The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1924, Page 12, Image 12

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- ipwwwi fwiwiiwijiyy "' ""1'i'iiwiiiiMM.iimi.miiui.iii Minium"! .,, . .,
I Country Work Promptly PI ' " i ? " I
I Phone 1507. Attended to M i I iiiiitniiiirntiirimmnnnnn timnim wTiiirwtriiniTnmTri -- Tr wnnwrnrTw iminti uL' "is i f LIJ UJ11U
r 1
. s r v . . . i w - i - - f I
3Tfr - ' I m i H N II . ii ' II Ml I -H
Ihone 1249.
General Painting Contractor jj . nTX Cv - Vj' . : v- "
Painting in All its Branches 'viJ r ; -TilTf 11
,Ma-"" i i . p J
1 1 mmiMmMm
gjpip """" - - - - .it, - I
Save Money on lYour Housing Wiring
V- Get Our Figures
F. S. Barton, Proprietor
' , Masonic Temple
345 State St.
Union Abstract Company
; We have a complete set of indices of Marion County
Records. Before parting with your money for a deed or
mortgage, satisfy yourself that the title is good by get
ting one of bur abstracts.
U. 8. PAGE, President.
W. E. IIAXSON, SecreUry
Installed in Your Horiie
! at Factory Prices
Over 200 Satisfied
: Users " in Salemi "
, I
- ; 1 .
Manufactured and sold by
; 660 North High Street'
- , -T r,i :1V" '
Shop 803 North Liberty St.
. . .: ..-1
' . -i - ' 1 ', 11"' '"
S?e John H. Scott for bargains In city homeat and farm prop-
A 7-roomed, residence strictly modern, well located
lor $560Q. $2500 cash, and $35 per month.
A fino 5-roomed residence for 12100 $500 cash and
$20 per month.
From $30 per acre and up on very easy payments.
' Most of them on forced sales aLd very cheap.
' " cf . See Me For Details.
; - - , . 208 Oregon Bldg.
Make Your
At our liberal terms and low prices you can
afford to have one of these new and finer
Xour work" will be lighter,
: V ; our kitchen hours happier,
1L our life a real joy
Your Old Range as
First Payment
.. " ;, Balance as You Can
1 " : Without any Interest .
Resolutions Request Com.
munity House Under Strict
Regulations for Park
Feeling that concerted action is
the only way to obtain desired re
sults', the Marion-Polk County
Realty association has started a
movement for a community bouse
for the Salem tourist camp
grounds. The proposal was placed
before a meeting of the Salem Fed
eration of Clubs Friday night. The
action recommended by the real
estate association was 6et forth in
two resolutions, with c?rtain rec
ommendations. These resolutions
are as follows:
.w jWhereas, through the immense
publicity ar.d effort which is be
ing put forth by the state Cham
ber of Commerce and the rail
roads serving the northwest, there
will be thousands of tourists vi
Jting the notrhwest and especially
our c ty during this s?asot, and
Whereas, our tourists' camp
ground facilities are inadequate
for the proper care of these
guests, and
Whereas, the city park funds
and city finances are inadequate
at the present time for such im
provements as seem necessary, and
Whereas, a community buildit-g
containing an auditorium and oth
er conveniences for guests is
deemed to be one of the necessary
Improvements, and
Whereas. Salem is singularly
blessed , with a harmonious and
unified civic, business, and labor
organizations, and this unity could
best be expressed to the traveling
public by a permanent testimonial
cf a building, therefore
Be it resolved first, that we
the Marion-Polk County Realty
association recommend to the civ-
Very Choicest Lot in North
Salem, 50x200 feet, close in,
under the bjg oaks, facing
east on Capital street and
just released for sale.
X08 Oregon Iluilri'nK.
Phones 1013 1IM2-J
Says Little Ampere:
"Get rid of those siz
zling, frying battery
noises. A set of Wil
lard Rechargeable
B Batteries will cut
them out."
They're Rechargeable
Joe Williams Co.
5S1 Court St.
Phone 198
Willard A Batteries
fZZ less r?-tning
Ic, business, and labor organiza
tions of the city, that a community
building be built under the gener
al direction of the federated funds
of the city, and
Second, that the Marion-Polk
County Realty association, through
its multiple listing bureau, offer v
to contribute $100 towards a fund
for the erection of a public audi
torium on the camp grounds to be
erected cooperatively by the dif
ferent commercnal, civic, and la
bor organizations of the city, pro
viding all of the different com
mercial, civic, and labor organiza
tions will cooperate in the con
3truction of sucha b uilding.
Third, that this plan be present
ed to the Federated clubs and to
the president of our association at
the business meeting of our fed
eration on Friday evening, and
that George Grabenhorst be dele
gated to present th9 matter to
the Chamber of Commerce.
Whereas, it is apparent that so
licitations of business among the
tourists' on the camp ground is
unethical, and
Whereas, there should be some
tee from whom tourists can re
ceive reliable it. formation regard
ing our business, manufacturing,
ar.d agricultural possibilities as
well as information relative to our
scenic beauties, therefore
Be it resolved that we recom
mend to the Salem Chamber of
Commerce and the Salem park
board the following:
First, we recommend that no
commercial advertising of ai.y
itind whatsoever be permitted on
:he camp grounds, excepting,
however, that information booklets
and leaflets' gotten out by the
Cnamber of Commerce or any oth
?r civic organization of the c ty
or county, including the realty
board, may be handed out t, the
tourists or others who may make
inquiry for them. This privilege
to b? extended also to oher civic
and commercial bodies, including
railroad publicity pamphlets. This
work to be done only by duly au
thorized representatives. Neat
bulletin boards of churches and
civic organizations shall not be'
construed as advertisingbut shall
be subject to regulations therefor
af the park board.
Second, that no solicitation for
business of any kind whatsoever
shall be permitted on the camp
Third, that the Marion-Polk
County Realty association through
its multiple listing bureau, offer
to contribute $50 a month during
the months of June, July, August,
and September, providing the
Chamber of Commerce will main
tain an information booth at the
camp grounds in charge of some
competent person to be selected
by it, to answer all. inquiries and
to furnish information regarding
3ur business, agriculture, scenic,
and other possibilities, also to as
sist In the entertainment of the
camp grounds guests.
Minnesota Woman Is Im
pressed With Local At
traction Writes Mayor
Attractive objects noted by tour
ists and others as they pass
through communities are not for
gotten and often prove to the one
thing by which a city is remem
bered. Proof of this is evinced in a let
ter recently received by Mayor
John B. Giesy from Mrs. J. A. Fe
senbeck, wife of an attorney at
Cloquet, Minn., which requests in
formation regarding the Waite me
morial fountain on the state house
grounds. Mrs. Fesenbeck is now
chairman of her citty's park board
and is anxious to have fountain
similar to the one in Salem In
stalled in Cloquet. Mayor Giesy,
All kinds from best grade
. . . to cheapest . . .
Lotus figure with you on your requirements
Falls Gity-Salem Lumber
349 South 1 2th A' KELSAV Unf 82
has replied to her request, giving
all information available upon the
situation. The letter from Mrs.
Fesenbeck is as follows t
"While visiting In your city a
year ago I was much interested
in the fountains located on the
grounds of the Capitol. Within
the past year and a half I have
crossed our United States, inspect
ing ornamental fountains in every
city where I stopped, and of them
all, the two "umbrella" fountains
in Salem were the most unique.
As a member of our local park
board, I had charge of the con
struction of an ornamental foun
tain in one of our parks. I tried
through two different channels to
get some information about the
construction of the fountain head,
which causes. the water to flow
out in the shape of an umbrella,
but received no reply to my let
ters. Now I know of no other
way but to appeal to you realizing
that this is only one of many
strange requests that come to a
mayor's office. However, I trust
I may get the information for
which I am seeking.
Will you kindly let me know
whether these fountain heads were
purchased ready made from some
firm, and if bo, where can I buy
one? Or, if they were made by
some plumber, can I obtain the
working plans? Also, if the latter
is the case, would any patent
rights bee infringed if I had one
We have a temporary head on
our fountain but it is unsatisfac
tory to me, and I have never been
able to relinquish the idea that
some day we may have an "um
brella" fountain like those in the
capitol grounds in Salem. I assure
you I shall appreciate greatly any
information you may send."
Movement National in Scope
and Strictly Educational,
in Purpose
That the "Better Homes" move
ment, which was launched by the
Delineator in 1921, is educational
in nature and not for advertising
purposes, is the explanation made
by Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, who has
charge of the movement in Salem
in connection with the national ob
servation. Those fostering the
movement had in view the purpose
of bringing constructive thought to
the problems of home-making, to
show the way to more comfortable,
better-equipped houses, and to set
up higher standards of living.
Since its inception, the movement
has been incorporated as a nation
al public service, under the presi
dency of Herbert Hoover, and has
established its own headquarters
in Washington, D. C. Last year
more than 1000 cities throughout
the United States participated.
Official hostesses will be on
duty at all hours, acting in the
capacity of residents, and will be
on hand to greet the arrivals'and
to explain anything that they may
wish to know. Two houses have
already been obtained for the dis
plays here. These will be furn
ished with everything needed to
L-mplete the equipment of a mod
ern home. Efforts are being made
to obtain a third dwelling.
Everything in the homes will be
furnished by local merchants, and
the place will be ready for occup
ancy just as if someone were liv
ing in the home. While none of
the furnishings will be labeled
with cards of the donors, informa
tion regarding any article, question
of decoration and similar problems
that might arise will be explained.
The home will not be different
from any other home, with the ex
ception that no one lives in It.
McGilchrist and Pennington
Add New Line of Insurance
Detailed Outline for Neces-
r . . . . .
sary uonauons is -Maaej ;
By Local Realtors ; T
McGilchrist & Pennington, re
cently joined in partnership, are
already making plans for moving
from the United States National
Bank building to larger quarters.
This will be accomplished if busi
ness continues to improve in the
next few months as it has since
the partnership was formed.
W. M. Pennington, the junior
member of the firm, is a recent
arrival in Salem, coming here
from Kansas where he was en
gaged in the real estate business
lor 20 years. William McGilchrist,
Jr., who heads the firm, has been
engaged in the stock and bond
business here for several years!
The partnership now encages in
the real estate business, are
branching out to include insur
ance and are handling stocks and
bonds. The firm holds member
ship in the Marion-Polk County
Realty association and the multi
ple listing bureau of that associ
ation. .
Never pass a street car when
it is stopping, or, if the law per
mit8, proceed very slowly past It
at the legal distance.
McGilchrist & Pennington T
A New Real Estate Firm
McGilchrist & Pennington, a new Real Estate and Insurance Firm, Located at
209 U. S. National Bank Building. Believing implicity in the superior advantages of
Oregon Salem and Polk and Marion Counties in particular have concluded to cash
their faith through one progressive selling plan. ..
Co-operating with half a hundred good reliable real estate folks and all of the
good people of the Willamette Valley our hope is to make Salem a city of fifty
thousand in exactly seven years. Retaining as it must and will its matchless beauty
its civic pride and its clean and. wholesome people.
To put over this scheme of growth and achievement requires concerted action.
In April we are going to start broadcasting the beauties and advantages of this
city and country throughout the several states of the Mississippi Valley, using as a
medium advertising space in newspapers which will reach millions of readers.
Our business extends to every form of legitimate real estate transactions but
we especially want large and small fruit ranches and agriculture and timber lands to
advertise in Eastern papers. We can use for this purpose only properties listed di
rect with us. If you want to say a word about your property to the people of the
Great Middle West, LIST IT WITH US NOW.
We make no charge for listing or advertising and unless we sell your property
there will be no expense to you.
We hope through service and honorable business methods to merit your confi
dence and your patronage.
Our motto Smile a Welcome to the Stranger Salem, the Beautiful Home of
Fruits and Flowers.
Respectfully, , .
McGilchrist & pennington
209 U. S. Bink Building
On Modern Homes
512 Semi-Annual Interest
5 Y
ear Loan
Will Loan Up to 50 of Value
6 Per Cent Monthly Payment Loans
Far Cheaper Than Any Building & Loan Co. in the Northwest
Hawkins & Roberts
, Financial Service
205 Oregon Bldg.
. Phone 1427 !
Erection of a community build
Ing at the camp grounds for the
benefit of visitors during the tour
ist Beason, where they can njt,
have some place for entertainment
and for recreation through" the
cooperation of various ' busin&s
firms and organizations is pro
posed by the Marion-Polk Coo Ay
Realty association. The building
proposed by the realtors would be
approximately 30 by 45 feet, of
one story and to contain an au
ditorium, Information booth, tmall
serving room, ladies' rest room
with room with a small 'firepl&e
and toilet. The main auditorium
would have a large fireplace.' ,
Suggestions for. the cooperation
in building such a building Include
that the lumber and, finished lum
ber work should be, furnished pj
the lumber yards and finishing and
planing mills of Salem, while the
tile, brick and cement, Includ&g
sand and gravel companies, slonld
provide material for the founts-
tions, chimney and the fireplaces.
These would be constructed y
bricklayers and the Boy Scouts.
thai' the building was mad
sible by the united efforts
ciTif , labor and business or
tions of the city,, naming eac)
purpose of the building, the
var state, was for the conve
and'eomfort of the tourist V
f Furniture for the comif
thonse was to- he donated
furniture houses of the city
Women's Civic league woul
charge of the furnishings of
dies' rest room while manu
mg, canning ana iruit pi
orsanlzations would be a
furnish cabinets for the pern
display of various manufacj
and dried, fruits and ve
products.' . .
i nrt j ' j
fionstruetion PronrpV!
f On Several New Proc
f -. earpenieri ; are . nusy ;
Charles Weller building. Hi
Chemeketa. to be the ne
of the Kewtoifa-ChevTOlet auq
papy after May 1. Work,
greasing rapidly on the
Hughes Quarter-block at Hi
Ferry and forms are being
ready for the pouring of cq
Some excavation remains. If
will not take . much time
tiree-story concrete apa
nohse on South Winter, a
to the public .library,' is fa
inf shape. This Is being t
J. J. Roberts. r
- s ; ,. . " V '
Gardening Is Uppermo
f.linds of Property 0
Garden making is first
minds of property owners i
Plana for the, building would fc-Si tfJd.lawns.are.begini
furnished by contractors and arch
itects, i : ' ;:? f U
Salem firms handling other
needed articles would also jbe
asked for contributions, the lard
ware stores to furnish the Jafrd-
ware; plumbers the plumbing
terial; electrical dealers and Ihe
Salem Light & Power company the
electrical fixtures and wiring ta
the paint dealers furnishing painti
and stains. . 'l
Through the Labor federation,
trades unions would be asked to
furnish labor for the entire build
ing, with sign painters making k
necessary tablets and signs. - Cash
would be furnished by the Cum
ber of Commerce, Realty board.
Business1 Men's League, the Anto
Dealers' association; Rotary, vkl-
wanis and Llont clubs.
In a prominent place then
be w orked "upon., , , Curbs
the state house, .Willamet;
yersity and ; other, pr
place that: are devoted
are being spaded and the r
pared! for the, spring.
7r6gress Is being made
hew blind school at Chun
Mfsslbn. Dirt is being filW
rapidjy as possible and as
this as completed the plsf
beBown to grass.
North Summer Street
Ask for Improvement
Repairing of North !
street is sought by resid
that section, who hare app
the city council for a bonf
These people are willing 4
portion 01 me cosi 11
will pay the remainder J
mar he nlaced . before thr
would be located a tablet, showing at the primaries on May If
The MsyawvLight of
Creates a PkiTJcble -'Atmosphere
We will wire yosr house, install an "
electric rans ; electrical appliances
and even a n$ the most reason- f
able cost. . ; . . JF J
y y-; ? f : v fjZjJJJ IJ
Fle;3Bei ; . : .
Elec;! Co:
471 Court Street. "
' ll ittrf.aW V v