THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 20,-1924 ASSIFIED ADS-Community Offerings and Waiifs CL L - 1 CLASSIFIED SECTION if-- Phone 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Beta per word: Per laeertioa - - 2e Three Insertions korwich union ttm insurance society W. H. fturghardt. Jr. Resident Agear 71. gute gj. Money To Loan ' Om Baal Batata ' T. K. roai (Ow Lsdd A Buh Bank) AUTOMOBILES Repairing la , . . , H. H. HARRI8 ' ." 1T3 South Liberty Doe guaranteed acetylene welding , day ar night. Try me once. Ie-mar21 JACK DOERFER MOTOR REPAIR 410 South Commercial Aim to pleaae in their auto repair Ing. That's why we do good work. ' " 1 a-mar20 .1 FOR RENT 2 FOR RENT- ABOUT MAY 1st. 8TORE : room on State St. . Sea 3. H. Lauter-a-V Hotel Argo. - 2mlStf v FOR RENT Apartmentai rOJV RENT NICE 2 ROOM FURNISH d apartment, 590 Unloa St. Phone , 66TJ. . --" 2a-mar22 TOR ; BEST FURNI8HED APARTment. ,,'292 North Summer. 2a-mar21 FOR" RENT DO WNTOW3T APARTment ; wKh water and heat. Pattoa Apart- 'meats.' Call Psttoa'e Book store. 2e-tf - S BOOM. FURNISHED APARTMENT 593 N. Summer. Phone 1078. 2a-mar20 FOR "RENT A 4 ROOM APARTMENT, i with private bath. 1047 8. Commercial. i Phoae 11S8J. 2a-marl8-19 20-21 22-23 4-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, with private hath; eloeo la. Call at 803 Oregon bldg. ....... 2a-I10tf DB BENT APARTMENTS, 391 N0. FOR RENT Butue 2b I BOOM MODERN HOUSE WITH OA rata. - a pared atreet. rhone 18774. 2b-mtf FOR RENT Rooms 2c PRINTED CARDS, BIZR li" BT TVl" verdiaf "Faraiahea Roof a." price 10 eaata- each. . Stateamaa aiulneea Of- t flea. Oraaia floor. FOB BEST. APARTMENTS AND alaeplnf rooma. Leonard .total, 154 M. Front street FOR SALE MlscelBuieoiu - 4 TYPEWRITER $30.00; IN EXCELLENT condition. Grey dreicing table $12.00 4 "if taken at once. 377 8. 20th St. 4.mar20 FOR. SALE ANCONA EGOS $8 HUN , deed. Whita Wyandotte cockerels. Phone 1I8F2. 4-mar21 FOR " SALE5 fURJf ITURE INCLUDING t Y aer draperies, can 1104M 4-mar20 FOR 8 ALE 150 OAC WHITE LEG i hera palleta. L. B. Locke, Macleay, On, -v i ..... r- - , 4-mar21 FOR BALE NEW 8INGER SEWING machine,, refrigerator,, maaoa jara 1553 !! State St. 4-mar20 REDUCED PBICES ON DAY-OLD chicks after April 15. White Leghorn (Han aoa .atraia) . 312.50 per 100. Barred V Racks, $15.00; 20 books order. J. M. Biggie, Independence, Ore. 4-mar25 HOU8E AND APARTMENTS. 205W. - :- , PHONE 4al5 BUO AND CARPET WEAVING RUGS - for aale or wade to ' order. Phone 949J. 49ft 8. 19th St. 420 - FOB SALE CHEAP 1 OLIVER CHILL , ed plow, 13 inch; 1 John Deere plow, . . 14 inch; also whiffle tree and neck yeka. 6ea i. U. Lauterman, Hotel -. Arfe..l t: V -4tf APPLES DELIVERED FIl )NE 494. , ,; . 4m21 HAT 1 10 DIVISION ST. PHONE . 139IM. 4m21 BLACK WALNUT TREES 4 YEARS Id, cheap., Call on owner. 1005 MiU i Si, ' .... 4m22 i i 10GS FOR HATCHING RIR 5e FOR v 15., 2201 W. Nob Hill 8t. 4al2 RHODE ISLAND- BED HATCHING ecg. $4 par hundred. M. M. Mat ea. Route , S. Balem... Phdna 31F25. . 4-a4 -Willamette Valley ' Nursery '. kaa a fair of Dt. Baaa'a Blf TYatieh praaa traaa toft; alao walnut and fil hart traaa. i. i. Msthia. Bs. T. Salon SiWtrtoa highway. Phoao 105F5. 4-tf . PUREBRED BABY CHICK8 At reduced price. White Leghorna, Red. Barred Rockt, White Rocks. Mia , archaic Anconat, Buff Orpinrtone. D- lieariea Tuesday every - week. , 8alem t Cbickeriea, 658 State. Phoao 400. . . ; ; 4-m8tf BHODK ISLAND RED HATCHING (. ':, iOe. doaaa. D. A. Harria. Salons. Phone 34F3 , :,. .. I 4-aa33 Underwood typewriter co. iEt your teaehiaa repaired by ! Hepte who make Ii. . Bpocial rental rate, ia atadaata. $00 Maaaaia Bldg. - Phono 33. FOR 8 ALB OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 aaata a handle.- Circulation depertaueat Orawa Stetoaamaa. . ' i . ' - W .BOY. AND SELL ALL KINDS OF uak,- hardware, clothing, etr. Capital -aad From at tha. brldae. ,4-fl4tf Beautiful Oregon Rose Aid eleven other Oregon aonga together f wiia a fine collection of patnmic wnp, . saerea aonga and caaay ota-uma imw Itea. . ; r J ALL FOB 25a. . . . fftnerUI mm nnmntltv Intt) Especially adaptable for achoot dommua ' lty or homo alnging. Bead for ; Western ;Songster - to. agea bow la Ita third adIUoa ' : Fubtiahed PF ' ) OKEQON TEACHERS 'MONTHLY I I5,S. CoiamercUI. 8L: Salam,; Or UT TOUR FURNITURE OR. AUTO ' eleaned-and poliahod ' with ahiao", or will aeU to the wiejerial to -i dtho work yeuraelf. SOe aad $1. Will 1 ; aao slaaa year wallpaper of ,hd: , 5 AeaU wasted. P. O- Boa 9.Vi!5 - - na i. . ' at lift tf CUSTOM t HATCHING SAVB 9n?,i5 ea hah v.i : tha big Wiah- mm i.v.. i.i J lAa. . Phone 8e ...20e Six months' contract per no 15e 13 months' . ....., wi V 16C at 1 annum for any advertiaemsat 2Se 12e FOR SALE Livestock 4a GOOD. KRKSH. JERSEY COWS AT wiira nouse east ol Turner on pave ment. 4a-marl3 F u 8AhE "OLSTEIN BULL. 3 year uunw . ii. Bon, ner vals. Rt. 2. Phone 8F11. 4a mar21 FOR SALE REGISTERED DUROC-JER- iiss ana orooa sows. i. H. Ence man, Silverton, Ore. 4a-mar20 FRE8H MILK GOATs . H. HOOLEY, vregoa. 4a-m21 SEVEN GOOD MILK COWS, FRESH wwiHsj iraan, tor aale. W. C. SodMTBaB, Jefferson. Ore, Ru 1. phone BF3a from Balem 4a-flOtf HELP WANTED A FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR A WIDE young man as business partner. see RICH L. REIMANN Realtor 807-308 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013. HELP WANTED Female 5b WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR gen- rt nouewon. rnone 589 or 469J. 5b-mar20 WANTED Employment 12 WOMAN WANTS DAY-WORK. 1484R. 12-a7 WANTED MJscenaneons 13 DRESSMAKING SHOP AT 429 Court 13m20 WANTED STRICTLY MODERN 6 OR room awelllng, within -walking dis tance priced between $4000 and $5000. Want owner to take vaeant lot to the value of $750; some cash, balance monthly. Anderson Rupert, 406 Ore gn Bldg. 13mt3tf WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper aubseriptioaa. A good proposition to the right people. Ad dresa the Pacific Hooatsteed. Statesman Bid;, flalem. Or HELP WANTED Salesmen Se WANTED SALESMEN WITH AUTO to represent well known woolen company. Liberal contract, exclusive territory. Write for proposition. Northern Woolen Co., Fergua Falls, Minn. . 5e-mar20 SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL CHEV- roleta. A good proposition for a real aatesman. Newton-Chevrolet Co. 5emtf SALESMAN TO COVER WILLAMETTE Valley. Handling extensive line ad vertising calendars and novelties. State references first letter. V. S. Walsh, 560 Mission Sr.. San Francisco. 5m27 MISCELLANEOUS I can paint your roof Black, Yellow, Blue or Green and save you money. ' Also roof repair ing and shingling. See M. R. Mathews, Phone 167. o-marlfttf PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. CORRESPONDENT, Toledo. Ohio.- 7-n26 POULTRY 7a - Loweat prices ever of feted on BABY CHICKS We are offering Oregon customers Best White T Leghorns any quantity 100 to 1000 at lie. each. Brown Leg horns 12e each. Black Minorca and Rhode Island Reds 15c. each. We ship only good cliicka, extrs count and prepay Parcel Post- charges on March orders. We hatch 25,000 chick weekly and can. fill orders promptly. Send your in at once. THE MISSION HATCHERY. Campbell. Cat 7am30 WHITE LEGHORN HATCHING EGGS (Hanson atraia), $1.00 per setting, $5.00 per 100. C. H. Fisher, RED 2, Salem. Ore. Phone 18FJ1. 7a-m23 HOOLWOOD CHICKS 200-289 EGG stock. Free range. C. A. Dowd, Au burn Rd, Rt. 6, Salem. Ore. 7a-m20 FOR SALE BABY CHICKS THAT Will live, several breads. Flake a Petiand, 273 State. 7a-m9tf THE AVERAGE HEX DOES NOT PAY a profit, Purebred Dens orea to lay pay big prof it a, and have made hun dred of poultry men wealthy. Four teen trio of world champion pure bred chicken will ba given free to am bitlou men, women, boy and girl. Bead name aad addreaa and full infor Aistioa will ba mailed. Purebred Chicken Editor, Northwest Poultry Jour nal. Balem. Oreewi. Deo. A Ts-J0tf REAL ESTATE City OWN YOUR HOME NORTH SALEM HOME Good 5 room house, semi-modern. Beat, new roof, basement, bath, lights. newer; 2 lot, much fruit, 'ahade and e-arden: 4 block to street car, rhurche and school; gravel street: 2 blocks to pavement. Price reasonable; some terms. 1895 N. Church St. Phone 1565R. 8-mar20 ASSORTMENT OF BARGAINS CHOICE BU8INESS PROPERTY , Apartment house - $6000 Grocery and confectionery $1600 I-ot en a paved street 8 300 House, 4R. two lots $ 900 New modem bungalows . .,$300 SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP rutins A BECHTEL 540-State- St. r $-mdr20tf Ttt.I.V SUNDAY SAYS: . The rent payer who ainga 'Home Sweet Home' is kidding himself and eerenading the Landlord. K ?4 SR. bunxalow. garage. aav terms..- - $3400.00 Ka 913 R. bunxalow. xar- .? new - $5500.00 v. ii SR.. hunxalow. xar- axo. ow.i.. $2500.00 . v. KnR 4R bunxalow. xar- age. new. term". 1... .- $2250.00 -, v- MK 8R. bungalow. .eb. lit- barxain -r' $5500.00 Km hr kR. cottage close . t i .$4500.00 nj mnforlionerv : store - '.rr:..:. a $1500.00 SO acre farm, the best farm in Polk Yoa 'can buy it for va it i We' build to aoit the purchaser and "sell en easy term; ;" Houses for rent. We write Inaaranee.' ' . .A In. m mm real estate. rr- If it ia a houae, lot, farm, or a trade ,M Be"iucH Tm heimann r Office paone 101 Re. Phona 736R inT lnl nnml Rids?. J. ' 4 " Obb week (six Insertions). One month . REAL ESTATE Cltj 8 CLOSE IN 5 ROOM HOUSE. BATH, lights, hot and cold water; 5 blocks north of the capitol building. Price $2200; term. $750 buy a good lot in the Oak addition. Must be sold at once. Just the piece to build a good home. $150 cash, balance term. KRUEOER 147 N. Com'l. St. Phone 217 8mar21 GOOD BUYS New Fairmount Hill cottage $3800. Kail-mount Hill 7 room residence, $5500. North Salem 8 room residence with 3l lots, $4000. A. O. BOHRN8TEDT 147 No. Commercial Salem, Ore. ' 8 msrJotf 5 ROOM NEW HOUSE, GARAGE, PAV ed street. $3150; $300 cash and month ly payment will handle this. 5 room new home, oak floor, plate glasa window, drape go with house. Owner peed different home and will aell for $5200. Attractive Fairmount hill property, 2 lota, $5500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 8-mar20tf Confectionery on prominent street In Salem, business, $14,000. Business block, $35,000. Busines block. $16,000. Attractive country home and acre age, $13,000. Another country home, amall acre age, $4400. Beautiful home, partly furbished, $6850. A beautiful home, north front, $7400. 6 room house, close in, $4000. 6 room house on Ferry street $4500. 3 room house, large lot, $1650. Attractive lot close in, for sale by GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage Phone 1186 8-mar20tf FOR SALE MODERN 5 ROOM HOUSE new paper and paint, hard finish. Phone 382. T. J. Cronise, 193 N. Commercial. 8-mar20 ROOM NORTH SALEM AND LOT 50 by 130. 2 rooms plastered, 1 ceiled, 1 lathed. Nearly new. $1125; $300 down. A 6 room house, 4 rooms plastered. Bsth, toilet, electric lightv built-in kitchen. In good order outside snd in. $1900; $300 down, balance $25 per month. New 5 room plastered house. Bath, toilet, electric lights, garage. No base ment Not far to car line. $2500; Vt cash. See J. A. MILLS, 331 Vi State St. 8-mer20 BEST BUY8 AND EXCHANGES 4 room bungalow, garage, woodshed, good location.. $2000; easy terms. 6 room bungalow, garaxe, full ce ment basement, on pavement, at car, $3500; easy term. 5 room new bungalow, strictly mod ern, dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full basement, fireplace, garage, 2 more rooms could be finished. This fin residence has everything - in built-ins, the particular housewife will like it. Only $5900; reasonable terms. 6 room absolutely up to the minut ttrictly modern, new -Dutch Colonial residence. It has all the heart of a particular house wife could desire, ai 975 E street. Do not bother the owner on Sunday. If it interacts you see us week-day. Priced very reasonable. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtor 341 State Su 8marl8tf ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS, GARAGE Wood shed, chicken yard. Price $1800; $500 down, balance 6 per cent. Also 5 acres, good house, barn and well; ',4 acre in garden, walnut trees and mall fruit. Price $3000; $500 down, balance 6 per cent. See owner at 1005 Mill street, Salem, Oregon. 8-aprl5 EXCHANGE FIVE ROOM PLASTERED bungalow and -one acre in fruit $4000, on Oregon Electric near Portland to trade for home in Salem. For sale mall house and two lots $600. Strictly mdern six room bunxalow, oak floors, east front, paved street. A snap at $5500. A good 10. room house on pave ment, corner lot, good location, $4000. Two houses for rent and one furnished. F. L. WOOD. 341 State SL 8ml3tf FOR SALE BY OWNER. BRAND NEW, strtctly modern six-room bungalow. South Salem: close ia. Price $560. Phona 1784. 8 fl7tf BUNGALOW SNAP Modern with 5 large room, built-ins, bath, lights, basement, fur nace, ststionary wash trsys, fruit room, woodlift, attic, double garage, large lot all kinds of berries, cement walks. Street to be paved in the spring. East front. Owner going away and wishes to sell. Immediate possession. Price re duced to 83100: terms for quick desl. See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State St. - 8-mar20tf ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ON NO. Cottage St., $3000; cash $500; balance to suit. New 5 room bungalow on No. 18th St. This place is strictly modern and a good buy at $5000; terms. New 5 room modern bungalow on So. 19th St.. large lot. rie $4000: term. A first claaa 6 room cottage located at No. 475 So. 18th St. ' We consider this aa excellent buy at $2350; term $a00 cash, balance to auit. A atrictly modern 5 room cottage on Leslie St.. Vfc block from 12th St., near atore and school, partly furnished. 93300: good term 2 lots on North 23rd St., 2 block from State St. . Price $300 each. You make the term. . ANDERSON k RUPERT 406 Oregon Building 8ml3tf A TEN ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN AT A bargain, if yon act quick. Caa ba ar ranged ia 4 apartment. A low price. Will take xood auto oa deal. .7 room modern house, six block from busines center, all in first class condition, modern ia every way. A varv low price. 110 acre farm very well improved to exchange for good city property. Ex cellent cbaaee for some one. See m soon 5 room house close ia for sale or rent. Ha a lot of furniture. On pav ed st. Here ia a genuine bargain. 16 room apartment paying about 15 per cent on investment. Very close in. Call early and see- ma about it. See Me First G. W. LAFLAR 410 Oregon Bldg. 8 m4tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 1V", wording ' For Rent." price 10 cent each. 1 Statesman Busine Office, on Ground Floor. BILLY STIFF kcep we busv ?-say. in assistant J , "SCENE 3HIHtW REAL ESTATE City SPECIAL 1 room house and 2 lots $600; terms. 4 rooms, 1 lot new house, $1150; terms. 5 rooms, a bargain for $1900; terms. $3500 of good contract will trade for a home in Salem. 7& acre with new buildings, close to Salem: will trade for vacant lota. 5 acres with good buildings; some fruit, close in on paved road, for rent $25 per month. Furnished house for rent $20 per month. TUOMASON, 33114 State St. 8-mar20tf PRINTED CARD8 SIZE 14" BY 74" wording "For Sale, Enquire at." Price 10 centa each. Stati traaa Business Office, Ground Floor. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7V4" wording, "Rooms to R nt," price 10 rents each. Statesman Business Of fice, Ground Floor. $1580 BUYS HOME ON PAVEMENT 4 room snd bsth, 2 blocks from school and carline. Lot 75x135. 1035N. 21st. Phone 2073M. 8m20 BARGAINS ONLY A 4R. bungalow at $2100; 5 room and garage (very desirable) $2200; A 6 room modern '$3100, (term); An other 6 room (paved street) modern, $3000. An extra good buy in a 6 room modern except baaement at $2000. Add $250 and you have a $3000 place. Easy term on some. See The Fleming Realty Co, 341 State St. 8m9tf WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE LIST- ing of acreage and city property. Any thing and anywhere, at real bargain. Read these over 67 acres of good land, 7 room house in fair condition, good granary and other out buildings, one good, team of horses and harness, one cow, tome chickens, a drill, mower, rake, 2 plows, wagon and other tools. 14 miles from small town, good high school and church. Think of it. All for $3600; $1300 down, balance at 5 per cent, long term. A new building with fine stock of groceries and fixtures in front part, 4 good living rooms, bath and toilet. Corner lot, a fine location, and a real bargain all at $3500. Good five room house and garage to rent at $22. $2000 buys a five room house on N. Summer, terms. : 20 acres, joins suburban town, 14 acres in crop, good barn, small new house, poultry house. Buyer gets ',4 of crop, $1600; terms, or will trade for house in Salem. A fine seven room house and 44 acres of good land in Woodhurn, a good buy at $6500; or will trade for prop erty in Salem. SEE THESE FINE PLACES Acre tract 1 to 100. 3 mile from Salem on paved road at very reasonable prices and good terms. A fine selection of five room house at prices to suit. A very good six acre tra-t, one mile from Salem. A snap at $1800. $3150 buy a 10 room apartment. Easy terms, monthly payments. 141 acres, dairy ranch, good house, silo, barn, and other buildings, crop goes with place. Trie $10,000; or will trade. Is close to country town. Stock of groceries good location at $1C00. ' A good Fordson tractor, plow, and disk to trade or sell part payment on five room bungalow. Remember onr aim is to eet what you want and where yon want it. MOISAN k ULRICH 122 N. Com'L Phone 1354. 8ml5tf 82750 Three new bungalows, plastered, built. in kitchen, modern plumbing and elee trict lights on paved street and car line. Terms of $750 down. East front. Let us show you these bungalows. You will like them. $3500 New 5 room bungalow with full re tnent basement and garage. Near school. Terms.- $1500 6 room bungslow, new, with hard wood floors, base-rent, fnrnsre, fire plac, double garage. This is a real bargain. 1 We write fire insurance. W. H. ORABENHORST k CO. Realtora. 275 State St. Phone 515 Smlltf CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Large up to the minute list of the very best offering in Salem and vicinity ent free to any address Harris. 208 Owrni Bnildinr. !hnn 254. 8-f22f REAL ESTATE Trades 8a Will Trade Italian prnne trees for two horse cut tivator, wagon, or hay. Mathis Nursery Co. Sales yard opposite O. E. depot. Phone 1758 or 10F4. 8a-mar24 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8b MONEY TO LOAN 6 ON FARM PROP- erty. F. L. WOOD, 341 Btate St. 8h-al0 REAL ESTATE Farma 0 BARGAINS 5 acres close in, good soil. 2 acres 10 year old prunes, 3 room house, good barn, well of water. Will deal for city property. Price $3500. 17 acres choice land, close to Rick reall. No buildings. Fenced. 2 acres timber. 6 acres cultivated. About 9 acres in pasture. Some portion of land has stumps. Price $2500. Choice lot on paved street. Cement walks. Special price. J. F. LATHAM 3314 State St. 9 mar20tf I'LL SELL EITHER OR ALL THESE properties and agree to leave the state if you say so. I'm going bark to CALIFORNIA, so you just ask Robin son in the Oregon building about: 5 acres with house, barn and fruit and spring water, V1600. 8 acres all in cultivation, equipped and stocked for dairy and close to school. Good buildings, $12,000. 172 acres bet. Eugene and Spring field, well- improved, ' in cultivation Mountain stream,' fine road. 40A tim ber. A wonder for fctock with lots of outside range. I am pricing these to sell quickly, and will accept tome trade. ROBINSON Oregon Bldg. 9mar21 HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM PHONE lSftSW. 9m25 Read the Classified Ads. r4U rAAKE-UV MAN- f "" ssBsaa-aaasssas-B I LEAD ON A MOPSEr V IN THE LAST ACT CS AHT TAKE THE aO, ( PART OP PARKINruVS REAL ESTATE Suburban 1Q FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, modern, on property 100x100; newly papered and painted throughout, and in first class eondit on, hen house, wood shed and garage; near first class grsde and high schools: located in Junction City, Oregon. Price $2500; reasonable terms. Call or address Edward F. Bailey, Attorney at Law, Junction City, Oreggq. 10nl2 USED CARS FOR SALE 11 1918 STl'DEBAKEH CAR, CORD TIRES 7j',4 for good. Motorcycle. Rt. 7, Rox 235. Il-mar22' 19J3 TOURING, NEW TIRES. SPEED omeler. Perfect condition. Terms. 1645 Kir St. Phone 1749R. 11 iurl8tf FOR SALE 1921 Dodge tour'.ng $650 1920 Dodge touring, lots etra equipment . $."50 1930 Dodge sedan .$750 1922 Ford touring, looks like new $325 Terms BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Phone 423 ll-mart8tf BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU SFEND jour money for used cars. In buying used cars from us you gnt the experience of 20 years of careful and snccestful buying to guide you. 1922 Buiclc 4 rosdster $625.00 1820 Hupmobile 450.00 1919 Bnick 6 485.00 1BSI Chevrolet 300.00 1930 Dort 250.00 - 1922 Buick Six Sedan 1315.00 We Have others to choose from. 388 N. Commercial. Otto J. Wilson, P".ione 220. Il-marl8tf 1919 FORI) TOURING, GOOD TIRES, new paint, upholstering good. 1924 license. $160; terms. 359 No. Liberty ll-mrl8tf QUALITY U8ED CARS AT A PRICE THAT W1L.L. fLEASE iUU Ford touring Baby Grand Chevrolet .... Elgin touring Ford touring Overland touring .. Overland touring Dodge touring Chalmers touring Oakland coupe, New Ford touring at a $135.00 150.00 165.00 235.00 225.00 325.00 595.00 ...... 700.00 1000.00 discount and select from. many others for yon to (We Give Terms) F. W. PETTYJOHN k CO. 219 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 Jlmljtf USE FORD CAM FROM Sn AUTHORIZE FORD DEALER 1921 Roadster $260.00 1923 roadster 360.00 1919 touring 165.00 102O touring 215.00 1922 touring 275.00 1923 touring 315.00 1921 coupe 370.00 1922 coup 425. OO 1920 truck 235. OO 1922 truck 385.00 Other cars from $45 and up. All cars are guaranteed. See us before buying. Liberal terms. Op'n evenings and Sundays. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 260 N. High ll-m8tf 1920 FORD COUPE. GOOD' MECII.VNI eal shape, new tires in rear, shock ab sorbers, spot light, stop light, dash light, speedometer, foot feed, sun visor and 1924 license, $325.00; reasonable terms. 359 No. T.iWty. Il-msr18tf WOOD FOR SALE 14 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD $3.75 PER load. 4 loads $li. Phone 1879W. Ilm304 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir 18 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable prire. Fred E. Wells. 280 S. Church. Phone 1542. n9tf FOR RALE DRY SECOND GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. for immediate delivery. Phono 106., 4-fl2tf LARGE DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7 per cord. Ash $8. Phonei 1879W. 14m30 DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7.00 p-r cord delivered. Phone 19F3. Mayfield. 14-fl3tf DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS onable priced Then call 1879W for ash, old or second growth fir. Prompt deliwv. 14j26tf NEW CORPORATIONS I Articles of Incorporation for two new amusement concessions at The Oaks in Portland were filed yes terday with the stat corporation department. These are Ye Old Mill and the Scenic Railway, each capitalized at $5,000. The incor porators of the former are John F. Cordray, E. H. Bollinger and E. L. Hurnung, and for the latter John F. Cordray, Ira Shellenber ger and E. L. Hurnung. Supplementary articles were filed yesterday by the State Ken nel club of Portland, changing the name ot the Portland Kennel club. A permit was issued to the American Insurance agency, a Washington corporation, to oper ate in Oregon. The capital is $100,000 and E. S. Thomas of Portland is attorney-in-fact foi Oregon. You never know whether honor requires you to sue him or lick him until you discover how much money he has. J Billy Memorizes His Lines VZ rar t a r I l "aTvC -XM PARDON. KlV CUSWtKG- AVJAY - I HVt LINES TOfft CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ? AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. Phone 666. 173 South Liberty. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN k STRUBLE, REGISTERED Arcmiecia, aiu DanK of Uommerce Building. AUCTIONEERS WOODRY k WOODSY Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEERS Re. 1610 N. Summer' Tel. 511 for sale date. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer Phone 470202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. 9' G. SATTERLEB Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breyman Block Phone 247 or 121 IJ. fl-tf AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Metal, rag, paper. Auto wrecking, Repairing. Pans for all cara 50 to 75 fer cent off list price. 975 N. Com'l. hone 588. f-8tf BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRE8TO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros. Phona 1803, 418 Cttrt. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY cle and repairing; 887 Court. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We ape- cialixe on one dav service, in i ii i i i r, ii i w CARPET AND BUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Work Rag and fluff rugs woven any aise without scams. New mattresses made to. order. Old mat; tresses remade. Feather renovated. 1 buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff ' rugs. 18 and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St.. Phone 283. CHIROPODIST DR. 8. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA t tonal University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT ft SCO FIELD. P. 8. C. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; re. 828-K CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveys esti mstes. J no. H. Neat. 818 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT N. Bummer street. Phone 674 J. 436 CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mate gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or 59F12. d26tf DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING Carrie Fisher, MeCornack Bldg, over Millar. al5tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4" warding "Dressmaking ; price 10 eeata each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor, DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. building. Phone 1200. -MASONIC ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. Hon wiring by liour or contract. E timate furnished. Phona 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trical machine repairing, contracting. 837 Court. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO cent atamp for special three monttt ' trial for the beet and oldest journal ia tha wast. Tha article and advertise ments are ot special interest to the Soullry breeder of the Northwest, orthwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm naner. end.l5e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months trial aubacription. Mention this sd. ' FINANCIAL CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO., Genaral contracting and building eti mates dadlv furnished. Phone 187H or &9F1-2. d26tf fl LOAN8 UNDER RESERVE 8YSTEM on city or farm property. Reserve Do posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land. Or. LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal rate and payment priileg , HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. 205 Ore. Bldg. Salem, 0r FARM LOANS 84 Ho additional expense ANDERSON ft RUPERT, 406 Oregon Building 11 I TUAS ALL RIGHT! -I'n JUST WAITING! fir T-0G A CAR, , LEARN AMY WAY BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged ia Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL LOANS - LOANS LOANS I caa make your farm or city loans, beat aervice given. If you need a loan, aoe mo; and if yon have money to place. see me I always have takers. U. W. Laflar, Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Proterta against adversity. City loan, lowest rate, monthly instalments, pre-pay-meat privilegea. J. O. Siegmund, room a, over Ladd a Boaa ban. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. 0. T. Breithaupt, floriat, 123 N. Liberty Phoue 380. i I mi i in a FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO- tors, 210 Center. Phone 1650 FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE OO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for leas money. 872 Court, Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. GARDEN FLOWING GARDEN PLOWING, GRADING, FER- tiliser, wood sawing, Tucker. 1125 J. m-4tf HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLEAT- inc. Tha Fatlta Shoo. Room 6. ever Bnaick. a29tf SALEM ELITE H EM8TITCHING pleating, button, stamping and needle work; 828 Oregon bldg.. Phona 870 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler' store. Phone 117 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. O. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHI8T Does a general practice. Treat Goiter, Gall Stone, and Drossy, arising from diseases of heart, liver or kidney without operation. Office and resi dence, 296 N. Liberty St, Salem, Or. Phone 147. MMSMMnovsKMKMBnxiMnBaaaBW INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life, Ac-idem, Fire, Automobile 219 U. 8. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR and women, 474 Conrt St. FOR MEN LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. M6 8 Liberty street. Phone 25 oldest largest best. Established I 49. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LA I' N DRY. Quality " work : prompt .rTi.-: 1264 Broadway. Phone 16S VEDICaT. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH RK.MKDY Phone 517-W. MT78IC LESSONS A C0UR8E IN BUSINESS PIAN playing. Popular syncopated etaadaru music. Semi-classic and ballade 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Mo- Cornack Bldg IIUSIO BTOBES SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and others. MoorVs Music Uonso. 4 id court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grsphs, sswiag machines, shoot masic, and piano studiet. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; 432 State atreet, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co., Music DP NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic d i e a ( a s; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone 110. 2 NURSES FOR PRACTICAL 148-3M. NURSE PHONE a25tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS AND ROSES. Near Auburn hall, East Salem. North western Nursery. Phone 111F3. m9 FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 237. Bute. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co- 426 Oregon Bldg- Phone 75 OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW -01-tical Co., 325 State atreH, opposite Ladd ft Bush Bank. "Use Quality Proven Shur-ons." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Room 801 to 304. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KAL80MINE IN BEACTI ful color: $1 does a room. Mox O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. PHYSICIAN Or PHYMOTHERAPHT DR. JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHY8I otherapy, treat all ailments, women' ailment especially. 265 N. Commercial treet. Phone 200 M PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leava orders Will's Music 8iore. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabcr Bros, 141 8. Liberty Phone 550. f9tl By Alexander BILLY'S LINES M Jnr&C & Miff' CALM YOURSELF, MISS! fijjj lil'D VCALM YouBSELP.MlSS! J ft-il, ll'l i!! CALM yjBFt : ' ' I " I PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OODV work. - Phona 1897-J. Shop 1S7 Uaiea treet. A. L. Godfrey. " "" RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES asada or repaired. J. O. Bair, 238 Btato Bt. SEP AIRING ALVIN B. 8TEWART 847 Court St Umbrella. Cutlery and Key Lawnmower, raxor-blade. Scissor. knives and tools sharpened. y 'ti 8CAY ANGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR- bage and refuse of aii kind removed by the month. Reasonable ratea. Oas pools clesned and dead animals re moved. Phones; Office 529 .Re. 2058. MAYFIELD 8CAVANGER SERVICE.- Uarbage and refuaala of all hiasU re mo Ted. Phone 1F8. SECOTD HAND 0OODI WANTED EVERYTHING IN OLOTH- ing aad aaoea. - Beat prieaa paid. Cap ital Eiehaara; $43 North Commercial Phone 1S68W. l MMBMBBMMWW-MMMaMMMMBMMSSl STOVES AND ITOVB BEFAIRUIO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experieBea. Bpot Natioaal fence, sixes 28 to 58 in. high.- Paints, oila aad varnishes, ate, log aa berry aa hop hooka. Saleat Fence amd Suva Works, 250 Conrt atreet. Phono 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING WS MOVE. 8TORB AND SHIP HOU8F hold goods. Onr specialty ia piano aad furniture moving. Wa also make eona try trips. Wo handle tha bast coal aad wiod. Call oa aa for prices. Wa glva good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Traasfsr Co. Phono a80 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22 t(.i SUte St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding aad atorage oar specialty. Gel our ratea. 1 . ... TRANSFER AND HAULING kinds. Phone lOTO OF ALL3"!' TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES ' J. W. Parker, General Manager . - . . Central Stage Terminal Salem, Orefaa, 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION . Leaves Salem, Central Stage Tersaiaalf , 7 a. m; 11 a. m.; 6 p. as. -Laavea Silverton Newa Stand: . ..! 9 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6 p. m. Satem-Ind-peadrnce-Monmeuth Divlsiear Leaves Balem, Centra! Stag Teraiaal: 7 a. m. ; B a. m.; 1110 a. a.: 8:10 p. a s:io p. Leaves Moamonth, MotKaoath Hotel I , 8:15 a. m.: 1 n. m.:-0:15 a. a- Leaves Independence, Bear Hotel I 8:80 a. at.; 8:50 a. m.; 1;1S p. a -4 p. m.; 6:80 p. aa. 4 . rV Leaves Central Stage Terminal, ' Bales; ; , for Dallas at; 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. at. 8:10 bvVv,. Leave Gail Hotel. Dalle at , ' 8 a. as.; 1 p. ax.; 6:15 p. sa. - " W make connection at Salesa ia at wart of tha valley. Extra tripi by a ' ntrnent. - , I W PARKFR. Goaeral Mafia ' t VETERINARIAN FKED W LANGE. VETERINARIAN Offi. 2vi0 South Liberty. Phone 11 91 ? l;-. fione 1Q03J. mPtf; i . , WATER - I ' SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWIB 09 ' Office, 801 South Commercial St. To) ' per cent diicount oa domestic f1$ , . . ratea paid ia advance. No dadaetiee ' " for absence or aay cause aalaaa watt 3 ij?itoTjrj-ourjrwj WELL DRILLING 4 R. A. WEST. RT. 6. GARDEN ROAD - Third house west of Sweagla aehool 23 year experience drilling wall J Oregon, Washington end Idaho, wilg '. ' AUTOMOBILES Topa lb Auto Tops o. j. nui.L 256 State St. lb-mar20 I'l ULIC NOTICES "- j XOTiCE ' ... To holders ol building bonds school district Np. 1, city of Port I land, Multnomah county, Oregon ! of the issue of October 1, 1910l : serial numbers 191 to 350, inclu sive, denomination $1000, interest" z 4 x Per cent. !- - ' ... . Whereas, school district No-. 1, i city of Portland, Multnomah conn- ty, Oregon, by resolution of its ' board of directors, has detcrmin-? -. ed to exercise its option to redeem . v and retire such building bonds ot the issue of October 1. 1910, de-.-, nomination $1000, interest 44 per cent, as bear the serial num-. bers 191 to 350. inclusive, on or1; before the first day of April 1924.? Now, therefore, please take no tice, that the undersigned county treasurer of the county of MulU nomah, state of Oregon, will, with- ' in thirty days from the, date t this notice, namely, on or before the first day ot April 1924, cause, . the saiiie to be paid and redeemed together with Interest then due thereon, upon presentation by lhe( holders thereof at the Chase Na- lional bank, in the c'iy ot KeV York. Btate of Npw York. - You are further notified that r upon your failure so to present ! said bonds for redemption , and. payment interest thereon will mate from and after the said first day of April 1924. . ( Dated Portjand, Oregon, Febru-' ary .28, 1924.-, h i - - JOHN M; LEWI3. : County Treasurer,' Multnomah county, Oregon. -f28-ui'$lJ-2Q i - t i ' .1 4l' ':r . . 7- faurtoti . V f ....... v e it 5r y-?y - fr .s' -