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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1924)
4r W ., SUNDAY MQRNlKfl, MAY 4, 'r ' f i "J .... iliMMilMlKlWii limilillllUllttl-ri-"'! ' "'""" ini-aummw ibhimIUM it i HwW'HMiiiii-miiiiwi 1 V ' 1 Country Work -PronipUy. , I J - ' ' - ' um ...;.W..,M.,,I , ' ' ' .HKiMmwtig:: ? ' jHty. Thone 1597. '. Attendgtl to ; . j ' ' ilfeiSI E. I- BRANDON. ' j. HX PHH General Painting Contractor j . J. V ' V , PalntinglnAUiU Branches jj J K-A" ) 1JE Save r.Tbney on Your Housing Wiring ' Get Our Figures SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. Barton, Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1249. 345 Slate St. ' V" I ... - . t I I 14 3 . JV4 JV rTlli A I I II I I II. II I . Jfi - 287 South Church Street- . l ( f"i ..... ... . . . ' i : 1 I V ) , ' " ' . 'jf I MiMMIIIIIIIIIIIMMlBlltlllllini mHllllTrmimiTrTir-'"" ""M" " 'iinim.iM.iiii.imiiin,,MMii,iwiMmuiuiiM.ii.ii- - ..... II 1 I f'.T ' &f$mj yfSrJjli.'! II ..h...- MMatfmm lllllil.ii.IWi MUM mswi Union Abstract Company We have a complete set of indices of Marion County Records. . Before parting with your money for a deed or mortgage, satisfy yourself that the title is good by get- a? 1 i. i. : r : - r. ling one oi our aua exacts. . ; s, j U. S. PAGE, President. W. E. HANSON, Secretary PIPE AND PI FURNACES Installed in Your Home . at Factory Prices Over 200 Satisfied , Users in Salem A FUEL SAVER CONTROL ,-.,- . (-:' -- t Manufactured and sold by 1 pLBERGER . OOO Nortb High Street PHONE 104831, Shop 803 North liberty St. ; A Heavy Burden For All You wonder why they! bear; it, when they- can easily "get out. from under," stand erect-and hold up their heads like other home owners. , ' f We've Shown So Many Rent-Payers How it Can Be Done. JIAY WK SHOW YOU? Rich L. Reimann Oregon Building ; Building Permits for Week For Better-Class Houses i Building permits issued during the week ending May 3 amounted to $25,300, with an additional permit for $300 for alterations, making a total of $25,600. While only six permits were issued dur ing this period, these were for homes a little above the average of those being erected in the city. The six residences averaged $4, 200, and varied between $2,000 and $6,500. " ; . " ' Of the six permits, three' were Issued Saturday. These were to L. Lunsford for a dwelling and r a race. 1780 Fairmount. to cost $6,500; Walter Kirk, residence at 5 South High, to cost $5,800, and to Carl Bahlburg for the erec tion of a dwelling at 2070 South Commercial to cost $3,000. Southern Pacific occupied offices ; in room No. 411, United . States t National Bank building. v". ' I While the bare office equipment has been installed, there are other improvements that will be made immediately. These include the installation of a large oak coun ter, numerous pictures and maps, and tickets. While interline tickets will be handled at first, it, is expected that eventaully all the railroad tickets sold ' over - the Southern Pacific will , be obtained at the downtown office instead of at the station. Oiilv Residences Were Commenced This Week Accord: dertakings Will Come Soon. It May lie mat aome rrs "Better Homes Week," May 11th to 18th. The Plans Dollar bills of credit are classed the same as mark bills of credit In Interpreting this law. If postal authorities discover a letter going abroad which, contains more than 60 gold marks, suit will be insti tuted against the sender and the money probably will be forfeited to the treasury. ' , , When One Pint ' of Water Wastes Two c - . ' . - - Founds of Cement! It is now known that excess mixing water, not only weakens concrete, but that it is actually -wasteful of cement. One pint of watjer more' than necessary in a one bag batch decreases the strength and resistance to wear as much as though two pounds of cement were left out;" ' Wouldn't you like to hive, right t; hand forquick reference, a practical manual which tells how the quanti ty of mixing water can be closely controlled, so as to give your concrete greater strength without using more cement?. This information is yours for the asking. The right amount of water and the right materials will give yotf more for your money frdm your concrete than you are accustomed to getting. f 1 Oregon Gravel Company ; "An Independent Organization" 1405 N. Front. I Phone 180 Several Good Deals Made By Welcome Realty Firm Mrs, Clara Elliott of the Falrr JErounds roar has 1 purchased the Mrs; Stringman property on-North Twenty-fourth street, for, a, consid eration of $3500. . Ed Newens of Valsetz has bought' the J. A. Channer property on N. Church .for a consideration of $2700. Mr. Channer has taken in exchange five acres being lot 61 Ewald Fruit Tracts, Salem Heights. The consideration was $1800. ; These sales and exchanges were made the past week by H. El "Brown and Melvin Johnson, - of the Welcome Real Estate office, - Southern Pacific Installed in - Down Town Office Rooms Local Architects Finish Plans for School Buildings ; - i ... Plans for two school houses , have been completed by Freeman & Struble, Salem architects. " - One of these is a four-room tile construction building at Cottage ; Grove, designed so that when the extra room Is needed, four other rooms may be added without ef fecting the general appearance of the buildingv j,The other set of plans were for the-first unit of a 2 4-room school building at Van couver. Wash., to be known as the Lincoln grade school.. This build ing will be constructed of brick and cement. . . - After being, delayed for a few months, the Southern Pacif ie'eom- pany has at last moved to its downtown offices at 184 North Liberty, in the Adolph & Waters building, completed last fall. The main room has been redecorated for the railroad people. Prior, to locating ; In this ' building the Buy a Suburban Home Beautiful 3-acre tract ' Vt mile - out on paved road- 4-room bungalow, for only $2000. 1 acre with 4-room bungalow, fruit, paved road. mile out for '$2200. " Terms, 2-acre tracts just out side city limits, good dark soil, good road. Beautiful building sites for. $700 each, with terms. . :; .' f . Sec Us for Suburban Homes. CHILDS & BECHTEL 540 State Street. 1 LOANS On Modern Homes - i ' ' ' ..... .."i - ; . ' I " 5V Semi-Annual Interest ! 5 YeaF Loan Wffl Loan Up to 507oof .Value ALSO 6 Per Cent Monthly Payment Loans c ar reaper man Any liuilding & Loan Co. in the Northwest Hawldns & Roberts Financial Service 1Z5 Orc-cn Eli-. Phcne 1427 No Sum Over $13 to " Be Sent from Germany "" BERLIN, April 2 (by mail). -i Amounts in excess of 60 gold marks or its equivalent, 'about $13, cannot be sent by mall out ox Germany without the intermedia tion of a back.. Individuals are forbidden to send securities of any character ."abroad, but must have the transfer made through a bank. ' Alaska's Air Postman Moose Ptarmigan' i , FAIRBANKS, Alaska, March 26 (By Mail) laska's first aerial postman, Bennie Eielson, who flies weekly between this city and Mc Grath, a distance of 300 miles. Is known by the Indians at McGrath as "the moose ptramigan." The njekname was earned when Eieison, In February, made his first trip and landed at McGrath. Scores of Indians observed the ap proach of . the airplane and stood with awe as the aviator landed and stepped from his conveyance. The Indians had been skeptical of re ports of the airman, but had camp ed there for days watching the skies. - ;- FRUITLAND The Bible class are holding a veiner roast at the home of Mr. and MrsJ Val Gery. Frank Girod is home from the hospital and able to start to school. ; . . ; A, small crowd attended prayer meeting Wednesday evening. , - A great many of the Fruitland people are going into the evange listic meetings in Salem;- Paul Polling, pastor, was a vis-, itor in Fruitland Wednesday af ternoon and evening: Mrs. Laurence Hammer was taken to a Portland hospital for treatment this week. ' Miss Christine Harold and Mrs. C. W. Pugh of Clear Lake, were guests at the Evans home over the week-end. APRIL, 1924, EXCEEDS SIMILAR OTi, . 1923 FOR '.-BUILDING PER1IIS Steady Gain in Building, Particularly Homes, Is Shown By Report Made By Marten Poul sen, City Recorder March Is Heaviest . Month For Permits When Many Fine Homes Are Begun Improvements Are Also Made By Residents. Building' permits issued during April, 1924, were practically three times the valuation of those issued during the corresponding month last year, according to figures compiled by Marten Poulsen, city recorder. The 54 permits issued last month totaled $365,300 against the 53 permits for $223,325 in April, 1923. Though more per mits were issued for new homes a year ago, and the total valuation was greater, , business blocks were fewer. Of ' the 54 permits - issued last month 37 were for new residences, having a combined valuation of $89,700 in comparison with the 46 permits issued in April. 1923. for new homes costing $121,125. Twelve repair and aleration per mits, including a permit for a $150 signboard. representing $6600 were issued last month in comparison with six, permits for $2200 in 1923. Five new, buldings costing $269,000 were began last month, while only one large construction "Hey Nevly weds! How About Building a Home?" - - : - - - ! : , '-- - - Take a tip from me owning your own home is the greatest thing in life, next to love. In your own home those dear dreams t will come true ; that's where the shouts and bright laughter of laddies will be heard; where comfort and independence will re main life-time treasures. So take my advice, Mr. and Mrs. Newly wed BUILD A HOME. ; ' J. W. Copeland Yards " WEST SALEM TELEPHONE 576 Yards in West Salera, Albany, Lents, Hubbard, Yamhill, Hillsboro project was begun in. April, 1923, a cannery costing $100,000. The largest permit, issued last month was for the. erection of the new Parrish Junior High school, which Is exclusive of two additional wings which will cost approxima tely $30,000 at a cost of $166,000. The additional work was author ized by, the school board after the building permit had been issued. In addition to the Livesley resi dence, to. cost $65,000, the other larger - building permits .Issued were to the Untarian church, Cot tage and Chemeketa, $25,000; O. B. Gingrich, concrete garage and salesroom, 505 South Commercial, $8500; a tile garage costing $4500 for John Williamson, i 990 North Capitol, and the Union Revival tabernacle, a temporary structure located on the Willamette univer sity campus, to cost $2000. Mate rial for this was obtained at a dis count and the labor was volun tary. : : ' ; "'- By months permits for new homes issued this year are as fol lows: " . '. ' January, 20 permits, $58,800; February, 16 permits, $58,400; March, 40 permits, $150,000 and April, 37 permits, $89,700. Home improvements -for: this- period were: January. 6 permits, $3250; February, - 15 permits, $7900; March, 11 permits, $5200, and April, 12 permits, $6450. Ml DEAL IN GOOD FAR! LIDS II Santiam River Bottom f arm in'Deal for a Fine Fruit Tract Near Macleay . During (he Dast week, a real es- laio iransier was madff involving a conuUleration of $27,000. It consisted' of the transfer from S. R. Tandy or Jefferson and George Griffith of Salem of 247 acres of Santiam river bottom land about three milea east of Jefferson to H. Wv Locke.-and tho transfer by Mr! Locke of a 44-acre fruit farm a mile west of Macleay to Mr., ianay ana air. uriifitn. The deal-was made through the office of Winnie Pettyjohn, Salem realtor, who reports that there is more inquiry than for some time for" farm property, and good pros pects for much activity in this field from' now on. street and Just north of t! hospital grounds, is now v der wayK and, when con will prove harmonious beautiful grounds that su the state hospital. One main driveway will ; the hospital from Center drive will lead directly ec about 100 feet, and then cur ways, making a large loop der that motorists may t:c the machines directly in fr the entrance to the build;: center. of the loop is beinj ; and terraced and will b ; to grass and shrubs as fast . Bible. Owing to the larr that will be beautified, 'it pected that all the work v be completed this year. Variety Is Keynote cf Childs & Bechtc! Business has been good the week, according to a covering activities submit: Childs & Bechtel. local real dealers. The list contai: following: J. E. Harrison has sold 1 room house located at 10 5 C Capitol street to W. A. Yj $1675. A small bungalow 1 2055 North Church. c; Mrs. L. J. Weller has t Better Kz: Special:: Havl ' . i t 0. -JAMES 9 IX)TS ARE .That the lotl in the recently opened Kay addition are in de mand Is evidenced in the report of the W. II. Grabenhorst &. Co.. rear estate firm, which has sold 30 lots since the tract was opened a cou ple of weeks ago.' This is prac tically one-half of the number of lots contained In the tract. Landscape Is Progressing At Salem Hospital Grounds Landscaping of the grounds In front of the. new Salem hospital, near the eastern - end of Center & -'i r" r !M U ! ; f ' ( ! ! ! h; i fij KITCMfN m2Sl - -arir-4- fc ? .DINIKC ROOM Irt I ' I I VMTIS'JU I MoBt persons spend U" part of their lives in the Making the world a bet: to live In must mean to a . tent making homes bett to live In. This is th im of Dett in America. ie educatior ment whicl is now In i year of us trulness. hav completely reorganized 1924 nnd free from all l commercial interests. " scope of Better Homes in roes far beyond the act itself, part of Its work '. couragement of thrift i ownership, thus to help to become a pain, as far s able, a nation of famUi in single, detached hou A book of small hou : - ''' - -' - . ... ... ... Ml sJSSSTSmSSZIZSImSSSS iiwjjl,, ii.i..H.i.