The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 28, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    Circulation - tor the Oregon
Statesman average fpr the month
of April, 1924: . '
Daily and, Sunday . . . . . . , . .6337
Sunday Only ......... . . . .7090
Every advertisement is a
guide post to better buying.
Methodists Vote Five to One
to Remove Restrictions on
Theaters arid Other Forms
of Diversion
"Making a Step Forward"
By Repealing Church Law
Thinks Clergyman v
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., May 27.
-(By The' Associated Press) :
The Methodist, ban upon ' amuse
ments, except those "which can
not be used in the name ot the
1 .... . . , '.
Lord Jesus, was lifted today byl
fire to one vote ot tW Metho
dist Episcopal general conference
here. ' A minority report ' forbid
ding theater attendance on Sun
days and specifying" dancing and
Immoral theater perform haces was
tabled by 460 'votes to 295. : !
There ' was no debate. Dr.
George 'Elliott of Detroit 'present
, ed'the majority report 'of a' stand
ing committee on the state of the
church and.W M. Short of Forjt
Worth. Tex., spoke for the minor
ity report. v The adoption oti the
former removed restrictions
against dancing, games ot. chance
and all theater attendance in force
since the church'a inception.
"We are not beating a retreat.
We ar going; forward,". Dr.; El
llottsaid. 'Religion must appeal
to the conscience 'and it is the
conscience of men that must be
treated. This new law"" goes back
to Wealey and Paul' and Jesus
Christ and goes forward to a time
when law shall be no more, be
cause written in the hearts of men.
Preachers now will stand In their
pulpit not 1th a policeman's club,
but 'with' th shepherd's crook In
their hands. They will go along
ont a new; program for. the saving
' of souls. -,-f- .. . .
Dance Divorce Cans
"Snndav theaters are working
a zreat hardship1 on; (he churches
Short' said. " Dancing Is one of
iti Weal' eamei ot 'divorce. Peo
pie will say that the Methodist
church has retreated lithe minor
itv reoort is not adopted.
Besides changes' in the church
law. which applied to section zsu
" o the discipline, the majority re
; k .UnroA 'definitions given in
nararranh 69 of the special ad
vices 1n the discipline, which
warned against theater going, to
read: "We lift up a solemn note
of warning and entreaty, particu
larly against attendance upon im
moral, questionable and mislead
ing theatrical and 'motion picture
- Derformancesr.
'This; action. In. keeping with a
recommendation made in the a
dress of the bishops earlier in the
month, endedan Issue which for
) decades has caused dissension in
I the church, at large an? 5 at ' the
; general conference. "To avoid such
a' conflict at htis time; the nev.
( James R. Gettys " ot University
Place, Neb.. mved, after reading
reports that they ne pui 10 vuie
without debate. ; '?
An attempt to change the word-
i Ing of the Apostle'sr creed was de
feated by a narrow margin af the
conference Monday. The point of
attack' Was the phrase 'the holy
Catholic church." assailed at pre
;vious quadrennialSj'but never be-
. . fore in such danger.
1 A memorial proposing to substi
tute for 'those words In the con
fessions of faith, the words
"Christ's holy church" was unfa
vorably reported by . the standing
committee on the state of the
church, but a minority report,
signed ' by twenty-four members.
recommended concurrence A mo
tion to table the minority report
was defeated by a margin of fouf-
. teen votes" but Elliot, chairman.
- made ah unexpected move at, the
last momenrand the majority re
port was accepted. i - "- '
OREGON Fair' Wednesday,
. except cloudy neaf the coast;,
moderate westerly winds. ,V
Maximum temperature, 71.
'Minimum temperature, 52.
Rainfall (none).
.River," -0.4, "stationary.
Atmosphere,' cloudy.
Wind. west.
Presbyterian Units May Fol-
low Methodist Example;
Separate Since 1861
27. (By The Associated Press.)
Dr. Thornton Whaling of Louis
ville. : Kv.. m oHfrnt nr nf thn
Presbyterian church in the United
States , (south ). and Dr. Clarence
fSSSS'lSrL ?l ,
States of America, clasped hands I
toaay on the rostrum of the Foun
tain Street Baptist church here.
the first' tangible personal indica-1
lion of a possible union of the Aro
bodies. 1
There was a strong. union sentl-
was greeted, with an ovation and
his remarks were received with
enthusiasm. He emphasized the
singleness . of j purpose of, the two
churches and indicated the will
ingness of the Southern church to
reunite with the parent church
from which it was separated in
1861 and with other presbyterian
bodies now existing as distinct
Attitude on Foot and Mouth
to . Depend on Whether
Outbreaks Occur
When 21 days shall have I
elapsed since the outbreak of I
,k i.aM i .v
previously disease-free . area Of
California then the state of Ore-
vnn will eHmlt rltm frnita from I
disease-free areas of that state, if
properly fumigated, if Governor
Pierce modifies ; the Oregon em
bargo, according to recommends.
tiong submitted to him yesterday,
The latest "outbreak in free ten
tory, reported, to Oregon was on
May 13. so irthere is no rther In
the meantime the ban on citrus
products should be lifted June 4
"When St ' days' have elapsed
similarly the ban will be lifted in
accord f with the Salt , Lake con
ference, though fumigation will
be required: Under this regula
tlon wool, hides, and all animal
The recommendation made to
the governor Is , -signed byv Walter
W. lajriur, Kuauuau vuo oi....
livestock sanitary' board; Dr. B
T. Slmms,who was Oregon's rep
resentative in California; and Dr.
W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian.
The recommendation comes as
from the livestock sanitary board,
It follows In full: ' '" '"p '
"Owing to the present foot-
and-mouth I disease situation in
California and from first' hand re-1
ports made by Dr. B. T. Sims," Just
returned from California, the state
livestock sanitary board's commit-j
tee "recommends, the r following
modifications be made to the proc-
lamationof Goverhbr Pierce'under
date of April 21, 1924.'
That! when 21 days have
elapsed aince the appearance oft
any 'foot-and-mouth disease in I
disease free areas ' of California!
that' upon such date the admission
Of citrus fruit from Calitornia
(Continued on page, 2)
Mayor Giesy Requests Peo-
p e to UDserve iviay ou -
in rroper vvay
In a statement Issued yesterday
Mayor John B. Glesy calls upon
the neonle ot Salem to observe
Memorial ; day with appropriate
services and ceremonials
statement says:
. . i.. i. u
"The a win aay i
eerved I16
a daysa!red-fc .""W 5f
IPUBO UCvwa w .
have made the supreme sacrifice
in the defense of theif country. It
ia a dav to be observed, not In a
spirit ot celebration, but in a spirit
of profound respect ana reverence
tnr our soldier dead.
T ijAf4.inftm6rJ therefore, I,
. . .
i' i lrZ-7 IiT-- m,t in.
a - m a n, nr SAiem
aL .nre.l n ?vUlZ, V;
as Memona, Y "3a7e
the people oiSalem by appropriate
services and ceremonies.
mt t niEsr. Uivor."..
Ill: :
MUItnOmah COUntV Grand
and Builders Over to Face
Contrafitnrs flPA AppmcpH nf
; PlWn and Conspiracy
in Making Bids
PORTLAND, May 27. The
Multnomah county grand jury late
today returned nine more indict
ments in connection . with : its In
quiry In the ' Willamette river
bridge scandal. The indictments
included all three of the recalled
county commissioners and, also
bridge contractors. The former
commissioners are charged jointly
with malfeasance in office : in
awarding the Burnside bridge con
tract to J. H. Tillman, whose bid
was more than 1500,000 higher
than the only other bidder.
The . contractors are -accused of
collusion in bidding and conspir
acy to prevent free and Open com
petition' In bidding.
Those Indicted were:
Charles 1 S. Rudeen, Dow t V.
Walker and J. H. "Rankin, county
commissioners who awarded the
alleged collusive contracts
George 'A. Sears and C J Hu
ber of the Union Bridge company,
sole biaaer on tne beuwooa nnage.
C. II. Parker ana t. . tiaune1a
ue "4 x ,
bidder, on the Bops island
' J! - H. : Tillman, high i bidder
against 'the Pacific Bridge ' com
pany's lower bid on the Burnside
turned. ,
for eo n
Mme Hearings are Placed on
Docket for Thursday
Morning Session
I Nine cases are already slated to
I come before the regular session
of the Marion county grand jury
which" convenes Thursday morning
and there is" every indication that
these will be increased to 10 by
that time from 'the Justice court
in addition there are several cases
I from other sections of the county
' Cases which have been placed
I on the docket are He Yim and Lo
Koo. unlawful possession of nar
cotics; Lloyd Clemens,' accused of
dog poisoning; Oscar ' Norton, ob
taining money under false' : pre-
tenses; C.W. Mann, forgery;
Lewis Bitner, larceny not in a
dwelling; Leo Darling and Ralph
J Hazen, larceny of an automobile
j and Stanley Larisky, who created
a disturbance in the business dis-
i trict ; one afternoon : by hurling' a
platter through Jthe window . at
the Coffee Shop restaurant."
Gerald Mero; Elected i Yell
Leader and Girod Atple-
tic Manager
Yesterday the students of the
I high "school were voting again the
i ... . . . 1
second time in two weew. .ine
for all of this was that
I resauu
tn ,,
in three of the student
body offices The offices being
i that of president, yell leader and
athletic manager, Avery Thomp
son received the highest number
of votes for president and i there
fore will be student body president
for the next year. He defeated
Edgar ;Tibbetts., The positionof
iii i.iiIm nt tn Oprald Mero
i j "
incumbent. Carlen Simpson was
defeated' for this position.
oltod won the position of athletic
yi v,a-oDOOnentr Clark
T " v.r,
I Jackson,
cases mm
Chicago Switchman Declares
He Identified Car "Near
Scene, of Crime .
CHICAGO. May 27. An eye
witness account of what the. in
formant believes was the midnight
burial of Robert Franks, i 2-year-old
son, of a Chicago millionaire,
whose body was found In a south
side swamp after the' parents had
received ransom demands, was the
principal development today in the
search' f6r the slayers. ' "r
' The nian' who 'gave the infor
mation was John H." Shackelford
of "Gary, Ihd., a' railroad .swltch
mah.' who said that' 'late Wednes
day "night when 'the boy disap
peared he saw a green sedan near
the swamp in which the boy's body
wan iuuuu. . . I
Kiwanis Club Has Good Time
and Adopts Program for
- , Future ' 1
The . Brown books, captained by
T. M. Hicks, won the Kiwanis at
tendance contest and as a result
the" Yellow '"" books paid for the
dinner furnished the visitors last
night. A hilarious evening was
spent and . many testimonials of
pleasure at the -complete success
of the undertaking were expressed.
A serious item of business was
considered at the meeting Involv
ing the adoption of six objectives
for the effort of the club: " "
1. Incenerator for burning the
city's garbage -"on a selt-support-
ng .basis, if possible" or other
sanitary disposition of same.
2. Initiate and promote mental
testing and classification of ' ex
ceptional (backward or gifted)
children in order to .permit their
more accurate grading and in
struction. -
3. To invite four representative
citizens from each of the various
community' clubs' to luncheons
from time to time.
4. Kiwanis club lends its sup
port to any movement tending to
ward the preservation ot the shade
trees of the city, ' and uniform
planting of 'roses along the curbs
Of the ' Pacl f ic highways within1 the
S. Support and . promote the
movement of placing proper, ex
hibits in the state house typical of
state's natural resources.
6. Proper numbering of houses,
the placing of street signs indi
cating thereon the house numbers
in the block',' and proper lines and
signs at street intersections in
the congested area and illuminated
highway gigns at entrance of and
through the city. f ?
Salem likes the Apollo club, and
it 5 Isn't any wonder. Tot . the
third time this season this popular
men's singing group was greeted
by a large and clamorous audi
ence. -The first, club number was
the Wagnorian "Chorus of Re
turning Pilgrims." from Taiihr
hauser, full 'of fine feeling and
melody. Choosing, too. a Wagner,
number. Mrs. H. H. Harms, lyric
soprano, whose voice is of excep
tional purity, sang the aria from
Tannhauser. "O Hall of Song." re
sponding with Troharne's "Mother,
My Dear." The second of the en
semble numbers included the
beautiful Brahms "Lullaby," and
the delightful Hugo Juengst whim
sy, "Spin, Spin." .:
The Apollo club quartet, Glais-
yer, Robertson, Gille and Hansen,
received due applause for Scbtt's
Ole Uncle Moon,; and the up
roarious "Quartet Rehearsal," (O'-
Hara ). ' "Sleep," , ( LeBleg) .was
granted as an encore. M " ' '
Appearing1 before the Salem
nubile for the first time the Euter-
peatt octettd was received ' last
night with 'considerable enthusl
asm. Luigl Denza's suite from
"Garden of Flowers" was offered
and warmly accepted by a grati
fied audience. " 'Snowflakes''
(Co wen) was the octette's favor
to the crowd. - '
- With Dr. Sites himself playing
the accompaniment, Lyman Mc
Donald sang1 Bruno Huhn's power
ful arrangement of "Invictus, and
Henry E Gechl's "For Yon Alon,
responding' to much ready applause
withL"Give a Man a Horse He Can
bitter About
exclusion act
.,. ... .j -, . 1 1 i. i ...!
Editorial Comment Expresses
in Tokio Disappointment
In President
TOKIO. May 28. Oy The As
sociated Press. ) A bitter edito
rial outburst marks' tlte final en
actments of the American immi
gration j bill, including the exclus
ion of, Japanese. A. jma jority , of
the newspapers express "disap
pointment with the action of
President Coolidge. ' t '
"if, the, president lad been of
the same calibre as Lincoln,"
says Hochi, "he would have ferav
ed opposition and vetoed the most
inreasonable legislation congress
ever passed. The president, how
ever, has Japanepe sympathy since
he did his best; under the circum
stances to oppose ' the anti-Janan-ese
agitators"- "
Worthless Checks Aggregate
ing About $200 Cashed
on balem-Men
Where is George Padrick. elec
trician and. former employe of the
PEP company?
This is the thought uppermos
in the minds' of half a score of
Salem merchants .who were victim
Ized Saturday by the.' elusive Pad
rick, "who fwas enabled to leave
the , city- richer by $200 and a
quantity of clothing as a result;
of having "floated "a" large number-
of worthless checks. Pad
rick's j activities began coming ; to
light yesterday when the bank
notified merchants that check's of
fered J by Padrick were worthless.
; .Known victims and. the amounts
lost are O. j. Schei, $64, who sold
the missing man, a suit of clothes
for this' amount; Central Cigar
store, 145; the Man's Shop, $30;
Halik Electric shop, $20; Roth
Grocery company, $20, and an un
paid grocery bill; Terminal res
taurant, $15; Welch Electric. $10
Smith's cigar store, two checks.
$5 and IIS, and Al Kra'use $1.50
Krause was particularly fortunate
for his place Is protected by fraud
insurance, ; and the' check was
cashed in exchange for some cloth
ing" late Saturday. . Monday the
insurance policy expired; ' ;
In addition to the checks cashed
here. 1 the bank received one for
$200 that had 'been cashed In Port
Padrick and his wife had been
living at 1365 Ferry. ' Some'oflilai
victims visited the place Tuesday
ana louna me nouse aesertea
Mrs. Padrick and baby" left for Se-I
attle Saturday morning to. visit Mr,
riuricK s momer, neignDors sayj
However, Padrick Is believed: to
have f departed for other places
as"'It Is" thought that" domestic
troubles caused . his wife to leave;
him: :"
Ride." j The club followed with
two further numbers and "Ole Sole
Miot as an encore. , ,
Miss (Ruth Bedford, who is ac
companist j for the Apollo club.
played ; Rosenthal's "Papillons'
with delicacy and finish. Appear
ing for a later group, the octette
sang the Russian, dance number,
Romanika" and "Come Down.
Laughing Streamlet." The audfr
ence was more than gratified with
the xesDonse of the group who
chose for their last numbeir
medley of southern planation
songs, i t '
James P. Smart never fails to
win! an audience' anywhere.- Last
night he came onto the platform.
in the Scottish plaids to the in
troductory strains of his numbers
Both announced choices were from
Lauder, the first "The'Wagle O
the Kilts." and the second "Wee
Doeeh ' an. Dorris." With' much
surprise," and an equal amount of
genial 'gratitude, Mr. Smart's be
wildered hands accepted the club's
"floral tribute." a big top-heavy
bunch of Scotch broom! The bou
quet put him In good enough
humor t sing, not only one but
two. encores.
. Two club numbers with a Jolly
encore, ''Peter Piper "Picked
Peck of Pickled Peppers," followed
by f'America," closed the evening's
program . , 1 .
. The members of the octette, to
gether with the sympathetic and
gifted accompaniment. Miss Eliza
beth Campbell are all pupils o
Dr. Sites, as Is Lyman McDonald.
Series of Tornadoes Visit
SpMthern District Just Re
covering From Similar
Red Cross Ready Jo Send
Succor to Suffering Com.
munities oh Request
ATLANTA, Ga., May 27. (By
The Associated Press.) .Still
maimed' and in the shadow of a
devastated series of tornadoes of
less 'than'" a month ago, rural "Ala
bama and Mississippi late yester
day and' early today again' were
stricken by a second storm visita
tion, and at a late " hour today
were taking tolfof their dead and
Injured and the unestlmated'thou
sands of dollars damage done to
farms and homes and buildings.
Available 'advices from the torn
districts place Alabama as the
greatest sufferer In loss of human
life, with a" known " total of 19
dead; Mississippi, with a deter
mined aggregate of 1? killed and
reports: of many other fatalities
which, if confirmed, will greatly
increase' ther casualty list of that
state. " In Alabama; more than '30
persons were Injured, some fatal
ly, . and "many seriously;' " while
Mississippi, with more' than 0 in
jured already reported; probably
will be hardest hit when complete
news of the . whirling destruction
comes on reconstructed wires; '
The southern division of the
Red: Cross' and various other re
lief agencies are ' at ' work' caring
ior tne nunareas of homeless or
making preparations for succor
ing the communities. .Late today
the Red Xrosa1 here received" an
urgent call for tents and cots from'
Greenville and stated, they were1
prepared to 'meet' all requests re
ceived. '"'';:-
' Georgia, untouched by the pres
ent series of tornadoes, received a
damaging blow In the northern
section' .of the' 'state, when rains
falling incessantly for seven hours
caused stream's to overflow In' the
towns of Rockmart and Cave
Springs, where basements and
flooTS of business houses' were re
ported to be holding nearly 'a 'foot
of 'water. " No loss of 'life' was re
ported in either town. 1 ;
"Pussyfoot" Johnson, Inter-
naiionai neiormer, Lec
tures in Salem
William E. ' (Pussyfoot) John
son, known the world over as a
temperance worker and , prohibi
tion lecturer, will speak at ' the
tabernacle on: Willamette univer
sity campus tonight on "The Cross
and the 'Crescent.' ' Mr. Johnson
is filling many ' engagements in
western Oregon at the present
time. He will speak at the Rotary
club luncheon at noon today.
Mr. Johnson is literally a battle-scarred
veteran in the cause of
temperance, haying lost an eye at
the hands of opponents of temper
ance in England. Although his
advance literature does not men
tion the fact,, the news dispatches
at. the time stated that Johnson
proved so good a "sport" in his In
jured condition that he won the
hearts of those responsible.
'Anti-trust "prosecutions were
inquired into by the Daugherty
committee.-" r "
The senate Mayfield committee
decided to close" evidence in the
case this week. '
' i
Royal H. Weller, democrat. New
York, was declared by the house
to be entitled to his seat.
' -
The senate foreign . relations
committee's world court plan was
formally reported to the senate.
. ?. ' f-
. .Carrying tha Borah amendment
for publicity of campaign contri
butlons, the postal salary increase
bill wag passed by the senate.
18-Year-OId Bandit Appre
hended After Getting Away
'With' About $;000
PEORIA, 111.. May. 27. Norma
Anderson, 18 years old, who with
a baby in her arms held uo the
Steenburg bank at Farmington
this afternoon. : was a,rreste4 to
night at Hanna City', after she
forced a taxicab driver at the point
of a gun to hurry her away. Over
$1,000 in cash which she grabbed
from a teller's window was re
covered. .
When the girl walked Into the
bank and shoved a gun at the tel
ler he thought she was playing a
Joke and said "Don't be in a hur
ry, I shall wait on you In a few
"You'll wait on me now." the
girl demanded shoving the revolv
er closer to him. "Hurry up and
give me that money." The teller
hesitated and the girl reached in
side the window and seized a bag
containing more than $1,000 in
cash. , She then forced David Set
tles, taxi driver, whom she .hired
to take her to Farmington, to
hurry her away. - "
10 TiElfiCLE
High School to Hold Gradua
tion Exercises in Union
Revival Hall
..Graduation exercises for Salem
high school will be held ' at the
tabernacle on June 13. "and In ap-;
preclation of the courtesy shown
the school board by the trustees
ofWlllamette university the board
last 'night offered a special vote
of thanhs. Reddiway and 'Harris,
purchasers of the tabernacle' will
be 'granted an extension of 2 0' days
to raze the structure.
Leslie Sparks, of T Washington
junior high, explained his program
Tor' phyBlcaI'educaion' with em
phasis upon corrective exercises.
and was, employed' as high school
physical director by . the.' " board.
Hollis Huntington was engaged on
part time and will coach athletics.
J. T, . Ross, head janitor in the
public schools, ' was"" garnted -a
three weeks vacation at the end
of the term;' 'The board indicated
that it would not renew a contract
with Mr, Hos8" lor next "year.1 '.
Miss Carlotta Crowley, elemen
tary supervisor of 'the school sys
tem. met with the board and ex
plained in detail the nature ot her
work' and of the 'satisfactory re
sults obtained. Miss Evans,' re
presenting the Palmer penmanship
method, reported on the work be
ing done in the local schools as. a
result of a week spent, in visiting
and offering her services as super
visor of writing. No action was
A delegation representing - the
Highland P-T. association i urged
that a portable school be moved
from the Grant to. the Highland
schools in order to give the pupils
proper assembly facilities and a
place for physical education. An
answer was requested by
June 6.
No Continuing Clause Al-
lowed as Rider in Deal
With PEP Co.
- When the city council. meets on
Monday night, June 2, the light
committee will recommend that in
entering into a new contract with
the Portland Electric Power com
pany the' city charter be adhered
to precisely in its provision that
such contracts shall not be' enter
ed into for a greater "length of
time than ' five years.' -This was
decided upon at a joint meeting of
the lights and the ways and means
committees last night, the special
meeting of the council failing, to
materialize because of lack of a
quorum. ' ' ; : ' : ' " "
Manager W. M. Hamilton of the
Portland Electric Power company
submitted a contract that contain
ed a continuing -clause whereby,
after the expiration of five years.
the contract would remain in ef
feet until terminated after notice
of one year by either party. This
occasioned a long discussion, but
because It Is held, to be contrary
to the charter Its elimination from
the contract will be asked.'
eoeii coin
' r ' 4
Government Operatic zr
i Owhershfn of LTusda Pcv;-
er f Plant is Favcrcd By
Agricultural Body
Friends of Automobile r.!nr,'j-
f acturer to Obtain First
' Vote. in Senate
WASHINGTON. May 27. Gov-
ernment ownership and operation
of 'Muscle Shoals was endorsed to
day by the senate agriculture com
mittee alter Henry T ord s bid ha ;
been rejected.
By a vote of 11 to 4 the com
mittee ' adopted the "Norris gov
ernment ownership bill as an am
endment to the McKeniie tblll,
which passed the house pending
acceptance of Ford's offer. A no
tion to report favorably the Ford
bill was defeated 11 to 5.
The '.fight' will now be taken
to the floor of the senate whera
an effort will be luriile to have a
vote' by the end of tlie weelc'
Supporters of Ford's "Lid claim"
they-have a paiiiafnntary ad
vantage in the present Etatus cf
the Ford offer. kt-u the Ie-
Kenzie bill ' as afei-u led by tL-3
committee' is brought up in tl s
senate. Ihey plan to offer tn
amendment to the committee's re
port which would bring a vote
first on. Ford's offer.
Amendments to the Norris till
will be drawn up by a' gub-conr. 1 1-
tee, at. the , request of Chairrr. : n
Norris. who explained that e'. 3
the bill. was" drafted two "yesra a; 3
it needed to be brought up to dat a.
He said he planned to submit e: -
endments .which would, tiaka r:: 3
emphatic prOTlslons of; tta t :
calling" for wide distribution c
power and the' prod uctloa "
of fertiliser -.
Another amendment which t! i
compromise has' In mind wou" 1
provide for the use of the f 3,472,
487 which was -1 received ty tl 3
government for the sale of tl
Gorgas steam "plant to the por
company, as working capital f:l
J.he ' federal chemical corporat!
which would be created under ti j
Norris bill; for the operation 1 1
Muscle Shoals.
Chairman Norris said , he pre ' '.
ably also would submit an amen .1
inet torturh over to the nitres 1
research laboratory of the depart
ment of agriculture nitrate plar.3
Nos'l and "2" for the production cf
fertilizer Instead of the corpora
ilon as the original bill providf 3.
All Business Houses
' Close Memorial Day
1 J ' ' ' ; '
. All business houses in Salera
will be 'closed Friday in'order to
observe Memorial day. It was defi
nitely decided yeeterday at a meet
ing of the Business Mens' league,
according' to O. E. ' McAfee, secre
tary.. This thas been the custc 1
In the past 'and will be in order
this year. "i
j Flags belonging to the chamber
of commerce will be placed
throughout the business district cf
the city Thursday, night. Tha
Cherrian band will furnish tte
music for the parade In the after
noon, it was announced Tuesday
by Oscar Steelhammer, director.
I Are You Awake to
Real Estato
The Statesman "Real
Estate" ' columns are:
alive with desirable of
fers of high class real
estate, city, ' f-uturban ;
and farm property.
Profit by the exper
ience of others who have
, bought and. sold through
: these . columns . and ha va
1 become independent.
Turn to the "Real E.--1
tate' columns on pa, 2 1
and read ; the epportura-
ties listed there. '
Oreircn Sinter rr.T.n
- r m