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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1924)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1924 iiuiii i n ii -i t v ''"""""""""""""i" i-i mill -iihi rii1 - ir inn miti-nr jimmm iin in 1 loTnnnin m mmii numrr mini tPmn MMWu.i,,,iiiiMiwiiiiiiii!iiiiimiii,u,,iuii.ui( mi i '. j,. ...i. .. ..i. ."..n... i n" i i ., . ;.: i ..i. " i , mi in ' -....i-.. "";,,iiiiiiiii,..Hiir T---"!-'!'-'-!!- irll-riliiiHiiinnl li iiliuipiii i -1 1 1 mi -.p.. m -1 iiii-iil-'Tnin-i n -i i - j n iniii in i , j 3- , - , M ' mniirr "' iiiiiimiiiu..j....i ..ll.iiiui.l4i!Ul'lll ..l, 1 -.r-- ' r .-.n-.,UI,mJ,M.v,,,,lpi w Miiiiiliiinmiiiwiimii m i i m . j ' H 1"""" " " n , . ' " 3 , - mi ill ii n ii iiniiiiminiiii innm.Mlliniliuiilliilllilililllllllliiliiiiiliiiiiiii Ill iHmillmiiM.iiiii'ii J a- ,,11, t , M t ..Iijj 1 1. .. i:.., . , - K 4wV .fT rS ' n J i-.- rrt PIPE AND PIPELESS FURNACES Installed , in , Your Home at ; Factory Prices Ovpr 200 Satisfied Users In Salem A FUEL SAVER 4 J CONTROL . Manufactured . and sold by SvlI.DEIieER ... .- . . . f CSO North High Street - tmrm iojsu Shop 803 North Liberty St. O When One :Pnit ' Waer Wastes Uvm Founds of Cement! It is. now known that excess mixing water; riot only weakens concrete, ; but that it is' actually wasteful of cement. One pint of water more than necessary in a one bag batch decreases the strength and resistance to wear as much as though two pounds of cement were left out. 1 ' "'f-'' ; '' ' i l i ' ' " Wouldn't you like to haye, right at hand for quick reference, a practical manual which tells how the quanti ty of mixing water can,be closely controlled, so as to give your concrete greater strength without using more cement? This information is yours for the asking. The right amount of water and the right materials will give you more for your money frofm your concrete than Oregon Graver Company 1 MAn Independent Organization". 1405 N. Front, Phone 180 1 Save Honey on Your Housing Wiring " Get Our Figures SALEWl ELECTRIC CO. F. S. Barton, Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1249. 345 State St, Union Abstract Company We have a complete set of indices of Marion County Records. Before parting with your money for a deed or mortgage, satisfy yourself that the title is good by get ting one of our abstracts. - . W. E. HANSON, Secretary U. S. PAGE. President. 1 YOU TOO CAN BUILD AND . Salem is one of the great home cities of America. : About one half of our houses are owned by fami lies living in. them, but what About the other half? Thousands of other families can and should know the joys of home ownership. r What about you? , Let me help you now to plan your own home. For: twenty years I've been helping owners to build their homes .economically and welL I can help you too. : "V : C:l-::v::;V ..' ;.r ; ' ? My book of house plans, at my home, contains hundreds of suggestions. Call and look them over. I will help you from the very start help you with your plans-nad vise you regarding the financing of your home give you throughout the benefit of my long experience.. . . . ' Come in and talk with me or phone and I will be glad to call on you without any obligations. PHONE 1337-J 1420 N. FIFTH ST. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE STATESMAN BRING RESULTS Phoao 1597. Country Work Promptly Attended to L'. D. BRANDON General Paintinjj Contractor Painting in All its Branches 287 South Church Street AMERICA NEEDS BETTER HOMES (Continued from page I.) and wel planned houses furnish ideal conditions for the retention and improvement of health. I am heartily In favor of .thia move ment." 3 i "Better Future Citizeas' A nation's progress; can be measured by the Improvement it makes In Its homes," says John MJ Gries, Chief, Division of Build ing and Housing, U. S. Depart ment of Commerce. "Hence the better the home the better should be our future citizens. 'Better Homes does not mean merely bet ter built -nouses, but it means bet ter design; better equipment, bet ter light and air, and more com fort a place where the family has every opportunity for devel oping its best qualities. The Bet ter Homes movement helps com munities to find out and to dem onstrate what constitutes a good home, and how a commonplace house can be mads into a' better home at a minimum of expense." "Put Music Into tbe llome "The home Is the foundation of oar national and individual well being, and no home is -complete without music." asserts Mrs. John P. Lyons, president. National Fed eration of Music Clubs. "There -1 LOANS On Modern Homes A 5Vz Semi-Annual Interest ; 5 Year? Loan v.' Will Loan' Up to 50 of Value ALSO Per Gent MdntKIy Payment Loans Far Cheaper Than Any Ualldlng & Loan Co. in the Northwest Hawliiris & Roberts j- ..ti ; . . Financial Scrvico t ; I' .1 ,203 Oregon l5L3g. ; . ! ? r Phone 1427. is probably no. other agency that serves go well to strengthen and beautify family ties, and certainly nothing else is more powerful in kindling and fostering a love for the true and beautiful. The home that puts more -music Into its ev-ery-day family life will give - a higher type of citizens to the na tion." v It Pays High Dividends "I know of no movement wbich will be productive of better results to the people of the United States than the Better Homes campaign now being conducted under the auspices of Better Homes in Amer ica," states Dr. Lee K. Frankel, chairman. National Health Coun cil. "Whatever we can do to im prove living conditions among the common people1 in the-United States, to bring Ideals, of beauty and utility into their homes, and in particular anything that can be done to make the burden of the housewife easier, pays wonderful dividends In happiness, content ment, better health and ' longer life." ' ' "By Homes We Stand or FaiT "I am 6trong!y In sympathy with the Better Homes movement. It is practical. Its aim is to bring us back and hold us firm to'the fundamental Institution underly ing every country or civilization the home," says Theodore Roose vedt, assistant secretary of the navy. "By the quality of our homes we stand or fall, for the home is the 'power house of the line. Anything we can do to help the home, we should do." Better Homes Needed in Rural Sections j "It is essential that the farm ers of America be not only mater ially prosperous , but contented, full of pride in their calling of tillers of the soil," gays, Mrs. Charles O. Schuttler, former chair man. Women's Division, Federal tion of Farm and Home Bureaus. '.'This they cannot be unless com fort, convenience and ' ' beauty characterize their home. The American Farm . Bureau Federa tion . and the American Country Lire Association are both fitally. interested in the demonstrations which will be carried on under the auspices of Better Homes in Amer ica." , v ,- . ; v; ' A Nation's Greatest Dcfense, "The greatest defense of any nation lies not .In its jarmy;jior .in, its navy, but in the homes of that nation," declares" Mrs. 'John D. Sherman, chairman department ot applied education General Feder ation of Women's Clubs. "There was never a great land yet in any period of history or in any quarter of the world where its homes .were not its chief strength." . ' j j "Homes Come First" . John Barton Payne, chairman Central Committee, American Red Cross, r says, "It needed only a casual observation of the delight ed crowds visiting the replica of the John Howard Payne home while it stood ia the park adjac ent to .this executive . grounds , at Washington for one to acquire, the conviction that real homes are dearest to the heart of Americans. Homes come first In the making of a contented nation." - - Home An Altar for the Soul "Every good American home is ah altar for the soul of the world," says Mrs, WiUiam Brown Meloney, who initiated the work of Better Homes In America, and is still a member of the advisory council. "Every good American home is a bulwark against the desecration. the weakness, i the selfishness, all the other vices, which corrode the human heart, and destroy the peace of the world." ' Of Vital Importance" "The Better Homes in America movement is of vital Importance to the people of today,1 asserts Miss Adelia Prichard.1 president of the National Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women's Clubs. "It is an Ideal that should live In every heart, that should grow in every mind until all of the little v children everywhere - know and1 understand the beauty and strength of real home lifa Every thinking man and woman should give consideration to the move ment, every community give time and thought to its demonstration, because here as in no other way can we grow a fine home loving people, and through them build a stronger and truer America. ' It is a contribution toward real Amer icanism." Better Homes Solve Problems , "If the objects of the Better Homes campaign could be com pletely realized, the baffling pro blems of the country would be largely solved," states Dr. Liv ingston Farrand, president of Cornell university. : "Every year of experience makes It more and more evident that our difficulties physical, moral, economic and civic must be met by better pre pared and better trained individ ual citizens. This improvement is more dependent upon home con ditions than upon all other fac tors put together." t "Man's Essential Activity "Home building Is man's essen tial activity, for the home shelters the family upon which . depends our present security and order, and our hopes for the future," as serts John Ihlder, manager civ if development department, U. S. chamber of commerce. "Even as a savage, man began to turn his attention to home building. His increasing success is one of the best" measures of his advance In civilization s - Better Homes for. Children . "The woman who keeps up the pursuit pf beauty and cleanliness and order, but Is ready to make many concessions because she un derstands the necessity and even the attractiveness of certain kinds of disorder, knows the real mean ing of better homes for children," says Miss Grace Abbott, chief of the U; S. Children's Bureau. "The struggle for order must, necessar ily, be continuous. sBut in prac tice the child often clashes with this ideal, and the house in which books and paints and collections of leaves and stamps, balls and bats, and dogs and cat the mak ings and unmaklngs of a radio set are not always confined tol the child's special domain, after all. but better home. I have no sta tistical evidence to present, but nevertheless hazard the statement that it Is from the homes in which the mothers make these adaptions and concessions that resourceful, self-reliant children come most frequently. It is in such homes that the dangers which beset the (Continued on page 6) Phone 1I85W. All Work Guarantee! VASBYiBROTHEES. PAINT CONTRACTORS vi Estimates Given Free Painting, Kalsomininz and Decorating 'Paperhangin 1703 N. Broadway. cm, Orcjcn HERE, MR. HOMEBUILDER to the BEST, SAFEST, STRONGEST, : and. fm Uia limff ran. tha nTlSJlPrOT . . ? Material out ox which to build your home i, ., - It is BURNED CLAY HOLLOW BUILD ING TILE It Insures Fire-Safety Health and Comfort. Aak for Catalog and Booklet of Plana, SALEM BRICK & TILE CO. Salem, Oregon. . i S N Phone 17 1 1 fccjicjkuy f ,7 llfrs. of Borneo! Clay Hotrbw Bnllilns Tile, DrlcX and vraia xue. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE STATESMAN BRING RESULT LOOK Half Acre Near New Junior v High' School at Your i Own Price Hurry j 13500 8-rpom house and large lot on new paving on North Summer street, one of the very best values in tbe city at pres ent. , i i , - ; HARRIS ; S08 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013, 1942-J JMttefHbnor Roll IT'S EASY! All you need is ambition to own your own home, plus a small initial payment. We do the rest. ; We arrange , e very t hi n g convenient m o n t hi y, . installments," ( insurance, taxes and all other details. Beautiful 6-room stucco home, new, hardwood floors, every modern feature, ' most expensive plumbing. Creek property, $7500. This proper- ty would be a good, buy at $8500. - Good terms. Winnie Pettyjohn i ' Realtor Oregon ' Building t'-i u J- --'-., : - . i r-