The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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lit - v'; . .... : . ..
better Homes
See the "Better Homes'! pages,
in Sunday's for good advise on
building problems.
Telephone your want ads In
early today for ' Sunday's ' paper.
Many buyers will scour this paper
thoroughly for what you offer, "
: i it
, ) .
1 1 -
- I
1 f
f "
BsV'skM fs ssssa. iM a n 'a
UU HE 1 i i
Republican Leaders of House
Attend White House Din- Woodburn and Albany. Two of Onlv Five
Dnicniiuo . vopcinn rw w c t-i , r n c
i.vugiuui wboiwn lowns in oiaie inai nenem dv service
w - i i i j i ' - "
Commission's Decision In Celebrated Rate
Case-Metere4 Service Ordered for Portland
Tale of Civil War in Teguci
galpa Reaches United
States After Long Delay
Many Lives Lost -
Installation of a measured telephone service for business 1
phones in the city of Portland is required of the Pacific Tele-
Sinnott Of Oregon IS One Of Phone & Telegraph company by an order of the public service Story Written March 1 Re-
i nose ranicipaiiny in " v"v vwv.fcv.u oivmuj i cciveu Last rtiyiiiT moi
j J
pany. The order was issued late yesterday and is eiiective
The telephone company is not hard hit by the order.
Word Received Here
wASHiwfiTfiMt m.k i WYe smau cities in tne state are to receive reaucea rates, ana mminir. Hondnra. Mch.
President CooUdxe at a conference U farmer lines will receive reductions except those on-the1,By Associated Press.) (By
tonlrht with reoabUcan house Portland. Salem and EUfirene exchanges. There is a reduction courier. Herewith is sent the
leaders expressed, the deslra to I between OsweJTO and Portland. The five towns accommodat-1 story of the state of affairs in Hon
hate some form of farm relief ed are Albany, Heppner, Hermiston, Prineville and Woodbbrn. duras. it is not sure thW 41- Former Assistant Attorney
legislation enacted before tbe Th r1iutinn nn tha f armpr litips whpw OTTti(l. i from S9 natch will reach you. Itlssentby n r n
close of thA nrABdnt nanlon nf cab. I . , - t i moomrw hn vnt traTpll UCIICiai UlllCIO TldOt;
.., f to uu a year ana irom o to $o a year, Dasea on lnaDiuiy -..
? i . .:. i m oyer v iuca vu
The legislature session generally I v-Mw vtjr. tt n throuh mountains and valleys full
wasdiscussed and Mr: Coolidge's , . me oraer is signea oy vnrmissignera xi. wey, if re;oIutlon,8tg or .nt
callers said they were conTinced cnairman, ana i nomas jv. v,ampDen, roewton xacvxjy, vne imrui MIn. v ,i Vtn Hia bearer
that congress could adjourn tiefore members of the commission, refused to sign the o$der and is lf they f'ind hlm witB thu dispatch.
' uuc luuiciiiiuuo. i nrpnannc a nissenimir ODimon. ne conienus liir oruer is-1 u.. , .Sah aaftv ann int
sued yesterday does not afford the relief warranted by the UeaBhore
laws and the facts
Against P. Jf Kuntz
1 The president was told that tbe
bouse would rush action on appro
priation bills, dispose of the John
son - immigration , bill and 1 before
the'end of the session take up a
measure providing tor a readjust
ment of the salaries of postal em'
ployea. ' . ' . ?'-."; :X
', .The discussion waa at a'. White
House dinner conference arranged
to consider " the possibility of
speeding' up' the legislative : pro
gram In the house and followed a
day during which- the - president
fraw. several senators on the, situa
tion, in that branch of congress.
I Sinnott Present
Those who dined with the
State "Closes Gold" Hill De
pository P.: H. Bell Is
S Suspected
At the close of the hearing on
March 27, 1923, the order shows.
tbe company's rate of . return was
4.95 per cent on Its entire prop
erty in the state of Oregon.
Income Tax Expense Item
' The order states that the su
preme court of the United States
has held that the federal Income
tax Is part of the operating ex
pense of the company, and there
fore must be provided -for in fix
ing the rate of return by the ser
vice commission.
The commission takes the po- h& he8 activities meant t to
sitioa that it must not reduce the J secure peace in Central Amerada
company's rate of return, and cites
numerous court decisions in which
returns as high, as & per cent for
utilities have bees , upheld - In
Honduras has been in civil war
. Straggle Described
(The dispatch, describes, f
length the struggle for the presi
dency between three candidates.
The Gold Hill bank was closed
president tonight . and , thea, dls- yesterday at 2 o'clock by Examiner
russed legislation with him and Stanley I. Stewart, Frank C.
(Secretary Slem'p were Representa- Bramwell, state ,bank superinten
kives Longworth, tbe party leader dent, announced last night. f
In the house. Representatives Til- "Prom communications received
oa of ConectfcuV acting speaker: by me today it appears that the this regard President Coolidge is
Chairman Madden of the apropri-1 cashier. P.H. Bell, has defaulted 1 quoted- as having said;
ations committee and Snell oflor embezzled the funds of the! "The law reauires that rates
rule committee and Representative bank . Bramwell said. . "Wben should be just and reasonable
Darrow, Pennsylvania; Sanders, 1 this i was I discovered; the matter I That has always been the rule un-
Indlana; Magee, New York ; am- was submitted! to; the bankers of der which rates hav been fixed.
pott, Oregon; Graham, Illinois, ( Jackson county, but under the cir- To make a rate that does not yield
and Tlncher, Kansas i memuers, 91 1 cumstancea it was decided that the! a fair return results in conflsca
the republkaa steering committee, only solution was J to close; the tlon, and confiscatory rates are of
Afterward Mr. Longworth. . as-1 Gold H1U bank . nendlne any. ad-1 course . unconstitutionaL . Unless
serted that-regardless of the fat justments or future negotiations. tbe government adhere to tbe
of tbe tax bill, congress would au- w- naTe m, devised any defl- rule of makinsr a rate that will
thorlze a 25 per cent reduction In nite plana Dnt we are in hopes yield a fair return, it must aban-George Lyall, on February 1 visit-
Joseph A. Benjamin, attorney in
the United States National bank
building, yesterday filed with the
county ciers; ma declaration as a
Civil war has taken possession candidate for the republican nom
of Honduras, and already nas I ination for justice oS the peace.
caused the loss of over 1500 lives I Mr. Benjamin was for 10 years
and it is just beginning. I assistant attorney general , of the
Noth withstanding statements by I state. His declaration brings two
the Washington government that in the race up to the! present time
Uncle Sam would not permit any for the republican nomination,
more revolutions in Central Amer- since it is known tbat the lneum-
ica, notwithstanding treaties bent, P. J. Kuntz, will file shortly.
signed at Washington In February, I : After Mr. Benjamin's name on
1923, and on board the US3 Ta-1 the ballot as his slogan will appear
coma between the president; of the words: "Assistant attorney
Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua j general 10 years. My experience
and the three American ministers I Is your protection against lnjus-
to these countries; notwithstahd- tice."
( His platform reads as follows:
"It I am nominated and elected,
on lira
Irwin B. Latighlin of Pittsburgh
was nominated to be minister to
Greece. ; ;
The state department was ad
vised that comparative order, had
been restored at Tegucigalpa,
Weather Conditibns Being PreJdcnt 0oo1Mm MnaA th-
FaVOrable PlaneS Will legislative situation at a White
Leave Last Of Month for House dinner conference with
nouse repuDiican leaders.
Prince Rupert
Members of the senate finance
committee discussed revenue legis
lation with President Coolidge
CELEBRATED IN LON DON wlth0ut coaclJ8!f n," ln reached
Counsel for 'Harry F. Sinclair
and the oil committee argued with
ArOUnd-the-World Jaiint Mav ot result whether Sinclair should
Da rAmnUUii aua ( be excused from further examto-
Schedule, Report
The house adopted an amend
ment to the naval appropriation
SEATTLE. March 21. Ameri- PmI which would request the presK
ca's eight United States army avi- dent to Initiate a movement i for
ators, who are attempting ta en- naTai limitation conrerence.
circle the globe in four eiant Douir-
las air cruisers and who landed at I Ta allowances and refunds for
Sand Point aviation field, north of Mellon. companies came In f or at-
here Thursday after their Initial tention Dy the senate and in the
start from Santa Monica, Cal., on I Mnate committee investigating the
Monday, will hop off on the next international revenue bureau
leg of their 25,000-mile trio Sun-
day, March 30. provided weather Acknowledging the result of the
conditions are favorable, accord- Jorth Dakota presidential primary
ing to an announcement made to- J tresiaent coolidge promised to do
night by Maj. F. L. Martin, com- ni utmost to give such economic
Major Martin. "The next stop
will be Prince Rupert, B. C, 650
miles. We Intend to make it with
in 10 hours flying time. We will
probably start at 6:30 a. m.
Engine Change
I will, during my term of office,
manifest, so far as I am able, by
faithful and Intelligent service, in
he. administration and enforce
ment of the law, my belief in the
ultimate accountability of every
one' to a supreme being, for the
fulfillment of the duties of his
Dr. Bonilla, Dr. Arias and General
Cartas, first in an election cam- etatloil , iife. including hia dutv
paign' and later before congress.) to u country 'and his neiehbor."
General Carlaes left the capital
on January sv. witn 3uu armea
men and under' cover of the nirht
took to the mountains to start the
revolution. The diplomatic corps,
i headed by the British charge, "M.
Income taxes payable this year. that within the next few days we I don rate-making altogether
He predicted also mat senate will be in a position to perfect a I Osweto Meets Milwaukie
and Jiouse would be ama to. agree i reorganization or form soma plans . in ordering measured service for
on , rate schedules in tne revenue which will meet the conditions. It I the city of Portland the commis
measure In time to permit enact-difficult, of . course, to see Just I sion exnresses the hone that this
meat of the bill before .June 1.; what will be necessary until we will afford a bigger return to the
Asked whether any. inaicauon i haTa obtained more complete in- nrnnnanv And thnrehv mak It nos
had: been given ny tne ; presiaem i formation. The cashier Is under I slble to reduce residence rates.
as to whether he wouia aprove iae$5,000 bonds, but whether or not The commission estimates that
tax or Donu piua, u uki. wcicuvi- will cover the amount of his
sent to him substantially as passed default ls uncextaln.
by the house, Mr. Longwortn saia The Gold Hill bank was" organ
that Mr. Coolidge had given no lld Jnly 18 1904; with a capital
jDkllsg of his ylews. jine repuo- ot $io,000.. It now has a surplus
ed the president and the congress
men, saying that in the interest
of peace it would be more desir-
able that the election of a presi- LOCal Attorney FlleS as Can
didate tor Marion District
6200 farmer stations are affected
by reductions. Relative to the re
ductions at Albany, Heppner, Her
miston, Prineville and, Woodburn,
and the lowering of the toll rate
llcanljeader added, however, that 6t$1500, an4 tptal assets of $119,- between Oswego and Portland, the Gulterres issued a decree
he thought it would be very 6i8.70. order sUtes that the effect "will lng the constitution suspen
much worth while to send Dotn "Mr. Bell has been placed under be to reduce both business and res- assuming all powers. The
measures to the White House. I arrest and we have recommended
Although President Coolidge t1uk tig. ban bond he fixed at not
empnasizea we aeiriuM.7 v le88 tnan 15,000. This recom-
kress providing some form of,'imehdaUon" has been based unon
lief for the farmers, he is under tne theory that the amount of his
stood to have expressed no opinion official bond and the amount of
as to the exact form "the legisla- hIg ba bond woald De auffident
tlon should take. Various propos- to coTer.the defalcations. This,
als pending before the house arl- however., has not yet been de-
culture committee were aiscuwu 1 temlned
and Mr. Tlncher, who Is a mem-1 1
(Continued on page 8)
dent be concluded some way or
other. But several deputies of the
Cartas party had already left the
capital and were in the mountains
preparing for war. No quorum
could be gathered, and congress
adjourned on January 21 without
having elected a president.
The dictatorship now began.
The outgoing president, General
suspended and
assuming all powers. The Ameri
can legation made public a cable
gram from Washington saying the
American government would re
alleged to have been made
Chairman Hall of the interstate
commerce commission wrote, to
congress on the question of un
necessary conflict with usages of
Only one engine will be changed 1 Inland transportation. In enforcing
at Seattle, according to Major Mar- section 28 of the merchant marine
tin. The engine in the plane pil-act.
oted from California by Lieutenant 1
Leigh Wade, which was flown from Tne house rules committee re
Cottonwood, Cal., to Sand Point commended an investigation of
with a slightly damaged tail, will I charges of duplications in govern
be replaced. The damaged part of iment bonds while an investigation
the plane was fixed by a squad of lot prohibition enforcement, was
experts tday. j proposed In a, Tesolntlog byltepra
The four air cruisers have" been isentatlve : Kindred, democrat, New
thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned 1 York.
with gasoline, motors inspected
and tuned, and new propellors
bolted into place. The new pro-
Pellors will have a stronger pull.
necessary, to life the aircraft out
of the water after being fitted
With pontoons.
Fourteen hours of actual flying
time is the record of the trip to
according to data compiled by Ma- becretary KOZer ASKS AT-
or Martin. One hour and 15 min- tnrnPV Hfinftral nn Tfirm
lITOs -Mr ft . 11 V I ...
u lyot wittsu me pianes t flffiro
wa vv vUVUUTaB tt aoilit
after starting for Seattle Wednes
day and this time has been elimin-
inated from the statistics.
Carl T. Pope yesterday filed his
candidacy for the republican nom
Ination for district attorney of
Marion county. His slogan is,
"For enforcing the laws without
favor." This brings two men out
for the office, for While District
Attorney John Carson has not
filed, be has anounced he will be
a candidate to succeed himself.
Mr. Pope has been engaged in
the practice of law in Salem for
iber of, the committee, assured the
'..iiAnt that a relief measure
would' be reported shortly.
' ; i! v TO BEOl JOB
some time and for the last year
cognize the dictatorship condition- has been associated with R. W.
ally and this naturally strengthen- Marsters, an attorney in Roseburg
ed the position of the dictator.
War broke out on Feb. -6, when
Colonel Anduray of the Cartas
party took the city of Siguatepeque
85 miles west of Tegucigalpa. At
the same time attacks were made
on other cities, resulting in . many
Richnn CtrtPA Pntororf
BV ThiP.VP. Week: AflOl LcUO Olaie UCclbUiei nun Kiued and wounded, but tbe only
' - I 'i tn . nP ; RpnrPpntPfl Dur- . I towns taken by revolutionists were
t , I -. t ' IMarcala and La Pas
Funeral of Mrs. Burnett , Untde c?p. mZol nuuuum"
:Tft Ro HP fl TOdaV ai 1 U:U "ore ana woie a quantity 01 ciotn- In tha examination into the af
IVhtwow- . s - - Ml A tkl.. tt ... . ... I ..Vl.. .M J I I 1-
Tha fnnerai of Mrs. George H. 1 1U B. wlucr lu,ul" fc "' 1 fairs or the state treasurer s oiiice 1 uii cciuBivcijr
New Cabinet Named
The government appointed anew
Burnett; who died Thursaay even
inr. wUl be held this morning at
10:20 from the Webb Funeral Par-
- ia. Th Chadwlck chapter 01
the order of the Eastern SUr will
1m in charge of, the semcea.
Honorary nallbearers.' Include
collese la- to-be. raised during a
state supreme court, O; P. Coshow,
it y Read. John McCourt. John
known yesterday. There was no I incident to ' th rhanm from the I the Bonilla party. This remained
report of the robbery given out by administration of the late - State in power only four days. Dr. Bon-
the police. Treasurer O. P. HoffUo that of "la told his leaders to keep aloof
Entrance was. gained through! Jefferson Myers, annointed bv I from the dictatorship government
the rear Of the store by the thieves I Governor Pierce aa Hoff'a succes-1 All agreed except General Ferrera.
who Placed up their lpot 19 sujt- gor, Mr. Hoffs interests will be General Ferrera attacked and
cases. Just how. much was taken J represented by an accountant from I took ' La' ' Esperanza, Ocotepeque,
la nat Vnown at tht store, for the I th 'National , Security com Dan r. I uracias, &anta itosa ae Mpan mna
prowlers weTe careful In rearjrang- which furnished Mr. Hof fs bond. Santa Barbara,, all importnt cities
iar th stock. 'The number of A. J. Tourtellotte of Portland has of thea west section, r In his pro-
and Salem for the last 20 yearB.
For the last 12 years Attorney
Pope has been a resident of the
city, finishing his education In
the local schools and graduated
from the Willamette university
law school, fcnd has made hia own
way since he was 14 years old. He
served wjth tne state industrial
accident commission for four
years and has had a wide business
experience, at present being secre
tary of the Masonic Temple asso
ciation and manager of the Mas
onic building. For the. last ,18
months he has been secretary of
tbe Salem Shrine . club; and in ad
ditlon to serving on the city coun
cil, has been a taxpayer of Marlon
county , for; a number, of years.
Besides being an ex-service man
and a member of Capital post No,
9 of the American legion, he has
been active In: church affairs, be-
S!' " er.'.1:." IMJ23 tXS5?-
wnm" will be M.' Lv, Meyers, Ij.
t. vmA. A. H. Steiner, A. - N.
Moores, R. K. Page and George G
OREGON: Generally fair' Sat
urday; heavy frost; ; moder-
ate northerly winds., -
(Friday)' ;
Maximum temperature, 51.
Minimum temperature, 36.
River", 1.4 feet; ; sUtionary,
Rainfall, none. . ' , "
Atmosphere, partly cloudy.
Wind, southeast ". , -
.v i hia behalf. The examination will m arms against tne aistatorsnip.
several rundreds of dollars. Fur-1 t tfciM about 2.000. nroclaimed himself
ther" theft of a quantity of silk
is no indication of any-Irregular-president at Lamani on Feb. 9,' ,60
hosiery was first discovered yes- ities in the department, but that miks from Tegucigalpa. The Am-
terdav when one of the clerks herdesires his. own listing of ac- nB mUu,r;.R,uSan
terday, , when one 01 we cwras operation on as about an adjustment between Car-
opened a cardboard box ktpt on treMUJW; . las. and the exUtlng government,
the shelves. When it was found .pranv sever T who ' was - denutr but the latter refused to follow his
that thlswas empty, a hurried treasurer under the late :0.-P. advice.
.. . I. ... a 1 !anaa 1 rflf a's' wos vanAVr a1 tnA
survey : was made, revealing . the Hon, requested mat an accounung t LT-V. lieve that-hard ork and devoted
loss of a large number stock- ? the department leade but BexVda
" . . iMr, uyers saia.nis acuon yester-ixai. . -ine govern meat oecamo
Ings. . . ' 'Idaf la not In response to" Sever's I Trm.l.aTii nt oncB toot meas-
The store was entered In a sim- reqaest ; Sever :wUl be , a . candi- tft atlf(t1tA tRA CoT,itaL :
of the Salem Lodge ; of Elks and
the Chamber of Commerce.
. The ' following statement was
made la iconectioa with thq filing
"In filing . as a candidate for
district attorney for Marion coun
ty in the republican primary,. I am
actuated by the desire, to serve the
people, of Marlon conntyf; I am
familiar with hard I work. 1 ber
I liar manner several years ago and date for ' the - republican - nomlna-
I loot amounting - to; aearly 1 0 0 0 tlon for treasurer.
was taken. The thieves were ap- Myers said. that he has not yet
prehended before they had time to decided whom, he 'will -appoint as
Imake-a'eetaway. - j hia deputy.
The diplomatic corps took , no
steps toward preventing bloodshed.
Fortunately General Cartas divert-1
(Continued on'page 2)
If elected it wUl be my constant
ambition and controluug purpose
to so carry out the duties of tne
office in such a manner that Mar
ion county will ; be known as the
county, of highest : moral ' standing
In -the-state of -Oregon."'
relief where it is needed.
The Daugherty committee went
into a maze of charges having to
do with illicit liquor withdrawals
mander of the squadron.
"We want to be on our way as
soon after an aerial exhibition, to
be given March 29 in our honor at
the stadium of the University of
Washington, as possible," stated In and payments and "splits';
Justice Department Probers
Splashed With Unexpcct-
ed Testimony On Sensa
tional Liquor "Split" 7
Lively Tilt Between- Daugh
erty Counsel and Wheeler
Enjoyed by Spectors
Sam AL Kozer, secretary of state.
yesterday sent a letter to Attorney
The filers expect to celebrate General Van Winkle asking wheth-
Fourth of Jnly in England. Major er he shall include the office of
Martin stated, and will probably state treasurer among those that
finish- the around-the-world jaunt I are to be filled by election this
lo days ahead of scheduled lyear. J
In appointing Jeff erson - Myers
G. S. Martin to Seek tat t'e!!"er to 80CC,!erf th.e lat!
judii(c ui rcdue JUU the commission for the full unex-
nirod term nt Mr Hnff tTnlrlnf
Some time next, week Attorney tn !., "ie7 t,, vanAr.t nn.
G. S. Martin will file his candidacy demanding Is that appointees
ior justice 01 tne peace on the! named to fill vacancies caused bv
J : . r ... .1
uemocraiic iicaet, ne aamutea death, resignation or other Inabll
yesterday. Mr. Martin has spent itv to serve, shall hold onlv until
most of his spare time during the their successors are elected and
week in looking over the lists of I qualified as' a result of the next
registered democrats available at election. In his letter to Van
the county clerk's office. Winkle, Kozer quoted the follow-
Prior to locating in Salem oboutting from the constitution: .
10 years ago, Mr. Martin engaged "When during the recess of the
in tne practice 01 law in Linn I legislative . assembly a vacancy
county for nearly 20 years He f shall happen In any office the ap-
was born . In Benton county and Pointment to which Is vested in
was graduated from QAC in 1892, the legislative assembly, or wheti
and was admitted to the bar the at any time; a vacancy shall have
following year at Corvallis occurred in any other state office.
When Attorney. Martin files or in the office of judge of. any
there will be three aspirants for cnrt, the governor shall till such
the office, Joseph A Benjamin,, re- vacancy by : appointment which
publican, having filed . yesterday nall expire when a successor shall
and Judge P. J. Kuntz. incumbent. nave Deen elected and qualified."
who is seeking re-election Tne secretary of state is requir
ed oy law not less tnan 4 a days
M a. m mm
Nil n.,,-.. Deiore tne primary eieciion to cer-
All Unsold Prunes are tffy to tne countr clervg a 1Iat ot
$200,000 jWhiskey! deal the big
gest yetwas uncorked today by
the Daugherty Investigating com
mittee. ....-;,. --v-il.-
" John Goronl, vice president of
the Alps Drug company, - told a
story .of how, he,fthe late Jess W.
Smith; "bumper' and; friend" of
Attorney General Daugherty. and
Howard H. Mannlngton, one of
the occupants of the "little green
house on K street" : had; he said,
shared in : the "split" which ac
companied the withdrawal of whis
key from federal ' warehouses for
sale to bootleggers. ;
As with previous testimony of
the sort, it was brought no near
er to Attorney General Daugherty
himself than these two , friends.
Goronl told the committee some
of the things which,' he stated, did
not' come out when- he-was- tried
and acquitted of conspiracy to vio
late ; the. prohibition . law in New
York. J Attorney ' General Daugh
erty in his nightly comment on
the day's testimony, pointed out
that he himself was in no way
'embarrassed or implicated
Wheeler. Applauded ' "
Goroni's whiskey "deal", story
splashed from tne witness stand
tn a hectic day marked by passing '
Of the "lie to, Mr Daugherty's
counsel by Senator Wheeler, demo
crat Montana. , The latter- charged-
that there was continual "be
smirching" of committee witnesses
and that the committee was being
denied evidence from tha Ohio
bank, of which Mr. Daugherty's
brother, Mai, ) is1 president while
Senator Ashurst, democrat, Ari
zona, said Howard . Mahntngton,
mentioned ; in Goroni's ' story ad
ow. reported in Paris, had been
spirited away Mr. - Daugherty's
counsel, after a bitter, scene : in'
which the audience loudly ap
plauded Senator Wheeler, promis-
(Continued on page 2)
Southern Pacific Company
to Increase Rates1 to 7 ;
Cents April 22 .
Cleaned Up by Brewer the offices that are to be filled
it tne attorney general snouia noia
that, a state treasurer Is to be
elected, Kozer wants to know
Practically every unsold prune
f"!4. J wh th7ei;ctio7 7s U : fillet
representing , the Roseburg & Co.,
of San Francisco, who has . been
working the entire district on the
quiet, according to various prune
men of the city. Just how many
pounds of prunes Brewer purchas
ed is not known, but after he had
only the unexpired term of Mr.
Hoff, or whether It is for a full
period of four years.
BAKER, Orer., March 21. A
finieha : with n nrf-rnta ti.irr company of the Oregon ' National
that gentleman, went out in search
for more, prunes and found there
were none It is believed . that
nearly all prunes not In the hands
of the Oregon Growers associa
tion, the H. S. Gile & Co. and the
Clark county tonnage were taken
by the suave visitor from the south
who has returned from, whence he
came. Official confirmation . ot
the growers - reports is . expected
guard was mustered in here to
night as a part of the 186th in
fantry, with 70 men on the muster
BROWNSVILLE, Ore., i March
21. Fire of undetermined origin
early today caused damage esti
mated at 165,000 to the sawmill
to strengthen the market and have DUnt . 8t0ck of Mack ana Sa,n
a f good '7 Influence upon prune oel sawyer, located .; five miles
prices.. - , Ifrom here. .
Unless halted by a protest from
the people or . the city, the South
ern Pacific company- will, on April
22, Increase its streetcar fares in
Salem and Eugene ' from 6 to 7
cents. The revised schedule ot in
creased rates was filed yesterday
in the office ot.the public service
commission. It is certain that a
protest will be made and that the
commission will suspend the In
creased rates until a hearing ot
the case Is held. ."'
Under the new schedule of rates
children under 5 years old, if ac-
Icompanied - by an adult ' and not
occupying seats would be carried
free. Conductors would have on
sale 25-cent strips of . tickets of
four tickets each, and tickets in
books of 60 could be purchased '
at 13.10. At present the charge
for these Is S3. . ' .....
On sufficient advance notice to
the company special or chartered
cars would be ; furnished at a
charge of $5 for the first hour for
each caf and 12.50 per car 'or
each addtitonal hour or fraction
of an v hour, 'with the minimum
charge fixed at $7.50. ". ,
If brought aboard , by passen
gers paying full - fare, hand bag
gage, lap dogs, go-carts and pack
ages not occupying seats would
be carried free.
In Eugene the revised schedule
is virtually the same as tor Sa
lem, with the following provided
for interurbaa trips: From Eu
gene to KIncald, 7 cents; from Eu
gene to, Midway, .14' cents ; from
Eugene ' to West Springfield, 1 4
cents: from Eugene to Springfield,
"nts. .'
ill - -1