The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    mm ne
Church on Iran Awarded
:." vrrry jonsi ruction
company, members of which are
J. X. Barham, W. J. Durham and
E. Barham, has been awarded
the contract to construct the new
Unitarian church at Cottage and
Chemeketa streets. The cost will
be $20,000 and construction will
begin April 1.
Democratic Banquet
' At Marlon hotel Wednesday eve
ning at fi:30 sharp. Many promi
nent guests will be present. Gov
ernor Pierce, Dr. C. J. Smith, Col.
Robert Miller, O. P. Coshow; also
candidates foriU. S. senate. Geo.
a. MBusueia, wm. Htrayer, Milton
Miller, Will R. King; also a num-
oer 01 onr local candidates. The
public is invited. Tickets, $1 per
plate, can be had from P. L. Fra
iler, Brazier Small and August
Huckestein. ' -m29
izine to fieht the rodent II
Van Trump, county fruit inspec
tor, and A. W. Moore, rodent man
for the government, recently con
ferred with people in the Evens
valley section. Under present Diana
a stretch bIx miles long and about
a mile and a half wide will be
mapped out and a general drive
launched against the gray digger
for the purpose of extermination.
Poison can be obtained from the
government and he county and
will be spread under the supervis
ion of the officials.
Ot Interest to Property Owners
We are now prepared to insure
your store building, and furniture
and fixtures' therein, for three
years for twice annual premium,
(a saving of 33 over present
plan of insuring). We also write
an attractive five-year policy, pay
able . annually. At your service
Standley & Foley Insurance Ag
ency, room 1, Bush Bank Bldg.,
phone 347. " m29
The Film Shop
Has moved from the Masonic
temple to the Red Cross Pharma
cy. m30
thur Silvers, of Falls City, at the
home of Mrs. Ellsworth Dearing,
on Fir street, a daughter, Pearl
Jean, Wednesday; Mr. and Mrs.
O. F. Fowler, a daughter, born at
their home six miles south' of Sa
lem, Thursday, and Mr. and Mrs.
David Saucy ot route 8, a son,
David, Jr., who was born Friday
guilty to the possession of Intox
icating liquor. Judge .Kuntx In
vestigated his financial condition.
and then made the fine with the
view of leaving Shandley with suf
ficient funds to take him to Port
land. Upon provision that be
leave the community a possible
jail sentence was not passed.
Many Figure on School Job
Nearly 20 Contractors are pre
paring to make estimates on the
new Parrish Junior "high school on
North Capitol street, according to
W. ; H. Burghardt, who has the
plans at his office. This number
is the greatest to show Interest in
any one building for a number ot
years. The new school will be of
' concrete construction and will cost
approximately $225,000. The bids
will be opened by the school board
at a special meeting the night of
April 2.
Parole Denied Haines
Elroy Haines of Newberg, sen
tenced to five years in the state
prison for statutory rape, will not
escape punishment. Haines was
denied his application for a parole
yesterday by Judge Bingham. The
jury which heard the case was out
less than two hours and the con
cluding arguments of District At
torney John Carson and Lyle J.
Page, deputy district attorney,
were very brief in contrast to the
long appeal made by Attorney
Kliks of McMlnnville, attorney for
the defendant. He filed notice of
appeal to the supreme court upon
benaif of his client.
Ornamentals, Not Trees,
Fruit trees. Pearcy Bros, nurs
ery, 237 State St. m30B
Cecil Fanning, Baritone
Grand theater, Fri. Mch. 4th.
Prices, $1, $1.50, $2, plus tax.
Pl 4..
W1II Fight Gray Diggers
War upon the gray digger is
planned by residents of the Evens
valley district, northeast of SI1
verton, For the purpose of organ-
Roseburg Is Interested
Considerable interest in the
signing up for the new Oregon
Prune Growers Cooperative asso
ciation in the Umpqua valley. It
was stated by George Neuner, Jr.,
of Roseburg, director of the asso
ciation, in a visit here on business
Growers are discussing the new
association freely, but the attitude
taken by the bankers and larger
growers will have a vital bearing
on the success or failure of the
organization in the sign-up, he
Bald. The meeting in Roseburg,
similar to several held in this sec
tion, will be held next week.
Dance at Schindler Hall
Saturday night.
iWlll trade prune or apple
trees . for anything of value,
'.wagon prefered.
Sales' yard opposite OJ E.
Depot Of flee Phone 1758.
Res, 10F4. :-t : " Vi
Wm. Ncimeyer
In Business For Your ,
175 N. Corn!. Phone 167
Xew Arrivals Are Reported-
Several new arrivals have quiet
ly made their appearance in the
city this week. Those announcing
births in the family are Mr. and
Mrs. Lane Morley; 720 Highland,
a daughter, Wednesday; Mr. and
Mrs. Bert E, Eshelman, 1064 Jef
ferson,, a son, Reinald Arthur, on
Wednesday; Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Jackson, ot 1595 Lee, a daughter,
Virginia Serena; Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
" Bought, Soldi and Exchanged.
)20 N. Coml BC t Phone 4W
v;vj;: ; We Pay Cash , .
On Italian Prune Trees. Good
prices, on. Walnuts, Trade Prune
trees for young cattle, uenerai
, Nursery Stock, Sates Yard and
Office. 544 Ferry St.
'A. I. Mathis. Prop.
flf flee Phone 109. Res. 1140M
111 Oregom Bldg. . Telephone 457
The ScayeyBell Insurance
. Agency
General Insurance..
rnmr Bell Frank Wagar
IFormeriy ut. dcbmui
240 S. Cottage St. I
PHONE - - 1182
The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adiuitment Treatment. Skill
rot. Painless Adjustment that
fete results.
Osteopathia Physician and
Burgeon '
Oresoa Bids. Balem
I - Osteopathic v
i. :i Physician and Suregoss
. The only physicians in Salem
1 using Dr. Abram's method of
. Electronic Diagnosis and
. Treatment -
506 U. S. Natl Bank Bid,
Clinrch Asks Bids
Kids for the erection of the
Court Street Christian church at
Seventeenth and Court streets, will
he opened April 14 at 8 o'clock
p. m. Checks for 2 per cent of the
bid must accompany all bids. The
plans are on exhibit at the office
of Chris J. Kowitz, 303 Bank of
Commerce building.
The Tulip Farm
Has been moved to the Pacific
highway, four miles north of Sa
lem. "Earlies" in bloom. Visitors
welcome. m29
Senators Play Today
The Salem baseball team will
play its f IrBt game of the season
today at Corvallis, where the Sen
ators meet the OAC varsity in a
practice game. Sunday afternoon,
if the weather permits, a game will
be played between a combination
Mt. Angel college and town team
This will be played at Oxford park
Closing Out Milliner)"
Entire stock of hats.
feathers and ribbon. 517
Derby bldg., upstairs.
Promote Good Health
One-Third Cream
n. E. RIDEOUT, Proprietor
At the Following Price
For a Few Days:
$14.50 Per Ton
Wood for lS-lnch from $0.00
to 910.00 Per Cord
Larmer Transfer Co.
460 State St. Phone 030
Dr. Harrison Polk and Dr.
Paul G. Stapran, 1484 State
Si, Salem, Oregon, are
Chiropractic Doctors.
The Abrams method of Elec
tronic Diagnosis ar.d Treatment
Is not taught Chiropractic doc
tors by Dr. Abrams or any of
his colleges. These doctors, at
1484 State Street use the E. R.
A. on their sign and advertise
ment. This is misleading and
has1 caused persons to start
treatment with them, thinking
they were receivttg the real
Abrams treatment
For fact address,
' .Eetabli8KecLJ86a
General Bcnlnng Butinrt
Office Hours from 10 tL m. lo 3 p, iny
West Salem . i
Men, women "and children in
vlted for.the record Sunday school
attendance ' of the past three
months. Sermons by the pastor
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Junior
league "pleasant hour" at 3 p. m.
Song service at 7 p. m.
llayesville Baptist
Dance at Schindler Hall
Saturday night.
should have a stated object and
none is higher than that of char
acter building, he Baid.
Biggest Carnival
Ever held at Dreamland, Satur-
ay night. Ladles free. Come early.
A Peculiar Suit-
Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Pettyjohn
have been made defendants In an
action brought by Lillian E. Flint
of Eugene. While driving in Eu
gene several months ago Mrs. Pet
tyjohn was forced onto a sidewalk
by a truck which crowded her car
off the street. Miss Flint stepped
from behind a telephone pole in
front of the car just as it stopped.
She fell and in getting up scraped
her hip on the fender. Mr. and
Mrs. Pettyjohn took the girl home
and gave her every attention.
Silverton Appeal.
Xeunrr Will IVom-uIi" .
As a special prosecutor for the
state, but in the pay of Harney
county, George Neuner, Roseburg
attorney, will go to Hums next
week, to prosecute the case of the
state against Joe Cavender, who is
charged with assault with intent
to kill R. L. Haines, a prohibition
agent. Cavender is an alleged
bootlegger. The county asked as
sistance from the state in prosecut
ing the case and Neuner was ap
pointed by Attorney General Van
The Tulip Farm
Has been moved to the Pacific
highway, four miles north of Sa
lem. "Earlies" in bloom. Visitors
welcome. m29
At Long View
State Forester F. A. Elliott and
Deputy State Forester Cronemiller
were at Longview, Wash., yester
day to witness a demonstration of
pumps used in the fighting of for
est fires.
For Oriental Pearl Beads
Ambers, Jades, phone 2014M,
and see full line of samples. m29
Miss Taylor Appointed-
Miss Grace Taylor of Salem has
been appointed by Governor
Pierce as a member ot the state
board of examiners ot graduate
nurses. She succeeds Miss Grace
Phelps of Portland, -whose term
expires April 1.
Our Rug Sal
Is attracting many buyers. The
price is what counts; $45.50 for
your choice of 25 patterns. Good
Axminster rugs. Terms if desired
Hamilton's, 340 Court St. in29
Sunday school at 9:45, closing
at 10:45. Then we will all as one
body go to the Hayesville Sunday
school convention at Pratum.
Everybody bring your lunch and
enjoy a basket dinner with us at
Pratum. BYPU at 7 p. m. Preach
ing at 8. Topic, "The Growth of
the Soul." A. C. Rylander, pastor.
Millinery at $12JSO
Charming new models in spring's
smartest effects for madam and
madamoiselle, in large and small
hats trim m ed, tailored, sports.
The French Shop assures you of
service plus style and individual
ity. Madame Bufte Morrison, 115
North High street. m29.
Sharkey Receives Cup
G. P. Sharkey yesterday received
the Anderson & Brown trbphy for
winning the Washington tourna
ment at the lllihee Country club.
Engraving on the cup tells of the
donor, the event and the winner.
Mrs. Steiner in Storm
Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, wife of
Superintendent Steiner of the
state hospital for the insane has
returned from a trip to Honolulu
where she visited her daughter and
son-in-law, Captain and Mrs. Ear
Flegel. The vessel on which Mrs.
Steiner was a passenger encoun
tered a severe storm on the re
turn trip. Mrs. Steiner was fortu
nate in that her property in the
baggage room of the ship was the
only baggage not damaged, and
she was the only passener who did
not put in a claim for damages
The damage is said to have ex
ceeded $100,000. Dr. Steiner met
her at San Francisco.
The Film Shop-
Has moved from the Masonic
temple to the Red Cross Pharma
cy. m30
YMCA Party Returns
Three automobiles carrying 17
students from Willamette univer
sity who are enrolled in the
YMCA secretary's training class,
have returned from a week's trip
that took them as far north as
Everett, Wash. Eight different
YMCA organizations in the larger
cities were inspected, in addition
to five distinct types In Seattle
alone. There was no trouble ex
perienced during the entire trip
and it was a fine thing, according
to C. A. Kells, who bad charge of
the party. Cities and YMCA or
ganizations visited were Portland,
Everett, Seattle, Olympia, Tacoma,
Bremerton and Centralia.
A Balloon
To every lady attending carni
val at Dreamland Sat. night. Come
early. m29.
Liquor Owner Sentenced
Twenty-five dollars and costs
were assessed Thomas Shandley
by Judge P. J. Kuntz when he ap
peared .in the justice court yes
terday after entering a. plea of
for rent. Choice location.
Room 14 by 30 feet, brick
building. See T. G. Bligh.
Popular Priced
Men's and Young Men's
Tailored Suits $25 to $45
D. H. Mosher
And ,
Electronic Physicians
We diagnose correctly from a
drop of blood ot the patient any
disease, active or latent.
We enre by the Electronic
Method 95 per cent ot cancers,
Tuberculosis, Diabetes, Ulcers
of the stomach. Acidity: high
blood pressure, hardening of
arteries, etc. .
- Investigate at
1484 State St. Cor. 15th
- Hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m.
r Consultation Free
Frocks at $10.75
For the Madam or Mademoselle
who would have many frocks. A
diversified collection of models
from a maker known for exclusive
styles and smart designs. Shown
at the French Shop, 115 High St
Interest Paid-
State Treasurer Myers yester
day reported the payment of
$440,000 in Interest on World
war veterans state aid bonds
$892,230 in interest on state high
way bonds and the retirement of
$62,000 in state highway bonds
For Good Wore
And quick service bring your
films to the Capital Drug Store
S. P. House of Mill City wis in
the city Friday morning. t
A. A. Spencer of Eugene was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
Judge A. C. Shaw of Portland
is in the city looking after some
business matters.
Claud Uusick of Woodburn was
a recent Salem visitor.
Ralph Cronise, of the Albany
Democrat, was in Salem yesterday.
It was a good record
S "b
No escapes from the penitentiary
for a long while
tains of Hollywood, Cal.
m m
Woman was. knocked out with a
gavel in a democratic convention
In Iowa. The idea la that when
a lady enters democratic politics
she should equip herself with
brass knuckles.
.(Continued from pagel)
And then a
looked ihe
Traffic Viloators Fined
tor violations of traffic ordi- other way for just a few minutes.
nances Wesley Ellis was fined and six went over the wall. Etern
$2.50 for failure to dim his lights al vigilance is the price of immun
and H. M. Boedigheimer, 396 ity from prison escapes. And that
South Nineteenth was fined $5 for is not possible. The escapeless
speeding when they appeared in prison has not been worked out
the police court Friday. There will be escapes as long as
there are prisons
The Tulip Farm S . S
Has been moved to the Pacific Newton D. Baker, ex-secretary
highway, four miles north of Sa- of war, says he recently traveled
lem. "Earlies" in bloom. Visitors over a wide expanse of country and
welcome. m29 talked to many people, and did
not find one who was generous
Council Eniova Vacation enough to admit that mere mignt
TVittro will rm nn mootln tr rf I ho possibly be one nonest man in
citv council Mondav nieht and it Washington
will be three weeks between meet-1 "
inzs instead of the usual two. ow- Work at the state flax Plant wan
ing to there being five Mondays interrupted by the escapes yester-
in March. The council meets the
first and third Monday nights and
it is seldom that the extra night
small .32 caliber automatic.
Walking from the business col
lege late this afternoon, the two
were nearing the outskirts of the
central business district, when he
stopped holding her arm and step
ped along behind Miss Ford. Sud
denly he unbuttoned his overcoat
despite the snow storm which had
started and took out a small re
volver. Without warning shot from
behind at the girl, the bullet en
tering her body at the left rear
side of the neck and coming out
through the mouth. Miss ' Ford
dropped to the sidewalk. Then.
Mortimer quickly pressed the re
volver against his right temple
and fired the second shot. He fell
across her body as it lay on the
walk. The girl died a few minutes
after the officers arrived ou the
Bcene, but he Uved for an hour
after being placed in the hospital.
r r of long time
and good
average of
vine and HorpltU -Johnson
ud Seond Stxw
Wast Stlem. -- -
Save Money by Having
Your old hats cleaned and
blocked, 291 X. Com'l, or 445
Stat a at m99
Will Ruild Stor
Work has begun on a one-story
store building at 225 South Com
mercial, though Mike Panek did
not obtain a building permit un
til Friday. With the preliminary
work well under way, the rise of
the building will be rapid. The
store will cost $1500. O. E. Boat-
wright was issued a building per
mit for the erection of a dwelling should take a squint at the moun
at 1038 Highland to cost $3uu.
day. So the flax threshers were
not started. They are expected to
be going Monday.
mm mm
The Scandinavian peoples have
not been mixed up in a war for
more than 100 years. Thas is an
other reason why Uncle Sam is dis
posed to prefer the Nordic races as
immigrants. J
Some one suggests that perhaps
President Coolidge occasionally
looks back longingly to the quiet,
hum-drum days when Boston po
licemen were on strike.
Explorer McGovern describes a
race In the mountains of Tibet
where every woman has seven hus
bands. Someone suggests that he
mm ?ho u
OAC Strollers--
Featuring Happy Ames, Wash
ington's premier entertainer. It
he can't make you laugh your
money will be refunded. Dance
Saturday, Mar. 29. Salem armory.
Where the crowd goes. m29
Boys Escape From School-
Police were yesterday looking
for two boys who had escaped from
the feeble-minded school. These
were Jim Dooley, 16, weight 125
pounds, who, it is said, does not
appear to be feeble-minded. The
other was a boy named Brown,
weighing about 160 pounds. He
was of sandy complexion.
Giant Mixed Pansy Plants
And Gladoli Bulbs for
Flake's Petland, 273 State.
Salem Dentist Appointed-
Governor Pierce yesterday ap
pointed Dr. Carl Miller of Salem
and Dr. E. T. Hedlund of Portland
as members of the state board of
dental examiners to succeed re
spectively Dr. F. G. Findley. of
Roseburg and Dr. David B. Hill of
Pendleton. The terms of the two
latter expire April 1.
The Best Film Developing
And printing done in Salem is
at the Capital Drug Store. ml8tf
Lions Indorse Realtors' Plan
Resolutions recently adopted by
the Marion-Polk County Realty as
sociation regarding the community
house at the camp ground were
read by Rich L. Reimann at the
Lions club luncheon Friday, after
which the club gave its unanimous
support to the movement proposed.
Rev. Martin Fereshetian gave a
brilliant talk on points of Lionism
that were helpful to members of
the organization. Every club
talent iHortuarp
ruM test
IBWI Work Modrma
Lcailnf Fnmtral
Expert EmbahMrl
Ocnrxlri ScrrlsJ
Lions Roosting Northwest-
District No. 19 of the Lions In
ternational, comprising Oregon,
Washington and British Columbia,
are taking an active part in boost
ing the northwest. The back cov
er of the Lions monthly for March
is devoted to this purpose, offering
a welcome to all Lions to visit the
Summer Playground of America.
There are 11 clubs in district"19,
and each of these contributed to
ward the advertisement. High
ways, scenery and national parks
are stressed while each city has a
small picture of some local attrac
tion. Salem has its court house,
with the sogan, "Cherry City." A
few words'sare given concerning
the attributes of each locality rep
resented with a Lions club.
This photograph of Sir Esme
was made when he arrived in New
York on board the steamship
Olympic. He was recently Am
bassador to Spain ana irora nu
to 1908 was Counsellor to the
British Embassy in Washington
while.) James Brycef was Ambassa
dor. Slim of stature, with a
nlon Oil n t Km lie. sDarse sandy hair
tinged with gray at the temples,
and a light mustache pointed at
the ends. Sir Esme suggests the
aitr-essful business man rather
than the diplomat.
Now Lighting Fixtures
Get our prices and save money.
Salem Electric Co. F. S. Barton,
prop.. Masonic Temple. Phone
1200. m9tf
Jurist is Speak
Justice Oi P. Coshow, of the
Oregon supreme court, will speak
on "Lincoln" at the Six O'clock
club Monday night at the Leslie
Methodist church. This program
Is the one that was slated for Feb
ruary but which had been postponi
ed. The members of this organiza
tion are men from the three Salem
Methodist churches.
AU Sizes.
Headquarters For
280 N. Commercial St.
30x312 ..... ....... ...$10.45
32x3i2 GET 14.65 -
31x4 OUR 16.50 -f."
32x4 PRICES 17.95
33x4 Otf ..... 18.50 ' :
34x4 TUBES . 19.50 !i ;
32x4 V - 23.60 T
33x412 . 24.10 ,
34x412 24.70 '
r 33x5 29.55
35x5 31.00
March Special
30x312 FABRIC 6.95
30x312 CORD 8.50
32x4 , CORD 14.90 u
Oiher Sizes in Proportion v
Commercial and Court Sts.
Established 1917
Salem, Ore.
w shi
The Smiling
Fighting King
of the Outdoors
Started His "
Career in Oregon
J "THE v.
13 f,v
Cyclone Novelty
"Harping Back'
Geo. Wichman, -
Art in Clay
Fire Call Answered
The fire department last night
answered a fire alarm turned in
from 435 North Winter street. The
fire was in the chimney of the
Henry H. Vandevort home.
Will Meet Today
A meeting of architects ant)
members ot me "Marion-Polk
County Realtors association will
he held today noon at the Gray
Belle, to discuss plans for the
building of the proposed commun
ity house at the Salem auto park.
Fred A. Erixon will meet with
members of the realty board and
offer suggestions based on his ex
perience, as a builder. At the
meeting of the Salem Federation
of clubs; last night Dr. Henry E.
Morris. president, appointed
George H. Grabenhorst. chairman,
to serve with the Marlon-Polk
County Realtors association in
planning and providing means for
the erection of the community
house as suggested by the realtors.
Ill I llf fill Iff fff IM8MMI MMf I I M Mill M f 1 1 1 f I I I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f
tt '
The Oregon Statesman Want Ads)
A service that reduces hours to minutes! Places the city's
available houses, flats, apartments and rooms in a con
venient and usable guide! Lists each class of rentals un
der a well-defined heading.
The Oregon Statesman prints
more want ads than any other
newspaper in the Salem District
Statesman Want Ads
Telephone 23
llllltllliiliiilMI IMM
t . - - - - i ...