SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1924 I ! , A ' Page dying GOOD MARKET NEWS A guide,, for buying Groceries, ? Meats and Food Supplies. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON :rV y 1 rS'yFT- ferjSr I i watches page , : ; I - - . ' fA V. V y, i 'I f vBtiebs Bears rlammer Persistants and Accomplish -Drop in , Prices on Exchange NETV YORK, March 8.Prices ot industrial stocks continued to yield, today under the t pertinent hammering of bear traders. A rally; based on short covering in spired bjr the announcement that Corn Products, old stock, bad been placed on a $10 annual basis, set in toward the. close, but not until after the average of 20 leading in dpstrlal stocks had established a the early trading on buying obvi ously influenced by the publica tion of additional favorable Feb ruary earnings statements, particu larly by the northwest carriers. These gains were materially re duced or cancelled later when heavy selling developed in Norfolk & Western. New low records for the year were established by United States steel common, 97; American Can at 102; Baldwin 115 and Stude baker at 91, but all made a good " recovery from their low prices of the day. Oil shares moved up with rails in the early dealings in. further re flection of another decrease in erode oil production, but they fell back with the rest of the list in the selling which engulfed the market soon after the noon hour. Call money opened at 4 per cent and. then advanced to 5, where it closed... Time money rates were unchanged, the shorter maturities new low record for the year. Rails moved up 1 to 3 points In commanding 4 per cent and the BACON 15 c Per Pound -This bacon is our best light weight sugar cured bacon. It got a little too' warm and was over smoked. Purq Pork Sausage, no water, no cereal 15c Slt PoHc, xnedium heayy 14c j. We are now cuttingrsome choice Montana heifers. The best meat on the market at this time. Pure Lard in bulk 13c - Our own make Bring your empty pails. We Have a Nice Lot of Dressed Chickens for Today V.. ' li. 1 " pPowell Market M Where a Dollar Does Its Duty Phone 1421' s-"t " - - '-"173 SromTr ' Open until 8 P. M. Saturday Evenings .IP-? omers Appreciate the SPLENDID VALUES we are offering in Dependable Groceries and Meats. That's why we doubled our busi ness in two years. . If you want to save, "Park in front of DAMONS today. Banana s,. pounq . " n ppton M S r ee High Grade 5 Fail Lard Beat warn rVButt Yellow Newtown Appl Box . ,. i. .60c ef 47c es, $1.25 Pure Maple Syrup frdni Qlymer, New - I ? York, Gallon $3.00 Pure Maple Sugar, poiuid 35c Large Dill Pickles, doz: 30 c Sweet Pickles; Pint ; :25c Spinach; fresli, Poiind 10c IN THE MEAT MARKET Mcf Holld l-Ycsh Smelt 4 lbs: 25c Pork Shoulders 15c Lamb CUpps 35c. Leg of Lamb 35c 1 v .Fresh , Hamburger - 13c , y: 2 Its. 25c Leg of 35c Shoulder of 20c Potk Chops 3Lb, 40c Buy your f resh rnear ard groceries at the same time DAMON'S GROCERY Today we pay 18c Cash for. Eggs longer dates 5. Prime commer cial paper was unchanged at 4' per cent, Another - sharp gain in Spanish pesetas to 13.30 cents, a new high record for the year, was the feat ure of the foreign exchange, mar ket. Strength . of Spanish ex change is believed to be due to the restrictions imposed by the Span ish government im irading in that currency, Other European rates held firmdemand sterling ruling around $4.J01od French francs around 5.47 xents. WHEAT PRICES AT NEW LOW LEVELS Values Break to Withoin Quarter Cent of Dollar Mark in Chicago Tenant Must. Have Fire. ChiiarenTo! GclHpme Like This and Each New Baby Saves $2 a Monti s v , - rT ; ? - x -'; i s PREVAIL IN MARKET i L rTQFSJ'JLYeei'Sire' V-1 i 4 Fruits and Vegetables In crease in Quality. as Sea son Advance at i the Chamber of Commerce luncheon .Monday. He will have as his topic, .'Cooperation." '..After attending the University of .Oregon law school Justice Co shoWi studied law for two years under Judge I. K. Weatherford at Albany. From there he went to McMinnville where he practiced for five year! before establishing his residence at Roseburg, where he lived until his appointment to Ten cents a pound is the pre vailing prices for rhubarb on local markets and since it Is of unusu ally good quality this season is popular with the housewives. Green peas which have been on the market but a short time, are reduced in price from 30 to 25 cents a pound. The quantity is limited, but what comes in is in great demand. the supreme bench by Governor Walter M. Pierce on January "15, this year, j ' 'Jytl ; Justice Coshow served "in the 1905-07 legislature as . senator from Douglas . county. ' For & 10 years he was a member of the state board of higher curricula. Dr. H, E. Morris, presidentjof the Kiwanis club, has urged 'all members of this club to be presetj Monday. - . . j' i CHICAGO, March 28. Wheat values broke to within a cent to $1 a bushel today with all de liveries reaching a new low record for the season. Reappearance of liquidation on the part of holders of wheat, corn and oats and pre ceded the fresh downturn of prices. Wheat closed unsettled at c to 14c net decline, with May (1.00 to $1.00, and July, $1.02. Corn, c to Hie off; oats, c to lc lower, and provisions varying from 10 to 12 cent set back to a gain of 2 cents. In contrast with the weakness which later developed, the grain markets early showed a tendency to advance. Predictions of colder weather with rain had led to a temporary reversal of position on the part of a number of traders who previously were active sellers but who inferred that adverse weather would bring renewed de lay to oats seeding, as well as hin der the movement of corn and wheat. Absence of selling pres sure, however, was- subsequently less noticeable than apparent de ficiency of buying power. Then, the lack of any aggressive support for the wheat market was given decided emphasis , after midday when word came that Canadian oats were continuing to find a ready outlet in New England. Be sides weakness of the New York Stock , market and in cotton had' a bearish effect on grain. " Only as wheat approached the dollar-mark was there much let up in the selling after liquidation here bad once got under way. The dollar-mark .pause in the selling of wheat j was also coincident with depression of corn to 75 cents for May delivery, a price regarded as about even with hogs at $7.50, the first time in a long while that such an equal ratio has been es tablished. Corn fell to the lowest prices touched of late. Oats went under 40 cents for September, a new bottom figure for the crop. Pro visions sympathized to some ex tent with the weakness of grain. Above ia shown on of the 1.800 "forty-minute homes which have been erected within the last year by & Schenectady. N. Y., real estate operator. They are rented only to couples' who "have five or mora children. For each child born on the premises the rent is reduced $3 a. month. ' ' Justice Coshow Speaks To Chamber Next Monday Justice O. P. Coshow, of the Oregon supreme court, will speak sold 350 bales of Oregon hops at prides just a little lower than the same hops were selling shortly before his departure. The hops were 1921s, 22s and 23s. ; No one knows just where the hop market stands, he said. . Thousand Boxes Oregon Prunes Sold Yesterday A new tone on the prune market was . shown yesterday when the Oregon Growers Cooperative asso ciation sold 1000 boxes of 60s for domestic consumption in the east at 9 cents. This is the first sale of prunes of this size that has been made by the association for a month. This price was paid f.o.b. dock at Portland. Other Or egon 30s have been sold by other dealers from time to time at 9 cents a pound. Those sold were packed in 25-pound boxes. I SALEM MARKETS I QBAIir AMD HAT No. S wfcMt No. S red wkekt, tacked OtU 45 Cheat hay .901 .SO) 481 $11 13 $14 13 & U wholesale and an ao re tat -13 Clover say, baled Pricea Quoted are price received by farmer. pricea are jiren. EGGS, BUTTE. BXTTTEBTAT Creamery butter 48c 49c Butterfat delivered 4 46c Milk, per cm S2.10 Eggs, selects 19c Standards ., 17c Pulleta 14e Heavy aene.. rOTJXTBT la .140 H odium and light hens rvtto, iiuitub ADO asu Rom, top, 150-125 Irs., ewt $7.50 Hog top, 225-Q75, cwt , $7.00 Hogs, top, 275-800, cwl $6.50 Light lows, ewt $5.00 Rough heavy 04a UB uao Top Veal, dressed 09e Cows 02 0 04V, Top lambs i0e GENERAL MARKETS 1 - ; ; . AyHEAT i BUENOS . AL&ES, MarcfL 28y-i- Opening: Wheal, April, 94c;M6wn c; May, 95 &c, dowa hit. T LIVEROPPL, MaFcb28 Close wheat. A& to d lower; May, 8s. 10d; July, 8s. 9d; October 8s, 9d; March, not quoted. MINNEAPOLIS. March 28. No. 1 northern, $1.09 to $1.14; No. 1 dark northern spring, choice to fancy, $1.20 to $1.25; good to choice, $1.15 to $1.19, ordinary to Rood, $1.10 to $1.- 14; May, $1.09; July, $1.11; September, $1.10, PORTLAND, March 28. Wheat hard white, bluestem and baart. March. $1; April, May, 99c; soft White, March, April. May. 97c; western white, farch, April, 96c; hard winter, northern spring and western red, ' March, April, May, 93c, Oats No. 2 white feed, March, April. May. $32.50: No. 2 gray, March. April, May, $31.50. Corn No. 2 eastern yellow shipment March. $32; April and May. $31. 50;, No. 3 ditto, March, $31.75, April, May, 31. i Millrun March, April, May $24.50. Hay Portland and Seattle, unchanged. DRIED FRUIT NEW YORK, March 28. Evap orated apples, dull; prunes, un settled; apricots, quiet but firm; peaches, quiet. Oregon Hops are Wanted More Than California': i Oregon hops are in greater de mand than those from California particularly the Sacramento valley, and buyers are willing to pay better price for them, according James It. Linn, .who recently re More Candidates Filed Declarations With Kozer A nnmbfr of candidates- for dis trict attorney vand representative in the legislature, filed their state ments yesterday with the secretary of state. They were: f John S. Medley, Eugene; for democratic nomination for district attorney for Lane county; slogan, "Even and exact justice to all; strict enforcement of prohibition law." Earl P. Conrad, Toledo; for re publican nomination for district attorney of Lincoln county; no slogan. Francis V. Galloway, The Dalles, for democratic nomination for dis trict attorney of Wasco county; slogan, "For re-election." John H. Carkin, Medford; for republican nomination for repre sentative in the legislature from the eighth representative dl8tI"ict. comprising Jackson county; no slo gan. W. F. Young, Sherwood, for democratic nomination for repre sentative In the legislature from the 15th representative district, comprising Washington county; no slogan, "i -j: -J. D. Wood, Condon; for repub lican nomination for district at torney for Gilliam county; slogan, "Economically, transact official business. Conscientiously enforce the law." Leland S. Finch, Baker; for democratic nomination for district attorney of Baker county; slogan, "Economy, efficiency and honesty In office, and strict enforcement of all laws." To praise good actions heartily ia in some sort to take part in them, We have few faults which are not more excusable than the means we take to conceal them. FRANK L. LEHMAN GROCERIES 175 S. Commercial k . ' " . Order By Phone 305 DELIVERY FREE Prompt ! Service Baking Powder Tomatoes r:.s.Lb; $2.60 ,B?r.d::-40c" K. C. 50 ozs., 50c size, CoCOa Hershey's, lb. 35c Crackers n ce N. B. C, family VlC- t"0"ee Bize UC Wason's Better Coffee Vacuum Packed, AKg 1 lb. tin tJC Raisins Seeded. 11 oz. pkg. Of? Bulk Coffee 3 JC A rch Mend coffee QO 3 lbs5. 2JOC Corn . 1 Tender Sweet Brand CatSUp - r this con. is high grade or. Tomato Snider, li QOr 2 3C oz. medium, 3 WV 48c Corn Flakes Nut Margarine v rpfcgs. . . ..25 c Gem Nut and Wilso - 3 lbs- 40C Campbell Soups A Milk - AUC Borden's and Carna- A ft -Good Batanas, 1 A tion. tin .. 'iUC ""ibr 1UC FresRffembles ie mi Quality and Kight Prices ri . Mm mm FOUND AT LAST For the particular house wife, the bread which has that crisp" brown crust and which does not crumb to pieces when cutting it. Try our bread and you will be convinced that it is all we claim for it a most super ior loaf indeed. "Always a bit better." . Peerless Bakery- 170 3f. Commercial Removal 3alc UNITED ARMY STORES 230 South Commercial St., Marion Hotel '"?.," r " - . We move to our new location at 189 North : Commercial street next Tuesday, April Is GALE & CO. OLB LOCATION Special! for Saturday M ondav JS1.79 ixm ... !.69c Men's cotton and wool mixed work pants Men's khaki work pants Extra heavy old hickery work shirts ...... Blue Chambre work shirts . L Men's overalls or jumpers 220 denim 1 .. 114 Khaki breeches, lace leg .. . r....:,..1......4r:$25w Officers' serge breeches, button leg, double seat :.$5.0f O. D. wool breeches, laced leg .. .$400 Athletic union suits Cotton and wool mixed union suits 59c Army heavy leather halters with chain Army horse blankets ; . Army all leather heavy marching shoes Officers dress shoes j ... 17 big one-lpound bars army soap ... ; 3 Jars Palm . Olive transparent soap . -U:49 1345 -145 .51.00 Canvas gloves ........... ..-..lOc s-: w f - ...10c The Unquoted Prices The real saving in your monthly grocery bill is not, made on the one day specials that are offered as special inducements. ..Where you, really. save at PIGGLY WIGGLY is on the every-day Low Prices on hundreds of items which seldom appear in advertised low prices or specials. j Tp convince yourself of this fact, bring a listor better yet some of -the sales slips with prices you are paying, and compare, them with the swinging price tags on PIGGLY WIGGLY shelves. This will be more convincing than anything we might attempt to tell you. . v - . w H FLOUR Vashburn ; Crosby Gold, Medal -;e.beM.4;ithe world, 49-lb. kbag -..-T.,,.--. $1.77 Best valley flour, 49 lbs. .$1.25 SMOKED MEATS W Hams, per lb :4. 25c Swift Premium Bacon 37c Med. weight lean Bacon 19c Picnics, per lb 16c COFFEE . Royal Club per 1 lb. can . .-.J..42c Royal Club per 3 lb. can .-. ....$1.15 Royal Club per 5 lb. can ...i...$2.05 Peaberry Coffee, per lb. . 31c We also handle Hills Bros., M. J. B., and Golden West Coffees. SAUER KRAUT One of the best foods for your health as well as one of the most economical to serve. Monopole No. 2'2 cans .... ILi 15c Del Monte No. 22 cans 18c POTATOES 100 lbs. No. 1 grade r. $1.75 K BUTTER, ETC. Besi Creamery, per lb. ........ Ayilso Gem Nut and Nutola 3 pounds for .48c .75e COOKING OILS Amazo, pts. 28c; qts. ..50c i2 gallon 96c;. 1 gallon $1.87 Wesson Oil, pints 29c; quarts 52c Vi gal. 98c; 1 gal. '. ....$1.92 V: CEREALS ' Post Toaslies 3 for 1 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c -r Grapenuts . :......"..17c Cream of Wheat . . 22c Kerr's Oat Meal No. 10 iOc Carnation Pancake Flour, Na 10 60c CANNED VEGETABLES . Solid Pack Tomatoes No. 22 14c Royal Club Maine Corn ; 19c : Del Monte Cros,by Corn ....19c Van Camp Pork and Beans, small .... 9c .Van Camp Pork and Beans, medium 11c Golden Bantam Corn . .. 25c Del Monte Peas, med 19c, 4 Fresh fruits and vegetables PJGGLY WIGGLY carries a most complete as sortment. You make your own selection, no waste, none to throw away. For Saturday we will have Celery, Cauliflower, Radishes, Cucumbers, Toma toes, Carrots, Spinach, Asparagus, Cabbage and Lettuce. ;Y WIGGLY Phone 11. 456 Slate. turned from an extended trip atbe east.' While away Mr. Linn