rf - T ' ' " J Clrcalatloa' for ' the Oregon EUtssa&a for the month of March, Dally and Sunday .'. r. . -Sunday Only: mm TODAY TEN PAGES V i . ., ? . SSVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1924 r-'-r psici: nvn cz::: "1 r w mm v uj ; 1DEIUCLEIS CMC STABL BB UDLUfjTEER Predchers, Merchants, Law . yers, Doctors, Capitalists Turn into. Very Capable carpenters pir;:jEfi is served by WOMEN OF CHURCHES .Sermon cn Samson "and De . . lilah 'Scheduled for To- night at Armory :" ' Thirty-f iTe men repsonded" to Wednesday morning's call for rol . nnteer carpenters and helpers for i the b!s new tabernacle on the Wil ; lamette' campus. - There - were preachers, store-keepers, lawyers, doctors, capitalists, and just plain I men whose hearts andn hands are ; Jn the right place. I Dinner was serred by the wo men at noon for 52 workers. ; . ' More men dropped in during the ; day, for a shorter period of ser , Tice ttan a fall day, until at 2:30 i there were 63 TOlunteers on the Job. Because of the large num ber, and the prompt delirery . of material, an exceptional first day work was done,- insuring the easy completion , of the 'structure this week if nothing interferes with the labor supply,;;. : v - At least 100 men will be re paired this morning,-to carry on " the work so auspiciously begun yesterday Another -100 will-be asked for ion Friday, and a number at present undetermined for Sat urday. L'.zuzx will be served each noon, tzl a substantial luncheon during mid-afternoon. , i. vTha luunms, is located, in the , grov on .tie ca,mpus, near the Twtllta. 6'reet . frcat, t where the 'Hay. day ' titTiUzi' hare always ; . beea held. As Hay. day comes , : this year durisi the time the meet : lags are ctin la trosress, the stu : s dents , will have to find another t spot on the campus for their fes-tlviLka,- thbagh the - - tabernacle would be a wonderful boon in case of a rainyMay day. t It was announced last night ithat the Salem band had Toted 'unanimously to giTe'a. bifid coff ; cert at the tabernacle, tsar ting at . 2:30 Sunday afternoon, J" This will jbe their first concert appearance , for the year, at: J should. be. a tre- mendous attraction ' . , , , .' Speaking last ni,sht from the ; platform, Walter. Vluslow,, chalr- . man of the finance committee, said ? that he had called 20 raea by tel- ephone on the- natter of raising ' the funds for tie tabernacle, and he had not a single turn-down .in praising 240 for tils, purpose. There will be $2,94 3 to raise for 5 the total budgeU.besides-tha mon ey already raised, this total esti mate covering the cost "Df the new tabernacle and all the original es timates. ' ; I ''Saciiaad'rlllahVfis fo be ,the eTsr.-el'tjs them,tpr tonight. 'Mrs..DeEiaren"has the gift, ot ,the i gods la .human understanding. , She ha3 if id- a wide -experieSce- tn 'Tery;walk of Jive, Knd.-.abe las ,the conrie ad thegpdly.nnder- standia to .draw, a powerful ,les ;80n from every'' phase of, human ity, its Wcalaeijes and strengths. The a.-ctLncceBt tof - this tail should pack the house, for the t gifted speaker will hare a story that thrills and; tarna. .1.. - "Is. God In the World?" was the theme for last night's address. The speaker pointed out that there "are three "worlds." The first is the physical earth, God's beauti ful green and ' gold and pleasant earth, with Its sparkling waters : nd Its fragrant fruits and its majestic mountains. This is God's jTery own, the product of his lore and care. - The second is mankind, human ity with all Its weaknesses and failures, but the race for whom (Continued on page 3) THE WEATHER OREGON -Fair Wednesday, cooler - east portion ; fresh northwesterly winds; - local weather "(Tuesday) .aximuni temperature, 57. -.'iiuia (eniperature, 4'. ' 'lrer, 2.4; falling. teas. - At-; z r r iere. T5art1-w oim . Wind, north. mm -of mm m : BEND, Ore., , April 23. The bodies, of " Dewey Morris Edward Nichols and Roy Wilson,1 three trappers missing since about January 15, were found early tonight in Little Lava lake, near here, by deputy sheriffs," who dragged the lake, according to a telephone message received here tonight. All three men had been shot through the head. Deputy Sheriffs Adams, Logan, and Innis found .the bodies. The ice on the lake permit dragging. Before the ice broke, the officers who had been conducting the search for the missing, men for. the last three weeks, located a hole which had been cut in the icet Beside this hole was found what appeared to be human hairs. When the ice inelted the lake was dragged at this place and the bodies found. ; ; : . The three men. had been trapping in the vicinity of the lake during the winter.. ... -,-, - , i FIRE OEPHBTPM HELD ioequii California Official Says Sa. Jem Has Wot OneTenth ! Needed Force Salem has not one-tenth the nec essary - fire fighting equipment o one-tenth the proper number ot men needed to combat a fire of any consequence that " might get started in the city. Jay Stevens, state tire marshal for California, told the Rotary club at its WedT nesday luncheon. He predicted, that something .big is. in store fo the city along this line, but just when he was not able to say. He said. It was bound to come sooner or later. ' 1 "Salem is not where It should ,be by any means," Mr. Stevens said, "The fires at Astoria and Berkeley were Inevitable. There la always ft lull just before, the storm' , "In speaking of the Berkeley fire Mr. Stevens said . that a peculiar ccmbination of atmospherc condi tions placed It beyond human con trol and -only, a breeze from thl opposite direction. . characterized as an act of God, prevented the entire city from being destroyed. , "If SaTem bar ar dlsastromr ire yon men of the Rotary club are to blameV the speaker said. "Yoij Claim to be a service club. I do cot criticize for I do not know he work you are doing, but there la a vast difference, between a service club and (a luncheon club. The future ofthe country can be cpn trolled by dabs of this nature, J . Static electricity presents a pro blem to fire fighters, Mr. Stevenj sa'd, and Jt in almost Impossible to t 11. .where a. conflagration may' be started, by this, force. Fire pre vention, means the removal of things that may cause, a fire while fire protection means protection against conflagration. ' . "Human. life is more. important than property," he said in closing. Fire prevention means the sal vage of. human lives.'' , V; ; Mr. Stevens was Introduced by WlU Moore', state fire marshal and insurance: a pommissioner. pointed, out that In. Oregon the an nual loss,i8 $10,006,000 some thing that can; never be restored. Fire, prevention' work Is a great work, he sakk ; Harry Hutton, Ctiet of the, Salem fire depart ment, was a special guest of the EEUfiifiifS SCHOOL i : LETiDERS BMEET Officers1 Chosen for Coming YearPennington of Pa cific Is Speaker - i PORTLAND. April 23 The convention of Oregon Sunday school, officers ,and teachers , held In Pqrfland for the las tiree days under. th Auspices, of, the .Oregon council - 0t religions education, closed tonight with an address. by DrLevi Pennington president- of Pacific; .college. Installation;, iof oiiicerq, eieciea earner m tne aay, was a part of" the closing service. A. r. Bosserman of Portland was elected' pYesrdent; "and other offi cers elected are: Miss J. JJdwards, Tillamoow.-first ' vice president; Stewart Odell, 1 Roseburg, second vice president ; James Cotbellsbn, Pendleton, third . vice . president; Charles J. Barnard of . Portland treasurer. rasrn ; lava broke up sufficiently today to Disinfecting Stations at Denio and .: McDermitt ; Factories Complain Governor Pierce ; today, further extended the Oregon quarantine against the possible entry of foot and month disease from California by ordering disinfecting stations established at Denio and MeDer? mitt on the southeastern Oregon boundry. Because of the blocking of east bound traffic on the Art-zona-California line It is said the traffic Is routing 'north through the Jordan valley of Oregon and eastward through Idaho. j ' The governor today received a telegram from lumber companies and box factories at Klamath Falls,- declarfn g ' that the embargd against California frnifs is work ing a tremendous hardship on the lumber and box concerns that fur nish box materials for California fruit concerns. The telegram stat ed that the box factories will be compelled to ahut down if the em bargo continues. They . nrge . that the state allow the government full charge over the quarantine!. The message was signed by the Sprague River Lumber company, Shaw Betram Lumber company!. Algoma Lumber company, PelicaiL Bay Lumber company, Ewauna Box company, Klamath Lumber & Box company. Lakes Box com pany and the Lamm Lumber com pany. : I : ! - r J HL1DE1 CEIB U BIDS Many Witnesses Examined By Committee; No Start- ' ling Developments "; PbRTLAND Aprii: 23. - Al though a ' number of witnesses were examined today in the gov ernor's prooe of Muitnoman coun ty and Portland city affairs, no startling developments: were re ported by those who came out ot the committee room. At a meeting of the Salem Shrine club last ' night at the Chamber of Commerce If was de cided that in view of the fact that the Morton Circus company, which was to furnish the performances, is reported baT-bound off the har bor of Coos bay and will be unable to keep Its Salem engagement, to declare the circus off and to hold a dance instead, date later to be announced. All circus tickets Issued or sold will be' honored for admission to dances and refresh ments, and. one -Ford car will be given away as a souvenirj A committee consisting of Wil liam Bell, chairman f President Al ton D. Hurley. Hal D. Pat ton, F. B. Halik, Phil r Eiker nd Z. 'J. Riggs wa appointed by the meet ing to make all arrangement! for this dance, to that everybody will be satisfied with the result. The Morton circus was supposed oouiiiirpoiiiis ARE QUKlTluED I PROBE mm clots is mm I BIG iJORITY 1 SENATE Vote on Measure Is 67 to; 17 Hope ': Expressed , That President' Will Approve Present Form CASH OPTION REJECTED BILL SAID MAKESHIFT Democrats Call it "Gold Brick" and Promise Ef forts for Veterans ' ' 1 - ';, WASHINGTON, April 23. The senftte, following In the footsteps of the house, passed .the soldiers bonus insurance bill today majority sufficient to carry it yret a presidential veto. The vote was 67 to 17. . - Xr: i . '. f . . .President Coolidge has declared against a bonus, but proponents pf this particular kind of adjusted compensation legislation are hope ful that it will meet .with his ap proval. .Before the bill eaches him, however.: it must, go to, con ference for adjustment of minor differences with the house. -Assured by -Republican leaders that they would vote to over ride a veto of this bill but would support a veto of a cash bonus measure the senate resisted all ef forti to add a "cash option. ; " - ? V Cash Option Rejecte! v The test on this question, came with the rejection, 47 to 38, of an amendment by Senator; Copelnd, Democrat. New , York, which would have left with the former service men the choice of full cash payments or the insurance certifi cates provided for in both the sen ate and house bills. Many Democratic senators who voted for the measure In Us pres ent form denounced it as a "miser able makeshift" and a "gold brick', and formal notice was given that at some future time efforts would be made to amend it so as to enable the veterans to get cash. s ; ?. , On 'the final vote on the bill, nine Democrats and eight Repub licans opposed it, while 33 Repub licans, 32 Democrats and the two farmer labor senators supported It. . ELECTED School Board Chooses Prin cipal for New Junior , . High Scho.ol " Prof. Henry Durham, a mem ber of the Salem Bchool system for the last 10 years, has been selected as the new principal of. the Parrisb junior high school, now under con struction. Other selections that have been : made by 'the, school board are Prof. E. A. Miller, pres ent principal of the Grant junior high school, principal of the Washington and Grant schools and Prof. J. C. Nelson, principal of the high school, who was re-elected on a monthly basis. DURHAM Tun it Ti?m m nM F?r to have opened an engagement In Marshfleld Tuesday, but the ves sel transporting the circus from Eureka to Marshfleld has been un able for two days to enter Coos Bay harbor, and therefore . the circus engagement : In Marshfleld had to be extended till next Wed nesday or Thursday to fulfill the contract between the Morton cir cus and the Coos Bay Shrine club, according to : several wire . com munications from Bob Morton to his representative ' working here with- the Salem Shrine club. The advance sale In Marshfleld for the circus there has been very heavy and therefore It would have been a matter of impossibility for the circus to curtail; its 'engagement there. The committee in charge of the dance will do all in its pow er to make this affair a success, so everybody that has bought cir cus tickets will have a good time nevertheless. GIRL STOWAWAY SOUGHT CHEAP RIDE TO FAME Leading Lady in Navy Dread naught Plot Discovered on Board Arizona LOS. ANGELES,: April 23. Dis covery of a girl stowaway aboard the - dreadnaught, Arizona atBal boa, April . 1 2, was but the prema ture unveiling of a motion picture publicity plot, according . to Rear Admiral W. V. Pratt, chief of the fourth-division,' battle fleet, who announced tonight that a - rigid search of all ships in his command had failed to reveal any additional bobbed hair sailors. : ; ' ' ' Madelynne Blair', 22, the girl in the case,' concealed herself aboard the. Arizona while the vessel was In. New York harbor, the admiral believes. In" the hope of voyaging to Hollywood not only free of ex- pttfse, but sure "of abundant pub licity for her film debut. onisn You Will Scarcely Know. Ye LiDeny -1 neater wnen You Go There Again Tou will scarcely know Ye Lib erty, theater when you go there again. It is being made over. . A new pipe organ is' being installed. It will all be ready for the public again tomorrow, night.. Ye . Lib erty has been closed since a week ago last Sunday, In order to al low the improvements to be made and the new pipe organ to be in stalled. The old organ was ship ped away, to a Portland moving picture house. i The new pipe, organ' is a won der. It is run by electricity. II responds to the touch of the hands and feet of the player like a living thing. It will do almost any thing but talk. It has traps and chimes and a - xylophone, and orchestra bells and a clocKerspiel, and a bass drum and cymbals, and a castanet and a Chinese block, and a tamborine ; and a kettle drum, and clash cymbals in fact, it will Imitate .practically every ' known musical instrument that was ever used by man, from the sackbut and the hewgag and harp of the ancients down to the latest things devised for the production of a concord of sweet sounds. . , j The new .organ came across the country .lately, directed to Salem, and It made up a car load. It has literally a whole room full of pipes. Not figuratively. Literally. A room full. " , ' ' . , , ! It is a Smith, unit pipe ( organ. It Is being installed by the Reed French 'Piano company, of Port land. It comes from the Smith Organ company of Chicago. It is called the unified electric pipe or gan, the latest thing out in pipe organs; controlled entirely, .by electricity. ; W. ' Woehne is here setting it up and adjusting it; he comes from Portland. He expects to be through today. . But you will want to hear it, not read about it. H. C. McDonald, the organist at the Oregon theater, will give an opening concert on the new, organ tomorrow evening, beginning at 8. And the whole Liberty theater will look like new when you see It next. . F. Ray Felker of Salem assisted by J. A. Springer of Port land, has been doing the. decorat ing. It looks fine to the reporter; but his artistic "education was neglected, and . his natural talent was likely, not great In that line, any way. ; So he cannot describe the scheme of the new .'decoration plan with any degree of satisfac tion to the reader. Ariy.-way, you will want to see it. : Likely you will want to see it again; many times " It seems pleasing and rest ful jto, the eye, and. In every way harmonious. The colors do not seem to scream at . one another, as they would Bay In ; Berlin ' or Milwaukee, or Aurora. . G. B. Guthrie, the man . who pays the bills, Is proud of the Lib erty as it "r. will appear tomorrow evening and thereafter; " proud ot all 'his Salem force of employees, who are Teal . gentlemen and la dies. But -Mr. Guthrie is a good deal poorer In" purse for the im provements at Ye Liberty.' How-f ever, he will not mind that. If the Salem public appreciates the new show house and the new organ. Mr. Guthrie likes to make money; like the rest of us. But he is not In the theater ' business for that alone. He likes to think that' there is something better than the al mighty dollar. In the satisfaction of good and appreciated service. LIBERTYPIPE SEE FATHER BE GRATKE GIRL Police Looking : for ; Father i Who Has Been Estranged From Family Mystery Remains Unraveled ROUGHLY DRESSED MAN NEAR HOUSE ONLY CLUE Slayer Believed tot Have Been Insane 6r Degenerate Per son Who' Was Stranger PORTLAND. Or' AoMl 23. Af Iter 24 hours Of. effort" to unravel the mystery or the slaying of Mar tha Gratke. 15. In her mother's home, here yesterday, the police tonight said "they were . without tangible clues to the Identity of the slayer,' other thafa those, given by neighbors who ' had seen ' a roughly dressed man ' enter the Gratke yard at about the time the murder was committed. ' ' The girl was apparently attack- tfC arid alnfn tVia nnlloo . ootl ' some insane or degenerate -persdn who was a stranger' to the neigh borhood. They were Still search ing for George-Gratke. the slrl's father who has recently been' es tranged from his family," but they said evidence did not point to him as the possible slayer. Inadequate Substitute Serv. ice and Unduly High, Fares Among Reasons If the" Southern Pacific . com pany, pending action by. the pulj Hc service commission that will give It . legal authority to make changes, fails to provide transpor tation service on Its Willamette valley lines that is as good as that before It removed its trains, the company probably will be liable for damages to the traveling pub lic. This was the opinion express ed yesterday at the service com mission of flees. .' Petitions Sent Back t The company yesterday sabmit- ted to the commission petitions to file new tariffs on less than statu tory notice, and the - commission immediately ., sent them back on grounds .that they failed to pro vide adequate service, . while In some ..Instances the fares that would be charged over the stage lines would be higher than has been charged by . rail. The commission's , letter to the company says i part: " . " we are returning herewith your petitions for special permis sion to publish on less than statu tory notice, certain rates contain ed in your circulars for joint ar rangements with auto stage lines between Dallas, Salem and Silver- ton In connection with the Parker Auto Stage line; between Browns ville and Halsey in connection with the Guldner Stage line; and between McMinnville and Sheri dan or Wlllamlna In . connection with, the ' McMinnville-TllIamook Stage lie. -; : .' r "These requests for special per mission cannot be granted author izing you to place in effect on less than statutory notice, the rates and services outlined therein for various reasons, , . . i CAMPAIGN OPEXS EUGENE, Ore , April 23. The campaign among the students of the University of Oregon to raise $200,000 for the erection of a stu dent union building Officially opened today. CABINET RESIGNS SANTIAGO; Chile. April 23. (By Associated Press.) The Chil ean cabinet resigned today after a vote of lack of confidence In the senate, a majority opposing Presi dent Alessandri. REVENUE MAN KILLED SPARTA; Tenn. Xprii ' 2 Hugh Lowrey. federal ' revenue agent,- was shot and . almost - in stantly ' killed at - Derosset, near nere tnia aiternoon, ; MURDERED P sKted FIVE YEAfc OLD BADLY INJURED DURING FIRE Little Girl Leaps From Upper Story Window While Home -in Flames : EUGENE, ,Or., April 23. Paul ine, 5-year-old daughter of ilr. and Mrs. Elton Pollett of Marcola; was badly injured early ..today when she was compelled to leaD from an upper story window of tne family residence which was in names.,.. ( .. . . t .. . .... ; : Mrs..PoIletteand her four child ren were -trapped on the upper floor when the.flre broke out be low j and all j were , compelled ; to jump to the ground from an up per window. The fire was caused by an oil lamp explosion. The house. was destroyed- ... i liiipffli n oar six days McNary for U. S. Senator Club in Salem Rolls Up Members in a Hurry;. ; At 5 o'clock last evening, after it had been organized and in work ing, order for only six davs. the Salent..McNary for .United States senator club - passed .the' 1,000 marfc In membership,, with over half a hundred to the eood: total 1045.: . .. . ,,. ' There was a meeting - of - the executive committee last: ntcht tn check" up on the work and "plan ior.tne extension of It. The fol lowing members ' were present: George .r. ,Rodgers, v Clif. Brown, Louis Lachmund. Dr. T.C Smith, E. M. Crolsan and W. T Stolz. I Nearby towns" are calling for plans for organization, br letter and phone and by word of month. apeaKers . win go to , the grange meeting at Macleay tomorrow ve- nmg, i i nere is a great show of interest all over this section. ,: j ; Plans are . going forward for rapid . organization -of . the clnh work Isr-Polk, Linn. Bentoirend Tamhill. Albany, Corvallis. Le banon, Sclo;; Brownsville, McMInn vUle Newberg, Independence and Aionmouth are to be organized at once., ; , . t , t , Plans are being perfected to still further widen, the club; cam paign, with the help of active Mc- ary - supporters In the places named, and others. - ; : OHMS WILL cflniPtiiiE .Contestants from ' Clackamas. Multnomah, Washington and Yam- nill counties in the national ora torical - contest . will .comDete for championship honors of that zone at the Willamette university audi torium Friday evening, at 7:20 o'clock.. The debaters came to Sa lem for the purpose of determining Ia whniM . K A V. n n M . ing the district, made , up of the four counties above named, shall be given. . '. . At a zone contest held in Oregon City, last Friday evening one of the judges misinterpreted the In structions a8 to marking his bal lot. Disregarding the result of this ballot left three of the con testants tied for first place. In order to have the result decided in a' thoroughly Impartial manner, a decision was reached Wednesday afternoon . to hare a rehearing In Salem, before judges living outside the counties Interested. .Multnomah county will be rep resented In the contest by Betty Clark of the Riverdale school; Clackamas county, by Jack Hemp stead ' of West Linn ; Washington county by Frank Bouthiller of For est Grove; Yamhill county by Jas. Havnear of IcMinnvIlle. Each contestant will be accompanied by an enthusiastic bunch of support ers from the student body of their respective schools. Contestants will be limited to 12 minutes each. - :". The Oregon Statesman HaroIJ Lloyd'I.Iatir.cs LIBERTY THEATER Saturday (April 2Cth).10 A. This coupon and 10c will admit any child 12 yearaf . of age or under; to the, Liberty Theatre Saturday morning. 10 a m. to" see : 7 " Harold-Lloyd's - -pf-pT - Latest' and Greatest ; ; JTilX. jlLi UJ-L 1L Any Child not' hollini Cc;jch".;ni 1 .3 clizx: ; .- ' full adnilscicn price ZZz DllLiEuF lUtTDISj'iiii; Lib li.iix. J. G.; LTcrchant. i:irr.t:5 HeadCcmmittcsTlirt'. Take Preliminary Once LEGAL PROCEDUPic 13 OUTLIfiED BY Si:.:. Extent to -Vh!:h Ct'L Extend Aid Exn!r,::J I I Definite action toward tLa tion of the. drainage jrcl! -the southeast portion cf tLj and' the tributary territory -taken last night when J. C. : chant was appointd chiirr a .committee to corner committee from tta , city r and the state board of czr.' the purpose of proceeJij necessary steps for a pre!" survey of the district' In. q and the matter. of finances. -. Mr. Merchant will make : lection of the other .two tr of the committee, one c '. is to be a city property ow -the other ; from , outslda 11. 3 c Umits. r ; v . V : r 3Iany;Are."Ti-4'. zr.l Nearly 5 0 property own:: present In addition" to re; i. tlves of! the board cf c: : r city council and hca:!s cf r stitutlons . which lia -vr: :' territory. Mayor. J, B. C: sided as chaiman cf tta r . Discussion, eerier: i .arc, variety . of tUzs, zryl- t . f whether Mill creek was tla c or. result of the ti.-'i water; the trouble can ta lie.::.:.: T. ;. . wa'tersLed: near Turner; tl ? pioneers ' w La . " c c r. z It::. : t , l ditch; - the' heausattj it I... , .. back water from tie V,:i! ;: the Santlam and the owncu mills benefited by fix w.-... Steps necessary to tW fcrr of a' drainage district wera lined by Robert Siiipson. far, assisUnt state engineer. T steps are as foljows, he eaiJ: Steps Are O-tll : .1 Circulation of a petitlcn t'; by a majority of owners of : within the proposed district, ! ing 50 per cent or more cf total acreage; presentation c! ? petition to the' county tr-:: hearing; the district organize '. found advisable; an election c board of supervisors to fcavo r power to employ . ensirccn drainage plans, and tlie errr. of the county. .commissioners. praisers are -then named to termine the damages and t : to individual, property ovrzzr?, then a general levy or tori to cover the expenses. An i nate plan Is for the lanl o themselves to incorporate a- ! ceed along this line; State Authority LLnitcI It was explained by a zer, secretary of "state, tLat t board of control can only r-y t tain proportion of the ei-cs ?- a preliminary survey and t: t costs could only be char; :! i against' the state InstUutio. j far as they are affected. . It was decided that the c mittee, of which llr. IlercL--1 chairman, will confer with l others as soon as poesibla ar I V another meeting similar ta t one held last night will t3 1 Wednesday nlht, I.Iay 7. appeal to nunnr WASHINGTON, Arril 23. C ifornia's plight because cf the f and mouth disease and. goes of western states against i ducts of her soil will be place 1 ' fore President Coolidsa. m 1"'