The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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i t
SEnt NEWBl W -
Those attending, church Sunday
" " " ' I I J alia . V. IVvfl K 1
T'rit at" mo ui iauu iuivu u
' J . d fcrlll whon In
tajio1 rcvc " "
the midst of the sermon the doors
izi hooded members of the Ku,
- aX XV 111-1 v - o .
3-srn the aisle to the pulpit and
r-xsented the pastor. Rev. Haye
t n a' purse containing $25 and
M silently departed. "
C"" Factory . i: "
representative here Friday and
c-ttrday to explain. Instruct and
i-3onstrate all paints. Tarnishes
,;ienamels. Max O. Biiren. 179
j commercial .8t.-HiS. .
Eoostiaff the Viking Brand
. Tie U Flouring mills, of Sll?
, terton. Oregon, are starting an ad
vertising campaign in this issf)e of
'V-s Statesman. This company is
l itariag the Ylkln brand . of
I::arts of Wheat, pancake flour,
i;at nuts, health bran and rolled
e lk The machinery that makes
v .heat Is the only machinery
of lu kind. In the west, according
to E- C. Kruger, salesman In this
territory. Mr. Lima, senior mem-
l r cf the firm, la an old time mm
t -ii taring followed this business
la Willamette ralley for the
p it 2 J years. ,
- 7-h riaya Tonight
r. Nervations at aigh
rv.ryone out. a.
rj-ter Case Dismissed ..
Iscaase the state wag able to
V.':r no direct and but very little
lz direct evidence in Its case against
Csorge Slaughter, who was charg
el witi trespassing npon the lands
: cf V.. a Winslow, P. J. Kuntz,
JzLlkof the peace, yesterday dia-
. cl-zs-i the case.--r
I try Enamel f 4.50 ...
"Liienamel", a good paint at
$ 3.C 5. It'a Glidden's, of course.
i;i ctter brand equal In value.
i;x 0. Buren, 179 N. Commercial.
1 ' - i
I r Learn Llfe-aaving
; Twelve members of the YMCA
Jzzlor and Red Cross life savings
cc-rs met fqr instruction Thurs
t j afternoon at the YMCA. The
c' 3 ts in charge of Marvin Lewis,
lit rector.. ... . :
I . r Good WortB ' I :
Ari QTiIck. service briar your
I. r.s to tie Capital Drug Store.
Evans Fvaeral Today
Facerai services for Mrs. Ruth
Evars. wife of Rev. John J. Evans,
pastor -of the First Christian
church, will be held at 2:30 o'clock
tils afternoon, with Albion Esson,
cf Gervais. an old, schoolmate of
Ksv, Evans officiating. Due to
tta nature of the illness, the re-r.-Jzs
will not be taken to the
charch. Immediately after " the
memorial services, burial services
::i he held at the City View ceme
tery, hich will be private. Mrs.
E i : -$ died at her home: at 5 4 4
". ST
f : rent. Choice location.
n;:n . 14 by .SO feet, brick
I Slllr. See T, G. BUgh.
ynu Neimeyer- -
! Eurincss For Your "
! - Health
IITIN.CcI. Phone 167
;Z..-javiiSi HARDWARE I ';.
;.I :r!.t, Col3 and Xxchansed.
J 11. Coml Ce. FJboba 4S2
T7e Pay Casi ;
C3 - Italian Prune Trees. Good
irices on Walnuts, Trade Prune
trees for young cattle. General
l irsery. Stock, Sales Yard and
c.fice, 544 Ferry St.
rnuiTLAXD nursery
A. J. B fat his. Prop.
C.Mce rhone 109. Res. 1140M
III Cress Telepaon 437
1. a ' Czzjtj Bell Issoraace
; , Cezenl Insnranca '
V Frank Warxr
, .-3 Criminal and Genuine Spln-
.i:tnsat Treatment. EkUl-
r:.:zlc;i Adjustmeal - ttat
r J retits. .
. rrx ii. cj. uarsixaxxi
C.cjathis PnysUlaa aad '
.. " " Cateoa '
CiCtm r;., .... : Calem
Grf.l C Tr
i. y73 frcm
Center about 1:30 o'clock yester
day from diptberia after an illness
since Monday. Besides her hus
band she is survived by a daugh
ter, Margaret Krans, of San Jose,
Calif., and a sister , of Oakland,
Calif. both of whom arrired In
Salem Jast night.
We Specialize-- l
On smart hats at $12.g0. The
French. Shop.' Masonic Temple.
v ,.:.. ... ,., :. - i - apr5
Fire Department Called Cv"v -T
- A chimney fire at 865 , North
Sixteenth called out - the fire de
partment at 8:15 o'clock Thurs
day morning. There was no damage.-'
Niw Ughtlng Flxtnrca .
Get oar prices and save money.
Salem Electrio Co. t F. S. Barton,
prop.. Masonic Temple. 'j Phone
1200. 1 . mitt
Attend Portland Conference
Dr, G. Ii. Lovell, presiding elder,
was re-elected at the Evangelical
conference , In Portland . which
opened yesterday, according to
word recevld here last night. Rev.
C. G. Pohling is also attending the
conference, which will close Sun
day night. '"'
Annual Reports In ,
The Eastern Oregon Light &
Power company of .Baker, in its
annual report for 1923. shows op
erating revenues of $365,213.89;
operating expenses amounting to
$214,569.74, net operating) reven
ue of $160,644.15, and net income
of $41,618.65. the latter i a; de
crease of $15,679.26. as compared
with the previous year. Other re
ports received were : Blue Line
Stage company. Walla , Walla-
Operating revenue. $26,342.72;
operating .expenses, $21,178.55;.
operating income, $5111.90. Klam
ath Heating company Operating
revenue, $23,416.39; operating ex
penses, $28,839.38;. net loss of
Flat Wall Paint '
Being demonstrated by Glidden
factory- representative Friday and
Saturday. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial. a5. ; .
Broccoli Rate Cut ;
The American Railway Express
company yesterday Informed the
public service commission that it
has reduced the rate en broccoli
from Roseburg to AstorU from
$2.18 a hundred to -
All Hair Bobbing SOc
Including shingles. , Model
Beauty Shop. 112 N. Com'l St., and
at Lee Canfleld's. under the Ore
gon Theatre. Union prices. a6
Promotes : Good Health
One-Third Cream
II. E. RTDEOUT, Proprietor
i .-.. .
At the Following Price
For m Few Days: '
014.50 Per Ten
Wood for 16-inch from 9.00
to 10.00 Per Cord :
L&rxner Transfer Co.
4S9 etate et
'Phone SSO
Dr. Harrison Polk and Dr.
Paul G. Stapran, 1484 State
SU Salem, Oregon are
Chiropractic J Doctors.
The Abrams method of Elec-.l
tronic Diagnosis at.d Treatment
Is not taught Chiropractic doc
tors' by Dr. Abrams or any of
his colleges. These doctors, at
1484 State Street use the E. R.
A on their sign and advertise
ment. This is misleading and
has caused persons to start
treatment with them, thinking
they were receiving the real
Abrams treatment. ; . ,
For fact address,
- P-" i
1 0 ru m o 3 p. "m
Petition Withdrawn
. The Oregon Short Line Railroad
company nas withdrawn Its pe
tition filed recently with the pub
lic service commission for author
ity to discontinue Its , agency at
Riverside, Or., according to infor
mation received by the public ser
vice commission. '
Saikpoh Flays Tonight ?
Reservations at high
Everyone out. a4. -.
Marie Brisss PromotMl ,
Miss Marie Briggs, who has-been
in the Inheritance tax department
of the state treasurer's office for
several year was . vesterdav nro-
moted to . be private , secretary to
btate Treasurer Jefferson Myers.
Cecil Panning. Baritone
Grand theater, Fri. Mch. l4th
Prices,- $1,. $1.50, $2, plus tax.
apl 4. .. .: "
Liberty P-T,Mct .
-One of the liveliest community
meetings in the district is planned
by the Liberty Parent-Teacher as
sociation , tonight. In addition to
an Interesting program prepared
by local people, several prominent
Salem people , will he resent for
short talks. " Mrs. Winnie Petty
john, in charge of "Better, Homes
week,: will make a short talk, out
lining the purpose of the move
ment; Dr. R. E. Morris will speak
on cooperation; and John L. Brady
on r. community- progress. k- Mrs;
John A. Carson, president of the
Marion County Health association,
will tell of the work being carried
out In the county, while Mrs. Lyda
King, county health nurse, will
describe' the activities of her de
partment. i. i
Season's Smartest-
t Modes and vognes in
wearing apparel at the
Shop. 115 N. High.
Evans Class to Meet ' '
! Feeling that it Is his wish that
the Bible class meet as usual at
the Btigh theater Sunday morning,
the committee in charge of ar
rangements have gone ahead and
completed 'the program for the
meeting 1 next Sunday at 9:45
o'clock. Homer C McDonald, the
new organist at the Oregon theater
HARCLERODE Samuel Harcle-
rode died at a local hospital on
April 3 at the age of 75 years.
Survived by one sister, living in
Spokane. Funeral will be held
today at 4 p. m. : Interment' In
I OOF cemetery. Rigdon & Son
has charge. , 3-. - JT ,
MAG NESS At aMocal hospital.
Anna Magness, age 61 years, on
April . 3. . Funeral services will
be held from the Rigdon mortu
ary Saturday at 1:30 o'clock.
Interment in Lee Mission ceme
tery. . ; ,. ' ' ' :;.ij4-
EVANS At the residence, 544
CJenter street, Wednesday, April
21924; Mrs. Ruth Evans, wife
of Rer. John J. Evans, and the
mother of Miss Margaret Evans
of San Jose, Cal. Also survived
by a sister living in Oakland,
' Cal. Memorial services will be
held Friday, April 4, at 2:30 p.
m. -at First Christian church.
with Albion Eason of Gervais
officiating. Interment' - which
will be private, will be in City
View cemetery. ; Rigdon & Son
are In charge of arrangements.
CRAFT Mrs. Nola Craft died "at
a local hospital April 3, age 44
years. ' Her remains will go for-
" ward today to The Dalles, Or.
Webb funeral parlors in charge
of arrangements. 1
UXDERWOOD At his home, nine
'miles south of The Dalles, on
March 29, Irving Melville Under
wood, at the age of 47 years.
He was born near Gllroy, Cal.,
May 10 1877. and came with
his parents and two Vlder broth
' rs to The Dalles in December
of that year, near where he ha
, since made' his home. He was
a graduate - of OAC. (B. S. in
. mechanical engineering) in 1904
v and hag been farming ever since.
He leaves his widow and three
girls, besides his parents and
nine brothers and' sisters, and
" numerous other ; relatives and
friends. One of his brothers,
" Edward F., (OAC 1 6 , resides
'in Salem. ; --'-' 'Ki. " .'
Dalem iHortuarp
. rcaaaai. piaxoxoasj .
niGBorr soits
will sing a special selection, Al
Won Esson of Gervais,; an old
schoolmate of Rev. John J. Evans,
the founder of the class, will pre
sent the subject of the day. It
Is desired that all those who have
attended theclass will be present
at this time, while a welcome is
extended to all .new members or
those. who wish to attend.
Radio Classes Growing '
l Interest Is keen In the two radio
classes at the YMCA, and the boys
with Eric Butler as instructor,
are now able to copy and send to
each other. Then men's class Is
In charge of F. S. Barton, and has
a good enrollment. The classes
meet once each week.
And reasonable prices at Rest
Sanitarium and Maternity . Home.
1899 State St
Wife Is Aided
.When O. E. Kelly appeared be
fore p. J. Hunts, justice of the
peace, Thursday on a charge , of
non-support, which had been pre
ferred by his wife, Neva Kelly,
Judge Hunts was able to extract
$25 in cash from the man; which
will be turned over to his wife.
The Kellys have one son, Howard.
age 8 years.:
Snlkpoh Flays Tonight-
Reservations at high
Everyone out. a4.'
Portland Police Visit '
A large delegation of Portland
police, members of the drill team.
were in the. city last night to at
tend a dinner and entertainment
given by the Masons, i Nearly 300
were present for the event.-
Dainty New Frocks . " -
Arriving dally, priced from
$19.75 up. The French Shop, 115
High St. apr5
Reserve Officers to Meet - .
All members of the Salem Sector
Reserve Officers' Association . of
the United States, have been noti
fied by Col. Carle Abrams, presi
dent, that there will be a meeting
at; 6:15 o'clock Monday night at
the Gray-Belle. Following the
dinner General George 'A. White
will speak on sonfe. subject of .vi
tal importance to' all reserve aa'
National Guard officers. Those
who will be able to attend are re
quested to notify "Headqaarton
382nd infantry, postoffice build
ing, Salem."
Sheriff Has Plenty Left '
When Sheriff Stickles, of Lane
county, called up on the long dis
tance Thursday morning to notify
Chief of Police Frank 't MInto
that7 "he" had " lost '-"ltr'-'meix
the" previous night through jail
break; he apparently, was not wor
ried.' Chief of Police Minto at
tempted to "kid" the sheriff, who
replied, "Hell, what do I care. I
still got 14 left.
tt 14 j
Comings Goodbye Dance
Of Oswald's Serenaders, ' ten
men at Dreamland Thursday;
April 10.--a6. -
Traffic Violators Fined 1 v '
Several $ 5 fines were levied in
the police court yesterday for var
ious infringements - upon traffic
laws. Tracy Staals, of Dallas, for
feited his bail for passing a street
car while it was discharging pas
sengers; J. C. Orr contributed for
failure to dim his headlights and
M. Gwynn for parking over the
limit on State street. " - :
Cancer Removed '
Wednesday, by the use of medi
cine, ' Dr. Stone removed a can
cer from the ear of A. E. Steven
son of Salem. a4.
Sarred Concert Planned .
A1 sacred 'concert will be given
by a choir of 35 voices at the
First Methodist church . Sunday
night. The choir Is under the di
rection of Prof. E. W. Hobson.
with Prof. T. S. Roberts at the
pipe organ. A majority, of the
members of the choir : are also
members of the two Willamette
university glee clubs. r
Pasture for' Horses . ' '
And cattle, Rt. 3, Box 264 A.
John Crolsan. - : apr4
Kuntz Has Rosy Day
Legal affairs kept P. J, Hunts,
justice of the peace, on the move
Thursday. (.He tried a case in the
justice court In the morning, fin
ishing, at noon. He- left soon af
ter for Dallas, where, he won a
lawsuit in the- polk county court.
and then was back - In Salem to
hear another' case in the justice
court at 230 o'clock in the af
ternoon. -
The French Shop .
Representing the ultra in orig
inal design .and unapproachable
workmanship, at $12.60, 115 High
street. i. . i - :J:- ' apr5
Students Offer Plays
Three, one-act plays will be of
fered at the high school auditor"
ium tonight by the Snlkpoh dram
atic society.' Ia "The Maker of
Dreams, Gerald Mero plays the
part of Pierrot, Mary Kightlinger
as Pierette and Marold Mero as the
Maker of iDreams. " Lucille Petty
john will have the leading role of
Maury In "Riders of the Sea," the
second performance. Other mem
bers of the cast are Virginia Dor
cas as Cathleen; Mildred Gilbert
as Nora; John Caughlll. as Bart
ley; Frank .Patterson and Max
Davidson -as old men; Margaret
Breitenstein. . Francls Tucker,
Florence Busca and Charlotte
Zeiber. as, old women. In the last
play, "Suppressed Desires." Benoit
McCrosktfy will have the lead as
Steve; Jean Shipp as '. Henrietta
and Fay Wassam as Mabel.. .
Officers Installed -
.Installation of the newly elected
officers and announcement of the
appointive; officers was the main
feature of the Elks lodge session
last night. The newly elected of
ficers are: Exalted ruler. Dr. C.
B O'Neill.- esteemed leading knight
I. W. Lewis; esteemed loyal knight
O. L. McDonald; esteemed lectur
ing knight, Milo Rasmussen; sec
retary. Harry ? J. Wiedmer; treas
urer Jacob Fuhrer; tyler,:A. L.
Fraser; trustee for three' yeal-s.
Dr. H. H. . Olinger; , delegate to
grand lodge, E. M. Page; alternate.
Charles R. Archerd. Officers ap
pointed by Exalted Ruler O'NeiH
are: Chaplain, Arthur Brock;' in-:
ner guard, Edward Pratt; esquire.
Charles E. Knowland; assistant es
quire. William Paulus; band lead
er, Oscar teelbigmmer; orchestra
leader, ,Fred Hearth; director, of
chorus, Dan F Langenberg; or
ganist,' Dr. Carl. Wonner. A local
talent entertainment was put on
after the session.
On Campaign Tour '
Lane Morley, republican candi
date for county assessor, and Rev.
U. S. Crowder, prominent business
man of Salem, passed through Sil-
verton the first of the week on
their way to Mt. Angel, Woodburn
and other points of interest in the
county. Mr. Morley Is a merchant
of Salem ' and U. S. Crowder Is a
Methodist minister. The Silverton
Appeal. . - f - ;' '
Paving Plant Opens '
Spring weather is speeding up
the work of the county paving
plants, according to the roadmas
ter's office. The foundation for
the St: Paul pWnt will be started
this morning, according to F. O.
Johnson, assistant roadmaster.
Files for Precinct Chairman .
U.' S. Crowder yesterday filed
his declaration of candidacy as re
publican precinct committeeman
for Salem precinct No. 16.
'.- :' , ', '
License Granted
A marriage license was , issued
yesterday to Everett J. Hughes
and Hazel Magnuson, both of
Woodburn.- .
Apportfonmcnts Being 3lade
The Bpring school apportion
ment funds are being worked out
In the county school superinten
dent's office and warrants will be
sent out In the near future, ac
cording to Mrs. Mary Fulkerson,
county superintendent.
1 T" - -r'-:''J .
Attorney Smith. Recbverinic !
City Attorney Kay u. mun is
rapidly recovering from an attack
of poison oak, which' was followed
by infection. He still nas nis
throat wrapped "up, but said yes-
ha - hellft-TAl , hA WOUld be
all right by Monday. Owing rb
the nature of the poisoning. Mr.
Smith has been unable to shave for
the last week or 10 days, and con
sequently has considerable hirsute
growth upon his face. ' With con
victs running around loose,, Mr.
Smith said he had found it safer
to stay in -his office most of the
time., and not to be. seen on the
street. With the capture of all
but one of the six convicts, he Is
again venturing forth. I
Spend Night in Jail ' 1
After spending the night In the
city jail, two youths, giving, the
names of O. J. Smith and J. D.
Fortia were " released , yesterday
morning.; They were arrested for
smoking cigarettes. .
For Only Cents ' '
Friday and Saturday iyou can
secure a 35c can of -Jap-a-lac, any
color. , Factory representative
here to demonstrate. Max O. Bur
en, 179 N. Commercial. a3. -
Bicycles Are Claimed- I
Two bicycle owners called at
the police station yesterday and
claimed their property that had
been turned fn. Another-bicycle
was brought in Thursday.
Hear R. L. Robbie !
At the Derby hall tonight at 8
o'clock. "All Nations Marching-to
Armageddon but Millions now Liv
ing Will Never Die." Seats free;
no collection, j ' - , , , - a 4
Attended Guard: Banquet L ,
Several Salem men, in response
to an invitation from : Lieut. Col.
Eugene C. Libby of Portland, mo
tored to Portland last night to at
tend an anniversary banquet at the
Multnomah county armory in con
nection with the annual ' meeting
of the National Guard association.
The dinner was given in honor of
Adj. Gen. George A. White, in re-
A"OJ SfcG'O DV0k
We have vacated the room at 230 So. Commercial, Marlon Hotel
' t Bldg and are now at our new location at -
189 No. CommerciaL Gale & Co.'s Old Location.
More Room , Larger Stoclc
Better Prices -
cognition, and appreciation of his
outstanding work for the national
defense. Those who motored from
Salem, returning after the ban
quet, were Col. Carle Abrams, Jef
ferson Myers, state treasurer, Carl
T. Pope, Bolton Hamble and Clar
ence J. Green.
Attended Portland Banquet
Carl T. Pope, Salem . attorney
and candidate, for district attor
ney on the' Republican ticket, was
an Invited guest at the banquet
given last night In the Portland
armory to honor Brigadier Gen
eral. George A. i White, adjutant
general of Oregon. The banquet
was arranged by the National
Guard association to pay fitting
tribute to General White for his
outstanding work for the national
defense. ' ,
Outline Baseball Schedule .
Completion of a schedule for the
coming season will be made at a
meeting of tepresentatives of the
six teams in the Twilight baseball
league at the YMCA tonight. Mem
bers of this league are the Amerl
can legion, YMCA, Tinners, Log
gers, Bankers and Company F,
ONG. ... . :
E. S. Kennell.' of the Kennell
Ellis portrait studios, Eugene, was
in the city- on business Thursday.
The (firm specializes in commercial
and home portrait photography. 1
P M. Gregory, of the Buttercup
Ice Cream company,, spent Thurs
day in Oregon City on business.
Mrs. Vesta Stanley of .Silverton
was In the eity Thursday morning.
She is a teacher in the public
schools. f i " ' . .. .
Sam,. Garland of Lebanon was in
the city on court business yester
day. " Mr. Garland is senator from
Linn county. . -
-Harold ' Socolofsky, . a freshman
at the University of Oregon, is
spending the remainder- of the
week with his - parents, Mr.1 and
Mrs. p. D. Socolofsky. He has
been suffering from a severe cold
but expects to resume his studies
Monday morning. 1 ,
Mrs. Sarah Myers is- recovering
from an operation at the. Salem
hospital Thursday; She Is the
mothep of Oliver and Frank My
ers.. . i - i - r .
Lee Canfield. president . of .the
Oregon state barber board of ex
aminers, will go to Portland Sun
day to conduct examinations the
following two days.
S. Levy was a Portland business
visitor Thursday. ' '
Miss Viola Shepatd of Stayton
was' a recent visitor In the city.
Fred Collins ;of -the Sta-ndard
Oil company offices, 4 has r been
called to Grants Pass, his former
home, .y the death of his wife's j
father., Mrs. Collins has been in
southern Oregon for several weeks.
He is, expected to return to Salem
the first of the week. " 1 ' :-
Mrs. Jean Stanton of Eugene
was among recent visitors in Sa
lem; ' : - .; -,-.:..: -
Leon Enrol Stars;
In Famous "Sally
Leon Errol. sole star of Flor-
ens Ziegteld's famous "sauy."
comes to the Grand . theater Tues
day, April 8. .
In the exposition of this merry
and tuneful musical comedy, Mr.
Errol has the cooperation of his
volatile teammate, Walter. Catlett,-!
and many others Identified with
the busy life of "Sally," since . It
was first produced In December,
1920. It is the only company
that has played or will play
"gaily," and Ziegfeld has : tenac
iously held it together so tar as
humanly possible. -
The title role now falls to 15-
year-old, Shirley Vernon, whom he
has trained for this part for the
last three years and who has reg
Popular Priced
Men's and Young Men's
Tailored Suits $23 to $45
D. ,H. Mosher
on ''Electronic Reactions of y
' Abram's
By Dr. Paul O. Stapran. ;
at the Salem Women's Club .
Bld., 460 Cottage St..
Friday, April 4th, 8 P.
After the lecture Dr. B.'H.
White is kindly Invited to ap.
pear before the audience in per
son and make any accusations
desired against the ERA CLIN
IC and Its staff, 1484 State St.
--, f
I A '
Istered the same hit that she re
cently scored as Mary Eaton's suc-
serrot In the Follies. . .
Mr. Errol hfmself has won wide
renown as the most original and
distinctive of 'comedians through
nearly 2.000 performances of the
waiter-duke in "Sally," In 'the
popularity of . which he has been
a great factor. "Sally" Is credit
ed with having everything that a
musical show should have mirth,
gorgeous costumes and stage set
tings and a - dazzling array of
Ziegf eld's personality beauties. It
is in gay accord with the spirit of
the timeT
Julius Stark Succumbs
To Injury to His Spine
SILVERTON, - Or., April 3.
(Special to The Statesman.)
Julius Stark, the foster son of Mr.
and Mrs. Pj Jacobsen of Mill street,
died at the Silverton hospital on
Wednesday night after a lingering
illness. Mr. Stark injured his
spine shortly before Christmas and
had steadily grown worse until
Wednesday morning when he suf
fered so severely that he was taken
to the hospital. No relief could
be had and death came at about 7
o'clock. Funeral, arrangements
have not been made.
Mounted Policeman
- Seeks to Be Retired
VANCOUVER, B. C, April 3.
Lieutenant Colonel Theodore A.
Wroughton, assistant commission
er of the Royal Canadian Mounted
police today sent In his resignation
to headquarters at Ottawa, Ont.,
with a request that he be retired
on a pension. . - -
j Colonel Wroughton served . 37
years in the . old .y organization.
known as the Royal Northwest
EASTER snKreiti printtim
but it dot Dot mean yon,
r going to hT inmrner
' wetber right awajr. Ar yon
ur yoa hmr ourh eoal to
gir yon eomfot; all thru tha
chilly apriay Bioatbst Wa ara
now offering aoma apodal pricoa
la coal that are to your ad
vantage. . i
"Oar coal la. U eoal" r
Broadway at Mood
PHONE 1855
Salem, Ore.
iSri W )
i M 0
4itEastcr i
8 4 : 0
Snook's Kodak Finisliin
209 Gray Bldff.
Central Pharmacy -:- Terminal Cigar
Opera House Pharmacy -:- Smoke Shop
: Funniest of AH Comedians '
With Waller Calletl and Original Cast.
Glorious CV Glcriiusl ?
Girls PU; ;GirIs
' ; ; Pick of the ZiegficU Follies
. pmcrs. ,
'Entire Lower floor". . .84.4)
1st 3 Rows Balcony . .. , ... . ... , f VT
- -: Nxt 2 Rows Ualcony ". . . . . . . . . V :.' '
Gallery (Not Iacrrcd) ....... I
. r , ... ' :
Fits Eyes Ccrrcclly;
For over one-third "of a century Dr.
Mendelsohn has been fitting glasses. He
absolutely guarantees' satisfaction an 1
you will find his prices very reasonable
considering the work he does and the
materials used. j
Dr. Mendelsohn DOES NOT BELONG
. His offices are on the second floor cf
the United States Bank Building.
' Telephone 723 for Appointments.
Mounted Police, and later in tho
Royal Canadian Mounted police.
As an inspector . and later sx.i
superintendent. Colonel Wrought
on saw 8ervice with the police
force in the early days of the Yu
kon 'gold rush. r
He was one of the small band
of mounted police who brought
law and order into the Canadian
territory inside the Arctic circle.
TrmL f . C ? f
a uuu v
A Can cj
.... . . y-j r
for 6Cciit3
Tear oat and 11 in the cocpen
below and present it at our etor .
It entitles you to a can of Jap--
lac for the astonishing fiico cf
6 conta.
But YouLlucS Aci
Better come in today cr to
morrow." This offer is f cr a
limited time only.
A Coupon Worth Mont .
Tkla rpo eatltlo y tm
m rter plat ( J--Ime,
aay colr, (or c. It i
mlmm wortk S4e i
piled aatk parrkaae t
mmy Iarsrr alae tmm eX Jmp-a-Lae.
Town .
179 N. Commerciitl
?- ' Salem