v "- . - , - . .- . . , j, . . . , , -. : , .. . . - . '..?rr5ws;i 'J !::'!! iff: .'f - i ' THE OREGON STATESMAN,5 SALEM, OREGON Vf t & ?T -'sT-Tr , ':. '?""? .'-,t ; ;:'v' WFinNFSnAV MnTMTXrr atttt oo k ' ...... . ; . . I ...... t '-'sL4 ' .'7 - ' - " - r as 3 8 tea i iii i - mP o) T " Ers start right in and do the job right! To-day Nature is arraying her- - otu iu tT jujuua upmig gajiuwiisi i us j.oo, Drignien ana ' beautify evitrythinff we own. Let all our property, indoors and out, radiate fresh beauty and cleanliness. T-TF I I 7T7 h . : .- ' i .-. . - , - The merchants of this city are ready to jrive that will save you labor and expense no matter how small or" Urge yqzT "Bighten-Up,, task is. Read their announcements herewith caref u5y. Arid ,do so hesitate to ask for their advice on anything you want to accomplish. are made with our Lawn Grass Seed and Lawn Fertilizers. Beautiful effects made by us ing the proper flowers. . We have a very choice stock of Flower Seeds. Gladiolas make a verv o showy yard. We have some very choice bulbs. Ii V Va - I .1 a K i iia oiaaioias maKe a very VMM'Wv tCM 0 showy yard. We have some WwOTP) iTl''U rr very choice bulbs. 7 ' m ip!fw ' . WW OROPE1RTY owners are being urged in a r proclamation issued by Mayor j. B. Giesy to clean up their premises in connection with "Clean Up Week" which began yeisterday. llie movement is sponsored by the Woman's Civic club, which will have complete charge of ar rangements. All refuse is to be placed in con tainers and set in front of the properties. This will be removed by trucks, a jsmall charge being made for the service. ' ' Each truck will b,e accompanied by a Boy Scout. Others who are assisting the committee, from other clubs, include Miss Grace L." Taylor, the Salem Nurses club; Mrs.' F. II. Utter, Rapheterian club, and Mrs. W. A. Reeves, Business and Professional Woman's, club.. The week yrjll be observed until Saturdaj'. . PKQC3LAMATI0N ... FOR YOUR OLD AT u burn up yojir ragsrrsack them up, get tlie neigfeor's rags and we'll buy them for icash. : Ge$ busy; and gather in old iron, steel, tools, rubber, rags, and every thing. People are glad to get rid of You can make enough for that outfit. . ... . baseball mm Mil m: The House of Half Million Bargains 215.Genter St Phone 398 "1 hereby proclaim the week be ginning Monday, A pril 21. as '-'Clean up week" in the city of Salem and respectfully iirgeiftat in the effort to clean up our city and: rid it of all dirt or psh that may be either unhealthfiil or unsightly. "I sincerely trust that all will join wiLii uuiiiusiasmr 1 n tni s most worthy cause to the end that our city may be made still more beautir fill." (Signed) . MAYOR JQHN B. GIESY. APRIL 2Xst to 26th IVhich-lVouId You Oather Pay?. ; JSMALL Pain t BiUl drIG paMl ? : - Bear in mind thata surface rots or rusts if you do not protect it and. that MARS WELLS PAINT is the greatest of all pro tectors, j r-- t -. Also bear in mind that gallon of Mars- well's paint will cover more square feet of . surface than any other known brand. Years of experience have conclusively dem onstrated that Marecll's paints contain1 the properties necessary o successfully withstand the peculiar climatic conditions of the - Wil- -lamctte Valley. . ' t " We specialize in B la rs well's paint because it is the best paint. made. ? V v , . v Square DeaXHardware Company - ' ' .. . r t t .... r.-.; I:'', ww .mm Dirty little fingers that soil white paint Their marks are quicldy removed from woodwork painted with Barreled Sunlight BARRELED SUNLIGHT is a white point made . by a special process Which produces a smooth, j lustrous finish that can be washed like tile. : Dirt and smudges do not "sink in' ,- , This paint costs' less than enameL requires fewer , : coats and is mucbasie to apply. Ideal for any . interior urfar whrrf Korfit'and fleanlinfis'are rie- sired Comes ready , mixed in cans from half-pint to five-gallon sue. Can be easily tinted where color is wanted. ' ' - ' : ' . . ; 231 Court Phone 1315 Barreled " ;-XI7 ... TO A AND TT 7 rp : Really does beautify the home. A good color scheme fa tfca bis thlnj in either, or both. In - thi3 etcrs you will " '. " v . .-. Receive Helpful Advice V And be able to save considerable money. I am running a ; , Wall Paper Sale v All this ,veek. s measure up and buy your paper while the . . . ' big-reduction is on. ' . ,MAX;:0. BUREN : ' FURNITURE RUGS PAINT 179 N. Commercial ' Salem, Ore iA ND not only preserve it but make it a real honie. And it will cost so little to ive it that "homey" atmosphere tht does so much to make a happy fam ily circle. , " 1 yInS ; . We also have the lumber you will need for repairs. . . - X ' mm--x .. Falls City-Grc::. . . ...... -..., ,, , ,"' . JV. B. KEX.SAY, Hr r. 319 S. 12lh St. -Nczr P. 220 N. Coiamcrcial St