The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 27, 1924, Page 20, Image 20

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. P , : ,.-
iiiu c:.zgg:; cTAT:iAi?,'0.iL!n,'C?.rao:j
v y , v; y ; w- i5 ii; v. ''
: . rxr-? eaptttt ; - :
" riRST - BAPiiST ruL'sra '-. t?.
Fnet II. fcsanka, pastor. The BibU
k i at :45 and Mr. Ed Kcbnnke
1 j't. In attendance contest with
1 cii anTiHa Baptiat Sunday aehool tha
t. iia r:,v.rc& ia ieadinr. iiornins wor-
" M 11 o'clock, bennon - aubjaet:
valley Kainta and Mountain Eisnfrt."
Thr wi'.l b a meeting of tna B.Y.P.U.
.Junior btoryi "A Unii of tha Ihiiea."
at. o'clock. Jio verper or aTeoing
worship at tna thuxen is a part of the
Ik reit reriTal, and all member- of
the chorea .and conrf ration ara rd
to. attend the et:nga U, the tabernacle.
' CATHOLIO,- C1IUBCH Re. . 3. , B.
Buck, pastor. Maaaea at 7:80, 8:80 and
10:2 j. , Laat maaa. ia . high maaa and
the raator 'Will apeak on '"Doubting
Thou saea. Benediction at 7;30 pJ n.
Everxena welcome. r. .
FTT!3T--Cntr and High" Street. J.
, J. j iTana, minister; Jflaa Hattie Mitch
15, i f.ieaionaiy. A . Urge ' Bible school
. last Sunday at the ehnrrh and a big
tuen'e claaa, 214, at the BHrt Theatre.
A iarfa asober have been added t the
memoerahip the past few vitks and many
anore are eoaung. Interesting program in
ait department today. Baptismal acrrlee
at eUse cf, morning church service. No
aerrife' at night. The . congregation Is
r;d to attend the Demareat revival at
fha big tabernacle afternoon and night,
aad daring the week. The young people
wiJ tneet at clock and elose in time
Icr te revival service. " . y
, Korth 17th and Court atreeta. R. t
Putnsm, minister. Bible school 9:45 a.
an. Chris. J. Kowits, superintendent. Spe
cial music by Miss Tnmer'a orchestra.
Let's make it 275 today. Junior follow
rnt the communion . service. .Morning
kits'.; ;t -11 a. m. Sermon: "Tarrying in
Jerntuieas." - The Endeavor societies will
Bif t at 5:30 p. m., ao aa to give all
I r of time to attend the anion evan
e meeting at the tabernacle. Bsild
iut t-;ir4 meeta Monday, I ft m. We
nr ail to and-and get yotrr frienda
to attend the lxmerat Evangeliatie meet
in each nist. Let us pray and work
to wia'Saleia for Christ,-.--
T1 .L;. ' " v and Center atreeta. W.
C-Kaistaer, it.ais.ter.- Sunday aehool at
10 i. ci. CUea for all afea under com
petent teacher. Kecord attendance last
fcun-iv. U. 1. llcCaiiiater, superintend
ent. F. E. Xeer. assistant superintendent.
1. "pT. wohp at Ilia. m. Sermon
sui..ct "With .Christ in Sardia." Good
muKie by ,Bartrt. Koither services in
t ia church today owing to revival cam
1 ija ia .which we Join with, the other
euurches 'ol the city.- -: , . , ; x
13 ia atreet. Harry W. Johnson, minister,
t n4y aehool and morning worship at
1 :0 a. ra. The superintendent, Mr.
C. C. ITarria, and Ir. T. E. Brown, teach
er f'tae "Uub Clasa" for adnlts wish
t-- assure all members of the Hub class
t"t there' will be enomh- sesting pro
v .id so that no one will need to stand
Bcit Sunday. Ho service Sunday even
ing for ThursJay evening ea account of
tie Demarest Tabernacle meetings.
Cortior of Church and Xhemeketa Sts.
Rev U. I. Chambers, rector. Holy , En T:30 a. m. Corporate for the
of the confirmation , class and
I toose. whom the present rccior u
,U, f.r conformation. Church
1 - at 9 :45. Ail atndents .requested
present, and those who have not
ti their mite bose i please bring
- o some plana will be : aug?sted
io bringing up of the quota. Motw
rsyer with sermon at 11 a. xa.The
I taoir will repeat some of the Laat-
sic accompanied by Mise Ines Chanv
on the vjoitn. The KightvKev.-.W.
craer, D. IX, Bishop of the Diocese
a will be present and confirm a
.d. preach at- 1 :80 p. m. . when
i u
lis r
prayer wui no saia ana i"
w. . iu,ah the music . St.'' Paul's ex
ter t a cordial invitation to all to at
t; . i. services. ' . .-, -
' f t x.tzi ttxssvs ' - -
' C or- Commercial and . Washington
s; .i Carl F. Miller, pastor. Banuay
ac ! 10 i. m. lr. Carl E. MiUer,- au
per sent. 'The aehool- ia growing ev-r-r-
..r ,r. Kext Sunday we are to have
t i.ii t from The boya' Trair.;cg school.
V. i w. 1 want to hear them play. . Come
si: . tn-.f tho ehildren. Worship at i 11
a i. feroa subject "Wha Seek Ye.
V . hare new, son books, "Hymna'Of
V- i." .Von will enjoy theee songs.
V i r? all, of our members to attend
tht i t-tunga at the Tabernacle and help
u tit wt aey en ; . -
, CHU-CH bii'.eerU and "A"'
. H. W. Gross, pastor. There win
r Sunday i n. tl in the English
at 10-.3J a. a. fcanday school
at :30 a. m. Tegular Sunday
ia Germsa at T:30 p. m. -Walther
a meets Iriday at 8:00 p. m.
be ;
1 1
-.T T ErAXGriilCAL--Stato and
.h atreeta, M. Koehler, pastor,
y school in Enrlish at 9:30 a. m.
service with tetmos by the pastor.
U "Who Is Born of Godl" Yenng
's meeting at o:J p. m. Topic:
, orportuniiies do missions offer for
tsriee! Evenlnj aervica in Eng
at 7:30 p. m. Subject: "Jesus
e the Temple." Mid-week rneet
; iursday at 7:30 p.n. Bibio school
; rday at the usual time. Come
iear the old and ever sew foipcl.
J tt-:t:st
t:3t MEiuoLxr episcopal
Co; - f tato and Church streets. Blaine
K. V; atrkk, minister. Claaa meeting,
9:1 a. m. Sunday aehool, 9:35 a. m.
II. .'. t.iaaks, superintendent. Morning
wor i. 11 o'elok. Thia is the church
of I muaie. There will bo special
mir -a by the choir under the direc
tion i( Prof. E. W. Uobson, with Prof.
T. . : berte at the organ. A eongre
r' 1 t at taxed the rapacity of the
i ard the splendid Easter tansie
las-. v. .V The musie every Sunday
ia j t,. rally as good. The service this
r." -'.tlssa . Lczckrs (Aclasis,''
I Isva Prs-ccnTsr-tica
-. s wira
Lrn-ian la
for the
' M ft
week is specially important. ' Dr. E. C.
Hickman,- - president of Kimball School
f .. Theolo'y, . will ' preach, and:, lie will
apeak on the vital subject of the training
of the ministry and the leadership ol
the church. - This message will be time
ly and will be, of concern to every be
liever in the church's future. Everybody
welcome. . Services in' the tabernacle this
afternoon ' and tonight.
Winter aad Jefferson streets. Tbomae
Aeheson.' pastor. LeRoy Walker, aaslet
ant. In charge of the Junior church. The
doors of this eh arch . are alwsya wide
open to the public and a home-like greet
ing is . as a red to all , who "attend its
servtees.r Von are cordially invited to at
tend the following services on the coming
Lord's Day: Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
with three separate departments t uno
tioniag. , C. AC Roberts is superintend
ent. - There sre classes for all ages and
ronsec rated teach era for every elaas.
Come early. Pnblie werahip at 11 a. m.
lr. Hammond of the Kimball School of
Theology,- a Ions; time friend of thia con
gregation witt be present and .will preach.
Her. Walker will conduct the service for
the Junior charch downstairs. Young pew
pie 8 to 1ft years of age welcomed. The
Kpwerth League devotional meeting will
be held at p. as. Young people thia
ia nar .- ehanee - for a service that ' Will
appeal to you. Evening worship at . 7:30
at the Union Revival Tabernacle on Wil
lamette University campus. State and uta
streets. Boom for everybody in the new
tabernacle. . Come on and bring., your
friends with you also.- Plan to attend the
dedicatory - serviee ;( the tabernacle . at
S n. m. this (Sunday ) afternoon." Services
every evening of the ' week at the tame
place, Saturday excepted.- r ; '
Center and North 13th streets.. , Geo. .8,
Roeder, minister Sunday school 10 s. m.
August O. Carl, superintendent. At; 11
o'clock Rev. Dr. Powell, professor of
"Kimball . School of ' Theology," will
preach on the - theme: "The Task Su
preme. we coroiauy invito any oi our
Euglish-spesklng irieaas wno ao not wor
ship elsewhere to hear brother Powell,
who waa at one time a missionary in
India, and who will deliver aa interesting
message for young and old. In the af-
ternooa and eaea evening we meet wnn
the other churches' in a union .revival
eanroairn. The serviees are ' being field
In the- newly-erected 'tabernacle on 12th
and Stau streets. - r . ' '
South Commercial and Myers streets. H.
F. Pcmbertoa, pastor. - You are cordially
invited to - attend the - services ot tma
church on 8unday as ' follows: - Sunday
school at 9:4$.- E. A. iihoten, auperin-
tendent. . The Bible la our tevt book; the
bnildinr tsf Christian character our .aim.
The Epworth League meeting at & :30..The
young people are making this an, interest
ing and helpful hour. - Morning worship
at 11 O'Ctocc. etermon budjccs. i"
Christian Life: Ie It - Hard : or Easy t
There no evening meeting aa we
are co-operating in ' the Demarest meet
ings, in the Tabernacle. - we win do giaa
to welcome you to the. serviees of this
church at all, times. -i You will enjoy the
Christian atmoaphere, 'the. god fellowahip,
the happy ainging. the excellent music .fur
nished by the choir and the gospel preach
ing. Come with, us and make this your
church. . . . - : . .' .'.
DIST Corner of Market and North .Wln-
. . -. . - - -D.w .!. . rlKrke-
Itr VtCWVa. '
pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Dr. Frank
S. Schuts,, superintendent. Classes - for
.ti .1... m-nA r - Preehinr '- at 11
' . " r. -
-f i- irk. ' anhiupt . finnasv
morninr wiU be: "The Heifer on -Its
Hsunches." Class tmeeuii' as ;
Mrs. Ida Garrett, leader. ; There wiU be
no 8 an day evening aervicea at the church,
nor week day meetinga as theehureh is
co-operating i ia the DeasarUt' Sevival at
the Bi: Tabernacle.
COPAL 15th and Mill streets. Davtd.C.
HasseL pastor. . Sunday morning service
at 11 o'-eloekt Sundays aehool -at' 10
o'clock. Gust i Anderson, t superintendent.
rTZj. v.j . BmiiM aehnoL
with splendid attendance; let
even better this fcandsy. There will .be
bo. evening services a wis tun,
g undsy -or during tne weea,
want i to participate in the evsngeliatio
meetings at the tabernacle. Come to these
meetings and bring your friends.
-' pfggatTmAH ': "
Ward WUUs Long,, Minister. 9 :4a a.
m. iSanday school. , 11:00, a. m. Morn
ing worship. Sermon by tho ministers
The : choir will sing "i esr Not Ye, or
Israel," Spicker. Mr. Arnold s organ
numbers will be ' Beethoven aelectjona.
0:15 p. m-. Chriatiaa Endeavor Societiea.
:': " vsitmtux -
Pereahetian, minister. Services are held
in the Women's Club buUdiir, Cottage
and Center atreeta. Church school at 10
a. m. Graded instruction.- Class lor
adults. All those who hsve questions o
ask and seek inormstion concerning the
history and eeeeutiels of faith and char
acter are urged to came to the adult claaa.
The miniater conducts this class iav person.
Devotional services st 11:0 e m. Sub
ject of the eermoa, "The Mount of Trans
figura'ioa." -Mrs... M. Fereshetian will
Sing Hosanna, by request. Mrs. W, A.
Denton at the organ. .The Woman a A.1
Lanee meets -with Mrs. Bradley at Cha
in awa on Friday afternoon, further par
ticulars will be announced from the jn
pit. ' ' --v.-.',
Twelfth and Mission streets. Sundsy
school at 10 a. m. Classes for all agev
Preaching at 11 a. m. . There will be no
evening aervicea as we are cooperating
with the Demsr-t Union Bevivsl which
wiU be neld atvJ:30 and 7:30 p. m. in
the new Ubemacle.- Corner State and
Mission streets. We esrnestly urge all to
hear this wonderful woman preacher. You
are invited to come and worship with
us in the morning serviees in the church.
C.-W. Tibbet, paator. .. -.
, UNITED BRETHREN Corner of lTth
and Nebraska Avenue. Sunday school
10 a. m. Preaching 11 a, m. Young peo
ple's service 6 p. m. Ladies' Aid Wed-
Lodsts : end Mulrtsa
Ta!!r tit tha VVVhits ' Hcssa
Loijs, r.f;u;ica laxdip la the)
tipper house, met reem'y at tie
executive mansion in ? '-"ton.
iTiieut Coo4d a.aJ t. ovvf
the party cutloc tl r'--C:r t'. .1
Fcrtit Unvsihd by
atjowa ' la shown the Artsona
mmoril Btoae which w unvcll-
e4 by the President at the AVh-
laston Monument before a nota
ble ctherlngv ' The stone wan pre
sented by lira. H. A. Smith. acUaf
nesdar afternoon. There' will be no
other serviees until the union meetings
elose.-. v;..; V - v ' ' 1 :' t ' " :
Corner of. Capitol and Marion streets.
Sunday school 10 a. m. and German
preaching service 11-a. m. No evening
service. f M. Denny, pastor. :
FIRST CHCItCH Iurbi : Hughes
hall, over the J. C. Penney store.. Sun
day morning serviees at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject of lesson aermon. "Probation After
Death." Sunday esnool at :ao a. m.
Wednesdsy evening teatimonial meeting at
8 o'clock. Beading room, 109- Maaonie
temple, open . every day except boll day a
and Sundays from 11 .IS to 5:30 p. m.
All are cordially invited to our aervicea
and to our reading room. .. -
1846 X. Church St. J. J. Gillespie, paa
tor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. Walter
Barkus, superintendent... Our ' Sundsy
school is small but interesting and each
one has the privilege of expressing their
views on the word of God. Preaching
service 11 a. m. Subject; ttetarumg good
for Evil: 2 Kings 6:18-23. Young Peo
ple's service :45. Song service and
tesumony meeting i :u p. ni. trrwyvr
meeting at 1590 Highland Avenae Tues
day evening 7:30 and our regular prayer
aerviee at the chapel Wednesday evening
SO. Come ana enjoy the services.
Bullock, patter, 251 Mission street. No
meetings eunasy no we are cvoperasiag
with the Demareat revival at the taber
nacle. There win no meetinga in too asie-
sins - Tuesds-r. Thursdav and - Baturuay
eirhta at 8 o'clock. Evangelist Jimmy
Tolan, the Irish ex-Catholic, is atill with
us. God is working in our midst; saving.
baptising and healing. Come and enjoy
times of refreshing irons tne presence ox
the Lord.; . -
ozas Trozvas lassxov -
t3 Court street, C. 8. Johnson, pas
tor. Sundsy school at 2 p. m. tierviee
at 9 and. p. nr. Bible etudy on Tues
day evening. Cottage prayer meeting
Wodneadar evening at North Howell.
Young People's meeting Thursday evening.
Miss Evs Pfsu, leader. Hervices eaturaay
evening. Full gospel messages. Prayers
for the sick. Everybody welcome.
Salvation Army services Holiness meet-
1 , A WMMwnaHV IhlL Will IIMTi
interesting to all that come, a time when
full Baivanon win no ptwesm,
Company meeting 3 o'clock.'! Classen for
IU . ages, vomt ana ormg "w vuuui cu.
X. r. Lm. o : lo. a young peopra a
lor that ram will enjoy. 8 p. aa. Rally
for souls. . This meeting - is of the old
Salvation Army .type. - fitreet meetings
during the - week at T p.. nr. The local
corps of the Salvation Army eo-operatea
with the Revival services at .the taber
nacle, 7 :au p. . m- m
Meeta every Sunday evening in W. O.
W. hall 'nest Sunday. The Bev. . Anna
Coaekley of Portland wui'DO wiw us. -
Assurance that , the radio talka
for motorists as supplied by ottU
cials.and representatives, of the
American Automobile Association
are meeting with approval, says a
recent bulletin of fthe A.A.A.; is
definitely Klven in a letter Irom
Jose Velasco, of Santa AnaV Salva
dor. Central America, to the effect
that, "the rolce of the .capiur Is
not only "heard bat enjoyed.,' ;
The A.AJL, . goes Ton the air-
every Friday night ; from -WRC,
the Washington broadcasting unit
of, the Radio Corporation of Amer
ica. : -rr
Recourse to the geography book
will show that Santa Ana Js nearly
2000 miles from the National Cap
ital "as the radlo wates fly." ;
That a radio fan ' in Salvador
should hear ' the , Washington
broadcasting station regularly is in
itself a ? matter of ; acientific
achievement, but the A.A.A., Pres
ident Thos. P, tHenry ; states, is
particularly Interested to know
that Its weekly messages to motor
ists are covering so much wider a
territory than waa anticipated
when " arrangements were first
made with WRC to broadcast.
Fi rot G Ei r i oil Q n G h u re
' Center and High Streets ' ) '
' .'JJ. EVAIIS; xakster. - ' -
CIIURCII ."ATTENDANCE is important for you.I '
It is valuable for society. It is aii asset to the )
community. -"Go to 'church 'today. . , . :
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION is featured in our fine : :
.- Dible school at 3.45. - Departments and classes for:
:. . : all ages. . ;v . v- vr;:; ;: .
" Practical sermon and worship at T.1 o'clock!
-At;.d the Dcmarcst Ilevival at the Dig Tabernacle Sun
day afternoon and night. '.
CocHdjs es- Mcnsorisl S tens''
J ' . 'A
for Governor Hunt of Arizona. .The
memorial, a magaltlcent speclinett
from' the state's fossilized forest,
was placed on the S 20 foot land
lag; of the monument. , '
Lyons visitors in Stayton Mon
day were Mr. and Mrs. Bane Mar
tin who spent the afternoon there.
Miss Emma Peters of Union Hill
was here visiting her sisters Anna
and Mildred who are attending
high school a day or two the first
of the Week. 1 -rf-;A-r
Several carloads of Stayton resi
dents attended the unveiling ex
ercises at Salem Saturday, when
the statue of the circuit rider, was
dedicated and unveiled. ; :
Mrs. Sophia Jones and her niece.
Mrs. Amy' ."King, drove over, from
Salem Sunday visiting through the
day as guests of Mrs. Laura Cleve
land. Both women are former
residents of Stayton.
Fire broke : out In s the Stayton
hotel about 2 a. m. Monday which
resulted In much damage- to the
structure. Almost the entire rear
section was burned. The kitchen
and ' Its contents Is a total loss
while the hall, dining room and
several upstairs bed rooms were
damaged considerably by fire,
smoke and water. For a time it
seemed the entire building would
be consumed but heroic work on
the part of the fire company final
ly brought the flames under control.-
Mrs. Mary J. Queener, who for
many years, was a highly respected
citizen of Stayton has been com
mitted to the insane asylum at Sa
lem. Mrs. Queener Is the mother
of seven . children, and was the
wife of William H. Queener, who
for many years, was Stayton's only
resident lawyer. Mr. Queener.
passed away several years ago.
The complaint was filed by her
daughters, one, of whom she has
been living with the past year ot
more. Stayton people regret to
hear of her misfortune. ;- . y
John Braun arrived home from
California last Saturday after a
month's absence. Mr. Braun has
purchased property for a homi in
the sunny southland and as soon
as he can dispose of his. residence
and other property interests here,
will go south with his family to
make a home.
Mrs. E. B. Watters has received
word of the Illness of her mother
who lives in Missouri and" Is pre
paring to go east In the near fu
ture, in; order that she may as
sist In caring for her. '
R. D. Cooper of Portland is at
the Cooper, borne here, tor an In
definite stay and is enjoying the
fishing in the streams about him.
John A. Gehlen and family and
Mrs. Ben Gehlen spent Easter In
Portland where they visited with
relatives.' - ' - t .
Mrs.-C. P. Burmester and two
little daughters spent several days
the first of the week at the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pelser
near Marloa. .
Mr. and Mrs. George Faulkner
and: Miss, Sylvia Sestak spent the
Easter holiday here with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Sestak. The Faulkners
are -. Portland .residents and Miss
Sestak is there attending business
: Mrs. E. T. Matthieu Is spending
the. week-end with her daughter,
Mrs. Clarence Forette at their
farm home near Shaw.
, nr. B. Keeier or Lyons was
shopping, here Monday. - Mr, Kee
fer -expects to leave for Ohio In a
few days where he will superin
tend the settlement of an estate
ii which he Is Interested.
' W, O. Cooper has the' contract
for painting the newly construct
ed, warehouse for' the ' Santiam
Woolen Mill company. t The builds
Ing - which Is 60 by 80 jfeet has
Just been completed. ;""
A. D. -Gardner, Jr has begun
the excavation for a new. bunga
low which he contemplates build
ing "on his lot on second street In
the near future. The structure is
to be modern In every way. Joseph
Fisher will have charge of the car
penter work. Mr. Gardner is a
bachelor at the present time.
James Mielkl, a student at OAC
who came home to spend Easter
with.-home folks returned to Cor
valll Monday. . Mr. Mielkl is Uk
ing forestry training and has dis
tinguished himself by his aptness
in the work. :.
. C. E. Kramer, proprietor of the
Stayton . bakery, celebrated hii
60th birthday Sunday. Mr. Kra
mer entertained at dinner for his
pleasure. !; -"'-':-'V:y:r ''v';i "
4 The Misses Smith, two talented
young women from MontavillA, as
sisted in the musical ' program at
the Christian church on ' Easter
morning; their musical contribu
tions were rare treats for Stayton
people. - t .
- (. . '
A special program and servicas
were held In all the churches on
Easter Sunday. There waa a good
attendance at each church. "
Peter Riea is off duty for a few
days nursing a painful case of In
fection In one of his hands. He
had a boil on his hand which waa
. -r .... -ui-f. 1
'. This buildinjj, erected in, four, days by volunteer . workers, covering 20,C
square feet, using 80,000 board feet' of lumber, was completed lact niht.
b 1 1 ill
Mill I rv. )
: Nurseir. for
opened with a pin and Infection
Seven to eisht was the score for
the ball game played on the home
diamond Easter Sunday by the
home team and Turner, the Konoia
falling to the visiting team. '
In a state. where 506,614 occu
pational 'workers 10 years ot age
aad over are engagea In agricul
ture 1051 pupils are studying first
year agriculture, 854. pupils are
studying second year agriculture,
481 pupils are studying third year
agriculture, and 53 S pupils are
studying fourth year agriculture.
A total of 291 pupils are getting
some training for agricultural oc
cupations in high schools. The
total of boys " enrolled ' In . high
school Is 13,169. The 2919 who
are studying agriculture are 22
of those enrolled; in high school.
Pract Ically one - boy In four of
those enrolled in high school Is re
ceiving sbme training in agricul
ture In this state where 7 workers
In 10 are engaged In agricultural
pursuits.- For the state' to train
as high a percentage "of its farm
ers for their jobs as it Is training
of other workers for their jobs the
enrollment In agricultural courses
must be multiplied by 2.8. -
The ratio ot those being trained
for agriculture to those needed by
agriculture In the state Is, how
ever, more significant. The aver
age tenure ' on the farm of the
506,614 workers ia agriculture Is
M 7T)
'March Columbian" King. i
."Rossini's Slabat Elated Arr. Meyerellcs.'
Sabbath MonT-JewelL
The Dream Sermon
Special Masie, Directed By
Agile w -(fejmairest
r at
children in b
2 to' 4 veari. U we s3une tiat
the average tenure ; is four years
we then have a demand tor
id farmers every four years
whereas the high schools are train
ing 2919. On this basis one farm
er in every 173 would receive som
training for his work .- ia tuga
school. -. "
Farming fas become commer-
clalixed and highly complex. New
aroblems are continually arising
with changing conidtlons in the
social order. . Unless we do a Bet
ter Job of reachlnr the farm boys
with training related to their occu
pation can we hope to have a seii
sustainlng agriculture ia the Unit
ed States? ' . .;,V . -
(Mail). American missionaries
here have made a "best seller" cf
Banyan's Pilgrim'a Progress. .
Nearly 3000 copies of this work
have been .printed in the .Turkish
laneuaae and sold during the last
ten months by the American Bible
house In the city. , ; ; " ' - ' r
9:45 Bible SchooL ' " . - . . ,
11:00 Morning Worship. Subject: "Valley a!r!i trj T"
t tatn Sinners. Jacloi story: A Legend cl T!. LI
0:00 B. Y. P. TJ. . - . ' ' - ' -
7:80 Iemarest Revival la the Tabernacle.
j v
s - - w : .... j-i- .. j
"Celebrated" I.Iiaust' Pairccl:L
"A Passing Fancy; JeweH
' "Ilancresque" Dvcrke-Lcr: 3
.i.r-t 1 i
3 n-t-
(-rw )(
-y t. -J v- m v .j -
ll -T I I
E V f T '
- -
. ; '. r i
"VVe have a cc:r:'
lection to cliocsa f.
Now is the tine t:
fixing your porch Lc:
jM ii
173 IT. L" "V
. 1 .
. -
1 1
t - r - 'n.'. - j zi 7: t
Horry c.
coareaaoa. ,