; SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1924 Not Very . taellgeiffifc ' ; Is It? ri:r f life If ll IllllfeiPS '' ft . . . ; ; WHY TMMW AWAY MOtet; " . - ! , ' ' - , '- - - ' - i ., ". ' " ' j. ( : r ,. . V . .....'.. ... '. ," , . , ' ;. . &7L fte v a it a ' or $ 77 ' . 77 77 ' " oragr mm S(Bl why tit it be lured from Salem by the dazzle of distant merchandise ? qiHE SALEM MERCHANTS arc the purchasing agents of pur community. They are our own people; they live . among us; they know our needs; they do their utmost to satisfy those needs; to give us helpful and conscien tious service. Our retail merchants have proved their confidence In this community by Investing many millions ol dollars; by staking their all on Salem's future. . They are entitled to a square deal. They deserve our wholc-lieartcd support and patronage. And every fair-minded man and woman flU concede that pref erence should be given to goods made In Salem and that all trading should be done In Salem shops. By trading at home you not only show a proper civic spirit You serve YOUR OWN BEST INTERESTS. For it's a wise person who spends a dollar where he has .a chance to get it back. A foolish person Is the "penny-wise" mail-order buyer who buys a Mplg-ln-a-poke", every time he patronizes one of these foreign enemies of the home merchant. Be square with yourself and with your neighbor, the-Salem merchant who serves you falthlully, honestly, Intelligently KEEP- YOUR MS A T HOME READ TIIE ADVERTISEMENTS OF SALEM MERCHANTS IN TODAY'S PAPER AND PATRONIZE THESE HOME PEOPLE 7 '! If I 1