t ' - - . FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 2,102--'' " THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM,' OREGON ninf. v ' a 2 t9 ry fl fittf r... & Issued Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAH nXBUSHXNQ COM? AST 215 South Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon B. J. Mcndrieka John I. Brady Frank JasLoikt - , Manager - - KdiUir Manater Job lept XHBZX OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS c Tne 'Associated Prese ia exelaaWely entitled to the hm for publication of all newa dispatcher credited to it or. not otherwise credited. In thin paper and also the local newa pnblikhed herein. R. 3. HEXITOICKS President CABLE ABRAU3 k Secretary J.-L. BRADY Vice-President Thomas F. Clark C, -New t orr 1i-lis West 36th St.; Chicago. Marquette Build ing. Wl 8. Grothwahl. Mrr. (Portland Office. 838 Worcester Bid., Phone 6637 BKoadway. O. F. Williams. Mgr.) Bmlaess Office Ke Department "y TELEPHONES: I . : '. - 2S . Circulation Office 23-106 . , Society Editor -, .... Job Department 698 . r 583 V 106 Entered at the Poatoffica in Salem, Oregon, aa second-class matter. n i ... ' . BIBLTC THOfTGHT AND PRAYER . ' Prtas-Kadlo Copy . Prepared oy'TUdld ZX2X.IV SEBTXCE Bureau, Cincinnati, Ohio. If partnta wUl hare tteir collarta memorise, tit dally BiW acltctioona, it- will prove a nriceieea keritaze U them in after yeari. , . . - ' .": MAY 2. 19t " i A MUCH-NEEDED PHAYEB:-rCrea.te in ! me a clean heart. O God; and renew a right, spirit within me. Psalm 51: 10. v PRAYER: Com thyself, O Lord, into our hearts and then they 'will be continually renewed. , ? p, ..' ' . ' coiiinmrrY' butldee '-- The slogan and - heavy editor,, speaking brainly entirely, is out of town today, the first time in months. We are seizing this opportunity to say a few words which wouldn't be printed if Mr. Hendricks was in tovrn. . Like all great characters he has detractors, here at home hut like all such characters he gets his rewards in-his inner-consciousness 'and never deviates be cause of. unfavorable winds. He is the most conscientious pub lisher we have ever seen.- He is also , the hardest worker in Salem. ' -L' .-'T' ' ' Some "of these times, God grant it may be many years, this manJ will .leave his work and he will have J the biggest funeral ever held in Salem People' will feome from all over the state. They will then realise that one of the outstanding citizens of Salem has gone. Mr." Hendricks will live ri Salem history as Cel. W, R Nelson lives in Kansas City history. Both had enemies in life because both were positive men but both were city build eta, both-had visions, both dreamed dreams. Kansas City arrived before Col. Nelson passed, away and it looks now as" if Salem would arrive in the life time of her great citizen. . r, For forty years Mr. Heridncks.has guided the destinies of the Oregon Statesman. It has grown to be a great property and hii personality is in every nook and eorner. He is essentially a builder. He hates sham and hypocrisy but he admires cour age and conscience. As a builder he has few equals. lie vis ioued Salem as the ideal place for a city when he came here a ycung man now as he nears the three score mark he sees that vision enlarging. The greater Salem is almost here. The things .Mr. Hendricks has boosted are the things thaj. are doing the werkl Fifty-two times a. years he has his slogan edition. This lies been going on for five years and in that time the city has been made over, has itself caught a vision of its destiny and is plunging ;f orward liketu horse ready to break every rein if thereby may-get into the race. Tbinss To Vm nZSnir W,vixv stronger than boredom or p I T iPUTUBE U luO If- I Ml I I f AM j - ....amBmBVMaMamBmBBBmmnmmmBmmajnei e. The Boys and Girls Statesman . V:' , Th Bigset XJttl Paper si Uie WorM Y'-Z- " of Fna Copyrisht, 192S, AMOclated Editors. Edited by John U. MHle -- Snoppyquop Where Nothing Seems Queer - Mr. llendricks helps always but jiever pushes himself per- j . The best boost independence can scnally. He , effaces himself jn every cause that promises to I nefit Salem. He-finds his delight in work and loves, to build ivlietlieror not it is known Of men.; He has a strong character, l yes righteousness and despisessham and evil. He rings true. Li every iibre of his being.' .. . : . t ' l Tre"iA'p6logiz8?to- Mr- Hendricks- in advance for. imposing tjpoir him:T"'W"eknow 1iecordially dislikes all" such'thlhgs, ut wjr have been herei long enough "to know that- it is time these ..." t . a , - n ii 1 1 ' r tilings were saia ana : tnose oi us wno woric wiin nim khow ;t! at every lihe written is true and many times merited. : SOME SIGHTSEEING TRIPS .WITH THE BIRDS ; . v "Is this 'Alice Through the Looking Glass,' you ask, ''or The Cat and the Canary'?" Neither, little ones, it's; Molly, the president of the SPCA. (Snoppyquopa Pet Canary 'Association.) and "Hope, her pet eanary. A year or o ago Molly didnt have anypetr so one day she 'planted a bird seed,, and up grew this fine happy canary. "Molly wears that cagey little waist to make a home for Hope. She caHls it her Hope' Chest. She is powdering Birdie's nosey before going out to dinner Like her famous revolutionary ancestor, Molly Pitcher, she is. not afraid of powder. J v 'i. -,'.,-""'1 -'-1 -, : .M0II7 has an umbrella on her nose while Hopey has a powder puff on hers. This canary has learned to talk like a parrot and , .likes crackers, too. Once she got fresh and made a wise crack at Molly. ."Talk about sightseeing trips, old gal. you're the funniest sight I've seen in weeks." .....; ' r ' ":' ' Some Facts About , The Match Industry If all the matches used in the world in one day were placed end to, 'end they t would reach to . the moon and .ten thousand miles be yond. tThink how important these baby explosive bombs are in the everyday business of the world. American matches are usually made of pinejwood cut in a round shape. In Europe, they are made of aspen and ar cut square. Sheets of aspen wood can be dried artificially in couple of hours and made into matches within the. next hour. Thus three hours may see a change from an aspen log to a few hundred or more boxes of matches. But pine has to be allowed to st,and for a couple of years before It. is sufficiently seas oned' to be made up. There Is more involved In the matter of dipping match sticks in to the fire-producing solution that makes the head, than one ' might suppose. Match hfads are really the product of much chemical re search. For instance, people like their matches a cheerful color, so the chemical has to be dyed a pleasing blue or red. -' They 'must be double tip, capable of being lit on any surface a wall, a stove your shoe. They must not leave' a streak or scratch after them. They must not be noisy and pop up at the person using them. . ' ; The matches -must-be made so they .will not flash up. too soon. Tbey must have no sharp edges, but must be smooth and oval so the beads will not rub against one another ' in people's pockets and light on each other. They must be fairly waterproof and wind proof, and must . burn without smoke or odor. ; NOT YET READY Judge Johns, former. member of the Oregon supreme court and now & member of the supreme 'Court of the Philippine Islands, Bays that the. Filipinos are a; long way from being able to keep care' of them selves. In the 'cities not over 2 per cent of the people take news papers, and In, the country less than one-half of 1; per cent. A nation that does not read is a na tion that cannot govern itself. ; get is to have the schools enlarged and Increased in their usefulness. - THE WORM) COURT ; '..Since 1898 America has been a world" power.' .When Dewey "stink itLe Spanish fleet In Manilla bay, merica.ceased, to be An. isolated. . -i - I ower. From. that, day, forward it. has taken an Increasing: Inter est In world affairs.-Ther Is no use reviewing the different steps. The purpose at this .time is to call cttention to ' the..,- increasing de mand and Increasing , response of America,. , this hour..;. Europe, r'rostrate after 10 years of actual fad diplomatic warfare, lis Just, raw showing .signs of 'real life, vlmerlcan influence unofficially ex tended is responsible for what has 1 sen done. '. " The time has arrived to renew the agitation for a world court and President Cooildg9; Is justified in calling another . conference.. The time is ripe to. consider the third step of disarmament. -' The; first two were to limit the army "and r avy. This is being ' done In a anner. The third Is to regulate ad control aviation. The airship was a formidable arm in the last T ar. If there Is ever another war, that war will be fought largely in t::e air with destructive gases! Unless steps are taken now the creat sentiment of the people will Te overridden by the small hand fal of militarists who are talking preparedness will win.',: ; President Coolidge, the man of r.ii3 trying hour, has expressed the i-ntiment back of which the peo rTa of America must quickly rally. All this talk of preserving the bat t leshlp Oregon and the German ar relics and ten battleships be ""ig;. obsolete -means an organized tcz anda to Increase .the army ni the navy. The people ' will ave none of it If consulted. T ut if not consulted the worst con , ress In the history of America light authorize-these appropria I'ons. , .' .. : - . - A S YSTE5LTIC EFFORT ! It is unquestionably true that Q c!l llfte of statesmen cad na ifse r opticians have taken" fresh' vhz'ts ".. 3 2;st faTf r-ior."':3.- They -t: : '-.trrrr u 1 the r red 5:-at. that he will go . the length with themr'"'-0i' '-'I ! : ::' . ' r The primary election law r of Oregon has been marked for slaughter. AL..' Mills of Portland it leading off. He refers to hint Seff as" a martyr who is much abused. This means tfhat he has a conscience and that it is hurting Kim " The people have" alright to the primaries. - The ; politicians have 'no right to attempt to dis credit the primaries: V Even ir it is true that a majority of the peo ple do not vote at the primaries it is also true that they can vote at any time, and this Very fact keeps politics, cleaner- and; better! 1 In the old machine days' government went by favor, and privileges were sold; not always for " money,' but for concessions.? f ; Politics 'are on a higher level ' now than ever before and: this discourages the machine politicians. They- want a low level ; they want material con trol, and anything that elevates is poison to themT : ' ..WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE It is certainly time that this petty row between Tacoma and Seattle over ' the mountain that gives the state its fame, is ended. We cannot see that it makes mueh difference what its name Is, but so long as Tamoca is so determin ed; not to quit fighting, big sister Seattle ought to let little sister Tacoma have what she wants. The name Rainier . has been accepted quite generally and is all right, but ' Tacoma ' refuses to " be com forted. If j Tacoma can be pla cated without injuring anyorieelse why should: Seattle worry? :- : ' THE TRAINING CA3IP ; ' - The-Oregon Statesma is in' en tire' accord with thg training camps held - each, year'joyer. the country! In , the first place; they make bet? terboysS second place they prevent more ."militarism. The boys . in thjese canips .are taught some ' milTtary, ' but a' ' good deal more that is physical culture. It is to be hoped that the - Oregon quota will be filled because the boys here- need -much- development. A CONFUSION , ; we have before us clipping from the St. Paul Dispatch stating tha Salem, Oregon, is a bankrupt city. .The .context of tHe article says however, that 1 it. . is Salem; Ohio, ' that , js'. reported without funds y Thl8 Salemvls invno way related to the'Ohio Salem. ' Our ancestry.' dates back, to the Bibli car limes before.' the," ', town was changed to; Jerusalem,' v Cap'n Zyb f- CASfPHOR . SCORPION This thing, is mace with pieces of straight camphor gum. If you haven't any around the house, you can get a big hunk of it at any drug- -store for a'vefy small sum. ; Lay the little lumps of camphor MELLON IjOST It is a matter of regret that Secretary Mellon lost his fight for tax reduction. iris a matter of regret that Secretary Mellon, hav ing worked out an effective plan for "tax; reduction, was pounced upon, by politicians and his. plans torn to pieces. The Mellon plan was the best ever presented to con gress. ; The result; will be a bill with: iunfair : features 'and condi tions that .'will cost too much for red'tapp. V The people are going to suffer as usual. They always lose .CAMPHOR -SCORPION MAKE' CAMPHOR. SCORPKW slide: into S WATER Jf-' 1 r . i J?e out on a sheet of paper so that they form, a scorpion. Each, lump must bet touching. the one next to it. though it isn't necessary to try to make then Join up tightly. '. When' the"; thing is made, slide it Inta'a. basin water-gently, ,so agfnot to disturb, the lumps, and sooti U:will quiv r.-wate its claws,' shimmy, .aid ict nb' in,agenerally ridloulons fashion. - , - ' : ' A" friend; .of mine has Just told me that yon can do the same trick with , camphor. ice-busing little lumps .of -it. -J guess he Is right, but I wouldn't swear to It. ---- -- --cxvii : zYs.-- The Civil Ceremony - Well, here's our license anyhow, - We two may live together Beneath the law's protection now In 'storm or sunny weather, The rose-lit future is our own' ' T ' . And ours the "whole world wide, And we who once faced life a!6ne : - Uow travel -side by side. ; Yet'Jn purheart. of heartg wfeel ' . ..No'law an bring us nearer. No outward symbol can reveal. -; At'unlon elcer,jdearer:. Still there are those who ' never paiaiss'. W .T:;?v--:-' 'i C A chance o Taise. a 'hollar" f ,y "So. , dojrn Spot down," till I put this-; .p : . ' ,". Fool tag upon.yOur collar!' ' . . -MOLLY ANDERSON, . nirelv about 12 feet from the cup. Whether it was " the sight of so much water or the strain of the match I was frankly nervous. However, I stood up, addressed the ball in a few well chosen words. Closed my 'eyes and drove. A tre mendous cheer told me I had land ed in the lake. But wait .'. ... ; "Instantly I strode intp the wa ter resolved to play out if possi hie. Just as I reached my ball it disappeared beneath the surface 1 realized what had , happened Fjom the , lake was pumped the .water used to water, the greens. he ball hal been sucked up with I knew, the exact arrangement the pipes which, in fact, had been laid . out under my direc tion., i : . " .-. ' .,' "" I - ' Gentlemen, I said. turning to the gallery, 'the match Is not, over but I must ask you to be patient. I. think you will find my ball on the green', I then waited the ex .act length of time ,1 figured would .take my ball to travel up through the pipe, into the tank' and out again to the eighteenth green which being the nearest to the club house, was the first. in or der of distribution. Imagine their amazeme nts when I finally walked over to the. hose-connection, turn ed 4 the;,; faucet and saw my ball drop out on the edg.i of the green. "Bardon was so, overcome that he took three puts and two juleps to-hole out. I holed from the edge of the green and the cup stayed in America. And that, sir, was the tightest match I was ever in." it Evil Communications Come About the First of Every Month The Quest Norma: ' ""Has " Ma'dge away for the summer?" Elsie: "No, for a husband." MRS. M. P. KELLY. gone Dr. Traproclc Goes Golfing ' 7 '--. V--ja - - " '" I am reminded of an experi ence the time I won the Blue Grass Cup Jn Kentucky.'', said DR. WAL TER ElTRAPRO ck. . , "Do tell, JJoctpr,",. I urged.,s "Well said the great traveler "It . was like this. . I had come through to the finals and, was pit ted against Harry, Bardon. The match had an international flavor and-excitement ran high' in both countries. " ;Waiters from the club followed ns about with trays of mint-Juleps. From ; the tenth hole where we were even up it was .nip-and-tuck. First I would take a nip and Harry would - take a' tuck, and vice-versa. We : were six down to each other on the eighteenth, which as you know, ia a Wateriiole. - "Bardon, in an attempt to pitch over with his mashie, succeeded only fn pitching over on his face but cn the, second -attempt landed Hand-Paint el Too!. Customer: "Have ' you any thing pretty in the way of a cig arette holder?' !. . Clerk: VYes, but, she's out to lunch." 1 :. , , MARY FV KING STON. . He lay back oblivious to every thing except the white-clad form that hovered about him. He ex pected something,' yet he did not know Just what...-."tr;' lf::: . Softly a snowy arm drooped about .his neck, and he felt the gentlest touch on lips and cheeks His tense body quivered; his eyes closed in ecstasy. : He was only 17, and this was his first shave. ' S. M. HERZIO. TIi Tower of Babble: Capitol at Washington. - 4 The Readers are requested to contribute. All humor, epigram ,( er humorous mot toes),! jokes, anecdotes, poetry, bur lesque, as tires and ? bright sayings of children, must be orrgioal, and anpub liahed. Accepted material will be paid Tor at regnlar rates. . Air manuscripts must bs : written on one aide f the paper only, should bear name of this newspaper and ahoald be addressed to the Fan Shop Editor, The . Oregon Stateaman. , WHY I WROTE "THE CHANGELINGS. Ry Lee Wilson Iod!. "The Changaiings" has been taken, particularly by -our radical critics, as an unfair satire on ;ferBjnism jtnc a belated de fense of ' the legal status called marriage. "A Puritan comedy,", one T-presumably not too ane'ent reviewer named It. But "The Changelings" is comedy, not prop aganda. Therefore its theme has to do, not with particular institu tions or movements, but with av erage human nature and I should express it something like this: ; Among the mature, at least, habit, and solicitude tend to be stronger Now. If" you are ' radical, this human tendency will annoy you; if you are conservative, it will not. If you are neither, and happen to be writing a comedy. It may sim ply interest yu to illustrate this (or any other) observed trend of our human average as amusingly as possible. " - PLANS ANNOUNCED . PORTLAND, Or., May 1. Ten tative plans for the development at Priest Rapids, Wash., of Hydro-electric power second only to that produced at Niagara Falls, were announced here today by Henry J. Pierce M,y 5, Sona',ri0 hotel. bBnquet at . a S.tnrd.... State convention i rfiUoH tournament, at Corv.li,,. M.y 10, Friday Primary eiecaion !, O-rf''sO Tuesaay-S-5-ni Boy. Chor- M'. Benefit YMCA. -wS " T Saturday Veomcn to me '. May whKdaraantbiia. Oregon re""" mTn publiraa natic ,- Co . . meets In ViCTeianu. TuB i '.Aw School picr-le, ' A"L.,lld.ho Co. Idaho County pier 22. Hunasy- Salem. season is nnn.niffl n ann n i en? mat cDJJ l avaw ay a.-Heaw as saying eiij M sainaa .111 1 in Cash j-.nronM! - Jo StOTQS iSKAGG'S-FR SWIFT'S LARD swiFT's SILVERLEAF BRAND PURE LARD 8-lb. tins $1.29 ARMOUR'S LARD 100pure 8-lb. tins 1... 4-lb. tins . ;...... $1.25 65c DEL MONTE FLOUR 49-ib. , "41 CO bag;.-..-......,, vl dJ ORE MUSCLES from outdoor sports aro tm lievaxl by massaging m-tth V'VARORUD Bmttm Thmn m iWaurtaveT laer r For Coughs and Colds, Head ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism ' , and All Aches and Pains , ALL D&UCCISTS . ( , ZSe and CScjars and tubes CROWN FLOUR 49-ib. , CI CO bag ........... $ 1 Ui7 DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 49-lb. bag . ;.. $1.69 WESSON OIL MAZOLA or AMAIZO; Half. ; . gallons...,..... . Quart , tins .. Pint ' tins .. 98c 53c 29c FEDERAL MILK Tall size 10 cans 89c CORN "FAME" BRAND--. Fancy. Country Gentle man, No. 2 tins. ' C C 3 tins....., ...... DD C Lily of Valley, Country Gentleman, No. 2 r C A tins, 3 for.: OD C DEL MONTE PEAS Medium Utah pack, No. 2 size, p JQ 4 tins.. ...... I uC MONTANA PACK PEAS Tender sweet No. QQ. rtins,6for.....vOC SHOE POLISH Two-in-One Brand, Q n large tins, each...... C SHRIMPaS Fancy Fresh Pack CCn 3 tins... '. OO C SOAP Ivory or Wool Soap, me dium size,' in 7 bars tC PORK AND BEANS LIBByS, No. 2 OA. tins, 3 for.. ...: ..... .ivC MACARONI Spaghetti, Best Semoline pounds ... . .. 29c BAKING POWDER SCHILLING'S ,..:,39c t2V2-lb. . . tins . $1.19 SUGAR Pure Cane V 100-ib,' QO bags ....:.:,-OOiOl7 TOMATOES pound . Fresh, ripe 1 BUTTER SKAGGS Best Creamery . ; QO . pound . ....... OO C PEAS Imported Belgian Sifted Petit Pois No. &!..68c COTTAGE ROLLS Mild Cure, 1 O pound .....:: X O C FLOUR SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 2V2-lb, pkg. v OC each dO GELATINE Knox Sparkling , per OA package '.. efiiU C JELLO or JELL-WELL, all flavors, 3 OQ n packages .. aV.71, CHEWING GUM Popular Brands packages, ....... 10c SOAP PEET'S WASHING MACHINE SOAP Large pkg, C 2 for. . .:....:.. ODC MATCHES Good grade, large boxes, 12 box CO.V cartons .....:.. OoC BROOMS Skaggs Domestic value.:.. 89c PRUNES Large Oregon fruit, pounds ..... 23c SARDINES White Star Sardines large oval or tins, 2 for.. 0C North Star Sardines imported pack in olive oil, On 2 tms.......... UUK. LUX Small size p -each ..:....v... 10c ROYAL CLUB BRAND, PAPRIKA Onion or Celery Salt in , 1 Cr glass shakers, ea. BANANAS Best Fruit, Vc 3 pounds wdt GRAPE FRUIT BLACK DIAMOND Large size 9Cf 3 for . . ORANGES Sweet Navel 0r 3 dozen ... - HONEY White Idaho, combs, pure 2 for....-.... 1 I 10-ounce ...45c ( EXTRACTED HONEY. Pure Idaho, Of 5-lb. pails . PINEAPPLE Hawaiians, broken dices, jr-69c WALNUTS Imported new . OC crop, 2 lbs. JLI OO C DEVILED MEAT LIBBY'S, iA size 6 tins 2Sc TUNA MEAT CURTIS Fancy ,"' White. tins ...... 65 c PLUG TOBACCO STAR; HORSESHOE or CLIMAX, by the ff plug.:......(.....,..:,.,. yj C SOAP PELS NAPTHA, 10 bars . carton m carton, per ff WHITE WONDER, made in Portland. Mt ..39c 13 bars CREME OIlUg Bars .. ... PALM OLIVE 6 yi r Bara ... QC APRICOTaS Bolid pack, gallon Pa size, each ....... Ol C PEARS-- Solid pack, gallon rn size, each... DbC .LA BREAD RY KRISH SWEDISH HEALTH BREAD Large package yi 0 each... ajC CHEESE SUGAR LOAF FULL CREAM s r-r 2 pounds O 5 C TILLAMOOK FULL CREAM nr , 2 pounds........ ..U5C MR A T""11. MET DEPARTMENT-Due to the fact that cat lLlJt. l. tie shortage has caused prices to advance! Our prices hv, remained the same on the best quali ty of meat, which has alwava ho VV VVT 0WaV4 Phone 478 e our 162 riorai Co f r n dft m 4a sVasio . HoapiLal six., J3.C3