the o?j:go:i statzsiian, salej.'om:go:i WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1021 AcyeiT'dsfog"-1 radiog Facilitated by the Acts oe-tti o l i 0 M jr I i,' r v t r I-1 1: REAIESf ATE city 25 OWN YOUR HO.IE FTRNISHED HOUSE RENT CI OS E IV r irrirBve f - -. f I200 SNAP i -t fifio T.'nion St. 6 rooms with basement and furnace, $2300 down' to handle.' - W. II. GRABENHORST t CO- 375 State St. 35-apt23tf - -'BARGAIN'S T rem house, mod era complete, close t l M'W double nnt. . Fine suburbsn property, modern room, rood income place to trad" for 80 to. 100 acrea vita gooa auiiaings What bare youf . ; J LATHAM . - - ; '-?'-' -."l83Hi State St. '- Sjapr23rf .Sea this Sew 5 rooms. North Wia-lilM- hair -aik. Good bay: Down town op to data confectionery obit rwoa terms. , , INCOME PROPERTY -entalwi hniMinr of 4 flat. 5 rooma each, separate furnaces." Thia ia a aaf ad excel teat bar. fcxperi neaity Bales Hervice, 33114 State St. Room 3. 25-apr23tf I MODERN ROOM PLA8TERED HOUSE nit and walnut, lance lot, mow. New S room plastered, modern, bunga low. 11630. Large close in modern home, eaat front, - corner lot, streets pared both : sides. 11 rooma and partly farniahed. An id-al sight for apt. house, $16,000. Beaatifal new modern bungalow, 7 rooma. fail basement, furnace and ga rage, $630O. 10 room farniahed apt, hoaae. rood location, garage and lota of fruit. Price S4500. - . ' MRS. MOVER 147 Com'l 8t. Room -6. V 25apr23tf WOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES Nice modern 5 room bungalow, pared atreet. alee location. $500 cash, balance $23 per month. r Dandy nice 4 room bungalow,, built in feat re, fireplace, basement, only 82800; $300 rash, balance $23 per mo. i 8 room modern bungalow, food lo cation, pared street, large lot. $2300; $ joy cash,' balance $23 per month. Hare two enetomer each wanting a 5 room baaralow on paved street with garage which can be bought for $300 rash and $33 per month. List with na at once if you wish to sell on these terms. Money to loan on good aecarity. - List with ns for rcult- PERRINE ft MARSTKR8 . Q Phono 907 - 23-apr23tf 8TRICTUY MODERN BUNGALOW. Full basement, fireplace, furnace. Will sell cheap and take good ear as part pay ment down. See owner OTenings 1830 So. High. " .- 85-apr27 FOR SALE 3 ROOM HOUSE, 8LEEP ina) porch, garage, hot and cold water, bath. ' Price $2300. $200 cash, bal ance the same as rent. Krueger, 147 A. Com'l St. Phone 217. " 23-apr22 K EAT SEW- 4 ROOM HOUSE, PAVED treat and car line,. $3200; $700 cash. A. -M acre - tract near car lino and store, $430; $30 down. Fine building lot, pared' street, 2 ' blocks to car. $330. "J. A. MILLS' . - ,331 Vt State St- 23 apr2 LOTS 1 LOTS ! LOTS I " W hate eora real bvgtTn,. Here ia om on pared atreety aaaeaamenU paid, for $373; othyth at $4IK) to 81. V2i X!T tcn.0 obm iirt (treats $173 and np. Tor lots see ' CHUbs ft -BECHTEL - ' ' 540 ; State St. 23-apr22tf FODKENT OS 8ALE '' room, bun ra low home at 390 East Washington BU $10 per month, base ment and'furaeee. Prh-e $3000; $1,. ooo down, balance $40-per month. Im mediate - possession. " W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO." . "275 State 81 . 25-apr23tf V BARGAIN.-Sir ROOM PLASTERED bungalow, , nicely finished, good plumb ing, corner lot, good street. Immediate posession.only $2730. . Seven, room bungalow, bit B kitchen. good . pnirabing. cement basement, frait trees, two lota, garage,-paet-d street, . $4730. Small bungalow, $850; eaay terms. Es chaaga 320 acre farm $10 per acre for boaae. 20 acres clone in for farm. Bungalow fos renU- F.-L. Wood, 341 State SU . . 23-npr22tf LOT FOR SALK (84 8. 16th. $37W. ' - - - ' -. $-apr2t Best Buys and - Exchcnses . . room new modern baagalow, 8 blocks from State,. $3309; terms. , room new, 'strictly modern bungs- $6obo?chB5" ;mc' e,ow iu 8 rooass,- hatha, atrietly modem, doable garage, apartment. ery choice hxstroa. want acreage, $7300. .i?toU" f ine corner. South Salem, $" each. V 5 eommercial frait.' on the highway, best -of locstioa.- Want Sa- . lorn property north, price $9000; terms a one-half. , . 'JiV to ,ecurt aa $800. $1000 and a $1700 losn on country real estate. Sccolofsky, Realtor . 341 State St. 25-apr22lf FAIKMOCXT HILL . I -b,rsj fine . view lot 50 by .100 .pared atreet. Price 900 for a abort time onlys- Teraw cash. W. H. CtRABEXIIORST CO. . -.273 -State SU. - 23-apr23tf ROOM BUNGALOW ON SO. 12th St, Urge lot, ahade trees, garace. all mod ern eoareaieaeea. price $3800; terms. 3fHheV ' MU"" li0-,Wil,Ur 8'- ,430' 1 - S room oa No. 22nd St $22001 food term. ... ! 7 rooms on Chemeketa St, $6300; good terms. . ' : ANDERSON ft RUPERT " - ' 408 Oregon Bldg. g-aprlgtf '55?? V?1R 270O: 7 x00 $3200. Gertrude J. M. Page. 23-a23tf $230 DOWN $30 per moath will bay yon a good "odera for room baugalow on pared atreet. and ear line. Price $2700; l-" l'-.ion. .Call 515 and we 71 - o show yon thia bar- -W. M. GRABESHORST ft CO. '. 27 Stale St., 23-opr23tf A G.VEHTMENT IS WORTH A WEALTH I--42 acres fertile soil, pared "f, ,r"n"-fai fine riewj lullystocked sod equipped. Jnsl nty limits of Sslem. Can be bought for H'a ralue $200 TlfK PLACE Nw 4 room bu.i ga ow.' ceoMot basement. Owner - 7 t,ka U'' automobile as . fade hir swsll house for larger ! ' TZIZ "B5. Willosatiow " "IT uM T'"n",'h farm oa pared - L.V , rao for Salem prop- CiT"' ", to sell - ?7 troners forced far to Wnl'?.!5 W. P-rchaaer end We -write iasurahcR. RICH I.. RKIMANX . ' . Realtor 1 17-308 Oregon Bldg. 33-npr20tf rRIXTFD f(-, EI7S 14.. BT -w.. r . a -J iv". 47 REAL ESTATE city 23 ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT TO by 150; eaat front, pared atreet, house in rood condition. $4200. Will take auto as part payment. - - GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. 8-aprlTtt BRINO IN TOUT LIST INGS IK YOU WANT TOi SELL OR TRADE. AS WK HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS WAITING - TO BUY AND TRADE Brand new 4 room bun galow with 4 acre of land, near carline and school. IVieo $2500. Or will trad for small rooming house. $250 cash and .$25 per ino. will bay yon a 8 room cottage neatly papered aad ttaiated. water, toilet, erery thing fine. Large lot. good barn, chicken ran. A good looking place for only $1700 6 rooma on north Capitol St. Modern except furnace. Pared street, cement aide walk, a beaaty. Price $4, 700. Come in and aee - one, : t , 23 r00 apartment house cloao In, pared streets, ee anent walks. This one is Iways foil, and brings good rent. It will be worth yonr whUo to look at this one. Price $6500. Or will ex- change- for acreage. Hero ia one in west Sa lem en Front St 7 nice large rooms and sleeping porch. All kinds of fruit aad ber ries, Parement. garage. A awell home, with basement, Juat right.- Price $3200. 5 rooma, bungalow in jorth Salem. Plastered, bath, toilet, fruit, berries, a lota, cement walka. A real home. Price $2800; terma. 10V4 acres of fine land east of Salem on Silrer , ton road. 0 room house, barn 30 by 40. large family or chard. Wolnats galore. A real suburban home, on par ed roads. Price $6500. Or will trade for city prop erty. - 63 acrea or fine land north of Salem, at ststion Ail in crops, new 5 room bungslow. Urge barn, V mil from school. Price $163 per acre. Or will eon . aider City i property. 8375 buys a fine lot on north 15th St, Will be pared soon. East front. We hare a suburban gro rery for aale. Come in and see thia one. Priced at $1600. , 1120 acrea of Canadian land, 450. acrea in cultiva tion. 670 acres pasture, 50 ere timber. 8 room house. Urge barn aad other build ings. 15 head horses; 12 head cattle; 10 hogs. Com plete set of fsrm tools. All for $25 per acre, or will trade for land in Oregon. We write fire and auto mobile inaurance. MOISAN ft ULRICH Phone 1354 122 N. Com. 25-apr20tI LOOK If yon hare $100. cash and can pay $30 per mo, including interest, we will sell yon a nice little homo, 5 rooma and garage on pared street, good loca- tiono. .: -j. ; t . ,;-.;- .'ii- We also hare a new' modern heme Juat 2 blocks south of State atreet to exchange for small iraprored tract close in. TH0MA80N, 331 V State Street. M ; . 25-apr20tf ATTRACTl V7C VAtdJES IX HOMSS . $2500, S room modern home with base ment, garage and two full lots, 650 down. $15 per month. $1500. 4 room bungalow, plastered, toilet ana eiectrie lights, $400 down $25 per month. . .-, - ... . $1800, good fire room home clove in and near ear line, $j00 down, balance $20 per month; ' i . ' ; 'i. $2300, four room home located 7. blocks out on N. Liberty St., $500 down. $4250, - modem 8 -room -home with one aero of- land located north Salem, $1000 doWB will haniilo. $1800, good six room house, lot 3 by 150 witn xsragc, pared a.rect and car. line. $600 down. '.- , , . -.' i $1600. good lot 50 by 150 with three room home, located on Fairmouot hill, pared atreet.. - $1550, good four room home, lot 50 by 110. $200 down. 820 dot - month. " M$ 1500. four room plastered borne, $250 down, balance monthly, immediate po '"session.''1- )- , $2500, 5 room home, lot 4 by 105, corner loest d south Salem, . flOOO down to handle. ; $1900.- four room henao,- lot 37 hf 162 locates close . in. a south Commercial St- $400 down, balance monthly. -We writ fire inaurance. . W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. ', . 275 State St. . U. 8. Bank Bldg. -25 apr20tf $6300. A BARGAIN . Completely modern seven room bungs low home an pared street and car lina with . corner - lot and garage, full ce ment basement and furnace, hardwood floors.' This home ia up to date and ia complete, in erery .way. The. price baa just been lowered $550 to make quirk aale.' . ". W. II. GRABENHOBST ft CO. .273 State St. .. , 25-apr23tf . SNAP , ' Brand n?w modern bungalow, 5 rooms large attic. . All the built-ins, basement, beautiful bath room,- plumbing all in. Beat material aad workmanship. A real $4000 home for $3400: only 9200 down, balance like rent. See it today. Child ft BechteL 540 State Street. Sola Agents. I ; 23-apr22tf DO YOU WANT A HOME t 1 -. . New modern four room bungalow lo cated oa pared atreet and ear line, good plumbing, built in kitchen, el-ctrie lights and well bii1U Price $2700; $300 dnwa; $30 per mo. Let ns show you these new homes; yoa will hare three to select from. Immediate posses sion. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ! 275 Bute 6u Phone 515 P 8 aprintf BILLY STIFF Did you aea . I VUAT CMACLIfT OM 7X5N'T RClV -PEAK CALLED- ( AMY ATTENThOM A V, HE? , y. V Ttl NAS.BlLLVy IlEAIi ESTATE city 25 A GOOD BUY 6 room home on Court Street with basement nd garage, a.llOO. W. II. G RA B EN IIORST ft CO.' 275 State St. 23-apr23tf FOR 8ADE HOUSE; FIVE ROOMS, bath, pantry and basement. Oa pared atreet, by owner, $1600 will handle. 864 South 12th St., Phone 1602 J. 25-apr20tf FOR SALE BY OWNER; NEW 5 ROOM modern house, 453 8. 12th. 25-apr2C ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. furnace, fireplace, east front. - pared treet, beautiful surroundings; must sell at once. $3500; aad terms yon caa handle. 8 room .modern home, erery modern convenience, well located in East Sa lem; beautiful flowers, shrubbery, fruit and ants, $4500; good contract. 0 room home oa Fa i mount hill, mod ern, ricw that cannot be excelled. Aa excellent buy at $4500. - WINNIE PETTYJOHN . - Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. 8 apr!6tf CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Largo ap to the minute list of the Very best offerings ia Salem and ricinity seat free to any address Harris, 308 Oregoa Building, phone 1013. 6-f22tf MULTIULE LISTINO We bare the Multiple listings com plete, and ' a Urge indiridusl listing besides, so can give you an ample choice ia lots throughout the city, or ia residences from $1000 up; also some good business sites and suburbsa acreage-close to car line. Farms aad fruit ranches sale or trade- and inrite your inspection. Giro as a ealL Room 7. Bsyae Bldg. 341 Bute St. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. (Established 10) . 8-aprl3tf FOR SALE OR RENT , 4 room house, lot 50 by 100. Price $1300; $300 down, $20 per month. KentU $12. Located at 860 8. 21st. St. . H. GRABENHORST ft CO. J-' 875 State St. Phone 315 " 25-apr20tf FOR QUICK SALE BRAND NEW SIX room bungalow. Hardwood floors, fur nace, basement, laundry trsys, built in. Garage. . Lot 50 by 162. Pared street, .grarcled alley. Rock driveway through lot. Concrete walka. Shrab bery. Located only 8 blocks from State and Liberty, at 851 South Liberty St. Phone 1784. 8-aprl3tf $6500 Apartment house close In and a pared street, will exchange for email ranch cloao to Salem. Income $75 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. ' 275 State St. 8-aprl3U PRINTED CARDS. 8IZE 14" BY TV" wording. "Rooms to Rent," price 1C . eonta each. Statesman Baaiaoas Of tiee. Ground Floor. FOR SALE: GROCERY 1 One of the best paying grocery and confectionery store. Doing a fine bus ineaa. Cheap rent. Haa living rooma in awell location. Price $1500. See Childs ft Bechtel, 510 State St. " ' 25-apr22tl BUSINESS CORNER AND GOOD build ing thereon, $lil,000. Garage, well located $6500. ' Grocery store and buildings $7500. Confectionery store $5500. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE - , -: - - . - 25-spr23tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7tt". wording "For Rent," price 10 eenW each.' Statesmsa Business Office, oa - nrmm4 Floor REAL ESTATE farma 28 AN 160 ACRE DAIRY OR STOCK ranch in Uncoln ' county. ' Some slock snd equipment. , $300 . cash and $1000 ia good trade will be accepted as first payment. Bslsnee easy terms. Price $3C0O. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT " 147 X. Com'l. St. Salem, Oregon. : 28-spr23tf .Talk About Farms I'm going to sell -ray 18 ser a near Dallas so cheap tiut you'll wonder if it's really true. I hare 4 acres daady bearing ' orchard and small fruit - and 'more planted. Con-fortab! house and barn and outbuildings. Beautiful view and on good county road. Will accept some trade. . See - Robinson, Oregon Bldg. . - 4 . . - 28-apr22 FOR SALE OR TRADE I 63 acres not far from Salem, -50 acres under mltiration. lmmedfste poa session. Good bldgs. A snap if yea net quick. - 7 room boose close in. owner Is non resident. Can be had at a low figure. Good modern home, A little down; good terms on bslsnee. ' ' 86 acres north of.8alem, very besl land, all under cultivation, fully equip ped. Good bldgs. Some down, and '- good terms on the balance. To see' it is to buy. & 7 acres near Shaw, good . bldgs.. 6 acrea prunes in bearing. Will giro good trade oa city property. . See me. imme diately. For ssle 13 aero ranch, almost -In city limits, good new house, fine Urge barn, .chicken houses etc. Well equip ped for farming, - All under enltiration and ia crop. All goes at $4500. Tea room house close in, csn be eas ily arranged for apts. Mske 4 apt. Nearly all furniture goes at $4500; good, terms. . See me today. . G. W. UFL.tR 410 Oregon Bldg. 9-aprlltf $100 DOWN . . $10 per month buys a good 10 acre tract all ia euftiration. located 8 miles south. The best of fruit or berry land. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ! . 275 SUte SL 9-aprlStf 415 ACRES, 5 UIIES FROM INDEPEN denee, ' about 800 acres under enltira tion and in crop, all kinda of fruit aad -nut, modern buildings, price $100 per 1 acre; will accept some trade and give terms to suit purchaser, ANDERSON ft RUPERT -"406 Oregoa Bldg. 9-aprl6tf LOOK VM acres located' lO miles from Sa lem, close to Pacific highway: 90 acrea ia cBltit-atioa. balance fine timber. Urge barn, old house. This is offered at a bargain of $63 per acre. . For bargains W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. P-aprl3tf WE 9Alt 90METUIN NICE. SAID X WAS A'TXCtT-POOTED BABY, REAL ESTATE farms 28 SPECIAI. 30 ACRES IMPROVED stock ed and equipped, 3 miles town. $2500. Terma. On- of the fine homes ia Ha lem, $3500 ; 6 room house 4 lots, $1. 500, terms. We here land and city property to exchange. If yoa want to buy, sell or exchange, see BARBER ft BARHAM 200 Gray Bldg. ; 28-apr20tf DO YOU WANT A SMALL FARM f 5 acres n sr good little town. 15 miles from Salem, 5 room rottage, large wood house, fine spring and Bice stream, 3 acres prunes, 4 good rows, 200 chickens, horse, and farm tools. Price $2700; terms. 10 acres 3', 4 miles from Salem, 4 room house, gsrsge. all in fruit. This - ia a bargain. Price $3000. 10 scr a unimprored fruit land all smooth and oa rock rosd. Price $1500 only $3oo down. Would exchange for small property in Salem. 60 acrea, 4 miles from good town, good 7 room house, good barn, work shop, chicken house, 10 acres 9 year old prunes, 2 acres of other orchard, about 15 acres other tillable land, bal ance timber and pasture, one mile from shipping ststion, 1-4 mile to school on market read. Price $4500. MrGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. S. National Bank Bldg. . Phone 140. 28-aprl9if USED CARS for sale 31 FOR SALE 1922 Dodge coupe, 3 passenger, run 800( miles, car fully equipped, $950. (sold.) 1023 Ford touring, just, like new. $400. 1918 Ford 1 ton truck with body, $125. 1920 Dodge roadster $150. 1918 Reo touring, A-l shape, $300, cord tires and extra equipment. 1920 Studebaker apecial touring, $450. (Terma) BONESTEELU MOTOR CO. . 31-apr2t FOR SALE BY GARDENER DEALERS; 173 So. Liberty 1917 Ford touring, good shape, priced right. 1918 Dodge, $325. , ' 1920 Ford touring, starter, $225. Also other good buys. 31 pr23 Special Values Ford ton-truck, tires good, dandy run ning motor, platform body, $225. Ford touring, atarter, good tires, new paint, $240. Buick six, a lot of car for the price, $230. Chevrolet touring, n nice running mo tor, general appearance rery good $173. Ford aedan. new tires, good paint and motor, $300. Newton-Chevrolet Co. 22T Hijh St 31-apr20t( 1918 BUICK ROADSTER. $325. LEAV ing town; must hare cash. For d m oustration rail at S59 X. Liberty St. Il-al8tf TJSF.D FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Touring ears $ 85.00 to $330.00 Roadsters 115.00 to 835.00 . Coupes Sedans 335.00 to . 825.00 to 65.00 to 85.00 to 450.00 495.O0 875.00 883.00 225.00 Light deliveries. Ton trucks. "Bugs". 60.00 to Other ears from 845 and up. All ears guaranteed. See us before baying. Liberal terma. Open eveainga and Sundays.. -VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1993 260 N. High U-n23tf APRIL USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE I .It does not take high powered aales , msnship to convince yon that we are offering real boys in used cara on our lot at the back of 219 N. Commercial , St. Come in and look them orer. Yon will be sure to drire one borne. Forda, Cberroleta, Elgin, t Buicks, Stndebsker, Essex, Jew it t. Dodges, ; Cleveland. Orrrlands, Franklin. Oak- Unds. Prices run from $100 to $1150. Open erenings and Sundays. (We give terms) ' F. W. TETTYJOHN CO. 210 Commercial SL Phone 1260 . - II aprl2tf rOR SALE FORD CAR. LOTS OF Ex tras, good rubber. Call 959 Front St, West Salem. 31-apr23 YOU MAY TRY TO SURPASS OUR Mfted car values by going elsewhere trat ' if yoa do yoa will find you can' even ' tie them. 1921 Maxwell, excellent condition , throughout. $275 1921 Big Six Studebaker. I say per fect,' $700. 1920-21 Hudson super six $600. 1922 Buick six sedsn, a wonder car $1315. 1919 Buick six tourinx. completely overhauled. Remarkable valu, $485. OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l. Phon- 220 3l-anr25 OWN YOUR HOME SEE ADS UNDER THIS HEADING ON THE CLASSIFIED V AO E TODAY :: :: Porky Knocks the "L" Out of "FLEET" ! WATCUE ME eT-P0oTEI YART5 PA5M.AND SAiD TO COACU-TWAT BOYS A BSJv V FOOTED SAPY T" 7. A . FOOTED SAT3Y CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ' . A1CBTTLANCB AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR night. Phone 66. 173 South Liberty. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft 8TRUBLE. REGISTERED Architects, 810 Bank of Ooauaerce ouiiaiag. AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, furniture, real esUte ; a AUCTIONEERS f , Res. 1610 K. Summer Phone 5 11. for sale da tea. v L. E. TALBOTT Anetianewtr Phone 470202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. 9' O. 8ATTERLEC ' Auctioneering Rooma 25-26, Breyman Block Phone 847 or 131U. fl-tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAS WITH our new permanent finish. , ' aaarrs Cms High Street st Trade. AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. "Buyers of old cars, metal, rags, pa per. Auto wrecking. Parte for all cars - 50 to 75 per eeat off list price. 975 N. Commercial. Phone 688. m-25-tf Cylinder grinding, crank shaft true ing. We're specialists. : Donerite Ma chine Shop. Automotive machinists. 849 Ferry St. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIA PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE - Station. Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros, Phoao 1608, 410 Cwart. '.. B, D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES - atarter aad generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AMD BwXBXMO LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY cla aad repairing; 887 Court. CARPET AMD BTJO WEAVZMG 8A LEU CARPET CLEANING AND Fluif Rug Worka Rag aad fluff ruga . woraa any sise without seams. Nsw . msttreases made ' to order. Old mat treaaes remade. Feathora reaoraied. I bny all kinda of old carpeta for fluff i rags. IS Va aad Wilbur atreeta. Phone 1 154. Otto r. Z wicker. Prop. CHXJTESB PHT8ICIAJT DRi L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 8. High St, Phone 283. CHIROPODIST DR. 8. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA . tioaal University Scisnees, Chicago, : Masonie Temple.. Phone 640. - ' CHXBOPXACTOBB DBS. SOOTT ft 8COFIELD, P. S O. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. ! . CLEANERS ft DYEBS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYEBS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We ape rialise on one day serrlee. - COKSUZTZMO EVGiaRRS CIVILv OON8ULTING, . CONSTRUCTION ConatructiEg aagiaeer. Surveys, esti mates. J no. U. Nasf, 8X9 Oregoa Bldr. Phoao T78. OOMTRAOTOKS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 486 . V. Bummer atreet. Phone 674-J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Eati . matea-gtadlr farniahed. Phone . 1867 R or 69P1S. - - - - d86tf DRESSMAKING DRE8SMA KING AND DESIGNING Carrie Fishes, MeCoraack Bldg, over Miller.- . al5tt PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V" warding "Dressmaking"; prieo 10 eeat a each. Eta teaman Business Offiee : Groohd Floor. - DRUG STOXES WK. N EI MEYER "JUST DRUGS." 17S N. Commercial. Phone 167. XXEGTBXCXAjrS SALEM ELECTRIO CO. MAS OHIO baUding. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC , FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. F L E E N E R ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnish sd. Phone 880. 414 Court St. HALLK'S ELECTRIO SHOP ELEO trical machine repairing, contracting. . 887 rhwrrt. Phone 488. ' FXXAJICZAX. LOANS - Farm and City. Most Uboral ratoa and psymeat "prlvilegeo. i HAWKtN8 ft ROBERTS. SOS Ore. Bldg. Salem, Ore. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, ao commission. Protects against adrersity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly lastshnenta, pr pay ment privilegee. J. O. Siegmund, room S, orer Ladd ft Bash bank. LOANS LOANS LOANS I caa make your farm or city loaoa, boat aorvica girra. li yoa need a Una. aee ate: a if yoa have money to plsee, sea mo I always hare taker. G. W. Laflar. Oregoa bldg. DO TUE lOO I ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Finns Arransed in Alliabetlcsl Order fcr Quick Reference rxvAjrczAX. 69b LOANS UNDER RESERVE 8Y8TEM oa city or farm property. Reserve De posit compear, 72 Fourth Street, Porv laad. Or. City Loans Oa improved property or for im pro red purposes. THE BEST and easiest way to pay on loan 1 our monthly installment plan. 96 payments of $14.40 repays a loan of $1000.00 and interest. Equitable Savings ft Loan - - - Assn. ANDERSON ft RUPERT. . : - Agents 406 .Oregoa Building FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fsrm paper, send 15 to the Pseifle Homestead, Salem, Oregoa for a throe months' trial subscription. Maatioi this ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cant stampa for apecial three months' trial for the best aad oldest journal ia the west. Th articles and edrertise aaoats are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 811 Cons- i mereial street. Salam. Oregon. rivoxisTi CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. O. T. Breithanpt, floriat, 12$ M. Liberty Phone 880. 11 " 1,1 FTJNBRAIt 9IBXCT0BS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tors. $10 Center. Phone 1650. ' FURNITURE STORES GIE8E FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for lees, money. 878 Ooart. Phoao 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand fnraiturs; 371 X. Commercial. in 1 1 ggggf mm I, i mamM GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN- PLOWING, DISCING, GRAI) ing, top dirt. Tacker, 1125J. m4t( HEMITITCHXNG HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING. PLEAT . ing. Tha Petite Shop, Room 8, over Buaieka n28tf 8ALEM ELITE H EMSTITOHINQ pleating, buttons, stamping aad needle ! work ; 328 Oregon bldg, Phone 879 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING - stamping, buttons. Room 10, orer Mil ler' store. Phono 117 HOhttiOPATHIO THT8ICXAN DR. U O. ALTXAN. HOMEOPATHIST. : Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall, and . Dropsy, arising from ; diseases of heart, liver or . kidneys i without operatioa. Office aad reai . dance, $96 N. Liberty St, Salem. Or. Phone 147. - - . - ZMSURAVOB . ! - WARREN F. POWERS - Ufa, Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 V. 8. Nat'l. Bank Bide. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. - LATJJTDRLES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 818 S. ' Libsrty atret. Phono 25. oldest . lsrgest best! Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY j Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Brnadwsy. Phone 165. . - ssTBSIOAX, MOUNTAIN BALK COUGH REMEDY - Phon 61T-W. MTSIO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO i playing. Popular syaoopated standard s musio. Somi-eUssle and ballads 12 : leaaons. Watermaa Piano School. Mo- f Comaek Bldg. afUSIO STORES SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO, PIANOS Btoiawaya, Dae-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 41$ Court Street. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO . graphs, sawing machines, shoot music, ; and piano atudioa. Repairing phoao graphs aad sewing . machines; 488 ' State street. Salens.' TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW ; Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Farai turo Co., Mnsio Dept. X ATURO P ATHI C PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTFR ACUTE AND : chronic diseasaa; 41S Oregoa Bldg ". Phone 110. - X13K3XS FOR PRACTICAL- NURSE PHONE 1524. n25tf FOR PRACTICAL. 1488M. XUR8E PHONE a25tf XTJZtSEBT STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREKS Pearey Bros, 88T But. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE goa Bldg. Rooms 801 to 804. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieal Co, 825 State Street, opposit ' Ladd ft Bash Bank. "Use Qaalit Prorea Shur-ena." . THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charge reasonable Examination free. 282 N. Commercial SL may-20 By Alexander itoUOB EASILY AW -TUE YRR Hot PLCAscDt-we l v. eo big- J UEFttBEDTO a) yauSL GUM BCATSV ( r PAPERHAXGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAM 8 FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, eta. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINB IN BEAUTI- fal solors ; $1 does a roes. Max O. Burea, 179 N.' Commercial. FHT8ICIAX OF PHTSIOTHZEAPHT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR ' OP PHY 81- etherspy, traata all ailmeats, womsa'S ailmeats aapeeially. 86$ N. Commercial street, mono 200MM. F1AVO TTJMZES EDWASD WELP EXPERIENCED PI aao tnaer. Leave orders Will's Maaie Store. PLUKBIXO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grahor Bros,. 141 8. Liberty. Phono 560. . f9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOZb work. Phone 495W. ' Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS, FEXDEES. ETO. RADIATORS. FENDERS, BODIES mads or renetret. J. o. Batr, 286 Btate St. RADIO RADIO SET'S BUILT FREE DEMON atratioa. Expert repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Johnson, 458. a-22. BEPAZXZXa ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. Umbrella, Cutlery and Soya Lawnmowers, rasor-bladea, . aclssors. antreo and tools sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Ressonable ratea. Cess pools elesned and dead animaU re moved. Phones: Office 85. Res. 2058. MAYFIELD SUA V ANGER SERVICE. Gsrbsga and refasala of ail kinds re moved. Phone J9FS. SB0O3TD BAMS GOODS WANTED E V EH Y THING IN CLOTH- lag and akoea.- Beet prieaa paid. Cap ital Exchange; -848 North Commercial Phone 1368W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot Nstional fence, aises 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc, loganberry and bop hooks. Salem Fence, and Store Works. 25Q Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AMD HAULING CAPITAL CITY". TRANSFER CO 223 State St. Phone 933. DUtriiiuiing, for warding aad storage our ,'.cialty. Oct J our rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty i piano. and furaitore moring. avVV'e elo make con a try trips. We handle tha- bei coil snd wood. Call on as for prie a, W gire good measure, good quality and good service.- Larmer Transfer Co. 1'bone 9.JO TRANSFER AND HAUUXG OF ALL kind. Phone I9F3. TRAXSPORTAwJf PARKER'S STAGE LINE8 J. W. Parker, General Manager ' Central Stage' Terminal Salem, Oregoa SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION " Leaees Salem, Central Stage Terminal . 7 a. m; 11 a. m; '5 p. m. Learea Silrerton . New a Stand: 9 a. m.; 1 p. ra.i 6 p. m. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Dirisioa leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m. ; 3:10 p. m. 5 : 1 0. p. m. Lea res Monmouth, Monmonth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m. ; 6:15 p. m. , Learea. Independence, Bearer Hotel: 8:30 a. m. ; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.f 6:30 p. m. Leares Central Stage Terminal, Salem r 'tot Dallaa at: ' . 7 a. m ; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. Learea Gail Hotel. Dallaa at: -8 a. m; 1 p. m. ; 6:11 p. a. - We make eoanections at Salem to all parts of- the valley.. 'Extra trips by ap pointment. ' J. W. PARKEn. flenersl Manager. '.VETEBTXARIAH FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 220 South Liberty. Phonell9t Rm. PnAJ" fi???' in" i'i "mi in 'i ii ' in"19 ,- - . WATEB SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER OO Office, 801 South Commercial St. To) - per cent discount oa domestic fig . rotes paid in - adraaee.. No deduction) for abaeaee or any ease aaleae wata) ia shot off yonr promie. - Easter Cantata Heard At Silverton Churcr SILVERTOX. Or., April 21. (Special ; to Tiie - Statesman.) Easter Ecrvices at Trinity, church were concluded by; the singing of cantata. "The Lord of the East ertide." (Greenwell by the Trin ity choir. " Tho' members of the rho'.r taking special part were; Mrs; M.-O: Gunderson. Miss Esther Larson, Mrs. Kuth Richards. All Jensen. Elmer Johnson, Theodore Ormbresk and A. O. Nelson. .Mis" Dora Henrteksen was at the organ The cantata Included the following nnmbersi Organ prelud, chorus by choir. "Darkness Falls"; bari tone solo and chorus by choir, "Light a Eventide": soprano solo, "On Calvary"; , baritone solo and men's chorus, "Keep Watch at the Door"; mezzo-soprano, bass solo, chorus? The Song in the Night"; contralto boIo, baritone solo, wom en's chorus "Who Shall Roll the tone away"; chorus by the choir. "Bcihold. a Great Earthquake"; tenor and bass solos. "'Fling Wide the Gates of Day"; chorus by-the choir, "Now Ig Christ Risen"; so prano golo and choru3v "Victorious Day"; . chorus and baritone solo. "Io. -I Am With ; You"; bass solo nd chorus, "Go Ye Unto All tbe World"; final chorus, 'The. Lord of the Eastertide." R c a d the ClassIRcd Ada T1IEBI0.iT Hi' fouie m Following are ths snacrr : ments of the candidates tor eci:!- natlon at tha primaries Hay i::i. TH Ust will bs eittiicl t:: i tUj to day: NATIONAL GEORGE L: BAET3 Reps b Ilea a candidate for TJ&itsi Ct&!s Senator. If elected he pledges thst bo will represent all of Oregon. ACAEIOM COirSTT - Is aaadidata for Coiaty 7a:: ef l"tr ioa county: Eqaat and Exact . Jas:ic U all, la his slosaa. .. - CAXZ. 8. WEES . Is a candidate at the Republican pri maries. May 16th. for Coroner of liar ioa county. If nominated and elected, -he will iavestigste without prejudice i eases coming under his jurndic'..ja. Elogsn : Service Above Self. - JOHN H. PORTER Is a candidate ia the Kernbliesn f maries May 16th. for CaeUy Cam atener of Marion county. Hia slopaa it: Strictest economy ia publis sxpeai i tares. J. T. HUNT - Will be a eaadidate la the Marion Conn ty Republican primaries Msy 16h for for County Judge. - If nominated anf elected, he is pledged to a strict but aess administratioa and fair trtf meat to all. UAJTB MOBUT : . , itepubliean candid at fetCenaty At Sassor of Marios eouaty. IUs stt Aa . arleaa family of fir. Heavy tir;;i School teaeher tor IS years; fire year; snecessfally ia grocery busiasis la Ca lorn. JOHM H. CARSON Will be a candidate far Proec&"- Attorney of Maria county at te pablieaa primariee May 16th. He w-,i ataad for the atrict enforcement of tat law. - A. O. MeMTIXEM Is a rsndidste far CoBnUbi of fi.l t .district. Recommsndatioa by iat . Bashey: "At trne aa oifieer as - wore a star." About 23 years expet lence at a peace officer. . , (STUB) SHZT3 Will be a eaadidate la the Rer,cV:e primaries May. 16th for Conatar d "he Salem district. Roaidaat of t ' 1 .nearly 40. , year. If nominated art elected he will d hi duty and play l i .faroritos. . .. .. 0- FBAJTX T. -WXIGHTZXA3t . Is a eandidste at th lUputllesa A maries May 16th. for County 3uCz Msrioa coanty. His slogs s: Strict eco easy en business .lines, with fair treat ment. lower taxes and aafarcameat 4 tha law. OHM A. JETTTESOW Is a candidate for Coast bte for Flt district. ilis tlarts: No interest ss Borve bat the Pnbti . Interest. LLOTD T. EIGDOH - Will bo a candidate in the Retns!:-ii : primaries Msy 16th for Coroner ( Lir t ioa county. If successful la the prints . iee and at the polls, ho will giro t duties of his office the same fai'hft attention that he haa given daring Li first term, which he is bow serving. U. O. BOTEB Will later announce hi eandidsey (." v Coanty Clark of Marion eouaty. , CLARK 0. GSOVES Will be a eaadidate for ConsUf.1 in I t ' Republican primary election Msy If; a ( Has served for msny years ia eaparm sjualifyiag him for tbe dutiea of t .place. If nominated and elected, t will give the dutiea of . the office 1 i . most faithful at lent ioa. without fear tit favor. P. J. KXTHTb Is a eandidatd for the offiee of Jar 4 at tha Peace of 8alem district, st : Republican primaries May 16th. He w,J appreciate your support. RALPH THOMPSON Is a candidate at the Rennbllcan pr' mariee Jtay loth., for Eaoritf of Manot eouaty. His slogsa: Juatieo wttaent - favor. - W. H. DOWNING ' Is a candidate for Coanty Ja;s of ire lon county st the Democrstie primar;t Msy 16th. Ha pled re law en, -rrt- - ! and redaction of taxea lent money. -;.. , , CITY OF S OF SALT II Fxra a EEixca Wilt be eaadida at the primaries tl May 16, for election a Mayor of Saie-m. If. elected he will derote hia lime in giriag the city a business admisi tratioa. ?. L. FRACIES la a candidate for City Recorder ef fH city of Sslew st the primary elertinii Msy 16th. . POULSEN Will be a candidate For CHy rrei f At the primary election May ltiih. I promises, if choean. efficient aerrir and atrict and impartial law. enforce ment. i. o. sica la a eaadidate far City TrstsnrT as the primariee May 16th. He proni the eamo efficient serrice hs has si - ways given. czo. T7, etoxr Annouares bis entiflary for C!y f cotdsr st the primari'-a ljy.l6th. 1 elogaa: Giro honest and fair treat - to all. joiiN e. ci; . Will be a candidate In r-r''--r My 16th for reeie-i 4 a i j- r Salem.-' If chosen, he sriil cf- ! same Sltention to tli affairs r f t;i r gnrernment that he hs he 1 s i with the hops n( li 'J- h Still greater ef ,.-: - r ta emmeet. end ef -' tiie gros th aci 1