The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    PRIDAY. MHRNTNG. MARai 21, 1924
3f sn j nt in
SWIM " 'v K.
MEET MI 29-30
More Than 100 Youngsters
From Outside of County
Expected Here
increased mail facilities, mora
public buildings, adequate compen
sation and retirement pay for civil
serrice employes, every betterment
possible for district and state, and
for all progressive and construc
tive legislation promoting peace,
prosperity and public welfare."
Tit Illustrations ; abor jStatw. the
tendency toward wider trousers which
U quite marked In this aeaoon's styles
'not the trousers with an exae
, cere ted Care of the ephemeral "sheik"
.period, hot atralghter trousers, wider
ell the way down, which seem to add
Clgniry and character -to a man. -Tio
suit attho right shows a loose,
: easy .fitting .three button suit with
Copyright tfXf Hart Scbaffner & Man
buttons spaced wide apart Just aa
popular among .college men as Its four
button . counterpart.
A great many young men look best
In and. will always demand a fitted
coat which conforms to the body Unea
A typical two-button suit ot this
character la shown at the Jeft one
which shows the better style ten
dencies -for spring.
Plans for the older boys confer
ence to be held here March 28-30
have been completed and prepara
tions for the entertainment of I
more than 100 boys of Marlon
county living outside the city are
being made. Registration will be
gin at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon
and the conference will close Sun
day noon. A banquet will be held
at the Presbyterian church Friday
night, with a cafeteria luncheon
Saturday noon. All the boys will
attend someochurch Sunday morning.
Two noted speakers have been
obtained for the conference, Frank
C. Moran of Seattle and Mrs. Jean
Morris Ellis of Portland. Mr.
Moran is president of the Moran
school for boys at Rolling Bay,
near Seattle, and is one of the two
men selected from the Pacific
coast as American delegates to the
world conference of boys' workers
held in Austria last year. He has
been active in boys' work for the
last 20 years. Robert Bishop of
Salem is one of the boys attending
his school. Mrs. Ellis is regarded
as one of the foremost authorities
on vocational guidance in the
country and is considered an ex
pert in her line. She Is at present
getting material in shape for a
book upon this general subject.
Members of the Salem Hi-Y club
who will have charge of the con
vention in general are Ivan White,
chairman; Benoit McCroskey, Earl
Pemberton and Mark Walderspeil.
Committees appointed at a recent
meeting as follows: Banquet, Hugh
Adams, chairman; entertainment,
and registration, Otto Hamilton,
chairman; publicity, Robert Clutch
chairman, and recreation, George
Hester, chairman.
JflfiES M
Interesting Address Listened
to By Local Club Thurs
day Noon .
It 9s :Sprithdp 's
'Bishop's always leads the way .when it comes' to . showing the new
things Right now we are showing the above styled suits made by Hart
Schaffner and Marx, Hirsh-Wickwire and other tellable makers in all the
latest pearl grey mixes and dark 'patterns - v
v It's a pleasure to show you this Springs Clothing.
- -..... -.. .-, . , - , - ...... .,. .
Bishop's Clothing and Woolen Mills Store
Lionism was the keynote of a
heart-to-heart talk given to mem
bers of the Salem Lions' club on
Thursday noon by Melvin Jones,
international secretary, who is on
a tour of the western portion of
the country, Mr. Jones did not
give an address, but talked in
formally to the club members. He
stressed the point that while there
are many clubs of various types,
permanency is obtained only
through affiliation with interna
tional organizations.
"The name Lions was selected
after much discussion and invest!
gation and because of its symbol
ism," Mr. Jones said. "For ages
in every land, the Hon has stood
as a symbol of strength and is
universally known for its courage
The lion Is also active and is rare
ly known to sit down. Even when
it does lie down, It is, always ready
to spring. Fidelity was the de
eiding symbol and led to the adop
tion of the name for the organ!
zation. The Hon selects his mate
and is never known to take an
other. Fidelity means mere loyal
ty, not only to another person,
but loyalty to principle, duty and
That the code of ethics of the
Lions club and the objects of the
organization were among the fin
est in the world and had attracted
the attention of the nation's great
est minds, was emphasized. Fol
low the code of ethics and it will
be Impossible to fail, Mr. Jones
Mr. Jones said that through the
large delegation attending the pre-
Stores of the city are cooperat- sentation of charters to clubs in
club,"; Mr. Smith said yesterday.
It is getting to toe a very vaiuame
adjunct to any7 city whether a man
plays golf or not. New clubs are
pringing up all over the norm-
west. The Dalies, iooa mrer,
Seaside, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene,
Roseburg, Medford and Marsnneia
all have clubs similar to the one
here. Medford is putting In muni
cipal, golf grounds and many new
courses are being built , in ana
around Portland. Every progres
sive city must maintain a good
country club."
mnrovement Bonds Will
Be Issued at Silverton
S1LVERTON, Ore.. March 20
(Special to Statesman). A special
meeting ot the city council was
called Wednesday night by Mayor
John Porter, for the purpose of
considering ordinances and general
A bond ordinance for $7,645.&,
.tnut imnrnvement bonds, was rn-
ow. . 1- - - ,
troduced and read for the Iirst
time. This ias adopted and the
recorder was instructed to issue a
rail for bids for the bond issue
The bids are to beopened at 8
o'clock p.m., March 31.
The chairman of parKs commit
tet C. J. Cooley, presenieu ma re
port of the landscape gardner,
from OreEon Agricultural coiiege
relative to the laying oui auu
beautifying of the park. He advo
cated building fence along the
north end of the park, planting
native shrubs, n:ong lhs, making
no driveway or paths, allowing no
vehicles within the park, cutting
out the small firs and most of the
oak trees which obscures the hill
in the background. The matter of
installing a gate at the street en
trance was also discussed favor
ably. No action was taken on tho
park report at this meeting.
A resolution for tne improve
ment of Lewis street was lunu
duced and adopted.
The recorder was also instruct
ed to present a city map to me
water commission.
New Dress Ginghams. See the display. New Patterns.
t Something different. 32-inch. ? Two assortments-
32c and 28c Yard. - ' , . J
Nashua Blankets. No Seconds
No Defectives
72x80 White Blankets
Colored Borders
i First Quality
72x84 White Blankets ,
Colored : Borders, Wool
Finish, First Quality,4
. Pair - .
' 2.29
3 6-in. Burlap
Green and
Brown, Yard
i Pillows
Auto Robes, All Wool
Weight About 5 Lbs., to
Clean, Up Special
Pretty Plaid Blankets
' 66x80; 1st Quality, tJ
4 1-8 Lbs; Pair
Big Assortment of Towels Special ; ,
Good Values
Toweling ,
All Linen
Guest Fine Linen Extra Fine
, X.inen
Towels' Towels Towels
All Linen Large Sizes 1.45
39c 1 1.15 1.25
Turkish Turkish Turkish
Towels Towels Towels
26x53 22x44 18x36
Monster Size Triple Tripl
Triple Texture Texture L
Texture .
"TlTOO 50c 25c
Turkish ,
4 Towels
23c, 19c
Millinery Department, in rear room. Best millinery, de
partment in this city. Nice hats, flowers and trimmings. '
Style, Quality and Low Prices. '
' 240 and 248 North Commercial ,SL; .,
Stores Cooperate in
Oregon Products Display
ing with the Salem Woman's club
in displaying Oregon products
i this week in connection with the
Eugene and Cottage Grove at a
Joint meeting In Eugene Wednes
day night, the Salem Lions had
t f -I-T.. . it--'
(Continued .from Page (6)
Mrs. Walker of 'Victoria, B., C.,
and Miss Marie Corner, the, group
appearing as an appreciated trio.
At th -businesa -meeting .-.which
preceded, .the mite , boxes were
opened. Mrs. P. W. Selee. presi
dent of the society presided. .Fol
lowing the program luncheon, was
serred in the dining room, Mrs.
George .Shaw and Mrs. C. A. Arp-
ke assisting the hostess. ,
4 Mr William O'Neil left last
nieht for New Rockford, North
it i1
4 kMrl DIlMiilntilA1
'111. la Rt4 uo uuc
Immu. m4 Wi Wm
T mltm mm kia mtm-9
rnt. .AkftCi IXC 1018.1
iLtuo,lil ItRANB PI1.LJI.fer 11
WE jPAY .CASI1 roiv
.Capital Hardware
& Furniture Co.
Best Price Paid I '
83 N. Oom'l 8t PImmm 947
Dakota 'to visit; his brother, who
Is In ill health. Mr. O'Neil ex
pects to be gone the entire summer.
Seven tables of five hundred
wore In play for the B. E. club
meeting at which Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Townsend were hosts. A
group of special guests. Mr. and
D. D. Olmstead. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hawk, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Fandrieh, met with the club mem
bers., St. Patrick's decorations
gave the rooms a festive aspect.
Mrs. Charles Shaw and Mrs. P. E
Turner assisted Mrs. Townsend In
serving luncheon at the end of the
evening. Mrs. D. D. Olmstead and
Mrs. S. C. KIghtlinger both won
high scores; low scores going to
Mrs. Orln Watkins and John
Hawk. At the next meeting of the V
club, Mr. ana Mrs. Jonn spong
will entertain.
.Mrs. Thomas G. Hailey and Mrs.
Henry Clay Judd of Portland were
the guests of Mrs. llenry B. Thiel
son earlier In the week- Mrs.
Hailey is a former Salem resident.
Mrs. C. S. Hamilton was hostess
yesterday at a 1 o'clock luncheon
at tbe .Marlon hotel, at which Mrs.
Minna Budlong, of Boston, was
the guest of honor. Covers were
placed tot six. ru - ' ',
. -; " - ' .. . ,
The Yomarco club will meet this
afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.
R. White, ?009 South Church
An interesting program is an
nounced for the -Oregon home pro
ducts dinner which tbe Salem wo
man's club is sponsoring this eve
ning at the Elks'
hour Is 6 o'clock,
Toastmistress, Mrs. Seymour
Jones, president of the Salem Wo
man's club:
"Why This Dinner"
Mrs. C. P. Bishop
"Club Co-operation"
Harley O. White
"industrial Publicity"
. .E. A. Brown
"Our Flax Opportunities".
R. J. Hendricks
all-Oregon products dinner to be rendered a great service to the In-
given at the Salem Elks' lodge ternational organization and gave
rooms at 6 o'clock tonight. Ar-1 th city some enviable "publicity.
rangements are being made to This section of the country needs
take tare of a large attendance. more publicity through the east.
A charge of 50 cents is being made he continued, saying that people
to meet expenses as the women I there could not realize the total
have no intention of staging the mileage Of paved highways along
affair In order to raise money, the coast, particularly in Oregon.
Tickets have been placed on sale J The fruit farms, sheep ranches,
at Patton Brothers, Bishop's cloth- I prosperous cities and vast timber
ing store and the Capital drug land mineral resources of the state
Btore. I also greatly impressed the visitor.
The dinner will be served I He urged that the Lions quartette
promptly at 6 o'clock with the I be sent to the international con-
nroeram heeinninir at 6: 4S o'clock, vention, if for no other reason
This will be completed by 8 o'clock than to advertise Salem.
Following is the program and
menu for the affair: I llllhee COUntrV C UQ
Ttm.a,8M5,. vmJ Match May Draw Crowd
man's club. L,i .v,. if mn n.nnia
Why This Dinner, . ........ v will visit the Illahee Country club!
aim. r. uisdod i j ,n h
deciding match in the club golf
FLOUR AND CEREALS Green Peas, Cucumber,
Asparagus; Cauliflower,
Spinach, Green Peppers,
Ripe Tomatoes, Leaf Let
tuce, Rhubarb, Celery,
Green Onions, Turnips and
Fishers Blend Flbur,
49-lb.sack 1.69
Gold Medal Flour,
49-lb. sack S1.79
Vim Flour, 49-lb. sk. 1.57
Diamond C Family Flour,
49-lb. sack $1.35
"Club Co-operation," .
. m mmmm I
tempie. ine Harley O. White!, . v i,.i
xuo I'lufitoiu i-xnausiriai ruDiiciiy." I t crt,.,, vav
ti. A. mown 8Urvivors of the 6emi-f mala last
Our Flax Opportunities," .... Week
" k. j. tienancKs I Sal era needs a good country
our contributors ciUb and golf links of which the
nai(.h Tozler Weatberred city can be proud and show to vis-
"Our Club,'' ora F. Mclntyre itors. according to Homer H.
"Our Universities." Smith, chairman of the member-
..... ...Dr. Carl Gregg Doney ship committee, which is staging!
Menu i I a campaign for more members.
Relishes J This campaign will not be con- I
Baked Ham Ham Gravy Itinued later than May 1, and as
Mashed Potatoes long as it is on the membership
Vocal solo O. B. Gingrich Cabbage Salad
"Our Contributors"..... Prune Confections
.....Edith Tozier Weatherrcd j Ice Cream Cookies and Cake3
"Our club" Ora F. Mclntyre Parkerhouse Rolls Brown Bread
"Our Universities j Coffee
, Dr. Carl Gregg Doney i Candy Cheese
buys and schs furniture,, hardware dishes stoves, ma--.
chinery, pipo and plumbing fixtures.
7o fay Cash for lall. Kinds of Junk
: , Foot hi County, 3ridgc,v,Center and Front Streets. J
I . . 1 J ' ' ' II l'
The members of the Past Noble
Grand association were the guests
ot Mrs. J. A. Patterson for their
regular meeting ,on Wednesday
evening. The timejwas spent in
sewing for the Odd-Fellows home.
Vases of wild flowers were used
about the rooms. Refreshments
were served, assistant hostesses
for the evening being Mrs. Peebles
and Mrs. Folger. Members of the
association enjoying the hospital
ity of the evening were: Mrs. Ida
Traglio, Mrs. Sarah Hutton, Mrs.
J. A. Mills, Mrs. Louise Loveland,
Mrs. L. R. Selgmund, Mrs. Clar
ence Townsend. Mrs. Hinkle, Mrs.
Clara Gurne, Miss Eugenia Selg
mund, Miss Wilda Selgmund, Miss
Dennie Hammer, and Mrs. Hodge.
For the next meeting of the as
sociation, April 16, Mrs. II- A.
Koene will be hostess.
Escallopcd Corn I fee has been reduced to $25, one
of the lowest fees on the coast. I
Dues amount to but $2.20 a
month, also a very low figures
"Every business man in Salem
should be a member of the country
Quantity buying enables Home Rendered Lard,
you to save very materially per lb. , ........ J. ...15c
on every sack of flour Cascade Hams, per lb. 25c
hmicrht here, the savine on Swift's Premium Hams,
o ns
per lb. oc
Swift's Premium Bacon,
per lb. 39c
25c Swift's Light Empire .
25c Bacon, per lb' :30c
Fancy Lean Bacon, light,
per lb. ..T 1......... ..25c
Fancy Sugar Cured Heavy
Bacon, lean, per lb. :19c
Fisher's Blend is over
$1.00 per bbl. ,
Kellogg's Corn Flakes,
3 for
Post Toasties, 3 for
In the wicked old days the mea
sure of hospitality wasn't liquid
Progressive Platform Is
Offered By Mr. Hawley
Representative W. C. Hawley,
who filed late Wednesday as a
candidate for renomination at the
republican primaries to the first
district congressional seat, offers
the following as his platform:
"If nominated and elected 1 will,
during my term of office, work
diligently for further waterway im
provement, relief for farmers,
prompt construction of tbe Roose
velt highway, increased appropri
ation for roads and public improve
ments, continued development of
naval base, tax reduction, exten-
oiuu 01 rurai creau system on
original policies, adjusted compen
sation, more adeouate nensiona.
development of natural resources,
extension area subject to state and
local taxation, more homestead
areas under improved conditions,
Why, Stay Fat?
You Can Reduce
Tha iuwt Of moat tat people ia that
it ia too. hard, too trtableaome and too
dangerous to lore the weight down. Mar
mota Preaeiption Tablet, overcome all
theae diff reoltiea. They - are absolutely
harmless, entail no dieting or exercise,
and have the added advantage of cheap
ness. A ' box ia sold at one dollar by
alt drnggiata the world over, or aed the
price direct to the Marmola Co, 4618
Woodward tAve., Dttso't, Mich. Now that
you know this, you have bo excuse for
being fat, bat can reduce ateadtly and
easily without going through long aiegea
ot tureaoma exercise and starvation diet
i i - -
Here s The latest
Thing In Clubs
The women of Salem are dis
playing a great deal of interest
in romeroy & Keene's Silver
ware Club which opened March
15th and closes March 22nd.
"Club Plan" buying is some
thing quite new to this locality
Pomeroy & Keene tells us that
through this system they are
able to interest many house
wives in a complete equipment
of Silverware, the well known
brands of high-grade tableware,
who otherwise would not sea
their way clear to invest in it.1
The plan is simplicity itself.
By paying a nominal member
ship fee and an extremely mod
est amount weekly thereafter,
tha women of Salem may at
once acquire a complete table
ware service or whatever pieces
they may need to finish out
their silverware equipment.
In this way, we are told, the
housewife secures the silver
ware at exactly the same price
she would pay if she 'were to
pay the cash all at once. The
feal appeal of the "Club Plan"
seems to He in its extremely
modest demands upon the fam
ily exchequer.
Special lot of 100 boxes
ICUUW 1 lvntUITll swi . . , - -.
face and fill $1.24 8 VW.
Fancy Yellow Ne wtowns, A Per lb; ; W '
family size, box, ...$1.39 Armour s Picnics, lb. ;.16c
Fancy Yellow Newtowns, SOAP.
extra large, box ....1 .65 Crystal White, 6 for 11. :25c
Red Cheek Pippins, Old Dutch Cleanser, ;;
per box. ....$1.15 2 for ...15c
The abnormal growth in Sunny Monday Soap, .
our apple business is proof 10 for 33c
of our unequaled values in Sun Brite Cleanser, ,
this line. 2 for ......9c
Burbank Spuds, Fels Naptha, 5 for ......33c
per sack Jl.ty Citrus Washing Powder,
Best Sun Kist Oranges,
2 for
.. .:........45c
medium size, 2 doz. 35c P. and G. White Naptha,
(Not small jumble pack)
Bananas, extra fine fruit,
2 lbs. for 25c
Head Lettuce, large size,
2 for 15c
5 for .25c
1 bar of Guest Ivory free
with 2 bars P. and G.
Van Hoefers Bleaching
Soap, 6 for ....25c
Early Morning Orders enable us to !give you better
'service. Phone 186
It's Your Guarantee of Service Plus Quality 4
,or rr of td effects.: Adv, .