.7 If k THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON - SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 4. 1924 DEALQl VALUES CAR MARKET i' j . . 3 if 1 . j Certified Car Market Be coming More and-More ' " popular v JWHIPPET TANK USED BY KENTUCKY, GUARDS MEN? AT MINE U WHERE STRIKERS AND NON-UNION MEN BATTLED . ?1 1 ,. "What will this sport model sell tor?" was the query made by Charles Vick to the manager of the Certified Pnbll e Motor Car market after the price was named which is accepted as standard for such cars when In good condition. He farther stated, "People do not come around here .very often now since the Used Cap Market has got into full swing. We don't like to bother about keeping used cars cleaned up and devoting the best space to them" which we would hare to do to sell them. And an other thing, our salesmen are di , recting all their energies into new car sales. . And we are finding it slow going to unload the few old second hand cars we have on hand from last year's business." This 'statement expresses ' the situation, as most dealers are find ing it. f People are coming to the Certified Market more and more as the continually increasing vol ume of business proves. Real good used cars move out so fast that it is difficult to keep an ade quate stock on hand to meet the demand. Very frequentlyrexcep I tionally good cars ' are , sold - the samw day they come in. Some bargains have been picked up by people who ' watch the stock of cars,! waiting for the car,, which most appeals to them. Calendar Reform and Radio Occupy League ot,fia0qns GENEVA, April 16- (mail)' Two special committees tq study the questions of radios-telegraphy and tfce reform . of the calendar have Teen appointed by the League of Nations commission on communications. v . Public Interest in calendar re form seems to center largely on the fixation of the date of Easter. Representatives of the Church of -England, the Roman Catholic church and the Greek; Orthodox church are on the commission, and it is announced here that the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America his asked to have a member. Wild Beasts Kill Natives And Cattle in Rhodesia LONDON, April 18 (mail). Farm houses' In " the "Basn border- ing on the ' northern Rhodesian frontier have recently been in a - state Of siege owing to the activit ies of lions. The animals have come : out1 of the jungle In r day light and . attacked the farm ani mals, carrying off many of them In some cases the natives work ing on the farms have- been at- - tacked, ' and several have been Skilled. The lions are often joined i:by leopards and have appeared In Hi such numbers that" the settlers are forced to go about only in large groups and to keep a con stant guard -over their familes and stock. The wife of a railroad employe reports a thrilling adventure in this connection. Mrs. Mclean left her home at Caruso on a bicycle to visit neighbors. Reaching a river she found twd large lions on" the bank. 1APR1L AUTO TRADE ISOiDEUSE igures Not as: High as Last Year, But First Quarter Shows Gain ' - One miner waa killed and another was wounded v In flghtinff which took, place at PlnevllI. Thdf ynotoerapli shows one of the whippet tanks used by the Ken tucky National " Guard" dropping hack lit;a,dltch5in an attempti-to reach the summit of a shale pile from which it wo'il.l Tx; ste tor dominate the nreft occiipied by the. warring factions ( ; , " The registration of automobiles for April, this year, dropped off 758 , as compared with April of last year, according to a statement prepared yesterday by Sam' A. Kozer, secretary of state, the re spective figures being ,8224 and 9582. - Also truck registration was lower, 724 being registered for April this. year as against 812 for April last year. Also motorcycles dropped in , registration, the re spective . figures being 252 and .342. Dealers registered were lo could not retreat and prepared to fight for her life, but at the first shot the animals ran. She then proceeded and shortly came across a big leopard eatlnjr an ox. The leopard , "also made a hasty getaway, but followed , Mrs. Mc lean for some time. : ' Arriving at the farm she found it had been, attacked for several weeks by the animals, and many cattle. had been lost. Next day she was escorted back to her home by a neighbor.and ten' natives who, on leaving" Mrs : Mclean, found they had been tracked all the way by lions: " Mrs. Mclean's escape was probably due to the fact that the animals ' had eaten thei till of oxen. -;- s 1 : - i iS! TIRE More in Tire Than Just Rub ber Products Come From All l Over Country HARLEY-DAVIDSOX FACTORY , ; MAX IIKRE Marde . Johnson, .southwest fac tory representative for the Harley Davldsdn Motor Co. of Milwaukee, Wis.,-has been in the city fop the past two days conferring "With Harry W. Scott, the local Harley- Davidson motorcycle -dealer. . ,,, Mr. Johnson livery enthusiastic over the outlook for motorcycle tales In" the northwest this 'season as they have shown a marked in crease, over last year. For the first seven months of the 1924 season more machines have been sold than during the .entire 1923 season. .. .. ,; f . ' v, . " - - -. - Much of this Increase is due to the many improvements that have been incorporated in the 1924 mo dels, which - make it very popular with the motorcycle riders. How ever, f many of the season's sales have been made to previous auto mobile owners who are finding the motorcycle a much more eco nomical means of transportation. Baseball on the Boephorons CONSTANTINOPLE; April 13 (mall.) A baseball league is be ing organized by the Americans of Constantinople. , It Will be i'a four-team league : from the em ployes of the American Express company, Standard Oil company, Robert college and U. S. Station ship Scorpion.' . Seven nationalities are represented in the Robert col lege team. : ' ; ItIs probable, however, that Noah began to look with longing at his golf clubs before -the rain She was so" near that she wa3over." " ; ' "There's a good deal more to a tire than just the rubber and cot ton fabric In It. But a lot of peo ple don't know or else don't real ize it," says Day & Zosel, Good year dealers in Salem. "Besides the engineering skill required to make a tire mechani cally capable of meeting the dei mands of service under which it will be run, there's the chemistry of tire building to be taken into consideration." i ; "Products used In tire manufac ture-come from all over the coun try. First, there's sulphur from Louisiana. Sulphur makes the commercial use of rubber possible. It keeps vulcanized rubber in a permanent ' physical i condition which is not affected by heat or cold. . ; "Zinc oxide is another impor tant ingredient. It adds to the vol ume of the rubber, adds to its ten sile strength and strenghens - the tires resistance to abrasion. Most of this compound comes from New Jersey or Tennessee. Carbon black or soot from natural gas also has the same properties as zinc ovide and is widely used. This product comes from West ; Virginia. Ken tucky, Oklahoma, t Wyoming knd Montana. "Georgia and Missouri furnish an alumina clay, which is used to make pigments; fibrous asbestine comes from New York; asbestos fibre comes from Quebec, Canada and Georgia and Missouri furnish barium sulphate. Carbonate of magnesia comes from : ; Pennsyl vanla. very little of it Is used, but It is important nevertheless. "Then there's lime, used as an inert filler, from Indiana and Mis souri. And lead In the form of lithopone' and talc from Ontario and Vermont are also used in the process of tire building. . Talc and graphite are nsed in certain-processes a3 lubricants... Most. of.. the graphite comes from Mexico, j "Asphaltum and gllsonlte from - i - &ruthQrized Service 1 V I - . f rnits. -.rtT r'v h9fr- p--' ' Starting, Lighting, Ignition Service n n i f i 2 J Lj xZ-4 Lai V, I Also exclusive agents Autolite, Westing house Electric & Manufacturing Co., At-, water Kent Manufacturing Co., Splitdorf Electric Co., Robert Bosch Magnetos.' iOi JT'X -illk ia!3 La " Fhone,2P3 Mexico and Utah, respectively, are mixed to form what is known as mineral rubber, ' a ' pitchlike 'sub stance .which makes rubber more plastic in the mixing process in the mill. ' ; 5 "Petroleum is used to make rubber stock more pliable and de- gras, or the grease extracted from sheep's wool is used as a soft ener. Aniline oil from the chemi cal companies near Philadelphia is one of the chief Ingredients composing accelerators ' com pounds used to help In the curing process of making-tires. "Finally there is gasoline, car bon disulphlde, benzol and de natured alcohol, the solvents each with a distinct use.' So you see that there is more to a tire than just some rubber and cotton and a tread sign." -3 " American Lawyers Invited ' To Visit French, Capita DUBLIN, April 17 (maili Ac cording to legend, it was not-Co lumbus who .'; first ; discovered America; but . the Irish i saint, Brendan the Navigator. - The exploit of the saint Is com memorated in a beautiful stained glass window, which will be ex hlbited at the British Empire ex hibition at Wembley. It is !the work of two Irish -women artists and ; will be the only example of stained f glass work by women 'to be exhibited. ' " : , ' - ' ' !i "t The saint holds in hfs-Tighi hand an oar and. In -his - left : a chalice. Around hfs "head isan orange nimbus,- while about his feet flow reen waves. v r ; - The 'Stained1 - glass 1 1ndustry; has been much 'developed in Ireland in recent yearsj arid Irish ; churches of ' all ; denominations which used to get glass from 'Munich are now getting c it of 1 Irish'-" design' from Dublin;' ' : --. i PRACTICAL EDUCATIOX t A i keen-eyed mountaineer ' led his overgrown' son- into a country schoolhduse. -"This here hoy's var ter "lamin'," he 'announced "What's yel bill o fare?' ; ; 3 "My - department, "sir, replied the professor, ' "consists of arith metic, 'algebra; geometry and trig onometry." - "That'll do," interrupted the old man, "load him up with trig gerndmetry. He's the 'only poor shot in' the family. k 9 t I V .. Y t I V : r v - i: t ! It ' i v.. Yes, a; Six at Foiir Price .WHat other ca offers you six cylinders -Fisher body Delco ignition Borg Beck clutch oyersize cord tires Harrison rradi atori2'll0 pound weight 110 r wheeL base Alemite lubrication all this with the backing and strength ofOldsmobile and General Motors?. Don't think of spending $1075 for any automobile until you have thoroughly; tested out the Olds mobile Six four-pas senger Coupe There was an increase in the num ber of , chauffeurs and operators registered, chauffeurs being 1067 for April this , year . and 958 for April last year, and operators re spectively 43 G 5 and 4728. Total fees for the month; were less, $272,260.44 as compared with $295,769.25. ' The only other Instance on rec ord at the secretary of state's of fice where the registration for any month was less . than . the same month for the previous year was April, 1920, as compared with April of 1919. Although the registration has dropped for April the number of registrations for the first four months of this year is greater than for. the first quarter of last year by 27,057, the figures being 140,- 593 and 113,536. Trucks .are moro by 11,164 against 9558, but motorcycles less by 1930 against 2057. Dealers for the quarter are 530 against 495 last year, chant feurs 9542 against 8251 and op erators 16,074 y against 12,866, has brought rin fees" of 4,039 295.94 against $3,305,307.50. last year. " Fees received so ' far this year, are only $30,212.46 behind those received for the whole' of last year, which totaled 4,069, 609.40. , ; . 'i , SALES AtiAIX SET For the third; successive week Dodge Brothers dealers have brok en all previous retail delivery rec ords. : ' ? " ..' ' --'..r During the week' ending April 5th, 5694'cars were delivered to purchasers. This was more "than 150 in excess of the greatest prei vious week's business in ' Dodge Brothers history. This record, however; was of brief duration as the very next week saw" the deliv ery of 61 06, ears at retail. 1 And now! it Is disclosed by of ficial figures from the ' factory that the week ending April' 19th sets still another and much 'great- 1 er record; with 6576 deliveries to customers.-r ' " Include cars delivered to parcL- -ers in foreign countries. The consistency with whicl. Dodge Brothers business continues toimount is cited by factory offi cials as an Indication of the pub lic's widespread and emphatic en dorsement of the unusual value la the new line of Dodge Brothers motor cars. Week after week .:: I njonth I after month, slnco tla quantity production was attained oh the new types." new 'recordj have been established."-'-. ! Every, week in t this period has exceeded in"vclcume of-business the: corresponding week, of e.zy previous year '-- MM Itaay. AU price f.o.b. Lmuing. Sparm a?t oj4 TH extra F. W. PETTYJOHN J CO. .': 219 N. Commercial St,; I 4 4 I. 4 less, or 19 as compared -with 2 9. while the first quarter of this year : IXA3IAS TTSED TO TRI3I L.T,'rT " ; LONDON" April ' & . (nail). For reasons . ol xeconomy, and ta make use of some. of the innate:, the Lohdon ; Zoo authorities' Era starting" 'geese and llamas to tri;: the lawns The geese are - ke t from straying by J wire f ezclz , and the- llamas are the there! 1 i - l a; long' -ripe which 'gives 'them a In neither case do these figures '20-foot' grazing circle. " ' . m& mm. swvs .... , g. mum (CO a - ; .. i- -- - ' ... - ... :'J V, 't . . f Thousands of motorists are visiting our One Hundred Stores in the West. Thousands are buying Accessories, Tires and Camping Equipment at tremendous savingsr- We arcr . happy for this opportunity to express our. appreciation; 'for' the'' 'support 'roil' halve veii T us and hope that you will take advantage of the many additional savings -re- offer during May. Hundreds, of other articles not listed also on sale. ; ; r LEADER SPOTLIGHTS Const ructed entirely of brass, . lamp can be re moved and used as trouble llg-ht. Sale pric $1.95 William Sootllffht Bmnlud mm a Standard, Htsa-QMUtr Xl "Junior model, " PO QQ Sale price WtiMW large model, Sal pries New Style "Drum" Spotlight 3IrTlly riated mmi Highly Prilahed 1WW ' Shavings Sale price ... . . . ......... $4.30 tlight 1 Redcctar $4.90 TIRE SUNDRIES Stock up on tire repair and main tehance needs during this sale. - Genuine Schrader " Tire Gauge universally knownfor high-pres-, sure tires. ' QQn Sale price 3GU Master , Pump with patented self-oiling washer. :'; 1 QK Sale price ; . . .. . y Ijwu Standard Tire Pump with" "70 standard size rubber hose. . I 0 ! . .V-i- - ! ' -1; i J it.. Three-Point Rim Tool for con tracting and expanding CJO OK spUt rims . VMiOJ, Tire Iron and Rim Wrench . '. ".' 19c ' Blow-out Patches . ...2Sc to 6Sc Mica Powder rt'. . . . . ... . . .12c Everlastic Rubber Patch. .24c Patching Cement . . . . . 8c Tire Cut Filler . . . . .I-.28c SAFETY STOP SIGNALS C o mplete with wir and switch! SALE PRICE ; ST.18 :r"-. ?' STOP SIGNALS The very latest (Illustrated). Drain type, black and nickel finish. ft SaJe price OCt I U Drum type, all-nickel finish. SatA Trlr ' ..... Slow Stop Signal flashes -word "Slow rn $2.90. -Slow- rn rreea and "Stop" In "red. j 7t Our Sale price, complete $Jif X "Western Giant Cords ON S2T A Heavy Jumbo Tube Given WitlTEach Western Giaht Cord Only During This Sale ,"' -'T::.:t -t- T: . .'-" ' :. Thousands . of miles of extra, service are built right " into this resilient, massive, square tread. iThe square edges and the suc tion 'cups in the center prevent f side .slipping and give' you a sure non-skid design. A $2.00 deposit, will hold ' a tire for ten ' days. . ; ; .: 1 Wcst'n Giant Sizes Extra Heavy i - 1200-Mile Guar. -30x3 V $12.65 32x34 -1&80 : 31x4 1&85 32x4 2a6S 33x4 ZlZXp' 34x4 2L90 32x44 26L55 33x4 : 27.60 : 34x4V$ 23.15 33x5 32.80 35x5 340 36x6 : 490 Ask for prices on other sizes wizard Guaranteed 18 Months J ' C 5.-. - 1 (Ford On Ytmr) Ton can pay more. Dux you . . i cannot Buy a. ' b e 1 1 er tet-. ... "tery. C-volt. ... 11 -plate bat- f " tery tor- Chevroleta. lcrda. Ctara, Esic 4 - and other small cars. : Wizard Special . WizardDe Luxe Bdllcr:?-; . We have reduced the prices on a3 r'--v especlaUy for our Special Savings i a. A $2306 Jepomit unit held m Genuine Wisconsin Timer, 01 C Special Saving Sale price V iX- Fansteel Tungsten Special Saving Saie price District:! rr, ... v Genuine ; A, , Ford Special, sale price ..' C. Spark . 1 Flrri, i j All. other cars, -inch thread ir Regular, ' Regular ' Metric, Lous Body-and Extension types. f!7 Sale" prce . . 7. V . .1. . . 0 ' " ' Airco Ignition Gauge etronj, durable, accurate. Saving 79 Sale price ; . . . . - . . - . - r f . Perfect Test HytircaetsriL tight and leak-proof. If Saving Sale price . ' . - I-M-PrO-R-T-A-N-T We anticipate a great demand for certain articles and oar lo-; cal store ' stocks may become exhausted. In . this event, ' the manager will be glad to accept a 25 deposit and ' will order the merchandise - from -': for nearest warehoase. v " " e: a. electric HORNS Nicely fin ished In' du rable black enamel, deep toned note. Our special Savings Sale price. Model 10, ft-volt, only z ij , MocTrfn g Eird Siren (Exhaust WbJatla. " CSaflnct f1 f) tones. ' Sale prloe.-. .. i .ylit Automotive ElrIrrlcn" Coats, nothing V keo to Savins Sal price A. seft eltlnt of Care mobm accurately tnnl , fTj' Supreme Spare J Tire Locks' Steel, case-hardened" chains, leather covered.--Yale bronze lock a size. to fit your. tire. . " 20-inch length . . . . .$3X3 25-inch length . J . . .$423 33-inch length' . .$527: 37-tnch length W . - $3.43 ! 100 Stores in the West . STZTI.'. TCT7 CJ One f - "Cas-? ir&r rast : rv: not kink peacJcij- tl- Sa-vtar Sate Salem Store, Corner Court and High; 2IU r AUTOTCTIX. J fast tongl-taci tiz- Z". rope vctth xkq fastGrx t ' Ssvt&x Cate 238 N. High r -. ?3o; s