The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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. i , ,
t -
! -
i -
p ton Wt
To rent , a bonsre, flat, apart
ment, garage, office, piano, farm?
If so. advertise It In the classi
fied columns of the Oregon States
man, it
. jhe Film Shop
Has xnoTed from the Masonic
. Temple to the Red Cross Pharm
acy, 3S6 Stat a27
Two Speeders Arrested
Two much speed on the public
highways' Is charged against G. F;
Bfaie,' of f Sflrerton and P. M.
Morley, who were arrested yester
day., by Earl B. Houston, state
traffic officer. Braxier was hitting
' it'ltfc to 50 miles' en hour and
' Morley traveling 40 ntles an hour,
according to th'e complaints. - The
two men are slated to appear In
the Justice Court today. "T
' The Home Product
Northwest made furniture at
Hamilton's. -apr2 4.
'Water Master Appointed
" States Engineer Rhea Luper has
appointed Phillip Smith of Tumalo
as water master for the 12th water
, district, comprising Deschutes
county. - - .
.lions Postpone Luncheon
Because a -majority of the Sa-
lem Lions will be in' Portland Fri-
day as guests of -.the Portland
' -.Lions, the club will not hold Its
-regular luncheon at the Marion hoi
. ""ter this week. ; Some of the men
.Zxre going to drive ' to ' Portland
early, in the day and f will ben
p. tcfUdned ?at the baseball game in
the afternoon. .Those who are
unable to get away, before 4 o'clock
will ffhye tOjPortland in time to at-
' tend" a" big 'band.uet that is being
j: Saturday isMht, April 2a
1 Wood burn armory. M. Carmenti
and his Metropole Jazz, orchestra
' - Syncopation Fools of . Fun. Big
j prizes. . Spot dances, f Don't for-
get the date Saturday night, April
:'f-; "2Cth-apr2$;;'-. -.". " j
- .. - t : - . - . - . ;
Casket Social Pianned-.' . :
A( short program and; stereoptl
" ,"coa ;views wilL be r featured ., at a
' Insket social to5,be? held at the
L'axel Green school J. house at r 8
. o'clock' Friday night. yThe; Tie ws
i "1- be fthe boys' anil,- girts club
Everyone is1 'tavited! td'at-
lend the social. ; ;'
' : McCornack hall Friday night.-
Toters ConnteS . . . ' ;
j Ah unofficial count cf the reg--Istered,.TOt?rs
...of; l!rion., county
'for the two majes. parties shows a
toUI.of 2T.27T. heRepuMiean
"party has 16,608 registered' and of
i these 9,610 are men and 6,995 are
i women.' Th? Democratic partyhas
i 4,615 registered and of these' 2,01
are t-en. and . 1,914 are women.
TiT. work' ot'theCklhg'the f toter
l'sts U going forward in the coun-
147;. X. Comt
Room 6
411 Oregon DIvij. Phone 437
: General Insurance "I
. WmNeimeyer
I sla pusldess For Your &
. .. Health- . .....
173 if. CcaXU Phone 167
The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Skill
ful,' Piialesa Adjustment that"
:gsta results. '
Osttopatlilc Physician and
- Snrgeon ...
C23 Oregon Bldg. Salem
of Electronic Diagnosis and
Treatment . is not taught to
chiropractic doctor. Chiro
practors using the letters
'E.r.) are misleading the
pahlic. Dr; Abram's grad
uates are issued, diplomas, and
- Abra m's , name is on his ma
chines. : ' " - -EOS
U.S. Bank Bldg. Salem, Or.
Established 1S8 ,
General Ban!iin3 . Business . ...
Office Ilcurs frcn 10 a. o. to 3 p.-xa;
ty clerk's Office where seTeral ex
tra clerks are employed to take
care of the pre-election rush. The
lists must be glTen to the election
boards not later than May 10 and
the w.ork connected with getting
the lists ready is still v far from
complete, acerding to U. G. Boyer,
county clerk. ; "
Children's Plain Bob, 83c
Cut and curl 50c. ;Your choice
of Lady i or Gentleman operator.
Maninello Beauty Parlor, 245 N.
High. i ... , 26
Exhibits Beinj; Placed
A truckload of exhibits formerly
a part of the tourist bureau dis
plays in Portland has been receiv
ed at the state house and is be
ine nlaced by Sam A. Kozer, sec
retary, of .state. A huge slab of
curly maple supported by a variety
of other woods, has been placed on
the ground floor while several
cases of birds are to be located on
the first floor. It is expected that
the exhibit will be' Increased fromi
time to time. . ; ? ," ' i
Rugs Rednced r,.',',';
1 1$ 3 $.50. boys ajheautiful 9 by 12
Axmlnister rug, regular value1
$55. C. S. Hamilton. apr24
Slashings Burned
Burning of slashing at Lake La
bish caused the smoke north of
town last night.
Visit TnUp Farm
, A party 'of more than 40, mem
bers of the Portland Rose society
visited the Tulip farm north of Sa
lem ,on the Pacific highway yes-.
terday. Among those making the
trip down 'were Jesse Curry, Frank
Riggs. president : of the Portland
Rose society and "Abe Meier. The
visitors drove - to Salem j .before
making : the return trip to .Port
land .after .viewing the tulip
blooms. : ;
Special on Chairs
Mahogany Windsor chairs and
rockers at reduced prices. . C. S.
Hamilton. apr24.
Kay Heads Rotarians
j Thomas B. Kay ,waa elected
president of the Salem Rotary
club Ifor the coming year at the
Wednesday luncheon' -of the Ro
tarians. Rev. ; J. J. Evans was
elected . vice president, and - Eric
Butler; secretary and William A.
Walton,, treasurer. v The last two
offices . were .not; contesj:ed.r:: Mr.
Kay defeated F. Q. Deckebach for
the office. Directors elected were
Bl. .R. Boardman, and.Dr. H. H.
blinger, who defeated P. A. Eiker
and Dan . Burns.' R.: O. Snelling,
retiring president of the club, will
bethe third member;of .the board
6f ; directors. The new; -officers
will assume ! office at: the next
meeting of the club. X T
Stove and furniture repair man.
Must be first class.;. Capital Bar
gain House, 215 Center street,
a23.... . . , . :v';:v
Reckless Driving Charged
As1 an aftermath of driving an
automobile, through the plate glass
window and into the main part of
the building occupied by tfye
Fleener Electric - company Xn
Court, Elva Amsler, 1043 , South
Vi Osteopathic .
. Physicians and Surgeons
The only 'physicians In Salem
using Dr.. Abram's method of
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment.'' - . - ; ;
SOS TJ.v-s; NafcTi Bank , Bids,
ii Salem.' -- ; - -' -:
Popular Priced
Tailored Salts $25 to 45
Men's, and Xoung' Men's
'- Tailor. -
- and " '
Electronlo FhTsiclan fc
,We practice electronic diag
nosis and treatment as taught
and practiced by Dr. Abrams.
We are the only physicians In
Salem who use the latest per
fected machines which v get re
sults in one halt of the time.
1484,State, Corner 15tti t
Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. tn.
Consultation Free.'
Promotet Good VHealtJi
One-Third Cream
; ,VL E. RtDEOUT, Proprietor
High, was fined 10 for , reck
less driving when .she appeared in
the police court yesterday. Miss
Amsler, who was driving the auto
mobile operated by Clarence WenT
ger, 340 Washington. being -unused
to operating a motor vehicle,
became excited when a ' man
stepped from between two parked
machines as she ' . was turning
around and lost control of the ma
chine. Her companion turned the
automobile toward ' the curb and
called to' her to put on the brakes.
Miss Amsler accldently stepped on
the throttle instead of the brake,
with the result that several hun
dreds cf dollars' worth of damage
was done to the store building.'
Baby Clinic Held ' I
. .. Interest in the baby clinics Is
keen,' as was" evinced by the at
tendance the Wednesday :. af
ternoon clinic "held , at the .Cham
ber of Commerce' ' rooms, j Mrs.
Lyda King, Marion county : health
nurse, had charger of the work. 5
Preferred Stock 8 Per Cent
' Salem's paper mill. Payable
monthly. Hawkins & Roberts. a24
Baby Daughter Reported-
Mr. and Mrs. Orval W. Graham!
of route 6, are the parents -of a
baby daughter, born April 13, ac
cording to a report received yea-!
terday at the office of Dr. William
B. Mott. city health officer.- ,
Wanted i
Five experienced waitresses at
the Gray Belle.-apr24j
EXka Hear Parnell .Tonight i ;
An unusually fine attraction is
offered , to members of the Salem
Elks lodge tonight, when Emory
Parnell, "Ellison-White lyceum lec-i
turer and entertainer, will be pre
sented. . . , .
Big Spot Dance -
Woodbum t armory, Saturday
night, April 26. M. Carmenti and
his famohs Syncopation Fools of
Fun.Everybody goes How about
you? apr26.
Most Be An Epidemic
Trick automobiles and freak
performances' J are , beginning . to
reach the . stage where It', is , ap
parent that c an epidemic , is i pos
sible, with another , machine . be
coming playful n Wednesday . morn
ing. While cleaning spark. . plugs
on a big six-cylinder automobile
that. he was using aa a tail, the
driver, whose name is MiUs, for
got some tools - and raised .the
cushion. , In doing " so he Inad
vertently leaned against the clutch,
throwing the-machine .in reverse.
.. fj.. vf . . J)IED 1
KAMPF-A t a local hospital April
22, Fred Kampf. at the age of
77 years. : Survived by Alfred
Kempf of Pratum and Mrs Anna
Goodwin of Portland. Funeral
' services wUl be "held FTlday,, at
1:30 p. m. from the Mennonite
- church of Pratum, under the, di
rection of Rigdon it Son. . .
ADAMS In Salem, on' April! 23,
' Daniel O. Adams," at the age of
64 years. Remains will be sent
today to St. Helens by Rigdon
" & Son where .burial will - take
. place. , . .v i- ..
BROWN At the Savage residence
494 MIH street, April . 2 2. Miss
Ida Josephine Brown, ; sister of
.the Misses Alice B. and Bertha
Brown, all residents of Bangor,
.Maine, visiting In Salem, and
Mrs. Mark .Savage of .Salem, al
so an aunt of Mrs. Merrill Oh
ling.of this city. - .The remains
winbe taken later, in the week
i to .Bangor, - Maine; for . funeral
services and Interment. Rigdon
& .Son, directors. j ? f-.if
VI CK At the Homeyer residence.
825 North Twenty-second street,
April 22, Mrs. Anna Vick, age
78 jrears, mother of Mrs. Anna
, Homeyer of Salem, .Mrs.. Lena
Dsiggle of New Hampton, la.,
, Henry CVick of Alta Vista, la.,
.William C. Vick . of Courtney,
N. D Charles Vick and John
Vick of , Coloma, S. D., Mrs.
Minnie Dzlggle of Mina, Mo.,
and Al C. Vick of Salem. Also
an aunt of W. C. Erion of Sa
lem.. The remains are . at the
: Rigdon mortuary, from .whence
they will be forwarded, follow
ing .brief funeral , services, to
.Alta Vista, la.; for funeral ser?
vices and. Interment. f
' Fhons KSS '
TttlcUat Work Jblmtt Men " :
' Expert Embabnera
S05 S. Charcb Fhon 120 : -
. , Uneanaled Service :
" 159 , HIb 18S
After ' cleaning the I pifigJ , he
steppedfon' the starter, with the
result that the automobile backed
over the curb la . front of the
Terminal and into an iron railing,
which was badly bent by the Im
pact. TheT automobile narrowly
escaped from backing into the
entrance to a basemert.
Laskey Fined $30 3 ,
Canned . heat Is u proving to be
an i expensive : article of. diet for
Ed Laskey,: who was fined $30 in
the .police cuort .yesterday on a
charge of being ; drunk; iHe was
arrested j Tuesday afternoon. Las
key is a steady caller at the. police
station, and a cot is always kept
in readiness . for his J returnT As
Laskey : is known to possess ''few
if any . funds,, it is expectedf that
he will follow his' usual .custom
and flay er out" at the rateot
32 a day. i:
The Flint Shop . m
Has moved from the Masonic
Temple . to ; the ; Red Cross Pharm
acyj 36 State. v ; '"! a2f
City Speeder Is Fined .
Webster Ross, 1 4 5 3 Court, was
fined 35 on a speeding charge tn
the police court Wednesday. JHe
was" arrested by 'Officer Sproed.
A Smart
"French Shop" frock will add
materially to - your ' appearance.'
Many " new gowns just in. The
French Shop, 115 High at. ' a-22
Will Entertain Bots Chorus '
Chorus will be guests ofthe ,Ro-j
tary club at-the Wednesday lunch
eon April 30, it was f decided at
a meeting of the Rotary, club yes-;
terday; Each member of the club
will bring one of the singers as his
particular guest.' ".The meeting Is'
In order . with the .'national boys
week . movement. The ,. luncheon
will be held In the large .'.dining
room at the Marlon hotel. .
The Meadowbrook Hat . , ti. ;
Many new arrivals of these art
ful creations .from the Meadow-,
brook studios. Sold at the French
Shop, 115 High st. a-22
High School Singers Please
The . double quartet of. -Salem
high . school students - wblehf rpn
first place at the recent, '..Inter-
scholastic musical tournament at
Forest Grove s were ; guests' of the
Rotary club Wednesday: and gave
several numbers in connection
with musie week. The male
quartette gave two numbers, with
a piano solo offered by Miss Helen
Pettyjohn. ' Members of the
double quartette were the Misses
Helen Marcus, Elaine Foster, Mary
McCrone and Helen Pettyjohn;
Messrs. ' Manning Bross, . Charles
Anderson Collia Maratem ' a'n
Ronald Craven. Miss "LucUe An
derson, , was the accompanist. -: U-i
Odd Bedroom Pieces w.
. A Xew. odd pieces and- dropped
pattern bedroom suites at greatly
reduced price. C. S. Hamilton.
Apr24. i
Building Permits Issuefl " ;
v Two 2 -story ' residences will be
added to the long list of new prop
erties now under construction,' ac
cording to building permits issued
Wednesday by Marten Poulsen,
city recorder; Joseph. McHargue,
will build a two-story residence in
Reeds addition at a cost of $2000
while ' J. A. : Bernard!, Salem
plumber, will build a similar sized
dwelling at 458 South High, to
cost 34500. --
.Five experienced waitresses at
the Gray Belle. apr2 4. . ' ''
Roof Catches Fire
A roof fire at 1810 North Com
mercial called the fire depart
ment out about 9:30 '. o'clock
Wednesday . morning. ' There was
little damage done to the build
ing. ' . ... . ... ..' ..
Kay to. Address Rcaltoi
T. B. Kay, candidate for the of
fice of state treasurer, will speak
at the weekly luncheon of the
Marlon-Polk County Realty asso
ciation at the Marion today. ' The
subject of his address Is "Oregon
Development." .. Special' music will
also be a feature of the program.
The Film Shop-
Has moved .from the Masonic
Temple' to the ' Red Cross Pharm
acy, 386 State. 27
Schools are Visited- , -
Fire prevention talks and a dis
cussion of fire protection methods
were : made . in the Salem schools
Wednesday by Jay Stevens,' state
fire marshal of -California.' who
was1 accompanied by Will Moore,
state fire marshal and insurance
commissioner. ,. Both Mr. Stevens
and Mr. Moore have . been attend
lng the school for firemen at Cor-
vallis, where they spoke. ; -
Special Display
See the furniture made, in the
Northwest on display at Hamil
ton's. apr24. - u ,i
Cohns Back From Trip J
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohn 'have
returned from a pleasure . motor
trip through California, where they
have spent the last month. Though
Mr. Cohn was born near San Fran
cisco, he was more than delighted
to cross the state line; back into
Oregon, having become - tired of
the dried' up - territory through
which .he had .been traveling. Ore-
gon, with ,its .vivid green, looked
mighty good, he said. The trip
was made .without any difficulties
and Ir.' and Mrs.? Cohn returned
minus several hundreds1 of dollars
and the hoof and mouth disease.
New Lighting Fixtures
Get our prices and save money.
Saleni Electric Co., F. S. Barton,
prop' Masonic Temple.' Phone
1200.' v m9tf
Spanld tag Fills Big Order '
Insp?te of the heavy demand
for materials,' the Spaulding Log
ging company - delivered '64,181
feet of .lumber for .the Demarest
tabernacle within 24 hours after
the order was placed. , according
to Oliver Myers, manager. y
alish Breakfast Tables ; vc;,
Unfinished: .English Breakfast
tables' $2.95 and'up at Hamilton's.
apr24. .: , 'f
Profane Language Costly ;
" Using profane 'language ' and
talking .in a loud, tone- to a wait
ress" at the White- House proved
costly to a man giving. the name of
A. T." Julier, who was' fined $ 10
in the police court : yesterday.
Julier was arrested by Officers
Wright and - James late Tuesday
night f and booked for disorderly
conduct. . s .
The French Shop 1;
Offera smartly tailored gowns of
twill and charmeen for street wear
at. marked savings. 115 High St..
Masonic temple. a-22
i J ' H ;
Traffic Case Dismissed -A.
W. Sandberg, 495 North Com
mercial,- left his mpter , running
when he left his automobile. Tues
day night. : The case against him
was dismissed when he appeared
In the police court yesterday, t
Visiting From Seattle
' Mrs. Harold W. Street and small
Son, Harold Jr., , of Seattle are
visiting . at the I home '- of ' Ms.
StrefsrmotherMrs. John F. Cor-
Pratum People Visit Prison,; ,?
i! In charge -of Mrs. Branch, sfu
dents of the seventh, eighth and
nlneth i grades of Pratum, were
visitors at the state prisron yester
day. Several other of the ' state
buildings and Institutions were
also .visited, by the party. " '
Are' Seeking New Locatio
j Several parties are camped at
the Salem auto park who are look
ing for new locations. Tourists
stopping 1 at the ' camp "average
about 20 each night, according to
Superintendent Albert. '' A ma
Jorlty of these are easterners who
have been spending the' winter in
California' and who are returning
home by easy3 stages. ' 'The real
eastern tourist is hot' expected' for
another month.' ' All of the, vlsi
tors are disappointed over receiv
ing no windshield- Sticker tf, but as
these are in - the hands of . the
printer, they will be available in
the near future. An electric' Iron
Is' available, there being no serv
ice charged for its use. .Borrowers
Bign for the iron and are checked
off when It 'Is returned."' ' V
. .. n 1 1 ? f .
O. iV: White, principal of the
Stayton schools and candidate for
the nomination of county school
superintendent, ' was in the city
Wednesday. -? ; . " T '!' ; I "
Mrs. Ethel B. Hansen and Henry
Hansen, of Forest Grove, were
Salem visitors Wednesday. . -
Mrs. D. Nanstord and Mrs. C.
W. Jenkins, of Oak Grove, spent
Wednesday in S'alem. " - v '
Bessie Murphy and Ethel Ives,
Of Monmouth, were in Salem
Wednesday morning, faavnlg spent
the night in the city. !
Mr. and MrtL'Sam A. Korer will
spend the week-end at Winchester,
near Roseburg. -.Mr. Kozer Is sec
retary of state. , -1 "
Lyle Page, deputy district at
torney, returned to .Salem yester
day after a short business trip to
Portland.' ' -V . .
r Leonard Ml Lack; of Calostoga,
Calif., was a visitoY at the. Rotary
club luncheon ' Wednesday. ' , Mr.
Lack belongs, to the ; "baby" Ro
tary club, it having been the last
one organized to date.
Mrs, D. A. Elkins1 underwent a
minor, surgical operation, yester
day at the Salem hospital. I
Mere oil can't dishearten a peo
ple that survived bananas. . , v
We pay cash for all
kinds of junk. ' v
Capital yJunIc . Co. ,
. House of a half million .
: 215 Center St. .. . ;
Foot of County Bridge
;PhcneSD3 , ;
Wath the' grape boom .
It will bring grape juice factor
ies, . . .
It will , make . Salem the West
field of. Oregon. with grape juice
and grape ! toasket factories, jam
and jelly, factories,, etc.
In the new. head-lettuce indus-1
try on our beaver dam lands which
has almost sprung up, full fledged,
in a - season, there may be the
making of big things. ' Head' let-;
tuce has been grown . down there
that might invade the big! city'
markets of the whole country,!
against all comers. . Lettuce' hope
for its great success.
If the plan to attempt to make
the boys' training school, self suiP
porting is not mandatory, it la at
least plainly directory. ; And that
ought to-be mandatory enough to;
warrant action on the part of a
progressive administration.
y - :
: Did any Statesman reader have
the idea that the proposition of
getting . asparagus canneries, here
was a pipe dream in the mind of
the Slogan editor? ,Yes? , Well,
you watch l that asparagus dream
for a little while. Ithas pleasing
symptoms of coming f gloriously
true. -'" '
. Scotchmen . have the tallest av
erage of the white races. . Our Sa
lem barber sage says they may be
close, but they are . not short.
y, ; . - . Z:,
" Japan ought to be flattered In
stead Of peeved. ' Exclusion as a
national policy; was . invented by
the Japanese. It Is the right of
any country to eiclude any body,
and has been since prehistoric
man ' of . the paleolithic age began
in his squatting places to take on
the first rude forms of organized
government . ,
. . ' . v .:. .: . ,
; There is a Concord, grape vine
down on . the . Clyde La Follett
place at Wheatland , that is about
a foot and a half in diameter at
the fork, and that has produced
2 tons of grapes In a single
year. ; Ought this grape vine not
to have a place In the hall of fame
for: trees? ; One such grape vine
would J, go far toward supporting
a family in modest circumstances
on a farm. . , : . . .
'(Continued from page 1) . ';
!'God bo loved the world (of men)
that he gave his own son" to 6ave.
' The . third "world" ' Is the age,
or system, or philosophy, the 'per
verse element that will not have
the rulership' of God. ;This IsHhe
vain glory of life, the selfishness,
the hatred, the lust, of whom the
Master said, "The God of this
world hath blinded their eyes."
This god of their own, whom they
worship, is the spirit of evil' that
never, was of. the Infinite. - x
" You cannot have the Jove of
God and of the world at the same
time," declared the speaker. "To
try to profess the love of Christ
while holding fast to the other, is
like the adulterous wife or hus
band, with a false kiss and a trait
orous heart masked under a smil
ing face." ' : ' ,
" The speaker told a profoundly
interesting story of - the ' great
Welsh revival, one of the most re
markable religious movements in
immediately , eases sudden, . severe
colicky pains and cramps in stomach
and bowels, deadly nausea nd Vresk
ening diarrhoea, v For children and
grown-up tise ..- -
A very necessary home
With every package
of- blades at
50c .
The Kcxall Store
115 South Commercial St.
the Ihistoryof .Christendom. She
hid..' Ylsited at the : hpme, of, the
Rosses, ( where it first had birth.
Mrs; -Ross, ' a 'sllntiy '. woman, had
dedicated her son Edwin j to the
Lord before his birth. eH grew
up a, studious, thoughtfullad,
much given to prayer. His broth
er, Dan, a miner, made sport of
him, but one night, after seeing
about the head of - the : silent;
kneeling Edwin a halo of light
such as is described having come
upon the disciples' at Pen tacost, he
gave up bis tormenting, and final
ly asked tor a prayer for. himself.
He was the -first convict. The
two brothers went through Wales
like .a flaming fire.4.:. Their first
meeting was in a coal mine, .far
underground, but the movement
spread Into palaces, banks, factor
ies, wherever people lived or could
be found. - 4'-'V- , j-.
i'Tou heed that spirit in Salepit
declared the speaker. "Salem
must have the ' same spirit o t hu
mility and seeking after godliness
that came to" that "Welsh 'miners'
household, if the soul of Salem Is
to come to Its own." ;
Twd after-meetings were held
in which hundreds of people re
consecrated themselves to the
cause of the better life. ' : .
f The services at the Oregon thea
ter Wednesday noon were, of high
class. Director Demarest at the
pipe organ gave .."Lead Kindly
Light" and several other hymns
with all the changes -that the
splendid Oregon organ, would pro
vides. ' As some of these ' musical
numbers are played after the, ser
mon, the; crowd disperses :; very
slowly until' the last organ note
dies away. - - -: a-. :.;.;'. -V-
" Mrs. "Demarest . spoke from the
theme of "Doubting Thomas," the
disciple who would not believe of
the 'resurrection until he had prov
en it for himself. The speaker
presented the,' thought . that the
world asks to be shown the truth
befor it will' believe the truth!
The real Christian will 5 first be
lieve and then the physical ' proof
is hot necessary even though lit
may be convincing. ' GodJ has
brought his : people through fire,
and ; f amine, and ' wilderness, . and
persecution, to prove who can be
trusted. It is those who have had
the great faith to see the guiding
hand In all , things who . are the
leaders, the pillars , of the church
that carry the church on through
the ages as a living, pulsating, all
pervading, fact.. "He that overcom
eth. shall be a pillar ttn the house
of God," and the rewards of ; the
righteous who by overcoming self
and worldly things are able to be
the spiritual leaders of humanity,
were shown as of sublime worth, ;
1 Those" who volunteered to work
on the' tabernacle yesterday .were :
" L :. H.1 Underbill. '.Marlon' Leh
man,: John Tnai, C;A,iKells A.
A. SiewertH.,W;. Allison, jJ. J. Lu
cas, H 01sen,.J. H. Smith, W. C
Reynolds, Martin Schreiber. W.IL
Strand, . Robert , Sanger, ; James
Fry .1 William Kendall, C. C. Em
mel, T. C, Popson, Lloyd Burk,
s factor
power. Thousands who have obtained, eyeglasses from u I .i
.discovered themselves Instantly more alive, more" cr.rri :'
Out of years or experience in cases just like yours, cur i :
metrists arc equipped to help you. " !
'301-23-4 Oregon Bldg. - -
Dr. nenry E. Morris Dr. A. McCuIloch
Oregon Pulp
.-' ' : . Calexa, OresOB
Sulphite, and Manila 7rapp!scs tlzo Estcicra TTr
pRigi Adding Ilachine Paper, CtczztTtzT, C!ir !
Dng Bond, Tlsss Screer.frta ind g;;d!t!:r,
Will Give One of Ills Famous Lectures on Jfext Sunday Aftcnic :i
at McCornack Hall, Salem, Oregon
Corae and bring your friends. It Is absolutely free. You will t o
entertained as well as Instructed in themcthods that maVe
people whole when others fall. The.Healer is one of the worl "'3
greatest ? travelers and will entertain you with travel tll.
Don't forget the date Sunday afternoon; April -Tt'i at
. P.' M. Sharp t McCornack Hall, 373' Court W.',- Let wee a :.'..
liberty and Commercial St. lecture Room on Crd I IcKir
Klevator from Si'la to 2i43 P. Only.
To prove my work, desperate cases Will be healed wiltout .
charge whatever.. ;..; ': - ' - '
The.Healer .has.spokco Jn.every. lar-e tpwn In Calif -rr : r ' '
never failed to entertain hi audience.
J. IL Daker, C J. ill, . .
J 21 l.'crri .i2a J. 1 . I . 1 , .
Gillon. Rev. P. . L--.. 1
Hoover,' S. Iloms. C. J. L
Rev. B. E. Kirkratrick, J. II. J
nlson, I. T. Moore, Dr. C. G. J
ey, Rev. C. G. Wrenn, Geor3
eyr C. J. Nelsonr G...' I :
lin, T. C. Long, I. C. I' : I
R. McWharton, -J. P.'.Ellicr , -J.
Q. Shanks, C M. Pickens, ::.
Miller; H. II. Boxrut, 7. f
Ivan Martin, J. R. E.-cjI.r ,
George Chapman, C. E. L- ,
Thomas Acheson, Georc .. . .
er. W. S. Lehman, Rev. J. C. 1.
bets, G. Berlod, N. T.'r c '
Rev. C. E. Hickman, IUv. I.
Lee, O. H. Griswpld Gy :: "
ney, L. E. Sigmund, Rev.' A:
Demarest.- l
'Dinner was served ly I.
Walker, , Ruth Heinle!: 3,. :.
Hill, Laura Pemhertoa, tizl:
of Willamette. Mrs. E. A.
will be chairman of tba 1 -:
committee for todays lz zt . ;
Program Announced
: - for LILzrty C:'
A literary and musical pre ;r
will be -given by the t-;"-- :
Liberty school, assisted ty :
L. C. House and CI -2 C- r:
vocalists, and the -ArtS:--
under the direction cf I
Martin,. Friday events " ",
Id the'Llberty tail. . - -
Few, men get too ell to vr
with -delight when tL 9 r -'
says they have 'art! !-'.!; 1
Clean. tccJ
-rinliCAvay -
' r
:do'23.not:cr." .
teeth clean
:.:ti 1 -
"iTeai'fuartcrj I';?
into your ! work is-'tho alr.';;!ii;
of determining; your cil.
ii c. . jj-
... Be HI? ' . '
Cnrry Kxcess Fat?
Have Wrinkles? , .
- ?Bo Crajr Before Age 53?
.Limp ThroucU Life on1 Flat. Feet?
Not Be the Healthy, Harry r.Lut r
Woman God Intended i ou to lc?