The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: o:u:gon stati:g:.:an, cali.:i, o.:.;gd..
,x:d:;loDay ;.;ui:;i:;G. avail zo, ivzi
' ; . .' Phone IOC i
Xhy do I think of It now at all,
How; bare sqprt?day ' will bo t ho
wall -,-V: ," -.. : ''.I ".
Where clematis creeps with purple
bloom? . --; ' :
Why do I think of .this lonely
r room..' - ' r: f -;
- k " K' " ' i
Aa.Lsw'It last night?, And why
i j do I cry - J----.
At the wistful knowledge ' that I
Ti i am I? v ;s - . , :
"Why do I wake in the fitful light
And, long . for . the .. orchard . all
; through the night? v
u , ' - ' " "
Why do I think of the things that
pass v
Quicker than shadows on the
: grass, ., si
When' the hour is flawless .with
. , crystal sun.
And I've had this day, this golden
' ' ': -'f -" ':'
ONE of the'most attractive af
fairs of the season is sched
uled for thi3 afternoon when Mrsi
Charles K. Spaulding, Mrs. Walter
Spaulding, : Mrs. Lewis Griffith,
and Mrs. Roy II. Mills will pre
side as hostesses at formal tea at
the C. K. Spaulding residence.
Three hundred and' fifty Invita
tions have been issued for the af
fair which will take place be
tween the hours of 2:30 and 5
o'clock. -. ;
: : ! ' -
'Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay are ex
pected home ' today following a
triD to southern Oregon. Mr. and
Mrs. Kay were present f at . the
opening of the Robert A. Booth
bridge at Roseburg. v ; 0
Professor, W." Ev Kirk is In re
ceipt of a' very Interesting letter
from Miss Mabel Rentfro of Ca
mas Prairie, Montana, announcing
that she lias just been granted
the' James A. Woolson Graduate
scholarship to Radcliffe college,
Boston. Since there were only
nine graduate scholarships ; and
fellowships granted. Miss Rentfro
counts herself. very fortunate, to
have received this honor. Miss
Rentfro, the' daughter of Profes
sor and Mrst J. L. ' Rentfro, for
merly of Salem, graduated 1 from
the Salem high school with the
class vof 1920. She earned her
university degree in three years,
attending Willamette university
and later the University of Idaho
from which' she graduated last
June. , i . .,
i ,
si J1
Dull Yellowish Teeth
New Safe Liquid and Special Paste Whitens Stained
Teeth Instantly
j Every man -Admires personal
daintiness in the fair sex. But no
girl can be truly dainty and charm
ing with dull yellowish teeth.
Bleachodent Combination costs
only few cents and .whitens teeth
instantly, at home. Leaves teeth
flashing white, lustrous and clean.
Contains mild safe liquid which
loosens " and softens stains and
a special paste which gently re
moves them. Works instantly
Quicker, surer, Bafer than old
scouring methods ':, which Injured
enamel. Money instantly refund
ed if not delighted with first ap
plication. WARNING: Don't ac
cent chean liauid Imitations. Al
ways insist on genuine Bleachodent
Combination, the SAFE treatment.
For sale by all good druggists.
The Woman's" missionary : so
ciety 1 of the Pirst PTesby terlan
church f wlil meet la the church
parlors' at 2:20 o'clock, Thursday
Instead of 'on , Friday. The meet
ing will be tomorrow '. fn order
that' the luenibers of the society
may attend the lecture at the tab
ernacle which Mrs. Demares will
give for women only on the sub
ject "Love and Marriage., Mrs.
George Brown fs chairman ' of the
committee in charge of the Thurs
day meeting. .
- ' .l 5 f:;
Judge and Mrs. Charles A.
Johns are expected, to arrive to
morrow in Seattle from Manila.
They will spend some time yet vis
iting with friends before coming
to Salem. , ... . 4 ,
The meeting of the Woman's
Home Missionary society of the
First Congregational church,
which, was to have been held this,
Friday at the home of Mrs. G..G.
Brown has been postponed until
next week. ' . ; . ...
Sara Jane Knight, granddaugh
ter of Mrs. B, J. Miles, returned
today to her home In Portland
following a few days" visit here.
Mrs. Miles was the guest during
last week at the Will Knight
home. '.,
Chapter G of the PEO sister
hood will meet t tomorrow after
noon at thej home of Mrs. A. C.
Parr on the Portland road. '
The Women's society ' of the
First Baptist church, instead of
meeting today will meet J tomor
row afternoon at 2:30, o'dlock.
The sudden postponement comes
with the, announcement - f, the
funeral ervice, tor. Miss tRuth
pooley...;. ; ' I i ( , I j; f
.The Woman'p Misstonary socie
ty of ?the First Christian church
will, hold an all day . meeting on
Friday. An Interesting group oi
euests will be present for the oc
casion including Mrs'M. tL' Ken
dall, of - McMInnyille, , state presi
dent of the society; Mra. Blanche
Paul; of Falls City, district secre
tary; and Mr. and Mrs. Byerlee,
returned missionaries from Africa,
Mrs. Byerlee having been a former
Salem girl. A covered -dish lunch
eon will be served at noon. The
Missionary trio, including Mrs. Dot
Humphreys, Miss Dorothy Taylor
and Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, will sing.
The main part of the time will be
taken up with appropriate talks
from the guests. The meeting
which opens at 10:30 a. m. will
adjourn at an early hoar in order
that the women may attend Mrs
Demarest's lecture. 4
XT lea RAAtrire sheltbn last night
presented twelve Jtrnior piano pu
pils fn delightful fecital. The af
fair wft Invitational. ' The Poly-
hymnal sextet gave assisting nam
b?rs. ,: - : :C- J '-: '
xria Mohoi PhPTtRnn invited
guests tor an inlformal supper par
ty at 7 o;clock sunaay evening ai
her home. Spring flowers were
hbaiI about the rooms. . Covers
niacpd for UrJ and Mrs. Wil
liam H. Burghardt, Mr. H. B. Tron-
son, Mis3 Elizabeth L.ora, uoionei
W. E. Bartrum and the hostess,
Miss Robertson. ; ;
Eleven local Daughters of the
American Revolution attended the
silver tea given yesterday after
noon by the Sarah Chllders, Polk
When you are . suffering with
rheumatism so you can hardly get
around just try Red Pepper, Rub
and you will have the quickest
relief known. - v t w
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating- heat as red peppers.
Instant relief. Just as soon as you
apply Red Pepper Rub you feel
the tingling heat. In three min
utes it warms , the ; sore spot
through and through. Frees the
blood circulation, breaks up the
congestion and the oldf rheuma
tism torture- is gons. , ? !
Rowles Red Pepper Rub,, made
from red peppers',, costs little at
any drug store. Get a jar at once.
Use it for lumbago, neuritis, back
ache, i stiff , neck, sore muscles,
colds in chest. .Almost instant re
lief awaits yon.' Be sure to get the
genuine, with tho name Rowles
on each package. Adv.-
' fit it , i
! v -f
It's in Salem, Ore.
You Will Be Rewarded When You Find Him
Uaich! I7aii! The Reward Is Great
Coo Pago 3 Tomorrow
chapter at the home of. Mrs. C..-V.
Sundburg In Dallas.- Members of
the McMinnville chapter were also
guests of the day. Mrs. Seymour.
Jones, state regent, gave a -talk.
following the topic "The History of
the Organization of the Daughters
of the. American Revolution.', Mrs.
Warren , of McM inn vtUe sang dat
ing the afternoon. A piano solo
was also given. The "spacious
home was attractive with a profuse
arrangement" of Portuguese lilacs.
Those motoring, over, were: : Mrs.
Seymour Jones, Mi's. IT. G. Shipley,
Mrs. Elmo White, ,Mrs.r Homer
Goulet Mrs. H. .T. ;Love, Mrs.
Harry Styles,' Mrs. F. C. Dyer,
Miss Applegate, Mrs. J. W. Harbi
son, Mrs. Holmstrom and Mrs. W.
E." Hansen. - '
The Rapheterian club will meet
tomorrow afternoon at the home bf
Mrs. Elrto White, 1465 Oxford
street. Mrs. Otto Wilson will be a
joint hostess with Mrs. White.-:
i - -36-
"Oregon Poets' number" Inter
estingly i designates the May issue
of the Overland Monthly, which,
published in California, was found
ed In. 1868 by Bret Harte. Four
teen Oregon poets are represent
ed in ' the issue.- Almost half of
the group are from Salem. The
local verse-writers are: 5 Clara
Virginia Barton; Gertrude Robl
son Ro3s, Viola Price Franklin,
Ruth Fargo, Audred Bunch, Perry
Prescott Reigelman, and Jay Rod
eric Do Spain. Others', represent
ed 'include: Mary Carolyn Davies,
Or ace E. Hall, Elllnor L. Nor-
cross,-Emma Bennett Miller Verne
Bright, - Eleanor Allen, ; Mildred
Hudson, Ammons and Howard Mc
Klnley Corning. Mrs. Barton's der
Ilghtful stanza, "Oregon," appears
at the top of the ''Page of Verse".
Mrs. Fareo Is Included on the
page with I Love, You"; . Ger
trude Robison Ross with "A Song
for Barbara, Blomberg"; and Mr
Reigelman with "The Magic Car
pet." Mrs. Fargo lis represented
with two poems, the second one
being "Shadows." Appearing
throughout . the magazine are
"College Memories. by Viola
Price Franklin; "Foreboding," by
Audred Bunch, and "The Unfor
given Fool" by Jay Roderic De
Spain. Among the department
contributions Mrs. Franklin has in
the same number an essay of ap
preciation entitled "With Oregon
Writers." -
Miss Helen Gatke, Miss Frances
Hodge, and Mrs. Paul Todd mo
tored to Portland -Mondar o at
tend the concert at the auditoriuin:
Mrs. J. A: Churchill," chairman
of "the applied education, depart
ment of the Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs, will entertathde-
Ughtfully at luncheon at 1 o'clock
tomorrow: inviting the members
of her department to be guests
The group will - Include: Mrs. A
J. French I Carlton; Miss Eliza
beth K. Matthews, Oak Grove;
Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Salem; Mrs.
Suzanne Holmes Carter, Jackson
ville; Mrs. G. A. Johnson, Port
land: Mrs. George McMathand,
Portland; Mrs. Margaret B. Good
all Eugene; Miss MOselle Hair,
University r of Oregno; Miss -Alice
Hanley, Medford; Mrs. W. H, Mc-:
Claln, Hood River; Mrs. C. H.
Marsh, Pendleton; and Miss Jessie
Newcomb, of Oregon Agricultural
college, CorvalUs. .
'. The annual'; convention of -the
Women's Home Missionary , so
ciety Is In session today at Dallas,
The conference opened yesterday
at the First Methodist caurcn. a
number of local women are taking
part In the programs.-'
An altogether : creditable pro
gram was glyen at the Portland
auditorium Monday evening when
six glee - clubs of Northwest col
lege ana universities me cu
test. Willamette university, plac
ing second, was represented by 17
men. The maximum, of. 22 sang
in' the winning club. WSC Pro
fessor E. W. Hobson, directed the
local group. The program , Xol
Oregon Agricultural College
-i-- Corvallis,' Oregon. r
Comrades In Arms. . . . .i . Adaxa
Alma : ' Mater -.. . .' . Maris
' Washington. State College ,-s
The "Wleck of the "Jhlle Plant"
'ii.V;.' . . . .. .T. Cllara
"Btate College of Washington".
:. . . . . .Butterfleld
4; Willamette Vnlverslty v:
, ' Salem,! Oregon,
Heav'ii:: Heav'n . i . .1 .'. Burleigh
Jolly ' 'Students ... . .Mendenhall
t " Vnlversity of'OrilBon. .
Eugene; Oregon.
The Shores of Sighing. ... Chaff In
In a Harbor of the Mountains "
. .. ..... . , .... McCosh
' .Pacific University '
Forest Grpve, Oregon.
A Summer Lullaby.. : . . .Gibson
Hail, Old Pacific Hail .......
University' of Idaho '
Wait 'Till I Put on Crown ....
".. ,v. Reddick
Oh! Let Us Sing of Idaho.... "
' Today , ,,
Woman's Home ( Missionary so
ciety district convention at Dal
las. ' . 1
Women's society, Baptist church
2:30 o'clock: ' . . , v '
p vC :; Tlinsday ; '
i Department luncheon, Mrs. J. .A
Churchill, hostess, at- 1776 . Fir
street. '. ' - . ; .
' First Presbyterian Woman's
Missionary , society. Church par
lors, 2:30 o'clock.
Chapter G of -the PEO sister
hood. : Mrs.-A-, C Parr hostess. "
. Rapheterian club. Mrs. Elmo
White and Mrs. Otto W'ilson, Joint
hostesses.' . . '
' ;: i-.r'u". Friday ' ; v
! Lecture. "Love and Marriage,
Mrs Victoria Demarest at Tab
ernacle at 3 o'clock.
Woman's Missionary society of
the First, Christian church. All-
day meetine. onening ! at 10:30
Mrs. F. W. Munson and-daugh
ters Tisited Mrs. S. M. Walker east
of Salem recently. 4 " '
Several people of ; the Sunday
school attended the convention In
Portland and report a good time.
Miss ' Antonla-' Bayer returned
home Sunday. She has been in
Portland for several months. '
Mr. and Mrs. Grossman, visited
friends near Brush College Sunday.
Mrs. J. Van Santas spent Sun
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Ed Loose.
rday .
' Conference of
Writers, at Eugene
J. M. Coburn shot a largg horned
owl Monday.
'Earl Meeks got his arm badly
hurt while cranking his,. Ford re
cently. , j v . . . -1;, v .: .
Harold Meeks returned to the
home of his uncle, T. E. Meeks
Monday. ; .
The Red Hills . Sunday school
convention will be held at. Pringle
Sunday, May 4. There will be an
appropriate program' and a basket
dinner, j ; . . : . . . ,
Listeners in to the KGW broad
casting Monday night enjoyed the
program given by the Chemawa In'
dian school.' r r
On a rainy Sunday Dad seems to
think the ''daily dozen" refers to
naps. . f ....:
- Kidneys cause backache! No
Tour baefcack' Is caused by lnm
bago, rheumatism or a strain and
j. . , jytha Quickest relief is
soothing, penetrat
ing -St. Jacobs Oil.
Rub it right on
your painful - back,
and instantly the
soreness, a stiffness
and lameness dis
appears." Don't stay
.crippled! Get a 35
cent' bottle of St.
Jacobs Oil from
your druggist.
moment after It Is
applied you'll won
der what became of
the backache : o r
-' - - lumbago pain.
In use for .65 years for lumbago.
backache, , sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism or sprains. Absolute
ly harmless. . Doesn't buro the
skin. Adv. .
Capital Hardwarb
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Fast Through Freight to AH
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Speed-Efficiency-SerTlce .
Corvallis Eugene i Jeffenoa
Dallas Albany-Monmonth
ladependeBce - Monroe4 -Springfield
1 Wedneiday -Thursday Friday Saturday
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Come See
the Splen
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Just In' Tirne Tq Meet The Spring and Summer Dress Require-
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Black Silk "
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Imported Ho'nan Pongee Roshalla Silk Crepe ' - Figured Crepe Fcr :
Good Line of Colors - For Dresses Dresses or.-BIjcscs,
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See Our AVindow DisplayrRemember 4 Days Only
This iBia&m'Wii
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4t Special Bargains in Pretty Dres Ginch-inri?
receive careful attention. We
pay' the postage ' or express
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Satisfaction Guaranteed
on every - purchase or your
money cheerfully refunded.'
Salem Store
460 State St.
Portland CZz fh?
CS3 AJ?r Ci.
A very badly needed two-room
schoolhouse was voted down Fri
day night at a special meeting. 'It
was quite a disappointment to
those who have moved Into the
community In recent years as these
people are, with almost no excep
tion, progressive and Interested In
education. The present school
house, when built 58, years ago.
was ona of . the best, if not the
best, in tho county, but Is now, too
small," not modern, and school con
ditions are about the poorest In
the ? county.'"-'-'
Mr. and Mrs. b. A. Harris were
Salem Visitors Saturday. -,-
Mr. and Mrs. ' E. Nicholson and
son; and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith
and daughter of Scotts Mills were
dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H." Gray Sunday.- ;
. Mrs. C. Gesner "visited her par
ents, Mr.; and Mrs. George. Ed
wards, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. T!
celebrated their ICth weldlr
nivertary last.Tuesday wil'a a
ily party: As an a;;rc.: . .
ent Mr. Dinegar present: 1 L'j
with, 4' Ford ccura.
Mr and Mrs. D. JTrr'"?
Salem visitors Saturday after:
; Auburn school' won tSs
game from Rickey Friday, 2
on the Rickey diamond,
teacher and most of tlie r
came over to watch, the came
Tew Swe&b'e
:Will Plcff
-Pari This
. f
: ; - .
- Sweaters of every., description
made for every purpose can
be' f quhd in - put selection.
Sleeveless slipons, slipons with
sleeves,., button front : and col
lar,, twp pocket coat styles,
etc., in silk and wool and all
W00L .
'. ' $2.48 -$5.95
r if
Where it Pays to "Pay As YouGo'
t -'
ti ,
r Pullman, Wrasalngton