The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    t ' " 1 "" I . I ' t J 11
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cm: news m
Traffic Department Reports
The February report of the state
trattie department shows that dur
ing the month "M515 motor ve
hide accidents -were reported in
the atate with 160 persons in--jured
and five killed. Of the 1515
accidents, 1066 were attributed to
carelessness. The amount of de
linquent fees that operative of
the department caused to be
mailed in covering operators'
licenses, chauffeurs' licenses,
transfers and' duplicate license
plates was $11,167, and fines im-
posed by courts totaled $2691.50.
Music During Dinner
Tomorrow night at ' the Gray
Belle M. Carmenti Metropole or
chestra from Bismarck Gardens
Chicago. Will play later at the
armory for-Co." P dance. - mar20
Court Gets Young Smoker
" " After being taken before the
police Judge" five or six times for
smoking cigarettes, Harry Walp
was turned over to the county
court for disposition yesterday.
Walp was arrested again Tuesday
night by Officer Wright.
Fire Doe Little Damage
A portion of the roof at the H.
' W.. Hoi man residence,-1107- North
. Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
pO N. Com! fit, - - Phone 492
v;r" W Fay Cask -
In JtaUan Pnine. Trees. . Good
frlcerf;on Walnuts, Seedling Cher
'. Br Trees, 8e to -1 5c General Nur
L )ery Stock; Salea Yard and Office,
M.J,iT$t.V , , x .;v - ' '
1 . FKuiTLAinj nursery;
! - A, ',.Mathia, Prop.
Office Phone 199.' - v Bea. 1140M
m. Neimeyer
In Business For Your
175 N. ComT. Phone 167
r 111 Oregon Bldg. Telephone 457
the ScaTey Bel) Insurance
-.KA Agcney
. , Gemeral Inawanoe '
. l a ........ -.
Bniy" Bell Prank Wagar
t TormnrlT Dr. Echenkll
249 8. Cottage St.
; PHONE ... - -
ial Adlnitmant Treatment, Skill
'InL Painless Adlustmant that
jgeU results.
; 1 DR. L. O. MABSnALJj
Qateopathlo Physician aad
'm,t ' J. ;- Surge ; K ,. -, ..
ejSS OregM Bldg.
V Osteopathic
; Physician and Suregons
The only physicians in Salem
using Dr. Abram's method of
Electronic Diagnosis 1 and
i Treatment.
I 506 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg,
t Salem
Snd DrlPauV:G.
St a d ran. 1484
State ,;St, Salem,
Oregon, are Chiro- -practic
i doctors.
The Abrams -method of
Electronic' Diagnosis and
Treatment is not, taught
Chiropractic doctors by Dr.
Abrams or any of" his col
leges. These doctors, at 1484
State street, : have remoTed
the worda Jlbrams' Method
from theiz-siffaf bat lacttaad
use . the E. R. A. on their
Sign And advertisement. Tola
Is misleading and has caused
persons to start treatment
witk4' them, '. thinking; they
were receiving the Teal
Abrams .treatment... The let
ters B. R. A... with periods
after them, stands for Elec
tronic Reactions of Abrams.
-While these doctors, whojase
the . Imitation ' machine, use
the E.w R...Aw- wlthodt, the.
"perioda, this is mtoieaaing
and has caused persons
misled and - to take their
treatment. For facts ad
dxesa . -' ' ;-
P ANKERS , ...,
Rcrisrcl ErLnlrinz Busihesi
r OfficS Hcxrr from
Eighteenth, was destroyed by fire
about 4. o'clock Wednesday after
noon. The residence is occupied
by W. A. Marshall. The damage
was slight, according to members
of the fire department.
Wanted, Experienced Slarceller
At 245 N. High, Marinello Shop.
Corvallis Elks Here- Tonight
Corvalli Elks, will iarade Salem
tonight and will be guests of the
local lodge at4 a special program,
including four acts by professional
artists of Portland and three
wrestling bouts. A Johnny Jones
dinner will be served. About 40
applications for membership will
be acted -upon at a short business
Drum Corps Is Attraction
Nearly 35 members of Capital
Post No. 9 of the American le
gion turned out for the initial re
hearsal Tuesday held at the wane
house of Clifford Brown. While
there is equipment for only 24
men, it is necessary that there be
two men for each instrument for
all will not be able to -get away
from their businesses when the
corps is ordered out. The corps
was originated by Karl Hinges and
is proving the center of attraction.
Mark Renne, of the Grand theatre,
has offered his services as instruc
tor. The corps will meet two or
three times a week.
Cars Washed and Polished-
Day & Zosel, Quackenbush's old
stand, 294' N. Commercial. m22
Boys Hear Radio Talk
Nearly a dozen boys attended
the radio class at the YMCA last
night, the number being cut down
by the absence of several who are
members nf the Salem Boys'
chorus which appeared in concert
at the First Methodist church.
Erie Butler, Salem, manager of the
Western, Union telegraph com
pany. Is Instructor for the class.
Radio classes for men are beine
held at the TMCA every Monday
night and are attended by about 25
Local Author Fined
A. R. Wetien. Salem author
who has achieved' af national repu-
attion as a short story writer, was
fined $10 in the police court yes
terday for speeding. Stillmad B.
Daniels; of Springfield, forfeited
10 bail for a similar offense. The
men were arrested by Officer
Music During Dinner
Tomorrow night at the Gray
Belle. M. Carmenti Metropole or
chestra from Bismarck Gardens,
Chicago--' Will piay later at1 the
armory for CO.- F dance. mar20
Abrams Home Sold
A deal was closed yesterday by
which- the- residence of Col. Carle
Abrams, Wilson and Fir streets,
Promotes Good Health
One-Third Cream
H. E. RIDEOUT, Proprietor
Is Dr. B. S. White
THE Liar of Salem?
This he himself will answer in
three weeks to citizens of Sa
lem publicly.
- Are theimpish attacks of Dr.
B...S. White on the ERA or
E. R. A. Clinic. 1484 State St,
and on Its staff warranted or
arer they .3ttfc rejjult f of mad
ness? f ,'
"rVatqh lot -as announcement,
of date,and,place of .discussion
on the above.
.t " v.. :
- Ai. the Following lrice
For, a Few .Days:
$1450 Per Ton
Wood for l4nclkrfroine.OO
;to 910.00 Par '.
Larmer Transfer Co
400 State St.
Phone; Oib
J Q aVjm. w 2 p. m. -
was sold to J. C. Nelson, principal
of the Salem high school. He ex
pects to occupy his new home
about April 1. Colonel Abrams,
who has occupied the home just
sold for 13 year3, announces that
he will at once begin the construc
tion of a modern six-room house
at Liberty and Myers streets, op
posite the Lincoln school.
Now Lighting Fixtures
Get our prices and save money.
Salem Electric Co. . SV S. Barton,
prop.. Masonic Temple. Phone
1200. m9tf
Spotlight Is Stolen-
His spotlight was stolen from
his automobile standing on South
High, was' the complaint made to
the police yesterday by H. E.
Sweet, 323 Oregon building.
Two Councilman File-
Two more -aldermen have come
forth with announcements that
they would be candidates for re
election to the city council. Those
who have filed wit,h the city re
corder are Hal D. Patton, from
Ward 2, and B. B. Herrick from
Ward 4.
Gladioli Bulbs
C. F. Breithaupt, Florist, 123 N.
Choice mixed 35 cents dozen, 3
dozen for $1.00 while they last.
Liberty St. m22
Will Erect Shower Baths
The Salem . Baseball Park ' asso
ciation yesterday was issued a
building permit for $500 to cover
the erection of a club'1house and
shower baths at Twelfth and Ox
ford. Ben W. Vick was issued
a permit for the construction fo a
dwelling to cost $4000 at 974
Belmont. A. C. Bishop will spend
$1000 in building a garage and
remodeling a residence at 245
South Cottage.
Class Visits Prison
Members of the biology class of
the Gervais high school were vis
Itors at the state prison and other
institutions yesterday afternoon.
The young people were in charge
of O. L. Rhinsmith.
The Best Film Developing
And printing done in Salem is
at the Capital Drug Store. ml8tf
Several Pay Fines-
Robert Gibson was fined $15 in
the justice court yesterday on
charge of operating a motor ve
hicle without a drivers' license
G. Andrea and G. C. Hay ap
peared and paid fines of $25 each
for speeding.
County Nurse to Speak
Mrs. Lyda King, Marion coun
ty health nurse, will speak at i
meeting of the Marion community
club at Marlon tonight "upon work
being dene in the county by the
nurse. Mrs. wmnie reuyjonn
will outline plans for "Better
Homes" week to be observed here
She will explain,' the nature of the
movement, its history and what
will be done in Salem.
For Good Work
And Quick service bring your
films to the Capital Drug Store
Spokane Convention Boosted
That the Eugene Rotary club
was planning a 100 per cent at
ERB Helena Erb diedSst her resi
dence. 570 Unioet, March
18, 1924, at thage ot years
She Is survived by .tv&dangnt
ers,Mrs. W. ilGabberit And Mrs.
O. B. Httmc,k-;I Salem,-one
son. Geo19fe4.Schwartz of St.
Joseph 'lie. " Funeral eisrvices
will be held at the Reform
church, "at .12th and Marion
streets, todayat 2:30 p.m., with
Rev, Denny n charge of servi
ces. ' Interment will be in JOOF
cemetery. Webb Funeral par
lors in charge of arrangements
KELLEY James A. Kelley, 3
years of age, died in Portland
on Sunday March 16, 192"4
Survived by his wife, Winnie
-M. Kelley and two children, -ef
Portland, one sister, Mrs. Marie
Wulfe ol Crescent City. Cal.,
brother Clinton W. Kelley of
Portland, and grandmother, Mrs
Sarah E. Day of Salem. Funera
services ' willha held from the
Rigdon mortuary today at 2:30
o'clock, with Rev. Corby offici
ating." '
talent fortuarp
rowa&Aii DiKEotoBa
runt ism
BOMBS Work Mod
Lcallot Fcaeral
. Expert EmhsTafrj
tendance at the district convention
in Spokane, was the word brought
to Salem Rotarians at the Wednes
day luncheon by A. A. Mickle, dis
trict representative for the South
ern Pacific. One Pullman car has
been filled already and the eltfb. i3
now working on the second car.
Mr. Mickle, who spent the day in
Corvallls, returned to Salem for
the luncheon and then went back
to Corvallls. Announcement that
some of the best golf players;in
the city would be on hand for the
club championship matches was
made by Fred Thielsen. R-0.
Snelling, president of .the club,
will be one of the convention
speakers. !
Home Talent Play
A Family Affair," Liberty hall.
March 21, 8 o'clock; 35 and -20
cents. School benefit. mil
Rotary Club to Nominate - ; '.
Nomination of officers will be
the big feature of the next meet
ing of the Rotary club on March
Just who will succeed R. O.
Snelling, president, is a matter' of
conjecture, but the name of Dr.
H. Ohlinger is being whis
Gateway Signs Ordered
Three Rotary signs, to be placed
at the highway entrances to the
state, have been ordered and will
be installed with fitting cere
monies in the near future. Med-
ford will have charge of the plac
ing of the sign at the California-
Oregon line; Portland at the nor
thern entrance to the state, and
it is expected that Pendleton will
assume the responsibility for the
placing of the sign at the eastern
Metropole Jazz Orchestra '-
M. Carmenti and his famous
Metropole Jazz orchestra late from
the Bismarck Gardens, Chicago,
presenting new musical and com
edy features, will be at the armory
under auspices of Company F,
Friday night, March 21. m21
Lava Bears Slake Growl
Growling- because they were not
included in the list of Sunshine
clubs to meet in Roseburg April
27 and 28, the Lava Bears of Bend
have written to the chamber of
commerce calling attention to the
fact that they had been overlooked
in invitations sent to other boost
er clubs of the state. King BIng
Al Pierce, of the Cherrlans, who
have charge of the convention, has
forwarded a special invitation
with appropriate apologies and the
Lava Bears will poin the Pi
rates, Cave Men and other booster
clubs, making an even dozen at
the convention.
Company F
Something new, something dif
ferent. Syncopatin fools of fun, at
armory Friday night, March 21.
Will Aid War Mothers
A committee of three will be
appointed at once by the Rotary
club to cooperate with the Salem
War Mothers In raising $4500 for
monument to Marion county's
ex-service men. The monument
will be erected on the courthouse
lawn. Committees from the other
luncheon clubs will be named in
the near future.
Bishop Needs More Money
Though the St. Patrick; day
dance netted $125, "Biddie"
Bishop is still short about $450
of the nmniint needed rear
ni fh. Bfliam hhali dnh t
final effort to obtain sufficient
pledges of $5 a month will be
made this week. Ray Kennedy
of Portland, has been retainers
umpire. He will be paid $10 and
expenses for single games and $15
for double-headers. A set of
books' has been opened by George
Riches and is being kept at the
Ladd & Bush bank. These will be
open for inspection at any time.
Under the name of tne baseball
club. Bishop yesterday received a
i ii J i . i. r r A A V I i-
uunums yeiiuii 1Ur .u
will be expended in making a clubl
house and shower baths at the ball
Evidence May be Used -
In an opinion written in reply
to an inquiry by T. S. McKinney,
district attorney for Lake county,
Attorney General Van Winkle yes
terday held that although a search
warrant used in searching premi
ses for liquor or apparatus used in
its manufacture may be illegal,
any evidence found in lhe search
may be used in the prosecution of
the case. This Is contrary to prac
tice in the federal courts, where It
cannot be used as evidenc.' The
opinion holds that an officer may
arrest without a warrant any per
son found violating the law In the
presence of the officer.
Utility Report
The Nevada, California .Ore
gon' Telephone &"Telegraph com
pany, which has headquarter In
San Francisco, but. which voperites
in Oregon, had an operating in
come of $9842.44 during 1922.!
according to the annua"! report
filed yesterday with the; publla
service commission. The operat
ing revenue was $51, 881. S9;- and-
the operating expenses JP39.225.4t.
All Axmlnster Rugs
i On sale at big reductions for
- arl
few days. Buy nowforattrrBe-i
qulrements. Hamilton's.'! mz
Will Attend Funeral
! AH -state departments ' will be
closed today during the period of
the funeral in Portland: or O. P.
Hoff, late state treasurer. This
Will be from 10 o'clock until 1.
The state treasurer's office will be
Attorney General Daugherty Interviewee! After v ' '
Conferring with President on His Resignation
-yi'i l ' v in
it - H- Jf . VI
if ..-
u ' i i
' ..,":sf-: pi
This photograph was made the
day Harry I Daugherty was
Closeted twice with Mr. Coolidge
and later Issued a statement de
claring: It Is not my purpose to
even consider tendering my resig
nation as Attorney General until
Many state officials are making
arrangements to attend the fune
ral. Honorary pallbearers at the
funeral will be Will Moore, state
insurance commissioner; George
G, Brown, clerk of the state land
board; Frank C. Bramwell, state
superintendent of banks; Walter
M. Pierce, governor; Sam A. Ko
zer, secretary of state, and J. A.
Churchill, state superintendent of
Will Probe Accident
The state public service com
mission has set in motion an in
vestigation of the accident of one
of the buses of the Columbia stages
that took place near Astoria on
March 13 and in which Otto Hart-
wig, president of the State Feder
ation of Labor and other passen
gers were injured. A hearing will
be held in Portland March 26. A.
W. Maguire, the driver, will be
summoned as a witness.
133-Piece Set of Dish
3 patterns to choose from, for
only $4.95, at Hamilton's. m20
Clanton in Alaska
E. C. Clanton," former master
tfish warden for the state, is now
tin Alaska where he is endeavor
ing to procure a large quantity of
trout, eggs under a contract with
the state game commission. Mr.
Clanton is to receive a commission
of about $1.40 a thousand for all
I trout eggs of the cutthroat species
furnished up to 10,000,000. De
livery is to be made In Seattle.
Order Issued
The public service commission
yesterday issued an order grant
ing to the board of commissioners
of Multnomah county authority to
construct a grade crossing over a
freight line of the Oregon-Wash
ington Railroad & Navigation com
pany in that county.
$42.50 Buys Your Choice
pf 15 patterns, 9xl2Axminster
rugs. Hamilton's.
Will Cross Highway
The public service commission
I j. j i j j a
I yesf-eraay issuea an oraer graui-
inS -to Anton juiaiceison ana ea
Nelsoitn authority to cross Mount
HopSloop, highway at common
Eta'dwifh a logging railroad in
Clackamas county. They are op
erators of the Sandy Lumber com
pany" of jCherryville.
Advertise School Bid!
t&tAavertlsin'g for bids for the new
ferirhJ,mlnr,Mrt .rhnnl will 1
. ... , , ,
ginjoday. They will be opened at
a . special jneetlng of the school
-Board 6n?"' April 2. Plans have
been- completed by W. C. Knigh
ton, of Portland, architect, and
will be ready for the contractors
today. Several sets of these plans
will be had by W. H. Burkhart,
secretary of the school board, from
whom they may be obtained by
contractors wishing to bid on the
building.- Several sets of plans are
being kept in Portland. The
school building will cost about
Special Dance at Dreamland-
Thursday night, introducing
Holman'a Serenaders. Better mu
sic. Don't miss this. Ladies free.
Lion Officer Here Today
jEverjti mem ben of the Salem
Lions elnb has promised (o be at
theujfrii'T -luncheon of the club
at the Marion hotel today noon in
otder to hear Melvin Jones, inter
national' secretary. Nearly 35
I mm " I
after a fair hearing on charges
preferred against me." Daugherty
refused to discuss his conference
with the newspaper men who sur
rounded him when he left the
Lions motored to Eugene Wednes
day afternoon, to attend the pre
sentation of a. charter to Eugene
and .Cottage Grove. Mr. Jones had
charge of the presentation cere
monies. The men returned at an
early hour this morning. In order
to accommodate the Lions, the
Marion-Polk County Realty asso
ciation gave up the large dining
room and will meet in the small
room. Though Friday is the reg
ular luncheon date of the Lions
there will be no meeting held' to
morrow noon.
Silverton Claims Championship
As a result of defeating Mc-
Minnvllle high school girls' bas
ketball team by the score of 18 to
11, the Silverton high school girls
are claiming the championship of
the state. McMinnville accepted a
challenge for a game when Silver
ton first claimed the state hon
Extra Special
9x12 Axmlnster rugs, $55 val
ues. Special, $42.50. Hamilton's
New Bus Schedule Announced
Half-hour blisses during the
greater portion of the afternoon
is announced in a change of sched
ule by W. W. Chadwick, president
of the Central State Terminal com
pany, which goes into effect next
Monday. Three through Portland-
Roseburg stages will be added
and four others will be put on as
soon as possible. These will have
a seating capacity of 22 persons
The time schedule has been so ar
ranged that stops can be made
only at stations. Many of the
stages will have the new color
scheme, red tops, cream bodies and
black running gear.
Mooting Place Changed
Hamilton Holt, nationally-known
publicist and lecturer, and Dr.
Nehemiah Boynton, one of the
leaders of the Congregational pul
pit in America, who are to speak in
Salem Friday nJglit, will be heard
at the First Presbyterian church
instead of the First Methodist
church as first announced. They
appear under the auspices of the
World Alliance for International
Friendship Through the Churches."
Talk Given on Bearing:
Uses and manufacturing of vari
ous types of bearings and. their
application to modern machinery
was the subject of a talk given
by W. E. (Dan) Burns at the
Wednesday luncheon of the Rotary
club. Mr. Burns brought several
types with him to illustrate his
address. The subject was of par
ticular interest to all automobile
owners. A large bearing, famil
iarly known to boys as a "steelie,"
was presented each member to
Why not
Sah Francisco
Los Angeles
Traversing the SoOthern States, the "Sunset Route" of the
Southern Pacific is replete with interest.
Opportunity to visit this historical and picturesque region,
without additional , fare, is provided by Teh -Day Stopover
privilege at these and other points on all tickets reading via
California.- x
Use the Shasta to California and the Sunset Limited, Golden
State Limited or Overland Limited to the East ! Trains that
( provide every comfort of modern travel.
Ask ticket agent for information regarding fares, etc., and for
copy of illustrated booklet "Wayside Notes Sunset Route,"
. or write
JOHN M. SCOTT . , , .
Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager
s '' Portland, Oregon
southern' pacific bines
take, home .for the boys, who prize,,
them. In playing marbles.' Copies
of'ttaiiew 1924" sfa'te' highway
maft-wtjrejtllatxUjuted .by Roy A.
KKlefn,'- state - highway engineer.
Thls iiS Tery centplete, give the
distances between, all the more im
portant -otUesel. Jhe state, dis
tances Trpm Portland, routes lead
ing to. tfie various highways, out
of Portland and a- list of the more
important traffic regulations.
JJ'ajmeji 'bt, pities at L which non
residents taust register upon reach
ing' the state are also given.
.fS B. TW, Btrch, t Newport, was
h Saient Wednesday. Mr. Birch
a collector and pollBher of
agates; ttt which he has a fine col
lection. ' y "
H. R. Williams, representative
of the LaFayette institute is spend.
ing a few days in Salem from Cor
vallls. He was a professor at the
University of Arizona before com
ing to Oregon for his wife's health.!
Wallace Fuhrer is home for the
spring vacation from Oregon Agri
cultural college, where he is a
Mrs. Hattie Fickler and daugh
ter, Jean, were in the city recent
ly from Stayton.
Joseph Phillips, of Dallas, was
In Salem yesterday.
Dr. W. S. Starke and Ruth
Starke, of Reedsport, were in the
city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Nelson
were in Salem yesterday from En
Among Albany people In the city
yesterday were a party, composed
of Francis Smith," Fred Snyder and
TT . . v. '
naroia j. ttrown.
Carl T. Pope spent Wednesday
afternoon in the vicinity of Mc-
Stillman B. Daniels, of Spring
field, was1 a recent visitor in the
Hoff Funeral Will Be
In Portland Today
Funeral services for O. P. Hoff,
state treasurer, who died Tuesday
morning, will be held today at 10
a. m. at the Finley chapel, Fifth
and Montgomery streets, Portland.
The Masonic lodge will be In
charge of services at the chapel
and at the grave at Mount Scott
Mr. Hoff, who had served for
six years as state treasurer and
for 15 years previously as state
labor commissioner, Is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Alice Hoff, one son,
Norlyn P. Hoff, No. 1648 Stanton
street; a brother, H. F. Hoff, No,
715 East Yamhill street, and a
sister, Anna Mathea Hoff, living
in Norway. Mr. Hoff was 65
years of age.
Active pallbearers will be mem
bers of the Masonic organizations
of which Mr. Hoff was a member.
19. Boise, Idaho, high school bas
ketball team, winner of the Idaho
state interscholastic title, will meet
Laramie, "Wyo., team, in the open
ing matches of the intermountain
high school tournament which will
start here tomorrow night.
Helena, Mont., team, will meet
LDSU, Utah, in another of the first
series of games.
About the only wealth-producing
thing the urbanite can hope to
discover is a slogan.
You don't need a tape line to
measure yourself. Just make a
list of the people you envy.
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co;
Salem, Oregon ttt-''-.
Salphite, and Manila Wrapplnes, also Batchers, Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof. Glassine,
Drag Bond, Tissue, -Screenings and Specialties.
El Paso
San Antonio
on Your
8 VU.
TUZJH you phone b your
order for tol jou are JttC Tj,t t
in of rntinr your inn . J
s mount of the kind you Wnt 'A t r,
it you hmi personally wlt4,jL,' . if
It lad wiktkld it baisc H
' weighed. - W wuh to vtuva Zi H i
Nt eiwtomert nd w teod food w-
ciean coat io aiu -
'Ou l U ami1!
Broadway Head -.-'
Pnmnna fir n nr. a tn Mmt
At Brush College Saturday
The Pomona Grange of Polk
county will enjoy a day of excep
tional profit and pleasure ovi Sat
urday, March 22, atr"an;aili; &ay
session to be held, 'aV Brush Col
lege, lo" be opened pkoinptty st' 10
The- noon feast will have 'Cov
ers for the grangers, jf Polklinottn-
ty, and for ' the speakers et the-
day, .with their ladies, and . f4U
be served at noon.. ." i
The . .main program, open o
the, public of peculiar in
terest: ; tentering, as It does, ; in
the hope of the nation, the' youth
of America and corruption In high
places. ; . . " '- ,
E. E. Elliott of the State,B4ard
of Vocational . Education " 'will
speak, on his specialty. ' I
, Musical talent from the Jyonng
people who are members ofthe(
grange, and which . would "be an
added attraction to any musical
program" will be among ' tie at
tractions. - ':" ( .
Always as annoyance, wpnrs whea
it afaicts you at night. ;7oq caa
stop it quickly irith ' ;.'.y - y .
Erery uaer Ja trfendi
of longtime
- m vsT 7v". experience
and rood
i j average, o f
access.- . ,
umoi ana- xmpitml '
Jehnsaa and 8mb4 ttt, '
i Wfl SUoU: .--;. -
Headquarters' Vat " - -
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80 M, Commwdd BL 'l,
"New Orleans
Way East ?
Tff Salem, Or f fg
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