The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 01, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Yilliimett Vmitlnn
; uHua ruyiu,( .
Class work at , Willamette uni- Busines pPortance will be
yersity was resumed Monday discuase fl al1 Shrlners a,re
morning after the regular spring urged present. Oriental
vacation; period. Members' o,f the dancers potion pictures will
men's glee club, which made its make entertainment fea-
annual northern tour during
wee s recess, returned to
campus Sunday night. - . .
Call for Your Free Copy V road. on" "ille north from
Today. It's free to you. a beau- end of rnty bridge. Daf-
tiful 64-page booklet, neatly bound fodils arDlom now. Darwin
title "In the Life of a Bahv "
mother should be without it. The ways weir-' Leaye orders now
ouwijr iinuieo. . can early
ei yours iree. H. L,. Stiff Furni
lure jo. i i , al
Smelt Calls Cuikms-
.Automobiles nassrfnir
Salem bore evidence that owners I tenses p he was brought be
had been i to the Sanrtv rinr .- I rr-. rtvjTiint 4n.tin .
i ' . ' . v. WIAV.O A ' " J MOfc. V7 UL LUG
see the annual run of smelt. Rev.
eral of the automobiles had nets
hanging from one siSe or tied to
the fenders. Several Raiem
pfe' motored up as far as Trout -
dale Sunday but reports received
In the city yesterday were to thelless chfor $50 at the Man's
effect that the smelt were nnt I Shnn or-n for sin nt t
nearly asj plentiful thjs year as
previous years.
Doughton & .Marcus - Ai
Are headquarters for all kinds
Of builders hardware. al. t
Fir Destroys Small House-
Again the Mowery family ls in
' me iimeugnt. when fire destroyed
the small residence at 1960 Fred
erick; which had been occupied by
Mrs. 'Mowery and family while
Harrison: Mowery was in the state
prison serving a sentence on a
statutory charge involving his
step-daughter. . ;When discovered
the fire had, made such a head
way that it was impossible for the
lire department to save the strap
ture.t The floss was estimated at
Mowery was released from
me prison a short time ago upon
condition that he leave the state
ana suppotr his family, which had
Deen cared for by the county.
Giant Mixed Pansy Plants -
Ana uiadloli Bulbs for - sale
xiaaes Zetland. 273 .State. V al
Shrine Club 'to Meet
ine baiem Shrine club will
meet at the Marion hotel dinin
Will trade prune' or apple
trees for anything of value,
wagon prefered.
Sales .yard opposite O. E.
Depot.--Offlc- Phon 1758.
Res. 10F4.-
Wm. Neimeyer
" Druggist '-l;-;v
In Business For Ycnr
" Health f
175 N. ComT. Phone 167
- Dooght, Sold and Exchanged.
N. Coml Et. Phone 493
; I ' (- We Fay Cask
On Italian Frune Tree. Good
prices on Walnuts. Trade Prune
trees for young cattle. ' General
Nutsery Stock, Sales Yard and
pfnee, 544 Ferry St.
A. J. Mai his. Prop. '
Office Phone IDS. Res. 1140M
111 Oreson Eldg. Telephone 457
. f fhe Seavej BeU Insurance
r: - ' - Agency
General Insurance
VOjT BeU Frank Wagar
(Formerly Dr. Echenks)
S49 S. Cottage St.
PHONE . - 1182
The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Skill
ful. Painless Adjustment tliat
get results. '
uexeopauue fnyslcuuB
Sorgeoa ;
C23 Oregoa X3d.
..' DR. B, n. WHITE
Physician and Surecra
The only physicians in Salem
nsins Dr. Abrara's method of
EHectronic ; Diagnosis and
COS TJ. S- Natl Bani Blir,
ladd &;bush
m i v 1 o'clnrV
the ture. .
the' '
i ITho W. CkHn Tulip Farm
Is stlliMed on the Vallac
v Tulin iuUl be. Visitors al
and I for fall ry or an spring
- flowering03-
Fnnrpr tS GuiltY
I pieadiuilty to charges oi
(giving tiame of Oscar Norton,
j of Eurekl.. wag bound over to
J Norton fj arrested Saturday
I tfch f flie hail naauii wnrti,.
in Shoe sfa Norton was arrested
by OffictVright.
For Go'orK
And iqk service bring your
flints ta 3, Capital Drug Store,
j ' p ! - ml8tf
Assault p Dismissed
Ed U, charged with assault
and; batti upon Henry Saalfeld,
was able leave the justice court
a free in Monday afternoon
when thase against him was dis
missed On recommendation of
John; C&n, ; district attorney.
Saalfeld re out the complaint.
Willow Ches' Baskets-
Sunny Tsdajr sale. Your choice
any willdicloiies basket. $1.50.
Values td3.0d C. S. Hamilton
Quartette i
were placed
against Frd
per, of Hoquiam,
whet he s
cen into custody
by the note.
rhese are trans-
portign Inixit
Ing liqluor, i driv
Ing while tunl being, intoxicat
ed and forjspeling. With him
Were three lominions. who wern
booked foribeit drunk. These
men gave the lines xf William
Bradley, b( Alora, 111.: Max
Probe, 7071 Sih Twenty-ifth.
and George : "WTh, of Route 6.
Pleas of not guy were entered in
the justice coul yesterday and it
is expected theilase will be heard
ioaay. iyie Jt'age, deputy dis
trict attorney. I prosecuting. Up
on advice pf ai attorney it is an
ticipated one rJn will enter a plea
Promo teW Good Health
OneThlrd Cream
H. K. luEOUT, Proprietor
C d A L
At the Fot owing Price)
. ; For m ftw Dayex
514.50 Per Ton
Wood for 10-iach from f0XO
to '910.00 Per Cord
LArmerTransfer Co.
4C9 State St. Phone 080
Dr. Harrisbn Polk and Dr.
Pan! G. Sta
ran, 1484 State
SL, Salem!
Oregon, are
tic Doctors. :
The Abra
s method of Elec-
tronic Diagn
sis and Treatment
is not taught
Chiropractic doc-
tors by Dr.
his colleges,
brams or any of
ese doctors, at
1484 State St
eet use the E. R.
A. on their si
n and advertise-
ment. This
has caused
is misleading and
persons to start
treatment with them, thinking
they were receiving the real
Abrams treaftment.
or fact Address,
1 1
18f SQ
of guilty of transportation lot
liquor and the others of being
drunk, , .
Tho Hest Film Developing
And printing done in Salem is
at the Capital Drug Store. ml8tf
Ono of the Sfo6t Important j
Matters in the life of a-baby-bis
air supply. Air is as essential
as food, perhaps more so, at any
rate the baby can live longer with
out food than without air. A baby
that is well cared for should not
only have the benefit of a well
ventilated home, flooded with sun
light when possible, but should
spend as much of his time outdoors
as the conditions of weather will
permit. Of course, the possession
of a' good baby carriage. ; such as
sold by H. L. Stiff Furniture, Co.
at only one dollar down, 13c per
day without Interest, greatly facil
itates matters. ; al
Tuesday Special ' ;
Low prices on all willow, splint
and other clothes-baskets. Ham
ilton's. . , aprl
Regent Appointed - ,
" Governor Pierce yesterday ap
pointed Ed Wilson, Corvallis at
torney, as a member of the board
of regents of Oregon Agricultural
college to succeed the late Judge
Thomas H. Crawford of La Grande
Mr. Wilson was formerly a' menf
ber of the board and Is an alum
nus . of the college. In making
the appointment the governor said
it was desirable to appoint a Cor
vallis man on the board, and also
under the law providing that the
board shall be composed of five
members of one political party and
four of the other, he had selected
a democrat. i
Your Choice '
Any splint clothes basket. 95c.
Values up to $1.75 Tuesday. Ham
ilton's. aprl
City Protests
The public srvice commission
yesterday received from the ctiy
of Salem a formal protest against
the proposed increase of street car
fares from 6, to 7 cents by the
Southern Pacific company in Sa
lem.' ; ,The commission, however,
several days ago announced that
thej proposed increase would be
suspended pending an investiga
tion. The company planned to
make the new rates effective April
For Vice President i i
William Grant Webster of New
York yesterday requested the sec
retary of state to have hs name
put on the Republican primary
ballot in Oregon as a' candidate for
the republican nomination for vice
president .of the United 'States. A
Netr IJghting Fixtures '
Get our prices and save money.
Salem Electric Co. F. S. Barton,
prop.. Masonic Temple. Phone
1200. V m9tf
Baby Chicks are Shipped 1
Nearly 7000 baby chicks were
shipped out by parcel post last
night by C. N. Needham. 558 State,
to various points of the northwest.
The shipment included Washing
ton. Montana, jldaho and Califor
nia. Mr. Neediham has establish
ed a reputation for his chicks and
KESSEL Ambros Kessel died at
his home 1091 Fifth street
West Salem.4 March 31, age 70
years. " Survived by, his widow.
Matilda; three daughters. Mrs.
Ada Hathaway. Mrs. Ruth Phil
lips of West Salem; Mrs. Net
tie Wicker of Westfield, Ind.;
two sons. J. W. Kissel of West
Salem and H. G. Kissel, of Intha..
Mo. " Services will be held at
the Webb Funeral parlors, Wed
nesday,;, April 2 at 2 o'clock,
with Rev. Hawthorn in charge
" of services. Interment will be
in IOQF cemetery. !
LYONS -Annie Lyons died at a
local hospital March 31, age 53
years. Survived by her widow
er, Vincent L. Lyons; three
daughters, Josephine, Junita and
Theda. and one son. Guy M, all
of Eugene, Or. Two brothers.
Frank J. and Wesley Pittenger,
two sisters, Mrs. Josephine
March and Mrs. Ida Leade. all
of Chico, CaL Remains will go
forward today to Eugene for in
terment. Webb Funeral Parlors
in charge of arrangements.
talent 4Hortuar
nrsiURM aito ;
rrnraaai. dixeotou -u -.j
mttMbm Wort
; Uniting Fcacrxl h
, . (
Expert EnhahaciJ .
includes on his shipping list steady
customers in Utah and Nevada in
addltidn to , those living in - the
above mentioned states. A major
ity of the shipments go to poultry
specialists and farmers. Many
small shipments of from 25 to 50
chicks each, are made locally to
people who wish to establish a
small flock for domestic purposes.
Doughton & Marcus Hardware
' Have high grade paints. Get
their prices. al. .
Turnkey Feels IiOnesome ' '
There has been no large num
ber of visitors at the state prison
since Friday and as a consequence
Charles Huddleson, j turnkey, is
feeling rather lonesome. Friday
44nere wre no permissions grant
ed for visitors to be shown through
the Institution and j as Saturday
and Sunday are closed to the pub
lic, he has seen-, but few strange
faces. Nearly all of those visiting
the instituttion yesterday were
there for the purpose of seeing
friends or relatives. J ; .
Doughton & Marcus ..
Have a 3 qt. Viko aluminum
saucepan with cover for 89c al.
Traffic Violators Arrested ' .
Failure to dim his headlights
cost Ted Kruger, 535 South Six
teenth,' $5 when he appeared in
the police court 'Monday. Others
arrested over the week-end In
cluded Ben Kantleberg. 1375 N.
Twelfth, ,who had parked his auto
mobile in an alley and C. W. Jones
of Route 6, who had no light on
hia, bicycle. i :
Son Is Horn
An 11-pound son was born to
Mr. ahd Mrs. Thomas Allenby, who
live eight miles south of town, on
Thursday, March 27.
Japanese Magnolia
Considerable conjecture was ex
pressed in a recent issue of The
Staeesman as to the name of the
flowering shrub on the fraternity
premises at 316 North Church
street. According to Principal J.
C. Nelson the shrub in question is
a Japanese magnolia There are
two distinct varieties! of the mag
nolia, American, in whiich ' the
leaves and the flowers appear to
gether, and the foreign, in which
the leaves follow later than, "the
flowers. The conclusion that the
"hunch of fish poles" on the post
office grounds is bamboo, MrNel
son states, is quite correct. ' r
A Drum Outfit Complete " ; -A
good buy for: a quick sale.
Moore's Music House, 409-15
Court. al
Frank Jue Makes Hit
Nothing but praise and applause
greeted the appearance of Frank
Jue of Portland, Chinese lyric
tenor, who. was in the city over
the week-end. Approximately 180
men heard Mr. Jue sing at the J.
J. Evans Bible class at the Bligh
theater in the morning? while a
large crowd who attended the ser
vices at the First Christian church
last night were also delighted with
his vocal solos. Rev. Mr. Evans
gave one of the finest talks ever
given in the city at the morning
mens . Bible class, according to
many who have heard him preach
in Salem. Nearly 25 first attend
ants were present for the class.
though the weather was threaten
ing. Several fine programs have
been arranged for the next few
Sundays. according to O. J. Hull,
chairman of : the , entertainment
committee. ' ' ' :: i'-
- :
A Traescher Cornet
,Silver with gold bell, case and
tax included.- 45 buys it a bar
gain. -Moore's Music House, 409-
415 Court.- al
Committee Is Reorganized
Reorganization of the local com
mittee in charge of raising money
to provide for the continuance of
the state chamber of commerce
program was effected at a meeting
Monday afternoon following . the
chamber of commerce luncheon
T. B. Kay,, member of , the state
executive committee, reported that
ther had been raised but $1 300,
while Salem, as the second largest
city in the state, should provide
at least $2,000. Anything short
of this amount would amount to
a 4 disgrace, Mr. Kay said, i Mr.
Kay; said that at a meeting of the
state chamber of commerce the lat
ter part of the week it was report
ed that funds were gone and as
a result of the situation, several
prominent Portland business men
volunteered to raise $25.060 ' to
continue the work until the re
mainder of the state could raise
onota for the work. This amount
Mr. Kay pointed out. , was in ad
dition to ' the $310,000 already
rledged to the state organization
by Portland business men.
New Members Announced ,
Three new members were , ob
tained by active members in the
chamber of commerce last week
These are 'A. A. lynn, district
manager, of the Oregon Life In
for rent. Choice location.
Room 14 by 30 feet; brick
bnildinsr. See T. G. Bligh.
Popular Priced .
' Men's and Young , Men
Tailored Suits 2S to S4
i H. ; Moshs?; t
Tailor. '
ti l . ON THE
Thera Is something about th
modesi turned down collui ana
plain basque bodice o th.t un
deniably modern gown wnicb . re
mind us of Lh tamny alounr puo
lographs or our erandmauerk, and
wno knows u U.e cesirner cic uot
get his ' Inspiration irpia ihe tamo
source. ; B that as it ma; . , .to
result is decidedly attractive, an-,
our 1924 troic showk her sense .
of the filr.fss of iliingi. by
at her throat" as the oid ronton.
ed novelists ' used . to say; a laae
ana beautifully cut cameo broociv.
I'leats. like the poor, soem likeiy
to be always with ua, ana they are
a great deal mere welcome, ior
they add a pleasing variation to
the tube like silhouette to which
as a ! txation ' we seem", committed.
One hardly knows what the de
signers would tdo without tne ai-
verston of pleats and ihelr alllev
ruffles, to break the level flatne
of our sartorial landscape. At the
Paris openings. Henri Creanse tells
us., pleats were featured lnVeery'
conceivable way. Patou especfali t
shows his preference for tl1.
means of dlvsrsifytng the straight
silhouette. Pleats are consider
ably more than Just "part of' Urn
picture" In this pleasing: frocV. of
cool aTPeen printed crebe de -ohlne.
from the. 8outh Manchester looms,
whose snag fitting bodice, plain
back, tisrht; sfeeves. : and demure
white satin cellar and cuffs mlg-ht
present too severe an aspect were.
it not for the gracious and jrraoe-
ful contrast of two wide, plaited
flounces of Crepe Chenette. - Pleats
are also used in a quaint new way
In the lower section of the sleeve.
surance company,; with offices in
the. Masonic , temple;: Dougherty
Bros., in the: repair and accessory
business, 490 Ferry street, and J.
H. Baker, 545 Court, who is as
sociated with E. T. Barnes in busi
ness and also' interested in the
paper mill. ' ,
Special Care and Reasonable-
' Prices at Rest- Sanitarium and
Maternity Home. 1899 State St.--
Liquor Prices Are High .
Those thirsty souls 'who make
the trek tor Tla Juana with the ex
pectation of slacking a parched
throat: with copious quantities of
liquor at reduced prices. hid best
take plenty of mpfiey. with them.
according to a price list .received
by one old friend from another
golfer, now in-southern California.
The price list was featured on a
post card of a sectionjof a bar at
Tia Juana. Old Taylor was. quoted
at $1.75 a half pint; Sunnybrook
and Old Crow afcj$3.50 a pint. For
the benefit of those who were
overseas, during the war French
cognac, is offered . at $4 a quart,
while dry gin is quoted at" $1 a
half pint. A variety of wines is
offered t t a quart ' - "
Polio of Home Sonan i
Irish songs, plantation songs,
concert r piano, easy piano, just re
ceived.;. At half price 25c. Moore's
Music House, 409-415 Court, al
W II. Straver of Baker, demo
cratic candidate for the United
States senate, is in Salem for a
meeting - of democrats this week,
and while here is visiting his
daughter. ' Miss Nadie Strayer at
Willamette university. :
MY MAR R lie E
AdelA Oarrbos'i New 'Phaa of
Copyright 1921. Newipaper
; , TAatoTw Serrica, Inc. .v
'.? r
) T v
The' rotund little house physic
ian of the hotel listened with "an
admirable air of professional so
licitude to my story of the accident
which had resulted in so bizarre a
discoloration of my forehead, but
a sudden upward, glance at him
revealed tok me that he was eyeing
me keenly as I talked. I guessed
that ;he was , weighing me and my
story and I felt a fierce little
throb of unjust resentment at the
discoyery. ' ' i . -
That he accepted the tale as
DON'T SUFFER! Immediate
relief is oossible with this
SIMPLE HOME treatment
Gle-o-nis is healing, soothina r
5rj7Satifscikm Guarantee
Perry Drug Store
f 1 15 South Commercial St.
' flit ' '
. . ft! . -
Va P"Y I j
CK&eY 1 1 1 rid
truthful, however, J soon realized
although I was hardly prepared
for his comment.
"It must hare been a terrifying
experience I understand you
were traveling alone," he said Cas
ually. . ;
Naturally I had made no allus
ion tb the mysterious foreigner
who had forced his companionship
upon me with the plea of being my
father's friend. But the dapper
little doctor's question brought the
distinguished personality of Ihe
man whom I had eluded so forcl4
bly to my mind, that I had hard
work to make my reply as 4his
comment. , ; f
"You could- hardly call it trav
eling, Dr. McDermOtt," I said, as I
attem pted a " smile, then, remem
bering how ghastly the effort must
appear, I hurried on with my chat
ten "I simply - ran in from, the
east end of the-Island for, a day
or two, and . was caught . in that
crush in the station. And it was
a terrifying, experience, - but peo
ple were most, kind.. I was car
ried by some one into the waiting
room,' and the matron took' care
of me until I was abl to take a
taxi over here." ' '
The. physician shook his head
"You should not have made the
journey here alone alter being
stunned by that blow,',' he said.
"You might have swooned again'.
But now you are here," he went on
more briskly, . "you must , not
think of going out again today, or,
indeed, tomorrow."
. "Is the injury then so serious?
I asked in alarm: ; "I thought the
inconvenience of a black eye was
the worst I had to expect."
"So it is, so it is!" He rubbed
his plump, well-kept hands to
gether. "But the 'shock could not
help but be severe from a' blow
hiid enough to knock yu uncon
scious even if it were-for only a
few seconds, and you ' must have
rest and quiet." - -
He put an. exploring delicate
forefinger on the discolored sur
face again. . -
"This is going to e quite pain
ful." he said, stepping, to the ad
joining bathropm and turning on
the hot-water faucet, r "And I am
afraid that you will have neither
strength nor 'inclination for the
work of attending to it. Have
you no woman friend in the city
who could come to. you for forty-
eight hours?' ' It would be absurd
to have a trained nurse, and yet,
you really 'should not he alone."
Dr. McDermott's Advice. v
I shook my. head decidedly.
There were only -three women in
the world beside ' Katie and my
mother-in-law of. whom I. would
ask such a favor -Lillian. Kather-
Ine ' and little Mrs." Durkee. The
of long time;
and good
average o f
u(flo ud Bniltal
Jsaasan and 8caa atreaS,
Wsa, 8lu .
on "Electronic ' Reactions, of
' ' Abram's
1 By Dr. Paul G. Stapran,
at the Salem, Women's Club
Bid.. 40O Cottage St
Friday, April 4th, 8 P. M. . ,
After the lecture Dr.- B. n.
White Is kindly Invited to ap
pear before the audience in per
son and make any accusations
desired against the ERA CLIN
IC and its staff,-1484 State, St.
Irst two, of course, were out of the
question, and while t knew well
that" it .only": required a. word of
my need over the telephone to bring
"Her Fluffiness'. flying from her
Marvin home, yet -1 could not-,
would not -speak tbiat word,
Not that J minded f the. friendly
eyes of my little neighbor, ' even
with the touch l ot amused malice,
with which I knew h would view
my accident.- "But hef knowledge
would iftevitably mean that of
Edith . Fairfax also. . tri all proba
bility,' Rdith herself wuld come in
to see me if for no ether reason
than to appear properly solicitous
for Dicky's wife. . And I knew of
no other eyes from whose critical
and amused scrutiny I . should
shrink more sensitive! than from
those of the woman wr;hose unre
quited affection for myi husband I
had known from her hips long
ago. ... '. .-. ' ' '' '
. "All my friends are away from
the city," I said. . ; : - .
Dr. - McDermott broaght soft
gauze and a" basin of hot water
and laid' a steaming cloth: upon
the bruised flesh. "; ' . ' f
"Then we m list subsidize one of
the maids," he said. "I. think I
can arrange with the housekeeper
to have one of them come in here
at . the necessary intervals to do
this for you." . , ' . ; -
' He finished his ministrations
and then wrote a' prescription
which he retained in his hand.
Dicky Arrives "
I will have this sent up," he
said, "and you will pleasetake it
according to directionsi And I
will look in upon you a minute be
fore you go to bed" or,' rather, to
sleep for the ' night. For I . wish
you -to' go to bed at onee. I will
"send the maid in to help you un-
dress- Tlest is what yod principal-
He bowed himself out. "and a
few minutes later the nurse ap
peared. She was .a stolid, stupid
soul, whose contrast to I Katie was
so great that she made j me home
sick for my. little maid's volatile
sparkling face. I passed a most
miserable " evening, and 1 was glad
when I heard, as I supposed, the
physician's knock upon ihe door;
I had been unable to sleep, and
meant to ask him for a sedative to
enable me to forget in slumber my
discomfort. But when I had flung
my. bathrobe around me andhad
dragged mysel f to the l door, my
astonished eyes beheld Dicky
standing, impatiently outside.
(To be continued)
Cecil Fanning, Baritone-
Grand theater, Pri. . Ich; 4 th.
Prices $1, $1.50, 2, plus tax.
apl 4. '
Money Turned Over.
During .the month of March-a
total of $112,844.42 was turned
over, to the state treasurer by the
state land board, according to the
monthly statement of George G
Brown, clerk of the board. The
items were: Common school fund
principal, payments on certificates
and cash sales, $8160.32; common
school fund principal, payments on
loans, $68,301.02; common school
. Give the children WRIGLEY'S v
after every meal '
A prominent physician says: ;
w It is surprising
the teeth can be
iter each meal."
You know how hard it is
to get the children to clean
their teeth. By giving
them WRIGLEY'S you not
only reward themf or clean
ing their teeth, but the
reward is actually the
means of performing this
important service!
WRIGLEY'S aids digestion
too, and acts as an anti
septic wash for the mouth
and throat. Sev
eral flavors-allof
The Flavor Lasts
ul o if
i i
a r-
EASTKR unjsists fprir-S-inK
but it docK Dot mean. To L
arfl goine to have sumuifr
weather right away. Are . you
etire yoo have enoush coal to
rve you romfort all -thru the
rhi:iy spring months? We are
bow offering tome (pedal prices
la coal taat are to yoor al--Tantat'.
. -
"Our coal ls all coal"
Broadway at XIoo2 .
Salem. Ora ;
fund interest, payments on certifi
cates, $310.20;. common school
fund interest, payments on loan,
$3ir,200.21; university fund prin
cipal, payments on loans, $210 0:
university fund interest, payment.-?
n loans, $294.28; agricultural
college fund principal, -payment?
6n loans, 1,000; agricultural -lege
vfund.'interest, payments c:i
loans, $988.T7; rural credits loa
principal. $570.64: rural cret::
loan interest, . $823.18; I2urla r, 1 :
trust fund y Interest,. $96; totl,
$112,844.42.- .
17 GL'.r
AU Sizes. j
Headquarters For
siiERWiii viim: j i
280 N. Commercial t.
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- Classified Ada in Tho
Statesman Bring Resulto
how freis from decay
kept by usin gum
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