TIIC OREGON STATESMAN J, SAUTI, OREG ON rwrlrllFKIDAYlipRNINO,":APRIL 25; 1924 ;J RELIABLE MERCHANDISE : iBed Spreads, Special Good Value 72x84 ( 78x8S 82x94 i 80x90 ' - fiat la f Satin . 02.50 $3.25 $5.75) $3.95 72x94 78x88 82x94 I 80x90 Scalloped Scalloped Our Best Pink Only and cut -,. and, cut . Scalloped - and . Bates corners corners cottorners Bed Spread $5.50 I $4.50 $7.00 $5.00 Changeable Silks, -Yard Wide, Pretty Colors Yard $1.95 Pretty Collar Tabs f -White or Colors 10c, 15c; 17c, 20c . and 23c Kew Dress Voiles Dainty- Patterns il Yd. 59c, 49c and 39c 36-inch Indian Head Colored Suitings Yard 50c Renfrew Devonshire Cloth See the Pretty Patterns, Fast Colors. i Yard 35c Plisse Crepes, Fast Colors. . Pretty Shades, Plain or Figured Yard 25c Unbleached ; Sheeting Fair ' Quality - Yard 50c 40-inch ; Tubing Yard 35c Art Ticking Pretty i , Patterns, SOc Orade i.' 39cTard 36-tn. Challies Good Quality ; . Dainty Patterns Yard 19c 32-inch Zephyr Ginghams, new, pretty patterns good quality. Two assortments, at .yard ..32c and 28c ' . ? ;2Q;;raid.:::240;;Nortfi ;Ccinmcrcial Street T - , rf . --'V . ' II a - m 7 f I ' , i r. r - --'- t.'-'.4'.t-ii0' r' i - r: ;:.:;:"::3;::L!5;5:!ifaYGnib . lit I r " v I -"ft .. a . . . Birthday guests of little " Miss Florence Turner on- Wednesday evening were: Dorothy Stafford La Velle Keene, Claudia Town send. Beryl Holt, Mary White and Florence Turner, ;,The birthday decorations were spring blossom Mrs. Harwood Hall of the Indian school at Chemawa will speak to morrow afternoon at the meeting of the. Daughters of the American Revolution; Mrs. Hall Is a par ticularly delightful sneaker an I will bring up interesting phases of her work. s Mrs;. Henry B. Thlel sen, 1049 Court street, will be the hostess of the day, with' Mss Fran ces M. Richards, Miss Nell Thiel sen, and Mrs.' Iran Putnam assist ing. ' , ; . . Mrs. Harold W. Street and little son, Harold Jr., are the guests o Mrs. John F. -Corner. ,Mrs. Street's home is in Seattle. Appearing locally for the first time, , the Kuterpean women's oc tet was featured in a delightful manner at the - program at the state hospital Wednesday evening when one of the most enjoyabl concerts of Music week was given by the Apollo club, Mrs. Harms soloUt. and the octet, under the competent direction of Dr. John Sites. The personnel of - the octet' includes Mrs. Harms, Mrs David Eyre, first soprano; Mrs, William Prunk and Mrs. Richard Robertson,' second soprano; Mrs, John J. Roberts and Miss Trlsta Wenger, first alto; and Mrs. John Lau and Mrs. Clifford Taylor, sec ond alto. -.. Approximately 70 townspeople heard the concert. The response was thorough "and " appreciative The accompanists. Miss Ruth Bed ford, for the club and. for the oc tet. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, did especially: acceptable work "Lullaby" (Brahms) and "Spin, Spin," ( Jungst) opened the pro gram. Both were club numbers, Miss Ruth Bedford gave Cyril Scott's "Dance Negre" as a piano solo, following it with Nevin's "Shepherd's Tale. The octet sang "Romaika," and In "Come Down Laughing Streamlet. The Apollo club quartet sang two numbers, "De Coppah Moon' . and "The Bells of St. Mary's." So ap preciated was the later number that three renditions were insisted upon Mrs. W. W. Harms, possessor of a soprano voice of unusual purity sang twice .her "Marcheta" num ber. "An Open Secret" preceded. Appearing for a second group, the octet f sang "Medley from the South" and "Summer Breezes.' A group of Scotch songs In a splr ited manner by James Smart were readily appended. The . last club group included the two numbers, -The Barefoot Trail" and "O Sole Mio," the latter bringing out the fine power of the club to ad van tage. ' . . ' . ' A banquet In the new dining room followed the concert, with tulips used in vivid profusion. Dr P.W. Byrd gave 'an appreciative toast addressed to the guests of honor. ' ' A.. B.; Hansen responded and the banquet-hour was converted Into a delightful song-f est. T4 r Wily, UUIL i i - semi me in" , The Host Frequent Comment of Our iVeir Customers A man niay payviis a deliberate compliment on any of sev .eral' features of jtHis business (and we like it,1 of course) but the remark iKat comes oftenest, and sounds plainest, isn't meant to be a bdmpliment'at 11, and yet tickles us the most is the one at tKefop of .this ad. My friend sent me n"--give us plenty of it. My friend sent me in? let us hear it often. My friend sent me in'' think of a greater tribute , if you can. u it DUNDEE TAILORED, SUITS AND OVERCOATS LitfiniJre $25 $30 $35 Some a" Little Less MAKE US MANY HIIENDS BECAUSE THEY SURELY; ARE, GOOD! FUNNY TIIING -THEY COST NO MORE AND SOME ARE EVEN LESS THAN READY-MADES. See Our 'Windows J i ' -j ' f i . 1 1 i - r it 7 -) North ciai oc. THE BRIGHT SPOT ON COMMERCIAL STREET ? '. '- : Director rr: Bros. Grocery Dent. Compare Our Prices and Judge for Yourself Pure cane sugar QO . 10 lbs. for .. UOC Bacon squares," per pound . 13c Nutola Margerlne 3 lbs. for .... IUC Sinclair's bams, per pound . . . 25c Best creamery-butter,- per lb. 39 c Italian prunes, j r 4 pounds Tor . Royal Club Coffee JO. lb. . .. t6C 3 lb. tins at $1.24 Snowdrift hard wheat 49 lbs. , . . . $1.47 Carnation milk, v . 10 cans for . . 95c Full cream cheese lb. ...... 8! 25c Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. Special :. 19c CRISCO! M ' ' . . ..... (I 3 tins .75c 6 lb. tins $i.45 n 9 lb. tins $2.19 Shirardelli Chocolate 1 lb. tin - on at 3 lb at bv.can-.... 85c Pure bulk lard, J Special per lb. lvC Sliced . pineapple,- QC No. 2 hi cans at b3C Kellogg's Bran, . -I - flakes per pkg. XlC ( .Sweet bulk,1 OC chocolate,. 2 lbs. mwC Sweet oran ges, ; nn -special, 2 dox. . t&XJC Large size " ; 1 1Q lemons, dox. . . AUC BROOMS! ;Q 11.00 Tal., now U5FC K. C. Baking Powder, 5-lb;tins, Li gV Special , . . . . . . OOC Ned go Peas, n C ' Special, 2 cans . 3C Emerald Corn, OC . Special, 2 cans . O C Value String nr ' Beans. 2 cans . . mwC; DIamohd W. Kraut,' No. 2b can, - 1C- - Special ....... XDC Tapioca, Of" 4 lbs. ........ UOZ Fresh Ground Coffee,' 3 lbs., ' QQ. Special . . . j . . . OV C Peaberry, , 6C 3 lbs. . . . . .. . . iJDC Can Milk, - - small size 3C "' BULK TEA ' 1 -V?i' : Spider Leg English break- fast. Special 'JQ per lb 05IC Lye. ; ,-"--' : s. 1Q; ; l 2 cans for . . . . White Wonder Laundry , ".s. Soap, Special,- Aft 13 bars ; . . .... tXC Crystal White Laundry soap. Special, "1 AA 22 bars .... slUU Director iros. SALEM ZD j OF THE EWTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S SHOES FROM THE Seldom if ever did any store carry a finer or better, Ime of footwear than vas to T2 found here; This man being a shoemaker by trade understood leather like you cr I a good cup of coffee . . " ' HE HAVING MADE SHOK m Two years ago this' man decided to carry a full line of Men's, Dress and Work Slizzz 'in conjunction with' his shoe factory but ill; health of late has forced him to the point .where he must CTlve tin fn ln?f? -wnrr nnrl caolr tha fvaali a r . 1 t ... w tub vsu cum ECTO f , .... . HAVING PURCHASED THIS STOCK OF SHOES NOW OFFER The nture 1 200 Li) it. IN MANY INSTANCES WAY LESS THAN FACTORY COST 1 - r . ';''( 4 ,Take for Instance W. L. DOUGLAS $7.00, $7.50, $8.00 shoes oxfords for men, the name and retail price stamped on the soles of every-pair. We will sell this footwear at, pair .i.:.: $98 $098 ' i ' ' Friedman Shelby's and Weyenburg Guaranteed All Leather Shoes Nothing better at the price black or .brown, leathers all styles and sizes, no broken lots. $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 values, pair v2Il.ii.--:::.:;. 1 , T "A TlTlG? Here is ' what you have been ; ;JLJXmJL!jiDI waiting for COME !; All the sea- the best standard brands ; all the want ed suedes, patent and kid leathers, any style heel. Footwear that sells at $7.00, $8.00, $9.00, our price, pair :.:.;..;..:. $95 EXTRA! SPECIAL! MILLINERY Your choice of a wonderful shipment of ladies trimmed and tailored hats, values run up to $8.50. - ' '.:::r,r.- $98 $1 095 EXTRA! SPECIAL! COATS AU our $16, $18 and $20 ladies new spring coats go at one price. Don't miss this, eome; ; . EXTRA! SPECIAL! BASEMENT 98c Nest' of 3 aluminum stew pans while they last Price . ... . All large pieces aluminum ware, values up to $2.50, your choice at . 89c Gocd heavy grade water glasses .....:.4c CrePe toilet paper, extra special, roll .,...... .L.3c 50 ft. guaranteed garden hose, special $4.19 The faftious landscape artists are now here making wonderful oil paintings true to forest, mountain and stream it is a wonderful lesson to see these great artistaat work. Genuine oil paintings, special at 75c, or. better yet, , with each $5.00 purchase we will eive you one absolutely free of charge, , , MEN'S HAMILTON BROVI I American Gentleman ... Shoes, : $9.00, (" -f I ' S10.00 and S12 nn valnu t;nt Trw " garoo Calf arid Vici leathers, regular and combination lasts, pair 1. Men's $4.00 and $4.50 real solid leather (0 C work shoes, pair : .... s Men's $3.00 and $3.50 leather outing shoes, (n ? A 6 and 8-inch tops, pair -li-.". - .;:...)ZT i U Boy's fine dress or work shoes will be sold at ' p pair- i.JL.::.,! t --.-v , .. .i. 300 pairs ladies strap slippers, pumps and OO mrs oxfords, vaL to $6.00, pair .: ...r ... ..Cu Men's $12.50, 16-inch finest leather packs our r price, pair ; ..; .,.... . .;.;. . .Q tP Men's North Coast hand-made logger shoc3,J plain cr calked, nothing better, $15, $16 values, A-f-f T our pncH .5 EXT FmpAY Ladies 1 Silk Hose,; per pair .. . . . ...SCc Ladies' Crepe Bloomers ..............2Cs Children 35c 5tochirigs, pr. . . . .... ACz 65c Firac Gmghams yd; ...... l:.;.'j.;25c Men's 32 Khald Pants pr. . - v Men's 50c Suspenders, pr, V... J......25c LadiesHancllhief 20c, ca . MenV Blue rk S $12 Auto Robes, special ..1.. . 1 Men's 75c ICnit Ties no at 36 inch Fancy Percales, yd. .A - vienume ij. v. u. Unions ........C3c Men's Fine Summer, Union Suits . . :.Crc Bed Sheets, size 81x90, special .:...;..01:23 Viwi . ...:.lGc BERE TO BETTER GOODS FOR LESS Former Double Store Premises People's Cash Store. 174-176 Commercial St., Salem IBM!; ) i f Notice! No coimection Wth'Ccrncr Clcr-