C- THURSDAY HORNING, MAY 20, 1024 AUDRED BUNCH Phone 108 JCT ISS RUTH FIELD arrived in i.XVX Salem, Tuesday on her first . lurloneh. following- flv Tears In Calcutta, India, -where , she has been aerrlng as head, ot the music departmer t in the girls' school. MIss.FieM la a graduate of Wil . lamette university, where she had , an especially active part in school affairs. Arriving: in. the states early in the year, Miss Field has been. taking special work at Col umbia University in New York. She will be at the home of her mother and sister, Mrs.-Elizabeth E. Field and Mrs. Iner F. Flem- Inv 1 Rrt 'Mstrtfe '91m atrant. dirHnv"! the, summer, returning to India in the late autumn, ..; r : - The thirteenth annual state con i vention . of the PEO sisterhood; meeting this week in Albany, will close with the sessions today. Every Chapter in Oregon, is repre sented. 'at the gathering, all meet ings for which are being held in the First Presbyterian church. - COMING! j Rybka's Plectrum Orchestra , '.Prime Orchestral Favorites: i GRAND. THEATRE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4TH Admission $1.00 - 75e ; f and 50c, Including Tax rickets . on ; sale t Moore's1 slusie and.. Will'a Music Store WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR . AND TOOLS Capitol Hardware & "Furniture' Co, ' Best Pric3 Paid Ccn'l Si. Phone 347 A number of honor guests are in attendance at the convention. including Mary K. Logan of Port land ; A. Mabell Simpklns, of Mc Mlnnville, May C. Crady of For est Grove, Mrs. ' Zollinger, Jessie Mickey of Portland; Myria Fur guson ot Portland; Mrs. Bowden; Maude G. Rankin, and Hattie Thurston, of Newburg; Lulu Stew art of Lebanon; Maude E.' Kent of Corvallls; Lena Odell of Port land and Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. L. M. Beechler, president of Chapter G, was the presiding officer at the Memorial hour, dur ing the first afternoon. Follow ing the scripture ' reading. Miss Lena Belle Tartar gave an appre ciated vocal number, and follow ing the tributes, Mrs. Mollle Styles an official delegate from Chapter AB, sang- in her characteristically charming way. Dr. Daniel Poling, pastor of the Albany Presbyterian church was the Epeaker of the oc casion.' ' ' . ) x A group of members from Chap ter G who attended the sessions yesterday were: Mrs. E. E. Fish er, Mrs. D. X. , Beechler, Mrs. Frank Churchill,; and Mrs. F. W. Selee. ' .1 "; r ; ! : ' The Cinderella Ballet," as was announced Tuesday evening at the Apollo club concert, will be given again for the pleasure of Salem people, the date to be Monday. June 2. The colorful and elabor ate ballet, beginning: promptly at 8:15 will be out shortly after 10:30, , all three' picturesque acts taking no more time than the average play.' One hundred and twenty-five children will partici pate, -f ; . " L . : Dr. and Mrs. Ira Barrett of Rid dle, Oregon, are guests for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. George Gute kunst. '; - - ? - ' '- The Lucy Anna Lee circle was hostess yesterday for the general aid society of the First Methodist church, the day's program taking the entertaining, form of the "last day of school." ; Mrs. George Gu tekunst presided at the , meeting Return Emrasc enient Columbia Ladles Orchestra ot Portland, composed'of 26 artists, . under directorship of Madam Francis Knight, . under auspices ef United Artisans, will give concert and dance Calcn' Arraory, Thursday, May 29, , 8 o'clock P.M. Admission 55c :ng;s,raG:ee. All Goods ca Sals at 10 to 50 Less for 30 Days. AD Kinds of Goods at Sale Prices , : ' We have all kinds of Chinese and Japanese fancy dry goods, ' also we keep a nice line of hosiery, crepe, silks, dresses, kimonas. I silk waists, blouses and ladies and men's furnishing goods. We f have, rome very mice table covers and neckwear, Chinaware, Caskets, etc .:- . . .-4..,.; ft- , 254 N. Coral St. ' . Oil Sun Parasols, Baskets, etc. ' . 1 " .We Willi Remain CTVltn All Day- I i Friday, May 30, Ealera Etore :J Ll.-ts Ci.' I : t Portland Silk Chop ' ; . CG3 Allej Et, I':,: f SOCIAL CALENDAR .- Today s State PEO convention at Al banyu. . -V . .v . r. Thursday afternoon club, " Kensington. Mrs. Frank Pow er, hostess. v" - Golden Hour club, Mrs. Carle Abrams, 1465 Chemeketa street. hostess. ; American Legion auxiliary. Cooked food sale. 347 State street. - Friday ' WRC dinner at McCornack hall. V ' " Saturday f YWCA social meeting for mem bers and friends, Jenelle Vande- vort speaker, reporting on nation al convention. , as teacher. Mrs. E. J. Swafford presented the awards. The com mencement address was delivered by Mrs. John L. Brady, "dead of women at Vassar." There were 14 members la, the graduating class of the day, each appearing in the dignity of cap and gown. Those receiving awards of merit, In the form of bouquets of spring flowers, were Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. Findley, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Alden, Mrs. Shanks. Mrs. Utter. Mrs. Breithaupt. Mrs. Blatcbford. Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Halvorson, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Durkheimer and Mrs. Waterman. At the end of the afternoon the hostess circle served , a two-course luncheon. Roses and Dink sweet peas centered the table. Mrs. Charles Newton will arriva today from Oakland. California, to be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. B. B latch ford. Mrs. Newton who has been spending the winter In Cal ifornia Is on her way to her home in North Dakota., Tomorrow the Blatchfords, together with their guest , will motor up the highway and on Saturday will go to Sea side ' :'! " " - v-; ' T :' Mrs. C. P. Bishop will leave this morning for Walla Walla and Pen dleton -on her way to the Cleve land convention, stopping for the pageant In Walla Walla, and join ing the delegation later in Pendle ton. . . f Miss Lorlei , Blatcbford ; is a guest for the week in Eugene. Miss Helen Pearce chose the de lightful Informality- of the after noon tea. In entertaining this week for the three local sororities, Beta Chi, Delta Phi. and Alpha Phi Al pha. ; On Tuesday afternoon the Beta Chl girls were guests for-a chat and tea. while yesterday the Delta Phi members enjoyed call ing hours with Miss Pearce. This afternoon the Alpha Phi Alpha maids will he similarly . compli mented. r ' T e a t er d a y afterapon Mrs. George J. Pearce poured, assisted by Miss Frances . Richards and Miss Helen Pearce. The tea-table was centered with a bowl of pink sweet ' peas. Attractive candles were used. : The conversation of the afternoon was delightfully reminiscent of Miss Pearce's sum mer abroad. Mrs. C. L. Sherman was an additional guest yesterday tor the tea. Prof. E. WV Hobson presented Miss Kathleen La Raut, lyric so prano, last night in her gradua tion recital in voice. A well ar ranged program was beautifully rendered. Miss Jean Hobson, Miss La Rant's ' accompanist, was assistant artist for the evening. : Mrs." Carle Abrams. 1465 Che meketa street, will be hostess this afternoon for the members of the Golden Hour club. , ; The Daughters of Veterans are asked to meet at the armory this morning at 9:30 o'clock to assist in the flag-placing on the old sol diers graves. , All available cars will be welcomed. ' This afternoon the women will meet again, at 2 o'clock, to help with the button hole bouquets. The American Legion auxiliary will conduct' a cooked food sale today at 347 State street. Miss Caroline Hrubetz, who is a member or the zacuity ot tne Salem high school, will represent the Oregon 'branch of the National Education association convention in Washington, D. C, June 29 July 5. She will he accompanied east by her sister, ' Miss ' Frances Hrubetz. also a teacher in the local : high school. Both young women plan to take summer work at Columbia University in New York City. , ;; w "ix . An especially congenial crowd, much larger than, the average, met Tuesday afternoon for the Eastern' Star ' "Object party," planned and elaborated, by ai; In genious hostess-committee j of six. Forty " interesting, '. miscellaneous articles were distributed ' about the rooms, each representing the concrete answer to an appropriate question printed on a paper alip. Mrs.: W. P. Fo wle won the prize. Rosea and other Mayttme flowers centered the Ions; tea table. The day's hostessea. Included Mrs. John Tt.' Sites. Mrs, Paul Hauser. Mrs. O. Headrick. Mrs. . Wayne .Henry, and Mrs. George King. , Plans for, the : next meeting. Junef 10. are In .charge of k com mittee headed by Mrs. Claire Vib- hert. ' r '.V'-v-f'" - No "man would be conceited If his stomach could express its hon QT MMIME PH0BLEHS Adele Garriaoai'a New Phase ef REVELATIONS OP A WIFE Copyright 192L by Newspaper Teatnre Service, Ine. CHAPTER 177 HAS MADGE MADE THE COR . RECT GUESS LILLIAN'S BRUSQUE WORDS "t DESERVE? ' I promptly took the cue Lillian had given me, although I had to make an effort to bring myself back from the ' remembrance of the . terrible time through which the youth standing before me had proved so stanch an aid. i 'No, I shan't ask Mr. Chester to stay for luncheon I said gay ly, stressing the verb. "I simply shall tell Katie to put . another plate on. and dare him not to stay. He knows, or should know, that there is no one in the world more welcome to our home than he." I spoke but the truth, though I realized, even as I spoke, that my enthusiasm must have sounded fulsome, exaggerated. ' But the young chap had rendered us such signal service In our time of aw ful need that every one of the family held .' not only gratitude but genuine regard for him. - ' Mr. Chester flushed ' from both embarrassment and pleasure if his expressive face told the truth, and he said hurriedly: 1 1 "I hope you know that there is no home to which I like better to come." and there was boyish earn estness in his tone. Lillian clapped her hands, and I was sure I detected a note of impatience in the sound. "A very pretty speech," "; he said. VBut 1 must listen to an other kind. Madge, if you'll just tell Katie about that extra plate,' and then come back here, I'll be much obliged. There are some points I want to go over with you." . I hurried away with a tiny feel ing of chagrin. That Lillian ' had dismissed me a bit cavalierly 1 re alized, and I : knew also that1 if we had been ' alone I should have cared no whit. But there -was something in the honest, boyish admiration and sympathy which' Tom Chester had given me during our search for Junior which had appealed to me and my vanity eould not help a tiny bit of resent ment at being belittled in v his eyes. - Like a Sentinel. The unworthy little feeling . was almost Instantly banished by an other, a wondering curiosity as to Lillian's selection of Tom Chester as her medium of communication with the government operatives due in a few hours. . At the time of Junior's kidnapping, Lillian had been desperately ill, and we naa kept all . knowledge of the awful thing from her until after she had recovered. She had had no personal acquaintance with Tom Chester. ? Indeed, as I looked back. I was sure she had never seen him be fore this hour, for we had kept her in almost absolute seclusion until her, trip to the Catskills. And while I had often spoken of his kindness and likable young per sonality, yet it had been Hugh Grantland to whom we all had given credit for the wonderful way in which he had tracked the crim inals and had restored our boy to us. Hugh Grantland, of course! The name as like a key to the little puzzle. He must be in com munication with both Lillian and Tom Chester, must have recom mended , the lad to. Lillian. ! stopped short on my way to the kitchen with almost an eerie little feeling at my heart. Never do' I receive any com munication from Hugh Grantland save the conventional picture post card with his traveling address on the message space, and the single initial "II," which he mails me whenever he leaves his perman ent address tor any time longer than a day or two. But from time to time, in odd bits of revelation, there comes to me the knowledge that he is like a. sentinel at, the crossways of my life, that there Is no detail of my existence of which u u n i. u ii i lie I aj.-irwfpj SUrdCXL penrtiCTM for rues are lmt-tbr UNSUCCESSFUL, as la Ltg, 'lltcreyealKraKlocis which jeyl-lrj raj hotel where out of town pt- ICMimiT DC anmnKw ly ani oomfoxtablr locat Seai Isdsv far an 'Rfl he is not cognizant, "and that he stands ready with . royal ' aid and protection, when ever I shall need it. " Madge is Comforted, i : Of course, I knew that this pres ent jasociation of Lilljan and Tom Chester, through Grantland's re commendation, had nothing . to do with me or my needs.? But as well as if I had .heard the words from Hugh Grantland's own lips, did I know that the army officer had kept in touch with the young er man in order to have a strong resourceful arm at my service 'in his absence. . 1 ' I defy any woman in the4world to remain unmoved ny such a trib ute, no matter how much she may be In love with her husband. And when the knowledge of it comes to " her at a time " when - the man who has sworn her love and hom age has gone away for a little sea son patently chafing at' domes ticity into the vicinity of a girl whom she detests perhaps I may not be so rigidly censored when I confess that for. a little while the knowledge that Hugh Grantland's thoughtf ulness and care comforted the soreness - -which Dicky's thoughtlessness had left in my heart. . - - ' : (To be continued) Donald Parents Appreciate Teacher's Six Years- Work Appreciation of the services of Miss Margaret Scollard of Wood burn, who has been teaching at Donald for the last five and a half years, was shown Tuesday, night when : 12 pupils were presented diplomas ' from ' the eighth grade by Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, county school . superintendent. The P-T association ; of Donald ' presented Miss Scollard with many floral tributes in addition to a flue neck lace, while the graduating pupils presented her with a silver vase. Miss Scollard has made an en viable record during her term of teaching at Donald, according to Mrs. Fulkerson. Pupils of all six classes which have graduated un der her made no failures. A feat ure of the exercises were the at tendance of all members of - the first class to be graduated under Miss Scollard and who are ' all graduating from Woodburn high school, this year. , . .; "' Next year Miss Ccollard teach at. Sublimity end will succeeded by Mrs. Gertrude Ki . Patrick of Salem. "Miss Leitl. i Cone, primary teacher at DonalJ, will be back in her position next year. She also was the recipient of marks of appreciation- for her work. 25,000,000 FISH EGGS EUGENE, Or., May 28. Twenty-five million rainbow trout egri will have been taken from Diam ond lake. Wood river. Seven 2.1 11 3 creek, Crooked river, and Spen- cer creek, in south central Oresc i this month, according to M. L. Ryckman, superintendent of Ore gon fish hatcheries. Fifteen mil lion eggs. will be taken from Ela- t mond lake alone, he said. Ci. I NlfTf 'Mil -CXJXI 9, Announce a Sale of the Entire Stock of Jacquettes and Beginning Today! Your Choice at Values to $17.95 SEE THEM! EXAMINE THEM! , You can afford one at this small price! ) . . : 1 ' . m r I Hgaan 'w m'm dim-.-- 1 1 km. A very unusual offer considering the fact that every, coat was purchased new "this season. The styles, the colors and the fabrics are desirable from every point, of view. The new tans, greys and blues in soft tones areshown in . plain, plaid and stripe effect. All are f ull . lined with .gocid quality linings. Sizes 16 to 42. . . . . .1 , Included in this showing are a few high.' colors ; Astrakhan Jacq uette3. A ' very smart coat for sports wear, the Beach or Mountain resort. Hhe sale begins tliis morning at. o'clock. Gome! I:.; i t; w est opinion p? hU wisdom. :.