The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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1924 Nash 4 Touring ..,.$850
1923 Maxwell 5-Passr.
Closure $795
1923 Star Touring ......$400
1922 Ford Touring ......$265
1921 Ford Roadster ....$225
1920 Dort Touring . .... . $125
RE yon mainly Inter
sted in apeed or
comfort, or both I
Wbaterer yoor demands
may be, we are prepared
to meet them. Let's talk
it oer.
d BlBT hft Wa ai-V-A naiM.J f wM
f-fl to meet thtnu Ltv talk 01
1 i tSS H. Charon St. if
ZHton S85 I
he was postmaster of, Klamath
Falls, eight years under the Wil
son administration and one year
under Harding. He is a Democrat
In politics. He has been interested
in banking and farming at Klam
ath Falls and owns a farm a few
miles out of the city. He came
from Oklahoma to Oregon. In the
tormer state he was in educational
work and also in the bapking busi
ness. In 1912 he returned to Ok
lahoma temporarily to do special
work In the office of the sUte
auditor. !
. Governor iPierce will : call a
special meeting of ; the board .f
control today in an effort to get
the board together for the selec
tion of a site for the new trairicg
school.' ; : - i ,
Secretary of State Kozer was in
structed to draw resolutions thank
ing Mr. Good in for his service as
secretary to the board through
many years j and State Trasuier
Myers was Instructed to draw up
resolutions on the death of his
predecessor, O. P. Hoff.
bates Authorized at En
trances to Grounds By
Board of Control
his clean, open look in the maze
of cigarettes and other, dissipa
tions, ; and takes on the slouchy,
sloppy, jellyfish look of the one
out of touch with the beautiful
world about him. "The pigs and
the cows and the dogs all look to
the earth. When you dabble in
sin. you get that look also."
The speaker pointed out one
beautiful compliment paid by
Jesus Christ himself, who, when
he saw Nathaniel approaching,
said: "Behold, a man in whom
there is no guile!" "It was the
steadfast look of a clean man who
had never soiled his soul by sin,"
said the speaker. 1
The meeting was a great relig
ious success. It was a fervid suc
cess, for hundreds of young peo
ple came forward, to crowd both
of the inquiry rooms , in their
earnest search for the better life
From the rapt attention paid all
through the long address, and
from the eager response at the
final call, it promises to be one of
the most profound services ever
held in Salem. There were nearly
200 definite decisions made. - i
The sermon tonight is entitled.
"A Young Fool." It is for old
and young, but it is especially a
continuation of last night's ad
dress. Mrs. Demarest went, out to
the girls' industrial school Tues
day afternoon, and out of the 50
inmates "22 professed their desire
to live sincere Christian lives.
Seattle' 3; Portland 2.
Score R. II.
Portland 2 C
Seattle 3 9
- Eckert and Daly; Steuland and
Baldwin. (10 innings.)
Oakland 12; Angel 2
Score R. II. E
Oakland 12 15 O
Los Angeles ......... 3 6 2
Kunz and Baker; Root, Ram
eay and Byler.
Vtrnon O; Frisco. 4 :
, Score R. H. e
Vernon .V. 5 7 0
San Francisco ......... 4 8 0
Penner and D. Murphy; Shea,
Schoor and Agnew.
ing. ; :
.ake tffavol-
New Superintendent of Adult
bchool for Blind to Re
ceive $2500
For the reason that fruits and
vegetables are constantly beinz
stolen from the grounds of the
state hospital for the insane and
hilarious night parties are held in
tne hospital grounds. Dr. R. E. L.
Steiner, superintendent of the hos
pital, yesterday asked the state
board of control to authorize him
to have gates installed at the en
trances. The board com nl fed wtf.
Writing at 2:30 p. m. April 1&
from the steamship Leviathan to
a Salem friend. R. P. Boise, who,
with Mrs. Boise, is on a trip to
Europe, says:
"We are now in the English
channel with the coast of England
in sight and numerous vessels
around n . tl'a
bourg, France, at 8 o'clock to- PALM BEACH TO
Philadelphia 5, Xpw York 4
tional) Two home runs by "Cy"
Williams and one by Ford were
enough to give i'niiadeipnia sec-
cd straight victory over New York
today by a score of 5 to 4.
Score: R. II. E.
New York 4 11 0
Philadelphia . . ....... .5 11 1
Bentley, McQuillan: and Gowdy,
Snyder; Ring and Wilson.
Brooklyn 3, Boston O
BROOKLYN. May 6.-- Nation
al) Brooklyn moved into third
place today making it three
straight with Boston 3 to 0.
Score: ; R II. t..
Boston .". . . .......... 0 6 1
Brooklyn . .". . .;. .... . . .3 10 .2
Barne3 and O'Neil; Reuther and
Taylor. I" ."
i Pittsburgh 2, Chicago O
tional) Ray Kremer. former Pa
cific Coast' player, held Chicago to
two hits, today and Pittsburgh de
feated Chicago 2 to 0, in the open
ing game of the series.
Score: .- , ,;, R n. k.
Chicago .......... i. 0 5" 0
Pittsburgh . . . . t 2 9 1
Aldridge and Hanett; Kremer
and Gooch. 1 '.
New York 3, Philadelphia 2.
NEW YORK. May 6. (Ameri
can. y New York defeated Phila
delphia here today in a well played
game, by a score of 3 to 2. Ruth
drove in New York's two runs in
the fifth and scored the winning
run in the eighth.
R. II.
Philadelphia ....... X 2,. 10
New York V. ........ .'. 3 7
Rommell and Perkins; Hoyt and
Detroit 0, Chicago 4.
Score R. II. E
Detroit 610 1
Chicago . . . . 4 12 1
Sroner, and Bassler; Lyons and
Cincinnati-St. Louis, postponed.
rain. . . .
Local Organization Goes on
Record in Favor of Cer
tain Candidates T
night. We should have gotten
there about noon, but the Bhip for
some time after leaving New York
was slow on account of some new
machinery. .
'She is some vessel, her gross
tonnage being 59,957, the great-
(Continued from page 1.)
est in the world: the next lareent
the reauest5 The stt nttonn,, ijr-wue organizations um- mp, me Majestic, is registered
the Christian Feder- 56.551 gross tons. Length of
Oregon, repre-1 Leviathan. 950 feet 7 inches,
the prison
be ; equipped
,j ,ut4 me one gfinn
ODen entrant k.
grounds also will
with a gate. ;
Dr. Steiner explained that the
gates would be closed after dark.
He said he regretted to take this
action Inasmuch as It will deprive
many people of the pleasure of
C. Small, adjutant, instructed to
notify the GAR that Capital Post
No. 9 would have representatives
on both occasions.
It was decided to hold the first
Monday; of each month open for
the legion only and to meet witht
the Ladles Auxiliary of, the legion
sented at the meeting by 47 per- breadth 100 feet 3 inches, keel to Dn the third Monday of thVnth
sons, went on record at a meeting top of stack 184 feet, draft 39 Botn
Both met at ' McCornack hall last
Following the meeting refresh-
The state board of control at a
session yesterday afternoon, fixed driving through. the grounds early
ine saiary or it. u. uoodln, newly I in ma night for perfectly legiti-
elected superintendent of the adult Inate reasons, but that it seems
school for the blind in Portland necessary for the protection of the
at 12500 for himself and his. wife. Property of -the" 'ImUttntton and
the latter to. serve as - matron. I eTTcf the patleats to some ex
Goodin will receirA XI KA a mnnth itent.
and hla wire. 7Q0 a year. W. A.
Delzell,.Goodin's successor as sec
retary of the state board of con
joL will receive 1250 a month,
the salary being provided by law.
There was some argument as to
"whether the salary Dald Mr. and wIere the commander determined
SPMra.-. Goodin should be in excess I to 8tamP out Christianity in his
of the amount of $2100 raid Mr. ,anKB- Sixty men professed Chris-
land Mrs. J. Wj Howard at the state tianity. They were sentenced to
'school for the blind children in be 8triPPed naked and sent out on
f Salem, but it was believed there ine ,ce t was winter time, and
iney were camped beside the
frozen sea and they were to
freeze to death unless they should
recant. One by i one they wenl
out, the later ones even antici
pating the command and volun-
aaturday night as endorsing can-lIeet 6 inches, normal speed 23
didates for the various political knots; has gone 27.48 knots per
nnm noftnn.. . . 1 . .1 , Itimip Th. J 1 I
m vu auaB.uua a. 1 ur iiiMiirr wis iiih iiria a 111,1 n aac uiun iiti' Mtnv ha
JK I iji II 1 a civ lf0 PfOa TYi an1 itaba vava
mary election June 16. The en-lnS an area of seven and a halflBprve1 hw tyiet aa,tnn ,
I aoo OI .t . . I "J
Notice that the fi rat of n (
republi- nectea wnn four passenger and of danpM Rm,nanroi, tita A,
' Mr J J billet
dorsements are:
Delegates to national
can convention, state at large- two freight levators.. There are
Robert S. Farrell. A. J. Johnson. filers and 230 furnaces, four nack hall Thsday nien was a?
A. C. Marsters. Fannie K. Bishop, bnze propellors 16 feet in diam- "o gjven members
H. Carey, Henry Waldo
v uuuuuucu iruia page l. ,
T - ' m .a
jjeiegaies to national conven
tion, rirst district No endorse
For president of ' the United
States No i endorsement.
eter, each . weighting 38.500
pounds. Passenger capacity.
3379; crew and officers 1145.
'On this trip there are only 824
passengers, as the big tourist
is not yei on. . There Is a
fine library room, evmnaslnm I
Program Is Given at
McCoy Grange Meeting
McCOY. May 6. (Special to
The Statesman) The McCoy
Grange held its regular meeting
here last night in the Odd Fel
lows hall. A program was given
preceeding the regular grange
meeting which consisted of a vocal
solo by Mrs. Kate Rohde, piano
solo by Miss Dorris McKee, and
an address by J. L. Brady. Mr.
Brady's subject was the responsi
bility of the rising generation. He
called to attention the difference
in the treatment of boys and girls
years ago and the present time.
He said that the responsibility of
the children did not rest with the
parent alone but that the entire
community 13 directly responsible.
A large number of members
were in attendance. After the
meeting an excellent lunch, was
served by . the women of the
Grange. i
Strongest College team in
Conference to Play
Bishop's Senators
Initiation, of new members and
discussion: of some new plans for
the immediate future of the post
will be the chi-f business of Mar-
Ion Post No. 661, V. F. W., at its
regular meeting in the veterans'
room of the armory tonight. The
first drawing for the newly in
stalled attendance prize will also
be made, and as only members
present are eligible to receive the
prize, a large attendance is
The Oregon Agricultural col
lege baseball team, probably the
strongest college club In the con
ference, -will be-seen in action Jn
Salem next Saturday . afternoon
when they are to meet the Salem
Senators at Oxford field. This will
probably be the only game OAC
will play in Salem this season.
since they are not scheduled to
play Willamette. The game will
begin at 4 o'clock, bo. that every
one in town will have an oppor
tunlty to see the battle.
Next Sunday afternoon the
Knights of Columbus team from
Portland will be here to play the
Senators. The schedule for the
coming week-end gives Salem fans
an opportunity to see some excel
lent baseball. Both the OAC and
the KC teams defeated the Jap
anese MeIJi university team by 7
points, the KC's 9 to 2 and OAC
defeated them 7 to 0. Yesterday
OAC beat the University of Idaho
team 11 td 0. '
Manager Biddie Bishop of the
Senators has completed a schadule
up to and including June 8, all of
the games to be in Salem except
the one on June 8. The schedule
Saturday, May 10 Oregon Ag
ricultural college.
Sunday, May 11 Knights of
Columbus of Portland.
Sunday, May 18. Pacific Fruit
& Produce of Portland. .
Sunday, May 23 Kendall club
of Portland.
Sunday, May 30 Yamhill club.
Sunday, June 1--Chown Hard
ware company of Portland.
. Sunday. June 8 Salem ra. As
toria at Astoria.
After the completion of this
schedule the Portland city series
and other semi-professional league
circuits will have completed their
schedules and Manager Bishop will
arrange games with the winners.
.In July the Senators will make
a trip of two weeks' into Wash-
W Ii
Ran Franrlwo 1
Vernon 1
Halt iJike
Portland - 14
Oakland ,. 13
I o Angelft 'i 12
fteattl 11
Hacramrnto 9
J 1
Srw York .
Cincinnati .
Brooklyn ...
Phlrago .
tit. Louis
; 5
W J.
N York .. . . 12 B
ituton 7 1
IVtroit - 10
Chicago - ., O
Kt. l.ou a j. w J
Cleveland . 7 9
Waahina-ton 8 11
Philadelphia . 11
.72 3
.43 H
ington, playing Kalama. Chehalis,
Centralla, Aberdeen, Kelso, Long
view and several other clubs.
d 1 ;
Fcr Tta ZizZizi (" )
tk da
will nnuia tHm
raw Mmi It hn
rou gmt thm CLO-CO
fcMpa taw- laair Im
Uvma nt maka tka
hmir acalo frr
atlcky. CLO-CO ia
Micktful Iltui4 -
At Drug Counter and
Barber Stops
. HaUrlarUo
For vice president No endorse- 8wimminff Pool, etc. Numerous
electors No
1 is sufficient difference in the re
sponsibility to warrant the higher
k figure. The board voted unani-
r.mously. .
uuvum, wuu tur mnnjr years
.secretary of the board of control.
wag elected yesterday by the board tarily giving up their garments to
. as superintendent of the state 8 t into the bitter death. The
i, adult school for the blind in Port-1 commander hoped hey would re-
land. W. A. Delzell of Klamath cant. He had a hut with fire and
p Falls was elected to succeed Good! clothing at the lake shore ready
in in the, board of control. The j 'or ny ho should come back.
; change Is now effective. ' . rFor a while they sang
Governor Pierce and" State I voices became fainter, and most
Treasurer Myers voted favorably I of them were past the power of
oa tae eiecuon or ooia men. sec- I persecution, une miserame sur
retary of State Kozer objected to vivor crawled back to the hut
, IGoodin's leaving the board of con-j only , cae - out of the 60. The
-trol and did not vote. v. I watcher i a charge, convicted by
.'irVioodln has for several monies ! courage of the men who had re-1 ley.
been ia charge of the blind school Imained faithful, took him into the! For
tin Portland, having replaced form- hut as be had been ordered and
then he cried: "I will go and take
your place!" And so 60 soldiers
dent for 19 yean. For nine years died for their faith!
ment. i
For presidential
For United States senator
For representative In congress
W. C. Ilawley.
For secretary of stated No en
or justice or the supreme
court Harry H. Bolt.
games are going during the day.
with movies and dancing in the
evening. Two bands furnish mu
sic. A daily paper is gotten out
with wireless telegrams. If there
Is anything that the U. S. shipping
board has overlooked in the at
tempt to make this ship FIRST on
the seven seas of this globe, I can
not think what it might be.
For attorney general I. H. Van IC00LIDGE WINS IN
, . , . I wuiain i iiimnil I
rur dairy ana iooa commission- (Continued from oaee l.i
er No endorsement. . I
For public service commission- dIana P"mary were tabulated to-
er, west district No endorsement. ""Si"-
For representatives In th leris.1 returns rrom 1001 of 3409 pre-
lature Lloyd T. Reynolds. Otto clncts ,n Indiana in the republi-
Then the Wilson, Harvey L. Wright. Mark can presioeniiai prererence give
For district
attorney Carl
73,855; Johnson, 12.-
For countv ludee J. T. Hnnt., lex.. May c William
" w - " - f I - B1 . .
For sheriff Ralph Thompson. u- aiCAao canaiaaie lor the dem
For county assessor Lane Mor-1 ocrat,c nomination for president.
was victorious in the county con
. er Superintendent J. F- Myers.
: Delzell has been an Oregon resi-
It Looks Good
5 .-
i 'j -v Jf, : "its j j
county surveyor B. - B.
Herrick. ' ? ;
For county school superinten
dent O. V. White. I
.For county commissioner John
H. Porter. r
or justice of the peace P. J
Kuntz. . f : . ' . . ;
For constable W. E. De Long
r or mayor or saiem No en
For city recorder P. L. Fra
tier. ' . '
What Is the secret of such
strength? Purity! Sir Galahad.
in 'The Idylls of the King,' said:
'My strength is as the strength of i
ten, because my heart is pure. A
conscience void of offense can be"1
i had only i through the purity of ,
Jesus Christ and his religion."
There Is a great difference b-
tween pleasure end happiness.'
said Mrs. i Demarest. "When you
go out joy riding of nights, the
devil gits In the back seat, and
you have no lasting happiness. I
don't understand any self-respect
ing girl going out joy-riding late
at night.? , I can't Imagine any
clean, decent Tonne man askfnir a
gin to go. And i don't understand Interest Centers in Game
me vnrenis wno ailOW 1... -.If mv W 4h Mn..,kr LI U D.iL
boy were 21 he shonldn-f a-uW ,,,lJL 'cwucig nigll DUUI
held in Texas . today.
Late tonight returns from 116
counties showed that he had re
ceived a total of 683 pledged del
egates to the state convention at
Waco on May 27. The total num
ber of votes td be cast at the state
convention is 1257. Thus McAdoo
had a majority of 54 votes from
the 116 countie of the 252 in the
state. . . v -
Senator Oscar W. Underwood
had received but 53 pledged del
egates in the returns from the
lib counties, while 178 delegates
from these counties will go to the
state convention uninstructed.
Schools Undefeated
Pepper Rub takes 4he
from sore, stiff, aching
It cannot hurt you. and it
vQSitjGii Cord
"Jim"' , 1 MjjJljn
Phcne 44.
Nor my girl, even if she were 23.
God made the clean, beautiful day
ior joy. and the night for sleen.
-; t-'iv uajrugni ciean, i -"iCTiiu uiga ecaooi atnieticsi nri
lnVTlll . .... ... . I 1. . . ...... I
.-.v. cujujuieni mat wiu stand J menng on tne Dasenaii game ouch"
the sunlight ot God's beautiful between Salem high and Newberghnin
flay but at nlght go to bed, The high which will be played at 2:30 li;::?-! " i:" " i.""-, na "
aevn does hi twa .,1, ti.. this iftrnnnn i J ou raeuraa-
wifh all th IT,,,! " . 7" . r..- t,sm ure at once.
. ucuiuus ironi I uvo kuiio larouKii ine i xtr . ' . .
I you are suiierine so you
- w. i ww uu tax uuutsieuLea. i .
The applause from the audience iem high has a string of eight con- Red Pepper nil ano imU
irom every part of th Isecutive victories ni NawKa. L. . . no you win nave
juniors. hlKh srhoni I-:::: few Th VZ ZM ckest relief known. Noth-
?""f: .ng peopled noon wm probably determine 'the rfuSrH.r!!
um.ioiiiea younsr-foiva I stand in c- or tha tm. t .. , i im. j usi
kind wa simply deafentn; ' ley standines. as soon a. you apply Red Pepper
"There'g a nasty tat. i J . The Salem M t. you win feel the tingling heat.
mouth after all thei ihn a- the battle m.M. . nree minutes it warms the sore
one gets a glance of one', self in Urt his usual lineup: Fabre VUh nd thh'
the mirror there l n m-i. Ditcher: r.iu ....IZ' and renes are gone.
shame. It doesn't pay! it first; P. Girod, second; L Girod'Lf J iTueeltst tor
doesn't pay!" . short; Heenan. third: GonldV: !'Rwlw. fd Fer Rub. Be
The speaker drew, a vivid pip- ter; Drager. left; and Kruger. Z wfli Eenu!ne- wJth the
:! i " . ; - ft8fev soesililce good com- - !'"'.'
IttJ ;t ' Mm !f ml v pnjr.arc a satisfaction to :-. . !' "
!' i ffW, r- . f- itll 1 hav5 Pleasure to be as- J
i IT 1 h-feii L SSb -so many men wear .
, .' !pfl' LLLLJ 1 llflL.j : , .ohdmShocsjpcrm '1 , : .' - '
Ii Kubber Heels ..
Put on every; .jsi WHE PRICED
' Wednesday ! JJ?Q 7
25c 1
Bring them in any day SK'SST W'tSEL
and leave them for 7 Mb2S
.Wednesday fcBou y fbotAh
Bring your toof troubles
to Dr. Williama who has
been practicing 13 yearg
in Oregon and in Salem
lor 2 years. Why UffrT
when he can giTe you
Jwtant relief fpr all your
re what count.
PPpintmtnt Phone
W6. Hours 9 to 5:30
tare ot t&e roans man wno l06es;r!nt'
i wU vm.Ku vticaage.