal, , Salam for nsiiss -at: t a ii-io a m. 8:10 a. aa. - Leaves Gail Hotel. Dallas at: 8 a. m.; 1 p. as. ; :iP- .as.- " TCa MaaVa aaa aat W S KaleiB tat mil parts of tha valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. ' - J. W., tTewerai wmsr-r. WAX KB SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER 00 Off tea, 801 South Uommereiu ot. im per cent discount aa domestic fig ..-a :a I- aalwaaaaa K. a a nctifl for absence er aay causa urJess watS ts shut off your premises. 1 R ft fj Ihfi Claflftf! A(S, RvWHEELAN Unse of the abutting and adja By YriILI-m-.rLl I' nrnnort r..MCeDt the alley in LORDSHIP H -a f- I hccik-.. IO-M0RROV- AM llsTT&RCSllNG- IWir. ELOiUe. VUTLL BE -SH0WA Ohl "tWlia ' SCREEM " THE:, RoCr-:- BtEe-i GOAST - OP' " GLUTTON ? RE-I.TY EXCHANGES I a a a i norted by Union Abstract ! j . Company I w- ' Ed Neuens and wife to C. J. Channer, lot 61. Erald F. F.. $10. Edward Schunke to Argyl M. Herrin. lot 3. block 2, Highway addition, $10. r rttrscbeid to R. A. Cnown, lots 3 and 4, block 33. Gervals, $623. a - R. A. Chown and wife to Lu cinda Simmons, lots 3 and 4. blk. 53.. nervals. $825. Roy 0. Vincent to Arthur Ro man, s 100 feet In section 14-7-3 W.. $10. ' . Sarah F. Henson and husband toFrank P. Nicoll, 86.35 acres in . 8-2-W; $31,375. Frank 'WV Schwader to Gene Garrett and wife. 26.89 acres in W M of section 14-4-1-W., $-30 w. D. A. Dinsmoor and wife to Cornelia B. Harritt, lot 7, blk. 1. Willamette addition to Salem; $500. Da-id" Canlan and wife to W. M. Hewitt and wife, lot 3 blk. 1. Oaks addition to Salem; $10. PUBLIC XOTICI1? Aouce ol intention to lmproTe Fairmount Avenue from Super ior Street to Luther Street. Notice Is hereby glren that the common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it expedient and necessary and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Im prove Fairmount avenue from the' south line of Superior street to the " south, line of Luther street at the ' expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the street In tersection the expense of which" will be assumed by the city of Sa lem, by bringing said portion of said avenue to - the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por-. tion of said avenue with a' six Inch, cement concrete pavement in accordance with ' the plans and specifications therefor adopted by the common council May 19, 1924, which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and trhich are hereby by reference nade a part hereof. The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to nake the above described Im rovement by and through the ftreet Improvement department ol 1 ie city of Salem. " By order of the-common coutr ,il the 19th day ot May, 1924. "" M. POULSEN. -City Recorder. Date of first publication hereol is May 22nd. 1924. .... JneJ . - -a Aouce ot intention to improvt Alley In Block 67 of City oi Salem, Oregon. Notice Is hereby giyen that th$ common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it expedient and necessary and hereby declares Us purpose and Intention . to im prove the alley running north and south through block 67, of the orig inal plat! or the city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon.. from the south line of Union street to the south line of Marion street at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property by bringing said al ley to the established grade and navine same with a six inch ce ment concrete pavement in accord ance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the common council May 19. 1924, now on file in the office ot the city recorder which are here by referred to and made a part ol this-notice. The common council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the. above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement department of the city of Salem. By order of the common coua cil the 19th day oLMay, 1924. M. POULSEN, City lecordes Date of first publication herect ia May 22nd, 1924. Jne I t Notice of Intention to Improve Liu ther Street From Fir -street u Fairmotint Avenue. Notice is hereby given that thi Common Council of the City of Sa lem. Oregon, deems it expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Luther Street from the west line of Fir Street to the east line f.f Vnirmnnnt Avenue at the ex- tersection the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Sa lem, by bringing said portion o said street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of Eald street with a six Inch cement concrete pavement in ac cordance with' the plans and speci fications thereor adopted by the Common Council May 19, 192 4, which are now on file In the of fice of the City Recorder and which are hereby made a part ot this notice. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through tLa Street ImproTcrr.ent Derartniert of the City of .Ealeoi. By order ot the Comr.ion C.: -Ul the 19th day of Jlay, 19. : i. M. POULSEN, City I ' : Date of first pi-Vlicalk : ! is May 22nd, 1924. J3. J ' -oriB - 25-m31 i