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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1924)
Si - Part Two Pages 1 to 6 . r ; - ( t -. I - SEVENTy-FOURTHYEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY . 11, 1024 PRICE FIVE CENTS - i unrrnina nrrnn It : : :l 111 " l-KII.Il I H"l"l IIIIILMIUMULLUU THOMAS B. KAY Republican Candidate for . State Treasurer Primaries May 18 1924 l BETTEB IBS Leading Americans Will Tell Benefits Better Homes : and Home Owning One of the most Important is sues before, the United States, to day, is the - betterment of the na tion's homes. ; . ; On the eve - of Better Homes' Week, .-which ; will , be observed throughout the country from May 11 - to ; 18, under the .auspices of Better Homes in America, thl Is the verdict of an Imnosinir array of . leading Americans, headed by President Coolidge. ' Business men 'and women, neonle of the city find people of the rural sec tions,, government officials, heads of women's clubs doctors, educa tional authorities, ; and religions leaders are all, agreed upon this fact ; - America needs r better homes! The term "Better Homes' means more than better houses It means better business, better health, better children, better men and .women, - better !; cities and a better nation. Here ars. some of the . reasons, why, America needs better homes,-as given by. leading Americans: , A Tet of Our Civilization" "'The American home is the foundation of our. national and In dividual well bein(" says President Coolidge, chairman of the advis ory council of Better Homes iin AmerIcaT "Its steady r Improve ment Js at the "same time, a test of our civilization ; and of . our ideals. The . Better ; Homes In America movement: provided; a. channel through which 'men and women In each community can en courage the building, ornamenting and owning of private homes, by the people, at large. 1 We need at tractive, worthy, '. permanent homes, that lighten the burden of housekeeping. We need homes In which home life can reach its finest levels, a nd in which can be reared happy children and upright citizens." Homes Mould Character "The character of a people Is largely affected by the homes in which they dwell," declares- Her bert Hoover, ! Secretary of com merce;, and president of Better Homes In America. "The fcro foundest influences of early chtldf hood are those of the family cir cle. The warmest -memories , of later years center iri the home; It 19 the environment Of most of the deepest experiences of human life. The highest civilizations have been built, not by nomadic peoples, but by nations in which the mass of the population are home-owners and home-lovers.' " i " From Better Homes Comes Bet- i ' ter Men" ' . . "Civilization is known by the homes its people live in."" states Secretary James John Davis, of the United States Department of Labor.. "Past achievements in arts and sciences' are reflected in the permanence of architecture and convenience of the habitations they left behind, and are fold- In stories of home and fireside.1 For civilization is built by man as a. means for, more: happily spending the short years of his life. Mere houses are not homes, nor arch itecture elegance the object of man's creative genius. The struc tures men. erect are raised for a purpose, v Better men build better homes; from better home comes better men. Vx ... .Bcter Monies Mean Better . : . .. .-people . . ; ' "Better homes mean better peo ple.", cays Dr. Hubert Works, Sec retary U. S, Department, of the In terior. "Man's progress Is mea sured by his home " environment, which in turn reflects his social advancement. We look at. the world through: the windows of our home. Comfort from -modern working appliances, health from sunshine and fresh air, inspiration from harmonious " surroundings, and contentment from simple liv ing should be the aspiration of all home-builders, for these things af fect the'character of bur children. They help make the home a refuge where, we, may pause after the day's work to gather strength for further achievement." ' " "A Lure Rack to Normalcy and Contentment". "The drive' for Better' Homes In America, conceived as. it Is as an educational program without com mercial ; considerations, should command the cooperation of the schools and all who are interest ed In educational progress by ed ucation," asserts Dr. John James TIgert. U. S. Commissioner of Ed ucation. "It is frequently observ ed that we are. in a period of un rest and upheaval. Nothing can contribute so effectively to a has ty return to stability and domestic tranquility, as more and : better homes. To live comfortably in an attractive environment.- without concern or apprehension about the future is the surest lure back to normalcy and.- contentment." "They Mean Better Children and - . -: Better Families' , "Better Homes mean more than finer prysicaj surroundings," ac cording to Mrs.; T. Q. Winter, president of the-, General-Federation of Women's Clubs. "They mean better children and. better families. . They mean better. mar riages,' where the duties and ad justments , are more normally based and the ugly menace of di vorce grows less. They mean bet ter bodies to hold better , souls. They mean better citizenship, where the.-family feels itself, a component and important part of the community. They mean a better America. We club wpmen, who. are- largely mothers, believe in the children, the families,' the citizenship, the ideals of Ameri ca; so we believe in and .will work for Better Homes." . j : "Better Homos Make for .Better . . Health" "Unhealthy people . are apt, to make unhealthy homes, and un healthy homes, make unhealthy people. This constitutes -a vicioiis circle the tendency of which, is to make health ' conditions ; progres sively worse' according to Dr. Hugh. S.' Cummlng Surgeon-General United States Public. Healthl ''The Better Homes movement lh terrupts.this vicious circle, so thai health' conditions. tend to improve progressively. Cheer ul jattraCf tlve, weU lighted, well ventilated, (Continued on page 3) P. L. FRAZ1ER For City. Iiecorder Owing to technicality in fil ing declaration of candidacy, I my "hame-will hot be printed ca J the' ballot, but it may be writ- ten in on the blank' line provU- j d JoY that "purpose. ; ! Mark X; in when written. front - of cane (Paid Adv.) 3 ' -Si z rip- r m -i . Beauty and Utility ir 111 1 1'l'i 7 iir IS far more than a fc-vsC mere utility. It is an expression of good taste of the modern Ameri can home, and of a sincere prids in the appearance of your own individual home. , MOST ESSENTIAL .NOV, i 1 are vaccum cleaners to give the house its T thorounh cleaning. Eliminating most of the back-ache that usually accom panies it. Your heavy portieres, coats, rugs and upholstered fur niture will respond to its. ministrations. And all through the sum mer, it will perform many of your cleaning tasks with but a few minutes operation. We offer you only, the best makes, at mod erate prices. They will pay for thernselves many time3 over. Refrigerators, Important! The refrigerator which you buy, here will save yoii its first cost many times oyer. You will be reminded monthly; of its economy when the ice bill comes in. Cbristructea scientifically to conserve ice and keep your foods fresh arid sweet. White in side and out, and easy to keep it so. With qjenerdus compartments for food stuffs, ice and milk; It will pay you to buy a good one. Better Furniture Makes Better Homes jO our minds this is the best thought of Bet ter Homes Week- May 11 to 18.1 What is a house without the things in inside to match the promise of the out side? The safe, the sane, the sure way to transform your house-r-any house jnto a better home, is to put better fur niture into it. At this store, the best costs less than the best at a lot of stores. rovidiiigr These gas arid oil stoves will prove a booh to the woman who does her bwri cooking, or does any work in the kitchen. They concentrate all their heat on the foodf with riohe'for the kit chen. Stay cool this summer by using one of these. Small, yet efficient and most attractively priced. 1 n u - ' 1 The Porch Extends Its Welcom HI i : i .- . T ! . . We are now ready to show you ; our complete collection of porch forniture, the vogue for spring and summer furnishing. Suites and. occasional pieces of cheerful hue and perfect taste are here awaiting your . inspection. We know you - will find just the porch furniture you have in mind, in the colors that flease you, and in ingeni ous patterns that enhance their beauty. You will find economy present also. Bring spring to your home with these , v i