THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY; MORNING, APRIL 4 1924 -v f. "nhianV PaDer ;Has Re ceived: a Copy TwmM: r, IjoyMmXitlzen;4 Tie. following news ' item ap pears ta the "March 27th issue of tv3 Herald, of Mancelona, Michi giz, a live paper In a I) ve, town In tta center of, the hardwood timber ls-i cf the northern part of that "Tia Ilerald office received "this i 49 page edition of the Ore g i Statesman, published at. Sa le i. Oregon. It gives a glowing tc :-:nt of the natural advantages anl ret posslhJlIUes. of ;the.Vil- ' la- -.te valley. ,It predicts, that Suleu will become the Belf ast of America, owing, to. the flax Indus try which Is rapidly developing, in tt at section.) Fruit growing, dai xy: i 3i general farming are set fcrt i la.a very attractive mannVrT Tis excellent educational and re i: ;j.n.i advantages, are highly com- il- i cn. . .The - great mineral w. V too was given a promi nent place. " We are indebted to W. R. Palmer fornierly of this j!?, who now lives jin Salem, for tta receipt' of thfa splendjd edl7 ii " -: 'i ' GTAYTO'J f.'EiVS . . AYTCNY Or., April 1. Mrs. I. , y cf Seattle arrived in Stay t: iturday for a few- week's vis it v ..a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. TV Kearns. . : -; " - ' " s. Ansa Shea of Brownsville v a week-end visitor.; wif.h her g Mrs. Charley Lampson. ; V IL Humphreys of. Shaw was a I 'zs .visitor-in Stayton the I t r art of the week. 4' , l a broke out in the picker re , a at the" woolen mill- -Friday : -":c3, causing considerable ex c: :zt for . awhile. The smoke . :j jo.densa. it was difficult to d.:..ine how great the fire was U first, however it was soon control with, but slight dame ROUTE OF ARUY AHlPLAf lES IN FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD vviiri 31 v- 1 iMiiS. W ARRIVAL, AND DISTANCES - " r. and- Sirs. C. J. Seibel were ::n. visitors .Saturday, from l hill ' ;! - '.-,;.. a Lambert was. m town Sat--, carrying badly lacerated V caused by being kicked by rsa, ..The hand waa total, open .13 the' second, and third finr it quiring several stitches to the w6und. i -: i.'Ceor-a L. Brown has been -as tie past 10 days visiting bar daughter, Mrs. J, IU. Shaw, at Illar.ith Tails.' . ' ;,'':K- 11:3. Cseei and son Kenneth, t a 1 t: ec. 5w-sol tjS?i; ' ' ;iK69o5fe X QeX "IvysS ! This maf shows the military pfe jiaion 1th which the JJ. S. Army A.irj Service's" sJobe-etrclln' ' filght las'; ben planned.' '.The ' squadron ot giant air cruisers left ' Clover Field. , at Saota. . Jipalca, Cat, : on March 17 . and if the schedule la maintained the fliers will land. at. MitcheU Fteld.- Long- 'Island, .oa Aug. s. . . . . : y. : v months, while Kenneth was i at tending the Stayton school,, left Saturday for their home near Mill City:- ;-v; vv - .. ! ;' v r rpi ' Mrs. ' Phil Fisher and daughter, Elva Fisher, came over from Vic tor Point Saturday and spent the afternoon shopping In Stayton. Mrs. Ben pescher and Mrs. Philip Steffes, two prominent ma trons from Sublimity, were - Stay ton visitors one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Iva Thomas and Mrs. Hauser were here one day last week from their home in the North Sahtiam neighborhood ' ! Mrs. Louise' M. James spent the day Friday visiting with Mrs. A. J. .Chance. ; f r Elmer jArchambeau, a near-by Linn connty farmer, and Miss Ma bel Nubaf, of. Lebanon, were, mar ried in ' Vancouver, h 5rednesda3r. After a short honeymoon trip the happy couple will make their .home, on the gTooma farm. V f 5 . - A program has, been arranged for the next Parent-Teacher meet- vlc l ave been here the past seven, ing which, will be held in the audi- erlng took place! at 'the home of his, davshter,, Al,rs.Wjll Walling, all the chidlren and grandchildren being, present. Thy are. as lol lows: Mr. and Mrs.-A.-C. Tindayy, Mrs. OpairNeison and. 50m, Donald. Mrand; Mrs.. Charlie. Jindali and son, 1 jobert, an d Mrand M rs. Will Walling and, daugh ters, Neva, Vel ; The Woman's Missionary socie ty wiU 'meet-with Mrsi J. jSutter April 9. It will be the closing up of. the yeaV's wprk and election of officers ot the cdmfn'year.Y-. PRATUJ v I i P3ATtJM,t Or : April 2Sy 3. Yates Js installing a pressure water. Sstem. Mr, Yates and ; S. , S. lumgurtner are, building a tower for the supply tank. ; -,. " -'Y '! U.' M..- Lambert. jkIul. barely es caped death. ,6y a , premature ex plosion; while lasting .stumps is up, and, around ;apd.dqing yr,$llr , , ! A. Bowen was shearing goats fpr tFred, jle Vries yesterday. . , The;Mlfl8ionary society will meet at the home of, Mrs D. Kleen tonight. Gladys Emery the 'new County Sunday tSchooL, secretary, ,1a send ing out report blanks to the Sun day schools in the county. i A number, of carioads of pota toes have been, shipped fromhere tte past week. . . . : - ; Th -Sunday, school) convention up, r; Mrs. Shanks from 'Salem and Jfcer.V; Mr,' Mathews from Gervals, were the out-aide speakers. , j Good Used ; Car,; or SaleSee them ; listed on the ..Statesman's iassifid;pA6e.:;.:u". - .:r - 7 :. Libertv To Have" j K -NevrPips"Qrgaii at the- Methodist Episcopal church Almost! coincident with the re duction iinithe price, of admission at the Liberty theater to 2 cents fQr all shows comes the announce- ment: of. the management that a new organ,' larger, and more cora- plete than Jhe present instrument. has- been ' purchased, .-has arrived in Salem and . work of installing It will W commenced at- once. -'. ' The new .'Instrument' is a Smith Unit organ,, only slightly smaller than the fWqrlltzer, now in; use at the Oregon theater, and will pro vide ;musiq, at the . Liberty .'equal to .most . of the.i moving, picture houses in the ; btate'.. Work pre paratory ' to installin'g ' the organ is already under way at the theater and it is anticipated that the in instrum.ent will, be .ready for its premier, by. Easter.. '... . Still, 'when a stnhborn jit stalls oh the: tracks . and . won't - starts there's some satisfaction in sitting on, the bank and watching it,' hap pen., ... . v'..;. 1 ,r ; . , TCE FERTILIZER ysiwsii Prof Bouquet Has Com menced on His Experi- - ments With Onions Jt, is better, . tot do ordinary grafting when the. sap '.is rising. last- Sunday was. 1?felJ.- attended butr.pojitica.l 'graft Succeeds better the effects of the fertilizer on the over 60 automobiles-being lined . when the saps are dormant. . yield.'. . . The following special news, item is sent to; The Statesman front a correspondent at Oregon, Agricul tural college, Corvallls: "A. G." Bouquet, professor of vegeUble gardening, and Kenneth Ackley, senior in vegetable gard ening, returned Wednesday night from the Lake Labish onion lands near " Salem where : they conducted fertilizer, experiments on both set and large onions. The purpose Of these experi ments is to ' determf n a whnf for.' tflizers are best for onions raised op beaverdam soij in this particu lar locality.; The kinds of fertili zer' used tre're super-phosphate muriate of potash, sulfate of am monia and i sulphur. These fer tilizers i were applied j separately and in. different combinations. "Twenty plots totaling approxi mately pne acre were used for these fertilizers. . At harvest time the crops of onions and sets will be carefully weighed to determine CRUSH COLLEtH I Prayer-meeting will be If' '. thev Elmer , Sraitb honv) Thursday night.' Mrs. Oliver- v, i.. lead. ... ' ' ' ' Ifev. Ward Willis Long of the First. Presbyterian church will preach next Sunday afternoon Lt 3 o'clock. . Rev. J. J. Evans gave a fir s talk last Sunday. Grange , will meet , next Frldiy night. A lunch will be served. ,,,Mr. Burgermelster and faul! have moyed from Shaw to t: ,2 Wallace farm. The son Ilith? v enrolled in . the seventh gra- a Monday, . ' .- '-Fred'and. Harvey. OI?on vf?!t-1 Mr.' and Mrs. Lawrence 01ca Corvallis Sunday. John.; Boyer ana mother s.z 1 brother visited in Portland 1:3 day.'; . ! . - Mr. and Mrs. Joe IladesjccL: Bpeht Sunday with Mr. and Ilrs. M. Lees of Liberty. V . , : Transfer. Co. Fait. Thron-! FreJ"t 'to 'All ' Valley Toints Vv'ly. . Speed-EffIciency-f;crTic8 Salem-Portlaiia-",'oo ci j Corvallls . Hilton .r 1 ; , Dallas - Albany.II.oiir- --'. '1 : Independefe - Ilonr- ' Springfield SHIBBYTHUCi: r tori urn on the evening of the sec ond Monday in April. : The presi dent of the association, A. C. Bar rows; has stated that Frank- T. Wrightman, who is seeking nom ination for, county judge of Mar ion county, will speak here -before the assembly on that occasion, and also that Oscar Gingrich of Salem will sing. Local talent will con tribute the remainder of the pro gram. A lunch will' be served at the! close of the meeting, i a f . Funeral services for I the ' late Walter Schall, who met so tragic a death here last Wednesday night were held in the Weddle chapel Friday morning, and the body tak en, to Aumsville for burial, - - ' . . Excitement ran high Sunday evening when word was flashed about town that one of the escaped convicts had been captured on the big bridge by those, who ; were guarding the highway. V Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wright, Mr and 'Mrs. George Schlies and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mueller of Stayton attended the reception at the farm ( 1 LAST TOIES TODAY I OREGON TOMORROW-SUNDAY S GRAND ' t 1 ' X i. . . , ,. "".r i - . I .... 1 As th .most -notorious Apaplje - in Paris, who masquerades in boy's clothes and Incomes' the talk of the boulevards and. the nemesjs of -the police. SI ' ' ; . 1 ' 1 ! Hk'cr ".'I---" L!cDONALD " ' t At The ? VU?XITZEPJ COMEDY: NEVS-EVErJTS home of L. M. Archambeau giv en in . honor of Elmer Archam beau and his bride,- who. returned from their wedding trip -Sunday Miss Delphia Olsman of the Bon Ton confectionery, is- spending few days with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iva Alsman north of Sa Gene Ditter a Sublimity mer chant and his brother,- Matt Ditter were recent visitors in Stayton A. T. Brewer of Fall Greek who owns a small place south of Stay- ton, is here looking after the seed ing of his fields. - y'. ... , Charles Lee and family,' are en joying a visit from Mr. - ? Lee'a nephew and. family who-arrived here last week from Greely Colo - Glen Gilmore and wife of Cot tage Grove have been visiting isev? eral days at the home of Mrs. Gil mpre'g sister, Mrs. C. cyUott; , A- - BJ Watters , has the contract for hauling the ile. for the new cheese - factory which Mr. Mueller is preparing to build, ' r v " . Gale Missler . -came home from Kirkford. , Or., this week, on crutches, carrying a severely Jn lured foot, -He received the In jury while working in the logging. camp near Kirkford. .... Liston A. Darby and wife were frightened away from, their horn between ! and 2 o'clock Monday morning when they were aroused from slumber by some one trying. to force an entrance to their home Marshal Smith was called but fail ed to find the prowler. The;Dar- bv's went to the Franks Leslay home where they spent the remain' der of the night. .It is tnougni perhabs some of the escaped con victs was responsible for thft. dis turbance. - Frank Lesley has been confined to his home, the past week suffer ing from an attack of rhenmatUm FRUITUND I "V... - : "-- Thorn -will he no nreachlng ser vices next Sunday, April 6, on ac count ; of conference being neid. in Portland. - There will be, services Aoril 13 at'll o'clock Sunday school and the league at the usual timet ,- . i. : -. . . - - ' r . - The Ant-I-Canta class held an April Fools party. Tuesday evening at the. Brinkley home. ; : ' " ' The monthly meeting or tne Bi ble class will be held Friday ,Apri! at the Harmon home. . A -Fruitlarid was weir represented at, the convention held at Pratum, Mrs. .H..E.- Evans received word from Mr, and. Mrs. ATChie Balr. ox Bay City that a new . daughter, weighing 4 1-4. pounds was" born March r 20. Her name Is''LucilJt Earllne.: Mrs: Balr. f was Jtnth Thompson; before her marriage.', ; AUBURN Mr,' and .Mrs. Charles Cady an4 Norrls Merrill y-. attended ; the Hayesvllle Sunday school conven tion.' Sunday at Pratum.- : . Rer. F, W, Launer conducted the last services of the conference Sonday afternoon. During - the services" at quartet- from 'the Con gregational church at. Salem gave several Vecal nnmberi which., wer greatly appreciated. ; Vi :I The entertainment given, by, the teachers and, pupils ot the Aubn school Friday evening was greatly enjoyed by a large number of pa trons and friends; The sum - Of 36.60 was taken-in $35 of which was contributed to the piano tnnd. ; Mr. and Mrs. -Roy Hammer have erected a combination stnjre and dwelling on the asylum road fottr corners and have moved -in,.' On ihe: occaslda' st 'AT .CUTH. Call's 51et birthday a fainy''gaa-! 01 m; m x;. -Bl RE0T-R- B ROT H ; ' :u BETTER GOODS FOR LESS ST Yoo" MiH :f ind gratAered'tindei' this great roof lall the season's latest styles, materials and coloring in ntn'3 r women's wearing apparel, silks, dress goods, cotton goods; etc., in fact everything worthy- has been ccr. c 1 frc 1 the eastern markets and now at ;your disposal at prices worth yopx consideration. , ! r i ; r' ; Dro sses is almost im possible to, des cribe the- beauty, and, charm of the new spring coats and frocks to be found Xt this store.'. , O ' We invite yon to T ; Inspect the; won- t lerf nl value we are- offering in coats and dresses Garments that would sell 'at f2S Special ' " " ',. 'na. - Hew" -rk . Spring Thel Finest " Variety . Ever gathered under , one roof Yofl are -welcome a t all times.. 2 extra special groups. . Hats up ta f 0.50. . Hsts to flO. SBQgS SHOES .SALE FHICES - Ladies', Slippers Pnmps, i ' on Oxfords, vainer tocS0 . . . vSv0 Glen's: Leather Qating'. Shoef, 9 Aft Extra Special, Pair ... .... . )if9l0 Children's Shoes, Special r - 7 fig ' Boy's Finer Dress Shoesi : r - JQ Pair 'Infant's Soft Sole Shoes, . ' '- ".' r EXTRA SPEClAi; Ladies' Pure Thread Silk CO ilose, f 1 & f 1.50 'values Pr. VC : XdteS" Summer. Union , A0r Suits x V .'j ... ? . . - , , Ladies Fine Summer , ' " ' , O C Vests v . EXTRA PECIAJL r f Ginghams and Percales ? 1 for Sat. only, per yd. ... . A y C , - ' I v . Finest Quality Perf umes, Reg. Y f tl oz. Special, oz. . V.f ,V' ... .. -.-'J-- ' . " I i' .. . f. -i ' ' ,, " Men's 'Fine $150 Dress i! it" AC Caps.. . . . . . ....... . ... V Vp V ; Ktens 4 $t- Ratty Razors, - - ;jfJ(rt i GO A.fce -.'. .- . i Aluminum ware AllLarge Pieces, Value 7 ':r n - . tp: fa , . . ; i -u-t :. .'r'v :-M V. CfO, fj.' Guaranteed. Gardeat " Q - Ilose,' Extra Special ; .v. , , ,'-;- ill . O u : u w - Can, Milk, Armour's and , ( M m. Darimade, 10 cans ...... Fancy Decorated .China , Cups and Saucers, &5cJ Value. . a Sliced Wneapple Ko. .S? : f Cans, 3 for ............ t- Flavo Spring tVneat Flour, 43-1 At . . . . .. ...... . . ; . . V i,e'-y Siiowurut liarauueat i- iuui, ' Sack'. :.'. v?"-'5 - r1'--7' Karo Syrun, DIC. Olb, n'r'' Pail . .' . . . . . . w . Navy Beans, ' ' - ' , " .'; IZ A Pounds . . . . . - w Rolled Oats, 0-lb. ;.: " f Sack . .t............... Pancake Flour, 9-lb TO Sack .... ... ......... UUC Royal Club Solid Pack 9C!f Tomatoes, a H Cans, a for Royal Club Coffee, 10P 8-lb. Can V". . . . . . . . . . . ?A- KelloKgs Com Flakes or . .' O C Post Toasties, 3"pkps. .... Barton's' Pure Lard, ; - f'n Xo. 10 Pail . . . .'. . . . ' ) 1 '- Snowdrifts 4-lb. Pail , f 9 for . ... ............. .. Sweet" Oranges,'- ;w.'w " 'i' x; 'J p -a Dos, for . . ... . . . . . k . ."'faUC. Full .Creaiix Cheese, CJ a lbs. . . ............. O C Bacon Squares, ; 1 n 'Ter lib. ... Soda' Crackers, V 1 C Per Lb. . . . . . . . . . '. ; . . . UC Nutola 5Iargerine, ; n r Seedless. Raisins, r r - j , 1 A Per IA. . . . : . .... . . . XU C Extra ' 'Fancy .New-tons . and .' A r kana's Black Apples, Ex- e- - 5 f tra; Siecial Per Box " J . 1 '-Q sO Graham Crackers, ! P 5 Lb. Box . . . -..'.. THESE ; SPECIALS I N FOIU ALL XEXT ,Vi;EK BUV v N O V ! :T7 fX n rt Very . best -1 ,UPil-rrii'2 ' T?TT kT) Tf-'fV'' TTfC - In the DoaUe Store Prmh Fcn-cilj : "i3ETTEiidoDs;;Eori less -. :' ':Zy SALEr.lx:n. V ' .r