The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    ! -I
Circulation f or : the Oregon
Statesman for the month of March,
Thq classified ads In th: ;
paper bring big returns II. t
is why these columns xro c;.:
stan tly growing.
5 and Sunday ...... .CSC3
Sunday Only ..-... C9l
jpricd fTvri cz:r; ;
. v
' - ,
- ; ,
I i
Euckeye State Republicans
r Civs President's Support
ers Six to One Lead Over
Fcrrncr Governor Cox Leads
DAdoo By Majority of
Two and a Half to One
COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 30.
Pres!dent Coolidge still was lead-,
lag Senator Hiram Johnson of
California for Ohio's presidential
preference candidate in yesterday's
riiiirles by almost '6 ' to 1, "and
f arm er Governor J ames ' M. i Cox
still tiaiaUtned his ratio of about
2 to 1 over William G.-McAdoo
for tha democratic endorsement
when core than half of the state's
8,350 precincts had reported to
the secretary, of state early today.
The vote in 4,967 precincts gave
Coolidge 97,902; Johnson 17.191.
Ia 4,952 prrrlncts. Cox had 45,900
votes to 17,623 for'McAdoo. (
1 (2y the
51 del.
tlonal c
to Pre
: r UX Ohio, April 29.
latei Prea3) Ohio's
to the. Republican na--v
n ation .will go pledged
- t Coolidge backed by a
popular en larsement for the presi
dent lr a six to one vote over Sen
ator i::rara 'Johnson of California
who cc-t;:ted the Buckeye state in
the primaries held today. J ,
Re: if j from one-third ,of the
state's total principal precincts in
dicated tiat' Former Governor
Jaiae3 It "Cox, the Democratic
preside- tial candidate in 920 pro-.
batly h:s received the state's en
tire delcration of 48 votes backed
'"ty -'a '-pcjulir""- tidorsement "df
about 2 1-2 to. 1 over William O.
LIcASoo. -' fc . . . ..
Every Cccaty Carried '
rrcr'lent Coolidge carried, ev
ery county by a large majority in
tLe preferential rote prer Senator
Johnson, while Governor Cox pro
bably willthave lost a few scatter
ing counties. Incomplete returns
locate that Cox district . dele
gates have been successful in all
inst&aces though this has not yet
been established so definitely as in
the caje of Coolidge district dele
Cites. All Cox delegates at large
went over by better than 2 to 1; .
, v The presidential preference vote
in 2,756 precincts out of a total of
3,350 precincts la the state gave
Cooliige 48.784 and Johnson ,7,-
976. In 2,815 precincts C,ox- had
wMH. jireiBreuuiU Tpie ui
213 to,9,333 for McAdoo.
laus!i?rty Kuns Jjast T;
Forner Attorney General Harry
U. Darsherty was running last in
t-a 1 t cf eeven Coolidge pledged
slesites at large, but was leading
Ute Senator George H. Bender
cf CUreland, the leading Johnson-
f.edsed delegate at large by al-
rao8t 2 to 1. ; ' v ,
Senator Simeon D Foss, leading
tlj Coclidge slate, had pver 6000
Tot-s nore than Daugherty. in 2,
,572 precincts. -.. Daugherty made
the poorest showing in Hamilton
county, (Cincinnati) where Fess
was leaf lag him about 2 to 1. i
ormef Governor Judson Har
mon took the lead away from Fo
ster United States Senator Atlee
romerene in the list of Cox-pledged
oeiegates at large, when 3,710 pre
tlncta had reported and all Cox
delegates at large were leading
the McAdoo slto-by almost 2 to 1.
'SrOKAKC. Wash; April 29
Frank H. Hocken of Portland has
been appointed district freight and
passenger agent of the O.-W R. &
N. Co. v":- ." ; : :
WENATCHEE, Wash., April 29.
Lieut. Governor Coyle will dedi
cate the new $500,000 Chelan
county courthouse here Friday, it
as announced here todays '.
OREGOJJ Showers Wednes
day;; coolers east portion ;
moderate to . fresh westerly
' "winds." T '.'
- (Tuesday.) "
Maximum temperature, 66.
Minimum temperature. 47.
River. 1.3 feel, falling. -Rainfall
.22 inch n ..
Atmosphere, cloudy, ?
Wind, southwest.
-.--( , -.-
H. J. Ovcrturf Says They Gave
Him Wrong Measurements
of Bend Bouses
PORTLAND, Or.. . April - 29.
Two women were to blame for he
fact that he made mistakes in t,he
measurements of houses that he
appraised, H. J. Overturf testified
when he took the stand in his own
defense in the trial of Overturf.
Charles Haines, Charles Carroll
and James Ryan of Bend, in Fed
eral Judge C. E. Wolverton a
court today. The four are charged
by the government with using the
mails to f defraud in ' connection
with the operation of the state bon
us law. .-; : '
In the case of ' Cassie Flyrin
house he said, that the woman who
lived in the house gave him the
measurements when he and the
two other. appraisers Visited! the
place at the. end of a hard day's
work of appraising houses.
"I was not as careful in the ap
praisement of that house as 1
should have been," said Mr. Over
turf, "and 1 have looked at the
place since and found, that the fig
ures that I gave were wrong.
"In the case of the Knight house
took Mrs. Knight's word for the
measurements of the house and I
have "since found that they were
wrong." j-Vv' ,: v "
Mr. Overturf took the stand late
In the day after numerous charac
ter witnesses had been introduced
fo testify as to the. reputation of
the' four defendants.
Reports Say That La Grande
i Woman Was. Appointed .
Ten Days Ago
It has become known to aiprajc-r
tical cerUinty that Miss Cells Boll
man, who has been head stenogra
pher in the governor's- office since
the- beginniDg-vof the administra
tion, has been Appointed by Gov
ernor Pierce as his private secre
tary to succeed Ward i A. Irvine
who resigned. It is reported that
the appointment was made about
10- days ago.
While it is nnderstood the aiH
pointment has already been made
it is said to .have been the gover
nor's plan not to make the an
nouncement until the next meeting
of the state parole board, of which
the governor's secretary is a mem
ber by virtue of the position in thi
executive office.
J . Miss Bollman came to. . Salem,
from La Grande. She was in the
employ of the governor prior to
his election, and : assisted in his
campaign for the governorship.
- - The senate passed the naval ap
propriation bill carrying $275,-
000.000. ' ;
'',.'?;;) '
The. White House announced
that President Coolidge favored
suspension of section 28 of the
merchant marine act for one year.
Imposition of a 10 per cent tax
on radio sets and' reduction "of
taxes on automobiles trucks and
tires was voted by the senate.
a; .- ,;
- Presentation pf evidence was be
gun before a grand. Jury investiga
ting criminal charges growing out
of the senate oil investlation.
e '
Opponents of the Barkley bill.
to abolish the railroad labor board
begun a fight to prevent the house
taxing it up next Monoay.
Attorney General Stone agreed
to have the department of justice
aid the senate Daugherty claim in
litigation with M, S. Daugherty. (
m mm
The senate Daugherty commit
tee heard further; testimony on
prohibition enforcement and ant!
trust policies of the department of
justice.' , , .
President Coolidge revealed he
personally suggested Representa
tive Burton, Ohio.; as temporary
chairman pf the republican nation
al committee.' -;
' ' Mrs. Jake L. Hamon appeared
before the aenate oil committee
but was excuised' after a wrangle
among senators over who was re
sponsible for summoning her.
President Coolidge received re
ports forecasting, an agreement
within, 2 4 hours by the senate and
house conferees on the "Japanese
exclusion provision of the immi
gration bill
3 isfl 1
Circumstances Disclosed in
Portland Bridge Probe
Point to Attempted Irregu-
- larities
Probers Told of Intimation to
Contractors That Job
Worth $S0,000 - ;
PORTLAND, Or.. April 29.
More circumstances pointing either
to graft or attempted graft in con
nection with the building of thr-o
Willamette river, bridges "here were
uncovered today by Attorney Gen
eral Van Winkle in his investiga
tion. At the. end of the day it was
felt that considerable progress Lad
been made. ,' ' ;
Chief witness of the day was Er
nest E. Howard of the firm of
Harrington, Howard 'Sc. Ash, Kan
sas City engineers. , He was report
ed to have told of a man who
'whispered" in connection with the
interstate, job and ; of overtures
made to award his firm the pro
jected Portland bridges for a price.
John . Lyle Harrington, member
of the same engineering firm who
was here also trying for the work
became a significant figure . in
facts made known today outside of
(he official probing into the situa
tion. A. letter to Ira G." Hedrick.
of the firm of Hedrick & Kremers,
who was awarded the bridge job
was disclosed in which Victor H.
Cochrane, Tnlsa, .Okla., ex-associate
of Mr. Hedrick In! business
wrote Mr. Hedrick of a conversa
tion he had with Mr. Harrington
in which it was intimated that it
would require 150,000 to land the
engineering contractor' 7 if -
Thirty-Five Bodies -Have
Been Removed No Hope
-Expressed for Others .:.,
WHEELING, W. Va.. April 29,
The battle "against 'high water.
fallen rock and poison gas in the
Ben wood Mill mine of the Wheel
ing Steel corporation where 111
miners were entombed by a gas
explosion yesterday, centered to
night in the passages leading from
the Brown's ran airsnait as ia-
tigued rescue crews pushed for J
ward over almost insurmountable
obstacles in their search for bodies
bt the victims. '' "
Thirty-five bodies had been re
moved from the mine. Restue
crews had located three others In
the workings and were progressing
slowly. - There was no expectation
that any of those trapped would
be found alive, i
Brown's run air shaft is three
miles in the hills above Benwood
and is almost Inaccessible.
Peacetime Patriotism
Essays Are Coming in
! Essays in the - American legion
"Peacetime Patriotism" contest
are beginning to be received
though the contest does not close
until May 1, Robin Day, county
chairman, announced Tuesday. Pu
pils In the county and city schools
are taking a keen interest in the
contest, this interest having been
stimulated by the announcement of
three prizes of $25, $15 and $10
for the best 'essays in the county.
from Frank T. Wrightman fund in
addition to the state prizes of $200,
$100 and-$50 and the possibility
of winning a national prize. ,'
Teachers in the schools will sub
mit the best'essays ffom"each room
to either Mrs. "Mary . Fulkerson,
county school superintendent, or
to Robin Day. These will be gradr
ed as . soon ' as possible and ; the
county awards made. The winning
essays will be entered iri the state
contest, though any pupil may en
ter his or her essay. .These
awards are expected to ' be made
about July l. ; ; :
LOS ANGELES. April 29.
Robert E. Hughes. 26,: magaxlne
writer, and former pubHcitvinu
for William ,6. Hart, motion pic
ture actor, shot and killed him
self in his room at a Hollywood
hotel, tonight, . .. ; .
George Stone of Myrtle Creek
Sent to Reformatory, By
Federal Judge Bean i
PORTLAND, April 29. -George
Stone, 13-year-old postoffice mall
robber from Myrtle Creek, today
was sentenced by Federal Judge
R. S. Bean -to four years in the
Idaho state reformatory at: St.
Anthony. He will leave .Friday,
probably, for the school. , ,
George paid little: attention
while the attorneys were arguing
as to his sentence, but he knew
what was going on when the 'court
passed the sentence. ! ! , , : , "
'That ' suits me. all tight." he
told one of the women attaches of
the court, who urged him to make
a man of himself while he was in
school. Jearn a trade, study hard
and write to her. . ,
After he went back to jail he
said he wanted to see Judge Bean,
Marshal Hotchklss arranged the
matter and George and the court
held a conference in chambers.
"When I came here, judge. I
thought everybody had it in for
me," George told the judge. "I
have found out that they haven't.
and I am going to do the .best that
i can to make a man of myself.
am going to study and learn a
trade, and I shall write to Mr.
Collier and to you to let you know
how I am getting along." V
Henry p. Collier was named at
torney for, the boy when the case
came to. trial. - . , - :
i. The court gave George a father
ly talk on how to make a man of
himself and told him s that the
sentence was given him in his own
interests and not altogether as
punishment- for robbing" the malls.
McCray Bids ; Family Fare
well and IsJaken Backl .
to County aH? -f
- v . - : . . . 4 a,, t-.r-
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.; April 29.
Warren T McCray, who resigned
today as governor of Indiana fol
lowing his conviction ;in: federal
court yesterday on charges of us
ing the mails in furtherance of a
Scheme to defraud, bade farewell
to his ' family this afternoon: and
was returned to the Marlon coun
ty Jail. -. : ;-:;, ; ,:-... ,
McCray will be taken before
United States District Judge Albert
B. Anderson tomorrow , for sen
tence and it was expected that
shortly thereafter he would be
started upon his way to begin a
sentence' in the ' federal prison at
Atlanta. . .
The penalty may be a fine of
not more than $1,000 or not more
than five years imprisonment, or
both. The , penalty may be im
posed on each count in the indict
ment. The indictment against Mc
Cray contained 13 counts.
Thursday, May 1, Set
i As Day for Straw Hats
i Dust that has accumulated upon
the old 'fibre chapeau, which has
hibernated through the winter oh
a dark shelf in the closet, will be
shaken off the lid that shone , Iajt
year in readiness for the opening
pf the season and observance of
Straw Hat day, Thursday, May 1. ;
Advices are to the effect that
the dust had best be removed, for
unless the weatherman relents, in
stead of dryness, the owner of the
headpiece will find mud. ;
1 Of course there have ;. already
been persons who have "rushed
the season" and appeared In public
V'ith the straw hat. Several of
these have been seen from time to
time, dating as far -back as the
first day of supshine, after the
snow during the winter.-
' Portland haberdashers are back
pf a move to postpone. the opening
until May 9. but in.spite of this,
the official day is Thursday and
rain "or "shine, "the bell-bottomed
shieks, . greased hair, lizards and
other specimens of mankind who
would rather engage in manual lat
bor than, be out of style will proba
bly appear with - the proper head
covering. -, . ' f - v , ,
,While the models of the hats are
not much changed this season, the
well-dressed man will have an op
portunity to feelect his hat from
colors varying fron a light and orr
iglnal straw color.'through various
shades of tan and brown.
CHICAGO, April 29. General
Julian S. Car r, former command
er" in chief of the United Con fed
erate Veterans, died here tonight.
ISIGfiS posuiy
Has Made 6,000 Kilometers in
Five Days Against 8,700 in
PARIS, April '29. Le Matin In
a review today of the accomplish
ments of the various aviators at
tempting, long : distance ' flights,
give the distance accomplished by
each as follows: . ..
Lieutenant Pelletler Doisy, fly
ing .from Paris to Tokio. 6,000
kilometers in five days. '
Stuart MacLar en, British round
the. world filer, 8700 kilometers in
36 days. ... , . r ; , .
r American round the world expe
dition, 7,000 kilometers in 44
days. ( I
Portuguese expedition to the
Far East, 6,000 kilometers in 23
days. f. , v , ' - v ;
: i i - ;
) KARACHI, India, April ; 29.
(By The Associated Press ) Lieu?
tenant Pelletler Doisy, the French
airman on a trip to 'Tokio from
Paris arrived "here 'this . afternoon
after' having -flown a distance of
about 750 miles from Bender Ab
bas on " the Persian gulf, whence
he 'started this morning! : "
' Doisy thus far has made a rec
ord of 38 1-2 actual flying hours
on his trip from" Europe "to "India.
h ALLAHABAD, British India,
April 29. The Pioneer - says it
learns that the damage done to
the 'machine of -Stuart MacLaren,
British airman, who 'is" attempting
a world flight, when he was forced
to land at Parlu. India last week,
Is more serious than was at firs
reported. According to the infor
ination received by the Pioneer,
MacLaren will be delayed at least
a fortnight In starting again on his
flight, i ,
DUTCH HARBOR. Alaska. April
Dltter northwesterly sales hare
been sweeping this 'part of : the
Aleutian r islands and today little
hope was held here ; that Major
Frederick L. . Martin, commander
of ft clrcumnaTlgation trip of the
globe would be able to fly Dutch
Hairbor, from Chignik, 400 miles
to (the eastward, before tomorrow.
Officers Consider Vagrant
May Be uollins Wanted in
Deschutes County
COLFAX, Wash., April 2 9.-In
the ' possibility that a. man giving
the name of Okie Saunders, ar
retted on a vagrancy charge near
here today, may be Lee Collins, for
whom an extensive search is being
made In connection with the kill
ing of three trappers near Berld,
Of., .the sheriffs office here has
asked; Bend officers to send pic
tyres of Collins. The man held
hre does not exactly answer the
description of Collins as. sent out
but will be held until the picture.
arrive. ' v . .
urry to Japan That They
May Marry, and Keturn
Before July 1
SAN "FRANCISCO. "April 29.-
Hundreds of unmarried Japanese
men, : anxious to : marry country
women and return to this country
before the proposed immigration
law becomes' effective July 1. are
crowding all steamers sailing from
here for the Orient in time to re
turn before! July 1. according, to
the San Francisco Examiner,
As an example, the Examiner
elites the Pacific '.mail steamer
President Wil3on, which sailed to
day "forJapan "and on which" 400
Japanese took passage. The news
paper asserts that applications for
passage were received from many
other Japanese who could not be
Before departing,' Japanese res-
5 dents of the United Utes 'must
ppear before the consul of their
Country and maiewritten declar
ation1 of Intention to- return 'io
America , within a short time.
Hundreds have made such declar
atron"recenlIy,"the "Examiner as
serts, --i.y, . "
WENATCHEE, Wash.Aprl! 29
A forest fire along the Swakane
creek 'was reported to forest of
ficials here today!
mm ii
Authority Should Be Exerted
to Make Lessons of Life
Effective Says Mrs. De
marest in Talk
Children's, Meeting to i Be
Held Thursday at Taoer
nacle at 3 in Afternoon
Mushy old maids with no chil
dren, flippant. 'young people with
no controlling parents, would have
gotten little pleasure from Evan
gelist Victoria. Boot h-Demarest's
address . at the tabernacle last
night. For she presented the gos
pel of the i swift and inevitable
spanking for transgressions of fam
ily law, Just as the Bible shows the
inevitable and terrible punishment
for sins against the Divine law.
There might be enough moral sua-;
slon to make the erring one feel
glad to choose the - rightbut
enough authority ought to be ex
erted to make the I lesson effec
tive - . ' '
"I remember the first lie I ever
told, and I hope It was the last.
eaid the speaker. "We were Hy
ing in Switzerland, where my fath
er had to use a hatchet to break
up the hard black bread that, with
a few apples constituted the whole
food for my parents and the fam
ily of 10 children. The neigh
bors.used to tell my sainted moth
er that she was too severe with us
children; that It was wrong to ex
pect perfection, and that all chil
dren would tell at least white lies.
and would fight,, and maybe steal
a little jam or something; that
she was making, mountain ut of
molehills. Well, If I make moun
tains out of molehills . now. ' the
molehills may never become moun
tains to them In their lives," she
said. 'And so, when I told that
first lie, my father held me and
mother whipped me; and I went
to bed, without even the hatchet
bread and the apples.
Is Vigoroni Speaker '. ;
J "It taught me some of the aw
fulness of sin. All Sin will be pun
ished; better get the little lessons
In time, and get it out of the ,sys
tern, than to go on and lose the
life and 'the soul in payment for
the big sins of later life.
Mrs. Demarest is a vigorous
preacher. : She pounds the desk
with the skill and precision of a
boxer with the punching bag. She
Is tremendously in earnest; the
pulpit is Jier point of emphasis
f An interesting little thing hap
pened last night. . On the pulpit
desk was a vase of violets; mod
est, fragrant, beautiful,' overflow
ing the vase in which they stood
A perfect shower of the blossoms
fell to the floor nnder the vigor
ous emphasis of the speaker. The
speaker walked around the desk
in telling" the story of the Divine
love that was all pervading, all
sacrificing, 'and "in urging "that
there was no coming to . perfect
spiritual' peace .without sacrificing
the Whole life and -spirit of soul
"A broken and contrite spirit, an
utterly humbled and sacrificial
spirit," she presented as the only
acceptance that God would accept
And the carpet of violets gave
.back their perfume, as they were
crushed in the service of the Lord
who made them and the air was
as full of the scent of the beaut!
ful flowers as it was of the ser
mon urging the spiritual sacrifice.
As ft is or the fragrance of every
beautiful life, however lowlyr
; The hypocrites who are so good
bo capable of doing wrong like
common folks, even like common
Christians who need a deal of re
pentance to. keep them anywhere
near the path of- righteousness,
were shown a number of pictures
of themselves. The speaker pre
sented herself as one of -these
blinded, self-deceived hypocrites
at one time when she hated a per
son who had done evilly by her
mother. - That the sainted mother
had taken the abuse so meekly,
made the spirited girl even more
furious at the "injustice." But
though she was conducting a moet
Ing . at the time, the evangelist
came one night to a realization of
her own hate fulness. "He that
hateth hls'brother is a murderer.
Who are you to Judge others
you . for whomJesus .Christ 'died
and who will tone day Judge al
men? On His cross He forgave
.(Continued, a jase 2)
Student Campaign Success to
Be Followed By Holiday
With May Festivities -
WALLA WALLA, Wash., April
29.- With a total subscription of
$19,150 the faculty of Whitman
college practically , doubled - its
quota in the Whitman college
drive for $1,500,000 of additional
endowment according to announce
ment today. Every man and wo
man on the teaching staff contrib
uted something to the fund. .
Announcement will . be made at
the Whitman dinner Friday night
of the results of the student cam
paign but it is thought that the
student body will far exceed Us
quota of $30,000. ;
Thursday : will be a holiday at
Whitman to celebrate the comple
tion of the student drive Crown
ing of a May queen, an all-cqHese
dance and other entertainment is
planned.' - - --r
Commander of Ninth Corps
Area Comes to Defense
of. General White
' (By Tht AocUW Pr),
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 29
Repprts from Washington under
date ; of Saturday, ' April 2 6, that
Brigadier General George A.
White, of ., the . Oregon national
guard had been denied federal rec
ognition upon recommendation of
examining boards in, the ninth
corps area of the army, were de
nied , today by Major. , General
Charles G. Morton, commanding
the corps area:
"I am unable to understand how
such reports could have originat
ed,". General Morton said. "Gen
eral White has, been repeatedly of
flcially recommended by these
headquarters tor .federal recogni
tion as a brigadier general to CCHEU
mand the 82nd Infantry brigade of
the 41st national guard division.
He is considered by army officers
here to be well qualified for his
duty, while his accomplishments
in developing, the national guard
of Oregon to a high state of etn
clency have been an inspiration to
the whole northwest.
'I knew the report that corps
area boards had refused my trans
fer was erroneous, hut one or two
libels, more or less, shouldn't con
cern me," said General White last
night when shown the foregoing
statement ' by the commander of
the army in the west. "I am
much pleased that General Morton
has corrected ' the ; wrong impres
sion put out from Washington by
press dispatches, if, indeed, the
dispatches ever came from such a
source.. The fact is 1 received my
confirmation as a brigadier general
from the government two years
ago. When X Jwas . selected, for
transfer, from, one. branch' to an
other. It was not at my own
quest and I consented only because
it brought a brigade headquarters
to Oregon. Someone has attempt
ed to make a mountain put of
molehill over . the matter of this
transfer and , even went so far as
to send a series of violent and r-
rauonai leiegrams 10 proiesi xo
the war department, one . of them
bearing the forged signature of a
reputable citizen in order to 'give
It 'color.; ' -?
Dates Set for Chautauqua.
;; No Sunday Performances
4 Sunday performances will not
be featured oi'tho program of the
jsuisonrWbite ; Chautauqua in Sa
lem this year, though the program
this season will cost $100 a day
more in salaries than in 1923. and
there will be 62 persons included
on the program in contrast to the
55 last year. The dates have been
set for July 16 to 23, inclusive
Sunday excluded.
As contrasted with 1923, the
Chautauqua will .offer six 'lectur
ers this season- Instead of four,
and a large professional light
opera company instead of a band
For the play, something which has
never been given in this territory
either on the legitimate stage or
on the screen, will be given.
The circuit this year includes
122 communities. ;
Postponement of the operation of
the Japanese exclusion provision
of the immigration bill until July
1 Is understood to have been sug
gested by President Coolidge to
senate and house conferees on the
39 Delegates Frcm
chusetts Instructed for
President Lens J:!:r.
Man Defeated
Supporter of f:v Yr
erpcr Runs C:
Delegate ct L
BOSTON, April 2 3.
Massachusetts dtlcrati-a t f "j
the republican - national ...-.
tion pledged to ' President C
idge was assured in today's rr
dentlal primary when the or, i t
didate favorable to .
Johnson was defeated. '
Dwight B. McCormack cf
field, who presented LI ".
the first district as a J
supporter polled 179 vctej
combined vote of 7193 for t: :
opponents favorable to Co:
The seven delegates at
elected without opposition
pledged to Coolidge and 1
tricts other than the first v.
there were contests all lis f
dates favored the rrcr'.Isr.
Chief interest in tcliy's
centered In the democrat j t
test for delegates at lii..
which Brigadier General C"
H. Cole who had endors? 1 c
nor Smith of New York er 1 -
running in opposition
ular. unpledsed Elata cf 8, t
with a half a vote, arr-r
the face of late returns U
won second place cn ttz C
tion. Senator David I. , z ,
H in i4C3i:.vt:..ii-:.
1422, ia the Etata. i t!
city of Eostcn. i
42.883. and Cole had 31,. c . -
of the four women candi-al j
delegate at large, Mrs. Rosa :
bert, appeared to have I
In a statement issued tc
General Cole said:
"Without an organization
no money, single handed, e:
the state machine I have wen i
ond place on the delesatlc i
large by a wide margin. It
never been done before la
state. It Is not a personal
tory, but a victory for Gov
Smith, the World War vc
and the independent voters."
Sillssouri delegates to t!i3 :
llcan national ccavcr'.n
strcted to rote for Calf' i
idge, for president, and C : .
A. .11. Hyde of Missouri fcr
president, by the repubi:::. s
convention here tonilt.
: SEATTLE, April 29. Kali '
temporarily ended the fore; t :
menace! In western "WasLl
according to W. G. Wlesla. i
visor of Snoqualmle 'natlc'l '.
est. The rain started tc : :
continued intermittently t : '
YAKIMA, Wash., April S:.
Yakima's yield of bors tii ;
was about 21.000 bales, n
crease over last year c! C,
bales, according to Clyda V. LI
ley, hop dealer.
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